November 2018, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 786-803 The Revival of Private Landlords in Britain’s Post-Homeownership Society
by Richard Ronald & Justin Kadi - 804-818 Contesting Actually Existing Austerity
by Oscar Berglund
September 2018, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 531-533 Raced Markets: Prefatory Note
by David Roediger - 534-543 Raced Markets: An Introduction
by Lisa Tilley & Robbie Shilliam - 544-559 Crusoe, Friday and the Raced Market Frame of Orthodox Economics Textbooks
by Matthew Watson - 560-573 ‘We All Have a Responsibility to Each Other’: Valuing Racialised Bodies in the Neoliberal Bioeconomy
by Sibille Merz & Ros Williams - 574-587 Colonialism, Postcolonialism and the Liberal Welfare State
by Gurminder K. Bhambra & John Holmwood - 588-608 Racism and Far Right Imaginaries Within Neo-liberal Political Economy
by Richard Saull - 609-626 Detroit’s Municipal Bankruptcy: Racialised Geographies of Austerity
by Sarah Phinney - 627-639 Refugees as Surplus Population: Race, Migration and Capitalist Value Regimes
by Prem Kumar Rajaram
July 2018, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 391-406 Bringing Balance to the Force? A Comparative Analysis of Institutionalisation Processes in the G20’s Mutual Assessment Process and the EU’s Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure
by Charlotte Rommerskirchen & Holly Snaith - 407-421 The Political Economy for Low-carbon Energy Transition in China: Towards a New Policy Paradigm?
by Wei Shen & Lei Xie - 422-440 Learning from Role Models in Rwanda: Incoherent Emulation in the Construction of a Neoliberal Developmental State
by Pritish Behuria - 441-457 Politics of Intra-firm Trade: Corporate Price Planning and the Double Role of the Arm’s Length Principle
by Matti Ylönen & Teivo Teivainen - 458-474 What Makes Firms Competitive? States, Markets, and Organisational Embeddedness in Competitive Firm Restructuring in Postsocialist Economies
by Besnik Pula - 475-494 Semi-peripheral Financialisation and Social Reproduction: The Case of Portugal
by Ana C. Santos & João Rodrigues & Nuno Teles - 495-511 Narrating Crisis, Constructing Policy: Economic Ideas and Institutional Change in Syria
by Daniel Neep - 512-529 Money power of Capital and Production of ‘New State Spaces’: A View from the Global South
by Ilias Alami
May 2018, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 255-273 Rising Economies in the International Patent Regime: From Rule-breakers to Rule-changers and Rule-makers
by Jean-Frédéric Morin & Omar Serrano & Mira Burri & Sara Bannerman - 274-289 Party Politics and the Political Economy of Ghana’s Oil
by Giles Mohan & Kojo Pumpuni Asante & Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai - 290-313 Subordinated Financial Integration and Financialisation in Emerging Capitalist Economies: The Brazilian Experience
by Annina Kaltenbrunner & Juan Pablo Painceira - 314-330 Trapped in Informality: The Big Role of Small Firms in Russia’s Statist-patrimonial Capitalism
by Alexandra Vasileva - 331-347 Financial Inclusion and Policy-Making: Strategy, Campaigns and Microcredit a la Turca
by Ali Rıza Güngen - 348-365 Liberalisation, Financial Risk, and Formal Financial Participation in Pakistan: Hyperinflationary Microeconomic Responses to Moderate Volatility in a Developing Economy
by Antonia Settle - 366-390 German Finance Capitalism: The Paradigm Shift Underlying Financial Diversification
by Nils Röper
March 2018, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 145-159 Introduction: Is the European Union Capable of Integrating Diverse Models of Capitalism?
