2011, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 127-141 Explaining the ‘Health Check’ of the Common Agricultural Policy: budgetary politics, globalisation and paradigm change revisited
by Carsten Daugbjerg & Alan Swinbank - 143-158 Focusing events, policy dictators and the dynamics of reform
by Carsten Jensen - 159-177 Collateral damage: the ‘War on Drugs’, and the Latin America and Caribbean region: policy recommendations for the Obama administration
by June Francis & Gary Mauser
2011, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-19 Investment strategies of criminal organisations
by Diego d'Andria - 21-33 Rights to a process for the masses or select privileges for the few? Telework policy and labour market inequality in Australia
by Diane van den Broek & Emma Keating - 35-58 Beyond demand management: co-managing energy and water practices with Australian households
by Yolande Strengers - 59-72 Investing in capacity development: towards an implementation framework
by Kempe Hope - 73-90 Integrating employment and skills: the role of community-based learning
by Alexander McTier & Alan McGregor
2010, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 591-611 Implementing health and social care policy – England and Scotland compared
by Tom Forbes & Debbie Evans & Niccola Scott - 613-630 Trouble with champions: local public sector–third sector partnerships and the future prospects for collaborative governance in the UK
by Tony Chapman & Judith Brown & Chris Ford & Beth Baxter - 631-645 Managing time: the integration of caring and paid work by low-income families and the role of the UK's tax credit system
by Jay Wiggan
2010, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 523-538 How far can the residualisation of council housing debate be applied to the private-rental sector in Northern Ireland?
by Paddy Gray & Ursula McAnulty - 539-557 Revisioning comparative welfare state studies: an ‘indigenous dimension’
by Louise Humpage - 559-576 Global financial crisis and the UK national minimum wage – looking back to understand the present
by Viv Mackay - 577-590 The Australian housing market – understanding the causes and effects of rising prices
by Mohammad Rahman
2010, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 365-366 Placing leadership
by Keith Grint - 367-378 Leadership and place
by Chris Collinge & John Gibney & Chris Mabey - 379-391 Connecting place, policy and leadership
by Chris Collinge & John Gibney - 393-411 Leadership challenges in the inner city: planning for sustainable regeneration in Birmingham and Barcelona
by Austin Barber & Montserrat Pareja Eastaway - 413-428 Neighbourhood regeneration and place leadership: lessons from Groningen and Birmingham
by David Mullins & Gerard van Bortel - 429-440 Leadership of ‘subregional’ places in the context of growth
by Lisa Trickett & Peter Lee - 441-455 Leadership of cluster policy: lessons from the Austrian province of Styria
by Stewart MacNeill & Michael Steiner - 457-474 Place-renewing leadership: trajectories of change for mature manufacturing regions in Europe
by David Bailey & Marco Bellandi & Annalisa Caloffi & Lisa De Propris - 475-489 Place-making and the limitations of spatial leadership: reflections on the Øresund
by Chris Collinge & John Gibney - 491-504 Leadership of place in the rural periphery: lessons from Australia's agricultural margins
by Michael Kroehn & Alaric Maude & Andrew Beer - 505-522 Reflections on leadership and place
by Chris Mabey & Tim Freeman
2010, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 283-300 Shielding the net – understanding the issue of vulnerability and threat to the information society
by Lars Nicander - 301-317 Taking the power of ideas seriously – the case of the United Kingdom's 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill
by Steven Kettell & Paul Cairney - 319-330 It's about time: policy time
by Mira Moshe - 331-350 Modernising freedom of speech: the case of Article 100 of the Norwegian Constitution
by Asle Rolland - 351-364 The UK national minimum wage and age discrimination
by Malcolm Sargeant
2010, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 133-142 Fit for work? Health, employability and challenges for the UK welfare reform agenda
by Donald Houston & Colin Lindsay - 143-162 Bringing Incapacity Benefit numbers down: to what extent do women need a different approach?
by C. Beatty & S. Fothergill & D. Houston & R. Powell - 163-185 Falling Incapacity Benefit claims in a former industrial city: policy impacts or labour market improvement?
