May 2016, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 254-273 Residents’ preferred policy actions for shrinking cities
by Maria Helena Guimarães & Luis Catela Nunes & Ana Paula Barreira & Thomas Panagopoulos - 274-293 Spillover effects of taxes on government debt: a spatial panel approach
by Katarzyna Kopczewska & Janusz Kudła & Konrad Walczyk & Robert Kruszewski & Agata Kocia
March 2016, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 93-112 Transparency and ‘uncomfortable knowledge’ in child protection
by Judith Bessant & Karen Broadley - 113-128 Nudge or nuzzle? Improving decisions about active citizenship
by Graham Room - 129-146 How different forms of policy learning influence each other: case studies from Austrian innovation policy-making
by Peter Biegelbauer - 147-177 School factors helping disadvantaged students to succeed: empirical evidence from four Italian cities
by Tommaso Agasisti & Mara Soncin & Riccardo Valenti - 178-196 The impact of quasi-markets on processes and factors affecting the costs of contracting
by Jaana Hurri & Jari Vuori & Joyce Liddle & Pauline Allen
January 2016, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-16 The role of civic leadership in fostering economic resilience in City Regions
by Chay Brooks & Tim Vorley & Nick Williams - 17-34 Dynamics of emergency management in the Gangwon province, Korea
by Kyoo-Man Ha - 35-52 Learning by doing: the case of administrative policy transfer in China
by Yanzhe Zhang & David Marsh - 53-71 On comparing cost of living of cities using expatriate price survey
by Boon Seng Tan - 72-92 Neoliberalism and the reform of regulation policy in the Australian trucking sector: policy innovation or a repeat of known pitfalls?
by Christopher Kevin Walker
November 2015, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 523-531 Political participation and citizen engagement: beyond the mainstream
by David Marsh & Sadiya Akram - 532-549 Beyond lifestyle politics in a time of crisis?: comparing young peoples’ issue agendas and views on inequality
by Ariadne Vromen & Brian D. Loader & Michael A. Xenos - 550-572 Mapping online political talks through network analysis: a case study of the website of Italy's Five Star Movement
by Francesco Bailo - 573-589 Digitally networked movements as problematization and politicization
by Michael J. Jensen & Henrik Bang - 590-606 Reinventing the political party in Spain: the case of 15M and the Spanish mobilisations
by Simon Tormey & Ramón A. Feenstra - 607-622 Putting participation on stage: examining participatory theatre as an alternative site for political participation
by Mark Chou & Jean-Paul Gagnon & Lesley Pruitt - 623-639 MamaBakers as Everyday Makers: the political is personal
by Pia Rowe - 640-643 In conclusion
by David Marsh & Sadiya Akram
September 2015, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 451-467 Ideas and actors in policy processes: where is the interaction?
by Josefina Erikson - 468-486 Forced cooperation from above: the case of Sweden's establishment reform
by Gustav Lidén & Jon Nyhlén & Sara Nyhlén - 487-506 Policy-making for immigration and integration in Québec: degenerative politics or business as usual?
by Francis Garon - 507-521 Leadership and culture in the Welsh Assembly: investigating path-dependency
by Kerry Edward Howell & Rory Shand
July 2015, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 363-383 Plant closures, precariousness and policy responses: Revisiting MG Rover 10 years on
by David Bailey & Alex de Ruyter - 384-398 Is subsidiarity a conditio sine qua non for sustainability?
by Benjamen F Gussen - 399-416 Governance struggles in the case of Camp Carroll conflict
by Eun-Sung Kim - 417-433 Positivism: paradigm or culture?
