January 2022, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 160-175 Large Banks, Market-based Banking, and the Financialisation of Danish Mortgage Markets
by Patrick Gallagher
November 2021, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 903-906 The Politics of Green Transformations: An Introduction to the Special Section
by Peter Newell & Matthew Paterson & Martin Craig - 907-922 How Did We Do That? Histories and Political Economies of Rapid and Just Transitions
by Peter Newell & Andrew Simms - 923-936 ‘The End of the Fossil Fuel Age’? Discourse Politics and Climate Change Political Economy
by Matthew Paterson - 937-950 Climate Smart City: New Cultural Political Economies in the Making in Malmö, Sweden
by Harriet Bulkeley & Johannes Stripple - 951-963 Theorising the Political Economy of Energy Transformations: Agency, Structure, Space, Process
by Rebecca Pearse - 964-984 Selective Neoliberalism: How Italy Went from Dualization to Liberalisation in Labour Market and Pension Reforms
by Emanuele Ferragina & Alessandro Arrigoni - 985-1014 Imputing Away the Ladder: Implications of Changes in GDP Measurement for Convergence Debates and the Political Economy of Development
by Jacob Assa & Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven - 1015-1029 On Cultural Political Economy: A Defence and Constructive Critique
by Andrea Sau - 1030-1047 Plunder in the Post-Colonial Era: Quantifying Drain from the Global South Through Unequal Exchange, 1960–2018
by Jason Hickel & Dylan Sullivan & Huzaifa Zoomkawala - 1048-1061 Saving Liberalism through Meaningful Choices. Restating the Case for an Individual Carbon Card
by Umberto Mario Sconfienza - 1062-1077 The Governance of Social Risks: Nurturing Social Solidarity through Social Impact Bonds?
by Andrei Guter-Sandu - 1078-1091 Reactive, Individualistic and Disciplinary: The Urban Resilience Project in Dhaka
by Sarah E. Sharma
September 2021, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 707-716 Agreeing to Disagree Politically
by Brad R. Taylor & William Bosworth - 717-734 The International Regulation of Competition Policy and Government Procurement: Exploring the Boundaries of the Trade Regime
by Ivo Križić - 735-747 Everyday Political Economy of Human Rights to Health: Dignity and Respect as an Approach to Gendered Inequalities and Accountability
by Pia Riggirozzi - 748-764 The Trade (Policy) Discourse in Top Economics Journals
by Matthias Aistleitner & Stephan Puehringer - 765-782 Structuring the Interstitial Space of Global Financing Partnerships for Sustainable Development: A Network Analysis
by Moira V. Faul & Jordan S. Tchilingirian - 783-796 Real Estate Development Through Land Grabs: Predatory Accumulation and Precarity in Palestine
by Linda Tabar & Samia Al-Botmeh - 797-816 Pushing on a String: Monetary Policy, Growth Models and the Persistence of Low Inflation in Advanced Capitalism
by Hielke Van Doorslaer & Mattias Vermeiren - 817-831 Did the ‘Real’ Economy Turn Financial? Mapping the Contours of Financialisation in the Non-Financial Corporate Sector
by Matthew Soener - 832-850 Monetary Policy as Usual? The Bank of England’s Extraordinary Monetary Policies and the Disciplining of Labour
by John Evemy & Edward Yates & Andrew Eggleston - 851-868 #DeleteFacebook: From Popular Protest to a New Model of Platform Capitalism?
by Stuart Mills - 869-884 Managing Macroeconomic Neoliberalism: Capital and the Resilience of the Rational Expectations Assumption since the Great Recession
by Oddný Helgadóttir & Cornel Ban - 885-901 The Great Debt Divergence and its Implications for the Covid-19 Crisis: Mapping Corporate Leverage as Power
by Joseph Baines & Sandy Brian Hager
July 2021, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 509-513 Intro: Comparative Capitalism Research in Emerging Markets – A New Generation
by Geoffrey Wood & Gerhard Schnyder - 514-526 Comparative Capitalism, Growth Models and Emerging Markets: The Development of the Field
by Michael Schedelik & Andreas Nölke & Daniel Mertens & Christian May - 527-539 State-Permeated Capitalism and the Solar PV Industry in China and India
by Matthew M. C. Allen & Maria L. Allen & Syed Imran Saqib & Jiajia Liu - 540-553 Extending Varieties of Capitalism to Emerging Economies: What can We Learn from Brazil?
