February 1990, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 147-150 Book Review: The Metropolis Era: Volume 1: A World of Giant Cities: Volume 2: Mega-cities
by A.G. Champion - 150-151 Book Review: The State and the City TED ROBERT GURR and DESMOND S. KING, 1987 London: Macmillan 242 pp., no price given
by Richard Child Hill - 151-152 Book Review: How Tokyo Grows: Land Development and Planning on the Metropolitan Fringe MICHAEL HEBBERT and NORIHIRO NAKAI, 1988 London: London School of Economics/Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines 138 pp., no price given, paparback
by Andrew N. Jones - 152-155 Book Review: Revitalising Dublin: What Works? JOHN BLACKWELL and FRANK J. CONVERY (Eds), 1988 Resource and Environmental Policy Centre, University College Dublin No price given Replace or Retain? Irish Policies for Buildings Analysed JOHN BLACKWELL and FRANK J. CONVERY (Eds), 1988 Resource and Environmental Policy Centre, University College Dublin No price given
by A.J. Parker - 157-161 Book Notes
by N/A - 163-164 Books Received
by N/A
December 1989, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 535-548 A Behavioural Model of the Supply of Re-Lets of Council Housing in England
by Richard Eastall & Mark Kleinman - 549-558 Structural Change and Economic Policy in a Declining Metropolitan Region: Implications of the Pittsburgh Experience
by Frank Giarratani & David B. Houston - 559-571 Infrastructure Restoration as a Tool for Stimulating Urban Renewal— The Glasgow Canal
by Kenneth J. Button & David W. Pearce - 573-585 Capital and Labour Efficiencies: A Regional Analysis
by Martin Williams & Ronald L. Moomaw - 587-606 Evaluation and Understanding in Local Economic Policy
by Ivan Turok - 607-609 Ownerbuilt Housing and Resources: Implications for Self-Help Policies
by Lenahan O'Connell - 611-625 Jobs in Space: Some Evidence on Spatial Uniformity in the Job Generation Process
by S.M. Dobson - 627-638 New Jobs in the Inner City: The Employment Impacts of Projects Assisted Under the Urban Development Grant Programme
by Steve Martin - 639-640 Book Review: Shelter, Settlement and Development
by David Simon - 640-642 Book Review: Industrial Change in the United Kingdom
by Colin Jones - 642-644 Book Review: British Town and Country Planning by E. READE.Milton Keynes: The Open University Press. 1987. pp.270. £9.95 P/B
by Urlan Wannop - 644-645 Book Review: Revitalising the Waterfront: International Dimensions of Dockland Redevelopment edited by B. S. Hoyle, D. A. Pinder and M. S. Husain. London: Belhaven Press. 1988. pp. 265. £27.50 H/B
by Douglas K. Fleming - 646-648 Book Notes
by N/A - 649-650 Books Received
by N/A - 651-652 Index for Volume 26 (1989) by subject and author
by N/A - 652-652 Author Index
by N/A
October 1989, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 457-468 A Comparative View of Housing Choices in Controlled and Uncontrolled Housing Markets
by F.M. Dieleman & W.A.V. Clark & M.C. Deurloo - 469-485 British Planning Policy and Access to Housing: Some Empirical Estimates
by Paul Cheshire & Stephen Sheppard - 486-494 A Hedonic Index Model: The Housing Market of Jos, Nigeria
by Isaac F. Megbolugbe - 495-509 Information, Intermediaries and Sales Strategy in an Urban Housing Market: The Implications of Real Estate Auctions in Melbourne
by Chris Maher - 510-516 Optimal Cities
by Lok-Sang Ho - 517-525 The Role of the Metropolitan Milieu as an Incubation Centre for Technological Innovations: A Dutch Case Study
by Evert Jan Davelaar & Peter Nijkamp - 526-527 Book Review: Qualitative Methods in Human Geography edited by J. EYLES and D. M. SMITH. Oxford: Polity Press. 1988. pp.272. £29.50 H/B ; £9.95 P/B
by D.G. Pringle - 527-528 Book Review: Urban Historical Geography: Recent Progress in Britain and Germany
