December 2017, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 2588-2599 The Post-Development Dictionary agenda: paths to the pluriverse
by Federico Demaria & Ashish Kothari - 2600-2616 Living Well: ideas for reinventing the future
by Alberto Acosta - 2617-2633 Reflecting the Post-Development gaze: the degrowth debate in Germany
by Daniel Bendix - 2634-2649 Fossil-fuelled development and the legacy of Post-Development theory in twenty-first century Africa
by Stefan Andreasson - 2650-2663 Colonised minds? Post-development theory and the desirability of development in Africa
by Sally Matthews - 2664-2683 Cold critique, faint passion, bleak future: Post-Development’s surrender to global capitalism
by Ilan Kapoor - 2684-2702 Worlds beyond the political? Post-development approaches in practices of transnational solidarity activism
by Kalpana Wilson - 2703-2718 The making and unmaking of development: using Post-Development as a tool in teaching development studies
by Wendy Harcourt - 2719-2734 ‘I am not a Post-Developmentalist, but…’ The influence of Post-Development on development studies
by Aram Ziai
November 2017, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 2387-2395 Whatever happened to the idea of imperialism?
by John Narayan & Leon Sealey-Huggins - 2396-2410 The second sight of racialised outsiders in the imperialist core
by Satnam Virdee - 2411-2427 Libya and Europe: imperialism, crisis and migration
by Lucia Pradella & Sahar Taghdisi Rad - 2428-2443 Imperialism, colonialism and sovereignty in the (post)colony: India and Kashmir
by Goldie Osuri - 2444-2463 ‘1.5°C to stay alive’: climate change, imperialism and justice for the Caribbean
by Leon Sealey-Huggins - 2464-2481 Neo-imperialism in solidarity organisations’ public discourses: collective action frames, resources and audiences
by Eugene Nulman - 2482-2500 The wages of whiteness in the absence of wages: racial capitalism, reactionary intercommunalism and the rise of Trumpism
by John Narayan - 2501-2516 Beyond Pan-Africanism: Garveyism, Malcolm X and the end of the colonial nation state
by Kehinde Andrews - 2517-2535 The deep, historical roots of Cuban anti-imperialism
by Ernesto Domínguez López & Helen Yaffe - 2536-2545 The time of the Popular Front
by Vijay Prashad
October 2017, Volume 38, Issue 10
- 2171-2186 Political leadership and ‘non-traditional’ development cooperation
by Emma Mawdsley & Sung-Mi Kim & Danilo Marcondes - 2187-2207 Development engineering meets development studies
by Peter Robbins & Andrew Watkins & David Wield & Gordon Wilson - 2208-2222 Is global inequality getting better or worse? A critique of the World Bank’s convergence narrative
by Jason Hickel - 2223-2241 : 40 years on
by Christopher May - 2242-2257 New media and governance in conflict
by Gianluca Iazzolino & Nicole Stremlau - 2258-2275 The ‘philanthropic’ gene: biocapital and the new green revolution in Africa
by Jacqueline A. Ignatova - 2276-2294 Media development in Syria: the Janus-faced nature of foreign aid assistance
by Billie Jeanne Brownlee - 2295-2311 A look inside an emerging nuclear supplier. Advocacy coalitions and change in Argentine foreign nuclear policy
by Bernabé H. Malacalza - 2312-2329 Why African countries are interested in building agricultural partnerships with China: lessons from Rwanda and Uganda
by Isaac Lawther - 2330-2346 China’s foreign aid system: structure, agencies, and identities
by Denghua Zhang & Graeme Smith - 2347-2366 When revolutionaries grow old: the Museveni babies and the slow death of the liberation
by Anna Reuss & Kristof Titeca - 2367-2385 Migration diplomacy in the Global South: cooperation, coercion and issue linkage in Gaddafi’s Libya
by Gerasimos Tsourapas
September 2017, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1935-1951 Sexual violence in armed conflicts: research progress and remaining gaps
by Carlo Koos - 1952-1972 Celebrity-led development organisations: the legitimating function of elite engagement
by Alexandra Cosima Budabin & Louise Mubanda Rasmussen & Lisa Ann Richey - 1973-1989 Precipitating state failure: do civil wars and violent non-state actors create failed states?
