May 1983, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 229-239 Public Policy and the Effects of Crime in the Inner City: A British Example
by Susan J. Smith - 241-245 The Space Cost Curve and Variable Transport Costs: a General Production Function Case
by Yeung-nan Shieh - 246-247 Book Review: Cities and Suburbs-Urban Life in West Africa
by Lalage Bown - 247-248 Book Review: Housing Policy (The Government of Housing revised)
by C.E.B. Brett - 248-249 Book Review: Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem edited by FREDERICK W. BoAL and J. NEVILLE H. DoUGLAs. London: Academic Press. 1982. pp. 368. £19.80/$37.00
by Jean Forbes - 249-250 Book Review: Women and Space: Ground Rules and Social Maps edited by SHIRLEY ARDENER. London: Croom Helm. 1981. pp. 129. £12.95 H/B; £6.95 P/B Building for Women edited by SUZANNE KELLER. Aldershot: Gower (distributor for Lexington Books). 1982. pp. 221. £18.50/$37.50
by Willem Vanvliet - 250-252 Book Review: La Rente Foncière: Les Théories et leur Evolution depuis 1650 (Land Rent: Theories and their Evolution since 1650) by J.-L. GUIGOU. Paris: Economica. 1982. pp. 954. Fr.145.00
by J.H.P. Paelinck - 252-253 Book Review: British Regional Development Since World War I by CHRISTOPHER M. LAW. London and New York: Methuen. 1981. pp.269. £4.95 Topics in Applied Geography. The Branch Plant Economy- A Study of External Control by H. D. WATTS. Longman: London and New York. 1981. pp, 104. £4.50 Regional Problems and Policies by W. GREEN and D. CLOUGH. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1982. pp. 143. n.p
by J.T. Hughes - 253-253 Book Review: Money Flows in the UK Regions by JOHN SHORT with DAVID J. NICHOLAS. Aldershot: Gower. 1981. pp.217. £16.50
by S. Dow - 253-253 Book Review: Money Flows in the UK Regions by JOHN SHORT with DAVID J. NICHOLAS. Aldershot: Gower. 1981. pp.217. £16.50
by S. Dow - 254-255 Book Review: Metropolitan London: Politics and Urban Change 1837-1981
by Roger Smith - 255-256 Book Review: Running in the Red: The Political Dynamics of Urban Stress
by David Heald - 256-257 Book Review: The Strategy of Equality: Redistribution and the Social Services
by W.J. Money - 257-258 Book Review: The Future of Rental Housing by GEORGE STERNLIEB and JAMES W. HUGHES. Rutgers University: Center for Urban Policy Research and Eastbourne : Holt-Saunders. 1981. pp. 147. $8.95/£6.50 The Future of Council Housing edited by JOHN ENGLISH. London: Croom Helm. 1982. pp. 202. £12.95
by Duncan Maclennan - 259-262 Book Notes
by N/A - 263-264 Books Received
by N/A
February 1983, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-9 Public Versus Private Provision of Governmental Services: The Case of Danish Fire Protection Services
by Ole P. Kristensen - 11-30 The Development of French New Towns: an Assessment of Progress
by J.N. Tuppen - 31-45 Subjective Assessments of Neighborhood Quality by Size of Place
by Donald C. Dahmann - 47-57 Life Cycle and Housing Adjustment as Explanations of Residential Mobility
by W.A.V. Clark & Jun L. Onaka - 59-71 Industrial Mobility in the Turin Metropolitan Area, 1961-77
by Guido Ortona & Walter Santagata - 73-81 The Early Years in the Life Cycle of City Councils: a Downsian Analysis
by Robert J. Waste - 83-90 Theory and Empiricism in The Econometric Modelling of House Prices
by Robert Buckley & John Ermisch - 91-94 A Regional Comparison of House Price Inflation Rates in Britain 1967 — A Comment
by M.C. Fleming & J.G. Nellis - 95-97 Estimating Inter-city Differences in the Price of Housing Services: Rejoinder
by Robert Gillingham & John S. Greenlees - 99-100 Book Review: Modelling Housing Market Search
