August 2016, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 1299-1313 Foreign Terrorist Fighters: managing a twenty-first century threat
by Kylie Baxter & Renee Davidson - 1314-1331 Data hubris? Humanitarian information systems and the mirage of technology
by Róisín Read & Bertrand Taithe & Roger Mac Ginty - 1332-1350 Consent behind the counter: aspiring citizens and labour control under precarious (im)migration schemes
by Geraldina Polanco - 1351-1370 The paradoxes of the ‘everyday’: scrutinising the local turn in peace building
by Elisa Randazzo - 1371-1387 Innovation spaces: lessons from the United Nations
by Louise Bloom & Romily Faulkner - 1388-1407 Conceptualising components, conditions and trajectories of food sovereignty’s ‘sovereignty’
by Antonio Roman-Alcalá - 1408-1424 The Iran nuclear deal: winning a little, losing a lot
by Adam Tarock - 1425-1453 Conceptualising and testing the ‘emerging regional power’ of Turkey in the shifting ınternational order
by Emel Parlar Dal - 1454-1482 Humanitarianism in intra-state conflict: aid inequality and local governance in government- and opposition-controlled areas in the Syrian war
by Esther Meininghaus - 1483-1504 Neo-extractivism and the new Latin American developmentalism: the missing piece of rural transformation
by Liisa L. North & Ricardo Grinspun - 1505-1523 Politics of responsibility: governing distant populations through civil society in Mozambique, Rwanda and South Africa
by Håkan Thörn
July 2016, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 1147-1155 The UN and the Global South, 1945 and 2015: past as prelude?
by Thomas G. Weiss & Pallavi Roy - 1156-1170 ‘Idea-shift’: how ideas from the rest are reshaping global order
by Amitav Acharya - 1171-1186 Emerging powers and the creation of the UN: three ships of Theseus
by Adriana Erthal Abdenur - 1187-1202 The revolt against the West: intervention and sovereignty
by Adekeye Adebajo - 1203-1218 The South and disarmament at the UN
by Dan Plesch - 1219-1233 Arab agency and the UN project: the League of Arab States between universality and regionalism
by Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou - 1234-1251 Normative human rights cascades, North and South
by Bertrand G. Ramcharan - 1252-1267 Managing the global commons: common good or common sink?
by Nico Schrijver - 1268-1283 Developing countries and the right to development: a retrospective and prospective African view
by Fantu Cheru - 1284-1297 Economic growth, the UN and the Global South: an unfulfilled promise
by Pallavi Roy
June 2016, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 951-974 The new face of developing country debt
by Roy Culpeper & Nihal Kappagoda - 975-997 Understanding food security and international security links in the context of climate change
by Ane Cristina Figueiredo Pereira de Faria & Issa Ibrahim Berchin & Jéssica Garcia & Silvia Natália Barbosa Back & José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra - 998-1015 What celebrity humanitarianism have to do with empire?