by Alison Johnston & Aidan Regan - 160-173 Better Than the Euro? The European Monetary System (1979–1998)
by Martin Höpner & Alexander Spielau - 174-191 Exporting Assets: EMU and the Financial Drivers of European Macroeconomic Imbalances
by Gregory W. Fuller - 192-207 The Political Economy of Austerity in Southern Europe
by Sofia A. Perez & Manos Matsaganis - 208-222 Skill Formation, Immigration and European Integration: The Politics of the UK Growth Model
by Steve Coulter - 223-238 Celtic Phoenix or Leprechaun Economics? The Politics of an FDI-led Growth Model in Europe
by Aidan Regan & Samuel Brazys - 239-253 European Integration, Capitalist Diversity and Crises Trajectories on Europe’s Eastern Periphery
by Dorothee Bohle
January 2018, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-26 The Confidence Trap: Japan’s Past Bubble and China’s Recent Bubble
by Myung-koo Kang - 27-45 The Legitimation of Post-crisis Capitalism in the United Kingdom: Real Wage Decline, Finance-led Growth and the State
by Scott Lavery - 46-65 Civil Society and Investor–state Dispute Settlement: Assessing the Social Dimensions of Investment Disputes in Latin America
by Julia Calvert - 66-87 From Neoliberalism to Neo-developmentalism? The Political Economy of Post-crisis Argentina (2002–2015)
by Hilal Gezmiş - 88-104 Protecting Solar: Global Supply Chains and Business Power
by Jonas Meckling & Llewelyn Hughes - 105-127 The Neutrality Illusion: Biased Economics, Biased Training, and Biased Monetary Policy. Testing the Role of Ideology on FOMC Voting Behaviour
by Etienne Lepers - 128-144 The Transnational State and the Infrastructure Push
by Morten Ougaard
November 2017, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 611-627 The Economic Driven by Politics as Values: The Example of Pharmaceuticals in France
by Andy Smith - 628-644 How Social Developmentalism Reframed Social Policy in Brazil
by Lena Lavinas - 645-660 Mobile Payments, Social Money: Everyday Politics of the Consumer Subject
by Ruben Kremers & James Brassett - 661-675 Regional Integration and Welfare: Framing and Advocating Pro-Poor Norms through Southern Regionalisms
by Pía Riggirozzi - 676-691 A Political Economy of Youth Policy in Tunisia
by Emma C. Murphy - 692-708 Financial Deregulation and the Role of Statecraft: Lessons from Britain’s 1971 Competition and Credit Control Measures
by Jack Copley - 709-726 Death by a Thousand Cuts? Financial Political Power and the Case of the European Financial Transaction Tax
by Manolis Kalaitzake - 727-742 Global Production Networks and Activism: Can Activists Change Mining Practices by Targeting Brands?
by Michael John Bloomfield - 743-760 Rethinking the Role of State-owned Enterprises in China’s Rise
by Lee Jones & Yizheng Zou
September 2017, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 463-477 The state as a creature of money
by Michael Beggs - 478-495 Governing stigmatised space: the case of the ‘slums’ of Berlin-Neukölln
by Susanne Soederberg - 496-520 The World Bank and Emerging Powers: Beyond the Multipolarity–Multilateralism Conundrum
by Ali Burak Güven - 521-540 Who drives climate-relevant policies in the rising powers?
by Hubert Schmitz - 541-556 ‘Adaptive accumulation’ and US political economy
by Rodney Loeppky - 557-572 Budget surplus goal experiments in Australia and Sweden
by Scott Brenton & Jon Pierre - 573-594 The political economy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: a ‘21st Century’ trade agreement?
