May 2021, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 1364-1379 Queering social reproduction: Sex, care and activism in San Francisco
by Max J Andrucki - 1380-1396 Travel guides, urban spatial imaginaries and LGBTQ+ activism: The case of Damron guides
by Larry Knopp & Michael Brown - 1397-1413 Negotiating racialised (un)belonging: Black LGBTQ resistance in Toronto’s gay village
by Rae Daniel Rosenberg - 1414-1430 ‘We’re in Asia’: Worlding LGBTQI+ activism otherwise in Sydney
by Derek Ruez - 1431-1447 Play, protest and pride: Un/happy queers of Proud to Play in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand
by Lynda Johnston & Gordon Waitt - 1448-1462 Negotiating LGBTQ rights in Singapore: The margin as a place of refusal
by Kamalini Ramdas - 1463-1483 Queer urban trauma and its spatial politics: A lesson from social movements in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
by Gilly Hartal & Chen Misgav - 1484-1499 ‘Creating the community I want to be part of’: Affinity-based organising in a small, progressive rustbelt city
by Elizabeth Currans - 1500-1519 Relocating queer: Comparing suburban LGBTQ2S activisms on Vancouver’s periphery
by Alison L Bain & Julie A Podmore - 1520-1528 The place of transversal LGBTQ+ urban activisms
by Emma Spruce - 1529-1540 People, protest and place: Advancing research on the emplacement of LGBTQ+ urban activisms
by Amin Ghaziani
May 2021, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 1097-1119 Extended urbanisation and the agrarian question: Convergences, divergences and openings
by Swarnabh Ghosh & Ayan Meer - 1120-1140 The false promise of homeownership: Homeowner societies in an era of declining access and rising inequality
by Rowan Arundel & Richard Ronald - 1141-1157 Container housing: Formal informality and deterritorialised home-making amid bulldozer urbanism in Shanghai
by Minhua Ling - 1158-1175 Blocking the progressive city: How state pre-emptions undermine labour rights in the USA
by Yunji Kim & Austin M Aldag & Mildred E Warner - 1176-1192 Towards a relational conception of the compact city
by Kristin Kjærås - 1193-1210 Effects of the state’s informal practices on organisational capability and social inclusion: Three cases of city governance in Johannesburg
by Li Pernegger - 1211-1228 The making and unmaking of an urban diaspora: The role of the physical environment and materialities in belongingness, displacement and mobilisation in Toxteth, Liverpool
by Zana Vathi & Kathy Burrell - 1229-1244 Designing and domesticating an interstructure: Exploring the practices and the politics of an elevator for cyclists
by Ivana Suboticki & Knut H. Sørensen - 1245-1261 Riverfront as a re-territorialising arena of urban governance: Territorialisation and folding of the Xindian River in Taipei metropolis
by Chih-Hung Wang & Yu-Ting Kao & Jo-Tzu Huang - 1262-1285 Governing urban resilience: Organisational structures and coordination strategies in 20 North American city governments
by Mary Fastiggi & Sara Meerow & Thaddeus R Miller - 1286-1302 Unpacking the advanced producer services complex in world cities: Charting professional networks, localisation economies and markets
by David Bassens & Laura Gutierrez & Reijer Hendrikse & Deborah Lambert & Maëlys Waiengnier
April 2021, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 881-902 Enclaving: Spatial detachment as an aesthetics of imagination in an urban sub-Saharan African context
by Morten Nielsen & Jason Sumich & Bjørn Enge Bertelsen - 903-921 Complementary policies for multidimensional problems: Does the low-income housing tax credit complement homeless services in the USA?