by Glenn Morgan & Heike Doering & Marcus Gomes - 554-573 Development Finance or Financial Accumulation for Asset Managers?: The Perils of the Global Shadow Banking System in Developing Countries
by Fathimath Musthaq - 574-597 From National Marketplaces to Global Providers of Financial Infrastructures: Exchanges, Infrastructures and Structural Power in Global Finance
by Johannes Petry - 598-615 The Political Economy of Household Debt & The Keynesian Policy Paradigm
by Matthew Sparkes & James D. G. Wood - 616-630 Daily Judgement: Political News and Financial Markets
by Michael Breen & Iain McMenamin & Michael Courtney & Gemma McNulty - 631-645 TNC Competitiveness in the Formation of the Single Market: The Role of European Business Revisited
by Benjamin Bürbaumer - 646-659 Hacker-engineers and Their Economies: The Political Economy of Decentralised Networks and ‘Cryptoeconomics’
by Jaya Klara Brekke - 660-673 From Green Energy to the Green Car State? The Political Economy of Ecological Modernisation in Germany
by Tobias Haas - 674-689 When Do Banks Do What Governments Tell Them to Do? A Comparative Study of Greek Bonds’ Management in France and Germany at the Onset of the Euro-Crisis
by Elsa Clara Massoc - 690-706 The Wealth Defence Industry: A Large-scale Study on Accountancy Firms as Profit Shifting Facilitators
by Lena Ajdacic & Eelke M. Heemskerk & Javier Garcia-Bernardo
May 2021, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 313-327 Hybrid Neoliberalism: Capitalist Development in Contemporary Iran
by Kayhan Valadbaygi - 328-343 The Dominant Narrative of the New Zealand–China Free Trade Agreement: Peripheral Evidence, Presumptive Tilt and Business Realities
by Antje Fiedler & Benjamin Fath & D Hugh Whittaker - 344-358 Training the Public: Advancing Neoliberal Reforms Through Model Experiences
by Amit Avigur-Eshel & Ronen Mandelkern - 359-375 National Competitive Advantage and Energy Transitions in Korea and Taiwan
by Sung-Young Kim - 376-388 The Platform Political Economy of FinTech: Reintermediation, Consolidation and Capitalisation
by Paul Langley & Andrew Leyshon - 389-405 Inter-Organisational Distrust and the Political Economy of Central Bank Independence in the UK
by Jim Buller & Ben Whisker - 406-421 From Depoliticisation to Dedemocratisation: Revisiting the Neoliberal Turn in Macroeconomics
by Rune Møller Stahl - 422-438 Weathering the Storm? Financialisation and German Savings Banks
by Michael Schwan - 439-454 Bringing the Harm Home: The Quest for Home Ownership and the Amplification of Social Harm
by Marc Schelhase - 455-471 Financialised Private Equity Finance and the Debt Gamble: The Case of Toys R Us
by Jamie Morgan & Muhammad Ali Nasir - 472-489 Developmental State or Economic Statecraft? Where, Why and How the Difference Matters
by Linda Weiss & Elizabeth Thurbon - 490-508 Beyond the Mutual Constitution of States and Markets: On the Governance of Alienation
by Jack Copley & Alexis Moraitis
March 2021, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 217-228 Seeing and Not-seeing Like a Political Economist: The Historicity of Contemporary Political Economy and its Blind Spots
by Jacqueline Best & Colin Hay & Genevieve LeBaron & Daniel Mügge - 229-238 The Diversity of Economic Nationalism
by Eric Helleiner - 239-249 Enoch Powell: Britain’s First Neoliberal Politician
by Robbie Shilliam - 250-260 Gambling and Political Economy, Revisited
by Kate Bedford - 261-270 The Antisemitic Backlash to Financial Power: Conspiracy Theory as a Response to Financial Complexity and Crisis
by Erin Lockwood - 271-282 Trump & Trade: The Crisis in the Multilateral Trading System
by Kristen Hopewell - 283-290 Making Sense of Populist Nationalism
by Andrew Gamble - 291-301 State/Nation Histories, Structural Inequalities and Racialised Crises
by V. Spike Peterson - 302-311 Darkness and Light in a Global Political Economy
by Louis W. Pauly
January 2021, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-19 Capitalist Convergence? European (dis?)Integration and the Post-crash Restructuring of French and European Capitalisms