by John Ravenhill - 595-609 The political economy of post-crisis international standards for resolving financial institutions
by Lucia Quaglia
July 2017, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 355-370 Introduction to special issue on the material cultures of financialisation
by Kate Bayliss & Ben Fine & Mary Robertson - 371-382 The material and culture of financialisation
by Ben Fine - 383-397 Material cultures of water financialisation in England and Wales
by Kate Bayliss - 398-409 (De)constructing the financialised culture of owner-occupation in the UK, with the aid of the 10Cs
by Mary Robertson - 410-422 Cultivating the self-reliant and responsible individual: the material culture of financial literacy
by Ana C. Santos - 423-436 The digital revolution in financial inclusion: international development in the fintech era
by Daniela Gabor & Sally Brooks - 437-449 Financialisation, media and social change
by Catherine Happer - 450-462 From happiness to social provisioning: addressing well-being in times of crisis
by Marco Boffo & Andrew Brown & David A. Spencer
May 2017, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 257-272 Historicising Ricardo’s comparative advantage theory, challenging the normative foundations of liberal International Political Economy
by Matthew Watson - 273-293 Where states and markets meet: the financialisation of sovereign debt management
by Florian Fastenrath & Michael Schwan & Christine Trampusch - 294-310 In the wake of austerity: social impact bonds and the financialisation of the welfare state in Britain
by Emma Dowling - 311-327 The political economy of decarbonisation: from green energy ‘race’ to green ‘division of labour’
by Erick Lachapelle & Robert MacNeil & Matthew Paterson - 328-341 Putting Culture in its Place? A Critical Engagement with Cultural Political Economy
by Juan Ignacio Staricco - 342-354 Putting the ‘Amsterdam School’ in its Rightful Place: A Reply to Juan Ignacio Staricco’s Critique of Cultural Political Economy
by Bob Jessop & Ngai-Ling Sum
March 2017, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 129-133 The political economy of governance in a ‘global value chain world’
by Frederick W. Mayer & Nicola Phillips & Anne C. Posthuma - 134-152 Outsourcing governance: states and the politics of a ‘global value chain world’
by Frederick W. Mayer & Nicola Phillips - 153-168 Workers’ rights in global value chains: possibilities for protection and for peril
by Layna Mosley - 169-185 Contextualising compliance: hybrid governance in global value chains
by Jennifer Bair - 186-202 Coordinated governance in global value chains: supranational dynamics and the role of the International Labour Organization
by Anne Posthuma & Arianna Rossi - 203-218 The sticky materiality of neo-liberal neonatures: GMOs and the agrarian question
by Myles Carroll - 219-236 Big Data and algorithmic governance: the case of financial practices
by Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn & Marcel Goguen & Tony Porter - 237-256 Labour market flexibility, employment and inequality: lessons from Chile
by Paul W. Posner
January 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-11 Time, trading and algorithms in financial sector security
by Grahame F. Thompson - 12-30 Putting ‘merchants of debt’ in their place: the political economy of retail banking and credit-based financialisation in Germany
by Daniel Mertens - 31-60 The political economy of housing in England
by Miguel Coelho & Sebastian Dellepiane-Avellaneda & Vigyan Ratnoo - 61-75 Pragmatic financialisation: the role of the Japanese Post Office
by Gary Robinson - 76-91 Governing new global health-care markets: the case of stem cell treatments
by Brian Salter & Yinhua Zhou & Saheli Datta - 92-108 The symbolic politics of delegation: macroprudential policy and independent regulatory authorities
by Domenico Lombardi & Manuela Moschella - 109-127 Foreign direct investment, political risk and the limited access order
by Janis Nikolaus Kluge
November 2016, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 505-519 Politics as organised combat – New players and new rules of the game in Sweden
by Stefan Svallfors - 520-535 Good in a crisis: the ontological institutionalism of social constructivism
by Colin Hay - 536-554 The accidental agro-power: constructing comparative advantage in Brazil
by Kristen Hopewell - 555-573 Mobilizing moral boundaries: the politics of derivatives reform in the US
by Agnes Orban - 574-586 Growing China’s renewables sector: a developmental state approach
by Geoffrey C. Chen & Charles Lees - 587-605 Comparative politics and quasi-rational markets
by Iain McMenamin & Michael Breen & Juan Muñoz-Portillo - 606-620 The International Labour Organization and the ambivalent politics of financial inclusion in West Africa
by Nick Bernards
September 2016, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 1-1 Erratum
by The Editors - 437-454 Between X and Y: how process tracing contributes to opening the black box of causality
by Christine Trampusch & Bruno Palier - 455-462 Process tracing of extensive and intensive processes
by Tulia G. Falleti - 463-472 It's all about mechanisms – what process-tracing case studies should be tracing
by Derek Beach - 473-483 Assessing causal inference problems with Bayesian process tracing: the economic effects of proportional representation and the problem of endogeneity
by Marcus Kreuzer - 484-488 Process tracing, abstraction, and varieties of cognitive interest
by Renate Mayntz - 489-492 Process tracing and the causal identification revolution
by Kimberly J. Morgan - 493-499 Mechanisms, Bayesianism, and process tracing
by James Mahoney - 500-504 Process tracing: a laudable aim or a high-tariff methodology?
by Colin Hay
July 2016, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 343-364 China and India's insertion in the intellectual property rights regime: sustaining or disrupting the rules?