by Saerim Kim & Andrew A Sullivan - 922-940 Urban volumetrics: From vertical to volumetric urbanisation and its extensions to empirical morphological analysis
by Gerhard JB Bruyns & Christopher D Higgins & Darren H Nel - 941-958 From advocacy to acceptance: Social media discussions of protected bike lane installations
by Colin Ferster & Karen Laberee & Trisalyn Nelson & Calvin Thigpen & Michael Simeone & Meghan Winters - 959-976 The effect of upzoning on house prices and redevelopment premiums in Auckland, New Zealand
by Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy & Gail Pacheco & Kade Sorensen - 977-992 The time-spaces of austerity urbanism: Narratives of ‘localism’ and UK neighbourhood policy
by Eleanor Jupp - 993-1013 The influence of land use regulation on the probability that low-income neighbourhoods will gentrify
by Susane Leguizamon & David Christafore - 1014-1031 Regional housing price dependency in the UK: A dynamic network approach
by Dayong Zhang & Qiang Ji & Wan-Li Zhao & Nicholas J Horsewood - 1032-1049 Unpacking the new urban food agenda: The changing dynamics of global governance in the urban age
by Roberta Sonnino & Helen Coulson - 1050-1066 The changing social structure of global cities: Professionalisation, proletarianisation or polarisation
by Chris Hamnett - 1067-1086 Contemporary echoes of segregationist policy: Spatial marking and the persistence of inequality
by Jacob Faber - 1087-1089 Book review: Citizenship and Infrastructure: Practices and Identities of Citizens and the State
by Frances Brill - 1089-1092 Book review: Agonistic Articulations in the ‘Creative’ City: On New Actors and Activism in Berlin’s Cultural Politics
by Mohamed Saleh - 1092-1094 Book review: Everyday Resistance: French Activism in the 21st Century
by Cécile Gauthier
March 2021, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 1-1 Erratum to “Neighbourhoods, networks and unemployment: The role of neighbourhood disadvantage and local networks in taking up workâ€
by N/A - 677-695 Polycentric regions: Proposals for a new typology and terminology
by Angelika Münter & Kati Volgmann - 696-714 Neighbourhoods, networks and unemployment: The role of neighbourhood disadvantage and local networks in taking up work
by Leen Vandecasteele & Anette Eva Fasang - 715-732 Community interactions and sanitation use by the urban poor: Survey evidence from India’s slums
by YuJung Julia Lee & Tiffany Radcliff - 733-749 On whose land is the city to be built? Farmers, donors and the urban land question in Beira city, Mozambique
by Murtah Shannon & Kei Otsuki & Annelies Zoomers & Mayke Kaag - 750-768 Socioeconomic variations and disparity in space–time accessibility in suburban China: A case study of Guangzhou
by Zifeng Chen & Anthony Gar-On Yeh - 769-786 Urban robotic experimentation: San Francisco, Tokyo and Dubai
by Aidan H While & Simon Marvin & Mateja Kovacic - 787-808 The association between residential housing prices, bicycle infrastructure and ridership volumes
by Lindsey Conrow & Siân Mooney & Elizabeth A Wentz - 809-825 Examining building age, rental housing and price filtering for affordability in Melbourne, Australia
by Matthew Palm & Katrina Eve Raynor & Georgia Warren-Myers - 826-844 Locating the public interest in mega infrastructure planning: The case of Sydney’s WestConnex
by Glen Searle & Crystal Legacy - 845-862 Immigrants’ spatial integration dynamics in Tel-Aviv: An analysis of residential mobility and sorting
by Tal Modai-Snir & Pnina O. Plaut - 863-878 Reflections on five years of the Summer Institute in Urban Studies
by Kevin Ward & Timothy Bunnell
February 2021, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 461-470 Smart cities: Between worlding and provincialising
by Ryan Burns & Victoria Fast & Anthony Levenda & Byron Miller - 471-486 The smart city and the containment of informality: The case of Dubai
by Harris Breslow - 487-506 Data-driven governance, smart urbanism and risk-class inequalities: Security and social credit in China
by Dean Curran & Alan Smart - 507-534 Latin American smart cities: Between worlding infatuation and crawling provincialising
by Clara Irazábal & Paola Jirón - 535-558 The frontier of digital opportunity: Smart city implementation in small, rural and remote communities in Canada