by Huseyn Aliyev - 1990-2008 Psy-expertise, therapeutic culture and the politics of the personal in development
by Elise Klein & China Mills - 2009-2026 Rethinking development and peacebuilding in non-secular contexts: a postsecular alternative in Mindanao
by Lindsey K. Horner - 2027-2044 Why ‘Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill’? Rethinking the ‘coherent’ state
by Emma Paszat - 2045-2065 New light on the Samora Machel assassination: ‘I realized that it was no accident’
by Daniel L. Douek - 2066-2081 ‘East’ and ‘West’ in contemporary Turkey: threads of a new universalism
by Katerina Dalacoura - 2082-2096 Enter the dragon: the ecological disorganisation of Chinese capital in Africa
by Mwenda Kailemia - 2097-2112 The ambiguity of US foreign policy towards Africa
by Gorm Rye Olsen - 2113-2128 European Union anti-piracy initiatives in the Horn of Africa: linking land-based counter-piracy with maritime security and regional development
by Neil Winn & Alexandra Lewis - 2129-2142 The effectiveness of rural versus urban nonprofit organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo
by Elena Urquía-Grande & Antti Rautiainen & Raquel Pérez-Estébanez - 2143-2158 Power relations? What power relations? The de-politicising conceptualisation of development of the UNDP
by Juan Telleria - 2159-2170 ‘State of exception’ or ‘state in exile’? The fallacy of appropriating Agamben on Palestinian refugee camps
by Dag Tuastad
August 2017, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1691-1709 The Syrian chemical weapons disarmament process in context: narratives of coercion, consent, and everything in between
by Karim Makdisi & Coralie Pison Hindawi - 1710-1732 Will blockchain emerge as a tool to break the poverty chain in the Global South?
by Nir Kshetri - 1733-1752 Deciphering UN development policies: from the modernisation paradigm to the human development approach?
by Panayotis M. Protopsaltis - 1753-1766 The birth and development of the language of global development in light of trends in global population, international politics, economics and globalisation
by Marcin Wojciech Solarz - 1767-1781 Regions that matter: the Arab–South American interregional space
by Silvia Ferabolli - 1782-1799 Sovereignty, bare life and the Arab uprisings
by Simon Mabon - 1800-1815 Post-Islamism and fields of contention after the Arab Spring: feminism, Salafism and the revolutionary youth
by Markus Holdo - 1816-1830 National ownership and donor involvement: an aid paradox illustrated by the case of Rwanda
by Malin Hasselskog & Peter J. Mugume & Eric Ndushabandi & Isabell Schierenbeck - 1831-1846 The global governance of informal economies: the International Labour Organization in East Africa
by Nick Bernards - 1847-1872 Civil society knowledge networks: how international development institutions reshape the geography of knowledge
by E. Fouksman - 1873-1893 PATH: pioneering innovation for global health at the public–private interface
by Michael Stevenson - 1894-1908 The internal and external constraints on foreign policy in India: exploring culture and ethnic sensitivities
by Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt - 1909-1920 Global South rhetoric in India’s policy projection
by Shantanu Chakrabarti - 1921-1934 India and the responsibility to protect
by Bjørn Møller
July 2017, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 1437-1453 From failed states to fragile cities: redefining spaces of humanitarian practice
by Joao Pontes Nogueira - 1454-1472 Geography and the outcomes of civil resistance and civil war
by Charles Butcher - 1473-1492 Fairtrade labour certification: the contested incorporation of plantations and workers
by Laura T. Raynolds - 1493-1510 One in 20: the G20, middle powers and global governance reform
by Christian Downie - 1511-1530 An auto-critique of TWAIL’s historical fallacy: sketching an alternative manifesto
by S. G. Sreejith - 1531-1550 Securitisation of research: fieldwork under new restrictions in Darfur and Mali
by Mateja Peter & Francesco Strazzari - 1551-1565 Unravelling clientelism in the Zambian electoral campaigns
by John Bwalya - 1566-1582 The ‘green militarisation’ of development aid: the European Commission and the Virunga National Park, DR Congo
by Esther Marijnen - 1583-1602 Post-neoliberalism in Latin America: a conceptual review
by Arne Ruckert & Laura Macdonald & Kristina R. Proulx - 1603-1618 governance in Bolivia: chimera or attainable utopia?
