April 2012, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 549-570 A spatial theory of party formation
by Jon Eguia - 571-590 Decisiveness of contributors’ perceptions in elections
by Rebecca Morton & Roger Myerson - 591-619 The pro-competitive effect of campaign limits in non-majoritarian elections
by Matias Iaryczower & Andrea Mattozzi - 621-637 When do simple policies win?
by Gilat Levy & Ronny Razin - 639-681 Common agency lobbying over coalitions and policy
by David Baron & Alexander Hirsch - 683-702 Lobbying and discretion
by Stuart Jordan & Adam Meirowitz - 703-738 A dynamic theory of parliamentary democracy
by David Baron & Daniel Diermeier & Pohan Fong - 739-777 The dynamics of distributive politics
by Marco Battaglini & Thomas Palfrey - 779-800 Pork versus public goods: an experimental study of public good provision within a legislative bargaining framework
by Guillaume Fréchette & John Kagel & Massimo Morelli
February 2012, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 217-225 Economic theory and the global environment
by Graciela Chichilnisky - 227-242 Intergenerational equity, efficiency, and constructibility
by Luc Lauwers - 243-265 Sustainable exploitation of a natural resource: a satisfying use of Chichilnisky’s criterion
by Charles Figuières & Mabel Tidball - 267-292 Sustainable recursive social welfare functions
by Geir Asheim & Tapan Mitra & Bertil Tungodden - 293-307 Sustainable markets with short sales
by Graciela Chichilnisky - 309-327 Detrimental externalities, pollution rights, and the “Coase theorem”
by John Chipman & Guoqiang Tian - 329-351 Global warming and economic externalities
by Armon Rezai & Duncan Foley & Lance Taylor - 353-369 Nested externalities and polycentric institutions: must we wait for global solutions to climate change before taking actions at other scales?
by Elinor Ostrom - 371-409 Taxes versus quantities for a stock pollutant with endogenous abatement costs and asymmetric information
by Larry Karp & Jiangfeng Zhang - 411-443 Capital growth in a global warming model: will China and India sign a climate treaty?
by Prajit Dutta & Roy Radner - 445-471 Unspoken ethical issues in the climate affair: Insights from a theoretical analysis of negotiation mandates
by Franck Lecocq & Jean-Charles Hourcade - 473-495 Carbon leakages: a general equilibrium view
by Jean-Marc Burniaux & Joaquim Oliveira Martins - 497-512 Walrasian prices in markets with tradable rights
by Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Francisco Martínez & Jorge Rivera
January 2012, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-35 Pricing rules and Arrow–Debreu ambiguous valuation
by Aloisio Araujo & Alain Chateauneuf & José Faro - 37-58 Belief heterogeneity and survival in incomplete markets
by Tarek Coury & Emanuela Sciubba - 59-80 Optimal seedings in elimination tournaments
by Christian Groh & Benny Moldovanu & Aner Sela & Uwe Sunde - 81-112 Expectation traps in a new Keynesian open economy model
by David Arseneau - 113-141 Codes of Best Practice in competitive markets for managers
by Eduard Alonso-Paulí & David Pérez-Castrillo - 143-173 Sequential auctions with imperfect quantity commitment
by Gustavo Rodriguez - 175-192 Lexicographic expected utility with a subjective state space
by Youichiro Higashi & Kazuya Hyogo - 193-215 Imitation with asymmetric memory
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer & Fei Shi
October 2011, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 229-242 Informational efficiency with ambiguous information
by Scott Condie & Jayant Ganguli - 243-273 Ambiguity aversion and trade
by Luciano Castro & Alain Chateauneuf - 275-288 Decision making and trade without probabilities
by John Dickhaut & Radhika Lunawat & Kira Pronin & Jack Stecher - 289-312 Attitudes toward uncertainty and randomization: an experimental study
by Adam Dominiak & Wendelin Schnedler - 313-339 Are the treasures of game theory ambiguous?