by David Webster & James Arnott & Judith Brown & Ivan Turok & Richard Mitchell & Ewan Macdonald - 187-202 What is the problem, exactly? The distribution of Incapacity Benefit claimants' conditions across British regions
by Michael Anyadike-Danes - 203-221 Employability trajectories among new claimants of Incapacity Benefit
by Peter Kemp & Jacqueline Davidson - 223-243 Local differences, perceptions and Incapacity Benefit claimants: implications for policy delivery
by Anne Green & Ian Shuttleworth - 245-264 Employability through health? Partnership-based governance and the delivery of Pathways to Work condition management services
by Colin Lindsay & Matthew Dutton - 265-282 From Incapacity Benefit to Employment and Support Allowance: social sorting, sickness and impairment, and social security
by Chris Grover & Linda Piggott
2010, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-4 Understanding competition states
by Mark Evans & Neil Lunt - 5-21 The competition state today: from to
by Philip Cerny - 23-37 Winning hearts and minds for the Competition State
by Neil Lunt - 39-56 Evolutions of the competition state in Latin America: power, contestation and neo-liberal populism
by Marcus Taylor - 57-76 From competition state to competition states?
by Daniel Horsfall - 77-94 The Mexican competition state and the paradoxes of managed neo-liberal development
by Susanne Soederberg - 95-115 Cameron's competition state
by Mark Evans - 117-128 Non-rational aspects of the competition state – the case of policy consultancy in Australia
by Sarah Radcliffe - 129-131 How the West was won?
by Neil Lunt & Mark Evans
2009, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 473-494 Divergent skills policy trajectories in England and Scotland after Leitch
by Jonathan Payne - 495-511 School leadership and education policy-making in England
by Helen Gunter & Gillian Forrester - 513-531 Turning failure into success: what does the case of Western Australia tell us about Canadian cannabis policy-making?
by Elaine Hyshka - 533-553 Expanding innovation system and policy – an organisational perspective
by Elise Ramstad
2009, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 403-422 Has social care performance in England improved? An analysis of performance ratings across social services organisations
by Paul Clarkson & Sue Davies & David Challis & Michael Donnelly & Roger Beech - 423-438 Serving a stir-fry of market, culture and politics – on globalisation and film policy in Greater China
by Zhihong Gao - 439-454 Has Labour decentralised the NHS? Terminological obfuscation and analytical confusion
by Ian Greener & Mark Exworthy & Stephen Peckham & Martin Powell - 455-471 Best value, cost-effectiveness and local housing policies
by Colin Jones & Hal Pawson
2009, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 237-241 New directions in the study of policy transfer
by Mark Evans - 243-268 Policy transfer in critical perspective
by Mark Evans - 269-288 Policy diffusion and policy transfer
by David Marsh & J.C. Sharman - 289-311 Policy transfer as learning: capturing variation in what decision-makers learn from epistemic communities
by Claire Dunlop - 313-332 Exporting public–private partnerships in healthcare: export strategy and policy transfer
by Chris Holden - 333-346 Accounting for policy change through multi-level analysis: the reform of the Bank of England in the post-war era
by Sucheen Patel - 347-363 The uncertain potential of policy-learning: a comparative assessment of three varieties
by Katrin Toens & Claudia Landwehr - 365-382 Lesson-drawing and public policy: secondhand smoking restrictions in Scotland and England
by Bossman Asare & Donley Studlar - 383-395 Policy mimesis in the context of global governance
by Andrew Massey - 397-402 Parting shots
by Mark Evans
2009, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 107-126 The failed promise of multi-donor trust funds: aid financing as an impediment to effective state-building in post-conflict contexts
by Sultan Barakat - 127-142 Alienated radicals and detached deviants: what do the lessons of the 1970 Falls Curfew and the alienation–radicalisation hypothesis mean for current British approaches to counter-terrorism?
by Deirdre Duffy - 143-162 Tackling undeclared work in Europe: lessons from a 27-nation survey
by Colin Williams - 163-180 Developing a framework to evaluate business networks: the case of Ireland's industry-led network initiative
by Nicola Lynch & Helena Lenihan & Mark Hart - 181-201 Whatever happened to Régulation theory? The Régulation approach and local government revisited
by Toby James - 203-219 ‘Muddling through’ in a devolved polity: implementation of equal opportunities policy in Scotland
by G. Fyfe & K. Johnston Miller & D. McTavish - 221-235 Devolution and institutional culture: path-dependency and the Welsh assembly
by Kerry Howell
2009, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Brown government
by Matt Beech & Simon Lee - 5-16 A puzzle of ideas and policy: Gordon Brown as prime minister
by Matt Beech - 17-32 The rock of stability? The political economy of the Brown government
by Simon Lee - 33-51 Gordon Brown and public management reform – a project in search of a ‘big idea’?
