November 2021, Volume 42, Issue 5-6
- 755-769 The effects of Donald Trump
by Toby S. James
July 2021, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 327-345 Policy entrepreneurs and anti-racism policies
by Adi Binhas & Nissim Cohen - 346-361 The expediency of policy integration
by Jeroen J. L. Candel - 362-380 Meta-governance and the segregated city: difficulties with realizing the participatory ethos in network governance – evidence from Malmö City, Sweden
by Oscar L. Larsson - 381-396 Improving stakeholder engagement in local strategic planning – experience sharing based on Portuguese examples
by Maria Eduarda Fernandes & Ana Sofia Lopes & Ana Lúcia Sargento - 397-414 Centralizing cohesion policy in times of austerity: evidence from the policy cycle
by Mattia Casula - 415-436 The impact of the school choice policy on student sorting: evidence from Seoul, South Korea
by Sun Jung Oh & Hosung Sohn
May 2021, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 229-231 Editorial: managing health and social care after covid: what works and who decides?
by Toby S. James - 232-251 How policy tools evolve in the healthcare sector. Five countries compared
by Federico Toth - 252-270 Is anyone listening? Inequality in New Zealand’s fully funded hearing aid scheme
by Andrew Wallace & Andy Asquith & Shane Scahill - 271-288 Facilitators and challenges of community action for health. Comparative analysis of four case studies in neighbourhoods of Barcelona
by Nicolás Barbieri & Raquel Gallego & Ernesto Morales & Carolina Muñoz-Mendoza & Bernat Quintana Terés - 289-307 Positioning the ageing subject: articulations of choice in Swedish and UK health and social care
by Jens Lindberg & Anna Sofia Lundgren - 308-326 Federalism and decision making in health care: the influence of subnational governments in Brazil
by Catarina Ianni Segatto & Daniel Béland
March 2021, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 117-131 An exploration of the diffusion of policy termination: the repeal of prevailing wage laws by US state governments
by Suk Joon Hwang - 132-151 The scientific and technological interdisciplinary research of government research institutes: network analysis of the innovation cluster in South Korea
by Yoonjung Jung & Euiseok Kim & Wonjoon Kim - 152-172 The effects of the political environment on transparency: evidence from Spanish local governments
by Maria Teresa Balaguer-Coll & Maria Isabel Brun-Martos - 173-192 Multi-stakeholder initiatives, policy learning and institutionalization: the surprising failure of open government in Norway
by Christopher Wilson - 193-209 A framework in analysing the strategies for governing innovation networks for public innovation
by Yanwei Li - 210-227 The politics of policymaking: policy co-creation in Singapore’s financial sector
by J. J. Woo
January 2021, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-5 Policy Studies during an age of uncertainty
by Toby S. James - 6-23 Abolishing politics in the shadow of austerity? Assessing the (De)politicization of budgetary policy in crisis-ridden Spain (2008–2015)
by Joan Miró - 24-41 Knowledge utilization in the regulatory state: an empirical examination of Schrefler’s typology
by Michael Zarkin - 42-59 Identifying historical policy regimes in the Canadian and Australian communications industries using a model of path dependent, punctuated equilibrium
by Michael de Percy & Heba Batainah - 60-79 A magic bullet in policy communication? On the ambiguous use of framing in policy research
by Pascal D. König - 80-97 Czech postcommunist trouble with participatory governance. Toward an analysis of the cultural agency of policy discourses
by Anna Durnová - 98-116 When traditional principles bring coherence in complex networks management: the case of “Imihigo” in public policy implementation
by Masengesho Kamuzinzi
November 2020, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 567-585 World Bank technical assistance: participation, policy movement, and sympathetic interlocutors
by Adrian Robert Bazbauers - 586-602 A street intercept strategy to research police corruption in Afghanistan
by Danny Singh - 603-622 Participatory budgets in Brazil and Portugal: comparing patterns of dissemination
by Roberto Falanga & Lígia Helena Hahn Lüchmann - 623-640 Making sense of complexity in governance: the case of local public management in the City of Stockholm
by Nils Kvilvang & Erik Bjurström & Roland Almqvist - 641-662 The raising of the normal retirement age (NRA) in the ageing era in the advanced countries: the dilemma between securing the stability of the pension system versus the risk of increasing unemployment
by Ziva Rozen-Bakher
September 2020, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 439-446 The political economy of digital data: introduction to the special issue
by Barbara Prainsack - 447-467 Fit for purpose? The GDPR and the governance of European digital health
by Luca Marelli & Elisa Lievevrouw & Ine Van Hoyweghen - 468-487 The problem of innovation in technoscientific capitalism: data rentiership and the policy implications of turning personal digital data into a private asset
by Kean Birch & Margaret Chiappetta & Anna Artyushina - 488-506 Digital slavery, time for abolition?
