February 2001, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 161-163 EFFAT (European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Workers Unions) merger congress, Luxembourg 11-12 December 2000
by Jytte Bendixen - 164-168 Workshop: Trade Unions In The 21st Century, organised by the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti and the European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, 19 January 2001
by Antonio MartÃn Artiles - 168-170 Work Life Conference, 22-25 January 2001, Malmö, Sweden
by Lars Magnusson
November 2000, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 565-566 Editorial
by Christian Dufour Reiner & Hoffmann Wolfgang Lecher - 566-567 Editorial
by Christian Dufour Reiner & Hoffmann Wolfgang Lecher - 568-569 Editorial
by Christian Dufour Reiner & Hoffmann Wolfgang Lecher - 570-591 Low pay - a challenge for the welfare state
by Ute Klammer - 592-611 The impact of unemployment insurance on employment norms and income levels: the inevitable drift into 'reduced activity'
by Carole Tuchszirer - 612-629 Working poor in the Netherlands?
by Ben Valkenburg & Harry Coenen - 630-649 How to introduce a national minimum wage- the UK example
by Bill Callaghan - 650-672 Low pay and poor workers: a comparative study of France and the United States
by Sophie Ponthieux & Pierre Concialdi - 673-686 What do we know about the link between low pay, gender and part-time work?
by Maria Jepsen - 687-716 Lower pay - a better world?
by Claus Schäfer - 718-719 LoWER - European Low-Wage Employment Research network
by Andrew Watt - 720-725 The ETUC and the European Court of Justice
by Brian Bercusson - 725-725 New journal just launched: Central European Political Science Review (CEPSR)
by András Tóth - 726-727 Series of lectures by Prof. George Ross at the University of Brussels
by Jean-Paul Deliège - 730-732 Book review: Linda Clarke, Peter de Gijsel and Jörn Janssen (eds.) The dynamics of wage relations in the new Europe Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2000,352 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7742-7
by Giuseppe Fajertag - 733-734 Book review: Wolfgang Kowalski Focus on European social policy - countering europessimism European Trade Union Institute, Brussels 2000, 171 pp, BEF 600 - 14,87
by Otto Jacobi - 735-736 Book review: Mike Rigby, Roger Smith and Teresa Lawlor (eds.) European Trade Unions - Change and Response Routledge Studies in the European Economy ISBN: 0-415-17043-5
by Torben Andersen - 737-738 Book review: Guy Standing Global Labour Flexibility. Seeking Distributive Justice MacMillan Press, London, 1999, 441 pages, ISBN 0-333-77652-6 (paperback)
by Herman Knudsen - 739-742 Book review: Sabine Lang, Margit Mayer, Christoph Scherrer (eds.) Jobwunder USA - Modell für Deutschland? Westfätisches Dampfboot, Münster, 1999
by Reiner Hoffmann - 744-747 International research conference of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), 'Social security in the global village', Helsinki, 25-27 September 2000
by Martin Hutsebaut - 747-751 Joint annual ETUC/ETUI conference 'European unity: The role of the trade unions in the process of enlargement', 5-7 October, 2000, Bad Münder, Germany
by Renate Langewiesche - 751-754 ETUI employment policy forum 'Towards full employment in Europe', 18-19 October 2000, Brussels
by Andrew Watt - 754-757 Report on the Congress of the ÖTV, 5-12 November 2000, Leipzig
by Otto Jacobi
August 2000, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 362-363 Editorial
by Renate Langewiesche - 364-366 Editorial
by Renate Langewiesche - 367-369 Editorial
by Renate Langewiesche - 370-386 Introduction: Challenges of transition and preparations for EU accession
by András Tóth & Renate Langewiesche - 387-398 Social dialogue in EU enlargement: acquis and responsibilities
by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead - 399-415 Transformation, EU Membership and Labour Relations in Central Eastern Europe: Poland — Czech Republic — Hungary — Slovenia
by Heribert Kohl & Wolfgang Lecher & Hans-Wolfgang Platzer - 416-433 Social dialogue in Hungary and its influence on EU accession
by Dorottya Boda & László Neumann - 434-449 Transformation and foreign direct investment: Observations on path dependency, hybridisation, and model transfer at the enterprise level
by Christoph Dörrenbächer & Michael Fichter & László Neumann & András Tóth & Michael Wortmann - 450-467 Migration, mobility and the free movement of persons: an issue for current and future EU members
by Renate Langewiesche & Martina Lubyova - 468-485 EU accession - chance for gender equality in CEE countries
by Daša Šašić Šilović - 486-497 Trade union education in Central and Eastern Europe
by Jeff Bridgford & Michal Košt'al & Dušan Martinek & Yuliya Simeonova & Janusz Zabiega - 498-513 A Manifesto for Social Europe 2000
by Brian Bercusson & Simon Deakin & Pertti Koistinen & Yota Kravaritou & Ulrich Mückenberger & Csilla Kollonay Lehoczky & Eliane Vogel-Polsky & Bruno Veneziani - 515-517 Slovakia wants finally to belong to Europe: A preliminary evaluation of developments since the 'Vienna Memorandum' in Bratislava
by Elke Hagenau - 518-519 Joint ETUC/European Commission Research Projects: Central and Eastern Europe in EU enterprises' strategies of industrial restructuring and relocation