by Ben Clift & Sean McDaniel - 20-35 Hidden in Plain Sight: Unpaid Household Services and the Politics of GDP Measurement
by Daniel DeRock - 36-51 Money and the ‘Level Playing Field’: The Epistemic Problem of European Financial Market Integration
by Troels Krarup - 52-68 Building a Centre of Capital Accumulation: A Study of the Institutional Emergence of the French Private Equity Sector (from the Early 1980s to 2017)
by Marlène Benquet & Théo Bourgeron - 69-85 The Politics of Shadow Money: Security Structures, Money Creation and Unconventional Central Banking
by Joscha Wullweber - 86-103 Free From What? Classical Competition and the Early Decades of American Antitrust
by Nicola Giocoli - 104-118 Welfare Reform and the Logic of Financial Responsibility: Creating the ‘Value-able’ Subject
by Edward Pemberton - 119-137 State-firm Coordination and Upgrading in Spain's and Korea's ICT Industries
by Angela Garcia Calvo - 138-151 The Issue of Efficiency and the Role of State in New Institutional Economics: A Critical Perspective
by Giorgos Meramveliotakis - 152-167 The Unconscious Countermovement and the Conscious Polanyian Movement: A New Vocabulary for Contemporary Polanyian Scholarship
by Rowan Alcock - 168-185 New Frontiers of Profit and Risk: The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s Impact on Business and Human Rights
by Changrok Soh & Daniel Connolly - 186-202 The Political Economy of Rental Housing in Spain: The Dialectics of Exploitation(s) and Regulations
by Ismael Yrigoy - 203-215 Doing Away with the Sovereign: Neoliberalism and the Promotion of Market Discipline in European Economic Governance
by Markus Ojala
September 2020, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 849-864 The Big Bang: Tax Evasion After Automatic Exchange of Information Under FATCA and CRS
by Leo Ahrens & Fabio Bothner - 865-879 The Myth of Market Neutrality: A Comparative Study of the European Central Bank’s and the Swiss National Bank’s Corporate Security Purchases
by Jens van ’t Klooster & Clément Fontan - 880-896 The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration – Throwing New Light on The Nordic Model
by Atle Midttun & Nina Witoszek - 897-912 Transnational Capitalist Classes and the State in Chile
by Anna Kowalczyk - 913-925 Islamic Charitable Giving in the UK: A ‘Radical’ Economic Alternative?
by Samantha May - 926-943 Why Companies Bring the State Back In. The Voluntary Self-Nationalisation of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Rise of ‘Governance by Government’
by Michael Sander - 944-956 A Macro-Level Account of Money and Credit to Explain Gendered Financialization
by Brigitte Young - 957-977 Dimensions and Determinants of Financialisation: Comparing OECD Countries since 1997
by Ewa Karwowski & Mimoza Shabani & Engelbert Stockhammer - 978-991 Transnational Economists in the Eurozone Crisis: Professional Structures, Networks and Ideas
by Ramona Coman - 992-1006 New European Banking Governance and Crisis of Democracy: Bank Restructuring and Privatization in Slovenia
by Dóra Piroska & Ana Podvršič - 1007-1021 The Political Economy of Policy Vacuums: The European Commission on Demographic Change
by Leonard Seabrooke & Eleni Tsingou & Johann Ole Willers - 1022-1040 The Impact of Treasury Yields on US Presidential Approval, 1960–2010
by Iain Hardie & Ailsa Henderson & Charlotte Rommerskirchen - 1041-1041 Correction
by The Editors
July 2020, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 691-702 Five Little B(R)ICS: Huffing and Puffing, but not Blowing Your House in
by Matthew Louis Bishop & Peg Murray-Evans - 703-714 Insider and Outsider Strategies of Influence: The BRICS’ Dualistic Approach Towards Informal Institutions
by Andrew F. Cooper & Christina Stolte - 715-733 The BRICs and International Tax Governance: The Case of Automatic Exchange of Information
by Dries Lesage & Wouter Lips & Mattias Vermeiren - 734-754 Teaming Up? China, India and Brazil and the Issue of Benefit-Sharing from Genetic Resource Use
by Valbona Muzaka & Omar Ramon Serrano - 755-772 Why is China a Reluctant Leader of the World Trade Organization?
