March 2005, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 123-144 Participatory Partnerships: Engaging and Empowering to Enhance Environmental Management and Quality of Life?
by Bruce Mitchell - 145-181 Marketing and Quality of Life: A Model for Improving Perinatal Health Status
by G. Alan Dever & Leah Smith & Bunnie Stamps - 183-229 Quality of Life in Hong Kong: Past Accomplishments And Future Prospects
by Richard Estes - 231-258 The Pre- and Post-1997 Well-Being of Hong Kong Residents
by Shir Shen & S. Choy - 259-289 Quality of Life in Hong Kong: the Cuhk Hong Kong Quality of Life Index
by Ying Chan & Cheuk Kwan & Tan Shek - 291-334 Quality of Life in Older Adults: Benefits from Caring Services in Hong Kong
by Jacky Cheung & Alex Kwan & Sophia Chan & Raymond Ngan & Sik Ng & Edward Leung & Anna Lau - 335-361 An Exploratory Study on the Quality of Life of older Chinese People Living alone in Hong Kong
by Jik Lee - 363-383 Economic Stress, Emotional Quality of Life, and Problem Behavior in Chinese Adolescents with and without Economic Disadvantage
by Daniel Shek - 385-409 A Longitudinal Study of Chinese Cultural Beliefs About Adversity, Psychological Well-Being, Delinquency And Substance Abuse in Chinese Adolescents With Economic Disadvantage
by Daniel Shek - 411-440 The Quality of Life of Hong Kong’s Poor Households in the 1990s: Levels of Expenditure, Income Security and Poverty
by Hung Wong - 441-465 Quality of Life Perceptions and Directions for Urban Regeneration in Hong Kong
by Mee Ng - 467-489 Subjective Residential Environment and its Implications for Quality of Life Among University Students in Hong Kong
by Sai Ng - 491-516 Do Demographic Characteristics Make a Difference to Burnout among Hong Kong Secondary School Teachers?
by Patrick Lau & Man Yuen & Raymond Chan - 517-539 Relations Between Social Problem Solving and Indicators of Interpersonal and Family Well-Being Among Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong
by Andrew Siu & Daniel Shek
February 2005, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 243-255 Diminishing Marginal Utility of Income? Caveat Emptor
by Richard Easterlin - 257-286 Perceptions of Life Quality among the Korean Mass Public: Unraveling their Dynamics and Standards
by Chong-Min Park & Doh Shin - 287-311 Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction in the Kingdom of Tonga
by Sean Moore & Heather Leslie & Carrie Lavis - 313-326 Sex Ratio at Birth and Infant Mortality Rate in China: An Empirical Study
by Dejian Lai - 327-347 Income and “Outcomes” for Elderly: DO the Poor have A Poorer Life?
by Jacob Arendt - 349-368 Paid Work and Unpaid Work: Diary Information Versus Questionnaire Information
by Jens Bonke
January 2005, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 117-138 Integration into the Social Democratic Welfare State
by Mikael Hjerm - 139-150 Life Satisfaction Among University Students in a Canadian Prairie City: a Multivariate Analysis
by Henry Chow - 151-183 Parameters of Household Composition as Demographic Measures
by Abraham Akkerman - 185-229 Oecd Social Indicators for 2001: a Critical Appraisal
by Esko Kalimo - 231-240 Secluded and Proximate Illiteracy: Comparing Situations
by Srijit Mishra
January 2005, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-52 Assessing Gilligan Vs. Sommers: Gender-Specific Trends in Child and Youth Well-Being in the United States, 1985–2001
by Sarah Meadows & Kenneth Land & Vicki Lamb
March 2005, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 53-77 Subjective Well-Being: The Constructionist Point of View. A Longitudinal Study to Verify The Predictive Power of Top-Down Effects and Bottom-Up Processes
by Fabio Leonardi & Liana Spazzafumo & Fiorella Marcellini - 79-109 Spillover Between Work Attitudes and Overall Life Attitudes: Myth or Reality?
