December 1991, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 1061-1063 Book Notes
by N/A - 1065-1065 Books Received
by N/A
October 1991, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 673-686 A Von Thünen Model of Crime, Casinos and Property Values in New Jersey
by Andrew J. Buck & Joseph Deutsch & Simon Hakim & Uriel Spiegel & J. Weinblatt - 687-705 Active and Passive Behaviour in Land Ownership
by C.D. Adams & H.G. May - 707-722 The Price of Land for Housing in Jakarta
by David E. Dowall & Michael Leaf - 723-734 The Influence of Location upon Profitability and Employment Change in Small Companies
by M.G. Coombes & D.J. Storey & R. Watson & P. Wynarczyk - 735-757 Redundancy in an Expanding Labour Market: A Case-study of Displaced Workers from Two Manufacturing Plants in Southampton
by Steven Pinch & Colin Mason - 759-771 Housing Market Interventions and Mobility: An International Comparison
by W. Paul Strassmann - 773-781 Hedonic Indices and Housing Programme Benefits
by Isaac F. Megbolugbe - 783-801 Fiscal Interactions of Central City and Suburbs: The Case of Zurich
by Werner W. Pommerehne & Susanne Krebs - 803-817 Plant Closures in Urban Areas: Towards a Local Policy Response
by H.D. Watts - 819-820 Book Review: The English Town
by Anthony Sutcliffe - 820-821 Book Review: Snowbelt Cities
by Gary Gappert - 822-822 Book Review: Introduction to Regional and Urban Policy in the United Kingdom
by Stephen Fothergill - 822-822 Book Review: Introduction to Regional and Urban Policy in the United Kingdom ROGER PRESTWICH and PETER TAYLOR, 1990 London: Longman 289 pp., £10.95 paperback
by Stephen Fothergill - 825-826 Book Review: Urbanization in Post-apartheid South Africa
by Anthony Lemon - 827-829 Book Review: America's Suburban Centers: The Land Use -Transportation Link
by Philippos J. Loukissas - 829-830 Book Review: Planning Pollution Prevention
by Andrew Blowers - 830-831 Book Review: Integrated Multiregion Models for Policy Analysis: An Australian Perspective
by Joan Vipond - 831-832 Book Review: The Retail Environment
by Leigh Sparks - 832-834 Book Review: The Spatial Context of Technological Development
by Helen Lawton Smith - 834-836 Book Review: Emoh Ruo: Owner Building in Sydney
by Chris Maher - 837-839 Book Notes
by N/A - 841-843 Books Received
by N/A
August 1991, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 519-533 Cross-national Urban Structure in the Era of Global Cities: The US-Mexico Transfrontier Metropolis
by Lawrence A. Herzog - 535-552 Patterns and Trends in Local Pay in Great Britain, 1975-76 to 1987-88
by Ian Molho - 553-558 Neighbourhood Change in Inner Adelaide: An Update
by Blair A. Badcock - 559-576 Patterns of Economic Restructuring in Industrial-based Metropolitan Areas
by W. Richard Goe & James L. Shanahan - 577-583 The Impact of Spatial-Temporal Interactions on Industrial Land Values
by Joseph G. Kowalski & Christos C. Paraskevopoulos - 585-596 Urban Policy and Retailing Trends in Singapore
by G.L. Ooi - 597-621 Measuring the Effects of Municipal Zoning Regulations: A Survey
by J.M. Pogodzinski & Tim R. Sass - 623-634 Housing Demand in Developing Countries: A Case-study of Karachi in Pakistan
by Akhtar Lodhi & Hafiz A. Pasha - 635-639 Gibrat's Law and the Growth of Canadian Cities
by J. Stephen Clark & Jack C. Stabler - 641-642 Book Review: The Mediterranean City in Transition: Social Changes and Urban Development
by Andreas A. Andrikopoulos - 642-644 Book Review: Ethnoscapes Vol. 1. Environmental Perspectives 289 pp., £27.50 Vol. 2. Environmental Policy, Assessment and Communication 329 pp., £27.50 Vol. 3. New Directions in Environmental Participation 192 pp., £25.00 DAVID CANTER, MARTIN KRAMPEN and DAVID STEA (Eds), 1988 Aldershot: Avebury
by Brian Goodey - 644-646 Book Review: The Capitalist Space Economy: Geographical Analysis after Ricardo, Marx and Sraffa
by Gordon L. Clark - 646-646 Book Review: Cities in Space: City as Place