by R.K. Wilkinson - 100-102 Book Review: Energy and Land Use
by James Dible - 102-103 Book Review: Behavioral Problems in Geography Revisited edited by K. Cox and R. C. GoLLEDGE. London: Methuen. 1981. pp. 290 + XXIX. £12.50 H/B; £5.95 P/B
by Paul Knox - 103-104 Book Review: Geographical Perspectives on the Elderly
by Anthea Tinker - 104-104 Book Review: Progress in Resource Management and Environmental Planning, Vol. 1
by Jean Forbes - 104-104 Book Review: Progress in Resource Management and Environmental Planning, Vol. 1
by Jean Forbes - 105-106 Book Review: Autos, Transit and Cities
by T. Hart - 106-107 Book Review: Optimization in Locational and Transport Analysis
by Ian Masser - 107-108 Book Review: LONDINIVM: London in the Roman Empire
by Lawrence Keppie - 108-108 Book Review: Indian Summer: Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi
by Gordon Adams - 108-108 Book Review: Indian Summer: Lutyens, Baker and Imperial Delhi by ROBERT GRANT IRVING. London: Yale University Press. 1981. pp.416. £20.00
by Gordon Adams - 109-110 Book Review: Evaluating Urban Parks and Recreation
by R.W. Vickerman - 110-110 Book Review: The Victorian Economy
by A. Slaven - 110-110 Book Review: The Victorian Economy
by A. Slaven - 111-111 Book Review: Ellesmere Port; the Making of an Industrisl Borough
by Baron F. Duckham - 112-114 Book Notes
by N/A - 115-117 Books Received
by N/A
November 1982, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 331-341 The Risk Business: Developers' Perceptions and Prospects for Housebuilding in the Inner City
by D.C. Nicholls & D.M. Turner & R. Kirby-Smith & J.D. Cullen - 343-350 The Two-income Household: Relative Contribution of Earners To Housing Costs
by Maryann Griffin Wulff - 351-360 Towards An Analytic Framework for Land-Use Planning Policies
by Ian Bracken - 361-375 Regional Shifts in Nigerian Manufacturing
by J. Oluwole Oyebanji - 377-382 How Important is the Spatial Diffusion of Innovations in Explaining Regional Growth Rate Disparities?
by J.S.L. McCombie - 383-389 Issues in Measuring Differential Access to Public Services
by Sara L. McLafferty & Avijit Ghosh - 391-395 Neighborhood Heterogeneity Within an Urban Area
by John R. Ottensmann - 397-404 Ex-Post Appraisal of an Input-Output Forecast
by I.H. McNicoll - 405-407 The Myth of Non-Partisan Cartography: Clarifications
by G. Gudgin & P.J. Taylor - 409-412 A Simple Theory of the UK Housing Sector — A Comment
by M. Schraer - 414-415 Book Review: Planning the Post-Industrial City by HARVEY S. PERLOFF. Chicago: The American Planning Association. 1980. pp. 327. $23.95 Urbanization & Urban Planning in Capitalist Society edited by MICHAEL DEAR and ALLEN J. SCOTT. London: Methuen. 1981. pp.619. £7.50 Urbanization in Socialist Countries by JIRI MUSIL. London: Croom Helm. 1980. pp. 185. £10.50
by Asa Briggs - 415-416 Book Review: Urban Danger: Life in a Neighborhood of Strangers
by Martin T. Katzman - 416-417 Book Review: Contemporary Issues in the Geography of Health Care
by Fred Forster - 417-418 Book Review: Property and Politics 1870-1914: Landownership, Law, Ideology and Urban Development in England
by S.G. Checkland - 418-419 Book Review: Towards the Planned City: Germany, Britain, the United States and France, 1780-1914
by Lars Olof Larsson - 419-420 Book Review: City Zoning: The Once and Future Frontier
by Thomas H. Logan - 420-421 Book Review: The Politics of Mass Housing in Britain, 1945-1975
by D.F. Clapham - 421-421 Book Review: Urban Planning Methods: Research and Policy Analysis
by Ian Masser - 421-421 Book Review: Urban Planning Methods: Research and Policy Analysis