by Joseph Rode & Janet Near - 111-116 Selections From Sinet – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
December 2004, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 243-277 Measuring the Effect of Tourism Services on Travelers’ Quality of Life: Further Validation
by Janet Neal & M. Sirgy & Muzaffer Uysal - 279-301 Constructing a Quality of Life Scale for Older Chinese People in Hong Kong (HKQoLOCP)
by Alfred Chan & David Phillips & Sheung-Tak Cheng & Iris Chi & Suzanne Ho - 303-349 Effect of family structure on life satisfaction: australian evidence
by M. Evans & Jonathan Kelley - 351-360 Intimate Adult Relationships, Quality of Life and Psychological Adjusment
by Abdul Khaleque - 361-362 Subjective Well-Being In Mental Health And Human Development Research Worldwide
by Corey Keyes
November 2004, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 123-166 Development Challenges of the "New Europe"
by Richard Estes - 167-198 Further Validation and Extension of the Quality-of-Life/Community-Healthcare Model and Measures
by Don Rahtz & M. Sirgy & Dong-Jin Lee - 199-218 The Need to Provide for Security in Old Age in Hierarchy of Needs – An Estimation of its Ranking Within the Polish Population
by Malgorzata Roszkiewicz - 219-242 Social and Developmental Predictors of Optimism from Infancy to Early Adulthood
by Ellen Ek & Jouko Remes & Ulla Sovio
October 2004, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-36 An Integrational Model of Quality of Life in Older Age. Results from the ESRC/MRC HSRC Quality of Life Survey in Britain
by Ann Bowling & Zahava Gabriel - 37-50 The Lonely and Homeless: Causes and Consequences
by Ami Rokach - 51-66 Correlates of Quality of Life of Agricultural Scholarship Recipients
by James Smith & Gary Briers & Charlotte Smith - 67-91 Arthritis Impact on U.S. Life Quality: Morbidity and Mortality Effects From National Health Interview Survey Data 1986–1988 and 1994 Using QWBX1 Estimates of Well-Being
by John Anderson & Robert Kaplan & Christopher Ake - 93-101 Determinants of Rural Physicians' Life and Job Satisfaction
by Marcel Lavanchy & Ian Connelly & Stefan Grzybowski & Alex Michalos & Jonathan Berkowitz & Harvey Thommasen - 103-116 Quality of Life in a City: The Effect of Population Density
by Victoria Cramer & Svenn Torgersen & Einar Kringlen - 117-121 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
September 2004, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 251-298 The Impact of Globalization on a Country's Quality of Life: Toward an Integrated Model
by M. Sirgy & Dong-Jin Lee & Chad Miller & James Littlefield - 299-330 The Role of European Welfare States in Explaining Resources Deprivation
by Ruud Muffels & Didier Fouarge - 331-369 The Multidimensional Measurement of Poverty in Belgium and Britain: A Categorical Approach
by Caroline Dewilde
September 2004, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 127-162 Is the Good Life the Easy Life?
by Christie Scollon & Laura King - 163-174 To Weight or not to Weight: The Role of Domain Importance in Quality of Life Measurement
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 175-200 Youth and Religion: The Gameboy Generation Goes to “Church”
by Ram Cnaan & Richard Gelles & Jill Sinha - 201-220 Measuring subjective health among adolescents in Sweden
by Curt Hagquist & David Andrich - 221-234 Perceived Quality of Life and Self-Rated Health among First-Year University Students
by Marjan Vaez & Margareta Kristenson & Lucie Laflamme - 235-249 Assessing the Structural Robustness of Self-Rated Satisfaction With Life: A SEM Analysis
by Stéphane Vautier & Etienne Mullet & Saïd Jmel
August 2004, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-33 Poverty and Subjective Well-being in Mexico
by Joaquina Lever - 35-57 Incorporating Interpersonal Events within Uplift Measurement
by D.J. Maybery - 59-75 Variables Associated with Resilience in Divorced Families
by Abraham Greeff & Stephanus van der Merwe - 77-89 Correspondence in Residents' and Staff Members' Assessments of the Quality of Life of Children in Residential Care Facilities
by Bilha Davidson-Arad & Rachel Dekel & Yochanan Wozner - 91-105 The Dimensionality and Gender Differential Item Functioning of the Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (MiniAQLQ)