by Matthew Louis Bishop & Zhang Xiaotong - 773-790 Rising Powers in Complex Regimes: South African Norm Shopping in the Governance of Cross-Border Investment
by Peg Murray-Evans - 791-812 The Shape of ‘Rising Powers’ to Come? The Antinomies of Growth and Neoliberal Development in Turkey
by Cemal Burak Tansel - 813-828 The Rise of Digital Financialisation: The Case of India
by Sudeep Jain & Daniela Gabor - 829-847 PPPs in China: Does the Growth in Chinese PPPs Signal a Liberalising Economy?
by Lydia Jones & Michael J. Bloomfield
June 2020, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 469-486 Is Green Growth Possible?
by Jason Hickel & Giorgos Kallis - 487-510 The 2014–15 Financial Crisis in Russia and the Foundations of Weak Monetary Power Autonomy in the International Political Economy
by Ilja Viktorov & Alexander Abramov - 511-534 Market Power and Marketisation: Japan and China's Impact on the Iron Ore Market, 50 Years Apart
by Pascale Massot - 535-551 Gig Work and the Discourse of Autonomy: Fictitious Freedom in Japan’s Digital Economy
by Saori Shibata - 552-571 Transnational Depoliticisation and Industrial Policy: The European Commission and French Steel (1980–1984)
by Alexis B. Moraitis - 572-589 Variegated Finance Capital and the Political Economy of Islamic Banking in the Gulf
by Adam Hanieh - 590-606 The Lure of Ill-Fitting Unemployment Statistics: How South Africa’s Discouraged Work Seekers Disappeared From the Unemployment Rate
by Juliette Alenda-Demoutiez & Daniel Mügge - 607-625 From Receding to Reseeding: Industrial Policy, Governance Strategies and Neoliberal Resilience in Post-crisis Britain
by Craig Berry - 626-641 Getting the Resilience Right: Climate Change and Development Policy in the ‘African Age’
by Michael Mikulewicz & Marcus Taylor - 642-659 Conservative Developmental Statism in East Central Europe and Russia
by Katharina Bluhm & Mihai Varga - 660-674 Discursive Contestation on Technological Innovation and the Institutional Design of the UNFCCC in the New Climate Change Regime
by Chaewoon Oh - 675-690 Sovereign Debt Management and the Transformation from Keynesian to Neoliberal Monetary Governance in Britain
by Sahil Jai Dutta
April 2020, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 315-319 Introduction: Finance, Development and the State in East Asia
by Lena Rethel & Elizabeth Thurbon - 320-336 The Future of Financial Activism in Taiwan? The Utility of a Mindset-centred Analysis of Developmental States and Their Evolution
by Elizabeth Thurbon - 337-353 Legitimate Social Purpose and South Korea’s Support for Entrepreneurial Finance Since the Asian Financial Crisis
by Robyn Klingler-Vidra & Ramon Pacheco Pardo - 354-369 Governed Interdependence, Communities of Practice and the Production of Capital Market Knowledge in Southeast Asia
by Lena Rethel - 370-387 Not Just Another Shadow Bank: Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism and the ‘Developmental’ Promise of Digital Financial Innovation
by Julian Gruin & Peter Knaack - 388-403 The Political Economy of Populist Rule in Post-Crisis Europe: Hungary and Poland
by Alen Toplišek - 404-418 Human Development: Which Way Now?
