July 2002, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 35-77 Indicators of Gender Equality for American States and Regions: An Update
by Jennifer Di Noia - 79-114 How Neighborhood Features Affect Quality of Life
by M. Sirgy & Terri Cornwell
June 2002, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-11 Introduction
by Michael Hagerty & Joachim Vogel & Valerie Møller - 13-32 Conceptualizing and Measuring Quality of Life for National Policy
by Sten Johansson - 33-46 Why Social Policy Needs Subjective Indicators
by Runt Veenhoven - 47-87 Towards a European System of Social Indicators: Theoretical Framework and System Architecture
by Heinz-Herbert Noll - 89-112 Strategies and Traditions in Swedish Social Reporting: A 30-Year Experience
by Joachim Vogel - 113-138 Quality of Life and Living Conditions in the Netherlands
by Jeroen Boelhouwer - 139-160 ``Quality of Life'' Research at the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics: Social Indicators and Social Surveys
by Charles Kamen - 161-175 Quality of life in a European Perspective: The EUROMODULE as a New Instrument for Comparative Welfare Research
by Jan Delhey & Petra Böhnke & Roland Habich & Wolfgang Zapf - 177-189 The NORBALT Project: Comparative Studies of Living Conditions in the three Baltic Countries
by Aadne Aasland & Guri Tyldum - 191-216 Living Conditions in the Arctic
by Thomas Andersen & Birger Poppel - 217-228 Cross-national Comparison of the Quality of Life in Europe: Inventory of Surveys and Methods
by Michaeal Hudler & Rudolf Richter - 229-265 TELESIS: The Uses of Indicators to Set Goals and Develop Programs to Change Conditions
by Abbott Ferriss - 267-292 The Role of Quality of Life Surveys in Managing Change in Democratic Transitions: The South African Case
by Valerie Møller & Helga Dickow - 293-312 Monitoring the Impact of Land Reform on Quality of Life: A South African Case Study
by Julian May & Thildé Stevens & Annareth Stols - 313-348 Toward a Social Development Index For Hong Kong: The Process of Community Engagement
by Richard Estes - 349-382 International Comparisons of Trends in Economic Well-being
by Lars Osberg & Andrew Sharpe - 383-402 Declining Quality of Life Costs Governments Elections: Review of 13 OECD Countries
by Michael Hagerty - 403-428 Considering Social Cohesion in Quality of Life Assessments: Concept and Measurement
by Regina Berger-Schmitt - 429-440 Do Income Surveys Overestimate Poverty in Western Europe? Evidence from a Comparison with Institutional Frameworks
by Christina Behrendt
March 2002, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 229-262 Community Assessment of the Effects of Casinos on Quality of Life
by Mark Nichols & B. Stitt & David Giacopassi - 263-300 Changes in Subjective and Objective Measures of Economic Well-Being and Their Interrelationship among the Elderly in Singapore and Taiwan
by Angelique Chan & Mary Ofstedal & Albert Hermalin - 301-338 Revisiting UNDP's GDI and GEM: Towards an Alternative
by A. Dijkstra - 339-351 The Use of Correspondence Analysis to Develop a Scale to Measure Workplace Morale from Multi-level Data
by Ken Reed
February 2002, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 119-169 Will Money Increase Subjective Well-Being?
by Ed Diener & Robert Biswas-Diener - 171-190 The Construct Validity of Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being (SPWB) and their Relationship to Measures of Subjective Well-Being
by Garrett Kafka & Albert Kozma - 191-200 Diabetes Vis-a-vis Mind and Body
by Deepesh Prasad & S. Srivastava - 201-229 The Relationship between Economic Development and Social Welfare: A New Adjusted GDP Measure of Welfare
by Sardar Islam & Matthew Clarke
January 2002, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-11 On A Symmetric Measure of Occupational Segregation
by Diganta Mukherjee - 13-41 Living Environment Preferences of the Inhabitants of Istanbul: A Modified Hierarchical Information Integration Model
by Burç Ülengin & Füsun Ülengin & Ümit Güvenç - 43-71 The Role of Leisure in Determining Quality of Life: Issues of Content and Measurement
by Kathleen Lloyd & Christopher Auld - 73-88 Queen Victoria's Irish Soldiers: Quality of Life and Social Origins of the Thin Green Line
by Thomas Jordan - 89-118 The Conceptual and Relational Structure of Subjective Well-Being, Neuroticism, and Extraversion: Once Again, Neuroticism Is the Important Predictor of Happiness
by Joar Vittersø & Fredrik Nilsen
December 2001, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 241-318 Child and Youth Well-Being in the United States, 1975–1998: Some Findings from a New Index
by Kenneth Land & Vicki Lamb & Sarah Mustillo - 319-349 The Community Well-Being Questionnaire: Theoretical Context and Initial Assessment of Its Reliability and Validity
by Sophia Christakopoulou & Jon Dawson & Aikaterini Gari - 351-356 Selections from Sinet – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
November 2001, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 125-143 Further Validation of the Sirgy et al.'s Measure of Community Quality of Life
by M. Sirgy & Terri Cornwell - 145-178 Does the recording of parallel activities in Time Use Diaries affect the way people report their main activities?