by Eija Maria Ranta - 1619-1638 Patriarchal unions = weaker unions? Industrial relations in the Asian garment industry
by Alice Evans - 1639-1654 The deep marketisation of development in Bangladesh
by Christoph Neusiedl - 1655-1673 Culturalism and the rise of the Islamic State: faith, sectarianism and violence
by Tim Jacoby - 1674-1689 White innocence in the Black Mediterranean: hospitality and the erasure of history
by Ida Danewid
June 2017, Volume 38, Issue 6
- (1437) Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1215-1231 Towards UN counter-terrorism operations?
by John Karlsrud - 1232-1248 Crossing borders in North America after 9/11: ‘regular’ travellers’ narratives of securitisations and contestations
by Marianne H. Marchand - 1249-1271 Political economy, poverty, and polycentrism in the Global Environment Facility’s Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) for Climate Change Adaptation
by Benjamin K. Sovacool & May Tan-Mullins & David Ockwell & Peter Newell - 1272-1290 Mediating representations of poverty and development: a help or a hindrance?
by Natasha Keenaghan & Kathy Reilly - 1291-1309 Measuring state fragility: a review of the theoretical groundings of existing approaches
by Ines A. Ferreira - 1310-1326 Does local ownership bring about effectiveness? The case of a transnational advocacy network
by Bodille Arensman & Margit van Wessel & Dorothea Hilhorst - 1327-1349 From extractivism towards : mining policy as an indicator of a new development paradigm prioritising the environment
by Robin Broad & Julia Fischer-Mackey - 1350-1365 Rethinking Chile’s ‘Chicago Boys’: neoliberal technocrats or revolutionary vanguard?
by Timothy David Clark - 1366-1380 Hedonists and husbands: piracy narratives, gender demands, and local political economic realities in Somalia
by Brittany Gilmer - 1381-1398 Negotiating justice: legal pluralism and gender-based violence in Liberia
by Shai André Divon & Morten Bøås - 1399-1414 Virtuous power Turkey in sub-Saharan Africa: the ‘Neo-Ottoman’ challenge to the European Union
by Mark Langan - 1415-1436 Optimised or compromised? United Kingdom support to reforming security sector governance in post-war Nepal
by Safal Ghimire
May 2017, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 1043-1057 New mechanisms of participation in extractive governance: between technologies of governance and resistance work
by Esben Leifsen & Maria-Therese Gustafsson & Maria A. Guzmán-Gallegos & Almut Schilling-Vacaflor - 1058-1074 Who controls the territory and the resources? Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) as a contested human rights practice in Bolivia
by Almut Schilling-Vacaflor - 1075-1091 Weaving hope in ancestral black territories in Colombia: the reach and limitations of free, prior, and informed consultation and consent
by Marilyn Machado & David López Matta & María Mercedes Campo & Arturo Escobar & Viviane Weitzner - 1092-1109 Claiming prior consultation, monitoring environmental impact: counterwork by the use of formal instruments of participatory governance in Ecuador’s emerging mining sector
by Esben Leifsen & Luis Sánchez-Vázquez & Maleny Gabriela Reyes - 1110-1127 Between oil contamination and consultation: constrained spaces of influence in Northern Peruvian Amazonia
by María A. Guzmán-Gallegos - 1128-1145 A vote to derail extraction: popular consultation and resource sovereignty in Tolima, Colombia
by John-Andrew McNeish - 1146-1163 The struggles surrounding ecological and economic zoning in Peru
by Maria-Therese Gustafsson - 1164-1180 The politics of planning: assessing the impacts of mining on Sami lands
by Rebecca Lawrence & Rasmus Kløcker Larsen - 1181-1197 Shaping projects, shaping impacts: community-controlled impact assessments and negotiated agreements
by Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh - 1198-1214 ‘Nosotros Somos Estado’: contested legalities in decision-making about extractives affecting ancestral territories in Colombia
by Viviane Weitzner
April 2017, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 771-786 State effects and the effects of state building: institution building and the formation of state-centred societies
by Stein Sundstøl Eriksen - 787-804 Engendering social and environmental safeguards in REDD+: lessons from feminist and development research
by Beth A. Bee & Bimbika Sijapati Basnett - 805-821 Are the LDCs really the world’s least developed countries?