by Zachary Spicer & Nicole Goodman & Nathan Olmstead - 559-580 Provincialising smart urbanism in Taipei: The smart city as a strategy for urban regime transition
by I-Chun Catherine Chang & Sue-Ching Jou & Ming-Kuang Chung - 581-600 From smart to rebel city? Worlding, provincialising and the Barcelona Model
by Greig Charnock & Hug March & Ramon Ribera-Fumaz - 601-620 Placebo urban interventions: Observing Smart City narratives in Santiago de Chile
by Paola Jirón & Walter A Imilán & Carlos Lange & Pablo Mansilla - 621-638 Worlding infrastructure in the global South: Philippine experiments and the art of being ‘smart’
by Morgan Mouton - 639-654 Everyday urbanisms and the importance of place: Exploring the elements of the emancipatory smart city
by Nancy Odendaal - 655-673 Worlding and provincialising smart cities: From individual case studies to a global comparative research agenda
by Byron Miller & Kevin Ward & Ryan Burns & Victoria Fast & Anthony Levenda
February 2021, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 245-263 Extended urbanisation and the spatialities of infectious disease: Demographic change, infrastructure and governance
by Creighton Connolly & Roger Keil & S. Harris Ali - 264-279 Do rising rents lead to longer commutes? A gravity model of commuting flows in Ireland
by Achim Ahrens & Sean Lyons - 280-296 Explaining transit expenses in US urbanised areas: Urban scale, spatial form and fiscal capacity
by Jerry Zhirong Zhao & Shengnan Lou & Camila Fonseca & Richard Feiock & Ruowen Shen - 297-315 A regional growth ecology, a great wall of capital and a metropolitan housing market
by David Ley - 316-334 Governing the night-time city: The rise of night mayors as a new form of urban governance after dark
by Andreina Seijas & Mirik Milan Gelders - 335-354 The spatial varying relationship between services of the train network and residential property values in Melbourne, Australia
by Qianyao Li & Junwu Wang & Judith Callanan & Binbin Lu & Zeng Guo - 355-371 Rebalancing the rhetoric: A normative analysis of enforcement in street homelessness policy
by Sarah Johnsen & Beth Watts & Suzanne Fitzpatrick - 372-388 Understanding children’s perceptions and activities in urban public spaces: The case study of Zrêbar Lake Waterfront in Kurdistan
by Soran Mansournia & Bakhtiar Bahrami & Leila Mahmoudi Farahani & Farshid Aram - 389-404 The financialisation of housing land supply in England
by Quintin Bradley - 405-424 Mapping gentrification and displacement pressure: An exploration of four distinct methodologies
by Benjamin Preis & Aarthi Janakiraman & Alex Bob & Justin Steil - 425-440 Public realm ethnography: (Non-)Participation, co-presence and the challenge of situated multiplicity
by Alasdair Jones - 441-452 Book review symposium
by N/A - 453-455 Book review: Sur le front de la métropole: Une géographie suburbaine de Los Angeles
by William Kutz - 455-457 Book review: Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present
by Keng-Khoon Ng
January 2021, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 3-35 Planetary Silicon Valley: Deconstructing New York’s innovation complex
by Sharon Zukin - 36-52 Anchoring Urban Development: Globalisation, Attractiveness and Complexity
by Olivier Crevoisier & Delphine Rime - 53-72 Persistence and cyclical dynamics of US and UK house prices: Evidence from over 150 years of data
by Giorgio Canarella & Luis Gil-Alana & Rangan Gupta & Stephen M Miller - 73-89 The social life of transport infrastructures: Masculinities and everyday mobilities in Kolkata
by Romit Chowdhury - 90-112 Urban green boosterism and city affordability: For whom is the ‘branded’ green city?
by Melissa Garcia-Lamarca & Isabelle Anguelovski & Helen Cole & James JT Connolly & LucÃa Argüelles & Francesc Baró & Stephanie Loveless & Carmen Pérez del Pulgar Frowein & Galia Shokry - 113-130 Price adjustment in the London housing market
by Robert Webb & Duncan Watson & Steven Cook - 131-147 Urban conditions for the rise of the far right in the global city of Frankfurt: From austerity urbanism, post-democracy and gentrification to regressive collectivity
by Daniel Mullis - 148-163 Speculative homemaking: Women’s labour, class mobility and the affect of homeownership in South Korea
by Hae Yeon Choo - 164-181 Shrinking cities: Implications for planning cultures?
