November 1998, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 45-54 The Interaction of Values and Validity Assessment: Does a Test's Level of Validity Depend on a Researcher's Values?
by Mark Reckase - 55-67 Recovering a Dialectical View of Rationality
by Pamela Moss - 69-72 Commentary on ‘Science, Measurement, and Validity: Is Completion of Samuel Messick's Synthesis Possible?’ by Keith A. Markus
by Donald Zimmerman - 73-82 Validity, facts, and values sans closure: Reply to Messick, Reckase, Moss, and Zimmerman
by Keith Markus - 83-117 The Construct of Content Validity
by Stephen Sireci - 119-149 Moving Beyond Statistical Validity in Economics
by Fiona MacPhail - 153-171 Adapting Tests for Use in Multiple Languages and Cultures
by Ronald Hambleton & Liane Patsula - 173-199 Validity and Reliability of Subjective Social Indicators: The effect of different measures of association
by Willem Saris & Theresia van Wijk & Annette Scherpenzeel - 201-232 Some New Regression Methods for Predictive and Construct Validation
by Stanley Rabinowitz & David Rule & Robert Pruzek - 233-251 How Should Classical Test Theory Have Defined Validity?
by Donald Zimmerman - 253-275 On Variable Importance in Linear Regression
by D. Thomas & Edward Hughes & Bruno Zumbo - 279-318 Mode of administration and interviewer effects in self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression
by Torbjørn Moum - 319-342 Construct Validity of Unsupportive Attributional Style: The Impact of Life Outcome Controllability
by N.C. Higgins & Melanie Morrison - 343-370 Development and Evaluation of a Parent-Employee Interrole Conflict Scale
by Alison Mallard & Charles Lance - 371-390 Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Life Satisfaction Index
by Edward Helmes & Richard Goffin & Roland Chrisjohn - 391-422 Assessing Spirituality Through Personal Goals: Implications for Research on Religion and Subjective Well-Being
by Robert Emmons & Chi Cheung & Keivan Tehrani - 423-473 Dimensional Specificity in the Prediction of Subjective Well-Being: Personal Projects in Pursuit of the PhD
by Timothy Pychyl & Brian Little - 475-504 The Structure of Mental Health: Higher-Order Confirmatory Factor Analyses of Psychological Distress and Well-Being Measures
by Raymond Massé & Carole Poulin & Clément Dassa & Jean Lambert & Sylvie Bélair & Alex Battaglini
July 1998, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 267-290 Large Differences in Time Use for Three Data Collection Systems
by Nelly Kalfs & Willem Saris - 291-328 European Scientific Socio-Economic Reporting: State and Possibilities of Development
by Franz Rothenbacher - 329-365 The Personal and the Political: Israelis' Perception of Well-Being in Times of War and Peace
by Simha Landau & Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi & Shlomit Levy - 367-379 Use of Other-Reports to Validate Subjective Well-Being Measures
by Heidi Lepper - 383-386 Selections from Sinet – the Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
June 1998, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 155-194 Pairwise Comparisons of Social Development of Selected Countries: 1960–1994: An application of D 2 -statistics
by Krishna Mazumdar - 195-224 Happiness and Satisfaction: Measures of Affect and Cognition?