by M. Barke - 528-530 Book Review: Defence Expenditure and Regional Development
by Peter E. Wells - 530-531 Book Review: Capital, the State, and Regional Development
by Ray Hudson - 531-533 Book Notes
by N/A - 533-534 Book Received
by N/A
August 1989, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 379-396 Urban Unemployment; A Causal Modelling Approach
by Douglas Mair & Anne G. Miller - 397-401 Inversions in Urban Density Gradients: A Brief Look at the Vancouver Metropolitan Area's Density Profile
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 403-418 Stayers and Returners in Swedish Rental Housing Improvement
by Marianne Wiktorin - 419-433 Housing Policy Reform: A Constructive Critique
by Judith Yates - 435-447 Public Opinion and Decision Making in the Community. Evaluation of Residents' Attitudes Towards Town Planning Measures
by Marco Lalli & Christina Thomas - 448-449 Book Review: Religious Diversity and Social Change: American Cities, 1890-1906
by Callum G. Brown - 449-451 Book Review: Spontaneous Shelter: International Perspectives and Prospects
by Carole Rakodi - 451-453 Book Review: Urban Unemployment: Local Labour Markets and Employment Initiatives by CHRIS HASLUCK London: Longman. 1987. pp. 248. £6.95 P/B
by David Owen - 453-453 Book Review: Below-Replacement Fertility in Industrial Societies
by Allan G. Hill - 454-456 Book Notes
by N/A - 456-456 Books Received
by N/A
June 1989, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 285-300 Finance for Urban Public Infrastructure
by R.M. Kirwan - 301-314 Urban Land Price: The Extraordinary Case of Honolulu, Hawaii
by Louis A. Rose & Sumner J. La Croix - 315-326 The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Some New Evidence
by Peter Gordon & Ajay Kumar & Harry W. Richardson - 327-339 Bangkok : A Profile of an Efficiently Performing Housing Market
by David E. Dowall - 340-355 Core and Periphery: Territorial Dimensions in Politics
by E. Spencer Wellhofer - 356-366 Scheduling Costs and the Value of Travel Time
by Paul W. Wilson - 367-368 Book Review: Building Communities the Co-operative Way by JOHNSTON BIRCHALL. London: Routledge Kegan Paul. 1988. pp.223. £14.95 H/B
by Keith Kintrea - 368-369 Book Review: The Impact of Oil on the Aberdeen Economy
by James R. Coull - 369-371 Book Review: Public Housing: Current Trends and Future Developments
by Joe Doherty - 371-373 Book Review: Local Business Taxes in Britain and Germany
by Douglas Mair - 373-375 Book Notes
by N/A - 376-377 Books Received
by N/A
April 1989, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 191-198 Evacuation Intentions of Parents in an Urban Radiological Emergency
by Eliahu Stern - 199-213 Interurban Variation in Venture Capital Investment Characteristics
by Milford B. Green & Rod B. McNaughton - 214-222 Housing Market Models and the Regional Housing System
by David T. Carruthers - 223-233 Quantifying the Decision to Become a First-Time Home Buyer
by Richard L. Cooperstein - 234-239 A Three Factor Cost Function for Multifamily Housing: A Study in Philanthropy
by E.B. Hutchinson & Michael P. Murray - 240-252 The Ending of Mortgage Rationing and its Effects on the Housing Market: A Simulation Study
by Geoffrey P. Meen - 253-266 National Development and Rural-Urban Policy: Past Experience and New Directions in Kenya
by Hugh Emrys Evans - 267-274 Small Towns and Development: A Tale from Two Countries
by Charles L. Choguill - 275-276 Book Review: Regional problems, Problem Regions, and Public Policy in the United Kingdom edited by PETER DAMESICK AND PETER WOOD Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1987. pp.265. £29.95 H/B; £9.95 P/B
by Mike Danson - 276-277 Book Review: Model Housing: From the Great Exhibition to the Festival of Britain by S. M. GASKELL London: Mansell Publishing. 1987. pp. 180. £26.50 H/B
