2002, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 107-124 Changing Government Role for Socio-economic Development in Hong Kong in the Twenty-first Century
by Ka-Ho Mok & Maggie Lau - 125-148 Block-by-block Accounting for High-rise Housing: A First Step Towards Resource Accounting in Action
by Stephen Walker - 149-150 Book reviews
by The Editors
2002, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 5-20 Public Policy, the Performance of Firms, and the 'Missing Middle': The Case of the Employment Regulations, and a Role for Local Business Networks
by Paul Edwards & Mark Gilman & Monder Ram & James Arrowsmith - 21-35 Managing the Risks of Public-Private Partnerships in Scottish Local Government
by John Hood & Neil Mcgarvey - 37-50 Education and Welfare: Recalibrating the European Debate
by Graham Room - 51-68 Caring for Children and Older People in Europe - A Comparison of European Policies and Practice
by Tine Rostgaard
2001, Volume 22, Issue 3-4
- 149-166 'They just don't live and breathe the policy like we do…': Policy Intentions and Practice Dilemmas in Modern Social Policy and Implementation Networks
by Chris Allen - 167-179 Contextual Pressures on Health—Implications for Policy Making and Service Provision
by Robin Gauld - 181-195 The Mechanics of 'Failure' in Further Education: The Case of Bilston Community College
by Paul Goddard-Patel & Stephen Whitehead - 197-215 Market Transition and the Transformation of the Health Care System in Urban China
by Edward Gu - 217-232 Race and Recruitment from a Uniformed Services' Perspective: The Scottish Dimension
by Mohammed Ishaq & Asifa Hussain - 233-249 Reform of the New Zealand Health System: Problematization, Mobilization and Change
by Alan Lowe
2001, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 69-82 Targeting Women: Policy Issues Relating to Women's Representation in Professional Scientific Employment
by Judith Glover - 83-98 The Impact of the National Minimum Wage on the Textiles and Clothing Industry
by Jason Heyes & Alex Gray - 99-118 Supporting Lone-parent Families…through Work: A Challenging Issue for British Social Policy
by Carmen Sumaza - 119-132 Bridges into Work? An Evaluation of Local Exchange and Trading Schemes (LETS)
by Colin Williams & Theresa Aldridge & Roger Lee & Andrew Leyshon & Nigel Thrift & Jane Tooke - 133-140 Review essay
by Jenni Ward
2001, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-18 The Dilemmas of Temporary Protection ‐ the Norwegian Experience
by Jan-Paul Brekke - 19-34 The Skills Economy and its Development: Examples and Lessons from a Rural Region
by Robert Huggins - 35-50 Positive Action, Particularism, and Practice
by Ian Law & Malcolm Harrison - 51-60 Regional Policy Effectiveness and Local Governance Issues: Some Welsh Perspectives
by Max Munday & David Pickernell & Annette Roberts
2000, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 285-299 New Deal for Young People: Towards an Ethical Employment Policy?
by Michael White - 301-312 New Deal for Young People: Participants' Perspectives
by Jane Ritchie - 313-332 Learning If Policy Will Work: The Case of New Deal for Disabled People
by Robert Walker - 333-345 Lone Parents and the New Deal
by Jane Millar
2000, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 173-190 The Small Business Service: Business Support, Use, Fees and Satisfaction
by Robert Bennett & Paul Robson - 191-212 Examining the Crisis of Further Education: An Analysis of 'Failing' Colleges and Failing Policies
by Paul Goddard-Patel & Stephen Whitehead - 213-227 Joining up Research, Policy and Practice about Crime
by Nick Tilley & Gloria Laycock - 229-243 A Regulatory Policy for Self-disconnection: An Examination of the Reasons for and Implications of Pre-payment Meter Stoppages
by Michael Doble - 245-261 The State of European Union Social Policy
by Robert Geyer - 263-276 The Benefits of Studying Costs: A Review and Agenda for Studies on the Economic Costs of Violence Against Women
by Carrie Yodanis & Alberto Godenzi & Elizabeth Stanko
2000, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 77-98 Evaluating Participative Capacity-building in Environmental Policy: Provincial Fish Protection and Parks Management in British Columbia, Canada
by Michael Mason - 99-113 Policy Contradictions Limiting Hospital Performance in China
by Pei Likun & David Legge & Pauline Stanton - 115-132 Share-market Regulation in New Zealand: The Problematisation of Takeovers Legislation
by Alan Lowe & Juliet Roper - 133-164 European Union Health Policy With and Without Design: Serendipity, Tragedy and the Future of EU Health Policy
by Ed Randall - 165-166 Book review
by The Editors
2000, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-23 The British Engineer Problem: A Comparison of Careers, Employment and Skills
by Bryn Jones & Peter Scott & Brian Bolton & Alan Bramley & Fred Manske - 25-35 Social and Human Capital: The Search for Appropriate Technomethodology
by Tom Schuller - 37-47 Agenda Setting and Problem Definition
by David Dery - 49-61 Include Me Out? The New Politics of Place and Poverty
by Mark Kleinman - 63-67 Book reviews
by The Editors
1997, Volume 18, Issue 3-4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 189-205 Modernity, anti‐racism and ethnic managerialism
by Ian Law - 207-217 Regional inequalities in paying for water
by Meg Huby & Karen Anthony - 219-237 Technological convergence: Regulatory competition. The British case of digital television
by Jill Hills & Maria Michalis - 239-249 Professionalisation in European markets: The international order of engineering in the UK and Poland
by Julia Evetts & Anna Buchner‐Jeziorska - 251-267 A study of phamaceutical policies in the EU
by Alan Earl‐Slater - 269-283 The automobile and transport policy
by Peter Freund & George Martin - 285-289 Book reviews
by Felicity Armstrong & Mary Ann Elston