by Mark Evans - 53-67 The public services under Gordon Brown – similar reforms, less money
by Simon Griffiths - 69-84 Work to be done? Welfare reform from Blair to Brown
by Stephen Driver - 85-100 Gordon Brown and international policy
by Victoria Honeyman - 101-106 The prospects for Brown's social democracy
by Matt Beech & Simon Lee
2008, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 371-392 Deliberative democracy, elite politics and electoral reform
by Matthew Flinders & Dion Curry - 393-404 Sharpening up research on organics: why we need to integrate sectoral policy research into mainstream policy analysis
by Carsten Daugbjerg & Darren Halpin - 405-419 Workplace effects of equal employment opportunity legislation: the Australian experience
by David Peetz & Margaret Gardner & Kerry Brown & Sandra Berns - 421-435 Going separate ways? The reform of health insurance funds in Germany, Japan and South Korea
by Gyu-Jin Hwang
2008, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 249-253 A tale of two cities: auto plant closures and policy responses in Birmingham and Adelaide
by A. Beer & H. Thomas - 255-266 Supply chains and locational adjustment in the global automotive industry
by Ho Yeon Kim & Philip McCann - 267-279 Rover and out? Globalisation, the West Midlands auto cluster, and the end of MG Rover
by David Bailey & Seiji Kobayashi & Stewart MacNeill - 281-292 Birmingham: whose urban renaissance? Regeneration as a response to economic restructuring
by Austin Barber & Stephen Hall - 293-304 The housing and neighbourhood impacts of knowledge-based economic development following industrial closure
by Alex Burfitt & Ed Ferrari - 305-317 The impact of factory closure on local communities and economies: the case of the MG Rover Longbridge closure in Birmingham
by Caroline Chapain & Alan Murie - 319-330 Risk and return: housing tenure and labour market adjustment after employment loss in the automotive sector in Southern Adelaide
by Andrew Beer - 331-341 Closure of an automotive plant: transformation of a work-based ‘community’
by Fiona Verity & Gwyn Jolley - 343-355 Auto plant closures, policy responses and labour market outcomes: a comparison of MG Rover in the UK and Mitsubishi in Australia
by Kathy Armstrong & David Bailey & Alex de Ruyter & Michelle Mahdon & Holli Thomas - 357-370 A tale of two regions: comparative versus competitive approaches to economic restructuring
by Holli Thomas & Andrew Beer & David Bailey
2008, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 119-135 Pension reforms and saving for retirement: comparing the United Kingdom and Italy
by Roberta Adami & Orla Gough - 137-143 The adoption of electronic medical record technology in order to prevent medical errors: a matter for American public policy
by Jacquelyn Crane & Frederick Crane - 145-161 Training and workforce transformation in the European steel industry: questions for public policy
by Dean Stroud & Peter Fairbrother - 163-178 Young men convicted of firearms offences in England and Wales: an exploration of family and educational background as opportunities for prevention
by Carol Hayden & Gavin Hales & Chris Lewis & Dan Silverstone - 179-195 The reform of the 2003 Common Agricultural Policy: an advocacy coalition explanation
by Peter Nedergaard - 197-214 From ‘harm minimization’ to ‘zero tolerance’ drugs policy in Australia: how the Howard government changed its mind
by Judith Bessant - 215-232 Better regulation and enterprise: the case of environmental health risk regulation in Britain
by Ian Vickers - 233-248 Now you see it, now you don't: reconsidering the problem of representation
by Magnus Dahlstedt
2008, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-17 Entering a brave new world? An assessment of third sector readiness to tender for the delivery of public services in the United Kingdom
by Tony Chapman & Judith Brown & Robert Crow - 19-34 Pension reforms in France: the role of trade unions and the timing of the electoral cycle
by Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt - 35-49 Devolution and quangos in the United Kingdom: the implementation of principles and policies for rationalisation and democratisation
by Derek Birrell - 51-69 ‘Blaming the victim’ child-focused Western law: implications of evidence-based policy-making for the rescue of Black families
by Ronald Hall & Ellen Whipple & Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore - 71-86 The knowledge economy, skills and government labour market intervention
by Chris Warhurst - 87-100 Organizational learning in novel policy situations: two cases of United States communications regulation
by Michael Zarkin - 101-118 ‘No policy is an island’ – on the interaction between industrial and other policies
by Timo Välilä
2007, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 291-294 Editorial
by David Bailey & Lisa De Propris - 295-308 Evaluating Eu Regional Policy
by Mark Hart - 309-326 Reforming Eu Cohesion Policy
by John Bachtler & Grzegorz Gorzelak - 327-345 Reconciling Cohesion And Competitiveness Through Eu Cluster Policies?