by Ian Masser - 422-424 Book Review: Cities by Contract: The Politics of Municipal Incorporation
by Charles J. Hoch - 424-425 Book Review: New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone, Development Bank and RFC
by Stuart Gulliver - 425-426 Book Review: Inner City Regeneration
by S.J. Bailey - 426-427 Book Review: Helping Networks
by Steve Burgess - 427-427 Book Review: Housing Co-operatives in Developing Countries: A Manual for Self-help in Low-cost Housing Schemes
by Robina Goodlad - 427-427 Book Review: Housing Co-operatives in Developing Countries: A Manual for Self-help in Low-cost Housing Schemes
by Robina Goodlad - 428-429 Book Review: Environmental Law in Japan by JULIAN GRESSER, KOICHIRA FUJIKURA and AKIO MOR-ISHIMA. London: The M.I.T. Press. 1981. pp. xxi + 525. £37.20
by Douglas J. Whalan - 429-430 Book Review: Population and Technology by ESTER BOSERUP. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1981. pp. xi + 255. £9.95 A Population Geography by HUW R. JONES. London: Harper & Row. 1981. pp. 330. £6.50 Population and Resources by HARRY ROBINSON. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan. 1981. pp. 277. £14.00 H/B; £6.95 P/B
by Nigel Crook - 430-432 Book Review: Development from Above or Below? The Dialectics of Regional Planning in Developing Countries
by G.S. Bhalla - 432-433 Book Review: Advanced Industrialization and the Inner Cities
by S.J. Bailey - 433-434 Book Review: Not Well Advised
by Willem Van Vliet - 434-435 Book Review: The Port of New York: A History of the Rail and Terminal System from the Grand Central Electrification to the Present
by F. Duckham - 435-436 Book Review: Equity in the City edited by P. N. TROY. Sydney, Australia: George Allen & Unwin. 1982. pp. 229. £12.50 H/B; £5.95 P/B New Perspectives in Urban Change and Conflict edited by MICHAEL HARLOE. London: Heinemann. 1981. pp. 265. £15.00
by J. Barry Cullingworth - 437-442 Book Notes
by N/A - 443-447 Books Received
by N/A - 449-450 Index for volume 19 (1982) by subject and author
by N/A - 450-450 Author Index
by N/A
August 1982, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 221-233 Beyond General Systems Theory: a Constructivist Perspective
by Nicholas Low - 235-246 The Swedish Housing Model: an Assessment
by Thomas S. Nesslein - 247-261 Opportunity, Preference and Constraint: an Approach to the Analysis of Metropolitan Migration
by Ian Gordon & Roger Vickerman - 263-279 Central City Decline and the Provision of Education Services
by S.J. Bailey - 281-292 Organisational and Technological Change and the Future Role of the Central Business District: an Australian Example
by David W. Edgington - 293-302 Residential Density and Spatial Externalities
by Colin Price - 303-311 A Simple Theory of the UK Housing Sector
by Robert M. Buckley - 313-320 Density Gradients and the Identification of the Central Business District
by Gershon Alperovich - 321-327 Change in Urban Areas in Nigeria
by Musisi Nkambwe
May 1982, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 111-141 Locational Patterns and Dynamics of Industrial Activity in the Modern Metropolis
by Allen J. Scott - 143-154 Fiscal Migration and the London Boroughs
by Howard Davies - 155-165 Inner-City Reinvestment: Neighborhood Characteristics and Spatial Patterns Over Time
by Shirley Bradway Laska & Jerrol M. Seaman & Dennis R. McSeveney - 167-176 The Indirect Effects of New Housing Construction in Developing Countries
by Ridha Ferchiou - 177-185 Housing Consumption Over the Family Life Cycle: an Empirical Analysis
by P.B. McLeod & J.R. Ellis - 187-192 Do 'People Follow Jobs' or do 'Jobs Follow People'? A Causality Issue in Urban Economics