by April R. Biccum - 1016-1034 Can the global South take over the baton? What cosmopolitanism in ‘unlikely’ places means for future world order
by Adam K. Webb - 1035-1052 Theory and practice of labour-centred development
by Benjamin Selwyn - 1053-1070 Assembling security in a ‘weak state:’ the contentious politics of plural governance in Lebanon since 2005
by Waleed Hazbun - 1071-1082 The limits of hospitality: coping strategies among displaced Syrians in Lebanon
by Cathrine Thorleifsson - 1083-1101 The production of spatial hegemony as statecraft: an attempted passive revolution in the favelas of Rio
by Daniel S. Lacerda - 1102-1129 Do street traders have the ‘right to the city’? The politics of street trader organisations in inner city Johannesburg, post-Operation Clean Sweep
by Claire Bénit-Gbaffou - 1130-1145 Why (most) Indonesian businesses fear the ASEAN Economic Community: struggling with Southeast Asia’s regional corporatism
by Jürgen Rüland - 1146-1146 Corrigendum
by Waleed Hazbun
May 2016, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 749-767 The true extent of global poverty and hunger: questioning the good news narrative of the Millennium Development Goals
by Jason Hickel - 768-780 Inducing food insecurity: financialisation and development in the post-2015 era
by Sally Brooks - 781-799 Elite development theory: a labour-centred critique
by Benjamin Selwyn - 800-817 Hegemony, military power projection and US structural economic interests in the periphery
by James M. Cypher - 818-839 Recycling and expansion: an analysis of the World Bank agenda (1989–2014)
by João Márcio Mendes Pereira - 840-865 Legitimising liberal militarism: politics, law and war in the Arms Trade Treaty
by Anna Stavrianakis - 866-882 Two regionalisms, two Latin Americas or beyond Latin America? Contributions from a critical and decolonial IPE
by Ernesto Vivares & Michele Dolcetti-Marcolini - 883-901 Contested water, contested development: unpacking the hydro-social cycle of the Ñuble River, Chile
by Marcela Palomino-Schalscha & Cristian Leaman-Constanzo & Sophie Bond - 902-916 The rise of biofuels in IR: the case of Brazilian foreign policy towards the EU
by Cristian Lorenzo & Patricio Yamin Vazquez - 917-933 The legacy of subalternity and Gramsci’s national–popular: populist discourse in the case of the Islamic Republic of Iran
by Shabnam J. Holliday - 934-950 Countering piracy through private security in the Horn of Africa: prospects and pitfalls
by Ladan Affi & Afyare A. Elmi & W. Andy Knight & Said Mohamed
April 2016, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 557-574 South–South cooperation and the rise of the Global South
by Kevin Gray & Barry K. Gills - 575-591 BRICS, developing countries and global governance
by Deepak Nayyar - 592-610 Emerging Southern powers and new forms of South–South cooperation: Ethiopia’s strategic engagement with China and India
by Fantu Cheru - 611-629 BRICS banking and the debate over sub-imperialism
by Patrick Bond - 630-648 Beyond ‘BRICS’: ten theses on South–South cooperation in the twenty-first century
by Thomas Muhr - 649-664 Overseas development aid as spatial fix? Examining South Korea’s Africa policy
by Soyeun Kim & Kevin Gray - 665-681 Repositioning in global governance: horizontal and vertical shifts amid pliable neoliberalism
by James H. Mittelman - 682-702 Ethno-territorial rights and the resource extraction boom in Latin America: do constitutions matter?
by Markus Kröger & Rickard Lalander - 703-720 The prospects for transnational advocacy across the IBSA bloc – a view from Brazil
by Maria Guadalupe Moog Rodrigues - 721-732 Beyond varieties of development: disputes and alternatives
by Eduardo Gudynas - 733-743 The resurgence of South–South cooperation
by Branislav Gosovic - 744-748 Interview with Boris Kagarlitsky
by Barry K. Gills
March 2016, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 373-379 Introduction: Ebola and International Relations
by Anne Roemer-Mahler & Simon Rushton - 380-400 Crisis! What crisis? Global health and the 2014–15 West African Ebola outbreak
by Colin McInnes - 401-418 WHO’s to blame? The World Health Organization and the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa
by Adam Kamradt-Scott - 419-435 Public health emergencies: a new peacekeeping mission? Insights from UNMIL’s role in the Liberia Ebola outbreak
by Sara E. Davies & Simon Rushton - 436-451 Ebola respons-ibility: moving from shared to multiple responsibilities
by Clare Wenham - 452-467 Ebola at the borders: newspaper representations and the politics of border control
by Sudeepa Abeysinghe - 468-486 Infectious injustice: the political foundations of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone
by Emma-Louise Anderson & Alexander Beresford - 487-506 The race for Ebola drugs: pharmaceuticals, security and global health governance
by Anne Roemer-Mahler & Stefan Elbe - 507-523 Personal Protective Equipment in the humanitarian governance of Ebola: between individual patient care and global biosecurity
by Polly Pallister-Wilkins - 524-541 Ebola, gender and conspicuously invisible women in global health governance
by Sophie Harman - 542-556 Ebola and the production of neglect in global health
by João Nunes
February 2016, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 191-208 The rise of the Global South, the IMF and the future of Law and Development
by Gabriel Garcia - 209-226 Empowered borrowers? tracking the World Bank’s Program-for-Results
by Ben Cormier - 227-244 Vulnerability and resilience: critical reflexivity in gendered violence research
by Edwina Pio & Smita Singh - 245-263 Conceptualising corporate community development
by Glenn Banks & Regina Scheyvens & Sharon McLennan & Anthony Bebbington - 264-280 Social policy and conflict: the Gezi Park–Taksim demonstrations and uses of social policy for reimagining Turkey
by Hakan Seckinelgin - 281-298 War and state formation in Lebanon: can Tilly be applied to the developing world?