by Lisa De Propris - 347-363 A Cohesion Pact For The Regions
by Leslie Budd - 365-381 European Industrial And Competition Policy
by Christos Pitelis - 383-398 Globalisation, Economic Freedom And Strategic Decision-Making
by David Bailey & Alex De Ruyter
2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 193-208 Who Or What Sets The Agenda?
by Tom Entwistle & Gareth Enticott - 209-224 Diversity United?
by Ellen Huijgh - 225-245 Local Economic Development Initiatives And The Transition From Training And Enterprise Councils To New Institutional Structures In England
by Mark Ramsden & Robert Bennett & Crispian Fuller - 247-267 Cementing Divisions?
by Rob Aitken - 269-289 New Labour'S Socially Responsible Museum
by Anwar Tlili & Sharon Gewirtz & Alan Cribb
2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 91-107 Neo-Liberalism And Social Policy
by Daniel Béland - 109-128 Social Cohesion, Social Capital And Social Exclusion
by Kath Hulse & Wendy Stone - 129-143 The Impact Of School Choice In England
by Simon Burgess & Carol Propper & Deborah Wilson - 145-161 Enforcing A National Minimum Wage
by Richard Croucher & Geoff White - 163-174 Minimum Wages And Social Welfare Expenditures
by Jerold Waltman & Christopher Marsh - 175-191 Negotiating An Exception
by Adrian Kay & Badrul Kassim & David Pickernell & David Brooksbank
2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-15 Participatory Planning In Indonesia
by Ida Widianingsih & Elizabeth Morrell - 17-34 Principal-Agent Theory And Organisational Change
by Robin Gauld - 33-53 Segregation In Northern Ireland
by Joanne Hughes & Andrea Campbell & Miles Hewstone & Ed Cairns - 55-70 Activating Policy Networks
by John Hudson & Stuart Lowe & Natalie Oscroft & Carolyn Snell - 71-90 Analysing Policy Networks
by Ben Kisby
2006, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 271-293 Evaluating The Performance Of Local Government
by Dirk Haubrich & Iain McLean - 295-309 Ethnic Managerialism And Its Discontents:
by Monder Ram & Trevor Jones & Dean Patton - 311-323 Policy Learning In The European Union:
by Peter Nedergaard - 325-346 Swedish Democracy In Crisis?
by Hans Wiklund - 347-361 Assessing The Participatory Potential Of Britain'S New Deal For Communities:
by John Wright & Jayne Parry & Jonathan Mathers & Su Jones & Jim Orford
2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 173-195 Modernising The Policy Process
by Paul Burton - 197-217 Community Participation
by John Williams - 219-234 Institutional Continuity And Change
by Erik Bleich - 235-252 ‘We Do Not Use The Word “Crisis” Lightly …’
by David Evans - 253-270 Middle-Sized Powers In Global Finance
by Ian Roberge
2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 87-99 Children And Young People'S Strategic Plans
by Bob Hudson - 101-114 Croatia and the European Union:
by Nives Miošić-Lisjak - 115-133 Evaluating The Additionality Of Public Sector Assistance To Irish Firms:
by Helena Lenihan & Mark Hart - 135-151 Gender Equality Policy Or Gender Mainstreaming?
by Andrea Krizsán & Violetta Zentai - 153-171 “What Gets Measured Gets Done”
by Deborah Wilson & Bronwyn Croxson & Adele Atkinson
2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-27 The Social Exclusion Debate:
by Jonathan S Davies - 29-46 Living On The Margins:
by Pamela Abbott & Roger Sapsford - 47-66 Experimenting With A ‘Whole Of Government’ Approach:
by Louise Humpage - 67-83 Children On The Margins:
by Carol Hayden & Catherine Blaya - 85-101 Lone Parents, The New Deal And The Opportunities And Barriers To Retail Employment
by Eli Dutton & Chris Warhurst & Dennis Nickson & Cliff Lockyer - 103-116 Principles For Developing Youth Policy:
by Judith Bessant
2004, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 243-258 Tackling undeclared work in advanced economies
by Colin C. Williams - 259-266 Comparative analysis of health policy implementation:
by Stephen Abbott & Sara Shaw & Julian Elston - 267-281 The regulation of the personal
by Dr Kingsley Purdam & Ms Elaine Mackey & Dr Mark Elliot - 283-294 Survey
by Roger Pierce - 295-305 Continuous assessment and regional sustainable development policy in france
by Dominique Vollet & Stéphane Weiss & Brigitte Bouillaguet
2004, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 155-174 Misrepresenting the multicultural nation
by Eugene Mclaughlin & Sarah Neal - 175-188 Ethnic minority women and the British armed forces
by Mohammed Ishaq & Asifa Hussain - 189-207 Does more evidence lead to better policy?