by Jürgen Eichberger & David Kelsey - 341-375 Rational preferences under ambiguity
by Simone Cerreia-Vioglio & Paolo Ghirardato & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Marciano Siniscalchi - 377-398 Strategic games beyond expected utility
by Thomas Jungbauer & Klaus Ritzberger - 399-424 Definitions of ambiguous events and the smooth ambiguity model
by Peter Klibanoff & Massimo Marinacci & Sujoy Mukerji - 425-436 Event-Separability in the Ellsberg urn
by Mark Machina - 437-467 Risk, ambiguity, and state-preference theory
by Robert Nau - 469-491 Liquidity and asset prices in rational expectations equilibrium with ambiguous information
by Han Ozsoylev & Jan Werner - 493-518 Dynamic consistency for non-expected utility preferences
by Vassili Vergopoulos - 519-548 Core and equilibria under ambiguity
by Luciano Castro & Marialaura Pesce & Nicholas Yannelis
September 2011, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-4 Symposium on: Existence of Nash equilibria in discontinuous games
by Guilherme Carmona - 5-16 On equilibrium existence in payoff secure games
by Pavlo Prokopovych - 17-29 Strategic approximations of discontinuous games
by Philip Reny - 31-45 Understanding some recent existence results for discontinuous games
by Guilherme Carmona - 47-65 An equilibrium closure result for discontinuous games
by Erik Balder - 67-85 Equilibrium existence and approximation of regular discontinuous games
by Luciano Castro - 87-123 On efficient partnership dissolution under ex post individual rationality
by Stefano Galavotti & Nozomu Muto & Daisuke Oyama - 125-146 A theory of Bayesian decision making with action-dependent subjective probabilities
by Edi Karni - 147-169 Secure implementation in Shapley–Scarf housing markets
by Yuji Fujinaka & Takuma Wakayama - 171-204 A dynamic two country Heckscher–Ohlin model with non-homothetic preferences
by Eric Bond & Kazumichi Iwasa & Kazuo Nishimura - 205-218 Equilibrium price formation in markets with differentially informed agents
by Marta Faias & Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Emma Moreno-García
June 2011, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 189-204 Symposium: on the role of market belief in economic dynamics, an introduction
by Mordecai Kurz - 205-246 Expectational coordination in simple economic contexts
by Roger Guesnerie & Pedro Jara-Moroni - 247-292 The diversity of forecasts from macroeconomic models of the US economy
by Volker Wieland & Maik Wolters - 293-335 Diverse beliefs and time variability of risk premia
by Mordecai Kurz & Maurizio Motolese - 337-364 Financial leverage and market volatility with diverse beliefs
by Wen-Chung Guo & Frank Wang & Ho-Mou Wu - 365-393 Monetary policy and heterogeneous expectations
by William Branch & George Evans - 395-421 Business cycle amplification with heterogeneous expectations
by William Branch & Bruce McGough - 423-457 Animal spirits and monetary policy
by Paul Grauwe - 459-500 Price stabilizing, Pareto improving policies
by Carsten Nielsen
May 2011, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-27 A war of attrition with endogenous effort levels
by Johannes Hörner & Nicolas Sahuguet - 29-74 Endogenous rationing, price dispersion and collusion in capacity constrained supergames
by Emmanuel Dechenaux & Dan Kovenock - 75-104 Coarse matching with incomplete information
by Heidrun Hoppe & Benny Moldovanu & Emre Ozdenoren - 105-134 Networks of common property resources
by Rahmi İlkılıç - 135-158 On myopia as rationale for social security
by Torben Andersen & Joydeep Bhattacharya - 159-173 Rules of origin and gains from trade
by Earl Grinols & Peri Silva - 175-188 Axiomatizations of two types of Shapley values for games on union closed systems
by René Brink & Ilya Katsev & Gerard Laan
April 2011, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 327-375 A bargaining model in general equilibrium
by Michele Gori & Antonio Villanacci - 377-399 On the relationship between hierarchy and type morphisms
by Amanda Friedenberg & Martin Meier - 377-399 On the relationship between hierarchy and type morphisms
by Amanda Friedenberg & Martin Meier - 401-425 Unambiguous events and dynamic Choquet preferences
by Adam Dominiak & Jean-Philippe Lefort - 427-454 Transition choice probabilities and welfare analysis in additive random utility models