by Marcin Wojciech Solarz & Małgorzata Wojtaszczyk - 822-843 Course corrections and failed rationales: how comparative advantage and debt are used to legitimise austerity in Africa and Latin America
by Cory Blad & Samuel Oloruntoba & Jon Shefner - 844-861 ‘New’ nations: resource-based development imaginaries in Ghana and Ecuador
by John Childs & Julie Hearn - 862-881 Planet of the Australians: Indigenous athletes and Australian Football’s sports diplomacy
by Simon Philpott - 882-899 Negotiating interference: US democracy promotion, Bolivia and the tale of a failed agreement
by Jonas Wolff - 900-917 Framing a fiscal/cultural micro-encounter: value added tax meets calypso in Dominica
by David Hirschmann - 918-938 Rents, knowledge and neo-structuralism: transforming the productive matrix in Ecuador
by Thomas F. Purcell & Nora Fernandez & Estefania Martinez - 939-955 Strategic bureaucracies: transnational funding and mundane practices of Ghanaian local governments
by Matthew Sabbi - 956-979 ‘Sexurity’ and its effects in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
by Charlotte Mertens & Maree Pardy - 980-995 Iran and Turkey: not quite enemies but less than friends
by Shahram Akbarzadeh & James Barry - 996-1011 Why developing countries are just spectators in the ‘Gold War’: the case of Lebanon at the Olympic Games
by Danyel Reiche - 1012-1042 The past in the present: time and narrative of Balkan wars in media industry and international politics
by Enika Abazi & Albert Doja
March 2017, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 525-543 Inhuman development? Technics as enframing or poiesis?
by Trevor Parfitt - 544-562 Space, discourse and environmental peacebuilding
by Tobias Ide - 563-579 Pathological counterinsurgency: the failure of imposing legitimacy in El Salvador, Afghanistan, and Iraq
by Samuel R. Greene - 580-603 Governance and disorder: neoliberalism and violent change in Jamaica
by Michelle A. Munroe & Damion K. Blake - 604-620 NGO partnerships in Haiti: clashes of discourse and reality
by Julia Maria Schöneberg - 621-635 Unpacking the world cultural toolkit in socialist Venezuela: national sovereignty, human rights and anti-NGO legislation
by Timothy M. Gill - 636-654 Good governance as a foundation for sustainable human development in sub-Saharan Africa
by Theodore J. Davis - 655-677 Maturing Sino–Africa relations
by Hany Besada & Ben O’Bright - 678-697 Africa and the export of China’s clean energy revolution
by Wei Shen & Marcus Power - 698-716 Large-scale land acquisitions, state authority and indigenous local communities: insights from Ethiopia
by Tsegaye Moreda - 717-733 Human rights and Nubian mobilisation in Egypt: towards recognition of indigeneity
by Maja Janmyr - 734-752 Why do Indonesian politicians promote laws? An analytic framework for Muslim-majority democracies
by Elizabeth Pisani & Michael Buehler - 753-770 Following the donor-designed path to Mozambique’s US$2.2 billion secret debt deal
by Joseph Hanlon
February 2017, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 253-269 Drones and the uninsurable security subjects
by André Barrinha & Sarah da Mota - 270-290 Decolonising online development studies? Emancipatory aspirations and critical reflections – a case study
by Samuel Spiegel & Hazel Gray & Barbara Bompani & Kevin Bardosh & James Smith - 291-310 International peace building and the emerging inclusivity norm
by Timothy Donais & Erin McCandless - 311-339 The economics of the Internet of Things in the Global South
by Nir Kshetri - 340-355 The social–economic impact of shale gas extraction: a global perspective
by Adrian Paylor - 356-378 Hemispheric reconfigurations in Northern Amazonia: the ‘Three Guianas’ amid regional change and Brazilian hegemony
by Matthew Louis Bishop & Peter Clegg & Rosemarijn Hoefte - 379-396 Understanding contested women’s rights in development: the Latin American campaign for the humanisation of birth and the challenge of midwifery in Mexico
by Hanna Laako - 397-413 Agriculture in and beyond the Haitian catastrophe
by Marylynn Steckley & Tony Weis - 414-435 From Third World internationalism to ‘the internationals’: the transformation of solidarity with Palestine
by Linda Tabar - 436-449 The Freedom Charter: the contested South African land issue
by Sibonginkosi Mazibuko - 450-466 The study of child soldiering: issues and consequences for DDR implementation
by Roos Haer - 467-482 A failure of governmentality: why Transparency International underestimated corruption in Ben Ali’s Tunisia
by Hannes Baumann - 483-504 Resilience and disaster risk reduction: reclassifying diversity and national identity in post-earthquake Nepal
by Iain Watson - 505-523 Peripheral modernity and anti-colonial nationalism in Java: economies of race and gender in the constitution of the Indonesian national teleology
by Alina Sajed
January 2017, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-15 Decolonising International Relations?