by Richard Rodger - 277-279 Book Review: Reshaping Local Government
by Robin Hambleton - 279-281 Book Review: Behavioural Modelling in Geography and Planning
by Cliff Guy - 281-283 Book Notes
by N/A - 284-284 Books Received
by N/A
February 1989, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 2-12 Public Reform for Private Gain? The Case of Investments in Sanitary Infrastructure: Germany, 1880-1887
by John C. Brown - 13-31 Same Game, Different Players: Problems in Urban Public Utility Regulation, 1850-1987
by Charles Jacobson - 32-44 The Cost of Energy: Technological Change, Rate Structures, and Public Policy in Chicago, 1880-1920
by Harold L. Platt - 46-58 Fragments of a Post-War Utopia; Housing in Finsbury 1945-51
by Nicholas Bullock - 59-76 An Historical Analysis of Federal Housing Policy from the Presidential Perspective: An Intergovernmental Focus
by Roger W. Caves - 77-89 'Hard to Let' in Edwardian London
by Richard Dennis - 90-99 Homeless Men and Housing Policy in Urban America, 1850-1920
by John C. Schneider - 100-114 The Rehousing/Relocation Issue in an Early Slum Clearance Scheme: Edinburgh 1865-1885
by P.J. Smith - 115-126 Richard T. Ely and the Contribution of Economic Research to National Housing Policy, 1920-1940
by Marc A. Weiss - 128-143 Urban Reconstruction in Europe After World War II
by Jeffry M. Diefendorf - 144-154 Urban Policy in Houston, Texas
by Robert Fisher - 155-163 Architecture, Urban Planning and Housing During the First Five Year Plans: Hannes Meyer in the USSR, 1930-1936
by William Richardson - 164-176 The Politics of Default: Financial Restructure and Reform in Depression Era Fall River, Massachusetts
by Kenneth A. Scherzer - 177-186 Financing the Urban Frontier: Entrepreneurial Creativity and Western Cities, 1945-1975
by Larry Schweikart - 187-187 Books Received
by N/A
December 1988, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 455-473 People, Parks and the Urban Green: A Study of Popular Meanings and Values for Open Spaces in the City
by Jacquelin Burgess & Carolyn M. Harrison & Melanie Limb - 474-486 Politics, Unemployment and Local Economic Policies
by George A. Boyne - 487-496 Unravelling the Residential Rent-Value Puzzle: An Empirical Investigation
by Robyn S. Phillips - 497-506 The Urban Distribution of Lung Cancer Mortality in England and Wales 1980-1983
by Robin Haynes - 507-519 Hedged Real Estate Portfolios and the Wealth Redistribution Effect of Real Estate Option
by L.M. Farrell - 520-526 The Problem of Sparsity in Education Provision
by Thomas S. O'Brien & Stuart R. Taylor - 527-531 The Impact of Factory Development on 'Growth Town' Employment in Mid-Wales : A Comment
by K.G. Willis - 532-537 Growth Town Employment in Mid-Wales Re-Visited: A Reply
by Ian C. Thomas & P.J. Drudy - 538-539 Book Review: The Spatial Impact of Technological Change edited by JOHN F. BROTCHIE, PETER HALL, PETER W. NEWTON. London, New York and Sydney: Croom Helm. 1987. pp.460. £35.00 H/B
by Neil Alderman - 539-541 Book Review: The End of Organised Capitalism by Scott LASH AND JOHN URRY. Oxford: Polity Press. 1987. pp. 383. £29.50 H/B and £9.95 P/B
by Nigel Thrift - 541-542 Book Review: Class and Space: The Making of Urban Society
by Linda McDowell - 542-543 Book Review: The Making of the English Village
by Robin Butlin - 543-544 Book Review: Managing The City: The Aims and Impacts of Urban Policy edited by BRIAN ROBSON. London: Croom Helm. 1987. pp.220. £30.00
by N/A - 544-546 Book Notes
by N/A - 547-548 Books Received
by N/A
October 1988, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 361-379 High Technology Location and the Urban Areas of Great Britain
by Iain G. Begg & Gordon C. Cameron - 380-398 Labour and Housing Market Change in London: A Longitudinal Analysis, 1971-1981
