February 2021, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-3 Experimental research in management accounting
by Thorsten Knauer & Hans-Ulrich Küpper & Philipp Schreck & Friedrich Sommer & Arnt Wöhrmann - 5-33 The effect of readability and language choice in management accounting reports on risk-taking: an experimental study
by Ewgenij Besuglov & Nils Crasselt - 35-59 Likeability in subjective performance evaluations: does it bias managers’ weighting of performance measures?
by Kai A. Bauch & Peter Kotzian & Barbara E. Weißenberger - 61-90 The contextual effect of completion on the effectiveness of performance feedback
by Nicole Nikiforow & Sebastian Wagener - 91-121 Self-set salaries and creativity
by Christian Brück & Thorsten Knauer & Harald Meier & Anja Schwering
November 2020, Volume 90, Issue 9
- 1285-1287 Editorial “sustainable decision-making in production and logistics”
by Günter Fandel & Andreas Kleine & Andreas Dellnitz - 1289-1313 Long-term electricity production planning of a flexible biogas plant considering wear and tear
by Hendrik Butemann & Katja Schimmelpfeng - 1315-1343 Multi-objective hybrid flow shop scheduling with variable discrete production speed levels and time-of-use energy prices
by Sven Schulz & Udo Buscher & Liji Shen - 1345-1381 Bi-criteria parallel batch machine scheduling to minimize total weighted tardiness and electricity cost
by Jens Rocholl & Lars Mönch & John Fowler - 1383-1407 Energy costs vs. carbon dioxide emissions in short-term production planning
by Andreas Dellnitz & Damian Braschczok & Jonas Ostmeyer & Markus Hilbert & Andreas Kleine - 1409-1457 Integrating site-specific environmental impact assessment in supplier selection: exemplary application to steel procurement
by Andreas Schiessl & Richard Müller & Rebekka Volk & Konrad Zimmer & Patrick Breun & Frank Schultmann
September 2020, Volume 90, Issue 8
- 1121-1125 Recent progress in the development of the Journal of Business Economics
by Günter Fandel - 1127-1145 Self-selection and socialisation effects of business and legal studies
by Tim Rosengart & Bernhard Hirsch & Christian Nitzl - 1147-1169 Joint economic lot size models with warehouse financing and financial contracts for hedging stocks under different coordination policies
by Beatrice Marchi & Lucio Enrico Zavanella & Simone Zanoni - 1171-1197 Balancing act between research and application: how research orientation and networks affect scholars’ academic and commercial output
by Claudia Werker & Christian Hopp - 1199-1249 Technostress mitigation: an experimental study of social support during a computer freeze
by Christoph Weinert & Christian Maier & Sven Laumer & Tim Weitzel - 1251-1251 Correction to: Technostress mitigation: an experimental study of social support during a computer freeze
by Christoph Weinert & Christian Maier & Sven Laumer & Tim Weitzel - 1253-1284 Cash, non-cash, or mix? Gender matters! The impact of monetary, non-monetary, and mixed incentives on performance
by Hanna M. Sittenthaler & Alwine Mohnen
August 2020, Volume 90, Issue 7
- 963-974 Recent trends in real estate research: a comparison of recent working papers and publications using machine learning algorithms
by Wolfgang Breuer & Bertram I. Steininger - 975-1019 Transformation of the real estate and construction industry: empirical findings from Germany
by Andreas Pfnür & Benjamin Wagner - 1021-1056 Liquidity and prices: a cluster analysis of the German residential real estate market
by Marcelo Cajias & Philipp Freudenreich & Anna Freudenreich & Wolfgang Schäfers - 1057-1086 Exploring the determinants of real estate liquidity from an alternative perspective: censored quantile regression in real estate research
by Marcelo Cajias & Philipp Freudenreich & Anna Freudenreich - 1087-1120 The pricing of European non-performing real estate loan portfolios: evidence on stock market evaluation of complex asset sales
by Florian Manz & Birgit Müller & Dirk Schiereck
June 2020, Volume 90, Issue 5
- 675-678 Editorial “Management accounting and control”
by Günter Fandel & Christian Hofmann & Philipp Schreck - 679-711 Simultaneous structuring and scheduling of multiple projects with flexible project structures
by Luise-Sophie Hoffmann & Carolin Kellenbrink & Stefan Helber - 713-732 Transparency goes a long way: information transparency and its effect on job satisfaction and turnover intentions of the professoriate
by Yvette E. Hofmann & Maria Strobel - 733-755 Volume or value? How relative performance information affects task strategy and performance
by Philipp Schreck - 757-786 Information load in escalation situations: combustive agent or counteractive measure?