by Andrew Delatolla - 299-320 Promoting democracy in Latin America: foreign policy change and US democracy assistance, 1975–2010
by James M. Scott & Ralph G. Carter - 321-335 A tale of three bridges: agency and agonism in peace building
by Annika Björkdahl & Johanna Mannergren Selimovic - 336-353 Law, democracy and the fulfilment of socioeconomic rights: insights from Indonesia
by Andrew Rosser & Maryke van Diermen - 354-370 Rwanda: an agrarian developmental state?
by Graham Harrison - 371-371 Corrigendum
by The Editors
January 2016, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-16 The resilient state: new regulatory modes in international approaches to state building?
by Jan Pospisil & Florian P. Kühn - 17-32 The humanitarian cyberspace: shrinking space or an expanding frontier?
by Kristin Bergtora Sandvik - 33-50 Global South solidarity? China, regional organisations and intervention in the Libyan and Syrian civil wars
by Courtney J. Fung - 51-70 The goals and reality of the water–food–energy security nexus: the case of China and its southern neighbours
by Sebastian Biba - 71-95 Turkey and Russia in a shifting global order: cooperation, conflict and asymmetric interdependence in a turbulent region
by Ziya Öniş & Şuhnaz Yılmaz - 96-118 The geopolitical economy of social policy in the Philippines: securitisation, emerging powers and multilateral policies
by Ben Reid - 119-135 Paradoxes of (dis)empowerment in the postcolony: women, culture and social capital in Ghana
by Sylvia Bawa - 136-152 ‘New’ approaches confront ‘old’ challenges in African public sector reform
by Pablo Yanguas & Badru Bukenya - 153-171 Decentralisation, socio-territoriality and the exercise of indigenous self-governance in Bolivia
by Jason Tockman - 172-188 Unfulfilled promises of the consultation approach: the limits to effective indigenous participation in Bolivia’s and Peru’s extractive industries
by Riccarda Flemmer & Almut Schilling‐Vacaflor - 189-190 TWQ’s reviewers
by The Editors
December 2015, Volume 36, Issue 12
- 2197-2206 The Green Economy in the global South: experiences, redistributions and resistance
by Dan Brockington & Stefano Ponte - 2207-2224 Four discourses of the green economy in the global South
by Carl Death - 2225-2243 Tourism and the green economy: inspiring or averting change?
by Melanie Stroebel - 2244-2258 Suspended redistribution: ‘green economy’ and water inequality in the Waterberg, South Africa
by Michela Marcatelli - 2259-2272 Extractive philanthropy: securing labour and land claim settlements in private nature reserves
by Maano Ramutsindela - 2273-2293 Responding to the green economy: how REDD+ and the One Map Initiative are transforming forest governance in Indonesia
by Rini Astuti & Andrew McGregor - 2294-2315 The neoliberalisation of forestry governance, market environmentalism and re-territorialisation in Uganda
by Adrian Nel - 2316-2336 Inverting the moral economy: the case of land acquisitions for forest plantations in Tanzania
by M.F. Olwig & C. Noe & R. Kangalawe & E. Luoga - 2337-2357 Performativity in the Green Economy: how far does climate finance create a fictive economy?