by André Palma & Karim Kilani - 455-474 On discounted dynamic programming with unbounded returns
by Janusz Matkowski & Andrzej Nowak - 475-501 Collateral premia and risk sharing under limited commitment
by Weerachart Kilenthong
February 2011, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 149-187 Investment dynamics in electricity markets
by Alfredo Garcia & Ennio Stacchetti - 189-209 Fiat money and the value of binding portfolio constraints
by Mário Páscoa & Myrian Petrassi & Juan Torres-Martínez - 211-219 Choosing the two finalists
by Kfir Eliaz & Michael Richter & Ariel Rubinstein - 221-254 A general equilibrium analysis of corporate control and the stock market
by Stefano Demichelis & Klaus Ritzberger - 255-282 Tops-only domains
by Shurojit Chatterji & Arunava Sen - 283-295 Reflecting inequality of claims in gains and losses
by Yoichi Kasajima & Rodrigo Velez - 297-325 Variety-skill complementarity: a simple resolution of the trade-wage inequality anomaly
by Yoshinori Kurokawa
January 2011, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-38 Optimism and firm formation
by Luca Rigotti & Matthew Ryan & Rhema Vaithianathan - 39-54 Correlated risks, bivariate utility and optimal choices
by Michel Denuit & Louis Eeckhoudt & Mario Menegatti - 55-84 Incomplete markets and the output–inflation tradeoff
by Yann Algan & Edouard Challe & Xavier Ragot - 85-98 On preferences with infinitely many subjective states
by Kalyan Chatterjee & R. Krishna - 99-125 Optimal collusion under cost asymmetry
by Jeanine Miklós-Thal - 127-148 Loss aversion
by Pavlo Blavatskyy
December 2010, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 379-415 Existence of a statistical equilibrium for an economy with endogenous offer sets
by Alexis Toda - 417-451 Cheap home goods and persistent inequality
by Joanna Alexopoulos & Tiago V. Cavalcanti - 453-467 Losses due to manipulation of social choice rules
by Donald Campbell & Jerry Kelly - 469-496 Choosing to keep up with the Joneses and income inequality
by Richard Barnett & Joydeep Bhattacharya & Helle Bunzel - 497-513 Individual preference rankings compatible with prices, income distributions and total resources
by Yves Balasko & Mich Tvede
October 2010, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-22 On existence of rich Fubini extensions
by Konrad Podczeck - 23-53 On mixed markets with asymmetric information
by Marialaura Pesce - 55-63 Drèze equilibria and welfare maxima
by Egbert Dierker & Hildegard Dierker - 65-97 Financial markets with endogenous transaction costs
by V. Martins-da-Rocha & Yiannis Vailakis - 99-128 Empirical assessment of bifurcation regions within New Keynesian models
by William Barnett & Evgeniya Duzhak - 129-145 Multiple equilibrium under CES preferences
by John Chipman - 147-180 Economies with informational asymmetries and limited vetoer coalitions
by Achille Basile & Chiara Donnini & Maria Graziano - 181-200 Non-parametric counterfactual analysis in dynamic general equilibrium
by Felix Kubler & Karl Schmedders - 201-225 General equilibrium without utility functions: how far to go?
by Yves Balasko & Mich Tvede - 227-252 Arbitrage and equilibrium with portfolio constraints
by Bernard Cornet & Ramu Gopalan - 253-290 Asymmetric common-value auctions with applications to private-value auctions with resale
by Harrison Cheng & Guofu Tan - 291-302 Agreeing to disagree in a countable space of equiprobable states of nature
by João Correia-da-Silva - 303-348 Nominal uniqueness and money non-neutrality in the limit-price exchange process
by Gaël Giraud & Dimitrios Tsomocos - 349-378 The testable implications of competitive equilibrium in economies with externalities
by Andrés Carvajal
September 2010, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 339-360 General equilibrium and the emergence of (non)market clearing trading institutions
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer & Georg Kirchsteiger - 361-397 Utilitarian mechanism design for an excludable public good
by Martin F. Hellwig - 361-397 Utilitarian mechanism design for an excludable public good
by Martin Hellwig - 399-414 The tyranny of non-aggregation versus the tyranny of aggregation in social choices: a real dilemma
by Marc Fleurbaey & Bertil Tungodden - 415-444 Utility from anticipation and personal equilibrium
by Botond Kőszegi - 445-467 Understanding perpetual R&D races