by Peter Gordon Roetzel & Burkhard Pedell & Daniel Groninger - 787-824 Executive compensation in Germany
by Daniel Beck & Gunther Friedl & Peter Schäfer - 825-844 Accounting for provisions: an economic analysis of intertemporal cost allocations and their incentive properties
by Christian Lohmann & Nils Crasselt - 845-878 A Lean Six Sigma framework for the insurance industry: insights and lessons learned from a case study
by Kai Sandner & Sebastian Sieber & Marleen Tellermann & Frank Walthes - 879-916 Religion, crime, and financial reporting
by Christian Hofmann & Nina Schwaiger - 917-945 Religion and CSR: a systematic literature review
by Dominik Aaken & Florian Buchner - 947-962 Freedom trumps profit: a liberal approach to business ethics
by Andreas Ostermaier & Dominik Aaken
May 2020, Volume 90, Issue 4
- 495-536 How accurately does the CCCTB apportionment formula allocate profits? An evaluation of the European Commission proposal
by Jochen Hundsdoerfer & Julia Wagner - 537-561 Preceding operational capabilities as antecedents for productivity and innovation performance
by Minna Saunila & Juhani Ukko & Tero Rantala & Mina Nasiri & Hannu Rantanen - 563-589 Drivers of and barriers to partner switch in interfirm alliances: a conceptual model
by Nina Hampl - 591-614 Teamwork revisited: social preferences and knowledge acquisition in the field
by Frauke Bieberstein & Jonas Gehrlein & Anna Güntner - 615-673 Effects of declining bank health on borrowers’ earnings quality: evidence from the European sovereign debt crisis
by Florian Kiy & Theresa Zick
April 2020, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 335-368 Conservative traits and managerial forecasting style
by Sara Bormann & Debbie Claassen & Christian Hofmann & Nina Schwaiger - 369-399 Business model innovation in family firms: dynamic capabilities and the moderating role of socioemotional wealth
by Vanessa Weimann & Maike Gerken & Marcel Hülsbeck - 401-425 “There’s Life in the Old Dog Yet”: The Homo economicus model and its value for behavioral ethics
by Philipp Schreck & Dominik Aaken & Karl Homann - 427-460 Explaining the intention to use social trading platforms: an empirical investigation
by Riccardo Reith & Maximilian Fischer & Bettina Lis - 461-493 Expensing performance-vested executive stock options: is there underreporting under IFRS 2?
by Alexander Merz
March 2020, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 173-205 The effect of simplified cash accounting on tax and financial accounting compliance costs
by Kay Blaufus & Franziska Hoffmann - 207-237 Integrating truck and workforce scheduling in a cross-dock: analysis of different workforce coordination policies
by Hans Corsten & Ferdinand Becker & Hagen Salewski - 239-276 Coordination, cooperation and collaboration in relief supply chain management
by Christian Wankmüller & Gerald Reiner - 277-302 A first fit index on estimation accuracy in structural equation models
by Andreas Falke & Nadine Schröder & Herbert Endres - 303-334 Coordination in a closed-loop supply chain under asymmetric and symmetric information with sales effort-dependent demand
by Emad Sane-Zerang & Jafar Razmi & Ata Allah Taleizadeh
February 2020, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-36 Analyzing the capabilities of the HB logit model for choice-based conjoint analysis: a simulation study
by Maren Hein & Peter Kurz & Winfried J. Steiner - 37-55 Big Five personality factors in the Trust Game
by Julia Müller & Christiane Schwieren - 57-108 Parity codetermination at the board level and labor investment efficiency: evidence on German listed firms
by Kerstin Lopatta & Katarina Böttcher & Sumit K. Lodhia & Sebastian A. Tideman - 109-135 Let’s talk about money! Assessing the link between firm performance and voluntary Say-on-Pay votes
by Jörn Obermann - 137-172 Bankruptcy prediction and the discriminatory power of annual reports: empirical evidence from financially distressed German companies
by Christian Lohmann & Thorsten Ohliger
December 2019, Volume 89, Issue 8
- 927-929 Editorial
by Günter Fandel & Kai-Ingo Voigt - 931-963 Research streams on digital transformation from a holistic business perspective: a systematic literature review and citation network analysis
by J. Piet Hausberg & Kirsten Liere-Netheler & Sven Packmohr & Stefanie Pakura & Kristin Vogelsang - 965-994 Does the market reward digitalization efforts? Evidence from securities analysts’ investment recommendations
by Verena Hossnofsky & Sebastian Junge - 995-1021 Being at the right place at the right time: does the timing within technology waves determine new venture success?
