March 2015, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 618-635 Contextualising food sovereignty: the politics of convergence among movements in the USA
by Zoe W. Brent & Christina M. Schiavoni & Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
February 2015, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 205-222 Ali A Mazrui on the invention of Africa and postcolonial predicaments: ‘My life is one long debate’
by Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 223-239 Resource powers? Minerals, energy and the rise of the BRICS
by Jeffrey D. Wilson - 240-256 The aid orphan myth
by Liam Swiss & Stephen Brown - 257-273 The role of global cities in land grabs
by Joshua K. Leon - 274-290 Can poverty be funny? The serious use of humour as a strategy of public engagement for global justice
by John D. Cameron - 291-305 Experiential and empathetic engagements with global poverty: ‘Live below the line so that others can rise above it’
by Anke Schwittay & Kate Boocock - 306-321 Third-worldism: sensibility and ideology in Uruguay – from Third Position to the thought of Carlos Real de Azúa
by Germán Esteban Alburquerque Fuschini - 322-336 Authoritarian ‘geopolitics’ of survival in the Arab Spring
by Bülent Aras & Richard Falk - 337-356 Kurdish policies in Syria under the Arab Uprisings: a revisiting of IR in the new Middle Eastern order
by Marianna Charountaki - 357-376 Sectarianism and conflict in Syria
by Christopher Phillips - 377-395 Tracking the gender politics of the Millennium Development Goals: struggles for interpretive power in the international development agenda
by Naila Kabeer - 396-415 From ‘gender equality and ‘women’s empowerment’ to global justice: reclaiming a transformative agenda for gender and development
by Andrea Cornwall & Althea-Maria Rivas - 416-430 Revolution, power and the Third World: a review of Michael Mann’s
by Sina Salessi
January 2015, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-21 The transnational state and the BRICS: a global capitalism perspective
by William I. Robinson - 22-39 In-between anarchy and interdependence: from state death to fragile and failing states
by John Van Benthuysen - 40-54 The UN at war: examining the consequences of peace-enforcement mandates for the UN peacekeeping operations in the CAR, the DRC and Mali
by John Karlsrud - 55-74 The poverty of ‘poverty reduction’: the case of African cotton
by Adam Sneyd - 75-93 Doing good or doing nothing? Celebrity, media and philanthropy in China
by Jonathan Hassid & Elaine Jeffreys - 94-110 Conspiracy and statecraft in postcolonial states: theories and realities of the hidden hand in Pakistan’s war on terror
by Aasim Sajjad Akhtar & Ali Nobil Ahmad - 111-129 Post-Arab Spring: changes and challenges
by Imad Salamey - 130-146 Queering the Pashtun: Afghan sexuality in the homo-nationalist imaginary
by Nivi Manchanda - 147-161 Teaching silence in the schoolroom: whither national history in Sierra Leone and El Salvador?
by Mneesha Gellman - 162-178 Solidarity forever? ABC, ALBA and South–South Cooperation in Haiti
by Stephen Baranyi & Andreas E. Feldmann & Lydia Bernier - 179-197 Manufacturing corporate landscapes: the case of agrarian displacement and food (in)security in Haiti
by Marylynn Steckley & Yasmine Shamsie - 198-204 Humanism in the autobiographies of Edward Said and Nelson Mandela: memory as action
by Jihan Zakarriya
November 2014, Volume 35, Issue 10
- 1749-1758 Introduction: emerging powers and the UN – what kind of development partnership?
by Thomas G. Weiss & Adriana Erthal Abdenur - 1759-1774 Assessing the G77: 50 years after and 40 years after the
by John Toye - 1775-1790 South–South cooperation and the international development battlefield: between the and the UN
by Paulo Esteves & Manaíra Assunção - 1791-1808 How representative are ?
by Ramesh Thakur - 1809-1828 Financing the UN development system and the future of multilateralism
by Bruce Jenks - 1829-1844 Emerging powers at the UN: ducking for cover?
by Silke Weinlich - 1845-1859 A changing world: is the UN development system ready?