by Phil Ryan - 434-450 Minority government and marginal members: new issues for political and policy legitimacy in Australia
by Brenton Prosser & Richard Denniss
May 2015, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 241-248 The reach of deliberative democracy
by Selen A. Ercan & John S. Dryzek - 249-266 The deliberative potential of civil society organizations: framing hydraulic fracturing in New York
by Jennifer Dodge - 267-282 Deliberation and protest: strange bedfellows? Revealing the deliberative potential of 2013 protests in Turkey and Brazil
by Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça & Selen A. Ercan - 283-297 Making democratic contestation possible: public deliberation and mass media regulation
by Charles Girard - 298-313 Deliberative democratization: a framework for systemic analysis
by Ian O'Flynn & Nicole Curato - 314-328 Toxic narratives in the deliberative system: how the ghost of Nanny stalks the obesity debate
by John Boswell - 329-344 Minority rights activism beyond borders: the synergies between deliberation and strategic action
by George Vasilev - 345-358 Decision networks and quasi-citizens: who deliberates, where?
by Douglas A. Chalmers - 359-361 Conclusion: the reach of deliberative democracy
by Selen A. Ercan & John S. Dryzek
March 2015, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 115-132 Varieties of marketisation in the UK: examining divergence in activation markets between Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2008–2014
by Jay Wiggan - 133-156 Canadian state-owned enterprises: a framework for analyzing the evolving Crowns
by Malcolm G. Bird - 157-175 Accountability and the design of an anticorruption agency in a parliamentary democracy
by Bruce Stone - 176-195 Breaking down ideas and institutions: the politics of tax policy in the USA and the UK
by Daniel Béland & Alex Waddan - 196-216 ‘We the People’ versus ‘We the Heads of States’: the debate on the democratic deficit of the European Union
by Henrik Bang & Mads Dagnis Jensen & Peter Nedergaard - 217-239 Can cities be held responsible for early school leaving? Evidence from the Netherlands
by Kristof De Witte & Chris Van Klaveren & Anton J.H. Smets
January 2015, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-3 Knowing the past for a better future: an introduction to the special issue on Centenary Canberra
by John Halligan & Richard Hu - 4-17 Governance in a hybrid system: designing and institutionalising the Australian Capital Territory
by John Halligan - 18-34 Problems and prospects in community engagement in urban planning and decision-making: three case studies from the Australian Capital Territory
by Jenny Stewart & Shirley Lithgow - 35-54 Privatisation, property and planning: the remaking of Canberra Airport
by Robert Freestone & Ilan Wiesel - 55-71 Canberra's competitiveness in the national context
by Richard Hu - 72-91 How does urban policy influence quality of life? The case of Canberra, Australia
by Hitomi Nakanishi - 92-113 Disadvantage in the Australian Capital Territory
by Robert Tanton & Yogi Vidyattama & Itismita Mohanty
November 2014, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 533-556 Do electoral cycles affect local financial health?
by Isabel-María García-Sánchez & Noemí Mordán & Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros - 557-575 Government policy failure in public support for research and development
by Mika Haapanen & Helena Lenihan & Marco Mariani - 576-591 A Norwegian policy perspective on the relation between school leadership and pupils' learning outcomes
by Helene M. Kjærgård Eide & Gunn Elisabeth Søreide - 592-610 Quantity over quality: a political economy of ‘active labour market policy’ in the UK
by Craig Berry - 611-630 Bridging the research/policy gap: policy officials' perspectives on the barriers and facilitators to effective links between academic and policy worlds
by Jenny van der Arend - 631-649 ‘Troubled Families’ Programme in England: ‘wicked problems’ and policy-based evidence
by Carol Hayden & Craig Jenkins
September 2014, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 435-457 SMEs in Ireland: contributions, credit and economic crisis
by Martina Lawless & Fergal McCann & Tara McIndoe Calder - 458-483 A discursive institutionalist analysis of global policy ideas in the creation of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission
by Lisa McCann - 484-497 Does the privatizing of policy formation threaten democracy? Arguments from the Israeli experience
by Eran Vigoda-Gadot & Haim Cohen & Yair Zalmanovitch - 498-512 But why do we need politicians? A critical review
by Jack Corbett - 513-531 Developing and evaluating governance indexes: 10 questions
by Rachel M. Gisselquist
July 2014, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 319-338 Policy learning and diffusion of Tokyo's metropolitan cap-and-trade: making a mandatory reduction of total CO2 emissions work at local scales
by Yasuo Takao - 339-356 Development of the environmental taxes and charges system in Estonia: international convergence mechanisms and local factors
by Kaija Valdmaa - 357-376 No need to reinvent the wheel: family policy transfers in Germany and Austria
by Sonja Blum - 377-396 Estimating public performance bias through an MTMM model: the case of police performance in 26 European countries
by Melody Barlage & Arjan van den Born & Arjen van Witteloostuijn & Les Graham - 397-412 The importance of feedback: Policy transfer, translation and the role of communication
by Chisung Park & Mark Wilding & Changho Chung - 413-433 From quacks to professionals: the importance of changing social constructions in the policy-making process
by Patrik Marier & Stephanie Paterson & Mariel Angus
May 2014, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 211-220 Shock and awe: the effects of disinformation in military confrontation
by Matthew T. Clements - 221-245 Do patterns of trade and international competitiveness support the case for industrial policy?
