August 1987, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 285-295 Problems of Cost-Recovery in Development Projects: Experience of The Lusaka Squatter Upgrading and Site/Service Project
by Biswapriya Sanyal - 296-311 Ownership of Industry and Plant Stability in Israel's Development Towns
by E. Razin & A. Shachar - 312-323 Housing for Temporary Residents: A Study of Pilgrims to Makkah
by Hafiz A. Pasha - 324-332 Improving Housing by Conventional Versus Self-help Methods: Evidence From Israel
by Naomi Carmon & Tamar Gavrieli - 333-333 Book Review: Place, Practice and Structure: Social and spatial transformation in Southern Sweden: 1750-1850 by ALLAN PRED. Oxford: Polity Press. 268 pp. £25.00
by Brian Short - 333-335 Book Reviews
by Brian Short & Nigel Harris - 335-336 Book Review: Urbanisation in the Developing World edited by D. DRAKAKIS-SMITH London: Croom Helm. 1986. pp. 265. £22.95
by Stella Lowder - 336-338 Book Review: The Technopolis Strategy: Japan, High Technology, and the Control of the 21st Century
by John B. Hall - 338-339 Book Review: Race, Class and State Housing: Inequality and the Allocation of Public Housing in Britain by JEFF HENDERSON and VALERIE KARN. Aldershot: Gower. 1978. pp. 331. £29.50
by Keith Kintrea - 339-340 Book Review: A Theory of Planning by J. A. A. SILLINCE. Aldershot: Gower. 1986. pp. 218. £19.50
by Patsy Healey - 340-341 Book Notes
by N/A - 342-344 Books Received
by N/A
June 1987, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 173-191 Social and Spatial Disparities in Warsaw in 1978: An Application of Correspondence Analysis to a 'Socialist' City
by Jens Dangschat & Jorg Blasius - 193-204 Spatial Variation in the Price of Housing: Rent Gradients in Non-Monocentric Cities
by Robin A. Dubin & Chein-Hsing Sung - 205-216 Building Societies and Credit Rationing: An Empirical Examination of Redlining
by Colin Jones & Duncan Maclennan - 217-225 Delphi Revisited: Expert Opinion in Urban Analysis
by Ian Masser & Paul Foley - 227-244 Whither National Urban Policy in Developing Countries?
by Harry W. Richardson - 245-246 Book Review: The Government of Space: Town Planning in Modern Society
by J. Barry Cullingworth - 246-247 Book Review: The Contemporary Soviet City
by Leo P. Pozo-Ledezma - 247-248 Book Review: Land at the Centre: Choices in a Fast Changing World by JOHN C. HOLLIDAY. London: Shepheard-Walwyn. 1986. pp. 241. £7.95
by Alison Ravetz - 249-249 Book Notes
by N/A - 250-250 Books Received
by N/A
April 1987, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 95-102 Housing and Poverty in Australia
by Bruce Bradbury & Chris Rossiter & Joan Vipond - 103-108 A Partial Equilibrium Model of the Location of Economic Activity in a Metropolitan Area
by John Ermisch - 109-117 Effect of Local Variations in Public Services on Housing Production at the Fringe of a Growth-Controlled Multi-County Metropolitan Area
by Sheku G. Kamara - 119-128 Workplace Location, Residential Location, and Urban Commuting
by Wayne Simpson - 129-136 Local Community Involvement and Participation in Neighbourhood Watch: A Case-study in Cork, Ireland
by Kevin Hourihan - 137-150 Received Concepts and Theories in African Urbanisation Studies and Urban Management Strategies: A critique
by Don C. I. Okpala - 151-161 Economic Welfare and Urban Amenities Across Race-Sex Groups
by Terri Menke - 162-162 Demand Function and Location Theory of the Firm Under Price Uncertainty: A Reply
by Chao-cheng Mai - 163-166 Increasing Returns to Scale and Location Theory of the Firm Under Price Uncertainty
by Yeung-nan Shieh - 167-168 Book Review: Service Industries: A Geographical Appraisal
by John A. Dawson - 168-169 Book Review: Entrepreneurs and Industrial Change by PATRICK O'FARRELL. Dublin: Irish Management Institute. 1986. pp. 309. £17.95 (IP)