by R.J. Johnston - 647-648 Book Review: Visible Histories: Women and Environments in a Post-war British City
by Linda Mcdowell - 648-651 Book Review: A Nation of Home Owners PETER SAUNDERS, 1990 London: Unwin Hyman 418 pp., £35.00 hardback, £12.95 paperback Home Ownership Differentiation and Fragmentation RAY FORREST, ALAN MURIE and PETER WILLIAMS, 1990 London: Unwin Hyman 234 pp., £12.95 paperback
by David Clapham - 651-653 Book Review: Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe: The Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus
by N. Pirounakis - 653-654 Book Review: Restructuring Britain The Economy in Question J. ALLEN and D. MASSEY (Eds), 1988 London: Hodder and Stoughton 277 pp. Uneven Re-development: Cities and Regions in Transition D. MASSEY and J. ALLEN, 1988 London: Hodder and Stoughton £7.50 paperback
by Richard Le Heron - 654-656 Book Review: A Skills Atlas of Western Sydney
by Tony Sorensen - 656-658 Book Review: The Evolution of Regional Economies. Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Change
by Anthony L. Redwood - 658-660 Book Review: The Geography of Freedom. The Odyssey of Élisée Reclus
by Peter Taylor - 660-661 Book Review: Urban History Yearbook 1989
by Colin G. Pooley - 661-663 Book Review: Japanese Business Down Under
by Peter Dicken - 665-668 Book Notes
by N/A - 669-670 Books Received
by N/A
June 1991, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 319-325 Distance, Space and the Organisation of Urban Life
by Charles L. Leven - 327-339 The 1987 Crash and the Spatial Incidence of Employment Changes in the New York Metropolitan Region
by Joseph C. Cox & Valerie Preston & Barney Warf - 341-367 China's City Hierarchy, Urban Policy and Spatial Development in the 1980s
by Xiangming Chen - 369-382 Using a Metropolitan-area Econometric Model to Analyse Economic Development Proposals
by Paul Coomes & Dennis Olson & John Merchant - 383-392 Rationality in Industrial Location Decisions
by Peter M. Townroe - 393-413 Distributing the Benefits of Regional Economic Development
by Michael N. Danielson & Julian Wolpert - 415-431 On Resolving the Dilemma of Rent Control
by Denton Marks - 433-463 Moving Up or Staying Down? Migrant-Native Differential Mobility in La Paz
by Paul van Lindert - 465-483 Local Strategies in Resale Home Financing in the Toronto Housing Market
by Robert Murdie - 485-487 Book Review: Cost-effectiveness, Additionality and Targeting: A Review
by W.F. Lever - 488-489 Book Review: Urban Problems: An Applied Urban Analysis
by Max Barlow - 489-490 Book Review: The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring and the Urban-Regional Process
by Mark Hepworth - 490-492 Book Review: Hong Kong's New Towns: A Selective Review ROGER BRISTOW, 1989
by David R. Phillips - 492-493 Book Review: Housing and Social Policy
by Alan Murie - 493-495 Book Review: Information Society and Spatial Structure
by Erik Swyngedouw - 495-497 Book Review: Green Cities: Ecologically Sound Approaches to Urban Space
by Michael P. Collins - 497-499 Book Review: Market Centers and Retail Location
by John A. Dawson - 499-500 Book Review: Practical Charging Policies for Local Government
by David King - 500-503 Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Great Cities
by George Gordon - 503-505 Book Review: The Geography of Interwar Britain: The State and Uneven Development
by Chris Collinge - 505-506 Book Review: Urban Inequality under Socialism. Case Studies from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
by Grzegorz Weckawowicz - 506-507 Book Review: Regious, Villes et Amenagement. Melanges Jubilaires Offerts a Jacqueline Beaujeu-Garnier
by J.M. Miossec - 508-508 Book Review: Address Unknown: The Homeless in America
by Jerry Mitchell - 509-511 Book Notes
by N/A - 513-516 Books Received
by N/A
April 1991, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 173-182 Investment Diversion and Equity Release: The Macroeconomic Consequences of Increasing Property Values?