by Yves Breitmoser & Jonathan Tan & Daniel Zizzo - 469-490 Looking smart versus playing dumb in common-value auctions
by Daniel Quint
August 2010, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 167-185 Consistent probability attitudes
by Horst Zank - 187-211 Competitive screening in insurance markets with endogenous wealth heterogeneity
by Nick Netzer & Florian Scheuer - 213-242 When economic growth is less than exponential
by Christian Groth & Karl-Josef Koch & Thomas Steger - 243-270 Mixed-strategy equilibria in the Nash Demand Game
by David Malueg - 271-292 On price equilibrium with multi-product firms
by Alexander Konovalov & Zsolt Sándor - 293-306 Decentralized pricing in minimum cost spanning trees
by Jens Hougaard & Hervé Moulin & Lars Østerdal - 307-338 Holdup, search, and inefficiency
by Shingo Ishiguro
July 2010, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-52 Speculative dynamics
by Dan Bernhardt & P. Seiler & B. Taub - 53-68 Properties and applications of dual reduction
by Yannick Viossat - 69-100 (In)determinacy, increasing returns, and the optimality of the Friedman rule in an endogenously growing open economy
by Ching-chong Lai & Chi-ting Chin - 101-121 Monopolistic competition in electricity networks with resistance losses
by Juan Escobar & Alejandro Jofré - 123-147 Externalities, consumption constraints and regular economies
by Jean-Marc Bonnisseau & Elena Mercato - 149-165 Optimal debt contracts under costly enforcement
by Hans Hvide & Tore Leite
June 2010, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 313-349 The bargaining set of a large game
by Massimiliano Amarante & Luigi Montrucchio - 351-376 Functional rational expectations equilibria in market games
by Jamsheed Shorish - 377-406 Generalized monotonicity analysis
by Bruno Strulovici & Thomas Weber - 407-430 Rage against the machines: how subjects play against learning algorithms
by Peter Duersch & Albert Kolb & Jörg Oechssler & Burkhard Schipper - 431-456 National labor markets, international factor mobility and macroeconomic instability
by Marta Aloi & Teresa Lloyd-Braga - 457-477 Dominance solvability of dynamic bargaining games
by Christopher Tyson
May 2010, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 143-166 Long-term relationships as safeguards
by Rafael Rob & Huanxing Yang - 167-188 Minimum wages and welfare in a Hotelling duopsony
by Leo Kaas & Paul Madden - 189-206 Incomplete financial markets and differential information
by Marta Faias & Emma Moreno-García - 207-226 On the efficiency of ‘single window’
by Krishna Athreya & Monisankar Bishnu - 227-262 Minimum cost spanning tree problems with groups
by Gustavo Bergantiños & María Gómez-Rúa - 263-280 Stationarity without degeneracy in a model of commodity money
by R. O. Cavalcanti & Daniela Puzzello - 281-311 Information aggregation and investment cycles with strategic complementarity
by Huanxing Yang
April 2010, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-21 Infinite-horizon choice functions
by Geir Asheim & Walter Bossert & Yves Sprumont & Kotaro Suzumura - 23-43 Multi-activity contests
by Maria Arbatskaya & Hugo Mialon - 45-66 Aggregative games and best-reply potentials
by Martin Jensen - 67-80 Dismissals and quits in repeated games
by Pablo Casas-Arce - 81-98 Foundations for contest success functions
by Luis Corchón & Matthias Dahm - 99-141 First-price equilibrium and revenue equivalence in a sequential procurement auction model
by J. Reiß & Jens Schöndube
March 2010, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 461-503 Continuous time one-dimensional asset-pricing models with analytic price–dividend functions
by Yu Chen & Thomas Cosimano & Alex Himonas - 505-521 New unit-consistent intermediate inequality indices
by Coral Río & Olga Alonso-Villar - 523-538 Self-enforced collusion through comparative cheap talk in simultaneous auctions with entry
by Antonio Miralles - 539-563 A contraction principle for finite global games
by Laurent Mathevet - 565-589 Self-organized agglomerations and transport costs
by Pierre Picard & Takatoshi Tabuchi - 591-609 Private information, transferable utility, and the core
by S. Flåm & L. Koutsougeras
February 2010, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 271-273 Introduction
by Victor Chernozhukov & Pierre-André Chiappori & Marc Henry - 275-315 Existence, uniqueness and efficiency of equilibrium in hedonic markets with multidimensional types
