May 1990, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 299-317 Toward an index of gender equality
by Edward Harvey & John Blakely & Lorne Tepperman - 319-325 Reviews
by Richard Henshel & Frederick Evers
March 1990, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 119-138 Long- and short-term affective states in happiness: Model, paradigm and experimental evidence
by Albert Kozma & Susan Stone & M. Stones & T. Hannah & Kevin McNeil - 139-153 Objectifying the subjective: The measurement of environmental quality
by John Eyles - 155-180 Politics, dynamics and individualism — The Swedish approach to Level of Living research
by Michael Tåhlin - 181-197 Health concerns as a deterrent to seasonal migration of elderly Canadians
by Joanne Daciuk & Victor Marshall - 199-212 Measurement errors in survey questions: Explaining response variability
by Anders Wikman & Bo Wärneryd - 213-228 Male attitudes toward abortion: An analysis of urban survey data
by Akin Adebayo
February 1990, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-30 Demographic accounting for special education
by Robert Rossi - 31-47 The effects of quality of working life (QWL) on employee behavioral responses
by David Efraty & M. Sirgy - 49-67 Design of experimental studies for measurement and evaluation of the determinants of Job Satisfaction
by Joan Batista-Foguet & Willem Saris & Xavier Tort-Martorell - 69-81 Regional disparities in Indonesia: A social indicators approach
by Habibullah Khan & Iyanatul Islam - 83-95 Social indicators and crime rate forecasting
by Arye Rattner - 97-113 Potential for economic development: A quantitative approach
by Fay Abizadeh & Sohrab Abizadeh & Alexander Basilevsky - 115-118 Review
by Frederick Evers
December 1989, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 559-598 Population undercount and social science research
by Clifford Clogg & Michael Massagli & Scott Eliason - 599-610 Life-course and satisfaction, equal for every-one?
by J. Latten - 611-627 Religiously unaffiliated Canadians: Sex, age, and regional variations
by Ellen Gee & Jean Veevers - 629-649 Household structure and child nutrition: A reinterpretation of income and mother's education
by Katherine Tucker & Frank Young - 651-660 Essays in development economics
by Sohrab Abizadeh
October 1989, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 455-479 The conical structure of adjustive behavior
by Shlomit Levy & Louis Guttman - 481-499 Mixed motivations for migration in the urban prairies: A comparative approach
by Raymond Currie & Shiva Halli - 501-515 Measuring Ontario's increasing housing affordability problem
by Elisabeth Arnold & Andrejs Skaburskis - 517-530 Measuring natural resource scarcity
by F. Mackellar & Daniel Vining - 531-551 A comparison of patterns of urban deprivation between Canadian and U.S. cities
by Michael Broadway - 553-558 Reviews
by Andreas Andrikopoulos & Alex Michalos
August 1989, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 343-378 The systemic life quality model: A basis for urban renewal evaluation
by Samuel Shye - 379-408 Life satisfaction among the rural elderly: What do the numbers mean?