by Karina Pallagst & René Fleschurz & Svenja Nothof & Tetsuji Uemura - 182-202 A novel hedonic price modelling approach for estimating the impact of transportation infrastructure on property prices
by Scott N Lieske & Ryan van den Nouwelant & Jung Hoon Han & Christopher Pettit - 203-222 Gendered mobility and violence in the São Paulo metro, Brazil
by Gustavo Carvalho Moreira & Vania Aparecida Ceccato - 223-242 Finance and growth nexus: An international analysis across cities
by Stefanos Ioannou & Dariusz Wójcik
December 2020, Volume 57, Issue 16
- 3217-3235 Contractual arrangements and entrepreneurial governance: Flexibility and leeway in urban regeneration projects
by Martijn van den Hurk & Tuna Tasan-Kok - 3236-3251 What’s so special about character?
by Mario A. Fernandez & Shane L. Martin - 3252-3280 Producing ‘luxury’ housing: Developers’ strategies and housing advertisements in Hong Kong (1961–2011)
by Wing Yee Kimburley Choi & Annie HN Chan & Anita KW Chan - 3281-3298 The data-technology nexus in South African secondary cities: The challenges to smart governance
by Rushil Ranchod - 3299-3314 The ambiguity of diversity: Management of ethnic and class transitions in a gentrifying local shopping street
by Emil van Eck & Iris Hagemans & Jan Rath - 3315-3330 Cultivating beneficiary citizenship in urban community gardens in Metro Manila
by Kristian Saguin - 3331-3346 The social politics of dispossession: Informal institutions and land expropriation in China
by Karita Kan - 3347-3362 Urban house prices and investments in small and medium-sized industrial firms: Evidence from provinces of Iran
by Hassan F. Gholipour - 3363-3380 Neighbourhood effects on acculturation attitudes among minority and majority adolescents in Germany
by David Kretschmer & Hanno Kruse - 3381-3401 Temporary use in England’s core cities: Looking beyond the exceptional
by Michael Martin & Stephen Hincks & Iain Deas - 3402-3420 Effects of green space on walking: Does size, shape and density matter?
by Xiaohu Zhang & Scott Melbourne & Chinmoy Sarkar & Alain Chiaradia & Chris Webster - 3421-3423 Book review: The Mathematics of Urban Morphology
by Cui Liu - 3423-3425 Book review: CityMakers: Tribulations & Triumphs – A Saga of Heroic Struggles of the Homeless Residents in India
by Tanya Sharma - 3425-3427 Book review: Ruined Skylines: Aesthetics, Politics and London’s Towering Cityscape
by Esther Leslie
November 2020, Volume 57, Issue 15
- 3009-3024 Transnational gentrification: The crossroads of transnational mobility and urban research
by Matthew Hayes & Hila Zaban - 3025-3043 Transnational gentrification, tourism and the formation of ‘foreign only’ enclaves in Barcelona
by Agustin Cocola-Gant & Antonio Lopez-Gay - 3044-3059 Gentrification, transnational gentrification and touristification in Seville, Spain
by Jaime Jover & Ibán DÃaz-Parra - 3060-3077 The coloniality of UNESCO’s heritage urban landscapes: Heritage process and transnational gentrification in Cuenca, Ecuador
by Matthew Hayes - 3078-3094 Digital nomads in siliconising Cluj: Material and allegorical double dispossession
by Erin McElroy - 3095-3115 Platform-mediated short-term rentals and gentrification in Madrid
by Alvaro Ardura Urquiaga & Iñigo Lorente-Riverola & Javier Ruiz Sanchez - 3116-3134 The real estate foothold in the Holy Land: Transnational gentrification in Jerusalem
by Hila Zaban - 3135-3150 Unpacking commercial gentrification in central Paris
by Eve Bantman-Masum - 3151-3168 Foreigners as gentrifiers and tourists in a Mexican historic district
by David Navarrete Escobedo - 3169-3189 Touristification, transnational gentrification and urban change in Lisbon: The neighbourhood of Alfama
by Jorge Sequera & Jordi Nofre - 3190-3201 New directions in transnational gentrification: Tourism-led, state-led and lifestyle-led urban transformations
by Thomas Sigler & David Wachsmuth - 3202-3214 ‘Post-pandemic’ transnational gentrifications: A critical outlook