by Laura N. Haar - 246-263 The Bologna Process as a template for transnational policy coordination
by Eva Maria Vögtle & Kerstin Martens - 264-281 How evidence becomes authoritative in public policy implementation. Lessons from three Dutch white ravens
by J.A.M. Hufen & Joop F.M. Koppenjan - 282-302 Explaining change and inertia in Swedish and French education: A tale of two corporatisms?
by Michael Dobbins - 303-318 Policy assemblages: proposing an alternative conceptual framework to study public action
by Sebastian Ureta
March 2014, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 97-114 The art of choosing and the politics of social marketing
by Jessica Pykett & Rhys Jones & Marcus Welsh & Mark Whitehead - 115-130 Recession as a window of opportunity for public sector recruitment
by Ron Mandelbaum & Amos Zehavi - 131-146 What are public attitudes towards financial capability? Evidence from focus groups in London
by Rajiv Prabhakar - 147-171 Problems, policy and politics: making sense of Australia's ‘ice epidemic’
by Kari Lancaster & Alison Ritter & Hal Colebatch - 172-191 When moving information online diminishes change: advisory services to SMEs
by Kevin F. Mole & Mark Hart & Stephen Roper - 192-209 The anatomy of Intergroups – network governance in the political engine room of the European Parliament
by Peter Nedergaard & Mads Dagnis Jensen - 210-210 Corrigendum
by The Editors
January 2014, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-21 Participatory evaluation: a useful tool for contextualising cluster policy?
by Cristina Aragon & Mari Jose Aranguren & Maria-Angeles Diez & Cristina Iturrioz & James R. Wilson - 22-39 What do policy-makers do with scientific uncertainty? The incremental character of Swedish climate change policy-making
by Åsa Knaggård - 40-58 Environmental legislative standstill and bureaucratic politics in the USA
by Jongkon Lee - 59-78 How should we evaluate the impacts of policy? The case of Payment by Results and the 18 Week Patient Pathway in English hospitals
by John S.F. Wright & Paul G. Dempster & Justin Keen & Pauline Allen & Andrew Hutchings - 79-96 Public–private partnerships in Russia: dynamics contributing to an emerging policy paradigm
by Nikolai Mouraviev & Nada K. Kakabadse
November 2013, Volume 34, Issue 5-6
- 491-491 Understanding localism, Part 2
by Mark Evans & David Marsh & Gerry Stoker - 492-507 Locality and localism: a view from British Human Geography
by Nick Clarke - 508-522 History, heritage and localism
by Kynan Gentry - 523-540 Localism: from adaptive to social leadership
by Paul Porteous - 541-558 The localism gap – the CLEAR failings of official consultation in the Murray Darling Basin
by Mark Evans & Lawrence Pratchett - 559-574 Localism and the Transition movement
by Andrea Felicetti - 575-591 Localism and the paradox of devolution: delegated citizen committees in Victoria, Australia
by Carolyn M. Hendriks & Annie Bolitho & Chad Foulkes - 592-611 Localism in practice: insights from two Tasmanian case studies
by Melanie Dare - 612-617 In conclusion: localism in the present and the future
by Mark Evans & Gerry Stoker & David Marsh - 618-637 A contextual framework for assessing reconstructive prime ministerial success
by Brendan McCaffrie - 638-654 The power of expertise? Politician–bureaucrat interactions, national budget transparency and the Israeli health care policy
by Nissim Cohen
July 2013, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 401-407 Understanding localism
by Mark Evans & David Marsh & Gerry Stoker - 408-421 The localist turn in British politics and its critics
by Kevin Hickson - 422-440 The democratic challenges and potential of localism: insights from deliberative democracy