by Stephen Browne - 1860-1875 South–South cooperation and the future of development assistance: mapping actors and options
by Paolo de Renzio & Jurek Seifert - 1876-1893 Emerging powers as normative agents: Brazil and China within the UN development system
by Adriana Erthal Abdenur - 1894-1910 Emerging powers and the UN development system: canvassing global views
by Stephen Browne & Thomas G. Weiss - 1911-1926 War-torn countries, natural resources, emerging-power investors and the UN development system
by Graciana del Castillo
October 2014, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 1547-1565 Semi-peripheral countries and the invention of the ‘Third World’, 1955–65
by Guy Laron - 1566-1581 US foreign policy, intersectional totality and the structure of empire
by John Munro - 1582-1597 Explaining institutional change in international patent politics
by Florian Rabitz - 1598-1614 Public–private partnerships (s) in global health: the good, the bad and the ugly
by Arne Ruckert & Ronald Labonté - 1615-1635 State building and the non-state: debating key dilemmas
by Sukanya Podder - 1636-1655 Beyond the merchant and the clergyman: assessing moral claims about development cooperation
by Peter van Dam & Wouter van Dis - 1656-1671 Dance of Orientalisms and waves of catastrophes: culturalism and pragmatism in imperial approaches to Islam and the Middle East
by Sedef Arat-Koç - 1672-1690 The iron law of Erdogan: the decay from intra-party democracy to personalistic rule
by Caroline Lancaster - 1691-1708 Humanising the subaltern: unbounded caste and the limits of a rights regime
by Ted Svensson - 1709-1727 Capitalising on the financialisation of agriculture: Cargill’s land investment techniques in the Philippines
by Tania Salerno - 1728-1747 Can there be mercy without the merciful? A meditation on Martha Nussbaum’s questions
by Stephen Chan
September 2014, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 1343-1354 Postcolonialism and international development studies: a dialectical exchange?
by Luke Strongman - 1355-1373 The ‘girl effect’: liberalism, empowerment and the contradictions of development
by Jason Hickel - 1374-1389 The not-so-great aid debate
by Susan Engel - 1390-1405 The social science of human rights: the need for a ‘second image reversed’?
by Salvador Santino F. Regilme - 1406-1422 Pitying the Third World: towards more progressive emotional responses to development education in schools
by Rachel A.M. Tallon & Andrew McGregor - 1423-1440 Determinants of developing country debt: the revolving door of debt rescheduling through the Paris Club and export credits
by Pamela Blackmon - 1441-1456 Privatising the war on drugs
by Christopher Hobson - 1457-1475 Culture-centric pre-emptive counterinsurgency and US Africa Command: assessing the role of the US social sciences in US military engagements in Africa
by Horace Campbell & Amber Murrey - 1476-1495 Imperial governance, sovereignty and the management of chronic instability in Africa
by John Glenn - 1496-1508 The case of the ‘other India’ and Indian scholarship
by Priya Naik - 1509-1528 Illiberal peace-building in hybrid political orders: managing violence during Indonesia’s contested political transition
by Claire Q. Smith - 1529-1546 New multilateralism and governmental mechanisms for including civil society during Mexico’s presidency of the G20 in 2012
by Rebecka Villanueva Ulfgard & Antonio Alejo Jaime
August 2014, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 1117-1119 Psychoanalysis and development: an introduction
by Ilan Kapoor - 1120-1143 Psychoanalysis and development: contributions, examples, limits
by Ilan Kapoor - 1144-1161 Fantasy machine: philanthrocapitalism as an ideological formation
by Japhy Wilson - 1162-1178 Manicheism delirium: desire and disavowal in the libidinal economy of an emerging economy
by Maureen Sioh - 1179-1194 Fair trade slippages and Vietnam gaps: the ideological fantasies of fair trade coffee
by Gavin Fridell - 1195-1215 Barbarian hordes: the overpopulation scapegoat in international development discourse
by Robert Fletcher & Jan Breitling & Valerie Puleo - 1216-1238 International support for action on climate change and democracy: exploring complementarities