by Chris Hamnett & Bill Randolph - 399-417 A Synoptic View of Regional Growth and Unemployment: II —The Post-Keynesian Theory
by J.S.L. McCombie - 418-432 An Analysis of the Economic Impact of the Service Sector on Underemployment in Major Metropolitan Areas in the United States
by Stephen Nord & John J. Phelps & Robert G. Sheets - 433-438 Urban Growth and Productivity: The Case of Greece
by Helen Louri - 439-447 Pedagogic Comment and the Supply of Land for a Particular Use
by D.G. Wiltshaw - 448-449 Book Review: Social Geography: Progress and Prospects
by Ceri Peach - 449-451 Book Review: Western Sunrise. The Genesis and Growth of Britain's Major High Tech Corridor
by Ivan Turok - 451-452 Book Review: Women, Human Settlements and Housing edited by C. O. N. MosER and L. PEAKE. London & New York: Tavistock. 1987. pp.222. £22.00 H/B; £10.95 P/B
by Janet Townsend - 452-453 Book Review: Planning in Government: Shaping Programs that Succeed by MELVIN R. LEVIN. Chicago: American Planning Association Press. 1987. pp. 257. $19.95 P/B; $35.95 H/B
by Desmond S. King - 453-453 Book Review: Urban Spatial Traffic Patterns by RODNEY VAUGHAN. London: Pion Ltd. 1987. pp. 334. £37.50 H/B
by N/A - 454-454 Books Received
by N/A
August 1988, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 267-281 A Synoptic View of Regional Growth and Unemployment: I - The Neoclassical Theory
by J.S.L. McCombie - 282-296 The Economic Future of the Randstad, Holland
by R.B. Jobse & B. Needham - 297-318 Upgrading in Chawama, Lusaka: Displacement or Differentiation?
by Carole Rakodi - 319-332 Service Industries and Local Labour Markets: Towards 'An Anatomy of Service Job Loss'
by Nick Buck - 333-340 Valuing Urban Lakeview Amenities Using Implicit and Contingent Markets
by Glenn Blomquist - 341-347 Variable Transportation Rates and The Profit-Maximization Location Theory of The Firm
by Yeung-Nan Shieh - 348-349 Book Review: The Sites and Services Approach Reviewed: Solution or Stopgap to the Third World Housing Shortage?
by Anne Varley - 349-350 Book Review: Modern France: Theories and Realities of Urban Planning by PEGGY A. PHILLIPS. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 1987. pp.262. $14.50 P/B
by Ian Scargill - 350-352 Book Review: High Tech America: The What, How, Where and Why of the Sunrise Industries by ANN MARKUSEN, PETER HALL AND AMY GLASMEIER. London & Boston: George Allen & Unwin. 1986. pp. 227. £20.00. New Technology and Regional Development edited by BERT VAN DER KNAAP AND EGBERT WEVER. London: Croom Helm. 1986. pp. 188. £25.00
by C. Freeman - 352-353 Book Review: Planning and Public Transport in Great Britain, France and West Germany
by Tom Hart - 353-358 Book Notes
by N/A - 359-360 Books Received
by N/A
June 1988, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 173-189 Components of Social Change in Urban Areas
by Peter Congdon & John Shepherd - 190-203 An Analysis of the Housing Market in the Netherlands
by Hans van Fulpen - 204-211 Towards an Optimal Public Housing Policy
by Lok Sang Ho - 212-227 The State of the Mature Industrial Regions in Western Europe and North America
by Vijai P. Singh & Silvia Borzutzky - 228-242 The Movement of Manufacturing Industry in Great Britain: An Inter-County Analysis, 1972-1981
by Jim Taylor & Jim Twomey - 243-247 The Location Decision and Employment Suburbanization
by Gershon Alperovich & Eliakim Katz - 248-261 A Local Income and Employment Multiplier Analysis of a Proposed Nuclear Power Station Development at Hinkley Point in Somerset
by John Glasson & Dominique van Der Wee & Brendan Barrett - 262-262 Book Review: The Changing Face of Cities: A Study of Development Cycles and Urban Form