by Steve Johnson - 169-170 Book Review: The Unsheltered Woman: Women and Housing in the '80s edited by EUGENIE LADNER BIRCH. Rutgers University: Center for Urban Policy Research. 1985. pp. 313. $14.95
by Mary Brailey - 170-171 Book Review: Lay Participation in a Public Local Inquiry: A Sociological Case Study by NEIL HUTTON. Aldershot: Gower. 1986. pp.203. £18.50
by James Mitchell - 171-172 Book Review: Spatial Interaction Modelling and Residential Choice Analysis by WAL VAN LIEROP. Aldershot: Gower. 1986. pp. 286. £29.50
by Moira Munro
February 1987, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-3 As Cities Become History
by Eric H. Monkkonen - 5-30 Technical Change and the Urban Development Cycle
by Richard Barras - 31-45 Area Policy Impacts: A Multiplier Analysis of GEAR
by A.G.M. Nairn & J.K. Swales - 47-59 The Geography of Council House Sales in England — 1979-85
by Richard Dunn & Ray Forrest & Alan Murie - 61-73 Geographical Variations in Transport Costs of Manufacturing Firms in Great Britain
by P. Tyler & M. Kitson - 75-76 Comparisons of Agglomeration: Or What Chinitz Really Said: A Reply
by Gerald A. Carlino - 77-80 Using Lorenz Curves to Characterise Urban Elderly Populations
by Allen C. Goodman - 81-83 Special Book Review
by David Lyon - 84-85 Book Reviews
by R.H. Trainor - 85-86 Book Review: Technological Change, Industrial Structure and Regional Development edited by A. AMIN and J. B. GODDARD. London: George Allen and Unwin. 1986. pp. 291. £25.00/$34.95
by P.A. Wood - 86-87 Book Review: Gentrification of the City edited by NEIL SMITH and PETER WILLIAMS. London: George Allen and Unwin. 1986. pp. 257. £20.00/ $29.95 H/B; £8.95/$13.95 P/B
by Andrew Thomas - 87-89 Book Review: Mathematical Methods in Human Geography and Planning by A. G. WILSON and R. J. BENNETT. Guidebook No. 7, Handbook of Applicable Mathematics. Chichester: John Wiley. 1985. pp. 411. £29.95
by Michael Batty - 89-90 Book Review: Housing Land Policy by YVONNE RYDIN. Aldershot: Gower. 1986. pp. 153. £ 15.00
by A.J. Hooper - 90-91 Book Review: Housing Economics by GEORGE FALLIS. London: Butterworth Law Publishers. 1985. pp. 241. £48.00
by John Ermisch - 91-92 Book Review: The Housing Crisis edited by PETER MALPASS. London: Croom Helm. 1986. pp. 243. £19.95 H/B; £7.95 P/B
by David Alexander - 92-93 Book Review: Housing Policy and Equality: A Comparative Study of Tenure Conversions and Their Effects by L. LUNDQVIST. London: Croom Helm. 1986. pp.235. £19.95
by Nicholas J. Williams - 94-94 Book Notes
by N/A
December 1986, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 457-470 Residential Location and Intra-urban Mobility in a Developing Country: Some Empirical Observations from Benin City, Nigeria
by A.O. Ozo - 471-483 Urban-Rural Variations in the Structure of Manufacturing Production
by Paul R. Blackley - 485-500 Types of Neighbourhood and Home-Based Enterprises: Evidence from Lima, Peru
by W. Paul Strassmann - 501-517 The Effects of Neighbourhood Social Mix on Adolescents' Social Networks and Recreational Activities
by Howard F. Andrews - 519-525 Market Segmentation and the Effects on Group Homes for the Handicapped on Residential Property Values
by Stephen Farber - 527-530 The Supply of Land: A Pedagogic Comment
by Alan W. Evans - 531-533 Index for volume 23 (1986) by subject and author
by N/A - 534-534 Author Index
by N/A
October 1986, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 363-376 Industrial Decentralization Policy in South Africa: Rhetoric and Practice
by David Dewar & Alison Todes & Vanessa Watson - 377-385 The Regional Transformation of the American Economy
by Benjamin Chinitz - 387-389 Comparisons of Agglomeration: Or What Chinitz Really Said
by Alan W. Evans - 391-412 Defining Equal Standards in Local Public Services
by Glen Bramley - 413-418 The Impact of Non-Domestic Property Taxes on Employment: A Comment
by D. Damania - 419-428 Neighbourhood Change and the Federal Housing Administration: Some Theoretical and Empirical Issues