by Selen A. Ercan & Carolyn M. Hendriks - 441-454 The coupling of rural communities with their economic base: agriculture, localism and the discourse of self-sufficiency
by Anthony Hogan & Stewart Lockie - 455-473 From blank spaces to flows of life: transforming community engagement in environmental decision-making and its implications for localism
by Deirdre A. Wilcock - 474-490 Losing localism, constraining councillors: why the Northern Territory supershires are struggling
by Will Sanders
2013, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 255-273 Reassessing the concept of policy termination: the case of regional policy in England
by Martin Ferry & John Bachtler - 274-290 a strategy in search of a regional policy rationale?
by Leslie Budd - 291-309 Has the British National Health Service (NHS) got talent? A process evaluation of the NHS talent management strategy?
by Martin Powell & Jo Duberley & Mark Exworthy & Fraser Macfarlane & Phil Moss - 310-325 History and Australian indigenous child welfare policies
by Judith Bessant - 326-341 Mapping social policy development in sub-Saharan Africa
by Michael Kpessa & Daniel Béland - 342-359 Creating sustainable employment opportunities for the unemployed
by A. McBride & S. Mustchin - 360-376 Pathways back to work for problem alcohol users
by Linda Bauld & Lorna Templeton & Karin Silver & Jennifer McKell & Claire Novak & Gordon Hay - 377-400 Economic place making: policy messages for European cities
by Michael Parkinson & Richard Meegan
2013, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 113-121 Editorial
by Emma Carmel & Regine Paul - 122-141 Strategic contextualisation: free movement, labour migration policies and the governance of foreign workers in Europe
by Regine Paul - 142-161 Swimming against the tide: why Sweden supports increased labour mobility within and from outside the EU
by Linda Berg & Andrea Spehar - 162-179 Competing frames of immigrant integration in the EU: geographies of social inclusion in Italian regions
by Francesca Campomori & Tiziana Caponio - 180-200 Understanding the diversity of EU migration policy in practice: the implementation of the Blue Card initiative
by Lucie Cerna - 201-220 Free provision of services and cross-border labour recruitment
by Jan Cremers - 221-237 Economic crisis and migrants' employment: a view from Greece in comparative perspective
by Thanos Maroukis - 238-253 Mobility, migration and rights in the European Union: critical reflections on policy and practice
by Emma Carmel
2013, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-1 Apology from the Editor
by Mark Evans - 2-18 A multi-disciplinary approach to policy transfer research: geographies, assemblages, mobilities and mutations
by Eugene McCann & Kevin Ward - 19-35 Bandwagoning municipal enterprises: institutional isomorphism and the search for the Third Way
by Tomi Kallio & Päivikki Kuoppakangas - 36-52 An independent review of British health and safety regulation? From common sense to non-sense
by Phil James & Steve Tombs & David Whyte - 53-72 There and back again: convergence towards the competition state plan
by Daniel Horsfall - 73-88 The adaptive state – understanding political reform in China
by Hongxia Chai & Xiongwei Song - 89-111 Understanding the eradication of slave labour in contemporary Brazil – an implementation perspective
by Samuel Antero
2012, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 477-481 Policy transfer: coming of age and learning from the experience
by David Marsh & Mark Evans - 483-499 Transfer and translation of policy
by Diane Stone - 501-521 Stormwater management: can we learn from others?
