February 1995, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 283-293 Book reviews
by Roderic Beaujot & Conrad Rutkowski & Nathalie Ostroot - 295-298 Selections fromSINET the Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
January 1995, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-6 Comments on papers for the special issue onGlobal Report on Student Well-Being
by Alex Michalos - 7-32 National differences in reported subjective well-being: Why do they occur?
by Ed Diener & Eunkook Suh & Heidi Smith & Liang Shao - 33-68 The cross-national pattern of happiness: Test of predictions implied in three theories of happiness
by Ruut Veenhoven & Joop Ehrhardt - 69-92 Tests of the causal directions of global — Life facet satisfaction relationships
by Charles Lance & Alison Mallard & Alex Michalos - 93-112 Student well-being: Are they better off now?
by Sara Staats & Marjorie Armstrong-Stassen & Christie Partilo - 113-152 Social indicators of well being: A comparitive study between students in Bahrain
by Nahid Osseiran-Waines - 153-169 Multiple-discrepancies theory versus resource theory
by Wolfgang Schulz - 171-180 Book reviews
by Ruut Veenhoven & Sara Staats & Frank Fujita & Antonia Abbey
August 1994, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-7 Guest editorial
by David Romney & Roy Brown & Prem Fry - 9-46 Quality of life as a concept and measurable entity
by Trevor Parmenter - 47-88 Enhancing quality of life in the population at large
by David Evans - 89-120 Forging ahead: Linking health and behavior to improve quality of life in older people
by Marcia Ory & Donna Cox - 121-163 Using quality of life information to set priorities in health policy
by Robert Kaplan - 165-192 Improving the quality of life of people with severe mental disorders
by Céline Mercier - 193-236 Quality of life for students with disabilities in transition from school to adulthood
by Andrew Halpern - 237-272 Improving the quality of life: Prescriptions for change
by David Romney & Roy Brown & Prem Fry
July 1994, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 199-233 Suicide and happiness: Seven tests of the connection
by Jana Weerasinghe & Lorne Tepperman - 235-249 Developing social indicators for registered Indians living on reserve: The diand experience
by Robin Armstrong - 251-262 Anticipating attendance in reminiscence therapy with measures of mood and happiness
by M. Stones & Gina Ivany & Albert Kozma - 263-296 A client-satisfaction-based model of urban public service delivery organizational effectiveness
by Ambe Njoh
June 1994, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 101-160 Is happiness a trait?
by Ruut Veenhoven - 161-177 Objective and subjective indicators of community evaluation: A Pennsylvania assessment
by Steven Jacob & Fern Willits - 179-191 A study of physical-health and neuroticism among women engaged in the home-based production of chikan embroidery
by Tripti Sarna & Archana Shukla - 193-197 Book review
by Marianne Hansen
May 1994, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-20 Is subjective well-being a predictor of nonresponse in broad population surveys?
by Torbjørn Moum - 21-47 Self-esteem among ethnic minority youth in Western countries
by Maykel Verkuyten - 49-72 Immigrants and Canadian-born: A consumption behaviour assessment
by Sohrab Abizadeh & Nancy Ghalam - 73-90 A further consideration of the human aspects of economic readjustment in Hungary
by Charles Choguill & Robert Manchin - 91-96 Book reviews
by Craig Brown & Soonwon Kwon - 97-100 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
March 1994, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 205-264 The quality of student life: Toward a coherent conceptualization
by Michael Benjamin - 265-275 The weighting of an international health status index
by James Larson - 277-303 Recent patterns in downward income mobility: Sinking boats in a rising tide
by Patricia Smith
February 1994, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 103-157 Assessing subjective well-being: Progress and opportunities
by Ed Diener - 159-173 The relationships of affect intensity to happiness
by M. Stones & Albert Kozma - 175-204 Measuring the occupational segregation of Australia's indigenous workforce: A census-based analysis
by J. Taylor
January 1994, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-25 Long and short term poverty: Is Germany a two-thirds society?