by Karen Crooker & Janet Near - 225-254 Optimally Scaled Quality-of-Life Indicators
by S.M. Shen & Y.L. Lai - 255-265 Natural Change in the Environment: A Challenge to the Pressure-State-Response Concept
by A. Berger & R. Hodge
May 1998, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction
by Silvana D'Andrea - 5-39 Italian Quality of Life
by Silvana D'Andrea - 41-69 A Hierarchical Ordinal Probit Model for the Analysis of Life Satisfaction in Italy
by Carla Rampichini & Silvana Schifini d'Andrea - 71-95 The Quality of Life in Some Local Metropolitan Labour Markets in Italy
by Barbara Baldazzi & Helen-Cristin Corrado & Angela Ferruzza - 97-118 Households and Territory. The Location of the Population of Rome in Relation to Housing Supply Characteristics
by Enrica Aureli & Barbara Baldazzi - 119-144 Time Use by Gender and Quality of Life
by Rina Camporese & Cristina Freguja & Linda Sabbadini - 145-153 Time Use Survey: The Italian Contribution to the European Programme. Methodological Note
by Gianlorenzo Bagatta
March 1998, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 211-225 Two State-Trait Discussions on Happiness. A Reply to Stones et al
by Ruut Veenhoven - 227-260 Materialism and Quality of Life
by M. Sirgy - 261-289 Factors Affecting Birth Rates among White Women 20–24 Years of Age: A Trend Analysis (January 1972–march 1992)
by Philips Salisbury - 291-306 Affective and Daily Event Predictors of Life Satisfaction in College Students
by June Pilcher - 307-334 The Second Approximation to an International Standard for Life Satisfaction
by Robert Cummins
February 1998, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction: Quality of Life in Countries Undergoing Rapid Social Change
by Wolfgang Glatzer - 3-26 Crossnational Differences in Happiness: Economic and Cultural Factors Explored
by Peggy Schyns - 27-68 Quality of Life in South Africa: Post-Apartheid Trends
by Valerie Møller - 69-96 East Asian Newly Industrializing Countries: Economic Growth and Quality of Life
by Kwong-Leung Tang - 97-119 Quality of Life in Transition Countries: Central East Europe with Special Reference to Croatia
by Igor Matutinović - 121-140 Changes in Living Standards and Depopulation in Latvia in the 1990s
by Pēteris Zvidriņš - 141-170 The Changing Quality of Life in a Post-Communist Country: The Case of Czech Republic
by Michal Illner - 171-196 Subjective Attendants of Unification and Transformation in Germany
by Wolfgang Glatzer & Mathias Bös - 197-209 Transformation and Anomie: Problems of Quality of Life in Bulgaria
by Nikolai Genov
November 1997, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 245-281 Basic Minimum Needs, Quality of Life and Selected Correlates: Explorations in Villages in Northern India
by Merlin Brinkerhoff & Kelly Fredell & James Frideres - 283-298 Children's Rights and Children's Quality of Life: Conceptual and Practical Issues
by Ferran Casas - 299-323 The Controllability of Negative Life Experiences Mediates Unrealistic Optimism
by N. Higgins & Michelle St AMAND & Gary Poole - 325-352 Improving the Quality of Live in Greater Soweto
by Ronald Mears - 353-366 Indicators of Democratization in Romania
by Ioan Marginean - 367-384 Life Style Or Survival Strategy?
by Věra Majerová - 385-388 Selections from Sinet – the Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss - 389-390 Call for Papers Special Issues of Social Indicators Research on the Quality of Life in Korea
by Doh Shin
October 1997, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 1-1 Rudolf Andorka March 30, 1931–May 30, 1997
by Wolfgang Glatzer & Alex Michalos - 103-116 The Future Direction of Social Indicator Research
by Joachim Vogel - 117-149 Climate Change Facts, Strategies, Choices and Innovations
by Derek Paul - 151-169 Measuring Information Behavior: A Time Budget Survey in Japan
by Hirohisa Suzuki & Yoshiaki Hashimoto & Kenichi Ishii - 171-204 Values, Performance and Subjective Well-Being in the Sustainability Movement: An Elaboration of Multiple Discrepancies Theory
by Jeffrey Jacob & Merlin Brinkerhoff - 205-219 A Paradox in African American Quality of Life
by Virgil Adams III - 221-244 A History of Threat in Europe and Belgium (1920–1993)
by Robert Hogenraad & Thierry Grosbois
September 1997, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-19 Social Development Trends in Europe, 1970–1994: Development Prospects for the New Europe
by Richard Estes - 21-39 Measuring Quality of Life
by Theresa Beckie & Leslie Hayduk - 41-76 Social Services for Children At Risk: The Impact on the Quality of Life
by Elena Zamfir - 77-101 Human Well-Being in Chinese Cities
by R. Frey & Fengxiang Song
July 1997, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-14 South Africa's Emergent “Social Indicators Movement”
by Valerie Møller - 15-50 The Shape of South African Society and its Challenges
by Lawrence Schlemmer & Valerie Møller - 51-94 Poverty, Inequality and Deprivation in South Africa: An Analysis of the 1993 SALDRU Survey
by Stephan Klasen - 95-118 “a Difficult Life”: The Perceptions and Experience of Poverty in South Africa
by Julian May & Andy Norton - 119-136 Inequality in South Africa: Findings from the 1994 October Household Survey
by Ros Hirschowitz & Mark Orkin - 137-168 Surviving the Transition: Trends and Perceptions of Crime in South Africa
by Antoinette Louw - 169-182 Trauma and Mental Health in South Africa
by Ros Hirschowitz & Mark Orkin - 183-203 The Reconstruction and Development Programme: Success Or Failure?