by Mick Chisnall - 507-526 Datafied child welfare services: unpacking politics, economics and power
by Joanna Redden & Lina Dencik & Harry Warne - 527-546 The promise of precision: datafication in medicine, agriculture and education
by Declan Kuch & M. Kearnes & K. Gulson - 547-562 The value of healthcare data: to nudge, or not?
by Barbara Prainsack - 563-566 Oil crisis: the political economy of digital data. Conclusion of the special issue
by Barbara Prainsack
July 2020, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 295-306 Introduction: towards deliberative policy analysis 2.0
by Koen P.R. Bartels & Hendrik Wagenaar & Ya Li - 307-330 Symposium: revisiting the three pillars of Deliberative Policy Analysis
by Selen A. Ercan & Anna Durnová & Anne Loeber & Hendrik Wagenaar - 331-349 The administrative making of the recycler
by Roy L. Heidelberg & Sarah Surak - 350-371 Jumping Off the treadmill: transforming NRM to systemic governing with systemic co-inquiry
by Catherine Allan & Ray L. Ison & Ross Colliver & Laura Mumaw & Moragh Mackay & Luisa Perez-Mujica & Philip Wallis - 372-391 Deliberation on the risks of nanoscale materials: learning from the partnership between environmental NGO EDF and chemical company DuPont
by Lotte Krabbenborg - 392-410 How action research can make deliberative policy analysis more transformative
by Koen P.R. Bartels & Davydd J. Greenwood & Julia M. Wittmayer - 411-437 Deliberative policy analysis, interconnectedness and institutional design: lessons from “Red Vienna”
by Hendrik Wagenaar & Florian Wenninger
March 2020, Volume 41, Issue 2-3
- 113-130 Introduction: the case for inclusive voting practices
by Toby S. James & Holly Ann Garnett - 131-150 Restoring voting rights: evidence that reversing felony disenfranchisement increases political efficacy
by Victoria Shineman - 151-171 Are inequalities in representation lower under compulsory voting?
by Eric Guntermann & Ruth Dassonneville & Peter Miller - 172-189 Conceptualizing more inclusive elections: violence against women in elections and gendered electoral violence
by Paige Schneider & David Carroll - 190-209 Electoral integrity, voter fraud and voter ID in polling stations: lessons from English local elections
by Toby S. James & Alistair Clark - 210-229 Implementing voter ID: lessons from Missouri, USA
by Joseph Anthony & David C. Kimball - 230-248 Waiting to vote: the effect of administrative irregularities at polling locations and voter confidence
by Bridgett A. King - 249-270 Disability and election administration in the United States: barriers and improvements
by April A. Johnson & Sierra Powell - 271-287 Migrant populations and external voting: the politics of suffrage expansion in Central America
by Kevin Pallister - 288-294 Inclusive voting practices: lessons for theory, praxis, and the future research agenda
by Toby S. James & Holly Ann Garnett
January 2020, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1-22 Innovation and SMEs in Interreg policy: too early to move beyond bike lanes?
by Jos Van Den Broek & Roel Rutten & Paul Benneworth - 23-41 Making research relevant to policymaking: from brokering boundaries to drawing on practices
by Robert Duiveman - 42-62 The political economy of Public Employment Services: measurement and disempowered empowerment?