by Michaela Gelin & Bruce Carleton & M. Smith & Bruno. Zumbo - 107-126 Subjective Well-being in a Multicultural Urban Population: Structural, and Multivariate Analyses of the Ontario Health Survey Well-being Scale
by Lindsay John
July 2004, Volume 67, Issue 3
- 253-281 Global and Ethnic Self-esteem in School Context: Minority and majority groups in the Netherlands
by Maykel Verkuyten & Jochem Thijs - 283-314 Perception of Job Instability in Europe
by Petri Böckerman - 315-332 Socio-economic Indexes in Surveys for Comparisons between Countries
by J.M. Batista-Foguet & J. Fortiana & C. Currie & J.R. Villalbí - 333-351 Does Modernity Lead to Greater Well-Being? Bedouin Women Undergoing a Socio-Cultural Transition
by Peri Kedem-Friedrich & Maged Al-Atawneh - 353-373 Construction of Health Indices Using Paired Comparisons
by Wai Ip & Lai Chiu & Ying Kwan - 375-375 Erratum To
by Hun Kim
June 2004, Volume 67, Issue 1
- 1-10 Why Time-Sampling Studies Can Enrich Work–Leisure Research
by Petra Klumb & Meinrad Perrez - 11-49 Stressful Situations at Work and in Private Life among Young Workers: An Event Sampling Approach
by Simone Grebner & Achim Elfering & Norbert Semmer & Claudia Kaiser-Probst & Marie-Louise Schlapbach - 51-73 Overtime in Relation to Blood Pressure and Mood During Work, Leisure, and Night Time
by Renate Rau & Antje Triemer - 75-106 Parenthood and the Quality of Experience in Daily Life: A Longitudinal Study
by Antonella Fave & Faust Massimini - 107-127 Benefits from Productive and Consumptive Activities: Results from the Berlin Aging Study
by Petra Klumb - 129-143 Ecological and Motivational Determinants of Activation: Studying Compared to Sports and Watching TV
by Philippe Delespaul & Harry Reis & Marten DeVries - 145-182 Work Related and ``Private'' Social Interactions at Work
by Franziska Tschan & Norbert Semmer & Laurent Inversin - 183-246 How is My Partner Feeling in Different Daily-Life Settings? Accuracy of Spouses' Judgements about Their Partner's Feelings at Work and at Home
by Peter Wilhelm & Meinrad Perrez - 247-252 Costs and Benefits of Time Sampling Methodologies
by Jonathan Gershuny
May 2004, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 197-211 Evolution of hostile sexism and benevolent sexism in a spanish sample
by María Fernández & Yolanda Castro & Manuel Lorenzo - 213-228 Self Report Co-Morbidity and Health Related Quality of Life – A Comparison with Record Based Co-Morbidity Measures
by Donald Voaklander & Karen Kelly & C. Jones & Maria Suarez-Almazor - 229-248 Support Needs of the Survivors of the August 17, 1999 Earthquake in Turkey
by Aytül Kasapoğlu & Yildiz Ecevit & Mehmet Ecevit - 249-266 Income and Financial Satisfaction among Older Adults in the United States
by Chang-ming Hsieh - 267-282 Modernity, Traditionality, and Junior High School Attainment in Turkey
by Işık Aytaç & Bruce Rankin - 283-293 Values Reflected in the Human Development Index
by Niels Lind - 295-318 Social Cohesion and Living Conditions in the Canadian Arctic: From Theory to Measurement
by Gérard Duhaime & Edmund Searles & Peter Usher & Heather Myers & Pierre Fréchette
April 2004, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Anne Dannerbeck - 3-33 Research on Assessment of Life Satisfaction of Children and Adolescents
by E. Huebner - 35-60 The Influence of Parent and Peer Attachments on Life Satisfaction in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence
by Amanda Nickerson & Richard Nagle - 61-79 A Cross-cultural Comparison of the Dimensions of Child and Adolescent Life Satisfaction Reports
by Nansook Park & E. Huebner & James Laughlin & Robert Valois & Rich Gilman - 81-105 Life Satisfaction and Suicide among High School Adolescents
by Robert Valois & Keith Zullig & E. Huebner & J. Drane - 107-122 Subjective Quality of Life and Self-Esteem in Children: The Role of Primary and Secondary Control in Coping with Everyday Stress
by Karen Marriage & Robert Cummins - 123-141 Life-Satisfaction, Values and Goal Achievement: The Case of Planned Versus by Chance Searches on the Internet
by Ferran Casas & Mònica González & Cristina Figuer & Germà Coenders - 143-164 A Preliminary Study of Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Among Deaf/Hard of Hearing Youth Across Environmental Settings