by Ragni Kitterød - 179-203 Beyond Life Satisfaction: Lay Conceptions of Well-Being among Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults
by Gerben Westerhof & Freya Dittmann-Kohli & Toine Thissen - 205-231 The Prospects of Catching up for New EU Members Lessons for the Accession Countries to the European Union from Previous Enlargements
by Jan Delhey - 233-239 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
October 2001, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Use of the Shye's Systemic Quality Life Model in the Examination of Child Protection Officers Decision
by Bilha Arad & Yochanan Wozner - 21-42 Multidimensional Analysis of Regional Inequality: The case of Hungary
by L. Quadrado & W. Heijman & H. Folmer - 43-72 Moving towards local-level indicators of sustainability in forest-based communities: A mixed-method approach
by John Parkins & Richard Stedman & Jeji Varghese - 73-89 The Measurement of Socio-Economic Status: Investigation of Gender-and Age-Specific Indicators in Australia: National Health Survey 1995
by Gita Mishra & Kylie Ball & Annette Dobson & Julie Byles & Penny Warner-Smith - 91-118 An Economic Approach to Achievement and Improvement Indexes
by Osman Zaim & Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf - 119-123 Selections from SINET: The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
September 2001, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 241-302 A New Measure of Quality of Work Life (QWL) Based on Need Satisfaction and Spillover Theories
by M. Sirgy & David Efraty & Phillip Siegel & Dong-Jin Lee - 303-328 Improvements in Life Expectancy: 1960–1995 an Exploratory Analysis
by Krishna Mazumdar - 329-352 Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Satisfaction in the Slums of Calcutta
by Robert Biswas-Diener & Ed Diener - 353-359 German Sociologists are Looking for the ``Good Society''
by Wolfgang Glatzer
August 2001, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 121-166 Handling incomplete Quality-of-Life Data
by S.M. Shen & Y.L. Lai - 167-183 Life Experiences, Locus of Control, and School Satisfaction in Adolescence
by E. Huebner & Chris Ash & James Laughlin - 185-197 Materialism and Its Relationship to Life Satisfaction
by Lisa Ryan & Suzanne Dziurawiec - 199-221 Quality of Life, Hegemony, and Social Change in Rural Ireland: W. Bence Jones, 'A Landlord Who Tried to do His Duty'
by Thomas Jordan - 223-240 Structural Pluralism and Life Expectancy in Less-Developed Countries: The Role of Women's Status
by Frank Young
July 2001, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-96 Quality of Life Indexes for National Policy: Review and Agenda for Research
by Michael Hagerty & Robert Cummins & Abbott Ferriss & Kenneth Land & Alex Michalos & Mark Peterson & Andrew Sharpe & Joseph Sirgy & Joachim Vogel - 97-114 The Relationship between Subjective Well-being and Domain Satisfactions in South Africa
by Valerie Møller & Willem Saris - 115-119 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
June 2001, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 239-274 Health and Other Aspects of the Quality of Life of Older People
by Alex Michalos & Anita Hubley & Bruno Zumbo & Dawn Hemingway - 275-308 Service and Life Quality: The Case of Palermo
by Riccardo Abbate & Ornella Giambalvo & Anna Milito - 309-328 Sexism and Racism in a Spanish Sample of Secondary School Students
by María Fernández & Yolanda Castro & Ma Torrejón - 329-354 Weight Loss and Quality of Life among Obese People
by Sirpa Sarlio-Lähteenkorva
May 2001, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 115-137 The Impact of Parental Transfers on Living Standards of Married Children
by Moshe Semyonov & Noah Lewin-Epstein - 139-172 Traditional, Interpretive, and Reception Based Content Analyses: Improving the Ability of Content Analysis to Address Issues of Pragmatic and Theoretical Concern
by Aaron Ahuvia - 173-208 Ageing in Place: Predictors of the Residential Satisfaction of Elderly
by Fermina Rojo Perez & Gloria Fernandez-Mayoralas Fernandez & Enrique Pozo Rivera & Jose Manuel Rojo Abuin - 209-230 City Effect and Urban Overload as Program Indicators of the Regional Policy
by Franco Archibugi - 231-235 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
April 2001, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-16 Confirming and Expanding the Usefulness of the Extended Satisfaction With Life Scale (ESWLS)