by Sarah Bracking
November 2015, Volume 36, Issue 11
- 1985-2001 China’s contingencies and globalisation
by Jan Nederveen Pieterse - 2002-2022 Engaging with globalisation: Chinese perspectives
by Debin Liu & Zhen Yan - 2023-2043 A reform-minded status quo power? China, the G20, and reform of the international financial system
by Ren Xiao - 2044-2058 China’s national defence in global security discourse: a cultural–rhetorical approach to military scholarship
by Shi-xu - 2059-2074 Globalisation as glocalisation in China: a new perspective
by Ning Wang - 2075-2097 China’s industrial transformation and the ‘new normal’
by Dianfan Yu & Yajun Zhang - 2098-2111 From export platform to market provider: China’s perspectives on its past and future role in a globalised Asian economy
by Xiao Li & Yibing Ding - 2112-2129 Unequal partnerships and open doors: probing China’s economic ambitions in Asia
by Jonathan Holslag - 2130-2147 Illiberal China and global convergence: thinking through Wukan and Hong Kong
by Daniel Vukovich - 2148-2166 The new contentious sequence since Tiananmen
by Shih-Diing Liu - 2167-2182 Voicing the self: discursive representations of Chinese old-generation migrant workers
by Qingye Tang & Qing Li - 2183-2195 Religion and social stability: China’s religious policies in the Age of Reform
by Changgang Guo & Fengmei Zhang
October 2015, Volume 36, Issue 10
- 1787-1808 Fragile states and the evolution of risk governance: intervention, prevention and extension
by Robert Frith & John Glenn - 1809-1826 Perception of the relations between former colonial powers and developing countries
by Maciej Kalaska & Tomasz Wites - 1827-1844 The moral economy of EU relations with North African states: DCFTAs under the European Neighbourhood Policy
by Mark Langan - 1845-1865 Regionalism and African agency: negotiating an Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and SADC-Minus
by Peg Murray-Evans - 1866-1886 Building terror while fighting enemies: how the Global War on Terror deepened the crisis in Somalia
by Debora Valentina Malito - 1887-1905 Organised crime and international aid subversion: evidence from Colombia and Afghanistan
by Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic & Denisa Kostovicova & Mariana Escobar & Jelena Bjelica - 1906-1921 The post-development impasse and the state in India
by Sailen Routray - 1922-1943 Culture, community-oriented learning and the post-2015 development agenda: a view from Laos
by Kearrin Sims - 1944-1967 Stable instability: the Syrian conflict and the postponement of the 2013 Lebanese parliamentary elections
by Abbas Assi & James Worrall - 1968-1983 The rise of an anti-politics machinery: peace, civil society and the focus on results in Myanmar
by Stefan Bächtold
September 2015, Volume 36, Issue 9
- 1611-1628 The queer Third World
by Ilan Kapoor - 1629-1648 The dark(er) side of ‘state failure’: state formation and socio-political variation
by Karl Adalbert Hampel - 1649-1662 Culture in the post-2015 development agenda: the anatomy of an international mobilisation
by Antonios Vlassis - 1663-1681 Passive revolution in Brazil: struggles over hegemony, religion and development 1964–2007
by Philip Roberts - 1682-1699 and democracy in Brazil
by Anthony W. Pereira - 1700-1716 Investing in peace: foreign direct investment as economic restoration in Sierra Leone?
by Gearoid Millar - 1717-1735 Playing in the sandbox: state building in the space of non-recognition
by Rebecca Richards & Robert Smith - 1736-1753 Towards agonistic peacebuilding? Exploring the antagonism–agonism nexus in the Middle East Peace process
by Karin Aggestam & Fabio Cristiano & Lisa Strömbom - 1754-1769 China’s development: a new development paradigm?
by Jennifer Y.J. Hsu - 1770-1785 Winning wars, building (illiberal) peace? The rise (and possible fall) of a victor’s peace in Rwanda and Sri Lanka
by Giulia Piccolino
August 2015, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 1405-1420 The challenge of the creative Third World
by Bruce Gilley - 1421-1436 Fair Trade and justice: a comment on Walton and Deneulin
by Jérôme Ballet & Delphine Pouchain - 1437-1452 Motivations for local resistance in international peacebuilding
by Sung Yong Lee - 1453-1471 Autonomous peasant struggles and left arts of government
by Robin Dunford - 1472-1492 (Re)conceptualising democracy: the limitations of benchmarks based on neoliberal democracy and the need for alternatives
by Maura Duffy - 1493-1509 Military twists and turns in world politics: downsides or dividends for UN peace operations?