by Nuno Ornelas Martins - 419-438 Neostructuralism and Its Class Character in the Political Economy of Bolivia Under Evo Morales
by Angus McNelly - 439-452 Governing Refugee Disposability: Neoliberalism and Survival in Nairobi
by Ali Bhagat - 453-468 State Actors, Market Games: Credit Guarantees and the Funding of China Development Bank
by Muyang Chen
February 2020, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 157-158 Michael Dietrich (1953-2019)
by Andrew Gamble & Anthony Payne - 159-173 Financialisation, Welfare Retrenchment and Subsistence Debt in Britain
by Hulya Dagdeviren & Jiayi Balasuriya & Sheila Luz & Ali Malik & Haider Shah - 174-194 The Monetary and Financial Powers of States: Theory, Dataset, and Observations on the Trajectory of American Dominance
by Leslie Elliott Armijo & Daniel C. Tirone & Hyoung-kyu Chey - 195-212 The European Investment Bank as Policy Entrepreneur and the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships
by Moritz Liebe & David Howarth - 213-230 The Social Contradictions of Regional Development in the ALBA-TCP: The Case of Food Production
by Rowan Lubbock - 231-247 Framing Solidarity in the Euro Crisis: A Comparison of the German and Irish Media Discourse
by Stefan Wallaschek - 248-266 From Knowledge Economy to Automation Anxiety: A Growth Regime in Crisis?
by Nick O’Donovan - 267-283 Open for Business: Entrepreneurial Central Banks and the Cultivation of Market Liquidity
by Marius Birk & Matthias Thiemann - 284-299 New Lines Within the European Civil Society Mobilizations Against the TTIP
by Niels Søndergaard - 300-313 Deviant Debt: Reputation, Litigation, and Outlier Effects in Argentina's Debt Restructuring Saga
by Giselle Datz & Katharine Corcoran
January 2020, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-4 Greening the State for a Sustainable Political Economy
by Martin P. A. Craig - 5-17 Re-thinking the Fiscal and Monetary Political Economy of the Green State
by Dan Bailey - 18-29 A Genealogy of Economic Growth as Ideology and Cold War Core State Imperative
by John Barry - 30-45 ‘Treasury Control’ and the British Environmental State: The Political Economy of Green Development Strategy in UK Central Government
by Martin P.A. Craig - 46-56 The Green State in Transition: Reply to Bailey, Barry and Craig
by Robyn Eckersley - 57-71 The Renewable Energy Transition Energy Path Divergence, Increasing Returns and Mutually Reinforcing Leads in the State-Market Symbiosis
by Stephen Bell - 72-84 Green Capital Accumulation: Business and Sustainability Management in a World of Global Value Chains
by Stefano Ponte - 85-90 On the Nature of the Countermovement: A Response to Stuart et al.’s ‘Climate Change and the Polanyian Countermovement: Carbon Markets or Degrowth?’