by Linda Wood & Julia Johnson - 409-439 A new index of utilization of ambulatory medical care
by François Béland & Raynald Pineault & Greg Stoddart - 441-450 Reviews
by Robert Thigpen & Ronald Hinch & Bruce Heady
June 1989, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 229-257 Change in the stressfulness of life in American states and regions from 1976 to 1982
by Murray Straus & Arnold Linsky & Ronet Bachman-Prehn - 259-278 Analysis of participant reactions to a series of family planning training events
by James Veney & Vangie Foshee - 279-291 South African quality of life: A research note
by V. Møller & L. Schlemmer - 293-296 Discrepancies between perceived income needs and actual incomes
by Alex Michalos - 297-314 Public opinion and the dimensions of the welfare state
by Ram Cnaan - 315-335 Measurement error and research design: A note on the utility of panel data in quality of life research
by Arne Mastekaasa & Stein Kaasa - 337-340 Reviews
by James Horley & Alex Michalos
April 1989, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 113-131 Life feeling scales for use in German and American samples
by Dagmar Krebs & Karl Schuessler - 133-158 Environmental quality and the well-being of children
by Ross Homel & Ailsa Burns - 159-173 Trends in public attitudes toward educational spending
by A. Smith - 175-191 Evaluating the products of alternative sampling methods
by A. Smith - 193-220 Doing better than the optimum
by Stuart Nagel - 221-225 Review
by Frederick Evers
February 1989, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-33 Satisfaction, happiness and well-being of Dutch students
by R. Vermunt & E. Spaans & F. Zorge - 35-92 On the measurement of certain aspects of social development
by Amal Kantiray - 93-110 The human development spectrum: Sub-spectra and social indicators for use in development project planning, design, and implementation
by Steven Dorsey & John Hill & M. Woods
August 1988, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 333-354 The utility of happiness
by Ruut Veenhoven - 355-381 A review of research on the happiness measures: A sixty second index of happiness and mental health
by Michael Fordyce - 383-398 A typology of lifestyles
by James Horley & Barbara Carroll & Brian Little - 399-416 Current work on the social indicators system for the Federal Republic of Germany
by Erich Wiegand - 417-440 The quality of urban life and the perception of livability: A case study of neighbourhoods in Benin City, Nigeria
by Gideon Omuta - 441-443 Review
by Roderic Beaujot
June 1988, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 229-270 Indicators of gender equality for American states and regions
by David Sugarman & Murray Straus - 271-290 Variable predictors of attitudes toward the legalization of abortion
by Robert Szafran & Arthur Clagett - 291-302 Computing experiences of young adults: An empirical analysis
by Adele Platter - 303-332 Subjective health, intimacy, and perceived self-efficacy after heart attack: Predicting life quality five years afterwards
by Millard Waltz & Bernhard Badura
April 1988, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 117-139 Yea-saying and mood-of-the-day effects in self-reported quality of life
by Torbjørn Moum - 141-163 Behind the happiness barrier
by J. Roos - 165-175 Positive and negative affect: A maximum-likelihood approach
by Mary Benin & William Stock & Morris Okun - 177-180 Optimism in thirty countries over a decade
by Alex Michalos - 181-203 Using Mokken methods to develop robust cross-national scales: American and West German attitudes toward abortion
by Michael Gillespie & Elisabeth Tenvergert & Johannes Kingma - 205-215 Using census data to investigate trends in the distribution of education among individual persons
by Michael Sheret - 217-227 Temporal variations in the relationship between infant mortality and economic status
by Edward Stockwell & David Swanson & Jerry Wicks
February 1988, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-14 Social desirability in measures of subjective well-being: Age comparisons
by Albert Kozma & M. Stones - 15-43 Economic development and income elasticity of demand for ‘government’
by Sohrab Abizadeh - 45-58 Hope and happiness: A comparison of some discrepancies
by Marjorie Stassen & Sara Staats - 59-77 Space and living conditions in Poland
by Maria Ciechocinska - 79-90 Migration and job satisfaction — A logistic regression analysis of satisfaction of Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong
by Carolyn French & Y. Lam - 91-102 An operational research programme for monitoring and evaluation
by K. Kurup - 103-111 Correlates of intra-urban migration in Israel
by A. Eaglstein & Yitzhak Berman - 113-116 Horizontal equity, uncertainty, and economic well-being
by Janice Costanzo
November 1987, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 383-401 Job satisfaction and life satisfaction: A profile analysis
by Janet Near & Robert Rice & Raymond Hunt - 403-428 Scaling social life feelings by factor analysis of binary variables
by Joseph Lucke & Karl Schuessler - 429-449 Allocation of resources for social services: Israel as a case study