by David Dolowitz & Melissa Keeley & Dale Medearis - 523-540 The merry mandarins of Windsor: policy transfer and transgovernmental networks in the Anglosphere
by Timothy Legrand - 541-565 Post-war reconstruction, policy transfer and the World Bank: the case of Afghanistan's National Solidarity Programme
by Mark Evans & Sultan Barakat - 567-585 The neglected dimension: bringing time back into cross-national policy transfer studies
by Mauricio Dussauge-Laguna - 587-591 Policy transfer: into the future, learning from the past
by David Marsh & Mark Evans
2012, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 367-379 Turtles all the way down: bounded rationality in an evidence-based age
by Linda Botterill & Andrew Hindmoor - 381-397 ‘Because we all know that vaccines are an extremely effective public health tool’: path dependency, H1N1 and the World Health Organisation
by Sudeepa Abeysinghe - 399-418 Discursive institutionalism and policy stasis in simple and compound polities: the cases of Estonian fiscal policy and United States climate change policy
by Mat Hope & Ringa Raudla - 419-438 Fronting up to skills utilisation: what can we learn from Scotland's skills utilisation projects?
by Jonathan Payne - 439-454 Karzai's curse – legitimacy as stability in Afghanistan and other post-conflict environments
by Sultan Barakat & Mark Evans & Steven Zyck - 455-476 New legislative settings and the application of the participative-democratic model of mainstreaming equality in public policy making: evidence from the UK's devolution programme
by Paul Chaney
2012, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 283-296 A comparative study of framing immigration policy after 11 September 2001
by Lauretta Frederking - 297-312 The mathematics of Mexico–US migration and US immigration policy
by Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera & Miriam Rojas-Arenaza - 313-328 Can area-based regeneration programmes ever work? Evidence from England's New Deal for Communities Programme
by Paul Lawless - 329-348 Overseas and over here: policy transfer and evidence-based policy-making
by Timothy Legrand - 349-365 Localism and poverty in the United Kingdom: the case of Local Welfare Assistance
by Chris Grover
2012, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 193-214 Tackling the undeclared economy in the European construction industry
by Colin Williams & Sara Nadin - 215-230 Towards (un)sustainable employment? Exploring policy responses to work-welfare cycling
by David McCollum - 231-247 Raising educational standards: national testing of pupils in the United Kingdom, 1988–2009
by Paola Mattei - 249-262 The role of faith-based organisations in the Big Society: opportunities and challenges
by Hannah Lambie-Mumford & David Jarvis - 263-281 Health panels: the development of a meaningful method of public involvement
by Nicola Coe
2012, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 115-120 Narratives of British democracy
by Stephen Driver - 121-132 Speaking for the people: a conservative narrative of democracy
by Philip Norton - 133-144 A social democratic narrative of British democracy
by Matt Beech - 145-158 Northern Ireland narratives of British democracy
by A. Aughey - 159-172 The shock of the new? Democratic narratives and political agency
by Stephen Driver & Alexander Hensby & Joanne Sibthorpe - 173-191 Towards an English narrative of democracy?
by Simon Lee
2012, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-5 Understanding integrity in public administration: Guest Editors' Introduction
by Chris Aulich & Roger Wettenhall & Mark Evans - 7-20 The contribution of integrity agencies to good governance
by Brian Head - 21-35 Australian integrity agencies in critical perspective
by Scott Prasser - 37-47 Institutional maturity and challenges for integrity bodies
by Ian Thynne - 49-63 Autonomy and control in three Australian Capital Territory-based integrity agencies
by Chris Aulich - 65-78 Integrity agencies: the significance of the parliamentary relationship
by Roger Wettenhall - 79-95 New integrity issues for independents and minority governments
by Brenton Prosser - 97-113 Beyond the integrity paradox – towards ‘good enough’ governance?