by Peter Burnell - 1239-1255 Violent conflicts and natural disasters: the growing case for cross-disciplinary dialogue
by Elisabeth King & John C. Mutter - 1256-1272 Impediments to the implementation of voluntary codes of conduct in production factories of the Global South: so much to do, so little done
by Maike J. Drebes - 1273-1289 Global norms, organisational change: framing the rights-based approach at ActionAid
by Bronwen Magrath - 1290-1306 Homosexuality as cultural battleground in the Middle East: culture and postcolonial international theory
by Katerina Dalacoura - 1307-1325 China’s contradictory role(s) in world politics: decrypting China’s North Korea strategy
by Nele Noesselt - 1326-1340 The future UN development agenda: contrasting visions, contrasting operations
by Stephen Browne & Thomas G. Weiss - 1341-1341 Corrigendum
by The Editors
July 2014, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 905-921 From a ‘terrorist’ to global icon: a critical decolonial ethical tribute to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of South Africa
by Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 922-938 A Post-development Hoax? (Re)-examining the Past, Present and Future of Development Studies
by Nathan Andrews & Sylvia Bawa - 939-957 Mining strategies in the Middle East and North Africa
by Eckart Woertz - 958-979 Public perceptions of India’s role as an international development cooperation partner: domestic responses to rising ‘donor’ visibility
by Emma Mawdsley - 980-995 Who will make the ‘best’ use of Africa’s land? Lessons from Zimbabwe
by Jeanette Manjengwa & Joseph Hanlon & Teresa Smart - 996-1013 Financial transitions in the PRC: banking on the state?
by Shaun Breslin - 1014-1031 Between poverty and prosperity: China’s dependent development and the ‘middle-income trap’
by Jin Zeng & Yuanyuan Fang - 1032-1050 The in Bali: what 9 means for the Doha Development Agenda and why it matters
by Rorden Wilkinson & Erin Hannah & James Scott - 1051-1065 Empowering the poor? The successes and limitations of the Bali Package for the s
by Amrita Narlikar & Shishir Priyadarshi - 1066-1081 India, developmental multilateralism and the Doha ministerial conference
by Charalampos Efstathopoulos & Dominic Kelly - 1082-1097 Whose world? Development, civil society, development studies and (not only) scholar activists
by Henning Melber - 1098-1114 into the international
by Pinar Bilgin - 1115-1115 Erratum
by The Editors
May 2014, Volume 35, Issue 5
- (905) Erratum
by The Editors - 723-736 Corruption in the aftermath of war: an introduction
by Jonas Lindberg & Camilla Orjuela - 737-752 What is the opposite of corruption?
by Bo Rothstein - 753-769 Corruption and identity politics in divided societies
by Camilla Orjuela - 770-786 Natural resources and corruption in post-war transitions: matters of trust
by Philippe Le Billon - 787-802 Corruption complaints, inequality and ethnic grievances in post-Biafra Nigeria
by Daniel Jordan Smith - 803-820 Arbiters with guns: the ambiguity of military involvement in civilian disputes in the DR Congo
by Maria Eriksson Baaz & Judith Verweijen - 821-835 Petty and grand corruption and the conflict dynamics in Northern Uganda
by Malin J. Nystrand - 836-854 Anti-corruption or accountability? International efforts in post-conflict Liberia
by Yoshino Funaki & Blair Glencorse - 855-871 Corruption in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo: a deal among friends
by Roberto Belloni & Francesco Strazzari - 872-887 Can elite corruption be a legitimate Machiavellian tool in an unruly world? The case of post-conflict Cambodia
by Robin Biddulph - 888-904 Land and grievances in post-conflict Sri Lanka: exploring the role of corruption complaints
by Jonas Lindberg & Dhammika Herath
April 2014, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 545-562 Studying the International Crisis Group
by Berit Bliesemann de Guevara - 563-580 Educating into liberal peace: the International Crisis Group’s contribution to an emerging global governmentality
by Sonja Grigat - 581-597 The International Crisis Group and the manufacturing and communicating of crises