by Wim Carton - 91-106 The Evolution of Private Provision in Urban Drinking Water: New Geographies, Institutional Ambiguity and the Need for Political Economy
by Jeff Powell & Yuliya Yurchenko - 107-121 V for Vendetta as Vernacular Critique: The Exceptional State of Liberal Political Economy
by Chris Rogers - 122-139 Financial Crisis, Inequality, and Capitalist Diversity: A Critique of the Capital as Power Model of the Stock Market
by Joseph Baines & Sandy Brian Hager - 140-155 Embedded Countermovements: The Forging of Protected Areas and Native Communities in the Peruvian Amazon
by José Carlos Orihuela
November 2019, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 735-758 New Powers and the Distribution of Preferences in Global Trade Governance: From Deadlock and Drift to Fragmentation
by Matthew D. Stephen & Michal Parízek - 759-779 Manias, Panics and Crashes in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Investigation of the Post-2008 Crisis Period
by Natalya Naqvi - 780-797 The Golden Age of Tax Expenditures: Fiscal Welfare and Inequality in Portugal (1989–2011)
by Rui Branco & Edna Costa - 798-815 Econogenic Harm and the Case for ‘Economy Harm Profile’ Analysis
by George F. DeMartino - 816-832 The Global Governance of Systemic Risk: How Measurement Practices Tame Macroprudential Politics
by Matthias Kranke & David Yarrow - 833-850 Mortgage Credit: Denmark’s Financial Capacity Building Regime
by James D. G. Wood - 851-872 When do Heuristics Matter in Global Capital Markets? The Case of the BRIC Acronym
by Lukas Linsi & Florian Schaffner - 873-891 Producing Airpower: The Rise and Fall of Neo-Liberalism’s Defence Agenda
by Marc R. DeVore
September 2019, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 587-604 Post-capitalist Development in Latin America’s Left Turn: Beyond Peronism and the Magical State
by Manuel Larrabure - 605-622 From Big Bang to Big Crash: The Early Origins of the UK’s Finance-led Growth Model and the Persistence of Bad Policy Ideas
by Tami Oren & Mark Blyth - 623-640 The Inflation Game: Targets, Practices and the Social Production of Monetary Credibility
by Jacqueline Best - 641-658 Fuelled Power: Oil, Financiers and Central Bank Policy in Nigeria
by Florence Dafe - 659-677 Economic Growth, Happiness and Socialism: Durkheim’s Critique of Economic Reason and Beyond
by George Liagouras - 678-695 Social Justice in Comparative Political Economy: Lessons from Habermas and the Contemporary German Case
by Douglas Voigt - 696-715 The Political Economy of Geoengineering as Plan B: Technological Rationality, Moral Hazard, and New Technology
by Ryan Gunderson & Diana Stuart & Brian Petersen - 716-733 Failure to Expand? Socio-Technical Practices and Moral Judgement in Markets for Biodiversity Offsets
by Carlos Ferreira & Jennifer Ferreira
July 2019, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 441-456 The Resilience Agenda in Neoliberalising Cambodia
by Iain Watson - 457-472 Federal Reserve System Rising: The Expansion of Board Veto Authority on the Eve of the Great Depression
by Nicolas Thompson - 473-486 Economic Liberalism and the State: Dismantling the Myth of Naïve Laissez-Faire
by Rune Møller Stahl - 487-509 Is Hollywood a Risky Business? A Political Economic Analysis of Risk and Creativity
by James McMahon - 510-529 The International Politics of Reactive Currency Statecraft: Japan’s Reaction to the Rise of the Chinese Renminbi
by Hyoung-kyu Chey - 530-545 The Role of London and Frankfurt in Supporting the Internationalisation of the Chinese Renminbi
by Ramon Pacheco Pardo & Jan Knoerich & Yuanfang Li - 546-564 Beyond Patrimonial Plunder: The Use and Abuse of Coconut Levies in the Philippines
by Charmaine G. Ramos - 565-586 The Nature of Capitalist Money and the Financial Links Between Debt-Led and Export-Led Growth Regimes
by Juan Barredo-Zuriarrain
May 2019, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 299-312 When Overlapping Organisations Play Two-Level Games: IMF–EU Interaction in Credit Lending to Latvia and Greece
by Susanne Lütz & Sven Hilgers - 313-333 Status Quo Conservatism, Placation, or Partisan Division? Analysing Citizen Attitudes Towards Financial Reform in the United States
by Kevin L. Young & Alper H. Yagci - 334-349 Central Bank Reform and the Politics of Blame Avoidance in the UK