by Donald N. Steinnes - 193-195 A Note on the Impact of Right-to-Work Laws on the Cost of Living in the United States
by Richard J. Cebula - 197-199 A Note on Zoning and Property Taxation in a System of Local Governments
by Neville Topham - 201-202 Book Review: The City in West Europe
by Piet Thoenes - 202-203 Book Review: Social Conflict and the City by ENZO MINGIONE. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1981. pp. 207. £16.00 H/B; £7.95 P/B
by Doreen Massey - 203-204 Book Review: The Development of the United States Urban System. Vol. 1: Concepts, Structures, Regional Shifts by E. S. DUNN, Jr. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, for RFF. 1980. pp. 205. £39.00
by W.F. Lever - 204-205 Book Review: Wilderness Economics and Policy by LLOYD C. IRLAND. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, (D. C. Heath & Co.). 1980. pp. xviii+225. £11.50
by R.W. Vickerman - 205-206 Book Review: The Invisible Minority, Urban Appalachians edited by WILLIAM W. PHILLIBER et al. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky. 1981. pp.192. £15.50
by Peter W. Von Christierson - 206-207 Book Review: Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London: John Gast and his Times by I. J. PROTHERO. London: Methuen (First published 1979). 1981. pp. xi+418. £5.95 P/B Smithfield Past & Present by ALEC FORSHAW and THEO BERGSTRÖM. London: Heinemann. 1980. pp. 192. £7.50
by M.A. Crowther - 207-208 Book Review: The City as Context: Urbanism and Behavioural Constraints in Seville
by A. Findlay - 208-209 Book Review: The Limits of Power: The Politics of Local Planning Policy
by Ronald G. Young - 209-210 Book Review: Economic Policy-Making by Local Authorities in Britain and Western Germany
by Adrian Ellis - 210-211 Book Review: Power, Property and Corporatism: The Political Sociology of Planning
by Tom Schuller - 211-212 Book Review: Land and Housing Associations
by Gordon Cameron - 213-216 Book Notes
by N/A - 217-219 Books Received
by N/A
February 1982, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-15 Industrial Decline and Unemployment in the Inner City Areas of Great Britain: a Review of the Evidence
by Peter Elias & Geoffrey Keogh - 17-31 A Hierarchical Model of Housing Choice
by Thomas P. Boehm - 33-41 Inflationary Expectations, Taxes and the Political Business Cycle: a Local Labor Market Perspective
by O. Izraeli & M. Kellman - 43-57 A Regional Comparison of House Price Inflation Rates in Britain, 1967-76
by Ian D. McAvinchey & Duncan Maclennan - 59-63 An Assessment of the Performance of the Local Authorities/Building Societies Support Scheme in Leeds, 1975-79
by M.L. Harrison & L. Stevens - 65-69 Income Elasticities of Demand for Rental Housing: Additional Evidence
by Keith R. Ihlanfeldt - 71-74 Income Distribution, City Size and Urban Growth: a Final Re-examination
by Barry T. Hirsch - 75-77 Income Distribution, City Size and Urban Growth: the Final Reply
by C.T. Haworth & J.E. Long & David W. Rasmussen - 79-82 The Appraisal of Sales of Local Authority Rented Accommodation: a Comment
by J.S. Foreman-Peck - 83-84 The Opportunity Cost of the Sale of Local Authority Rented Accommodation: a Comment
by S.T. Charles - 85-87 The Opportunity Cost of the Sale of Local Authority Rented Accommodation: a Reply
by John Posnett & Chris Edwards - 89-90 Book Review: Urbanisation, Housing and The Development Process by DAVID DRAKAKIS-SMITH. London: Croom Helm. 1981. pp.234. £15.95
by Bertrand Renaud - 90-93 Book Review: The Myth of Home Ownership: Private versus Public Choices in Housing Tenure by JiM KEMENY. London: Routledge. 1981. pp. 179. £6.95 Homes fit for Heroes: The Politics and Architecture of Early State Housing in Britain by MARK SWENARTON. London: Heinemann. 1981. pp. 216. £14.50