by Ram Cnaan & Avital Cnaan - 451-473 Complex measures of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction among professionals
by Elzbieta Malinowska-tabaka - 475-491 The value of symmetric and asymmetric indices of segregation constructed from MCD data
by Robert Hoppe & Harold Goldsmith & Dianne Stiles & James Longest - 493-496 Reviews
by J. Mangalam
August 1987, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 275-285 Indicators of elite status in persons aged over 60 years: A study of Elderhostelers
by M. Stones & Lee Stones & Albert Kozma - 287-301 An epidemiological model applied to planning and evaluation of local health department services
by Thomas Wade & G. Dever & Teresa Lofton & James Alley - 303-315 Assessment of neighborhood satisfaction by residents of three housing types
by Kenneth Gruber & Gladys Shelton - 317-327 Perceived income adequacy and selected financial management practices among families in Chile and Mexico
by Patricia Ormsby & G. Fairchild - 329-334 Cultural bias in ratings of perceived life quality
by Ruut Veenhoven - 335-356 Socio-economic variables as alternatives to income in measuring regional economic Welfare—The Israeli case
by Gabriel Lipshitz - 357-365 The validity of an index of leisure-time physical activity
by Martin Chen & Gerald Calderone & Mary Pellarin - 367-378 The distinction between affect and cognition
by J. Haes & B. Pennink & K. Welvaart - 379-381 Lebensqualität in der bundesrepublik
by Ruut Veenhoven
May 1987, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 173-190 A study of the quality of university life: SUNY at Buffalo
by Lester Milbrath & Victor Doyno - 191-204 Reproductive mortality in Georgia: A lifestyle and environmental analysis
by Michael Lavoie & G. Alan Dever - 205-227 Social security and physical quality of life in developing nations: A cross-national analysis
by John Williamson - 229-254 Client satisfaction in program evaluation
by Benoît Gauthier - 255-272 Self reported morbidity in London and Manchester: Intra-urban and inter-urban variations
by S. Curtis - 273-273 A comment on Kozma's review of Conditions of Happiness
by Rutt Veenhoven
February 1987, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-3 Preface
by Wolfgang Zapf & Wolfgang Glatzer - 5-171 Introduction
by Wolfgang Zapf
November 1986, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 349-373 An application of multiple discrepancies theory (MDT) to seniors
by Alex Michalos - 375-393 Measuring underemployment and inequality in the work force
by Clifford Clogg & Teresa Sullivan & Jan Mutchler - 395-407 Family interaction of the young-old: Social exchange as an explanation of the qualitative and quantitative experience
by M. Snell & Anne Matthews - 409-423 Utilization of administrative files in health research
by Louise Potvin & François Champagne - 425-428 Review
by Ellen Gee - 429-430 Announcement
by Albert Cantril
August 1986, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 233-261 The social consequences of economic cycles on nineteenth-century households and family life
by Sheva Medjuck - 263-283 The life course of Canadian women: An historical and demographic analysis
by Ellen Gee - 285-319 Social indicators and spatial disparities in Papua New Guinea
by E. D'sa - 321-337 Urban gentrification: Evaluating alternative indicators
by George Galster & Stephen Peacock - 339-347 The level of civilisation a new field for the application of social indicators
by Jan Drewnowski
May 1986, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 129-152 Year of immigration and socioeconomic status: A comparative study of three Asian populations in California
by Chang-Jin Moon - 153-173 Quality of life in an alternative lifestyle: The smallholding movement
by Merlin Brinkerhoff & Jeffrey Jacob - 175-192 Demographic characteristics, work complexity and economic setting as social status determinants
by Krzysztof Zagórski - 193-203 Quality of life and city size: An exploratory study of Nigeria
by Ademola Salau - 205-220 Ecological correlates of psychiatric illness in the City of Calgary
by Renato Pablo & Gerald McDougall - 221-231 Reviews
by Ruut Veenhoven & Robert Thigpen & J. McNeil & Alex Michalos
February 1986, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-33 The Psychap inventory: A multi-scale test to measure happiness and its concomitants
by Michael Fordyce - 35-70 Subjective well-being in later life: Issues concerning measurement and prediction
by J. Kevin McNeil & M. Stones & Albert Kozma - 71-93 A longitudinal study on environmental and dispositional determinants of life quality: Social support and coping with physical illness
by Millard Waltz - 95-118 Quality of the urban environment as perceived by residents of slow and fast growth cities
by Raymond Currie & Charlene Thacker - 119-124 Longitudinal variation in domain indicators of happiness
by J. McNeil & M. Stones & Albert Kozma - 125-127 Reviews
by Albert. Kozma & Ruut Veenhoven
November 1985, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 325-343 Unemployment and the homicide rate: A paradox resolved?