by Hazel A. Morrow-Jones - 429-434 Additional Evidence on the Incubator Hypothesis: Detroit, 1970-75
by James A. Kurre - 435-436 Book Review: Thomas Adams and the Modern Planning Movement: Britain, Canada and the United States, 1900-1940
by George Gordon - 436-437 Book Review: Low Cost Home Ownership
by Duncan Sim - 437-439 Book Review: Localities, Class and Gender
by Linda McDowell - 439-441 Book Review: Social Relations and Spatial Structures
by Fred Gray - 441-442 Book Review: The Sustaining Hand: Community Leadership and Corporate Power
by Gordon L. Clark - 442-443 Book Review: Urban Innovations as Response to Urban Fiscal Strain
by Arthur Midwinter - 443-444 Book Review: Housing Vouchers: A Comparative International Analysis
by Leo Grebler - 444-445 Book Review: Housing and Urban Renewal: Residential Decay and Revitalisation in the Private Sector
by Keith Kintrea - 445-446 Book Review: Sunbelt/Snowbelt : Urban Development and Regional Restructuring edited by LARRY SAWERS and WILLIAM K. TABB. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1984. pp.431. £18.50 Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth Since World War II edited by RICHARD M. BERNARD and BRADLEY R. RICE. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. 1984. pp.346. $25.00/$9.95 The Politics of San Antonio: Community, Progress, and Power edited by DAVID R. JOHNSON et al. London: University of Nebraska Press. 1984. pp.248. £8.45
by Edward Soja - 446-447 Book Review: The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1950
by P.J. Waller - 447-448 Book Review: Transients, Settlers and Refugees: Asians in Britain
by John Mercer - 449-450 Book Review: Conflict Management in Urban Planning
by Bryan D. Macgregor - 450-451 Book Review: Cities in Crisis: The Political Economy of Urban Development in Post-War Britain
by Ivan Turok - 452-453 Book Notes
by N/A - 454-456 Books Received
by N/A
August 1986, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 253-270 Taking Apart the American Dream: The Influence of Income and Family Composition on Residential Evaluations
by Anne B. Shlay - 271-283 Who Gains from Structural Change? The Distribution of the Benefits of Oil in Aberdeen
by A.H. Harris & M.G. Lloyd & A.J. McGuire & D.A. Newlands - 285-305 Factors of Urbanisation in the Nineteenth Century Developed Countries
by Paul Bairoch & Gary Goertz - 307-322 The Population Density Gradient and the Spatial Structure of a Third World City: Nairobi, A Case Study
by J.A. Kahimbaara - 323-331 Imputed Income from Owner-Occupied Housing and Income Inequality
by Donald L. Lerman & Robert I. Lerman - 333-341 Income, Location and Housing in Greater London
by J.R. Slater - 342-342 Book Review: On Appraising the Performance of an Economic System by RUTLEDGE VINING. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. pp. 191. £19.50/$34.50
by Michael Chisholm - 342-342 Book Review: On Appraising the Performance of an Economic System by RUTLEDGE VINING. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1984. pp. 191. £19.50/$34.50
by Michael Chisholm - 343-344 Book Review: Can Rail Save the City? The Impacts of Rail Rapid Transit and Pedestrianisation on British and German Cities
by P.H. Bowers - 344-346 Book Review: Small Firms in Regional Economic Development: Britain, Ireland and the United States
by Martin Perry - 346-348 Book Review: Urbanisation in China: Town and Country in a Developing Economy 1949-2000 AD
by Wing-Shing Tang - 348-349 Book Review: Transport Reform: Changing the Rules
by Tom Hart - 349-350 Book Review: Housing, States and Localities
by Jim Kemeny - 350-352 Book Review: Ideologies and Institutions in Urban France: The Representation of Immigrants
by Robert Miles - 352-353 Book Review: Regional Cities in the UK 1890-1980
by Robert Fishman - 353-354 Book Review: Cities Perceived: Urban Society in European and American Thought, 1920-1940