by Greg Simons - 598-615 : the techno-politics of international crisis in Lebanon (and beyond)
by Nikolas Kosmatopoulos - 616-633 On methodology and myths: exploring the International Crisis Group’s organisational culture
by Berit Bliesemann de Guevara - 634-651 Transnational think-tanks: foot soldiers in the battlefield of ideas? Examining the role of the in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2000–01
by Roland Kostić - 652-668 ‘Hunting ghosts of a difficult past’: the International Crisis Group and the production of ‘crisis knowledge’ in the Mano River Basin wars
by Morten Bøås - 669-685 Malevolent politics: reporting on government action and the dilemmas of rule in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Kai Koddenbrock - 686-704 Framing Kony: Uganda’s war, Obama’s advisers and the nature of ‘influence’ in Western foreign policy making
by Jonathan Fisher - 705-722 Encountering knowledge production: the International Crisis Group and the making of Mexico’s security crisis
by Markus Hochmüller & Markus-Michael Müller
March 2014, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 345-357 A global partnership for development and other unfulfilled promises of the millennium project
by Meredeth Turshen - 358-375 Indigenous voices and the making of the post-2015 development agenda: the recurring tyranny of participation
by Charis Enns & Brock Bersaglio & Thembela Kepe - 376-391 Rising powers at the UN: an analysis of the voting behaviour of in the General Assembly
by Peter Ferdinand - 392-410 The extraterritorial dimensions of biofuel policies and the politics of scale: live and let die?
by Mairon G. Bastos Lima & Joyeeta Gupta - 411-427 The European Commission’s implementation of budget support and the Governance Incentive Tranche in Ethiopia: democracy promoter or developmental donor?
by Karen Del Biondo & Jan Orbie - 428-446 The social foundations of global production networks: towards a global political economy of child labour
by Nicola Phillips & Resmi Bhaskaran & Dev Nathan & C. Upendranadh - 447-467 Liberation movements, universal citizenship and the resolution of ethno-national conflict: non-racialism and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
by Alan Emery & Donald Will - 468-486 (Neo-)extractivism – a new challenge for development theory from Latin America
by Hans-Jürgen Burchardt & Kristina Dietz - 487-504 Not yet a democracy: establishing civilian authority over the security sector in Brazil – lessons for other countries in transition
by Denise Garcia - 505-506 Introduction: engaging critically from theory to policy and implementation
by David Simon & Edward R. Carr - 507-509 Bridging the academic–practitioner divide
by Jonathan Cook & Natalie Elwell - 510-512 Praxis: changing world, changing self
by Kathleen O’Reilly - 513-515 Practical, critical and constructive engagement
by Brent McCusker - 516-519 Doing development as a critical development scholar
by Farhana Sultana - 520-523 The endogenous scholar: porous boundaries and travelling ideas in development
by Anthony Bebbington - 524-527 Conclusions – engaging critical perspectives in development policy and implementation
by Edward R. Carr & David Simon - 528-543 Octavio Paz’s India
by Alejandro A. González-Ormerod
February 2014, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 197-209 ‘Fragile States’: introducing a political concept
by Sonja Grimm & Nicolas Lemay-Hébert & Olivier Nay - 210-231 International Organisations and the Production of Hegemonic Knowledge: how the World Bank and the helped invent the Fragile State Concept
by Olivier Nay - 232-251 The ’s discourse on fragile states: expertise and the normalisation of knowledge production
by Nicolas Lemay-Hébert & Xavier Mathieu - 252-267 The European Union’s ambiguous concept of ‘state fragility’
by Sonja Grimm - 268-283 Measuring and managing ‘state fragility’: the production of statistics by the World Bank, Timor-Leste and the g7+
by Isabel Rocha De Siqueira - 284-299 How Sudan’s ‘rogue’ state label shaped US responses to the Darfur conflict: what’s the problem and who’s in charge?
by Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert - 300-315 State disintegration and power politics in post-Suharto Indonesia
by Felix Heiduk - 316-332 When it pays to be a ‘fragile state’: Uganda’s use and abuse of a dubious concept
by Jonathan Fisher - 333-344 State fragility and failure as wicked problems: beyond naming and taming
by Derick W. Brinkerhoff
January 2014, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-21 New actors and alliances in development
by Lisa Ann Richey & Stefano Ponte - 22-42 Business as a development agent: evidence of possibility and improbability
by Michael Blowfield & Catherine S. Dolan - 43-64 Trade, consumption and development alliances: the historical legacy of the Empire Marketing Board poster campaign
by Uma Kothari - 65-87 Buying into development? Brand Aid forms of cause-related marketing
by Stefano Ponte & Lisa Ann Richey - 88-108 The production and construction of celebrity advocacy in international development
by Dan Brockington - 109-125 The philanthropic state: market–state hybrids in the philanthrocapitalist turn
by Linsey McGoey - 126-144 The politics of industrial policy: ruling elites and their alliances
by Lindsay Whitfield & Lars Buur - 145-162 ‘Donors go home’: non-traditional state actors and the creation of development space in Zambia
by Peter Kragelund - 163-180 Diasporas as development partners for peace? The alliance between the Darfuri diaspora and the Save Darfur Coalition
by Alexandra Cosima Budabin - 181-195 New development alternatives or business as usual with a new face? The transformative potential of new actors and alliances in development
by Nicola Banks & David Hulme
November 2013, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1749-1766 Drugs and Dirty Wars: intelligence cooperation in the global South
by Zakia Shiraz - 1767-1793 A Postcolonial Critique of State Sovereignty in : the contradictory legacy of a ‘West-centric’ discipline
by Navid Pourmokhtari - 1794-1810 The Ideologies of Informality: informal urbanisation in the architectural and planning discourses
by Jan Van Ballegooijen & Roberto Rocco - 1811-1827 Practice, Pirates and Coast Guards: the grand narrative of Somali piracy
by Christian Bueger - 1828-1842 Whole-of-Government Approaches to Fragile States in Africa
by Gorm Rye Olsen - 1843-1857 Aiding Revolution? Wikileaks, communication and the ‘Arab Spring’ in Egypt
by Simon Mabon - 1858-1871 The Asian Development Bank as a Global Risk Regulator in Myanmar
by Adam Simpson & Susan Park - 1872-1880 Migration, Reconfigurations of Family Relations and Social (In)Security: an introduction
by Catherine Locke & Janet Seeley & Nitya Rao - 1881-1895 Migration and Social Reproduction at Critical Junctures in Family Life Course
by Catherine Locke & Janet Seeley & Nitya Rao - 1896-1910 ‘Doing Gendered Age’: older mothers and migrant daughters negotiating care work in rural Lao PDR and Thailand
by Roy Huijsmans - 1911-1926 Negotiating Ethnic Recognition Systems in the UK: the soft pan-ethnic identifications of Latin American migrants in the north of England
by Rosa Mas Giralt - 1927-1941 The Place of Vietnamese Marriage Migrants in Singapore: social reproduction, social ‘problems’ and social protection
by Brenda SA Yeoh & Heng Leng Chee & Grace HY Baey
October 2013, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 1517-1531 Global Land Grabs: historical processes, theoretical and methodological implications and current trajectories
by Marc Edelman & Carlos Oya & Saturnino M Borras - 1532-1557 The Land Rush and Classic Agrarian Questions of Capital and Labour: a systematic scoping review of the socioeconomic impact of land grabs in Africa
by Carlos Oya - 1558-1581 Land Grabbing, Large- Small-scale Farming: what can evidence and policy from 20th century Africa contribute to the debate?