by Georgia Alexandri & Michael Janoschka
November 2020, Volume 57, Issue 14
- 2803-2816 Urban green gentrification in an unequal world of climate change
by Anders Blok - 2817-2832 The complexity of diversity in reality: Perceptions of urban diversity
by Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen & Anne Hedegaard Winther - 2833-2849 Belonging and the intergenerational transmission of place identity: Reflections on a British inner-city neighbourhood
by Diane Frost & Gemma Catney - 2850-2867 Environmental ethics in the perception of urban planners: A case study of four city councils
by Melissa Pineda Pinto - 2868-2884 Transforming the relational dynamics of urban governance: How social innovation research can create a trajectory for learning and change
by Koen Bartels - 2885-2900 Rigour and rigour mortis? Planning, calculative rationality, and forces of stability and change
by Iain White - 2901-2917 Unravelling the role of green entrepreneurs in urban sustainability transitions: A case study of China’s Solar City
by Zhen Yu & David Gibbs - 2918-2935 Informal urbanism and the Internet of Things: Reliability, trust and the reconfiguration of infrastructure
by Joseph Chambers & James Evans - 2936-2955 The city that the metro system built: Urban transformations and modalities of integrated planning in Stockholm
by Alexander Paulsson - 2956-2972 Community-driven disorder reduction: Crime prevention through a clean and green initiative in a legacy city
by Jesenia M. Pizarro & Richard C. Sadler & Jason Goldstick & Brandon Turchan & Edmund F. McGarrell & Marc A. Zimmerman - 2973-2993 Investigating China’s Mid-Yangtze River economic growth region using a spatial network growth model
by Shuai Shi & Kathy Pain - 2994-2996 Book review: The Address Book. What Street Addresses Reveal About Identity, Race, Wealth, and Power
by Richard Harris - 2996-3002 Book review: Building new knowledge about natures, ecologies and sustainability: A review article
by Gerardo del Cerro SantamarÃa - 3002-3005 Book review: Making Urban Theory: Learning and Unlearning Through Southern Cities
by Julie Ren
October 2020, Volume 57, Issue 13
- 2591-2611 The kaleidoscope of gentrification in post-socialist cities
by Jan Kubeš & Zoltán Kovács - 2612-2627 The middle classes and the subjective representation of urban space in Santiago de Chile
by Luis Fuentes & Oscar Mac-Clure - 2628-2645 Social policies, financial markets and the multi-scalar governance of affordable housing in Toronto
by Beibei Zhang - 2646-2662 Estimating the local employment impacts of immigration: A dynamic spatial panel model
by Bernard Fingleton & Daniel Olner & Gwilym Pryce - 2663-2680 Socioeconomic status and long-term exposure to disadvantaged neighbourhoods in France
by Haley McAvay - 2681-2696 ‘The tiger’s leap’: The role of history in legitimating the authority of modern Chinese planners
by Xin Feng & Kiera Chapman - 2697-2714 Governing the multicultural city: Europe’s ‘great urban expectations’ facing austerity and resurgent nativism
by Licia Cianetti - 2715-2732 Making the silicon cape of Africa: Tales, theories and the narration of startup urbanism
by Andrea Pollio - 2733-2753 Long-term neighbourhood effects on immigrant self-employment
by Sofia Wixe - 2754-2772 Bargaining power in apartment sales in Corsica: A latent class approach
by Steven Caudill & Claudio Detotto & Dominique Prunetti - 2773-2793 Urban expansion and neighbourhood commuting patterns in the Beijing metropolitan region: A multilevel analysis
by Cecilia Wong & Wei Zheng & Miao Qiao - 2794-2796 Book review: Neighbourhoods for the City in Pacific Asia
by Creighton Connolly - 2796-2799 Book review: About Star Architecture. Reflecting on Cities in Europe
by Alberto Vanolo
September 2020, Volume 57, Issue 12
- 2383-2401 Gentrifiers, distinction, and social preservation: A case study in consumption on Mount Pleasant Street in Washington, DC