by Peter Kemp - 354-355 Book Review: Housing and Young Families in East London
by Ray Forrest - 355-356 Book Review: Public Planning in The Netherlands
by Jeroen Singelenberg - 356-357 Book Review: Shopping Centre Development: Policies and Prospects
by E.B. Howard - 358-360 Book Notes
by N/A - 361-362 Books Received
by N/A
June 1986, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 173-184 The Capital Account and Regional Balance of Payments Problems
by Sheila C. Dow - 185-196 Stable Structure and Local Variation: A Comparison of Household Flows in Four Metropolitan Areas
by Eric G. Moore & W.A.V. Clark - 197-208 Race, Ethnicity, Class and Urban Spatial Conflict: Chicago as a Crucial Test Case
by Kathleen A. Kemp - 209-219 The Demand for Professional League Football and the Success of Football League Teams: Some City Size Effects
by Bruce Walker - 221-230 Comparative Advantage and Industrial Location: An Intrametropolitan Evaluation
by Paul R. Blackley & David Greytak - 231-240 Locational Choice Behaviour of Entrepreneurs: An Experimental Analysis
by Harry Timmermans - 241-243 Book Review: Consciousness and the Urban Experience: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization, 1. by DAVID HARVEY. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1985. pp. 293. £17.50 The Urbanization of Capital: Studies in the History and Theory of Capitalist Urbanization, 2. by DAVID HARVEY. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1985. pp. 239. £17.50
by Michael Harloe - 243-244 Book Review: The Social Production of Urban Space
by James Barlow - 244-246 Book Review: Utopia on Trial. Vision and Reality in Planned Housing
by Susan J. Smith - 246-247 Book Review: Housing Conditions in Britain and Germany
by Graham Hallett - 248-249 Book Review: Rationality in Planning: Critical Essays on the Role of Rationality in Urban and Regional Planning
by Patsy Healey - 250-250 Books Received
by N/A
April 1986, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 79-104 Discontiguous Urban Growth and the New Urban Economics: A Review
by Agustin Rodriguez-Bachiller - 105-117 Transport Costs and Urban Property Values in the 1970s
by Alan W. Evans & Clive Beed - 119-129 An Empirical Analysis of the Commute to Work Patterns of Males and Females in Two-Earner Households
by Larry D. Singell & Jane H. Lillydahl - 131-149 Problems of Urban Decline and Growth in EEC Countries: Or Measuring Degrees of Elephantness
by Paul Cheshire & Gianni Carbonaro & Dennis Hay - 151-156 Planned Economic Development and Loglinearity in the Rank-Size Distribution of Urban Systems: The Soviet Experience
by Jean Mirucki - 157-162 Socio-Tenurial Polarization in the United Kingdom, 1953-83: The Income Evidence
by Graham Bentham - 163-165 Book Review: The London Industrial Strategy
by David North - 165-166 Book Review: The Regional Economic Impact of Technological Change edited by A. T. THWAITES and R. P. OAKEY. London: Frances Pinter. 1985. pp. 249. £17.50
by C. Freeman - 166-168 Book Review: Applied Methods of Regional Analysis: The Spatial Dimensions of Development Policy by DENNIS A. RONDINELLI. Epping, Essex: Bowker Publishing Co. (UK suppliers for Westview Press). 1985. pp. 264. £29.50 Regional Development Policy: The Struggle for Rural Progress in Low-Income Nations by ROBERT RIDDELL. Aldershot: Gower. 1985. pp. 282. £18.50
by A. Morris - 168-169 Book Review: Colonial Cities: Essays on Urbanism in a Colonial Context
by R.J. Johnston - 169-170 Book Review: Cities and Services: The Geography of Collective Consumption
by Peter Saunders - 171-172 Books Received
by N/A
February 1986, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-9 Metropolitan and Fiscal Policy: the Record of 40 Years
by Jesse Burkhead & David E. Dowall & Charles L. Leven & Anthony H. Pascal & Leland S. Burns - 11-20 Residential Attachment and Housing Demand