by Clive Corder - 205-228 Personal Versus Collective Quality of Life And South Africans' Evaluations of Democratic Government
by Robert Mattes & Jennifer Christie - 229-250 Aspects of the Quality of Life in Black Townships in a South African City: Implications for Human Development
by Elwil Beukes & Anna Colff - 251-278 Playing Numbers Or Politics? Approaches to the Prioritisation of Development Needs in South Africa
by Peter Gill & Peter Hall - 279-304 Monitoring Optimism in South Africa
by Mari Harris
May 1997, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 259-284 Culture as a Moderator of Overall Life Satisfaction – Life Facet Satisfaction Relationships
by Alison Mallard & Charles Lance & Alex Michalos - 285-298 the Impact of Personality and Social Support on Mental Health for Female Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
by Live Fyrand & Lars Wichstrøm & Torbjørn Moum & Ann Glennås & Tore Kvien - 299-327 Volunteering for Human Service Provisions: Lessons from Italy and the U.S.A
by Ugo Ascoli & Ram Cnaan - 329-357 Predictors of Life Satisfaction among Urban Iranian Women: An Exploratory Analysis
by Mahnaz Kousha & Navid Mohseni - 359-373 Has Livability of Japan Gotten Better for 1956–1990?: a Dea Approach
by Akihiro Hashimoto & Migaku Kodama
January 1997, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-4 Guest Editor'S Introduction
by Ted Schrecker - 5-98 Toward A Conceptual Framework For Assessing Progress Toward Sustainability
by Tony Hodge - 99-123 Money Matters; A Reality Check, With Help From Virginia Woolf
by Ted Schrecker - 125-146 Toward A Sustainable Us Health Policy: Local Congruities And Global Incongruities
by Andrew Jameton & Jessica Pierce - 147-158 Measuring Human Wellness
by J.S. MIllar & C. Hull - 159-178 Determinants And Indicators Of Health And Well-Being: Tools For Educating Society
by Evelyn Vingilis & Jennifer Sarkella - 179-187 The Bank Of Canada As A Determinant Of Health
by Robert Mcmurtry & Adalsteinn Brown - 189-216 Measuring Quality Of Life: Economic, Social, And Subjective Indicators
by Ed Diener & Eunkook Suh - 217-220 Indicators Of Human Well Being: Fine-Tuning Vs. Taking Action?
by Sally Lerner - 221-258 Combining Social, Economic And Environmental Indicators To Measure Sustainable Human Well-Being
by Alex Michalos
January 1996, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 233-237 Introduction
by Franco Archibugi - 239-279 Program indicators: Their role and use in the integrated social or community programming
by Franco Archibugi - 281-305 Describing and measuring socioeconomic systems: Prerequisites to planning
by Karl Fox - 307-309 Is 0.7% development assistance enough?
by Jan Tinbergen - 311-320 What state, what markets, for what development?
by Ignacy Sachs - 321-358 Indicators for the measurement of the quality of urban life
by Annalisa Cicerchia
January 1996, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 121-166 Migration and the quality of life: A review essay
by Alex Michalos - 167-186 The behaviour towards malaria care—a multinomial logit approach
by W. Asenso-Okyere & Janet Dzator & Isaac Osel-akoto - 187-202 Measurement of socio-economic inequality using the Life-Quality Index
by M. Pandey & J. Nathwani - 203-228 Community action in Alabama's Black Belt Timber-Dependent communities
by Andrew Zekeri - 229-232 Selections from Sinet-the social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
January 1996, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-58 Happy life-expectancy
by Ruut Veenhoven - 59-64 The purpose in life and academic behaviour of problem students in Bangladesh
by Tania Rahman & Abdul Khaleque - 65-88 Quality of life indicators and health: Current status and emerging conceptions
by Dennis Raphael & Rebecca Renwick & Ivan Brown & Irving Rootman - 89-108 The use of the CES-D for measuring symptoms of depression in three rural Russian villages
by Larry Dershem & Valeri Patsiorkovski & David O'Brien - 109-119 Quality of life for women
by Shirley Farlinger
January 1996, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 217-228 Differential components of urban in-and outmobility
by Jacob Weisberg & A. Eaglstein - 229-243 Social bonding and loneliness after network disruption: A longitudinal study of East German refugees
by Matthias Jerusalem & André Hahn & Ralf Schwarzer - 245-274 Level of development of a country: A possible new approach
by Krishna Mazumdar - 275-301 The extended satisfaction with life scale: Development and psychometric properties
by Vincent Alfonso & David Allison & Damon Rader & Bernard Gorman - 303-328 The domains of life satisfaction: An attempt to order chaos