by Thomas G. Weiss & Martin Welz - 1510-1526 Patronage, politics and performance: radio call-in programmes and the myth of accountability
by Nicole Stremlau & Emanuele Fantini & Iginio Gagliardone - 1527-1545 Implementing the human right to water and sanitation: a study of global and local discourses
by Madeline Baer & Andrea Gerlak - 1546-1569 The making of land ownership: land titling in rural Colombia – a reply to Hernando de Soto
by Sergio Latorre - 1570-1591 The politics of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: government action and public response
by Tom Lodge - 1592-1609 Peace building and the depoliticisation of civil society: Sierra Leone 2002–13
by Simone Datzberger
July 2015, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 1269-1280 Varieties of fragility: implications for aid
by Rachel M. Gisselquist - 1281-1298 Disaggregating state fragility: a method to establish a multidimensional empirical typology
by Jörn Grävingholt & Sebastian Ziaja & Merle Kreibaum - 1299-1315 Conceptualising state collapse: an institutionalist approach
by Daniel Lambach & Eva Johais & Markus Bayer - 1316-1332 Towards a theory of fragile state transitions: evidence from Yemen, Bangladesh and Laos
by David Carment & Joe Landry & Yiagadeesen Samy & Scott Shaw - 1333-1348 Aid and state transition in Ghana and South Korea
by Jiyoung Kim - 1349-1364 Aid and policy preferences in oil-rich countries: comparing Indonesia and Nigeria
by Ahmad Helmy Fuady - 1365-1381 Development assistance and the lasting legacies of rebellion in Burundi and Rwanda
by Devon E.A. Curtis - 1382-1403 Aid, accountability and institution building in Ethiopia: the self-limiting nature of technocratic aid
by Berhanu Abegaz
June 2015, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 1033-1040 The power of human rights/the human rights of power: an introduction
by Louiza Odysseos & Anna Selmeczi - 1041-1059 The question concerning human rights and human rightlessness: disposability and struggle in the Bhopal gas disaster
by Louiza Odysseos - 1060-1075 Struggles, over rights: humanism, ethical dispossession and resistance
by Lara Montesinos Coleman - 1076-1091 Who is the subject of neoliberal rights? Governmentality, subjectification and the letter of the law
by Anna Selmeczi - 1092-1109 The human right to housing and community empowerment: home occupation, eviction defence and community land trusts
by Joe Hoover - 1110-1128 Producing the subjects of reconciliation: the making of Sierra Leoneans as victims and perpetrators of past human rights violations
by Judith Renner - 1129-1144 Disciplining the human rights of immigrants: market veridiction and the echoes of eugenics in contemporary EU immigration policies
by Jarmila Rajas - 1145-1159 Border politics, right to life and acts of : voices from the Lampedusa borderland
by Raffaela Puggioni - 1160-1174 The subject and the dislocation of state attribution in human rights discourse: the case of Mexican asylum claims in Canada
by Ariadna Estévez - 1175-1190 Between learning and schooling: the politics of human rights monitoring at the Universal Periodic Review
by Jane K. Cowan & Julie Billaud - 1191-1206 Power, privilege and rights: how the powerful and powerless create a vernacular of rights
by Daniel Tagliarina - 1207-1221 Human rights and power amid protest and change in the Arab world
by Shadi Mokhtari - 1222-1236 The power effects of human rights reforms in Turkey: enhanced surveillance and depoliticisation
by Şerif Onur Bahçecik - 1237-1252 Promoting health or securing the market? The right to health and intellectual property between radical contestation and accommodation
by Eva Hilberg - 1253-1267 Appropriation and the dualism of human rights: understanding the contradictory impact of gender norms in Nigeria
by Mathias Großklaus - 1268-1268 Corrigendum
by The Editors
May 2015, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 817-824 The struggle versus the song – the local turn in peacebuilding: an introduction
by Caroline Hughes & Joakim Öjendal & Isabell Schierenbeck - 825-839 The ‘local turn’ in peacebuilding: a literature review of effective and emancipatory local peacebuilding