by Scott South & Lawrence Cohen - 345-400 Value dimensions, cultural differences, and the prediction of perceived quality of life
by Kerry Chamberlain - 401-421 Propensity to adopt innovative housing: Development of knowledge indexes
by Margaret Weber & Jacquelyn McCray & P. Claypool - 421-433 Ordering urban communities according to their socio-economic characteristics
by Uri Yanay & Avi Griffel - 435-445 Multidimensional descriptions of social indicators
by Jan Selén
October 1985, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 211-234 Models of well-being and ill-being
by Bruce Headey & Elsie Holmstrom & Alexander Wearing - 235-242 Hope: An affective cognition
by Sara Staats & Marjorie Stassen - 243-251 Measuring cultural bias in a cross-national study
by Nathalie Ostroot & Wayne Snyder - 253-266 The allocation of time to social and leisure activities as social indicators for the integration of aged ethnic minorities
by K. Ujimoto - 267-298 Modelling change in perceived quality of life (PQOL)
by Bruce Headey & Tomasz Glowacki & Elsie Holmstrom & Alexander Wearing - 299-313 Health satisfaction: A detailed test of the multiple discrepancies theory model
by Stephen Wright - 315-323 Reviews
by Bettina Westle & Alex Michalos
August 1985, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 101-113 Effects of social change on well-being: Boom and bust in a Western Canadian city
by Leslie Kennedy & N. Mehra - 115-125 Basic needs in rural Nigeria
by Francis Okafor - 127-146 A critique of Mukherjee's index of physical quality of life
by S. Vidwans - 147-169 A policy analysis framework of cost and feasibility of social problem intervention
by Ram Cnaan & Yitzhak Berman - 171-187 Work ethic and orientations to work of the young generations: The impact of educational level
by Eric Rosseel - 189-197 Affective and cognitive components of global subjective well-being measures
by James Horley & Brian Little - 199-207 Reviews
by Ellen Gee & Victor Thiessen & Robert Thigpen
July 1985, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-17 An evaluation of subjective well-being measures
by Randy Larsen & Ed Diener & Robert Emmons - 19-28 Structural relationships among happiness scales: A second order factorial study
by M. Stones & A. Kozma - 29-47 Comparing two global measures of perceived neighborhood quality
by Charles Connerly & Robert Marans - 49-55 The usefulness of the munsh as a measure of well-being and psychopathology
by Albert Kozma & M. Stones & Shahe Kazarian - 57-71 The household composition coefficient: A method for measuring inequality in the distribution of childrearing demands among households
by Judith Zimmerman & Sandra Helmick - 73-86 Social use of technology: Microcomputer based aids for the disabled
by Alan Kirschenbaum - 87-95 The value systems of students in a teacher education program
by David Stronck - 97-100 Reviews
by Alex Michalos & Victor Thiessen
May 1985, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 347-413 Multiple discrepancies theory (MDT)
by Alex Michalos - 415-448 Evaluating indicators for housing policy: Residential satisfaction vs marginal improvement priorities
by George Galster - 449-464 Suicides in Poland as an indicator of social disintegration
by Maria Jarosz
April 1985, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 233-261 The development of social statistics and indicators on the status of women
by Denis Johnston - 263-274 Happiness of the very wealthy
by Ed Diener & Jeff Horwitz & Robert Emmons - 275-300 Estimating Cuban gross domestic product per capita in dollars using physical indicators
by Carmelo Mesa-Lago & Jorge Perez-Lopez - 301-313 Life change, health status and life satisfaction: A reconsideration
by O. Martinson & E. Wilkening & J. Linn - 315-332 A structural model of subjective well-being: A comparison of ethnicity
by Dale Vaughan & James Kashner & William Stock & Mary Richards - 333-345 Structural influences on the relationship between objective and subjective indicators of economic well-being
by Cynthia Fletcher & Frederick Lorenz
February 1985, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 113-129 A new look at life and job satisfaction with sunbelt MBA's
by M. Whiteside - 131-156 Composite measures of social, economic and demographic regional differentiation in Australia
by Krzysztof Zagórski - 157-167 Factors predicting satisfaction judgments: A comparative examination
by Robert Emmons & Ed Diener - 169-179 Subjective evaluation of health: A theoretical review
by Stephen Wright - 181-193 Racial residential segregation in the sun belt