by Robert Cummins - 329-331 Convergence or divergence? Comparing recent social trends in industrial societies
by Robert Boyd - 333-337 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
June 1996, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 109-128 The quality of life in historical perspective France: 1695–1990
by Nathalie Ostroot & Wayne Snyder - 129-137 The interrelationships of positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction in an adolescent sample
by E. Huebner & Tammy Dew - 139-160 Happiness and self-deception: An old question examined by a new measure of subjective well-being
by James Hagedorn - 161-180 Causal direction in a model of life satisfaction: The top-down/bottom-up controversy
by Anette Scherpenzeel & Willem Saris - 181-192 The World Health Organization's definition of health: Social versus spiritual health
by James Larson - 193-211 Religiosity, quality of life, and survival in cancer patients
by Gerd Ringdal - 213-216 Selections from Sinet—The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
May 1996, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-27 Happiness surveys: Some comparability issues and an exploratory survey based on just perceivable increments
by Yew-Kwang Ng - 29-52 Measuring the cognitive domain of the quality of life of university students
by Rodney Clifton & Emily Etcheverry & Shelley Hasinoff & Lance Roberts - 53-80 Using housing items to indicate socioeconomic status: Latin America
by Elizabeth Arias & Susan Vos - 81-102 The enjoyment of activities: Do couples affect each others' well-being?
by Oriel Sullivan - 103-107 Selections from Sinet — The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
March 1996, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 235-267 Commitment beyond self and adolescence: The issue of happiness
by Zipora Magen - 269-280 Achievement and improvement in living standards—An empirical analysis
by Amita Majumder & Satya Chakravarty - 281-301 Technology and life-quality
by David McPheat - 303-332 Intergenerational relations and time use in urban black South African households
by Valerie Møller - 333-360 The impact of women's status on infant mortality rate: A cross-national analysis
by Ulrike Boehmer & John Williamson - 361-365 Selections from Sinet —The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
February 1996, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 119-148 Social development trends in Asia, 1970–1994
by Richard Estes - 149-163 Working off the farm: Impacts on quality of life
by Melinda McCoy & Glen Filson - 165-187 Fieldwork and measurement considerations in surveys of the oldest old
by Olle Lundberg & Mats Thorslund - 189-206 Measuring the concept of marital quality as social indicators in urban China
by Xiaohe Xu - 207-218 Life Quality measures of smoking
by Niels Lind - 219-223 Selections from sinet—The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss - 225-226 Book reviews
by Ed Diener & Robert Sipe & Conrad Rutkowski
January 1996, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-46 Developments in satisfaction-research
by Ruut Veenhoven - 47-73 A weighted index of quality of life for Irish children; 1841, 1851, and 1861
by Thomas Jordan - 75-91 Short happiness and affect research protocol (sharp)
by M. Stones & Albert Kozma & John Hirdes & Dolores Gold & Tannis Arbuckle & Pam Kolopack - 93-106 Infant mortality decline in Chile: A replication
by Frank Young & Felipe Garcia - 107-110 Book review
by Wayne Snyder
November 1995, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 201-225 The economic measurement and determinants of diversity
by Dominique Haughton & Swati Mukerjee - 227-246 “Consumer Confidence” Indexes as social indicators
by Krzysztof Zagórski & John McDonnell - 247-273 Political legitimacy versus economic imperatives in system transformation: Hungary and East Germany 1990–93
by Bruce Headey & Rudolph Andorka & Peter Krause - 275-286 The wealth of nations revisited: Income and quality of life
by ED Diener & Carol Diener - 287-299 Quality of life, intelligence and mood
by Reidulf Watten & Jon Syversen & Trond Myhrer - 301-302 Book review
by Conrad Rutkowski
October 1995, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 107-127 A value based index for measuring national quality of life
by ED Diener - 129-144 Happiness has traitlike and statelike properties: A reply to Veenhoven
by M. Stones & Thomas Hadjistavropoulos & Holly Tuuko & Albert Kozma - 145-176 A multiattribute measure of human development
by Francesco Carlucci & Stefano Pisani - 177-190 Suicide and rurality in Alabama communities