by Rich Gilman & Susan Easterbrooks & Michele Frey - 165-195 The Role of Life Satisfaction in the Relationship between Authoritative Parenting Dimensions and Adolescent Problem Behavior
by Shannon Suldo & E. Huebner
February 2004, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 245-277 Global Judgments of Subjective Well-Being: Situational Variability and Long-Term Stability
by Michael Eid & Ed Diener - 279-298 Using Perceived Health to Test the Construct-related Validity of Global Quality of Life
by Theresa Beckie & Leslie Hayduk - 299-331 Subjective Well-Being versus Self-Actualization: Using the Flow-Simplex to Promote a Conceptual Clarification of Subjective Quality of Life
by Joar Vittersø - 333-353 Subjective Well-Being and Household Factors in South Africa
by Jeffrey Bookwalter & Douglas Dalenberg - 355-360 Substance Use Disorders in a Sample of Iranian Secondary School Students
by Jamshid Ahmadi & Mohammadjavad Alishahi & Maryam Alavi - 361-367 Selections from SINET: The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
January 2004, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 125-144 Who Enjoys the Fruits of Growth? Impact of Governments and Markets on Living Standards in Germany, The Netherlands and the U.S.A., 1987–1996
by Bruce Headey & Stephen Headey & Ruud Muffels & Carla Janssen - 145-165 The Contribution of Scenic Beauty Indicators in Estimating Environmental Welfare Measures: A Case Study
by Ioanna Fanariotu & Dimitris Skuras - 167-186 Using Alternate Forms of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale: Caveat Emptor
by Anita Hubley & Shannon Wagner - 187-206 Development of an Attitudes Measure for Prenatal Screening in Diverse Populations
by S.F. Posner & L.A. Learman & E.A. Gates & A.E. Washington & M. Kuppermann - 207-225 Consumer Confidence In Ghana And Its Implications For Survey-Based Economic Indicators In Africa
by Christopher McCarty & John Attafuah - 227-244 Trends in life expectancy in wellbeing
by R.J.M. Perenboom & L.M. van Herten & H.C. Boshuizen & G.A.M. van den Bos
January 2004, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-25 The personal distribution of economic welfare in Germany – how the welfare state works
by Richard Hauser - 27-72 Social Indicators Research and Health-Related Quality of Life Research
by Alex Michalos - 73-107 From Mangos to Manufacturing: Uneven Development and Its Impact on Social Well-being in the Dominican Republic
by Carlton Pomeroy & Steve Jacob - 109-123 Happiness in Canada Since World War II
by Roderick Hill
December 2003, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 325-327 Preface
by Joachim Vogel - 329-347 Introduction
by Joachim Vogel - 349-372 The Labour Market
by Joachim Vogel - 373-391 Welfare State
by Joachim Vogel - 393-435 The Family
by Joachim Vogel - 437-469 Income and Material Living Standards
by Joachim Vogel - 471-493 Health
by T. Theorell & J. Vogel - 495-520 Welfare Regimes and Welfare Opinions: a Comparison of Eight Western Countries
by Stefan Svallfors - 521-546 Subjective Well-Being in the European Union during the 90ies
by Bernhard Christoph & Heinz-Herbert Noll - 547-572 Towards a Typology of European Welfare Production: Summary and Discussion
by Joachim Vogel
November 2003, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 159-190 Developing a National Index of Subjective Wellbeing: The Australian Unity Wellbeing Index
by Robert Cummins & Richard Eckersley & Julie Pallant & Jackie van Vugt & RoseAnne Misajon - 191-208 Making Inter-country Comparison of Life Expectancy Inequality Sensitive
by Achin Chakraborty & Udaya Mishra - 209-224 Revisiting the Disengagement Theory with Differentials in the Determinants of Life Satisfaction
by Chaonan Chen - 225-256 Normative Life Satisfaction: Measurement Issues and a Homeostatic Model
by Robert Cummins - 257-291 Two Thomases: Dublin Castle and The Quality of Life in Victorian Ireland
by Thomas Jordan - 293-323 Health-Related Quality of Life Models: Systematic Review of the Literature
by Marie-Christine Taillefer & Gilles Dupuis & Marie-Anne Roberge & Sylvie LeMay
October 2003, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-27 Wealth and Happiness Revisited – Growing National Income Does Go with Greater Happiness