by Franziska Schlichte & Sebastian Junge & Jan Mammen - 1023-1095 Riding on the wave of digitization: insights how and under what settings dynamic capabilities facilitate digital-driven business model change
by Daliborka Witschel & Aaron Döhla & Maximilian Kaiser & Kai-Ingo Voigt & Thilo Pfletschinger - 1097-1147 Learning from failures in business model innovation: solving decision-making logic conflicts through intrapreneurial effectuation
by Sebastian Brenk & Dirk Lüttgens & Kathleen Diener & Frank Piller - 1149-1189 A service-dominant logic perspective on the roles of technology in service innovation: uncovering four archetypes in the sharing economy
by Alexander Frey & Manuel Trenz & Daniel Veit - 1191-1214 Digitalization, innovative work behavior and extended availability
by Elisabeth Nöhammer & Stefan Stichlberger - 1215-1243 Towards a digital work environment: the influence of collaboration and networking on employee performance within an enterprise social media platform
by Sven Dittes & Stefan Smolnik
September 2019, Volume 89, Issue 7
- 743-745 Sustainable operations in production and logistics
by Günter Fandel & Florian Jaehn - 747-792 Coordination contracts for reverse supply chains: a state-of-the-art review
by Michael Krapp & Johannes B. Kraus - 793-821 Energy vehicle routing problem for differently sized and powered vehicles
by Herbert Kopfer & Benedikt Vornhusen - 823-843 The role of firm-internal corporate environmental standards for organizational performance
by Christian Schwens & Marcus Wagner - 845-865 Energy considerations for the economic production quantity and the joint economic lot sizing
by Lucio Enrico Zavanella & Beatrice Marchi & Simone Zanoni & Ivan Ferretti - 867-891 Impacts of self-generation and self-consumption on German household electricity prices
by Daniel Fett & Dogan Keles & Thomas Kaschub & Wolf Fichtner - 893-926 Impacts of stakeholder influences and dynamic capabilities on the sustainability performance of supply chains: a system dynamics model
by Tobias Rebs & Daniel Thiel & Marcus Brandenburg & Stefan Seuring
August 2019, Volume 89, Issue 6
- 627-631 Editorial
by Günter Fandel - 633-653 The impact of English Premier League broadcasts on Danish spectator demand: a small league perspective
by Christian Gjersing Nielsen & Rasmus K. Storm & Tor Georg Jakobsen - 655-697 Bank customers’ decision-making process in choosing between ethical and conventional banking: a survey-based examination
by Sarah Bayer & Henner Gimpel & Serkan Sarikaya - 699-717 Using convex preference cones in multiple criteria decision making and related fields
by Nasim Nasrabadi & Akram Dehnokhalaji & Pekka Korhonen & Jyrki Wallenius - 719-735 Multi-criteria production theory: convexity propositions and reasonable axioms
by Harald Dyckhoff - 737-737 Correction to: When labor representatives join supervisory boards: empirical evidence of the relationship between the change to parity codetermination and working capital and operating cash flows
by Kerstin Lopatta & Katarina Böttcher & Reemda Jaeschke - 739-742 Correction to: An extension of the general lot-sizing and scheduling problem (GLSP) with time-dependent energy prices
by Matthias Gerhard Wichmann & Christoph Johannes & Thomas Stefan Spengler
July 2019, Volume 89, Issue 5
- 481-514 An extension of the general lot-sizing and scheduling problem (GLSP) with time-dependent energy prices
by Matthias Gerhard Wichmann & Christoph Johannes & Thomas Stefan Spengler - 515-567 Integrated reporting: boon or bane? A review of empirical research on its determinants and implications
by Linda Kannenberg & Philipp Schreck - 569-597 How firms’ participation in apprenticeship training fosters knowledge diffusion and innovation