by Andrew Riely - 2402-2422 Measuring polycentricity via network flows, spatial interaction and percolation
by Somwrita Sarkar & Hao Wu & David M Levinson - 2423-2439 Politics of neutrality: Urban knowledge practices and everyday formalisation in Karachi’s waterscape
by Usmaan Farooqui - 2440-2455 Negotiating polyvocal strategies: Re-reading de Certeau through the lens of urban planning in South Africa
by Lauren Andres & Phil Jones & Stuart Paul Denoon-Stevens & Melgaço Lorena - 2456-2472 Park futures: Excavating images of tomorrow’s urban green spaces
by Anna Barker & Adam Crawford & Nathan Booth & David Churchill - 2473-2490 Informal urbanisation and clientelism: Measuring the global relationship
by Chandan Deuskar - 2491-2509 Neighbourhood-scale public spaces, inter-group attitudes and migrant integration in Beijing, China
by Zhilin Liu & Yiming Tan & Yanwei Chai - 2510-2526 Cohabiting commerce in a transport hub: Peoples as infrastructure in Lagos, Nigeria
by Allen Hai Xiao & Kudus Oluwatoyin Adebayo - 2527-2546 Vehicle quota control, transport infrastructure investment and vehicle travel: A pseudo panel analysis
by Siqi Song & Chen-Chieh Feng & Mi Diao - 2547-2563 Rent-seeking middle classes and the short-term rental business in inner-city Lima
by Mirtha Lorena del Castillo & Christien Klaufus - 2564-2581 State rescaling and large-scale urban development projects in China: The case of Lingang New Town, Shanghai
by Jie Li & Rebecca Lai Har Chiu - 2582-2585 Book review: Historical Maps and Classical Thoughts of Human Settlements in Chinese Cities
by Clifford Pearson - 2585-2588 Book review: Urban Energy Landscapes
by Madlen Kobi
August 2020, Volume 57, Issue 11
- 2201-2221 Why does everyone think cities can save the planet?
by Hillary Angelo & David Wachsmuth - 2222-2240 Flows in formation: The global-urban networks of climate change adaptation
by Kian Goh - 2241-2262 Urban sustainability and counter-sustainability: Spatial contradictions and conflicts in policy and governance in the Freiburg and Calgary metropolitan regions
by Byron Miller & Samuel Mössner - 2263-2281 Leveraging Bogotá: Sustainable development, global philanthropy and the rise of urban solutionism
by Sergio Montero - 2282-2299 Urbanising territory: The contradictions of eco-cityism at the industrial margins, Duwamish River, Seattle
by Nik Janos - 2300-2320 Renewable energy, sustainability paradox and the post-urban question
by Pushpa Arabindoo - 2321-2338 Urban parks and urban problems: An historical perspective on green space development as a cultural fix
by Kevin Loughran - 2339-2356 Visualising sustainability at the Olympics
by John Lauermann - 2357-2370 An urban political ecology for a world of cities
by Roger Keil - 2371-2379 Beyond tabulated utopias: Action and contradiction in urban environments
by Vanesa Castán Broto
August 2020, Volume 57, Issue 10
- 2015-2030 The dynamics of poverty, employment and access to amenities in polycentric cities: Measuring the decentralisation of poverty and its impacts in England and Wales
by Meng Le Zhang & Gwilym Pryce - 2031-2046 Transformative city branding and the evolution of the entrepreneurial city: The case of ‘Brand New Helsinki’
by Salla Jokela - 2047-2063 Convivial encounters: Conditions for the urban social inclusion of people with intellectual and psychiatric disabilities
by Femmianne Bredewold & Alke Haarsma & Evelien Tonkens & Marja Jager - 2064-2079 Dreaming dialectically: The death and life of the Mexico City charter for the right to the city
by Ben Gerlofs - 2080-2097 Compact cities and economic productivity in Mexico
by Paavo Monkkonen & Jorge Montejano & Erick Guerra & Camilo Caudillo - 2098-2114 Conceptualising ‘generative power’: Evidence from the city-regions of England
by Mark Sandford - 2115-2130 Impacts of a multi-scale built environment and its corresponding moderating effects on commute duration in China