by Phillip Gregg & Philip Salisbury - 17-35 Measurement of Women's Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights: An Analysis of Developing Countries
by Guang-zhen Wang & Vijayan Pillai - 37-56 Report on the Construct Validity of the Temporal Satisfaction With Life Scale
by Cameron McIntosh - 57-79 Aging and Life Satisfaction
by Chaonan Chen - 81-108 Toward an Integration of Subjective Well-Being and Psychopathology
by Peter Greenspoon & Donald Saklofske - 109-113 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
March 2001, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 229-255 Appraisal of Lifecolon; ``Area'' Versus ``Dimension'' Conceptualizations
by Nadine Salvatore & María Teresa Muñoz Sastre - 257-288 Accounting for Cross-National Differences in Infant Mortality Decline (1965–1991) among less Developed Countries: Effects of Women's Status, Economic Dependency, and State Strength
by Ce Shen & John Williamson - 289-314 Economic Theory and Subjective Well-being: Mexico
by Nicole Fuentes & Mariano Rojas - 315-337 Satisfaction with life among international students: An exploratory study
by David Sam - 339-344 Selections from Sinet – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
February 2001, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 117-136 The Relationship between Income and Satisfaction: The Effect of Measurement Error and Suppressor Variables
by Willem Saris - 137-162 Estimating Housing Quality for Poverty and Development Policy Analysis: CWIQ in Ghana
by Emmanuel Fiadzo & Jack Houston & Deborah Godwin - 163-187 Possibilities and Limitations for the Measurement of the Quality of Life in Urban Areas
by A. Türksever & Gündüz Atalik - 189-222 Ethnicity, Modern Prejudice and the Quality of Life
by Alex Michalos & Bruno Zumbo - 223-227 Slections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
January 2001, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-16 The Differential Effects of Project Stress on Life-Satisfaction
by Judy Makinen & Timothy Pychyl - 17-31 The Effects of Culture on the Meaning of Loneliness
by Ami Rokach & Tricia Orzeck & Janice Cripps & Katica Lackovic-Grgin & Zvjezdan Penezic - 33-61 Temporal Association, the Dynamics of Crime, and their Economic Determinants: A Time Series Econometric Model of South Africa
by John Luiz - 63-77 The Cognitive Domain of the Quality of Life of University Students: A Re-Analyses of an Instrument
by Erik Cohen & Rodney Clifton & Lance Roberts - 79-95 The Variance as a subgroup decomposable measure of inequality
by Satya Chakravarty - 97-116 Race-Related Correlates of Young Adults' Subjective Well-Being
by Tony Brown & John Wallace & David Williams
December 2000, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 215-234 The determinants of Infant Mortality in the Less Developed Countries: A Cross-National Test of Five Theories
by R. Frey & Carolyn Field - 235-257 Beyond Welfare: Measuring and Monitoring the State of Children – New Trends and Domains
by Asher Ben-Arieh - 259-289 Are Iranians Happy? A Comparative Study Between Iran and the United States
by Mahnaz Kousha & Navid Mohseni - 291-311 An Equivalence Scale for Time
by Michael Bittman & Robert Goodin - 313-324 A Validation of the Subjective Vitality Scale Using Structural Equation Modeling
by Terence Bostic & Doris McGartland Rubio & Mark Hood - 325-330 Selections From Sinet the Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
November 2000, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 95-134 The Roots Index: Exploring Indices as Measures of Local Sustainable Development, New York City: 1990–95
by Joan Hoffman - 135-160 A First Study of the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale with Adolescents
by Rich Gilman & E. Huebner & James Laughlin - 161-178 The Impact of Colonial Heritage on Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Ambe Njoh - 179-193 Decomposition of Food Expenditure Inequality: An Application of the Extended Gini Coefficient to Greek Micro-Data
by P. Lazaridis - 195-209 Exploring the Traits of Happy People
by Kenneth Doyle & Seounmi Youn - 211-214 Selections from Sinet – the Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
October 2000, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Liz Eckermann & Anne Riggs - 3-27 The State and Fate of Nations: Implications of Subjective Measures of Personal and Social Quality of Life
by Richard Eckersley - 29-54 Gendering Indicators of Health and Well-being: Is Quality of Life Gender Neutral?