by Andrew Zekeri & Kenneth Wilkinson - 191-199 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
September 1995, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-48 Livability of the welfare-state
by Ruut Veenhoven & Piet Ouweneel - 49-74 Measuring subjective well-being: Unfolding the Bradburn Affect Balance Scale
by Wijbrandt Schuur & Martine Kruijtbosch - 75-89 Attitudes toward items of time budgets as predictors of time uses: The case of men-v-women
by Jean-Charles Chebat & Cataldo Zuccaro - 91-98 Correct credit distribution: A model for sharing credit among coauthors
by I. Lukovits & P. Vinkler - 99-103 Selection fromSINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
July 1995, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 239-253 The quality of mass support for democratization
by Doh Shin - 255-270 A life satisfaction scale for use with national adult samples from the USA, Canada and Mexico
by Lorne Tepperman & James Curtis - 271-288 Friendship and subjective well-being in Spain: A cross-national comparison with the United States
by Felix Requena - 289-302 Personality and quality of life
by Reidulf Watten & Olav Vassend & Jon-Lars Syversen & Trond Myhrer - 303-312 The psychometric properties of the SSL12-I, a short scale for measuring social support in the elderly
by G. Kempen & L. Eijk - 313-329 The application of cost-benefit dominance analysis to the assessment of farm animal quality of life
by A. Taylor & J. Hurnik & H. Lehman - 331-337 Book reviews
by James Veney & Timothy Hoye - 339-342 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
June 1995, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 129-153 A consumption model for measuring poverty: An exploratory exercise
by Laily Paim - 155-177 Social indicators of racial parity
by Frank McVeigh & Roland Dedekind - 179-200 On the trail of the gold standard for subjective well-being
by Robert Cummins - 201-223 Modeling urbanism: Economic, social and environmental stress in cities
by Kent Schwirian & Amy Nelson & Patricia Schwirian - 225-232 Book reviews
by Roy Wehrle & Conrad Rutkowski - 233-237 Selections fromSINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
May 1995, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-25 Gender differences in relating life events and well-being in elderly individuals
by Sheryl French & William Gekoski & V. Knox - 27-37 Olympic medals as an indicator of social welfare
by Frank Butter & Casper Tak - 39-52 The relationship between self-concept and life satisfaction in children
by Tara Terry & E. Scott Huebner - 53-69 Gender differences in poverty among single people in Denmark
by Kirsten Thomsen - 71-91 Assessing quality of life in Singapore: An exploratory study
by Kau Keng & Wang Hooi - 93-116 Predictors of satisfaction with life among second generation migrants
by Félix Neto - 117-125 Book reviews
by Ed Diener & Tonia Bogener
March 1995, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 299-313 World Database of Happiness
by Ruut Veenhoven - 315-323 The Students' Life Satisfaction Scale: An assessment of psychometric properties with black and white elementary school students
by E. Huebner - 325-338 Patterns of inter- and intra-regional inequality: A socio-economic approach
by Amita Majumder & Krishna Mazumdar & Snigdha Chakrabarti - 339-365 Metropolitan social structure, labor markets, and fertility
by Jeffrey Burr - 367-376 The impact of professional and personal satisfaction on perceptions of rural and urban: Some analytic evidence
by Nino Pagliccia & Lars Apland & Arminée Kazanjian - 377-394 Francophone life satisfaction and civic culture: A meta-analysis of the Canadian case
by John Goyder & Timothy McCutcheon - 395-409 A Human Development Index for the Dalit Child in India
by Bruce Corrie - 411-420 Book reviews
by Roderic Beaujot & Kenneth Land & Riël Vermunt - 421-424 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
February 1995, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 181-211 Separating people's satisfaction with life and public perceptions of the quality of life in the environment
by Leo Jeffres & Jean Dobos - 213-235 Lessons from the healthy cities movement for social indicator development
by Steve Waddell - 237-259 A life satisfaction measure: Additional validational data for the Congruity Life Satisfaction measure
by M. Sirgy & Dennis Cole & Rustan Kosenko & H. Meadow & Don Rahtz & Muris Cicic & Guang Jin & Duygun Yarsuvat & David Blenkhorn & Natasha Nagpal - 261-273 Classification of countries: A socio-economic approach
by Krishna Mazumdar - 275-282 Subjective well-being and age
by James Horley & J. Lavery