by Bruce Headey & Peter Krause & Roland Habich - 27-46 The structural causes of infant mortality decline in Chile
by Frank Young - 47-61 Application of a nonlinear mathematical model to data on a successful theraputic intervention
by M. Stones & Christine Rattenbury & Albert Kozma - 63-76 Intrinsic satisfaction derived from office recycling behavior: A case study in Taiwan
by Yung-Jaan Lee & Raymond Young - 77-98 Socio-economic status and life satisfaction in Turkey
by Alİ Gİtmez & Göktug Morcöl - 99-102 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
November 1993, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 1-1 Time-use studies: A tool for macro and micro economic and social analysis
by Andrew Harvey - 91-108 Australians' changing use of time, 1974–1987
by Michael Bittman - 109-119 Changes of time use of the town population in Latvia
by Parsla Eglite & Inna Zarins - 121-137 Grounding time-use in microspace: Empirical results
by William Michelson - 139-147 Leisure before and after parenthood
by Marilyn Cantwell & Margaret Sanik - 149-173 Social interaction and the social meanings of action: A time budget approach
by Ignace Glorieux - 175-184 The effects of time allocation on parental stress
by Margaret Sanik - 185-195 Kaizen, time-budgets and eldercare research
by K. Ujimoto - 197-228 Guidelines for time use data collection
by Andrew Harvey - 229-244 Systematic error in behavioural measurement: Comparing results from interview and time budget studies
by Iiris Niemi - 245-284 Influence of research design on time use estimates
by Jose Geurts & Jos Ree
September 1993, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-15 Relationships between overall and life facet satisfaction: A multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) study
by Charles Lance & Christopher Sloan - 17-38 Estimating the quality of life for children around the world: NICQL '92
by Thomas Jordan - 39-47 Reporting on The State of Canada's Environment
by Ken Redpath - 49-70 Cross cultural comparisons of quality of life of Thais and Americans
by Orose Leelakulthanit & Ralph Day - 71-82 Convergent and discriminant validation of a children's life satisfaction scale: Its relationship to self- and teacher-reported psychological problems and school functioning
by E. Huebner & Gary Alderman - 83-85 Book review
by Proshanta Nandi
July 1993, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 249-276 Marital status and subjective well-being: A changing relationship?
by Arne Mastekaasa - 277-289 Life satisfaction: A study based on the organization of personal projects
by Ünsal Yetİm - 291-305 The function of qualitative research
by J. Heyink & Tj. Tymstra - 307-316 A multidimensional index of financial stress in the farm sector
by J. Shonkwiler & C. Moss - 317-330 A comparative approach to assessing the quality of life of intercollegiate athletes
by Mark Royal & Robert Rossi - 331-332 Video review
by Alex Michalos - 333-337 Selection from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
June 1993, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 123-152 Cross-cultural comparison of attitudes toward welfare-state programs: Path analysis with log-linear models
by Ram Cnaan & Yeheskel Hasenfeld & Avital Cnaan & Jane Rafferty - 153-161 Optimism, hardiness, and explanatory style as predictors of general well-being among attorneys
by Mary Sweetman & David Munz & Robert Wheeler - 163-181 The main approaches to measuring regional development and welfare
by Gabriel Lipshitz - 183-203 “L'Homme Moyen”: Estimating the quality of life for British adults, 1815–1914, an index
by Thomas Jordan - 205-227 Social aspects of economic readjustment in Hungary: A consideration of the role of social-economic indicators
by Charles Choguill & Erwin Solomon & Robert Machin - 229-243 A brief report on hope in peace and war, and in good times and bad
by Sara Staats & Christie Partlo - 245-248 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
May 1993, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-1 Announcement
by Alex Michalos - 1-62 National and international approaches in social reporting
by Franz Rothenbacher - 63-82 Dimensions of mental health: Life satisfaction, positive affect, anxiety and depression
by Bruce Headey & Jonathan Kelley & Alex Wearing - 83-108 Sex differences in mortality as a social indicator
by Bali Ram - 109-121 Cross-cultural variations in predictors of life satisfaction: An historical view of differences among West European countries
by Janet Near & Paula Rechner
March 1993, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 195-223 The relationship between income and subjective well-being: Relative or absolute?