by Alex Nunn & Jamie Morgan - 63-79 The political economy of welfare in Singapore: explaining continuity and change
by Gyu-Jin Hwang - 80-97 Understanding American cultural policy: the multi-level governance of the arts and humanities
by Eleonora Redaelli - 98-111 The impact of powerful authorities and trustful taxpayers: evidence for the extended slippery slope framework from Austria, Finland, and Hungary
by Katharina Gangl & Eva Hofmann & Barbara Hartl & Mihály Berkics
November 2019, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 585-608 Government expenditure on labour market policies in OECD countries: responding to the economic crisis
by Hyungjo Hur - 609-627 Nonprofit organizations as interpretive communities: responses to policy reforms and the shaping of civil society in Ecuador
by Susan Appe - 628-647 Welfare reform and public justification
by Andreas Eriksen & Anders Molander - 648-661 The ethics of deliberative activism: in search of reasonableness and dialogic responsiveness in provocative art exhibitions
by Julia Jennstål & Per-Ola Öberg
September 2019, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 427-436 Revisiting deliberative policy analysis
by Ya Li & Hendrik Wagenaar - 437-455 Deliberative policy analysis: towards a methodological orientation
by Ya Li - 456-475 Enacting reflective and deliberative practices in action research
by John Forester & Martien Kuitenbrouwer & David Laws - 476-491 The practice of deliberative policy analysis in the context of political and cultural challenges: lessons from Thailand
by Piyapong Boossabong & Pobsook Chamchong - 492-509 Improving the approach to conflict in action research through deliberative policy analysis: a territorial development case in the Basque Country
by Miren Larrea & Ainhoa Arrona - 510-533 Revisiting deliberative policy analysis through systemic co-inquiry: some experiences from the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in England
by Natalie Foster & Ray Ison & Chris Blackmore & Kevin Collins - 534-555 Beyond “linking knowledge and action”: towards a practice-based approach to transdisciplinary sustainability interventions
by Simon West & Lorrae van Kerkhoff & Hendrik Wagenaar - 556-579 Studying democratic innovations: toward a problem-driven approach to case study research
by Quinlan Bowman - 580-583 Conclusion: building new momentum for deliberative policy analysis
by Ya Li & Hendrik Wagenaar
July 2019, Volume 40, Issue 3-4
- 241-259 Comparing policy advisory systems beyond the OECD: models, dynamics and the second-generation research agenda
by Michael Howlett - 260-269 Studying policy advisory systems: beyond the Westminster-bias?
by Thurid Hustedt - 270-286 Political demand and policy advice: a framework for analysis
by Rob Manwaring - 287-302 How does policy advice of the international monetary fund differ along the income of advised countries?
by Caroline Schlaufer - 303-319 International-domestic linkages in a developing-country context: the case of the Rohingyas in Bangladesh
by Arnab Roy Chowdhury - 320-336 Policy advice in an authoritarian environment: urban transport policies in Moscow and Beijing (2010–2017)
by Artem Uldanov - 337-352 Capacity, control, and content: the supply of think tank policy advice in India
by Nihit Goyal & Kidjie Saguin - 353-373 Fluctuating capacity of policy advice in Russia: testing theory in developing country context
by Dmitry Zaytsev - 374-391 The demand for advice at the European Union level: policy advice politicization in the European Commission
by Anastasia Rogacheva - 392-409 Revisiting demand, politicization and externalization in authoritarian political regimes: policy advisory system in Russian practices
by Nina Belyaeva - 410-425 Metagovernance, political demand and policy advice: a case from Brazil
by Victor Albert & Rob Manwaring
March 2019, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 111-130 Diffusion and policy transfer in armed UAV proliferation: the cases of Italy and Germany
by Stephen Ceccoli & Matthew Crosston - 131-149 Policy transfer from the UN to ASEAN: the case of trafficking in persons
by Guangyu Qiao & Nana Oishi - 150-172 Revisiting the guns vs butter dilemma. Was Spain different in the implementation of public policies? Defence, growth and education
by José Jurado-Sánchez & Juan-Angel Jiménez-Martín - 173-187 Behavioural insights, nudge and the choice environment in obesity policy
by Martin Smith & Nihan Toprakkiran - 188-204 Assessing policy success and failure: targets, aims and processes
by Philip Begley & Catherine Bochel & Hugh Bochel & Andrew Defty & Jan Gordon & Kaisa Hinkkainen & Ben Kisby & Steve McKay & Gerard Strange - 205-224 Where’s dad? Exploring the low take-up of inclusive parenting policies in the UK