by Alan W. Evans - 183-203 Race, Urban Policy and Urban Problems: A Critique on Current UK Practice
by Ian Munt - 205-218 Advanced Technology Industry in Oxfordshire: Location of Markets and Competitors
by Helen Lawton Smith - 219-231 Book Review: A Theoretical Model for Local Roads Grants
by Andrew W. Evans - 233-253 The Perception of Spatial Inequalities in a Traditional Third World City
by Boyowa Anthony Chokor - 255-265 The Effect of Job Access on Black and White Youth Employment: A Cross-sectional Analysis
by Keith R. Ihlanfeldt & David L. Sjoquist - 267-276 Rents, Selling Prices and Financing Premiums
by G. Stacy Sirmans & C.F. Sirmans - 277-287 Price Profiles for Land in Danish Urban Areas
by Jørgen Drud Hansen & Gustav Kristensen - 289-290 Book Reviews: Cities and Automobile Dependence: A Sourcebook
by Tony Warnes - 290-291 Urbanisation and Urban Systems in India R. RAMACHANDRAN, 1989 Delhi: Oxford University Press 364 pp
by Ashok K. Dutt - 291-293 Book Review: The Living City: Towards a Sustainable Future
by Colin J. Thomas - 293-294 Book Review: The Fragile Environment: The Darwin College Lectures
by Ian Douglas - 294-296 Book Review: In Search of New York
by Nick Netzer - 296-297 Book Review: New York Unbound: The City and Politics of the Future
by Robert H. Aten - 298-299 Book Review: Pacific Rim Cities in the World Economy: Comparative Urban and Community Research, Volume 2
by Patrick Mullins - 299-301 Book Review: Deindustrialization and Regional Economic Transformation: The Experience of the United States
by Charles L. Leven - 303-308 Book Notes
by N/A - 309-311 Books Received
by N/A - 313-315 List of Referees, 1990
by N/A
February 1991, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-14 Public Capital and the Factor Intensity of the Manufacturing Sector
by Kevin T. Duffy-Deno - 15-39 The Italian Housing Market: Its Failures and Their Causes
by Ireneus L. M. van Hees - 41-51 Urbanisation in China
by Zhang Xing Quan - 53-64 The Financial Performance of the Leeds Engineering Sector
by Stephen Dobson & Bill Gerrard - 65-86 Geographic Variations in Moves into Institutions among the Elderly in England and Wales
by Anne Harrop & Emily M. D. Grundy - 87-104 Metropolitan Spatial Structure and its Determinants: A Case-study of Tokyo
by Xiao-Ping Zheng - 105-122 The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: What Has the Evidence Shown?
by Harry J. Holzer - 123-137 Changing Roles and Positions of Planners
by Louis Albrechts - 139-151 Reflections on the Absence of Squatter Settlements in West African Cities: The Case of Kumasi, Ghana
by Kwadwo O. Konadu-Agyemang - 153-155 Book Review: Cities, Housing and Profits: Flat Break-up and the Decline of Private Renting
by Douglas S. Robertson - 155-157 Book Review: Gentrification and Distressed Cities: an Assessment of Trends in Intrametropolitan Migration
by Roger W. Caves - 157-159 Book Review: Chicago: Race, Class, and the Response to Urban Decline
by John T. Metzger - 159-161 Book Review: The Humane City: Cities as if People Matter J. R. SHORT
by Blair Badcock - 161-163 Book Review: Landlords and Property
by Derek Kerr - 163-164 Book Review: From Moorepark to 'Wine Alley': The Rise and Fall of a Glasgow Housing Scheme
by Ruth Madigan - 165-167 Book Notes
by N/A - 169-170 Books Received
by N/A
December 1990, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 781-784 Housing Finance and Subsidy Systems: Accommodating International Experience
by Duncan Maclennan - 785-793 Controlling and Assisting Privately Rented Housing
by Joseph Gyourko - 795-808 Income-related Assistance with Housing Costs: a Cross-national Comparison
by Peter Kemp - 809-830 The Tax Treatment of Housing: Economic Issues and Reform Measures
by Gavin A. Wood - 831-845 Housing Finance and Subsidies in the United States
by William G. Grigsby - 847-876 Housing Finance and Subsidy Systems in Australia
by Gavin A. Wood - 877-903 Housing Finance and Housing Subsidies in Canada