by Ed Diener & Ed Sandvik & Larry Seidlitz & Marissa Diener - 225-243 Subjective well-being among Russian students
by Galina Balatsky & Ed Diener - 245-266 Employment equity goal setting and external availability data
by Edward Harvey & John Blakely - 267-284 A compound index of national development
by N. Lind - 285-296 The measurement of social well-being
by James Larson - 297-301 Selections from SINET — The Social Indicators Network News
by Abbott Ferriss
February 1993, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 97-116 An economic model of subjective well-being: Integrating economic and psychological theories
by Bruce Headey - 117-136 Public attitudes toward fetal diagnosis and the termination of life
by Eleanor Singer - 137-156 Roles, race and subjective well-being: A longitudinal analysis of elderly men
by Russell Burton & Beth Rushing & Christian Ritter & Andrea Rakocy - 157-171 Rethinking measures of migration: On the decomposition of net migration
by Omer Galle & Jeffrey Burr & Lloyd Potter - 173-193 The satisfied poor
by Geraldine Olson & Brigitte Schober
January 1993, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-20 The affective and cognitive context of self-reported measures of subjective well-being
by William Pavot & Ed Diener - 21-43 Housing assessment criteria of rural households
by Margaret Weber & Jacquelyn Mccray & Mikyoung Ha - 45-70 Indicators of modern health attitudes in an urban setting: An exploration of the attitude — Behavior relationship
by Gabriel Fosu - 71-91 The MOS Alienation Scale: An alternative to Srole's Anomia Scale
by Robert Travis - 93-96 Selections fromSinet — The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
December 1992, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 293-309 Long- and short-term affective states in happiness: Age and sex comparisons
by Albert Kozma & Roberto Fazio & M. Stones & T. Hannah - 311-325 Measuring public sector size in the advanced market economy countries: The problem of deflators
by Vincent Mahler - 327-344 The abortion decision: A qualitative choice approach
by Lonnie Stevans & Charles Register & David Sessions - 345-361 Gerontological research on the quality of life: The Guelph satellite method
by Linda Wood & Anne Martin Matthews & Joan Norris - 363-374 Discriminating positive and negative aspects of pet interaction: Sex differences in the older population
by Deborah Miller & Sara Staats & Christie Partlo - 375-379 Book review
by Wolfgang Glatzer & Mathias Bös - 381-384 Selections from
by Abbott Ferriss
November 1992, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 205-220 A polemic on education reform in the American states
by Doh Shinn & Jack Slik - 221-234 Correlations, causes and heuristics in surveys of life satisfaction
by Craig Fox & Daniel Kahneman - 235-256 Using an entropy-maximizing procedure to estimate territorial social indicators: An introduction and illustration
by R. Johnston & C. Pattie - 257-277 An index of the quality of life for victorian children and youth, the vicy index
by Thomas Jordan - 279-288 Book reviews
by Katrin Gillwald & Erich Wiegand - 289-292 SINET — The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
September 1992, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 113-137 Measuring the affective quality of life of university students: The validation of an instrument
by Lance Roberts & Rodney Clifton - 139-155 Urban segregation in Sweden housing policy, housing markets, and the spacial distribution of households in metropolitan areas
by Joachim Vogel - 157-168 Simulating bias in the estimator of labor market discrimination
by Lonnie Stevans & Charles Register & David Sessions - 169-186 Measuring social indicators in opinion surveys: A method to improve accuracy on sensitive questions
by Toni Makkai & Ian Mcallister - 187-195 Work values, attitudes and performance of industrial workers in Bangladesh
by A. Khaleque - 197-198 Book review
by Bruce Headey - 199-203 Selections from SINET — The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
August 1992, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-39 An examination of referent selection processes underlying job satisfaction
by Margaret Harwood & Robert Rice - 41-57 Quality of life in Thailand
by Orose Leelakulthanit & Ralph Day - 59-87 Communist and non-communist Europe: Functional differentiation, 1970–1985
by Charles Dannehl & Alexander Groth - 89-101 Some thoughts on the human development index