by Holly Birkett & Sarah Forbes - 225-240 Populism? Minor parties and independents in the Australian Federal Parliament, 1945–2016
by Dugald Monro
January 2019, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-20 Policy transfer and role of policy entrepreneur in international aid: exploring international development cases of Korea and Vietnam
by Sungsoo Hwang & Hyojin Song - 21-39 Threats, chances and opportunities: social capital in Europe in times of social and economic hardship
by Peter Obert & Yannis Theocharis & Jan W. van Deth - 40-57 The influence of radical right populist parties on law and order policy-making
by Benjamin Biard - 58-79 US foreign aid and economic policy concessions
by Taehee Whang & Youngwan Kim & Jung Taek Han & Hannah June Kim - 80-91 Borders and the EU legitimacy problem: the 2015–16 European Refugee Crisis
by Peter Nedergaard - 92-109 The analysis of policy implementation models in higher education: the case study of Indonesia
by Nurdiana Gaus & Muhammad Yunus & Abdul Karim & Haleema Sadia
November 2018, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 581-588 Introduction to the mini special issue: understanding governance in Indonesia
by Wahyu Sutiyono & Agus Pramusinto & Eko Prasojo - 589-606 Decentralization and functional assignment in Indonesia: the case of health and education services
by Erwan Agus Purwanto & Agus Pramusinto - 607-621 Compliance under fragmented governance: the case of ASEAN economic community implementation in four Indonesian city governments
by Gabriel Lele - 622-637 The role of policy transfer in Indonesian governance: the case of academic administrative entrepreneurs
by Ario Wicaksono - 638-640 In conclusion – bridging the governance deficit
by Agus Pramusinto & Eko Prasojo & Wahyu Sutiyono
September 2018, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 465-478 Understanding risk and regulatory reform
by George Taylor - 479-497 Morality policy processes in advanced industrial democracies
by Donley T. Studlar & Gordon J. Burns & Alessandro Cagossi - 498-514 Determinants of environmental public participation in China: an aggregate level study based on political opportunity theory and post-materialist values theory
by Xiaojie Zhang & Edward T. Jennings & Ke Zhao - 515-534 Lighting up communities: the worship streetlamp project in Luodong Township
by Yi-En Tso & Pei-Lun Li - 535-559 Balancing informality and need – policy responses to informal East-West migration in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden
by Karin Zelano - 560-580 Tied farmworkers in free markets: congressional hearing debates on the roles of market and state from 1995 to 2012
by Elizabeth Nisbet
July 2018, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 365-382 A changing democracy: contemporary challenges to the British political tradition
by Matthew Hall & David Marsh & Emma Vines - 383-401 Who cares about Reddit? Historical institutionalism and the fight against the Stop Online Piracy Act and the PROTECT Intellectual Property Act
by Madison Cartwright - 402-421 Driven by politics: agenda setting and policy-making in Hungary 2010–2014
by Zsolt Boda & Veronika Patkós - 422-443 Investigating the implementation of SME-friendly policy in public procurement
by Anthony Flynn - 444-464 Distinctive policy diffusion patterns, processes and actors: drawing implications from the case of sport in international development
by Iain Lindsey & Bella Bello Bitugu
May 2018, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 251-259 Populism versus neo-liberalism: is there a way forward?
by Henrik Bang & David Marsh - 260-273 Populism: democracy's Pharmakon?
by Simon Tormey - 274-291 The American dream: who else but the young can revive it?
by Henrik P. Bang - 292-309 Getting back in the DeLorean: modernization vs. anti-modernization in contemporary British politics
by Peter Kerr & Emma Foster & Alex Oaten & Neema Begum - 310-333 “Build a wall”. “Tax a shed”. “Fix a debt limit”. The constructive and destructive potential of populist anti-statism and “naïve” statism
by Patrick Dunleavy - 334-351 Thick populism: democracy-enhancing popular participation
by Albert W. Dzur & Carolyn M. Hendriks - 352-363 Populism: a major threat to democracy?
by Henrik Bang & David Marsh
March 2018, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 109-126 Making the most of the frame: developing the analytical potential of frame analysis
by Emma Björnehed & Josefina Erikson - 127-144 Democratic assessment as scales of justice: the case of three Iranian high-stakes tests
by Parvin Safari & Nasser Rashidi - 145-164 Exploring the Australian policy context relating to women’s reproductive choices
by Melissa Graham & Hayley McKenzie & Greer Lamaro - 165-187 Partisan ideology, veto players and their combined effect on productive and protective welfare policy: how the left still matters after all?