by Liz Eckermann - 55-72 Objective and Subjective Auality of Life: an Interactive Model
by Robert Cummins - 73-93 Pie-eyed Optimists: Baby-boomers the Optimistic Generation?
by Anne Riggs & Bryan Turner
September 2000, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 245-286 Health and the Quality of Life
by Alex Michalos & Bruno Zumbo & Anita Hubley - 287-308 Perceptions of Stigmatization and Satisfaction with Services Received, Among Users of Social Welfare Services for the Child and the Family in 3 European Regions
by Ferran Casas & José Cornejo & Matthew Colton & Evert Scholte - 309-329 Living Arrangements and Quality of Life Among Chinese Canadian Elders
by Ellen Gee - 331-366 Temporal Analysis of Human Development Indicators: Principal Component Approach
by Dejian Lai
August 2000, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 125-170 Ceo Satisfaction and Firm Performance in Family Firms: Divergence between Theory and Practice
by Catherine Daily & Janet Near - 171-191 A Statistical Examination of the Health Utility Index-Mark III as a Summary Measure of Health Status for a General Population Health Survey
by Chris Richardson & Bruno Zumbo - 193-221 Multidimensional Disability/Mortality Trajectories at Ages 65 and Over: The Impact of State Dependence
by Kenneth Manton & Kenneth Land - 223-237 A Facet Theory Approach to Examining Overall and Life Facet Satisfaction Relationships
by Erik Cohen - 239-243 Selections from Sinet – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
July 2000, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-15 Social Reporting in the 1970s and in the 1990s
by Wolfgang Zapf - 17-39 Assessing the Impact of Proposed Bank Mergers on Rural Communities: A Case Study of Bbritish Columbia
by Paul Bowles - 41-74 Student Functioning, Concerns, and Socio-Personal Well-Being
by William Disch & Lisa Harlow & James Campbell & Thomas Dougan - 75-105 Transnational Grannies: The Changing Family Responsibilities of Elderly African Caribbean-Born Women Resident in Britain
by Dwaine Plaza - 107-124 Unmet Needs for Assistance with ADLs and IADLs: A Measure of Healthy Life Expectancy
by Yves Carrière & Jacques Légaré
June 2000, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 245-295 Criminal Victimization and the Quality of Life
by Alex Michalos & Bruno Zumbo - 297-313 Causal Flow between Human Well-being and per Capita Real Gross Domestic Product
by Krishna Mazumdar - 315-328 Life-Satisfaction and Preference Drift
by Wim Groot & Henriëtte Maassen van den Brink - 329-350 Indicators of Social Quality and Social Exclusion at National and Community Level
by Yitzhak Berman & David Phillips - 351-362 What Makes You Happy?: A Comparison of Self-reported Criteria of Happiness Between Two Cultures
by Dong Lee & Sung Park & Max Uhlemann & Philip Patsult - 363-367 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
May 2000, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 115-157 Is There a Trade-Off Between Economic Efficiency and a Generous Welfare State? A Comparison of Best Cases of `The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism’
by Bruce Headey & Robert Goodin & Ruud Muffels & Henk-Jan Dirven - 159-186 Non-Farm Rural Ontario Residents’ Perceived Quality of Life
by L. Richmond & G.C. Filson & C. Paine & W.C. Pfeiffer & J.R. Taylor - 187-208 The Development of an Instrument to Measure Quality of Life in Mexico City
by Joaquina Lever - 209-224 The Development of Urban Neighbourhoods and the Benefit of Indication Systems
by R.P. Hortulanus - 225-241 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Goals: Their Structure and Relationship to Well-Being in German and U.S. College Students
by Peter Schmuck & Tim Kasser & Richard Ryan
April 2000, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-49 Stability and Change of Regional Quality of life in Switzerland, 1978–1996
by Emil Walter-Busch - 51-81 Social Development Trends in the Middle East, 1970–1997: the Search for Modernity
by Richard Estes - 83-106 Multi-Dimensional Analysis of International Social Indicators – Education, Economy, Media and Demography
by Erik Cohen - 107-111 Selections from SINET – The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss - 113-113 Announcement
by Alex Michalos
March 2000, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 241-277 Evaluation of Equality Policies for the Status of Women in Canada