by Ivar Ekeland - 317-354 Hedonic price equilibria, stable matching, and optimal transport: equivalence, topology, and uniqueness
by Pierre-André Chiappori & Robert McCann & Lars Nesheim - 355-374 Optimal transportation and the falsifiability of incompletely specified economic models
by Ivar Ekeland & Alfred Galichon & Marc Henry - 375-395 Optimal partition of a large labor force into working pairs
by Robert McCann & Maxim Trokhimtchouk - 397-418 Matching for teams
by G. Carlier & I. Ekeland - 419-435 Rearranging Edgeworth–Cornish–Fisher expansions
by Victor Chernozhukov & Iván Fernández-Val & Alfred Galichon - 437-459 Notes on optimal transportation
by Ivar Ekeland
January 2010, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-7 Computation of Nash equilibria in finite games: introduction to the symposium
by Bernhard Stengel - 9-37 Enumeration of Nash equilibria for two-player games
by David Avis & Gabriel Rosenberg & Rahul Savani & Bernhard Stengel - 39-54 Equilibrium tracing in strategic-form games
by Anne Balthasar - 55-96 Finding all Nash equilibria of a finite game using polynomial algebra
by Ruchira Datta - 97-117 A decomposition algorithm for N-player games
by Srihari Govindan & Robert Wilson - 119-156 Homotopy methods to compute equilibria in game theory
by P. Herings & Ronald Peeters - 157-173 Games of fixed rank: a hierarchy of bimatrix games
by Ravi Kannan & Thorsten Theobald - 175-192 Computing a quasi-perfect equilibrium of a two-player game
by Peter Miltersen & Troels Sørensen - 193-236 Computing equilibria: a computational complexity perspective
by Tim Roughgarden - 237-253 Computing uniformly optimal strategies in two-player stochastic games
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille - 255-269 Computing sequential equilibria using agent quantal response equilibria
by Theodore Turocy
December 2009, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 359-377 Migration with local public goods and the gains from changing places
by Peter Hammond & Jaume Sempere - 379-392 Consumer choice and revealed bounded rationality
by Paola Manzini & Marco Mariotti - 393-410 Monotonicity and Nash implementation in matching markets with contracts
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Bettina Klaus - 411-441 Monotone imitation
by Carlos Oyarzun & Johannes Ruf - 443-463 Monetary policy and multiple equilibria with constrained investment and externalities
by Baruch Gliksberg - 465-494 Fair welfare maximization
by Ashish Goel & Adam Meyerson & Thomas Weber - 495-514 Non-asymptotic tests of model performance
by Sylvain Chassang - 515-522 A note on the existence of Nash networks in one-way flow models
by Jean Derks & Martijn Tennekes
November 2009, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 175-212 Exactly what happens after the Anscombe–Aumann race?
by Marie-Louise Vierø - 213-230 Single-peaked choice
by Walter Bossert & Hans Peters - 231-246 Risk and risk aversion when states of nature matter
by Jan Werner - 247-267 Giffen behavior independent of the wealth level
by Junko Doi & Kazumichi Iwasa & Koji Shimomura - 269-296 Externalities, communication and the allocation of decision rights
by Helmut Bester - 297-315 Sustainability and its relation to efficiency under uncertainty
by Frank Krysiak - 317-343 Robust rational turnout
by Tasos Kalandrakis - 345-357 Group contest success functions
by Johannes Münster
October 2009, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction: ‘New directions in international trade theory’
by Daniel Bernhofen & Raymond Riezman - 5-21 Predicting the pattern of international trade in the neoclassical model: a synthesis
by Daniel Bernhofen - 23-39 Tariff reforms with rigid wages
by Rod Falvey & Udo Kreickemeier - 41-66 Multilateral subsidy games
by Dermot Leahy & J. Neary - 67-84 A two-country dynamic Heckscher–Ohlin model with physical and human capital accumulation
by Yunfang Hu & Murray Kemp & Koji Shimomura - 85-104 Paths of efficient self-enforcing trade agreements
by Eric Bond - 105-130 Does trade foster contract enforcement?
by James Anderson - 131-145 Exploring policy options in joint intertemporal-spatial trade models using an incomplete markets approach
by Hui Huang & John Whalley & Shunming Zhang - 147-161 Free trade: what are the terms-of-trade effects?
by Carsten Kowalczyk & Raymond Riezman