by Harpal Hungin & Scott James - 350-364 Corporate Islam, Global Capitalism and the Performance of Economic Moralities
by Lena Rethel - 365-384 The Gendered Complexities of Promoting Female Entrepreneurship in the Gulf
by Crystal A. Ennis - 385-403 Right-Wing Populism and Neoliberalism in Germany: The AfD’s Embrace of Ordoliberalism
by Ralf Havertz - 404-407 The Political Economy of Brexit and the Future of British Capitalism Second Symposium
by Charlie Dannreuther & Scott Lavery & Lucia Quaglia - 408-421 Brexit and the Politics of UK Growth Models
by Ben Rosamond - 422-439 Bound by Gravity or Living in a ‘Post Geography Trading World’? Expert Knowledge and Affective Spatial Imaginaries in the Construction of the UK’s Post-Brexit Trade Policy
by Gabriel Siles-Brügge
March 2019, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 159-180 Continuity Under a Different Name: The Outcome of Privatisation in Serbia
by Vladan Ivanović & Vadim Kufenko & Boris Begović & Nenad Stanišić & Vincent Geloso - 181-196 Unravelling the Puzzle of Social Standards’ Design in EU and US Trade Agreements
by Evgeny Postnikov - 197-217 Domestic Sources of Twenty-first-century Geopolitics: Domestic Politics and Sovereign Wealth Funds in GCC Economies
by Juergen Braunstein - 218-234 Watering Down Austerity: Scalar Politics and Disruptive Resistance in Ireland
by Silke Trommer - 235-251 The Managerial Lineages of Neoliberalism
by Samuel Knafo & Sahil Jai Dutta & Richard Lane & Steffan Wyn-Jones - 252-257 The Political Economy of Brexit and the Future of British Capitalism First Symposium
by Scott Lavery & Lucia Quaglia & Charlie Dannreuther - 258-271 Brexit, the City and the Contingent Power of Finance
by Scott James & Lucia Quaglia - 272-285 Paying Our Way in the World? Visible and Invisible Dangers of Brexit
by Jonathan Perraton & Marta R. M. Spreafico - 286-298 What's Left for ‘Social Europe’? Brexit and Transnational Labour Market Regulation in the UK-1 and the EU-27
by Nicole Lindstrom
January 2019, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-21 States and the Political Economy of Unfree Labour
by Genevieve LeBaron & Nicola Phillips - 22-36 Political Economy of International Policy on the Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies in Global Climate Change Regime
by Chaewoon Oh - 37-61 Assessing the Normative Legitimacy of Investment Arbitration: The EU’s Investment Court System
by Lisa Diependaele & Ferdi De Ville & Sigrid Sterckx - 62-88 Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Rethinking the Core and Periphery in the Eurozone Crisis
by Neil Dooley - 89-102 Climate Change and the Polanyian Counter-movement: Carbon Markets or Degrowth?
by Diana Stuart & Ryan Gunderson & Brian Petersen - 103-124 The Politics of Inequality as Organised Spectacle: Why the Swiss Do Not Want to Tax the Rich
by Patrick Emmenegger & Paul Marx - 125-143 Crisis of Capitalism and (De-)Politicisation of Monetary Policymaking: Reflections from Hungary and Turkey
by Pınar E. Dönmez & Eva J. Zemandl - 144-157 The Irish Newspapers and the Residential Property Price Boom
by Ciarán Michael Casey
November 2018, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 641-655 Post-truth Politics, Bullshit and Bad Ideas: ‘Deficit Fetishism’ in the UK
by Jonathan Hopkin & Ben Rosamond - 656-673 Economic Competition, Policy Interdependence, and Labour Rights
by Zhiyuan Wang - 674-689 How Do Business Interest Groups Respond to Political Challenges? A Study of the Politics of German Employers
by Thomas Paster - 690-710 How Low Can It Go? Analysing the Political Economy of Carbon Market Design and Low Carbon Prices
by Kate Ervine - 711-727 Quantitative Easing Forever? Financialisation and the Institutional Legitimacy of the Federal Reserve’s Unconventional Monetary Policy
by Antti Ronkainen & Ville-Pekka Sorsa - 728-747 Clean Energy Trade Governance: Reconciling Trade Liberalism and Climate Interventionism?
by Christopher M. Dent - 748-767 Welfare Capitalism in Post-Industrial Times: Trilemma or Power Over Rents?
by Paul Lewis & Fei Peng & Magnus Ryner - 768-785 Accounting for Income-Contingent Loans as a Policy Hybrid: Politics of Discretion and Discipline in Financialising Welfare States
by Ben Spies-Butcher & Gareth Bryant