by Alex Michalos - 279-316 A method for assessing residents' satisfaction with community-based services: a quality-of-life perspective
by M. Sirgy & Don Rahtz & Muris Cicic & Robert Underwood - 317-333 The Influence of Materialistic Inclination on Values, Life Satisfaction and Aspirations: An Empirical Analysis
by Kau Keng & Kwon Jung & Tan Jiuan & Jochen Wirtz - 335-345 Inter-Country Inequiality in Social Indicators of Development
by Krishna Mazumdar - 347-362 The Effects of Quality of Life on National Elections: A Multi-Country Analysis
by Michael Hagerty & Prasad Naik & Chih-Ling Tsai
February 2000, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 121-145 Quality of Life in Jasper, Alberta
by Bruno Zumbo & Alex Michalos - 147-180 Scaling the Semantics of Satisfaction
by Lawrence Hazelrigg & Melissa Hardy - 181-212 The Quality of Urban Environments in the Brazilian Amazon
by Stephen Perz - 213-236 Efficiency of Education: The Case in Eastern and South-Eastern Turkey
by İsmet Şahin & Yener Gümez - 237-240 Selections from SINET -- The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
January 2000, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-23 The Quality of Life Among U.S. States
by Abbott Ferriss - 25-36 Women and Poverty in Spain (1981--1991)
by A. Fernández-Morales & J. Haro-García - 37-49 Quantitative assessment of response shift in QOL research
by Dan Bar-On & Alon Lazar & Marianne Amir - 51-67 From Birth to Death: A Social Monitoring Framework from New Zealand
by Judith Davey - 69-82 Family 'Decline' and the Subjective Well-being of Adolescents
by María Sastre & Gaëlle Ferrière - 83-113 Social Sources of Failure in Education: The Case in East and Southeast Turkey
by Ismet Sahin & Yener Gülmez - 115-120 A. Bowling, Measuring Health: A Review of Quality of Life Measurement Scales; I. McDowell and C. Newell, Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires
by James Horley
November 1999, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 245-296 The European 'Welfare Mix': Institutional Configuration and Distributive Outcome in Sweden and the European Union. A Longitudinal and Comparative Perspective
by Joachim Vogel - 297-317 John O'Neill, Irish Bootmaker: A Biographical Approach to Quality of Life
by Thomas Jordan - 319-343 Religiosity and Life Satisfaction Across the Life Course
by James Peacock & Margaret Poloma
October 1999, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 125-157 Public Services and the Quality of Life
by Alex Michalos & Bruno Zumbo - 159-188 Quality-of-Life in Individualistic Society
by Ruut Veenhoven - 189-218 The Top-Down/Bottom-Up Controversy from a Constructionist Approach. A Method for Measuring Top-Down Effects Applied to a Sample of Older People
by Fabio Leonardi & Linana Spazzafumo & Fiorella Marcellini & Cristina Gagliardi - 219-245 Adjusting Life Expectancy to Account for Disability in a Population: A Comparison of Three Techniques
by R. Roberge & J-M. Berthelot & K. Cranswick
September 1999, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-38 Factors Affecting Birth Rates Among Black Women 20--24 Years of Age: A Trend Analysis (January 1972--March 1992)
by Philip Salisbury - 39-49 An Investigation of Measures of Modern and Old-Fashioned Sexism
by Melanie Morrison & Todd Morrison & Gregory Pope & Bruno Zumbo - 51-75 Measuring well-being in the Netherlands: The SCP index from 1974 to 1997
by Jeroen Boelhouwer & Ineke Stoop - 77-101 The ISEW -- not an Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
by Eric Neumayer - 103-124 Density, Crowding, and Factors Intervening in Their Relationship: Evidence from a Hyper-dense Metropolis
by Ying-Keung Chan
July 1999, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 245-280 South Africa's ''Rainbow People'', National Pride and Happiness
by Valerie Møller & Helga Dickow & Mari Harris - 281-306 Subjective Well-Being, Discrimination and Cultural Conflict: Iranians Living in The Netherlands
by Maykel Werkuyten & Shervin Nekuee - 307-342 A General Theory for Perceptual Indicators of Family Life Quality
by Kathryn Rettig & Ronit Leichtentritt - 343-356 Unifying Livability and Comparison Theory: Cross-National Time-Series Analysis of Life-Satisfaction
by Michael Hagerty
June 1999, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 119-151 How Do Classes Make Use of Their Incomes?