by Christian Rupietta & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 599-626 Inheritance tax planning with uncertain future payroll expenses: an analytical solution to the optimal choice between full and standard exemption
by Markus Diller & Thomas Späth & Johannes Lorenz
June 2019, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 357-383 Cash versus opportunity costs and revenues in bilateral bargaining
by Niklas Dreyer & Robert M. Gillenkirch - 385-415 Investment timing effects of wealth taxes under uncertainty and irreversibility
by Rainer Niemann & Caren Sureth-Sloane - 417-445 The dispersion of bonus payments within and between firms
by Christian Grund & Tanja Hofmann - 447-479 Reaching for the stars: attention to multiple testing problems and method recommendations using simulation for business research
by Christina C. Bartenschlager & Jens O. Brunner
April 2019, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 251-272 Diversification and organizational environment: the effect of resource scarcity and complexity on the valuation of multi-segment firms
by Maximilian Sturm & Stephan Nüesch - 273-290 You get what you ‘pay’ for: academic attention, career incentives and changes in publication portfolios of business and economics researchers
by Adam Ayaita & Kerstin Pull & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 291-325 A real option application for emission control measures
by Carmen Schiel & Simon Glöser-Chahoud & Frank Schultmann - 327-356 Topic modeling in marketing: recent advances and research opportunities
by Martin Reisenbichler & Thomas Reutterer
March 2019, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 125-153 The impact of acquisitions on Chinese acquirers’ innovation performance: an empirical investigation of 1545 Chinese acquisitions
by Christian Fisch & Jörn Block & Philipp Sandner - 155-189 The psychological effects of centrality bias: an experimental analysis
by Irene Trapp & Rouven Trapp - 191-220 Cultural Finance as a research field: an evaluative survey
by Claudia Nadler & Wolfgang Breuer - 221-250 What makes industry–university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature
by Robert Rybnicek & Roland Königsgruber
February 2019, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-24 Building composite indicators using multicriteria methods: a review
by Samira El Gibari & Trinidad Gómez & Francisco Ruiz - 25-51 Solving multiobjective optimization problems with decision uncertainty: an interactive approach
by Yue Zhou-Kangas & Kaisa Miettinen & Karthik Sindhya - 53-77 Measuring potential sub-unit efficiency to counter the aggregation bias in benchmarking
by Heinz Ahn & Peter Bogetoft & Ana Lopes - 79-123 Content analysis of business communication: introducing a German dictionary
by Christina Bannier & Thomas Pauls & Andreas Walter
December 2018, Volume 88, Issue 9
- 1029-1060 Can formula apportionment really prevent multinational enterprises from profit shifting? The role of asset valuation, intragroup debt, and leases
by Dirk Kiesewetter & Tobias Steigenberger & Matthias Stier - 1061-1103 Disentangling complexity: how negotiators identify and handle issue-based complexity in business-to-business negotiation
by Christoph Laubert & Ingmar Geiger - 1105-1132 In search of excellence: a case study of the first excellence initiative of Germany
by Matthias Menter & Erik E. Lehmann & Torben Klarl - 1133-1162 Who benefits from the wisdom of the crowd in crowdfunding? Assessing the benefits of user-generated and mass personal electronic word of mouth in computer-mediated financing
by Jermain Kaminski & Christian Hopp & Christian Lukas
September 2018, Volume 88, Issue 7
- 827-829 Editorial
by Hans-Ulrich Küpper & Jan Trockel - 831-850 CCR or BCC: what if we are in the wrong model?