by Mark Evans
2011, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 569-583 The Japanese model in retrospective: industrial strategies, corporate Japan and the ‘hollowing out’ of Japanese industry
by Keith Cowling & Philip Tomlinson - 585-598 Race policy and politics: two case studies from Britain
by Karim Murji - 599-614 Administrative discretion in the management of Swedish wolf policy
by Serena Cinque - 615-630 Policy implications of gay men's workplace experiences: public service employees in Australia's capital, Canberra
by David Aaron & Angela Ragusa - 631-647 Conservatives, politics and the crisis of modern education in Australia
by Judith Bessant
2011, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 479-495 Reforming higher education in the Netherlands and Norway: the role of the state and national modes of governance
by Peter Maassen & Eli Moen & Bjørn Stensaker - 497-513 Ethnicity, migration and employment disadvantage under New Labour: reviewing the evidence from the United Kingdom
by Viet-Hai Phung - 515-530 Branding, politics and democracy
by David Marsh & Paul Fawcett - 531-547 Parental choice of primary school in England: what types of school do different types of family have available to them?
by Simon Burgess & Ellen Greaves & Anna Vignoles & Deborah Wilson - 549-567 Explaining radical policy change: the case of Venezuelan foreign policy
by Anthea McCarthy-Jones & Mark Turner
2011, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 303-308 Industrial policy after the crisis
by David Bailey & Helena Lenihan & Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod - 309-323 Promoting corporate diversity in the financial services sector
by Jonathan Michie - 325-345 Responding to the crisis: are policies aimed at a strong indigenous industrial base a necessary condition for sustainable economic growth?
by Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan & Helena Lenihan - 347-364 Rebuilding the city: a focus for European industrial policy?
by David Bailey & Keith Cowling - 365-375 A policy agenda for EU smart growth: the role of creative and cultural industries
by Phil Cooke & Lisa De Propris - 377-395 ‘May the ovens never grow cold’: regional resilience and industrial policy in the North Staffordshire ceramics industrial district – with lessons from Sassoulo and Castellon
by Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver & Ian Jackson & Philip Tomlinson - 397-412 SMEs’ responses to the financial and economic crisis and policy implications: an analysis of agricultural and furniture sectors in Catalonia, Spain
by Xiaoni Li & Pere Segarra Roca & Eleni Papaoikonomou - 413-428 Shaping regional policy responses: the design of innovation poles
by Annalisa Caloffi & Marco Mariani - 429-445 Industrial policy after the crisis: the case of the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy
by Patrizio Bianchi & Sandrine Labory - 447-460 Comparative advantage, industrial policy and the World Bank: back to first principles
by Ajit Singh - 461-478 On the political economy of the state, the public-private nexus and industrial policy
by Ioanna Glykou & Christos Pitelis
2011, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 179-182 Dynamics of public ownership and regulation
by Roger Wettenhall & Ian Thynne - 183-197 Ownership as an instrument of policy and understanding in the public sphere: trends and research agenda
by Ian Thynne - 199-213 It's not ownership that matters: it's publicness
by Chris Aulich - 215-230 Managing state-owned enterprises in an age of crisis: an analysis of Irish experience
by Muiris MacCarthaigh - 231-242 Natural gas infrastructure investment, regulation and ownership: the Australian case
by José Hernández Ibarzábal - 243-261 State enterprise for ethical reasons: mostly alcohol and tobacco
by Roger Wettenhall - 263-275 Ownership change and the rise of a for-profit hospital industry in Germany
by Tanja Klenk - 277-289 Jointly owned companies as instruments of local government: comparative evidence from the Swedish and Italian water sectors
by Giuseppe Grossi & Anna Thomasson - 291-301 Promoting sustainable residential water use: a Portuguese case study in ownership and regulation
by Rita Martins & Patrícia Moura e Sá
2011, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 91-108 Work as a route out of poverty: a critical evaluation of the UK welfare to work policy
by Ines Newman - 109-126 Social mobility and complexity theory: towards a critique of the sociological mainstream
by Graham Room