by Erik Bihagen - 153-201 Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, D.C.: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June--July 1993
by John Hagelin & Maxwell Rainforth & Kenneth Cavanaugh & Charles Alexander & Susan Shatkin & John Davies & Anne Hughes & Emanuel Ross & David Orme-Johnson - 203-231 Lay Conceptions of Well-Being and Rules Used in Well-Being Judgments Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Elderly Adults
by María Sastre - 233-243 Health Benefits and Health Cost Savings Due to Pets: Preliminary Estimates from an Australian National Survey
by Bruce Headey
May 1999, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-60 Measuring the Well-Beings of the Developing Countries: Achievement and Improvement Indices
by Krishna Mazumdar - 61-71 What Can We Induce from the Introspective Reports of Subjects?: Part Two
by M. Shirabe - 73-97 Political Democracy and the Physical Quality of Life: The Cross-National Evidence
by R. Frey & Ali Al-Roumi - 99-118 Should a Second Demographic Transition Follow the First? Demographic Contrasts: Canada and South Korea
by Zenaida Ravaneral & Hwa Young & Fernando Rajulton & Byung-Yup Cho
March 1999, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 249-271 Testing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: National Quality-of-Life Across Time
by Michael Hagerty - 273-299 Measures of Optimal Centrality: Indicators of City Effect and Urban Overloading
by Annalisa Cicerchia - 301-323 Influences and Consequences of Well-being Among Australian Young People: 1980–1995
by Gary Marks & Nicole Fleming - 325-340 Evidence of Human Resource Development in Papua New Guinea
by Anmat Gani - 341-368 Mindfulness and Subjective Well-being in the Sustainability Movement: A Further Elaboration of Multiple Discrepancies Theory
by Jeffrey Jacob & Merlin Brinkerhoff
February 1999, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 125-135 Ranking Income Distributions by Deprivation Orderings
by Satya Chakravarty & Diganta Mukherjee - 137-155 A Measure of Subjective Happiness: Preliminary Reliability and Construct Validation
by Sonja Lyubomirsky & Heidi Lepper - 157-179 An Assessment of the Measurement Properties of the Human Development Index
by I. Ivanova & F.J. Arcelus & G. Srinivasan - 181-189 Sleep Deficiency and Quality of Life of Shift Workers
by A. Khaleque - 191-204 Gender Differences in the Perception of Genetic Engineering Applied to Human Reproduction
by Carol Napolitano & Oladele Ogunseitan - 205-224 Environmental Quality in the U.S. States
by Frank Young - 225-247 Dimensions of Gender Occupational Differentiation in Segregation and Inequality: A Cross-National Analysis
by Moshe Semuonov & Frank Jones
January 1999, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-22 A Multimethod Investigation of the Multidimensionality of Children's Well-Being Reports: Discriminant Validity of Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem
by E. Huebner & Rich Gilman & James Laughlin - 23-60 Social Indicators of Substance Abuse Prevention: A Need-Based Assessment
by John Ryan & A.I. Abdelrahman & John French & Gloria Rodriguez - 61-90 Subjective Well-Being and Social Production Functions
by Johan Ormel & Siegwart Lindenberg & Nardi Steverink & Lois Verbrugge - 91-120 3-Decade Trend in Human Development Index in India and Its Major States
by A. Indrayan & M.J. Wysocki & A. Chawla & R. Kumar & N. Singh
November 1998, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-3 Opening Remarks to the Special Issue on Validity Theory and the Methods Used in Validation: Perspectives from the Social and Behavioral Sciences
by Bruno Zumbo - 7-34 Science, measurement, and validity: Is completion of Samuel Messick's synthesis possible?
by Keith Markus - 35-44 Test Validity: A Matter of Consequence
by Samuel Messick