by Chris Hamnett - 93-94 Book Review: Housing and Social Justice by GILL BURKE. Harlow: Longman. 1981. pp. 227. £4.50
by Mary Brailey - 94-95 Book Review: Spatial Dimensions of Urban Government by I. M. BARLOW. Chichester: John Wiley. 1981. pp. 199. £17.50
by R.J. Johnston - 95-96 Book Review: Planning in the Soviet Union by JUDITH PALLOT AND DENNIS J. B. SHAW. London: Croom Helm. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. 1981. pp.303. £16.95/$25.00
by Thomas A. Reiner & Andrew Sussman - 96-97 Book Review: State Land-Use Planning and Regulation: Florida, the Model Code, and Beyond by THoMAs G. PELHAM. Farnborough : Lexington Books. 1981. pp.212. £14.50/t30.50 The Politics of Land-Use Reform by FRANK J. POPPER. Madison and London: University of Wisconsin Press. 1981. pp. 321. $20.00 & £12.00 H/B; $7.50 & £4.50 P/B
by David R. Hill - 97-98 Book Review: City and Society: An Outline for Urban Geography by R. J. JOHNSTON. London: Penguin Books. 1980. pp.284. £2.95
by D.I. Scargill - 98-98 Book Review: Community Development in America edited by JAMES A. CHRISTENSON & JERRY W. ROBINSON JR., Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press. 1980. pp. 245. $8.50
by Alan Barr - 98-99 Book Review: Community Development in America edited by JAMES A. CHRISTENSON & JERRY W. ROBINSON JR., Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press. 1980. pp. 245. $8.50
by Alan Barr & Donald I. Mackay - 99-100 Book Review: Sikhs in England: The Development of a Migrant Community by A. W. HELWEG. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1980. pp. 175. £5.75
by Robert Miles - 100-101 Book Review: Local External Economies for British Manufacturing Industry by P. M. TOWNROE and N. J. ROBERTS. Farnborough: Gower Publishing. 1980. pp. 177. £11.50
by Peter Tyler - 101-102 Book Review: People's History and Socialist Theory edited by RAPHAEL SAMUEL. History Workshop Series. Henley on Thames: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1981. pp. 417. £10.95 H/B; £6.95 P/B
by Sean Damer - 103-106 Book Notes
by N/A - 107-110 Books Received
by N/A
October 1981, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 267-283 National Urban Development Strategies in Developing Countries
by Harry W. Richardson - 285-300 City System Behaviour and Corporate Influence: The Headquarters Location of US Industrial Firms, 1955-75
by John D. Stephens & Brian P. Holly - 301-313 Survival and Success of the Inner City Economy: The Performance of Manufacturing and Services in Islington
by D. Wellbelove & A. Woods & N. Zafiris - 315-333 The Effects of Racial Composition on Neighbourhood Succession
by Kerry D. Vandell - 335-345 New Firm Formation, Employment Change and the Small Firm: The Case of Cleveland County
by D.J. Storey - 347-358 A Conditional Logit Model of the Role of Local Public Services in Residential Choice
by Joseph Friedman - 359-364 The Economic Basis of Spontaneous Home Improvement: a Graphical Analysis
by Alan M. Hay - 365-369 Estimating Inter-city Differences in the Price of Housing Services: Further Evidence 1
by Robert Gillingham & John S. Greenlees - 371-371 Reply to Gillingham and Greenlees
by Harvey S. Rosen - 373-374 Book Review: Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887-1920 by JERRY WHITE. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1980. pp. 301. £11.50 H/B; £6.95 P/B A Revolution in London Housing: LCC Housing Architects and Their Work, 1893-1914 by SUSAN BEATTIE. London: Greater London Council in association with The Architectural Press. 1980. pp. 127. £6.95