by Omar Serrano - 365-379 Neoliberal growth models, monetary union and the Euro crisis. A post-Keynesian perspective
by Engelbert Stockhammer - 380-400 Friedrich List and the Imperial origins of the national economy
by Onur Ulas Ince - 401-413 The Political Feasibility of Consumption-Based Carbon Accounting
by Marco Grasso - 414-435 ‘Emptying the cage, changing the birds’: state rescaling, path-dependency and the politics of economic restructuring in post-crisis Guangdong
by Kean Fan Lim
May 2016, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 257-273 From performativity to political economy: index investing, ETFs and asset manager capitalism
by Benjamin Braun - 274-290 Rethinking banking. Debt discounting and the making of modern money as liquidity
by Stefano Sgambati - 291-304 Hedging neoliberalism: derivatives as state policy in Mexico
by Hepzibah Munoz Martinez - 305-321 Performative global finance: bridging micro and macro approaches with a stratified perspective
by Joscha Wullweber - 322-341 Post-neoliberal developmental regimes in Latin America: Argentina under Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
by Christopher Wylde
March 2016, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 167-186 Derivatives and the financialisation of the Italian state
by Andrea Lagna - 187-203 The domestic politics of financial regulation: Informal ratification games and the EU capital requirement negotiations
by Scott James - 204-219 Politics of scale and strategic selectivity in the liberalisation of public services – the role of trade in services
by Werner Raza - 220-237 Fair trade certification as oversight: an analysis of fair trade international and the small producers' symbol
by Patrick Clark & Ian Hussey - 238-255 Inclusive healthcare and the political settlement in Cambodia
by Tim Kelsall & Seiha Heng
February 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-25 Money Talks: Moral Economies of Earning a Living in Neoliberal East Africa
by J�rg Wiegratz & Egle Cesnulyte - 26-48 Banking on the FED: QE1-2-3 and the Rebalancing of the Global Economy
by Herman Mark Schwartz - 49-68 Beyond Asymmetry: Substantive Beliefs in Preference Formation and Efficiency of Asymmetrical Negotiations
by Elijah Nyaga Munyi - 69-89 Bodies of Knowledge in Reproduction: Epistemic Boundaries in the Political Economy of Fertility
by Leonard Seabrooke & Eleni Tsingou - 90-118 The Corporate Elite Community Structure of Global Capitalism
by Eelke M. Heemskerk & Frank W. Takes - 119-144 Understanding the Political Motivations That Shape Rwanda's Emergent Developmental State
by Laura Mann & Marie Berry - 145-165 Room to Manoeuvre? International Financial Markets and the National Tax State
by Hanna Lierse & Laura Seelkopf
December 2015, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 793-811 The Environmental Paradox of the Welfare State: The Dynamics of Sustainability
by Daniel Bailey - 812-831 Rent Management - The Heart of Green Industrial Policy
by Hubert Schmitz & Oliver Johnson & Tilman Altenburg - 832-850 The Political Economics of Tax Reform in Chile
by Leonardo E. Letelier S. & Mireya D�vila A. - 851-870 Germany and the Euro-Zone Crisis: The European Reformation of the German Banking Crisis and the Future of the Euro
by Helen Thompson - 871-893 The Political Economy of Mobility Partnerships - Structural Power in the EU's External Migration Policy
by Julia Maisenbacher - 894-923 The Regressive Recovery: Distribution, Inequality and State Power in Britain's Post-Crisis Political Economy
by Jeremy Green & Scott Lavery - 924-941 What made Economists so Politically Influential? Governance-related Ideas and Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Economic Liberalisation of Israel and beyond
by Ronen Mandelkern
October 2015, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 633-652 The Role of Southern Intellectuals in Contemporary Trade Governance
by James Scott - 653-678 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Role of Computable General Equilibrium Modelling: An Exercise in 'Managing Fictional Expectations'
by Ferdi De Ville & Gabriel Siles-Br�gge - 679-701 Schools Out: Adam Smith and Pre-disciplinary International Political Economy
by Simon Glaze - 702-724 Is the EU ETS a Just Climate Policy?