by Michael Hagerty & Ruut Veenhoven - 29-50 Do Standards of Living Converge? A Cross-country Study
by Krishna Mazumdar - 51-74 Measuring Quality of Life in Small Areas Over Different Periods of Time
by Vicente Royuela & Jordi Suriñach & Mónica Reyes - 75-105 Individual Welfare in the Soviet Union
by Kenneth Smith - 107-138 German Reunification: Welfare Gains and Losses East and West
by Bruce Headey & Derek Headey - 139-152 The Choice of Principal Variables for Computing some Measures of Human Well-being
by Tomson Ogwang & Abdella Abdou - 153-158 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
April 2003, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 3-16 The Quality of Life in Korea: Comparative and Dynamic Perspectives
by Doh Shin & Conrad Rutkowski & Chong-Min Park - 19-38 The Transformation of Korean Life: Demographic Trends and Their Social Implications
by Tai-Hwan Kwon - 39-50 Social Change and Stratification
by Doo-Seung Hong - 51-70 Economic Crisis and its Consequences
by Jiho Jang - 71-92 Democratization and its Consequences
by Doh Shin & Junhan Lee - 93-117 Stability and Change in Korean Values
by Aie-Rie Lee - 121-148 Quality of Life Across Life Domains: Family Structure and Relations
by Ok Yang - 149-170 Religious Influences on Personal and Societal Well-being
by Andrew Kim - 171-186 Health and Health Care
by Soonman Kwon - 187-195 Educational Attainment and Policy
by Junghyo Kim & Junhan Lee - 197-209 Income, Consumption, and Poverty
by Joung-Woo Lee - 211-237 Changing Conditions and Quality of Housing
by Jae-Young Son & Yun-hi Won & Choon-Geol Moon - 239-263 Crime and Crime Control
by Hee-Jong Joo - 265-289 Social Welfare System
by Meesook Kim - 291-319 Quality of Local Government and Democratic Citizenship
by Chong-Min Park - 321-344 Environmental Conditions and Governmental Fiscal Policy
by Dong-Ki Min - 345-363 Media, The Public, and Freedom of the Press
by Hun Kim - 367-385 Quality of Life Across Population Groups: Women in the Workplace: Gender and Wage Differentials
by Gyeongjoon Yoo - 387-409 Quality of Life Among Government Employees
by Meesook Kim & Kyung-Ho Cho - 411-435 Value Consensus and Diversity between Generations and Genders
by Eun-Yeong Na & John Duckitt - 437-454 Patterns of Family Support and the Quality of Life of the Elderly
by Ik Kim & Cheong-Seok Kim - 455-477 Subjective Well-Being Among College Students
by Kyeong-Ho Cha - 481-508 The Quality of Korean Life in Camparative Perspective: Objective Quality of Life in Korea and the OECD Countries
by Hyun Lee - 509-534 Subjective Quality of Korean Life in 1981 and 2001
by Doh Shin & Conrad Rutkowski
March 2003, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 241-258 A Comparison of Older Informal Caregivers and Non-Caregivers Living in Non-Metropolitan Areas
by Anita Hubley & Dawn Hemingway & Alex Michalos - 259-283 Coping with Loneliness and Drug Use in Young Adults
by Ami Rokach & Tricia Orzeck - 285-296 A Hedonic Price Function for a Northern BC Community
by Tomson Ogwang & Baotai Wang - 297-317 The Impacts of Individualism/Collectivism, Self-Esteem, and Feeling of Mastery on Life Satisfaction among the Turkish University Students and Academicians
by Unsal Yetim - 319-330 Principal Component Analysis on Human Development Indicators of China
by Dejian Lai - 331-360 Social Capital, Satisfaction and Quality of Life in the Workplace
by Felix Requena
February 2003, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 121-145 Preliminary Validation of the Brief Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS)
by Julie Seligson & E. Huebner & Robert Valois - 147-174 Understanding Human Capital Through Multiple Disciplines: The Educational Needs Index
by Houston Davis & Brian Noland - 175-202 The Household as an Economic Unit in Arctic Aboriginal Communities, and its Measurement by Means of a Comprehensive Survey
by Peter Usher & Gérard Duhaime & Edmund Searles - 203-225 Quality of Life of Residents Living near Industrial Estates in Singapore
by Muhammad Ibrahim & Sim Chung - 227-240 Counting Importance: The Case of Life Satisfaction and Relative Domain Importance
by Chang-ming Hsieh