by Andreas Dellnitz & Andreas Kleine & Wilhelm Rödder - 851-882 Multi-criteria production theory: foundation of non-financial and sustainability performance evaluation
by Harald Dyckhoff - 883-914 An inspection game of internal audit and the influence of whistle-blowing
by Benjamin Florian Siggelkow & Jan Trockel & Oliver Dieterle - 915-940 Self-enforcing capital tax coordination
by Thomas Eichner & Rüdiger Pethig - 941-970 Hedging and accounting-based RPE contracts for powerful CEOs
by Viktoria Diser & Christian Hofmann - 971-1007 Multi-item single-source ordering with detailed consideration of transportation capacities
by Martin Grunewald & Thomas Volling & Christoph Müller & Thomas S. Spengler - 1009-1028 A multiperiod auto-carrier transportation problem with probabilistic future demands
by Christian Billing & Florian Jaehn & Thomas Wensing
August 2018, Volume 88, Issue 6
- 689-693 Editorial
by Günter Fandel - 695-730 Resistance against corporate misconduct: an analysis of ethical ideologies’ direct and moderating effects on different forms of active rebellion
by Henrike Andersch & Jörg Lindenmeier & Florian Liberatore & Dieter K. Tscheulin - 731-764 The impact of sporting success on student enrollment
by Daniel Weimar & Markus Schauberger - 765-797 A state-of-the-art review of corporate cash holding research
by Jan Felix Weidemann - 799-825 Integrated supply chain network planning and financial planning respecting the imperfection of the capital market
by Martin Steinrücke & Wolfgang Albrecht
July 2018, Volume 88, Issue 5
- 559-561 Editorial
by Günter Fandel & Kai-Ingo Voigt - 563-592 Privacy-preserving condition-based forecasting using machine learning
by Fabian Taigel & Anselme K. Tueno & Richard Pibernik - 593-616 Big data on the shop-floor: sensor-based decision-support for manual processes
by Nikolai Stein & Jan Meller & Christoph M. Flath - 617-642 Anticipating acceptance of emerging technologies using twitter: the case of self-driving cars
by Christopher Kohl & Marlene Knigge & Galina Baader & Markus Böhm & Helmut Krcmar - 643-687 A systematic literature review of mining weak signals and trends for corporate foresight
by Christian Mühlroth & Michael Grottke
May 2018, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 319-324 Venture capital and private equity finance as key determinants of economic development
by Wolfgang Breuer & Andreas Pinkwart - 325-362 Venture capital and private equity financing: an overview of recent literature and an agenda for future research
by Tereza Tykvová - 363-392 Private equity group reputation and financing structures in German leveraged buyouts
by Ann-Kristin Achleitner & Reiner Braun & Eva Lutz & Florian Tappeiner - 393-469 Does culture affect the performance of private equity buyouts?
by Benjamin Hammer & Heiko Hinrichs & Bernhard Schwetzler - 471-501 Building an equity story: the impact of effectuation on business angel investments
by Sebastian Schmidt & David Bendig & Malte Brettel - 503-529 On private equity exits of family firms in the German Mittelstand
by Florian Kreer & René Mauer & Steffen Strese & Malte Brettel - 531-557 A world of difference? The impact of corporate venture capitalists’ investment motivation on startup valuation
by Patrick Röhm & Andreas Köhn & Andreas Kuckertz & Hermann S. Dehnen
February 2018, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 139-166 Do family investors differ from other investors? Similarity, experience, and professionalism in the light of family investee firm challenges
by Olaf M. Rottke & Felix K. Thiele - 167-201 Stakeholder Pressures, Environmental Practice Adoption and Economic Performance in the German Third-party Logistics Industry—A Contingency Perspective
by Steffen Maas & Tassilo Schuster & Evi Hartmann - 203-252 Corporate governance, capital market orientation and firm performance: empirical evidence for large publicly traded German corporations
by Elmar Gerum & Sascha H. Mölls & Chunqian Shen - 253-317 Nonmarket strategy research: systematic literature review and future directions
by Thomas Wrona & Corinna Sinzig
January 2018, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-39 When labor representatives join supervisory boards: empirical evidence of the relationship between the change to parity codetermination and working capital and operating cash flows
by Kerstin Lopatta & Katarina Böttcher & Reemda Jaeschke - 41-63 The neglected mediating role of self-efficacy in the goal setting process in local public administrations
by Bernhard Hirsch & Christian Nitzl & Stefan Reemts - 65-96 Incentives for students: effects of certificates and deadlines on student performance
by Andreas Ostermaier - 97-137 Voluntary disclosure of sustainability reports by Canadian universities
by Remmer Sassen & Leyla Azizi
December 2017, Volume 87, Issue 9
- 1125-1127 Editorial
by Hans-Ulrich Küpper & Philipp Schreck - 1129-1150 On the duty to give (and not to take): An experiment on moralistic punishment
by Rainer Michael Rilke - 1151-1172 The influence of peer honesty and anonymity on managerial reporting
by Anja Schwering - 1173-1191 Voluntary agreements between competitors: trick or truth?
by Johanna Jauernig & Matthias Uhl & Christoph Luetge - 1193-1227 The influence of psychopathic traits on the acceptance of white-collar crime: do corporate psychopaths cook the books and misuse the news?