by Jo Dirix & Wouter Peeters & Sigrid Sterckx - 725-751 Disrupting the European Crisis: A Critical Political Economy of Contestation, Subversion and Escape
by Nikolai Huke & Mònica Clua-Losada & David J. Bailey - 752-782 Debt and Punishment: Market Discipline in the Eurozone
by Charlotte Rommerskirchen - 783-791 Capitalism after the Crisis
by Christopher Bickerton
August 2015, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 475-494 Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform, Rent Management and Political Fragmentation in Developing Countries
by Matthew Lockwood - 495-517 Neoliberal Entrenchment of North Atlantic Capital. From Corporate Self-Regulation to State Capture
by Kees Van Der Pijl & Yuliya Yurchenko - 518-544 Economic Ideas and Institutional Change: The Case of the Russian Stabilisation Fund
by Ewa Dabrowska & Joachim Zweynert - 545-568 Making a Market for Sustainability: The Commodification of Certified Palm Oil
by Ben Richardson - 569-593 Defying Convergence: Globalisation and Varieties of Defence-Industrial Capitalism
by Marc R. Devore - 594-613 Labour Unrest in the Global Political Economy: The Case of China's 2010 Strike Wave
by Kevin Gray & Youngseok Jang - 614-631 Neoliberalising Feminism
by Elisabeth Pr�gl
June 2015, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 331-341 Towards a New Political Economy of the Crisis: Getting What Went Wrong Right
by Jeremy Green & Colin Hay - 342-366 Varieties of Economic Crisis, Varieties of Ideational Change: How and Why Financial Regulation and Macroeconomic Policy Differ
by Andrew Baker - 367-385 Futurity, Pro-cyclicality and Financial Crises
by Ronen Palan - 386-405 Round the Houses: Homeownership and Failures of Asset-Based Welfare in the United Kingdom
by Johnna Montgomerie & Mirjam B�denbender - 406-430 The (International) Political Economy of Falling Wage Shares: Situating Working-Class Agency
by Erik Bengtsson & Magnus Ryner - 431-453 A Crisis of the Overcrowded Future: Shadow Banking and the Political Economy of Financial Innovation
by Anastasia Nesvetailova - 454-474 Taming the City? Ideas, Structural Power and the Evolution of British Banking Policy Amidst the Great Financial Meltdown
by Stephen Bell & Andrew Hindmoor
April 2015, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 155-177 Unlikely Pivotal States in Competitive Free Trade Agreement Diffusion: The Effect of Japan's Trans-Pacific Partnership Participation on Asia-Pacific Regional Integration
by Mireya Sol�s & Saori N. Katada - 178-198 Industrial Policy and Islamic Finance
by Jikon Lai - 199-227 Competing Hegemonic Projects within China's Variegated Capitalism: 'Liberal' Guangdong vs. 'Statist' Chongqing
by Andreas Mulvad - 228-253 The Effects of Fiscal Consolidation and Welfare Composition of Spending on Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from US Gubernatorial Elections between 1978 and 2006
by Hyungon Kim & Chang Kwon - 254-272 'Conscience Capitalism' and the Neoliberalisation of the Non-Profit Sector
by Nathan Farrell - 273-298 Accumulation by Conservation
by Bram B�scher & Robert Fletcher - 299-330 Rooted in Violence: Civil War, International Trade and the Expansion of Palm Oil in Colombia
by David Maher
February 2015, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-20 Beyond Flows, Fluids and Networks: Social Theory and the Fetishism of the Global Informational Economy
by John Michael Roberts & Jonathan Joseph - 21-41 The New 'Passive Revolution' of the Green Economy and Growth Discourse: Maintaining the 'Sustainable Development' of Neoliberal Capitalism
by Thomas Wanner - 42-62 Theorizing the Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers
by Leslie Elliott Armijo & Saori N. Katada - 63-84 Bargaining with Multinationals: Why State Capacity Matters
by Caner Bakir - 85-106 Multilateral Organisations and the Limits to International Energy Cooperation
by Jeffrey D. Wilson - 107-125 Post-2008 British Industrial Policy and Constructivist Political Economy: New Directions and New Tensions
by Martin Craig - 126-153 Where There Is No Company: Indigenous Peoples, Sustainability, and the Challenges of Mid-Stream Mining Reforms in Guyana's Small-Scale Gold Sector
by Logan Hennessy