by R.E. Pahl - 374-374 Book Review: Housing in Capitalist Societies by CEDRIC PUGH. Farnborough: Gower Publishing Co. 1980. pp. 300. £15.00
by G.A. Wood - 374-375 Book Review: A Social Geography of England and Wales by R. DENNis and H. CLOUT. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 1980. pp. 208. £14.00 H/B; £5.95 P/B
by David Herbert - 375-376 Book Review: An Economic History of the British Building Industry 1815-1979 by C. G. POWELL., London: The Architectural Press: 1980. pp.211. £17.95
by David Whitham - 376-377 Book Review: Urbanization and Urban Growth in the Caribbean by MALCOLM CROSS. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1979. pp. 174. £10.50 H/B; £3.95 P/B
by Veronica Burbridge - 378-378 Book Review: Population Dispersal: A National Imperative
by Max Neutze - 379-380 Book Review: City Life-Cycles and American Urban Policy
by Douglas Mccallum - 380-382 Book Review: Machine Politics in Transition: Party and Community in Chicago by THOMAS M. GUTERBOCK. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1980. pp. 324. $20.00
by Michael Johnston - 382-383 Book Review: Population Biology by G. D. ELSETH and K. D. BAUMGARDNER. New York: Van Nostrand Company. 1981. pp. 623. £18.70 H/B
by W.J. Ridgman & M.G. Barker - 383-384 Book Review: New Life for Old Suburbs by HAL KENDIG. Hemel Hempstead: George Allen & Unwin. 1979. pp. 192. £11.95 H/B; £5.50 P/B
by Marilyn A. Brown - 384-385 Book Review: Developing an Urban Fringe: Blueprint for Voluntary Action by KAMAL NAYAN KABRA. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration. 1980. pp. 98. Rs 30.00/ £5.00/$9.00
by J.G.L. Adams - 385-386 Book Review: Times, Spaces, and Places; A Chronogeographic Perspective by DON N. PARKES and NIGEL J. THRIFT. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 1980. pp. 527. $64.75
by Willem Van Vliet - 386-387 Book Review: Seats, Votes and the Spatial Organisation of Elections by G. GUDGIN and P. J. TAYLOR. London: Methuen & Co. (distributor for Pion). 1979. pp. 240. £11.00
by Peter Fotheringham - 387-388 Book Review: The Rousing of the Scottish Working Class by JAMES D. YOUNG. London: Croom Helm. 1979. pp. 242. £9.95
by Robert Miles - 389-391 Books Received
by N/A - 393-394 Index for volume 18 (1981) by subject and author
by N/A - 394-394 Author Index
by N/A
June 1981, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 155-167 Urban Poverty and Some Policy Options: an Analysis for India
by Mary Gregory & Gopal Kadekodi & Peter Pearson & Radha Sinha - 169-180 The Decline of the Metropolitan Economy
by Leland S. Burns & Kathy van Ness - 181-194 Why Women Work Closer to Home
by Janice Fanning Madden - 195-203 Another Look at Racial Differences in Housing Prices
by James R. Follain JR & Stephen Malpezzi - 205-211 The Effects of Fuel Prices on House Prices
by Robert Halvorsen & Henry O. Pollakowski - 213-218 The Myth of Non-Partisan Cartography: The Tale Continued
by Michael Chisholm & Bernard Devereux & Roy Versey - 219-223 Shape and the Definition of Parliamentary Constituencies
by R.J. Johnston & D.J. Rossiter - 225-226 Inner Areas as Spatial Labour Markets: a Comment
by Barrie Needham - 227-229 Inner Areas as Spatial Labour Markets: a Rejoinder
by Paul C. Cheshire - 231-238 Industrial Employment Performance and Regional Policy 1952-71: a Cross-Sectional Approach
by Lydia Thomson - 239-240 Book Review: Growth Centres in the European Urban System by PETER HALL and DENNIS HAY. London: Heinemann. 1980. pp.278. £13.50
by Gordon E. Cherry - 240-242 Book Review: The Future of the British Conurbations: Policies and Prescriptions for Change