January 2003, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-18 Policing Services and the Quality of Life
by Alex Michalos - 19-57 Measuring Substance Abuse Treatment Need Among Adults in Florida: A Social Indicators Approach
by Lisa Stolzenberg & Stewart D'Alessio & James Rivers & Augusto Newell - 59-78 Child Well-being: A Systematic Review of the Literature
by Elizabeth Pollard & Patrice Lee - 79-95 Determinants of Subjective Quality of Life Among Rural Adolescents: A Developmental Perspective
by Heather Chipuer & Paul Bramston & Grace Pretty - 97-120 Sympathy and the Value of Health: The Spill-over Effects of Migraine on Household Well-being
by Wim Groot & Henriëtte van den Brink
December 2002, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Bruno Zumbo - 5-40 Wealth Of Nations, Individual Income andLife Satisfaction in 42 Countries:A Multilevel Approach
by Peggy Schyns - 41-54 A Par Approach to Quality of Life: Modeling Health through Participation
by Shereen Ismael - 55-88 Quality of Life in Europe: Objective and Subjective Indicators A Spatial Analysis Using Classification Techniques
by Alessandra Petrucci & Silvana D'Andrea - 89-113 Social Indicators and Living Conditions in the Netherlands
by Jeroen Boelhouwer - 115-122 An Introduction to the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale
by E. Huebner & Rich Gilman - 123-144 Self-Sustained Quality of Life Monitoring: The Philippine Social Weather Reports
by Mahar Mangahas & Linda Guerrero - 147-154 Welfare to Well-Being Transition
by Bonnie Braun & Patricia Olson & Jean Bauer - 155-177 A Behavioral Model to Optimize Financial Quality of Life
by Esther Maddux - 179-190 Public Policy and Diffusion of Innovation
by Robert Owen & Alfred Ntoko & Ding Zhang & June Dong - 193-225 Community Subjective Well-being, Personality Traits and Quality of Life Therapy
by David Kimweli & William Stilwell - 227-241 I Want to Pretend I'm Eleven Years Younger: Subjective Age and Seniors' Motives for Vacation Travel
by Megan Cleaver & Thomas Muller - 243-262 Access to Health Care: Social Determinants of Preventive Cancer Screening Use in Northern British Columbia
by Joanne Bryant & Annette Browne & Sylvia Barton & Bruno Zumbo - 263-274 Aspects of the Effect of Substance Use on Health, Wellness and Safety of Employees and Families in Northern Remote Work Sites
by Sylvia Barton - 275-280 Does Material Well-Being Affect Non-Material Well-Being?
by Abbott Ferriss - 281-297 Distribution of Household Income in America: Effects of Source of Income, Inflation, and Cost of Living Differentials
by Mohamed Abdel-Ghany & Stephen Thoma - 299-307 Does Business Process Reengineering Diminish the Quality of Work Life?
by Forrest Green & Eric Hatch - 309-334 Unequal perceived quality of life among elderly Italians: different satisfaction levels in selected spheres life
by Enrica Aurelia & Barbara Baldazzi
September 2002, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 229-259 Dispositional Affect and Job Outcomes
by Ed Diener & Carol Nickerson & Richard Lucas & Ed Sandvik - 261-274 Unravelling Subjective Quality of Life: An Investigation of Individual and Community Determinants
by Paul Bramston & Grace Pretty & Heather Chipuer - 275-299 European Welfare regimes and the transition to adulthood: A comparative and longitudinal perspective
by Joachim Vogel - 301-319 Explaining Poverty: On the Structural Constraints of Income Mobility
by Georg Müller - 321-338 Healthy Days, Health Satisfaction and Satisfaction with the Overall Quality of Life
by Alex Michalos & Bruno Zumbo
August 2002, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 115-151 An Overview and Evaluation of Composite Indices of Development
by Frederik Booysen - 153-173 Trends in violent crime: a comparison between police statistics and victimization surveys
by Karin Wittebrood & Marianne Junger - 175-202 South Africa's `Rainbow People', National Pride and Optimism: A Trend Study
by Helga Dickow & Valerie Møller - 203-228 School Satisfaction of Elementary School Children: The Role of Performance, Peer Relations, Ethnicity and Gender
by Maykel Verkuyten & Jochem Thijs
July 2002, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-34 Ageing and Living Conditions of the Elderly: Sweden 1980–1998
by Joachim Vogel