by Volker Lingnau & Florian Fuchs & Till E. Dehne-Niemann
November 2017, Volume 87, Issue 8
- 985-1016 “Anything worth winning is worth cheating for”? Determinants of cheating behavior among business and theology students
by Brinja Meiseberg & Thomas Ehrmann & Aloys Prinz - 1017-1066 Empirical research on corporate social responsibility assurance (CSRA): A literature review
by Patrick Velte & Martin Stawinoga - 1067-1081 An experimental study on bribes, detection probability and principal witness policy
by Alexandra Christöfl & Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger & Arleta Rasmußen - 1083-1123 The influences of behavioral biases, barriers and facilitators on the willingness of forwarders’ decision makers to modal shift from unimodal road freight transport to intermodal road–rail freight transport
by Ralf Elbert & Lowis Seikowsky
October 2017, Volume 87, Issue 7
- 877-898 Redundant configuration of automated flow lines based on “Industry 4.0”-technologies
by Christoph Müller & Martin Grunewald & Thomas S. Spengler - 899-925 The impact of different fit dimensions on spillover effects in brand alliances
by Oliver Schnittka & Marius Johnen & Franziska Völckner & Henrik Sattler & Isabel Victoria Villeda & Kathrin Urban - 927-941 Allocation of seminar applicants
by Andreas Kleine & Andreas Dellnitz - 943-984 Are sponsors blamed for edging off? Consumer reactions to sponsorship terminations
by Oliver Schnittka & Alexander Himme & Dominik Papies & David Pellenwessel
August 2017, Volume 87, Issue 6
- 705-708 Editorial
by Günter Fandel - 709-747 A note on corporate valuation using imprecise cost of capital
by Wolfgang Breuer & Karsten Kohn & Klaus Mark - 749-777 Understanding the transgenerational orientation of family businesses: the role of family governance and business family identity
by Julia Suess-Reyes - 779-808 Affective reactions influence investment decisions: evidence from a laboratory experiment with taxation
by Martin Fochmann & Johannes Hewig & Dirk Kiesewetter & Katharina Schüßler - 809-875 New developments in behavioral pricing research
by Nicole Koschate-Fischer & Katharina Wüllner
July 2017, Volume 87, Issue 5
- 533-536 Editorial
by Christina Bannier & Wolfgang Breuer - 537-580 Digital Finance and FinTech: current research and future research directions
by Peter Gomber & Jascha-Alexander Koch & Michael Siering - 581-643 Financial literacy, financial advice, and financial behavior
by Oscar A. Stolper & Andreas Walter - 645-668 Towards more sustainable debt attitudes and behaviors: the importance of basic economic skills
by Michael Goedde-Menke & Carsten Erner & Michael Oberste - 669-703 Do individual investors learn from their mistakes?
by Maximilian Koestner & Benjamin Loos & Steffen Meyer & Andreas Hackethal
May 2017, Volume 87, Issue 4
- 421-464 Assessing the economic effects of server launches in free-to-play MMO games
by Sebastian Voigt & Oliver Hinz - 465-486 Operation of shunting yards: train-to-yard assignment problem
by Alena Otto & Erwin Pesch - 487-509 “Whom do I want to be the next CEO?” Desirable successor attributes in family firms
by Rodrigo Basco & Andrea Calabrò - 511-531 Traits grow important with increasing age: customer age, brand personality and loyalty
by Magdalena Bekk & Matthias Spörrle & Miriam Landes & Klaus Moser
April 2017, Volume 87, Issue 3
- 291-294 Editorial
by Harald Hruschka & Thomas Reutterer - 295-313 Analyzing the dependences of multi-category purchases on interactions of marketing variables
by Harald Hruschka - 315-315 Erratum to: Analyzing the dependences of multi-category purchases on interactions of marketing variables
by Harald Hruschka - 317-335 Visualizing association rules in hierarchical groups
by Michael Hahsler & Radoslaw Karpienko - 337-358 A data mining framework for targeted category promotions
by Thomas Reutterer & Kurt Hornik & Nicolas March & Kathrin Gruber - 359-395 Drivers of private-label purchase behavior across quality tiers and product categories
by Philipp Noormann & Sebastian Tillmanns - 397-420 Does umbrella branding really work? Investigating cross-category brand loyalty
by Nadja Silberhorn & Yasemin Boztuğ & Lutz Hildebrandt
February 2017, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 155-183 Customer acceptance of tradable service contracts