by Duncan Sim - 263-264 Books Review: Cities, Society, and Social Perception: A Central African Perspective by J. CLYDE MITCHELL. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1987. pp. 336. £30.00 H/B
by Margaret Peil - 264-265 Book Review: Regional Development and Settlement Policy: Premises and Prospects by D. DEWAR, A. TODES and V. WATSON. London: Allen and Unwin. 1986. pp. 175. £20.00 H/B
by Anthony Lemon - 265-265 Book Review: Black Politics and Urban Crisis in Britain
by Susan J. Smith - 266-266 Books Received
by N/A
April 1988, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 95-108 Housing : The Market Versus the Welfare State Model Revisited
by Thomas S. Nesslein - 109-123 The Nature of Canadian Condominium Submarkets and Their Effect on the Evolving Urban Spatial Structure
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 124-132 Analyzing Changes in Municipal Bond Ratings: A Different Perspective
by Anthony L. Loviscek & Frederick D. Crowley - 133-144 The Distribution of School-Leaver Unemployment Within Scottish Cities
by Catherine Garner & Brian G. M. Main & David Raffe - 145-149 Dynamics of the Transmission of Employment Effects Across Metropolitan Areas
by James H. Breece & N. Edward Coulson - 150-161 Agglomeration Economies: Localization or Urbanization?
by Ronald L. Moomaw - 163-164 Book Review: The Geography of De-Industrialization edited by R. MARTIN and B. ROWTHORN. London: Macmillan. 1986. pp.365. £30.00 H/B; £8.95 P/B
by Colin Mason - 164-166 Book Review: Metropolitan Management: The Asian Experience by K. C. SIVARAMAKRLSHNAN AND LESLIE GREEN. Oxford : Oxford University Press (for the Economic Development Institute of The World Bank). 1986. pp. 290. No price given
by Babar Khan Mumtaz - 166-167 Book Review: Planning Control: Philosophies, Prospects and Practice edited by M. L. HARRISON and R. MORDEY. London: Croom Helm. 1987. pp.234. £25.00 H/B
by Janet Brand - 167-168 Book Review: The Politics of Privatisation: Contracting Out Public Services by KATE ASCHER. London: Macmillan. 1987. pp. 293. £30.00 H/B; £8.95 P/B
by Graham Moon - 169-170 Book Notes
by N/A - 171-172 Books Received
by N/A
February 1988, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-20 Metropolitan Evolution, Sectoral Economic Change, and the City Size Distribution
by Luis Suarez-Villa - 21-33 Graphical Assessment of Housing Market Models
by Paul A. Longley & Richard Dunn - 34-42 Changing Rates of Return on Rental Property and Condominium Conversions
by Theodore M. Crone - 43-52 Manufacturing Plant Size - Toward a Regional Strategy. A Case Study in Limburg, Belgium
by Baruch A. Kipnis & Erik A. Swyngedouw - 53-61 Assessing the Effect of the Polytechnic, Wolverhampton on the Local Community
by J.A. Lewis - 62-76 The Availability of Land for Inner City Development: A Case Study of Inner Manchester
by C.D. Adams & A.E. Baum & B.D. MacGregor - 77-84 Qualitative Response Estimations of the Selling Behaviour in the Swedish Market for Owner-Occupied Houses
by Renato Aguilar & Bo Sandelin - 85-86 Book Review: Whatever Happened to Planning? by PETER AMBROSE London: Methuen. 288 pp. £8.95
by Tim Brindley - 86-87 Book Review: Changing Places — Britain's Demographic, Economic and Social Complexion by CHAMPION A. G.; GREEN, A. E.; OWEN, D. W.; ELLIN, D. J. and COOMBES, M. G. London: Edward Arnold. 144 pp. £7.95
by Robert J. Rogerson - 88-89 Book Review: Land Use and Urban Form by GRANT IAN THRALL New York and London: Methuen. 239 pp. £25.00
by Kenneth Button - 89-90 Book Review: Crime, Space and Society by SUSAN J. SMITH Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 228 pp. £25.00/$42.50
by Keith D. Harries - 90-92 Book Review: Property and Industrial Development
by Paul Foley - 92-93 Book Notes
by N/A - 94-94 Books Received
by N/A