by Elena Baglioni & Peter Gibbon - 1582-1604 Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession and the Global Land Grab
by Derek Hall - 1605-1629 The New Enclosures? Polanyi, international investment law and the global land rush
by Lorenzo Cotula - 1630-1650 Human Rights Responses to Land Grabbing: a right to food perspective
by Christophe Golay & Irene Biglino - 1651-1675 The Global Politics of Water Grabbing
by Jennifer Franco & Lyla Mehta & Gert Jan Veldwisch - 1676-1696 Green Dreams: Myth and Reality in China’s Agricultural Investment in Africa
by Deborah Bräutigam & Haisen zhang - 1697-1722 Cycles of Land Grabbing in Central America: an argument for history and a case study in the Bajo Aguán, Honduras
by Marc Edelman & Andrés León - 1723-1747 Global Land Grabbing and Political Reactions ‘From Below’
by Saturnino M Borras & Jennifer C Franco
2013, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 1307-1322 The Global South in Environmental Negotiations: the politics of coalitions in +
by Jen Iris Allan & Peter Dauvergne - 1323-1338 Revisiting the Concept of the Failed State: bringing the state back in
by Natasha Ezrow & Erica Frantz - 1339-1360 Organisational Theories of Change in the Era of Organisational Cosmopolitanism: lessons from ActionAid’s human rights-based approach
by Paul Gready - 1361-1376 Beyond s: Why the ‘s Doha Round is unhealthy
by James Scott & Sophie Harman - 1377-1391 European Media Coverage of Argentina’s Debt Default and Recovery: distorting the lessons for Europe
by Julien Mercille - 1392-1408 America’s Missing Leverage in Afghanistan and Pakistan: a structural analysis
by Barbara Elias - 1409-1426 Rising Powers in a Changing Global Order: the political economy of Turkey in the age of s
by Ziya ÖNİŞ & Mustafa Kutlay - 1427-1442 vs Development: a paradigm shift in the Andes?
by Unai Villalba - 1443-1457 Going Underground: the political economy of the ‘left turn’ in South America
by Antulio Rosales - 1458-1474 Shaping the Future of Mid-range Northern s: ten challenges, ten proposals
by Antonio Sianes - 1475-1491 The North’s Growing Role in South–South Cooperation: keeping the foothold
by Adriana Erthal Abdenur & João Moura Estevão Marques Da Fonseca - 1492-1496 Introduction—Politicising Debt and Development: activist voices on social justice in the new millennium
by Gavin Fridell - 1497-1498 Debt and Power: global injustices and grassroots alternatives
by Tim Jones - 1499-1501 ‘Give me Liberty or Give me Debt!’
by Dan Beeton - 1502-1504 Lethal Liabilities: the human costs of debt and capital flight
by Peter Gillespie - 1505-1515 International NGOs and the Aid Industry: constraints on international solidarity
by Molly Kane
2013, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 1145-1158 Cosmologies and Regionalisms from ‘Above’ and ‘Below’ in the post-cold war Americas: the Relevance of Karl Polanyi for the 21st century
by Alejandra Roncallo - 1159-1174 American Power, East Asian Regionalism and Emerging Powers: or empire?
by James Parisot - 1175-1192 Modalities of Violence in Development: structural or contingent, mythic or divine?
by Trevor Parfitt - 1193-1208 ‘Finishing the Job’: the UN Special Committee on Decolonization and the politics of self-governance
by Oliver Turner - 1209-1226 Child Trafficking, Child Soldiering: exploring the relationship between two ‘worst forms’ of child labour
by Carl Conradi - 1227-1246 Governing International Migration through Partnership
by Rahel Kunz - 1247-1264 Escaping the ‘Field Trap’: exploitation and the global politics of educational fieldwork in ‘conflict zones’
by Audra Mitchell - 1265-1278 Participatory Development and Reconstruction: a literature review
by Patrick Milabyo Kyamusugulwa - 1279-1292 The Trouble in Mali—corruption, collusion, resistance
by Morten Bøås & Liv Elin Torheim - 1293-1304 Urbanisation and Political Change in Pakistan: exploring the known unknowns
by Daanish Mustafa & Amiera Sawas - 1305-1305 Retraction of a published article
by Editors
2013, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 943-962 Foreign Policy Strategies of Emerging Powers in a Multipolar World: an introductory review
by Andrew Cooper & Daniel Flemes - 963-984 Squeezed or revitalised? Middle powers, the G20 and the evolution of global governance
by Andrew Cooper - 985-999 Middle Range Powers in Global Governance
by Hongying Wang & Erik French