by Niels Lind - 103-111 A magical model to predict individual differences in mood change
by M. Stones & Albert Kozma
June 1992, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 309-351 Spare time use and perceived well-being among black South African youth
by Valerie Møller - 353-366 Environmentalism among nation-states
by Thomas Dietz & Linda Kalof - 367-389 Changing paradigms of development in an evolutionary perspective
by Dieter Weiss - 391-405 Impact of health and fitness-related behavior on quality of life
by Susan Woodruff & Terry Conway - 407-422 The relationship between measures of subjective and economic well-being: A new look
by Robin Douthitt & Maurice Macdonald & Randolph Mullis
May 1992, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 205-219 A longitudinal examination of lifestyles
by James Horley - 221-241 An attempt to classify satisfaction changes: Methodological and content aspects of a longitudinal problem
by Detlef Landua - 243-257 The relationship of masculinity, femininity, and well-being in Taiwan college graduates
by Yu-wen Ying - 259-275 The effects of religion and social support on self-esteem and depression among the suddenly bereaved
by Darren Sherkat & Mark Reed - 277-302 The melting away of class differences? Consumption differences between employee groups in Finland 1955–1985
by Timo Toivonen - 303-306 Selections from SINET—The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss - 307-308 Understanding police and police work: Psychological issues
by Ronald Hinch
March 1992, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 101-117 Stability and change in subjective well-being over short time periods
by Kerry Chamberlain & Sheryl Zika - 119-135 Measures of economic well-being as predictors of psychological well-being
by Randolph Mullis - 137-158 Indentification and prioritization of needs of families by multiple groups: Residents, key informants, and agency directors
by Kyu-Taik Sung - 159-181 Analysis of the process of dwelling rehabilitation in Auckland
by Martin Putterill - 183-197 Only children as adult women: Life course events and timing
by Ellen Gee - 199-203 Subjective well-being: An interdisciplinary perspective
by Alex Michaelos
February 1992, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-22 Life satisfaction among San Francisco Chinese-Americans
by Yu-Wen Ying - 23-59 A life satisfaction measure based on judgment theory
by H. Meadow & J. Mentzer & D. Rahtz & M. Sirgy - 61-91 Occupational and industrial contextual indicators in income determination models for Australia
by Krzysztof Zagórski - 93-96 Selections from
by Abbott Ferriss - 97-98 Book reviews
by Norbert Schwarz
September 1991, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 103-365 Social indicators of living conditions in Ireland with European comparisons
by Earl Davis & Margret Fine-Davis
August 1991, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-30 Stability and change in levels and structure of subjective well-being: USA 1972 and 1988
by Frank Andrews - 31-50 A magical model of happiness
by M. Stones & A. Kozma - 51-61 Relations between images of the future and work orientations of university graduates
by Eric Rosseel - 63-98 Measuring housing and environmental quality as indicator of quality of urban life: A case of traditional city of Benin, Nigeria
by Leonard Muoghalu - 99-102 Selections from
by Abbott Ferriss
June 1991, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 317-327 The correlation coefficient and models of subjective well-being
by M. Stones & A. Kozma & T. Hannah & W. Mckim - 329-345 Common law union as a differentiating factor in the failure of marriage in Canada, 1984
by S. Halli & Zachary Zimmer - 347-365 The influence of peers and parents on youth life satisfaction in Hong Kong
by Peter Man - 367-392 Measures and meaning in comparisons of wealth equlality
by Courtland Smith - 393-402 A critique of the ZPG urban stress test: On the uses and misuses of social indicators
by Edward Stockwell & Arthur Neal - 403-414 Community based approaches in water supply and sanitation programme — An Indian experience
by K. Kurup - 415-418 Selections from SINET — The social indicators network news
by Abbott Ferriss
May 1991, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 209-231 Characteristics of U.S. cities with extreme (high or low) crime rates: Results of discriminant analyses of 1960, 1970, and 1980 data
by Kenneth Land & Patricia Mccall & Lawrence Cohen - 233-252 Does the choice of poverty index matter in practice?