by George Fallis - 905-918 Housing Finance and Subsidies in Britain after a Decade of 'Thatcherism'
by Duncan Maclennan & Kenneth Gibb - 919-930 The Housing Market, Housing Finance and Housing Policy in West Germany: Prospects for the 1990s
by Horst Tomann - 931-949 Trends in Housing Markets and Finance and Subsidy Systems in the 1980s: the Case of Greece
by Dimitris Emmanuel - 951-969 Housing Finance in Finland
by John Doling - 971-1022 Urban Housing and Financial Markets: Some International Comparisons
by Stephen Malpezzi - 1023-1024 Books Received
by N/A
October 1990, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 617-635 A Dissatisfied State? Consumer Preferences and Council Housing in Britain
by Ray Forrest & Alan Murie - 637-652 Housing Policy Impacts on Ethnic Segregation Patterns: Evidence from Dusseldorf, West Germany
by Brigitte S. Waldorf - 653-667 The 1988 Local Government Act and Compulsory Competitive Tendering
by David Parker - 669-684 Evaluation of Policies and Measures to Create Local Employment
by D.J. Storey - 685-703 Urban Economic Development in a Period of Local Initiative: Competition among Towns in Israel's Southern Coastal Plain
by Eran Razin - 705-717 The Impact of Net Migration on Neighbourhood Racial Composition
by John R. Ottensmann & David H. Good & Michael E. Gleeson - 719-723 FOB Mill Pricing and Plant Location when Demand is Linear but Non-uniform
by Yeung-Nan Shieh - 725-738 Implications of Subdivision Activity for the Urban Growth of Madina
by Walead Abdulaal - 739-751 Modelling Intra-urban Location Preferences under Rational Expectations
by Andreas A. Andrikopoulos & Kyprianos P. Prodromidis & Efthimios G. Tsionas - 753-754 Book Review: The North-South Divide: Regional Change in Britain in the 1980s
by Phil Cooke - 754-756 Book Review: Atop the Urban Hierarchy
by James M. Rubenstein - 756-758 Book Review: Services and Regions in Europe: Report from the FAST Programme of the Commission of the European Communities S. ILLERIS, 1989 Aldershot: Avebury xiv+222 pp., £25.00 hardback
by P.W. Daniels - 758-760 Book Review: Politics in Transition
by Charles J. Pattie - 761-763 Book Review: Horizons in Human Geography
by Tim Unwin - 763-766 Book Review: Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action
by Doug Mccallum - 766-767 Book Review: Small and Medium Size Enterprises and Regional Development
by Malcolm Harper - 767-769 Book Review: Träume in Trümmern. Planungen zum Wiederaufbau zerstörter Städte im Westen Deutschlands 1940-1950
by Jeffry M. Diefendorf - 769-770 Book Review: Advances in Regional Demography
by Allan Findlay - 770-772 Book Review: Armenians in London: The Management of Social Boundaries
by Diana Kay - 773-776 Book Notes
by N/A - 777-778 Books Received
by N/A
August 1990, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 471-473 Gordon Campbell Cameron, MA, FRSA, ARICS 28 November 1937-14 March 1990
by W.F. Lever - 475-495 First Steps in Urban Policy Evaluation in the United Kingdom
by G.C. Cameron - 497-508 Analysing the Risk of Income-producing Real Estate
by Joseph Gyourko & Peter Linneman - 509-517 Categorical, Multivariate Analysis of Intra-urban Migration
by A. Solomon Eaglstein & Jacob Weisberg - 519-536 Issues in the Analysis of Small Area Mortality
by Peter Congdon - 537-558 Planning for the Information City: the Challenge and Response
by Mark E. Hepworth - 559-569 Spatial Stratification in Sapporo, Japan, 1975
by Eugene S. Uyeki - 571-582 The Declining Guestworker Population in West German Cities: the Case of Nuremberg
by Philip N. Jones - 583-590 Financial Deregulation and Access to Home Ownership in Australia
by Gavin A. Wood & Shane Bushe-Jones - 591-595 The Differential Incidence of a Land Tax
by Hafiz A. Pasha - 597-599 Book Review: City, State and Market: the Political Economy of Urban Society
by D. Kerr - 599-601 Book Review: Montpellier Europole
by John Tuppen - 601-603 Book Review: Education and Society: Studies in the Politics, Sociology and Geography of Education