by Tim Tenbensel - 209-225 Small firms and the national minimum wage
by Jason Heyes & Alex Gray - 227-236 Country profile
by Vidal Llernas & Oscar Huerta Melchor
2004, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 75-85 Area-based approaches to educational regeneration
by David Halpin & Marny Dickson & Sally Power & Geoff Whitty & Sharon Gewirtz - 87-102 Creativity and urban governance
by Patsy Healey - 103-120 US national forest policies regarding logging
by Elizabeth A. Corley - 121-137 Social policy influence of the EU and other global actors: The case of Lithuania
by Caroline De La Porte & Bob Deacon - 139-151 Survey research with refugees
by Alice Bloch
2004, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial
by Mark Evans - 5-18 State of the art
by Andrew Webster - 19-33 Modernisation as Europeanisation
by Andrew Massey - 35-49 Organisational learning in a political environment
by Richard Common - 51-65 Globalisation and public policy under New Labour
by Philip G. Cerny & Mark Evans - 67-71 Country profile
by Hongxia Chai
2003, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 163-186 Use, satisfaction and the influence of local governance regime
by Robert Bennett & Paul Robson - 187-204 Supplier diversity initiatives and the diversification of ethnic minority businesses in the UK
by Monder Ram & David Smallbone - 205-225 Re-visiting the Nordic approaches to work re-organization and job redesign: lessons for UK skills policy
by Jonathan Payne & Ewart Keep - 227-242 The case of the Leeds Transport Strategy
by E. Barrett & M. Heycock & D. Hick & E. Judge
2003, Volume 24, Issue 2-3
- 67-85 Globalisation, regions and cluster policies: the case of the Rover Task Force
by David Bailey - 87-100 Youth participation: a new mode of government
by Judith Bessant - 101-113 Reproductive policy in context: implications on women’s rights in Israel, 1945–2000
by Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli - 115-133 What is the ‘high skills society’? Some reflections on current academic and policy debates in the UK
by Caroline Lloyd & Jonathan Payne - 135-150 Young offender diversion in Canada: tensions and contradictions of social policy appropriation
by Richard Maclure & Kathryn Campbell & Martin Dufresne - 151-153 Book reviews
by The Editors
2003, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-16 Ideas, Interests, and State Preferences: The Making of Multilateral Environmental Agreements with Trade Stipulations
by Erik Beukel - 17-31 Enter the Grecian Horse? Regulation of Foreign Ownership of the Media in the UK
by Richard Collins - 33-50 Anticipating and Adjusting to the Introduction of the National Minimum Wage in the Hospitality and Clothing Industries
by Rosemary Lucas & Michele Langlois - 51-64 Equal Access to Health Care and the British National Health Service
by Martin Powell & Mark Exworthy
2002, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 157-171 Engaging Communities in Area-based Regeneration: The Role of Participatory Evaluation
by Lynn Dobbs & Craig Moore - 173-190 Rethinking Youth Transitions: Policy Transfer and New Exclusions in New Labour's New Deal
by Ross Fergusson - 191-209 Participatory Planning as Dialogue: The Northern Ireland Regional Strategic Framework and its Public Examination Process
by Michael Murray & John Greer - 211-230 Evidence and Policy and Naming and Shaming
by Ray Pawson - 231-246 The End of TECs: A Challenge for Partners and Successor Bodies to Maintain Discretionary Activity
by Mark Ramsden & R. J. Bennett & Crispian Fuller - 247-260 Harnessing Voluntary Work: A Fourth Sector Approach
by Colin Williams
2002, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 77-95 Integrated Care and Structural Change in England: The Case of Care Trusts
by Bob Hudson - 97-106 Health Action Zones: 'Creating Alliances to Achieve Change'
by Elizabeth Matka & Marian Barnes & Helen Sullivan