by J. Rodgers - 253-268 Rurality and well-being during the middle years of life
by Donald Crider & Fern Willits & Conrad Kanagy - 269-299 Family life quality: Theory and assessment in economically stressed farm families
by Kathryn Rettig & Sharon Danes & Jean Bauer - 301-315 Never married older women: The life experience
by Mary O'Brien
March 1991, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 1-1 SINET The Social Indicators Network News
by Alex Michalos - 113-122 The stability and sensitivity of subjective well-being measures
by James Horley & J. Lavery - 123-151 Defining and measuring poverty in the nonmetropolitan United States using the survey of income and program Participation
by Robert Hoppe - 153-175 Measurement and determinants of socioeconomic development: A critical conspectus
by Habibullah Khan - 177-204 An evaluation of socially responsive planning in a new resource town
by Alison Gill - 205-208 Selections from SINET — the social indicators network news
by Abbot Ferris
February 1991, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-34 Is happiness relative?
by Ruut Veenhoven - 35-56 Response artifacts in the measurement of subjective well-being
by Ed Diener & Ed Sandvik & William Pavot & Dennis Gallagher - 57-70 Measuring the quality of life in rural community development
by Pieter Barnard & J. Merwe - 71-79 The theoretical and empirical structure of general well-being
by Robert Wheeler - 81-100 Top-down versus bottom-up theories of subjective well-being
by Bruce Headey & Ruut Veenhoven & Alex Wearing - 101-111 The relationship between mood and subjective well-being
by John Yardley & Robert Rice
December 1990, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 303-308 The measurement and analysis of time use
by Andrew Harvey - 309-336 Time use studies for leisure analysis
by Andrew Harvey - 337-352 Time use and leisure: Subjective and objective aspects
by Susan Clark & Andrew Harvey & Susan Shaw & William Michelson - 353-366 Childcare and the daily routine
by William Michelson - 367-380 Age, gender and daily life: An analysis of social involvements
by Karen Altergott - 381-393 Time-budget methodology for research on aging
by K. Ujimoto - 395-414 Behaviour and the life cycle: a consideration of the role of longitudinal time use studies
by David Elliott & Jean Elliott
November 1990, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 201-230 Subjective well-being as a function of age and gender: A multivariate look for differentiated trends
by Dov Shmotkin - 231-246 Should occupational codes be obtained from census data or from retrospective survey data in studies on occupational health?
by P. Östlin & B. Wärneryd & M. Thorslund - 247-267 Indirect measures of child mortality: Overview and application to Brazil, 1980
by Charles Wood & Peggy Lovell - 269-282 Quality of life and charges in private old people's homes in Great Britain
by Ian Gibbs & Jonathan Bradshaw - 283-298 A pilot study in the use of the quality of life interview schedule
by Hélène Ouellette-Kuntz - 299-301 Book review
by Vanaja Dhruvarajan
March 1990, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-7 Modernization in Hungary in the long and short run measured by social indicators
by Rudolf Andorka & István Harcsa
June 1990, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 327-349 Subjective well-being and coping with adversity
by Bruce Headey & Alexander Wearing - 351-366 Do some authoritarian governments foster physical quality of life?
by Frank Young - 367-384 Structural elements of material well-being: An empirical test among people on social security
by Edward Groenland - 385-398 Polygyny as social and biological differentiation among Toposa agro-pastoralists of Southern Sudan
by Eric Roth & K. Kurup - 399-418 Test of a field theory of consciousness and social change: Time series analysis of participation in the TM-Sidhi program and reduction of violent death in the U.S
by Michael Dillbeck - 419-427 Grade level differences in school satisfaction
by Morris Okun & Mary Braver & Renee Weir
May 1990, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 229-253 Junior partners: Women's contribution to family income in Canada
by Carl Grindstaff & Frank Trovato - 255-276 Religious domains and general well-being
by Margaret Poloma & Brian Pendleton - 277-286 Determinants of quality of rural life in Nigeria: The women's view
by Olutoyin Oluwoye - 287-297 In-vehicle fatalities, seat belts, and compulsory seat belt legislation: The Manitoba experience
by E. Levine & A. Basilevsky