by Stefan Kühner - 188-203 Local autonomy, municipal size and local political participation in Europe
by Pepijn van Houwelingen - 204-221 Dilemmas of public participation in science policy
by Gene Rowe & Richard Patrick Watermeyer - 222-250 Policy transfer routes: an evidence-based conceptual model to explain policy adoption
by E. (Ellen) Minkman & M. W. (Arwin) van Buuren & V. J. J. M. (Victor) Bekkers
January 2018, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-18 Are polish theatres autonomous? Artistic institutions in a bureaucratic system of culture funding
by Kamila Lewandowska - 19-36 Partisan effects and policy entrepreneurs. New Labour’s impact on British law and order policy
by Helge Staff - 37-53 Do media play a role in promoting vocational education and training? The case of MasterChef
by Giorgio Di Pietro - 54-69 Deliberative policy-making and its limitations: the case of the Charter of Human Rights for Seoul Citizens in South Korea
by Da Kyoung Kim & Pan Suk Kim & PerOla Öberg - 70-89 Entrepreneurship in the Swedish municipal polis: the case of Mer [*] Östersund
by Evangelia Petridou - 90-107 Linkage leverage democratization and liberalization: is promoting democracy the same as promoting human rights?
by Sara Kahn-Nisser
November 2017, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 519-552 Holy Grail or inflated expectations? The success and failure of integrated policy strategies
by Jeroen J. L. Candel - 553-570 Policy integration: mapping the different concepts
by Jale Tosun & Achim Lang - 571-588 Coping, taming or solving: alternative approaches to the governance of wicked problems
by Falk Daviter - 589-603 Combatting voter ignorance: a vertical model of epistocratic voting
by Mark Chou - 604-621 Policy instrument affordances: a framework for analysis
by Tomas Hellström & Merle Jacob - 622-639 From Keynes to a theoretical-political approach to conventional economics
by Alessandro Morselli - 640-663 Cumulative influence: the case of political settlements research in British policy
by Sultan Barakat & Thomas Waldman
September 2017, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 411-417 Understanding water governance: the case of Australia’s Murray-darling basin
by Lain Dare & Mark Evans - 418-431 An institutional perspective on programme integration
by Leonie J. Pearson & Barbara Norman & Peter O'Brien & Robert Tanton - 432-446 An evidence-based approach for integrating ecological, hydrological and consumptive models to optimize flow management: a proof of concept
by Susan J. Nichols & Sue J. Powell & Michael Peat & William Johnson - 447-461 Why groundwater matters: an introduction for policy-makers and managers
by Jarrod Kath & Fiona J. Dyer - 462-481 Australian water governance in the global context: understanding the benefits of localism
by Melanie (Lain) Dare & Katherine A. Daniell - 482-501 Farm adjustment strategies to water-related challenges in the Murray-Darling Basin
by Huong Dinh & Anne Daly & Ben Freyens - 502-517 Market-based governance and water management: the limits to economic rationalism in public policy
by Lyndal Hasselman & Gerry Stoker
July 2017, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 291-310 Benefits and risks of collaboration between watchdogs: the Western Australian experience
by Peter Wilkins & John Phillimore & David Gilchrist - 311-338 Innovation policy configuration – a comparative study of Russia and China
by Fan Li & Lynne Butel & Peijie Wang - 339-355 Getting back on track: the expanded use of PPPs in Ireland since the global financial crisis
by Eoin Reeves & Dónal Palcic - 356-374 Currency boards, depoliticization and macroeconomic stability: the political economy of institutional complementarities
by Magnus Feldmann & Vytautas Kuokštis - 375-391 Measuring the economic impacts of recent oil price shocks on oil-dependent economy: evidence from Malaysia
by Ibrahim Kabiru Maji & Mohd Yusof Saari & Muzafar Shah Habibullah & Chakrin Utit - 392-409 Effecting change in local government: local authority chief executives as emotional actors
by Graham Williams & Jane Tobbell
May 2017, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 205-215 Five faces of presidential governance: insights from policy-making in democratic Brazil
by Tracy B. Fenwick & Sean W. Burges & Timothy J. Power - 216-230 Presidents and policy-making: has Brazil’s CCT-led anti-poverty agenda gone far enough?
by Tracy B. Fenwick - 231-247 Explaining infrastructure underperformance in Brazil: cash, political institutions, corruption, and policy Gestalts
by Leslie Elliott Armijo & Sybil D. Rhodes - 248-261 Presidents, producers and politics: law-and-order policy in Brazil from Cardoso to Dilma
by Fiona Macaulay - 262-276 Tracking presidents and policies: environmental politics from Lula to Dilma
by Kathryn Hochstetler - 277-290 The importance of presidential leadership for Brazilian foreign policy
by Sean W. Burges & Fabrício H. Chagas Bastos
March 2017, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 109-129 Structuring composite local governance indicators
by Nuno F. da Cruz & Rui Cunha Marques - 130-148 The effects of centralising electoral management board design
by Toby S. James - 149-167 ‘Pragmatic complexity’ a new foundation for moving beyond ‘evidence-based policy making’?