by Leo H. Klaassen - 242-244 Book Review: Economic Crisis, Cities and Regions: An Analysis of Current Urban and Regional Problems in Australia by FRANK J. B. STiLwELL. Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1980. pp. 182. $8.95
by Hugh Stretton - 244-245 Book Review: The Changing Middle Eastern City edited by G. H. BLAKE and R. I. LAWLESS. London: Croom Helm. 1980. pp. 273. £14.95
by Richard M. Woodhouse - 245-246 Book Review: Tunis: Evolution et Fonctionnement de l'Espace Urbain
by Allan Findlay - 246-246 Book Review: Home, School and Leisure in the Soviet Union
by F.E. Ian Hamilton - 247-248 Book Review: Financing Urban Government in the Welfare State edited by DOUGLAS E. ASHFORD. London: Croom Helm. 1980. pp. 224. £11.95
by David A. Heald - 248-250 Book Review: Financing and Managing State and Local Government by RICHARD W. LINDHOLM and HORTOJO WIGNJOWIJOTO. Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books. 1979. pp. xviii+436. £19.50
by Duane Windsor - 250-251 Book Review: The Politics of School Desegregation
by Susan S. Fainstein - 251-253 Book Review: Transportation for the Elderly: Changing Lifestyles, Changing Needs by MARTIN WACHS. London: University of California Press. 1980. pp. xiv+262. £10.00
by Dorothy Wilson - 253-253 Book Review: The Blind Boss and His City: Christopher Augustine Buckley and Nineteenth Century San Francisco by WILLIAM A. BULLOUGH. London: University of California Press. 1980. pp. 347. £12.00/$24.95
by Peter Fearon - 253-254 Book Review: Victorian Buildings of London, 1837-1887: An Illustrated Guide by GAVIN STAMP and COLIN AMERY. London: Architectural Press. 1980. pp. 175. £12.95
by Anne Riches - 254-256 Book Review: Growth and Transformation of the Modem City
by John R. Mullin - 256-257 Book Review: Urban Planning in a Capitalist Society by GWYNETH KIRK. London: Croom Helm. 1980. pp. 226. £10.50 H/B; £5.95 P/B
by John Dearlove - 257-258 Book Review: Retail Planning in the European Community edited by Ross L. DAVIES. Farnborough: Saxon House. 1979. pp.214. £11.50
by D.G. Davidson - 259-262 Book Notes
by N/A - 263-266 Books Received
by N/A
February 1981, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-8 The Impact of Soviet Housing Policy on Housing Conditions in Soviet Cities: The Uneven Push from Moscow
by Carol Nechemias - 9-21 An Empirical Analysis of the Determination of House Prices in the United Kingdom
by Joseph G. Nellis & J. Andrew Longbottom - 23-39 Equilibrium of a Residential City, Attributes of Housing, and Land-Use Zoning
by Hans-Jürg Büttler - 41-55 Neighbourhood Change in Inner Adelaide, 1966-76
by B.A. Badcock & D.U. Urlich Cloher - 57-71 The Role of the Inner City in the Development of Manufacturing Industry
by B.M. Nicholson & Ian Brinkley & Alan W. Evans - 73-90 A Study of the Economic Impact of Industrial Relocation: the Case of Seoul
by Won-Yong Kwon - 91-104 A Neo-Classical Supply-Based Approach to Land Prices
by Barrie Needham - 105-111 Fiscal Differentials and Industrial Location: Some Empirical Evidence
by William F. Fox - 113-120 Zoning and Property Taxation in a System of Local Governments: Further Analysis
by Jan K. Brueckner - 121-122 Income Distribution, City Size and Urban Growth: a Rejoinder
by Bruce Walker - 123-123 Income Distribution, City Size and Urban Growth: a Final Word
by C.T. Haworth & J.E. Long & D.W. Rasmussen - 125-128 Book Review: The Inner City: Employment and Industry edited by A. EVANs and D. EVERSLEY. London: Heinemann for CES. 1980. pp. 503. £25.00
by G. Adams & D.M. Allan & S.J. Bailey & C. Jones & W.F. Lever & D. McCallum & W.J. Money