by Alistair Macbeth - 603-605 Book Review: Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage
by Roy Gazzard - 605-606 Book Review: Detroit: Race and Uneven Development
by David Dowall - 607-610 Book Notes
by N/A - 611-613 Books Received
by N/A
June 1990, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 311-333 Explaining the Recent Performance of the European Community's Major Urban Regions
by Paul Cheshire - 335-351 Choice of Residential Environment in the Randstad
by M.C. Deurloo & W.A.V. Clark & F.M. Dieleman - 353-369 The Wage Effects of Residential Location and Commuting Constraints on Employed Married Women
by Janice F. Madden & Lee-in Chen Chiu - 371-384 Poverty as a Constraint to Citizen Participation in Urban Redevelopment in Developing Countries: a Case Study
by Adepoju G. Onibokun - 385-399 White Flight from Racially Integrated Neighbourhoods in the 1970s: the Cleveland Experience
by George C. Galster - 401-419 What Determines Local Authorities' Capital Expenditure on Housing? An Evaluation of Various Models
by Mark Kleinman & Richard Eastall & Emilie Roberts - 421-440 Apartheid and Urban Segregation Levels in South Africa
by A.J. Christopher - 441-448 Development in Mid-Wales: A Comment
by Ian C. Thomas & P.J. Drudy - 449-454 Mid-Wales: Choosing the Right Perspectives
by K.G. Willis - 455-456 Book Review: Clichés of Urban Doom and Other Essays
by C.G. Pickvance - 456-458 Book Review: Living in Cities
by Jim Walmsley - 458-459 Book Review: Migration and Residential Mobility in the United States
by W.A.V. Clark - 460-461 Book Review: Unequal Education Provision in England and Wales: the Nineteenth Century Roots
by M.G. Bradford - 463-466 Book Notes
by N/A - 467-468 Books Received
by N/A
April 1990, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 167-183 Security of Tenure, Costly Tenants and Rent Regulation
by J.R. Miron - 185-198 Targeting Jobs to Local People: the British Urban Policy Experience
by Graham Haughton - 199-200 Regional Conflict in the New York Metropolis: the Legend of Robert Moses and the Power of the Port Authority
by N/A - 201-232 Regional Conflict in the New York Metropolis: the Legend of Robert Moses and the Power of the Port Authority
by Jameson W. Doig - 233-240 Rent Control and Housing Maintenance
by Robert P. Albon & David C. Stafford - 241-257 An Econometric and Cultural Analysis of Rent Control in Kumasi, Ghana
by Kenneth G. Willis & Stephen Malpezzi & A. Graham Tipple - 259-272 The Demand for Housing, and Permanent Income, in Indonesia
by Daniel Shefer - 273-281 The Japanese-Australian Multifunction Polis: Context and Issues
by Hilary P. M. Winchester & Brian S. Chalkley - 283-290 Mid Wales: Missing the Point
by Graham Day & Merylyn Hedger - 291-293 Book Review: Four Metropolises in Western Europe
by Dennis Hay - 293-295 Book Review: The Power of Geography: How Territory Shapes Social Life
by Phil Sarre - 295-297 Book Review: The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World
by Nico Calavita - 297-300 Book Review: Microcomputers in Urban Planning and Management
by Michael Batty - 301-305 Book Notes
by N/A - 307-308 Books Received
by N/A
February 1990, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-21 Segregation by Racial and Demographic Group: Evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area
by Vincent P. Miller & John M. Quigley - 23-44 The Mexican Landlord: Rental Housing in Guadalajara and Puebla
by Alan Gilbert & Ann Varley - 45-65 Cities, Scale Economies, Local Goods and Local Governments
by Oded Hochman - 67-88 Income, Housing Wealth and Gender Inequality
by Susan J. Smith - 89-103 Structure and Agency in Land and Property Development Processes: Some Ideas for Research
by Patsy Healey & Susan M. Barrett - 105-117 The Redistributive Effects of Hong Kong's Public Housing Programme 1976-86
by Si-Ming Li & Fu-Lai Yu - 119-138 Multicriteria Evaluation Approaches to Urban Transportation Projects
by Jaimu Won - 139-146 A Note on the Cost of Crime to Victims
by Mark A. Cohen