by Christopher Ansell & Robert Geyer - 168-184 What Anonymous can tell us about the relationship between virtual community structure and participatory form
by Max Halupka - 185-204 The propensity of third sector organisations to borrow money in the UK
by Tony Chapman
January 2017, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-20 How to get evidence? The role of government–business interaction in evidence-based policy-making for the development of Internet of Things industry in China
by Zhilong Tian & Jun Shi & Taieb Hafsi & Bowen Tian - 21-38 The role of individual agents in promoting peace processes: business people and policy entrepreneurship in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
by Niva Golan-Nadir & Nissim Cohen - 39-58 Distorted policy transfer? South Korea’s adaptation of UK social enterprise policy
by Chisung Park & Jooha Lee & Mark Wilding - 59-75 Post-crisis learning in public agencies: what do we learn from both actors and institutions?
by Nathalie Schiffino & Laurent Taskin & Céline Donis & Julien Raone - 76-90 A new framework for understanding subnational policy-making and local choice
by Peter Eckersley - 91-107 Real-world Europeanisation: the silent turning of small gears
by Morten Jarlbæk Pedersen
November 2016, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 499-507 Performing the state: the socio-political dimensions of performance measurement in policy and public services
by Paul Henman - 508-520 Performance measurement as a policy instrument
by Patrick Le Galès - 521-534 Population health performance as primary healthcare governance in Australia: professionals and the politics of performance
by Michele Foster & Paul Henman & Alison Gable & Michelle Denton - 535-550 Hitting the target without missing the point: New Zealand’s immunisation health target for two year olds
by Esther Willing - 551-567 The challenge of quantifying national well-being: lessons from the Measures of Australia's Progress initiative
by Cosmo Howard & Amber Chambers - 568-582 NAPLAN data: a new policy assemblage and mode of governance in Australian schooling
by Alison Gable & Bob Lingard - 583-596 Repositioning prevention in child protection using performance indicators
by Clare Tilbury - 597-609 Techniques and paradoxes in performing performance measurements: concluding reflections
by Paul Henman
September 2016, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 403-407 From new labour to Rudd/Gillard: dilemmas, lesson-drawing and policy transfer
by Rob Manwaring - 408-425 After New Labour: political and policy consequences of welfare state reforms in the United Kingdom and Australia
by Shaun Wilson & Ben Spies-Butcher - 426-439 From New Labour to Rudd/Gillard – transferring social policy
by Rob Manwaring - 440-455 Elite, exclusive and elusive: transgovernmental policy networks and iterative policy transfer in the Anglosphere
by Tim Legrand - 456-470 Fraternal foreign policy transfer? Evaluating the case of Australian Labor and British Labour
by Andrew O'Neil - 471-485 Policy transfer, contagion effects and intra-party reform
by Anika Gauja - 486-498 Labour parties, ideas transfer and ideological positioning: Australia and Britain compared
by B. M. Edwards & Matt Beech
July 2016, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 295-313 Using government manifestos to analyse the political salience and shape of anti-corruption policies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
by Emilia Sicakova-Beblava & Miroslav Beblavy - 314-331 A governance network perspective on environmental conflicts in China: findings from the Dalian paraxylene conflict
by Yi Liu & Yanwei Li & Bao Xi & Joop Koppenjan - 332-349 Making better regulation, making regulation better?
by Steve Tombs - 350-369 A comparative study of legitimation strategies in hybrid regimes
by Honorata Mazepus & Wouter Veenendaal & Anthea McCarthy-Jones & Juan Manuel Trak Vásquez - 370-386 The economic impact of prolonged political instability: a case study of Fiji
by Xiaodong Gong & Maheshwar Rao - 387-402 Creative placemaking and the NEA: unpacking a multi-level governance
by Eleonora Redaelli
May 2016, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 197-215 Imagined past, present and futures in Murray–Darling Basin communities
by Leonie J. Pearson & Samuel Wilson & Yoshihisa Kashima & Dean Lusher & Craig J. Pearson - 216-235 Social determinants of police corruption: toward public policies for the prevention of police corruption
by J. Octavio Gutierrez-Garcia & Luis-Felipe Rodríguez - 236-253 Federalism and the politics of fiscal responsibility laws: Argentina and Brazil in comparative perspective
by Jorge P. Gordin