by Zeynep Gulsah Capan - 16-41 Unheard voices: a critical discourse analysis of the Millennium Development Goals’ evolution into the Sustainable Development Goals
by Jane Briant Carant - 42-60 What/who is still missing in International Relations scholarship? Situating Africa as an agent in IR theorising
by Isaac Odoom & Nathan Andrews - 61-83 A dialogic approach to understanding regime conflicts: the case of the development agenda
by Valbona Muzaka - 84-96 China’s impact on the landscape of African International Relations: implications for dependency theory
by Robert Mason - 97-116 Who owns the right to food? Interlegality and competing interests in agricultural modernisation in Papua, Indonesia
by Irene I. Hadiprayitno - 117-133 People with disabilities working in the disability sector in Timor Leste: a study of ‘lived experience’ using PhotoVoice
by Jane Shamrock & Natalie Smith & Marion Gray & Melainie Cameron & Florin Oprescu - 134-148 Mediating multiple accountabilities: variation in formal and perceived accountability among international and domestic actors in the health sector in Peru
by Anne L. Buffardi - 149-168 This time it’s different: lithium extraction, cultural politics and development in Bolivia
by Anna C. Revette - 169-184 Building ties across the Green Line: the Palestinian 15 March youth movement in Israel and occupied Palestinian territory in 2011
by Guy Burton - 185-202 Policing neoliberalism in Egypt: the continuing rise of the ‘securocratic’ state
by Maha Abdelrahman - 203-218 Civil society in Mozambique: NGOs, religion, politics and witchcraft
by Tanja Kleibl & Ronaldo Munck - 219-234 Situating soldiers’ demands: mutinies and protests in Burkina Faso
by Maggie Dwyer - 235-251 Beyond the nation: global democratisation in Uganda and the politics of dispensation
by Sabina S. Singh
December 2016, Volume 37, Issue 12
- 2139-2155 The potential for tackling inequality in the Sustainable Development Goals
by Katja Freistein & Bettina Mahlert - 2156-2175 Whose feminism counts? Gender(ed) knowledge and professionalisation in development
by Lata Narayanaswamy - 2176-2191 Understanding the nature of change: how institutional perspectives can inform contemporary studies of development cooperation
by Adam Moe Fejerskov - 2192-2210 Unethical power Europe? Something fishy about EU trade and development policies
by Catherine Gegout - 2211-2228 Boko Haram: understanding the context
by Wisdom Oghosa Iyekekpolo - 2229-2251 Humanitarian neophilia: the ‘innovation turn’ and its implications
by Tom Scott-Smith - 2252-2258 Five years after the Arab Spring: a critical evaluation
by Bülent Aras & Richard Falk - 2259-2273 State, region and order: geopolitics of the Arab Spring
by Bülent Aras & Emirhan Yorulmazlar - 2274-2287 Turkish foreign policy in the post-Arab Spring era: from proactive to buffer state
by E. Fuat Keyman - 2288-2303 The limits of mediation in the Arab Spring: the case of Syria
by Pınar Akpınar - 2304-2321 The political and theological boundaries of Islamist moderation after the Arab Spring
by Halil Ibrahim Yenigün - 2322-2334 Rethinking the Arab Spring: uprisings, counterrevolution, chaos and global reverberations
by Richard Falk - 2335-2336 List of Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2016, Volume 37, Issue 11
- 1943-1945 Foreword: Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) special issue
by Richard Falk - 1946-1956 Introduction: TWAIL - on praxis and the intellectual
by Usha Natarajan & John Reynolds & Amar Bhatia & Sujith Xavier - 1957-1971 The Third World intellectual in praxis: confrontation, participation, or operation behind enemy lines?