December 2014, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 791-818 The Political Economy of Energy Transitions: The Case of South Africa
by Lucy Baker & Peter Newell & Jon Phillips - 819-846 US Hegemony and the Origins of Japanese Nuclear Power: The Politics of Consent
by Dominic Kelly - 847-871 From the Sovereign Debt Crisis to Authoritarian Statism: Contradictions of the European State Project
by Sune Sandbeck & Etienne Schneider - 872-894 Monetary Politics in Southeast Asia: External Imbalances in Regional Context
by Natasha Hamilton-Hart - 895-917 'We're Reaping What We Sowed': Everyday Crisis Narratives and Acquiescence to the Age of Austerity
by Liam Stanley - 918-942 Agricultural Interests and the Origins of Capitalism: A Parallel Comparative History of Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, and the USA
by Christine Trampusch & Dennis C. Spies
September 2014, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 639-661 Class Struggle or Embedded Markets? Marx, Polanyi and the Meanings and Possibilities of Social Transformation
by Benjamin Selwyn & Satoshi Miyamura - 662-694 What are the Policy Lessons from Sweden? On the Rise, Fall and Revival of a Capitalist Welfare State
by Andreas Bergh - 695-722 Is Separation of Powers a Remedy for the Resource Curse? Firm Licensing, Corruption and Mining Development in Post-War Kosovo
by Luca J. Uberti - 723-747 Diminishing Returns: Carbon Market Crisis and the Future of Market-Dependent Climate Change Finance
by Kate Ervine - 748-768 Capitalising on Regional Integration: Sub-national Movements and the Rhetorical Leveraging of NAFTA and the EU
by Francesco Duina & Jared Bok - 769-789 State-led or Capital-driven? The Fall of Bretton Woods and the German Currency Float Reconsidered
by Julian Germann
August 2014, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 487-506 The Institutionalist Roots of Macroprudential Ideas: Veblen and Galbraith on Regulation, Policy Success and Overconfidence
by Andrew Baker & Wesley Widmaier - 507-533 Neoliberalism in the Laboratory? Experimental Economics on Markets and their Limits
by Ana Cordeiro Santos & João Rodrigues - 534-558 Workers in Food Distribution: Global Commodity Chains and Lean Logistics
by Kate Mulholland & Paul Stewart - 559-577 An Art of the Region: Towards a Politics of Regionness
by R. Guy Emerson - 578-600 The 'Rise of the South': Global Convergence at Last?
by Alfredo Saad-Filho - 601-627 Towards Trade Equalisation: A Network Perspective on Trade and Income Convergence Across the Twentieth Century
by Mark Abdollahian & Zining Yang - 628-633 The Political Power of Big Business: A Response to Bell and Hindmoor
by David Marsh & Chris Lewis - 634-637 The Politics of Australia's Mining Tax: A Response to Marsh and Lewis
by Stephen Bell & Andrew Hindmoor
May 2014, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 329-358 Towards Post-neoliberal Resource Politics? The International Political Economy (IPE) of Oil and Copper in Brazil and Chile
by Jewellord Tolentino Nem Singh - 359-383 Geneva Rhetoric, National Reality: The Political Economy of Introducing Plant Breeders' Rights in Kenya
by Dwijen Rangnekar - 384-406 The Impact of Patents on Innovation, Technology Transfer and Health: A Pre- and Post-TRIPs Analysis of India's Pharmaceutical Industry
by Rory Horner - 407-426 Coffee Statecraft: Rethinking the Global Coffee Crisis, 1998-2002
by Gavin Fridell - 427-444 The European Union, the USA and International Standard Setting by Regulatory Fora in Finance
by Lucia Quaglia - 445-469 Controlling Capital: The International Monetary Fund and Transformative Incremental Change from Within International Organisations
by Jeffrey M. Chwieroth - 470-486 The Structural Power of Business and the Power of Ideas: The Strange Case of the Australian Mining Tax
by Stephen Bell & Andrew Hindmoor
March 2014, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 155-182 What Happened to the Bondholding Class? Public Debt, Power and the Top One Per Cent
by Sandy Brian Hager - 183-200 Narratives of Optimum Currency Area Theory and Eurozone Governance
by Holly Snaith - 201-226 International Inequality and World Poverty: A Quantitative Structural Analysis
by Niheer Dasandi