December 1987, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 439-446 Urban Policy in the US: Introduction
by Donald A. Hicks - 447-459 Regional Long Waves and Urban Policy
by Douglas E. Booth - 460-479 Geo-Industrial Shifts in Advanced Metropolitan Economies
by Donald A. Hicks - 480-488 The Once and Present Urban Crisis
by R.D. Norton - 489-502 Minority Business in Urban Economies
by Franklin J. James & Thomas A. Clark - 503-517 Moving Up and Moving Out: Confusing Ends and Means About Ghetto Dispersal
by Mark Alan Hughes - 518-533 An Empirical Basis for National Urban Policy
by John D. Landis - 534-546 Telecommunications, World Cities, and Urban Policy
by Mitchell L. Moss - 547-560 National Industries and Local Occupational Strengths: The Cross-Hairs of Targeting
by Wilbur R. Thompson & Philip R. Thompson - 561-569 Non-Urban Policies as Urban Policies
by Edwin S. Mills - 570-586 City Size and US Urban Policy
by Irving Hoch - 587-596 A ghost in the growth machine: the aftermath of rapid population growth in Houston
by Andrew Kirby & A. Karen Lynch - 597-603 The Vanishing City
by Anthony Pascal - 604-605 Book Review: Private Benefits: Material Assistance in the Private Sector by MICHAEL SOSIN. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press. 1986. pp. 195. $19.95
by John C. Weicher - 605-606 Book Review: Ethics in Planning
by David R. Godschalk - 606-608 Book Review: State and Local Government: The New Battleground
by Robert Bradley - 608-609 Book Review: The Tenant Movement in New York City, 1904-1984 edited by RONALD LAWSON AND MARK NAISON New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 1986. pp.289. $35.00 H/B; $15.00 P/B
by Edward D. Berkowitz - 609-610 Book Review: The Homeless in Contemporary Society
by Moira Munro - 610-612 Book Notes
by N/A
October 1987, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 345-360 Fiscal Policy and the Price of Land and Housing in Japan
by Richard M. Kirwan - 361-378 The Impact of Factory Development on 'Growth Town' Employment in Mid-Wales
by Ian C. Thomas & P.J. Drudy - 379-388 The Supply of Land for a Particular Use
by Max Neutze - 389-408 Semiconductors, Scotland and the International Division of Labour
by Jeffrey Henderson - 409-415 Creative Financing, House Prices, and Property Tax Inequities
by G. Stacy Sirmans & C.F. Sirmans & Stanley D. Smith - 417-426 Male/Female Income Distributions, City Size and Urban Characteristics: Canada, 1970-1980
by Lewis A. Soroka - 427-428 Book Review: Housebuilding, Planning and Community Action by J.R. SHORT, S. FLEMING and S. WITT. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1986. pp. 313. £25.00
by P. Ambrose - 428-429 Book Review: Small and Intermediate Urban Centres: Their Role in National and Regional Development in the Third World edited by J. E. HARDOY and D. SATTERTHWAITE. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 1986. 448 pp. £15.00
by Alan Gilbert - 429-430 Book Review: Communities and Crime edited by ALBERT J. REISS, JR. and MICHAEL TONRY. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1986. 268 pp. $27.50
by David Herbert - 430-432 Book Review: Inside Third World Cities by STELLA LOWDER. London and Sydney: Croom Helm. 1986. 292 pp. £25.00
by Robert B. Potter - 433-437 Book Notes
by N/A - 438-438 Books Received
by N/A
August 1987, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 251-257 The Future of the Larger European Towns
by Leo H. Klaassen - 258-267 Housing Price Inflation, Family Growth, and the Move from Rented to Owner Occupied Housing
by Thomas K. Rudel - 268-278 The Relative Effects of Local Authority Financial Assistance Policies
by Colin Wren - 279-284 Some Factors Explaining Variations in Rents of Downtown Apartments for 49 Cities of the World
by Paul K. Asabere & Carl McGowan