by Georges Abi-Saab - 1972-1989 On fighting for global justice: the role of a Third World international lawyer
by M. Sornarajah - 1990-2009 Regulation of armed conflict: critical comparativism
by Nesrine Badawi - 2010-2027 Decolonisation, dignity and development aid: a judicial education experience in Palestine
by Reem Bahdi & Mudar Kassis - 2028-2046 The conjunctural in international law: the revolutionary struggle against semi-peripheral sovereignty in Iraq
by Ali Hammoudi - 2047-2060 Mir-Said Sultan-Galiev and the idea of Muslim Marxism: empire, Third World(s) and praxis
by Vanja Hamzić - 2061-2079 International lawyers in the aftermath of disasters: inheriting from Radhabinod Pal and Upendra Baxi
by Adil Hasan Khan - 2080-2097 The South of Western constitutionalism: a map ahead of a journey
by Zoran Oklopcic - 2098-2118 Disrupting civility: amateur intellectuals, international lawyers and TWAIL as praxis
by John Reynolds - 2119-2138 Migration, development and security within racialised global capitalism: refusing the balance game
by Adrian A. Smith
October 2016, Volume 37, Issue 10
- 1745-1767 Class dynamics of development: a methodological note
by Liam Campling & Satoshi Miyamura & Jonathan Pattenden & Benjamin Selwyn - 1768-1786 Global value chains and human development: a class-relational framework
by Benjamin Selwyn - 1787-1808 Class dynamics in contract farming: the case of tobacco production in Mozambique
by Helena Pérez Niño - 1809-1833 Working at the margins of global production networks: local labour control regimes and rural-based labourers in South India
by Jonathan Pattenden - 1834-1854 New forms of wage labour and struggle in the informal sector: the case of waste pickers in Turkey
by Demet Ş. Dinler - 1855-1876 Evo Morales and the political economy of passive revolution in Bolivia, 2006–15
by Jeffery R. Webber - 1877-1900 Class, gender and the sweatshop: on the nexus between labour commodification and exploitation
by Alessandra Mezzadri - 1901-1920 War, the state and the formation of the North Korean industrial working class, 1931–60
by Owen Miller - 1921-1941 Diverse trajectories of industrial restructuring and labour organising in India
by Satoshi Miyamura
September 2016, Volume 37, Issue 9
- 1525-1536 How irresponsible are rising powers?
by Julian Culp - 1537-1558 Tradition and modernity: an obsolete dichotomy? Binary thinking, indigenous peoples and normalisation
by Celine Germond-Duret - 1559-1580 Under construction and highly contested: Islam in the post-Soviet Caucasus
by Sofie Bedford & Emil Aslan Souleimanov - 1581-1606 Rising competitive authoritarianism in Turkey
by Berk Esen & Sebnem Gumuscu - 1607-1627 The global, the local and the hybrid in the making of Johannesburg as a world class African city
by Mfaniseni F. Sihlongonyane - 1628-1643 China’s ‘New Silk Roads’: sub-national regions and networks of global political economy
by Tim Summers - 1644-1660 ‘Occupied territory is occupied territory’: James Baldwin, Palestine and the possibilities of transnational solidarity
by Timothy Seidel - 1661-1665 Cuba: heading for a new development and political model – an introduction
by Vegard Bye & Bert Hoffmann & Laurence Whitehead - 1666-1682 The ‘puzzle’ of autocratic resilience/regime collapse: the case of Cuba
by Laurence Whitehead - 1683-1697 Economic transformations in Cuba: a review
by Ricardo Torres - 1698-1712 The great paradox: how Obama’s opening to Cuba may imperil the country’s reform process
by Vegard Bye - 1713-1729 Self-employment in Cuba: between informality and entrepreneurship – the case of shoe manufacturing
by Yailenis Mulet Concepción - 1730-1744 Bureaucratic socialism in reform mode: the changing politics of Cuba’s post-Fidel era
by Bert Hoffmann