by Mark Dynarski - 21-31 Real Estate Brokers, Housing Prices, and the Demand for Housing
by G. Donald Jud & James Frew - 33-46 Property Tax Resources and Political Party Control in England 1974-1984
by Keith Hoggart - 47-60 Toward an Evaluative Framework for Land Use Policy in Industrial Districts of the Urban Core: A Qualitative Analysis of the Exclusionary Zoning Approach
by Eric Heikkila & Thomas A. Hutton - 61-66 Housing and Tax Capitalisation
by Michael Barrow & Ray Robinson - 67-67 The Impact of Right-to-Work Laws on The Cost of Living in The United States: A Comment
by Anthony L. Ostrosky - 69-69 On the Impact of Right-to-Work Laws: A Reply
by Richard J. Cebula
December 1985, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 461-480 Urban Land Prices and Housing Distribution: Monopolistic Competition and the Myth of the 'Law' of Differential Rent
by Dimitris Emmanuel - 481-492 Transport, Land Use and Energy Interaction
by M.J.H. Mogridge - 493-505 Growth, Decline and Structural Change: a Study of Regional Labour Markets in Australia 1971-1981
by Philip Maxwell - 507-520 The Private Rented Sector: A Characteristics Approach
by Christine M. E. Whitehead & Mark Kleinman - 521-534 House and Land Prices in Sydney: 1925 to 1970
by Peter Abelson - 535-542 The Short-Run Supply of Housing Services Under Rent Control
by Donald F. Vitaliano - 543-549 Expectations and Urban Housing Prices
by John F. McDonald - 551-552 Book Review: Urban Economics: Analysis and Policy
by Alan W. Evans - 552-552 Book Review: Cities in Transportation: Class, Capital, and the State
by Martin Boddy - 552-552 Book Review: Cities in Transportation: Class, Capital, and the State
by Martin Boddy - 553-555 Book Review: Uneven Development and the Geographical Transfer of Value. Human Geography Monograph 16
by Richard Jackson - 555-557 Book Review: Urban Evolution Studies in the Mathematical Ecology of Cities by DIMITRIOS S. DENDIUNOS with HENRY MULLALLY. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1985. pp. 184. £17.50
by Michael Batty - 557-558 Book Review: The Chicago School of Sociology: Institutionalization, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research
by Margaret Reid - 558-560 Book Review: Private Rented Housing in the United States and Europe by MICHAEL HARLOE. London: Croom Helm. 1984. pp. 366. £22.50. Rental Housing in the 1980s by A. Downs. Washington DC: The Brookings Institute. 1983. pp. 202. £26.95 H/B/$9.95 P/B
by Chris Hamnett - 560-560 Book Review: Housing and Urban Development in the USSR
by F.E. Ian Hamilton - 560-560 Book Review: Housing and Urban Development in the USSR
by F.E. Ian Hamilton - 562-563 Book Review: Neighborhood Services: Making Big Cities Work
by Sarah Gregory - 564-565 Book Notes
by N/A - 566-566 Books Received
by N/A - 568-569 Index for volume 22 (1985) by subject and author
by N/A - 570-570 Author Index
by N/A
October 1985, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 367-386 Women in the Labour Markets of the London Region: A Model of Dependence and Constraint
by Ian Gordon & Ian Molho - 387-398 Old Industrial Areas: A Theoretical Approach
by Michael Steiner - 399-408 Industrial Land Use, Externalities, and Residential Location
by James D. Burnell - 409-419 Benefits and Consumption Effects of Public Housing Programs in Belgium: Some Aggregate Results
by B.L. DeBorger - 421-432 The Demand for Housing Characteristics in Developing Countries
by James R. Follain & Emmanuel Jimenez - 433-437 Jobs and Local Authority Subsidies
by Desmond G. Wiltshaw - 439-443 Demand, Segmentation, and Timing Effects of an Urban Containment Program on Urban Fringe Land Values
by Arthur C. Nelson - 445-451 Resident Age and Housing Search: Evidence From Hedonic Residuals
by Larry DeBoer - 453-454 Book Review: Unfairly Structured Cities
by Linda Mcdowell - 454-454 Book Review: The Geography of Western Europe: A Socio-Economic Survey by PAUL L. KNOX. London: Croom Helm. 1984. pp. 249. £19.95 H/B; £8.95 P/B