by Patricia Bell & A. Wade Smith - 195-199 Partial order analysis of crime indicators
by Shlomit Levy - 201-211 Culture, perception of reality, and the newly emerging planning paradigm
by Dieter Weiss - 213-221 Sub-national social reporting and social policy and planning processes
by Yitzhak Berman - 223-230 Reviews
by Robert Thigpen & Alex Neill
January 1985, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-34 Modeling the psychological determinants of life quality
by Antonia Abbey & Frank Andrews - 35-49 Inequality at work: Race, sex and underemployment
by Havens Tipps & Henry Gordon - 51-67 Musical chairs: The occupational experience of migrants to Alberta, 1976–80
by Lorne Tepperman - 69-76 Measuring rural development in Nigeria: The place of social indicators
by Francis Okafor - 77-95 Methodological research in the swedish surveys of living conditions
by Mats Thorslund & Bo Wärneryd - 97-111 Making coal pay: The conversion of natural resources to economic resources in Southern Appalachia: The case of eastern Kentucky
by Charles Perry
November 1984, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 319-350 New money, and old man/lady and ‘Two's company’: Subjective Welfare in the NORC General Social Surveys, 1972–1982
by James Davis - 351-367 Relationships between job satisfaction and life satisfaction: Test of a causal model
by Janet Near - 369-387 Options to stress: Emigration and militancy in Northern Ireland
by Ronald Terchek - 389-416 Unemployment and social problems in the post-war United States
by Scott South - 417-429 The nature of the connection between life course and satisfaction with community services
by Roger Trent & Nancy Stout-Wiegand & Paul Furbee
October 1984, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 203-227 The impact of life events and changes in domain satisfactions on well-being
by Bruce Headey & Elsie Holmström & Alexander Wearing - 229-253 The dimensions of poverty
by G. Ellis - 255-279 Development of an instrument to measure the aesthetic quality of housing environment
by Yeun Lee & Margaret Weber - 281-288 Long-term multivariate prediction of migration patterns
by A. Eaglstein & Yitzhak Berman - 289-295 The coefficient of variation: Weighting considerations
by Michael Sheret - 297-307 Summative scales for measuring community satisfaction
by Joseph Whorton & Allen Moore - 309-317 Reviews
by Ruth Young & Mark Oromaner & Claude Guldner
August 1984, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 91-115 The analysis and measurement of happiness as a sense of well-being
by Richard Kammann & Marcelle Farry & Peter Herbison - 117-129 The construct validity of the life satisfaction index a and affect balance scales: A serendipitous analysis
by Ingrid Connidis - 131-144 Social indicators in statewide Mental Health planning: Lessons from California
by Lorrin Koran & Kenneth Meinhardt - 145-164 Subjective indices of housing satisfaction as social indicators for planning public housing in Nigeria
by Leonard Muoghalu - 165-175 Development of a social monitoring system at the local level: An experiment in the Southern Region of the Democratic Republic of Sudan
by K. Kurup - 177-185 Limited perspectives? Perspectives Canada III and social reporting
by Hans Bakker - 187-202 Reviews
by Robert Thigpen & A. Yarmey & William Graf & Andreas Pickel
July 1984, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-16 The needs of governments to produce services: A conceptual framework for its measurement
by Doh Shinn & Phillip Gregg - 17-42 The structural context of social indicator differentials in Japanese prefectures 1965–75
by Cynthia Shen & Frank Young - 43-60 Racial differences in dimensions of neighborhood satisfaction
by Craig John & Frieda Clark - 61-84 Canadian small settlements and the uptake of agricultural land, 1966–1976
by John Hansen - 85-90 Reviews
by Mordecal Roshwald & A. Yarmey
May 1984, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 385-419 The perceived quality of life in Norway: Regional variations and contextual effects
by Arne Mastekaasa & Torbjørn Moum - 421-452 Competitive structure and fiscal policy
by Ruth Young & George Rolleston & Charles Geisler - 453-476 Residential quality assessment: A conceptual model and empirical test
by Nava Enosh & Abraham Leslau & Josef Shacham - 477-484 Reviews
by Robert Parke & Lore Scheer & Hans-Joachim Hoffmann-Nowotny
April 1984, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 227-234 Introduction
by Rudolf Andorka - 235-239 Elements of private welfare production in Hungary (from time budget data)
by Rudolf Andorka