by Bindong Sun & Chun Yin - 2131-2146 Lively cities made in sound: A study of the sonic sensibilities of listening and hearing in Wollongong, New South Wales
by Gordon Waitt & Ian Buchanan & Michelle Duffy - 2147-2162 The shapes of US cities: Revisiting the classic population density functions using crowdsourced geospatial data
by Yi Qiang & Jinwen Xu & Guohui Zhang - 2163-2180 Preserving the (right kind of) city: The urban politics of the middle classes in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
by Mara Nogueira - 2181-2197 Analysing urban policy discourses using textometry: An application to French urban transport plans (2000–2015)
by Thomas Buhler & Virginie Lethier
July 2020, Volume 57, Issue 9
- 1811-1826 Infrastructure imaginaries: The politics of light rail projects in the age of neoliberalism
by Kristian Olesen - 1827-1844 The world-class city comes by tramway: Reframing Casablanca’s urban peripheries through public transport
by Raffael Beier - 1845-1865 Insurgent planner: Transgressing the technocratic state of postcolonial Jakarta
by Prathiwi Widyatmi Putri - 1866-1886 City size and housing purchase intention: Evidence from rural–urban migrants in China
by Yanjiao Song & Chuanyong Zhang - 1887-1902 Assembling street vending
by Mojgan Taheri Tafti - 1903-1919 Heterogeneity of public participation in urban redevelopment in Chinese cities: Beijing versus Guangzhou
by Lin Zhang & Yanliu Lin & Pieter Hooimeijer & Stan Geertman - 1920-1939 The attraction of urban cores: Densification in Dutch city centres
by Dani Broitman & Eric Koomen - 1940-1956 How collectively organised residents in marginalised urban settlements secure multiple basic service enhancements: Evidence from Hyderabad, India
by Gregory Pierce - 1957-1976 Standardised difference: Challenging uniform lighting through standards and regulation
by Casper Laing Ebbensgaard - 1977-1993 Cementing Africa: Cement flows and city-making along the West African corridor (Accra, Lomé, Cotonou, Lagos)
by Armelle Choplin - 1994-2007 Urban climate governance informed by behavioural insights: A commentary and research agenda
by Jeroen van der Heijden - 2008-2010 Book review: Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis: Putting Wacquant to Work
by Keith Jacobs - 2010-2012 Book review: City Water Matters: Cultures, Practices and Entanglements of Urban Water
by Edward Wigley
June 2020, Volume 57, Issue 8
- 1599-1599 Urban Studies Best Article 2019
by N/A - 1600-1619 Distributive politics in China: Regional favouritism and expansion of construction land
by Shenghua Lu & Hui Wang - 1620-1641 A longitudinal analysis of the effect of public rail infrastructure on proximate residential property transactions
by Edmund Zolnik - 1642-1659 The variegated role of the state in different gated neighbourhoods in China
by Tingting Lu & Fangzhu Zhang & Fulong Wu - 1660-1675 Urban sprawl and the emergence of food deserts in the USA
by Shima Hamidi - 1676-1695 On contested water governance and the making of urban financialisation: Exploring the case of metropolitan São Paulo, Brazil
by Jeroen Klink & Vanessa Lucena Empinotti & Marcelo Aversa - 1696-1713 Moving away from opportunity? Social networks and access to social services
by Jae Sik Jeon - 1714-1732 Housing wealth and household consumption in urban China
by Zekai He & Jingjing Ye & Xiuzhen Shi - 1733-1748 In search of the Smart Citizen: Republican and cybernetic citizenship in the smart city
by Dorien Zandbergen & Justus Uitermark - 1749-1767 Housing abandonment in shrinking cities of East Asia: Case study in Incheon, South Korea
by Youngmee Jeon & Saehoon Kim - 1768-1785 Continuities and discontinuities of Russian urban housing: The Soviet housing experiment in historical long-term perspective
by Alexander Kalyukin & Sebastian Kohl - 1786-1802 The ‘reverse bamboo network’: Sociocultural dialectics of China’s FDI in housing (FDIH) in Iskandar Malaysia
by Hasniyati Hamzah - 1803-1806 Book review: The Promise of Infrastructure
by Cynthia Browne