by Mark Blacksell - 454-454 Book Review: The Geography of Western Europe: A Socio-Economic Survey by PAUL L. KNOX. London: Croom Helm. 1984. pp. 249. £19.95 H/B; £8.95 P/B
by Mark Blacksell - 456-457 Book Review: City Form and Natural Process
by Ian Douglas - 457-457 Book Review: Recreation Management and Pricing by A. G. BOVAIRD, M. J. TRICKER and R. STOAKES. Aldershot: Gower. 1984. pp. 182. £15.00
by J. Gordon Adams - 458-459 Book Notes
by N/A - 460-460 Books Received
by N/A
August 1985, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 277-287 Low-Income Urban Housing in the Third World: Broadening the Economic Perspective
by Douglas McCallum & Stan Benjamin - 289-303 A Population-Density Approach to Regional Spatial Structure
by John B. Parr - 305-315 Chasing a Dream: The Use of Tax Abatements to Spur Urban Economic Development
by Michael J. Wolkoff - 317-328 Spatio-Temporal Structure of Population Growth in Urban Regions: The Cases of Tel-Aviv and Haifa, Israel
by Shaul Krakover - 329-337 Predicting Intra-Urban Residential Location Preferences: An Application of the Dynamic Generalized Linear Expenditure System
by Andreas A. Andrikopoulos & James A. Brox - 339-347 The Determinants of Household Migration Into and Out of Distressed Neighborhoods
by Daniel Shefer & Niki Primo - 349-354 A Note on Population Size, Industrial Diversification, and Regional Economic Instability
by H.L. Brewer & Ronald L. Moomaw - 355-357 The Relative Lot Size Hypothesis: An Empirical Note
by Paul K. Asabere & Peter F. Colwell - 358-358 Book Review: Cities, Law and Social Policy: Learning from the British edited by CHARLES M. HAAR. Aldershot: Lexington Books. 1984. pp. 265. £29.50
by Gordon E. Cherry - 358-358 Book Review: Cities, Law and Social Policy: Learning from the British edited by CHARLES M. HAAR. Aldershot: Lexington Books. 1984. pp. 265. £29.50
by Gordon E. Cherry - 360-361 Book Review: The West European City: A Social Geography
by Jiřà Musil - 361-362 Book Review: Regional Development and the Local Community: Planning, Politics and Social Context
by Ron Botham - 362-363 Book Review: Local Socialism? edited by MARTIN BODDY and COLIN FUDGE. London: Macmillan. 1984. pp. 290. £18.00 H/B; £6.95 P/B
by N.D. Deakin - 363-364 Book Review: The Geography of Underdevelopment: A Critical Survey by D. K. FORBES. London: Croom Helm. 1984. pp. 214. £17.95
by A.S. Morris - 365-366 Book Review: Women in the Cities of Asia: Migration and Urban Adaptation edited by JAMES T. FAWCETT, SIEW-EAN KHOO and PETER C. SMITH. London: Bowker Publishing Co. (distributor for Westview Replica Edition). 1984. pp. 406. £19.00
by Killian P.H. Ying - 367-369 Book Notes
by N/A - 370-370 Books Received
by N/A
June 1985, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 199-207 Urban Renovation and the Impact Upon Low Income Families in Mexico City
by Peter Ward & Stephen Melligan - 209-217 Urban Form in Canada and the United States: an Examination of Urban Density Gradients
by Barry Edmonston & Michael A. Goldberg & John Mercer - 219-235 The Urban Dimension of European Return Migration: The Case of Bari, Southern Italy
by Russell King & Alan Strachan & Jill Mortimer - 237-248 The Relationship Between Cities' Housing Rents and Block Grant
by Stephen J. Bailey - 249-256 Inequality and Housing
by Ray Robinson & Tony O'Sullivan & Julian Le Grand - 257-261 Rent Gradient Under Uncertainty
by Gershon Alperovich & Eliakim Katz - 262-263 Book Reviews
by Andrew Sayer - 263-264 Book Review: Land Rent, Housing and Urban Planning: A European Perspective edited by M. BALL, V. BENTIVEGNA, M. EDWARDS and M. FOLIN. London: Croom Helm. 1984. pp. 228. £ 19.95
by Peter Dickens - 264-265 Book Review: Housing Policy: An Introduction by PAUL N. BALCHIN. London: Croom Helm. 1984. pp. 282. £17.95 H/B; £7.95 P/B
by John English