by Ingmar Geiger & Manuel Kluckert & Michael Kleinaltenkamp - 185-219 Effects of management control mechanisms: towards a more comprehensive analysis
by Sebastian Goebel & Barbara E. Weißenberger - 221-261 Neglected disciplinary effects of investor relations: evidence from corporate cash holdings
by Houdou Basse Mama & Alexander Bassen - 263-290 Information as potential key determinant in switching electricity suppliers
by Magdalena Six & Franz Wirl & Jaqueline Wolf
January 2017, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Günter Fandel & Jan Trockel & Thomas Volling - 5-39 Analyzing investment strategies under changing energy and climate policies: an interdisciplinary bottom-up approach regarding German metal industries
by Patrick Breun & Magnus Fröhling & Konrad Zimmer & Frank Schultmann - 41-72 Prerequisites of efficient decentralized waste heat recovery and energy storage in production planning
by Konstantin Biel & Christoph H. Glock - 73-96 Quality splitting in waste incineration due to non-convex production possibilities
by Mark Müser & Harald Dyckhoff - 97-124 Additive manufacturing technology adoption: an empirical analysis of general and supply chain-related determinants
by Katrin Oettmeier & Erik Hofmann - 125-153 Strategic risk in supply chain contract design
by Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Guido Voigt
December 2016, Volume 86, Issue 9
- 963-995 A little less waiting, a little more action? Inheritance tax planning under lifespan uncertainty
by Markus Diller & Maximilian Kittl - 997-1041 Who benefits from the preferential treatment of business property under the German inheritance tax?
by Benedikt Franke & Dirk Simons & Dennis Voeller - 1043-1066 Quality kills the mediastar? Career paths of intellectuals
by Brinja Meiseberg & Thomas Ehrmann & Jochen Lengers - 1067-1089 Does the curricular structure affect doctoral enrolment?
by Annika C. Froehlich
November 2016, Volume 86, Issue 8
- 809-811 Editorial
by Rainer Baule & Günter Fandel - 813-836 Risk governance: conceptualization, tasks, and research agenda
by Volker Stein & Arnd Wiedemann - 837-866 Risk-taking in tournaments: an experimental analysis
by Ivo Schedlinsky & Friedrich Sommer & Arnt Wöhrmann - 867-904 Impact of ESG factors on firm risk in Europe
by Remmer Sassen & Anne-Kathrin Hinze & Inga Hardeck - 905-931 Revisiting Basel risk weights: cross-sectional risk sensitivity and cyclicality
by Rainer Baule & Christian Tallau - 933-961 Systemic interest rate and market risk at US banks
by Ludwig Hausse & Martin Rohleder & Marco Wilkens
October 2016, Volume 86, Issue 7
- 697-721 An adaptive structure of a hub-and-spoke system with direct and depot shipments in the case of volatile demand over time
by Günther Zäpfel & Michael Bögl - 723-749 The one who sees more is more right: how theory enhances the ‘repertoire to interpret’ in qualitative case study research
by Thomas Wrona & Markus Gunnesch - 751-772 Human resource management and radical innovation: a fuzzy-set QCA of US multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK
by Uschi Backes-Gellner & Marlies Kluike & Kerstin Pull & Martin R. Schneider & Silvia Teuber - 773-808 Management of recycling operations for iron and steel making slags
by Christoph Meyer & Matthias G. Wichmann & Thomas S. Spengler
August 2016, Volume 86, Issue 6
- 575-577 Editorial
by Günter Fandel & Kai-Ingo Voigt - 579-609 How should successful business models be configured? Results from an empirical study in business-to-business markets and implications for the change of business models
by Thomas Werani & Bernhard Freiseisen & Petra Martinek-Kuchinka & Alexander Schauberger - 611-645 Path dependence as a barrier to business model change in manufacturing firms: insights from a multiple-case study
by Sven M. Laudien & Birgit Daxböck - 647-670 Business model innovation and organizational resilience: towards an integrated conceptual framework
by Oana Buliga & Christian W. Scheiner & Kai-Ingo Voigt - 671-696 Business model innovativeness: designing a formative measure for business model innovation
by Patrick Spieth & Sabrina Schneider
July 2016, Volume 86, Issue 5
- 441-475 Can the CCCTB alleviate tax discrimination against loss-making European multinational groups?
by Regina Ortmann & Caren Sureth-Sloane