by Hanna Leonardsson & Gustav Rudd - 840-856 Where is the local? Critical localism and peacebuilding
by Roger Mac Ginty - 857-874 Unpacking the local turn in peacebuilding: a critical assessment towards an agenda for future research
by Thania Paffenholz - 875-889 The dynamic local: delocalisation and (re-)localisation in the search for peacebuilding identity
by Stefanie Kappler - 890-907 Palestinian unity and everyday state formation: subaltern ‘ungovernmentality’ versus elite interests
by Sandra Pogodda & Oliver P. Richmond - 908-928 Poor people’s politics in East Timor
by Caroline Hughes - 929-949 The ‘local turn’ saving liberal peacebuilding? Unpacking virtual peace in Cambodia
by Joakim Öjendal & Sivhouch Ou - 950-966 National policy in local practice: the case of Rwanda
by Malin Hasselskog & Isabell Schierenbeck - 967-984 Local violence and politics in KwaZulu-Natal: perceptions of agency in a post-conflict society
by Anna K. Jarstad & Kristine Höglund - 985-1006 Reducing fragility through strengthening local governance in Guinea
by Christian Arandel & Derick W. Brinkerhoff & Marissa M. Bell - 1007-1022 Rethinking justice and institutions in African peacebuilding
by Goran Hyden - 1023-1032 Beyond the local turn divide: lessons learnt, relearnt and unlearnt
by Isabell Schierenbeck
April 2015, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 637-653 How can emerging powers speak? On theorists, native informants and quasi-officials in International Relations discourse
by Peter Marcus Kristensen - 654-669 Post-Feminist Spectatorship and the Girl Effect: “Go ahead, really imagine her”
by Sydney Calkin - 670-690 Democracy, development and the executive presidency in Sri Lanka
by Rajesh Venugopal - 691-704 Sectarianism and the prevalence of ‘othering’ in Islamic thought
by Naser Ghobadzdeh & Shahram Akbarzadeh - 705-722 Globalisation masculinities, empire building and forced prostitution: a critical analysis of the gendered impact of the neoliberal economic agenda in post-invasion/occupation Iraq
by Stacy Banwell - 723-740 Developmentality: indirect governance in the World Bank–Uganda partnership
by Jon Harald Sande Lie - 741-757 Political capabilities for democratisation in Uganda: good governance or popular organisation building?
by Sophie King - 758-775 How the World Bank manages social risks: implementation of the Social Risk Mitigation Project in Turkey
by Meltem Yilmaz Sener - 776-791 Turkey – from tutelary to delegative democracy
by Hakkı Taş - 792-801 Ali A Mazrui: a great man, a great scholar
by Seifudein Adem - 802-816 Population Pressures and the North–South Divide between the first century and 2100
by Marcin Wojciech Solarz & Małgorzata Wojtaszczyk
March 2015, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 431-448 Food sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, conditions and challenges
by Alberto Alonso-Fradejas & Saturnino M. Borras & Todd Holmes & Eric Holt-Giménez & Martha Jane Robbins - 449-468 Exploring the ‘localisation’ dimension of food sovereignty
by Martha Jane Robbins - 469-488 Food sovereignty, food security and fair trade: the case of an influential Nicaraguan smallholder cooperative
by Christopher M. Bacon - 489-507 Food sovereignty and the quinoa boom: challenges to sustainable re-peasantisation in the southern Altiplano of Bolivia
by Tanya M. Kerssen - 508-525 Food sovereignty as praxis: rethinking the food question in Uganda
by Giuliano Martiniello - 526-543 Challenges for food sovereignty policy making: the case of Nicaragua’s Law 693
by Wendy Godek - 544-562 Operationalising food sovereignty through an investment lens: how agro-ecology is putting ‘big push theory’ back on the table
by Louis Thiemann - 563-583 Accelerating towards food sovereignty
by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi - 584-599 We are not all the same: taking gender seriously in food sovereignty discourse
by Clara Mi Young Park & Ben White & Julia - 600-617 Land and food sovereignty
by Saturnino M. Borras & Jennifer C. Franco & Sofía Monsalve Suárez