by Grigor Gradev - 519-523 The EXPO collective agreement: Collective provisions governing agency work during the World Exhibition EXPO 20001
by Hartmut Meine & Helga Schwitzer - 526-529 Book review: Anna Pollert Transformation at Work in the New Market Economies of Central Eastern Europe London: Sage Publications, 1999; 260 pp; ISBN 0-7619-5230-6 or 0-7619 5231-4 (pbk)
by Beate Sissenich - 529-531 Book review: Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead Albania in Crisis. The Predictable Fall of the Shining Star Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 1999. ISBN 1 84064 070 7
by Richard Croucher - 531-534 Book review: Gil Eyal, Iván Szelényi and Eleanor Townsley Making Capitalism without Capitalists. The New Ruling Elites in Eastern Europe London/New York, Verso, 1998, 280pp
by Maarten Keune - 535-538 Book review: Peter Leisink (ed) Globalization and Labour Relations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 1999 ISBN 1 85898 669 9, 259 pages
by Jens Lind - 539-540 Book review: Heinz Leymann Mobbing - La persécution au travail Seuil, 1996, 232 pages, ISBN 2-02-022068
by Stefan Clauwaert - 542-543 Conference on European employment and social policy and enlargement, Prague, 11 and 12 May 2000
by Hana Malkova - 544-547 International labour market conference 'Learning from Neighbours', Lübeck, Germany, 22/23 May 2000
by Barbara Lux - 547-549 IIRA World Conference, Tokyo, 29 May - 2 June 2000
by Otto Jacobi - 549-552 'The economics and socio-economics of services: international perspectives', Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, 22-23 June 2000
by Emmanuel Mermet - 552-554 Joint ETUC/CDJ seminar 'Towards a negotiated approach to the reduction and reorganisation of working time', Luxembourg, 29-30 June 2000
by Penny Clarke & Jytte Bendixen - 555-557 24th Statutory Congress of the LO-Sweden, Stockholm, 2-6 September 2000
by Andrew Watt & Monika Itri-Arvidsson
May 2000, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 181-182 Editorial
by Mia Latta & Anni Weiler - 183-184 Editorial
by Mia Latta & Anni Weiler - 185-186 Editorial
by Mia Latta & Anni Weiler - 187-192 Introduction: equal opportunities and collective bargaining in Europe — a major research project
by Linda Dickens & Mia Latta & Anni Weiler - 193-208 Collective bargaining and the promotion of gender equality at work: opportunities and challenges for trade unions
by Linda Dickens - 209-226 Innovative agreements on equal oppportunities: new horizons of collective bargaining?
by Anni Weiler - 227-241 Equal pay through collective bargaining? Experiences from Finland
by Riitta Martikainen - 242-253 Tackling gender segregation in an Italian provincial administration
by Myriam Bergamaschi - 254-271 Equal opportunities and collective bargaining in the Netherlands: a good case in contract catering
by Jeanne de Bruijn & Inge Bleijenbergh - 272-289 Equal opportunities and collective bargaining in Austria
by Birgit Buchinger & Ulrike Gschwandtner & Erika Pircher - 290-304 Side-streaming gender? The potential and pitfalls of the European ideology on mainstreaming gender issues
by Mia Latta - 307-311 CHANGE ( FORANDRING - CAMBIARE) An E-Quality® tool to support European organisations who intend to ensure equality and quality in lifelong training
by Etta Olgiati - 312-316 EUROMOD: a tax-benefit model for the European Union
by Holly Sutherland - 317-318 Equal opportunities and gender discrimination in Portugal
by Maria Luisa Cristovam - 321-321 Book review: Christophe Vigneau, Kerstin Ahlberg, Brian Bercusson, Niklas Bruun Fixed-term work in the EU: A European agreement against discrimination and abuse, SALTSA-Joint Programme publication
by Stefan Clauwaert - 322-324 Book review: Gian Primo Cella II sindacato Bari, Laterza, 1999, 166 pp
by Giancarlo Cerruti - 325-328 Book review: Anke Hassel Gewerkschaften und sozialer Wandel. Mitgliederrekrutierung und Arbeitsbeziehungen in Deutschland und Großbritannien (Trade unions and social change. Membership recruitment and labour relations in Germany and Great Britain), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1999
by Sabine Blaschke - 329-331 Book review: Thomas Blanke Europäisches Betriebsräte-Gesetz, EBRG Kommentar, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 1999
by Peter Kerckhofs & Wiebke Diivel - 331-334 Book review: Gerhard Huemer, Michael Mesch, Franz Traxler (published for the Arbeitskreis für ökonomische und soziologische Studien) The role of employer associations and labour unions in the EMU. Institutional requirements for European economic policies Ashgate, Aldershot 1999, 209 pp. £39.95
by Markus Marterbauer - 335-336 "The role of intermediate institutions for social stability and democracy" Institute for Labour Foundation, Ravello, October 1999
by Volker Telljohann - 336-342 "Flexibility and Social security": WSI/HBS autumn Forum, 25-26 November 1999, Düsseldorf
by Jytte Bendixen - 343-346 "Organising Global Responses to Globalisation": The Fourth "International Progressive Policy Conference", 2-5 March 2000, Hamburg
by Jürgen Hoffmann - 346-349 "Europe, globalisation and the future of social policy": conference organised by the Portuguese presidency and the European Commission, 5 and 6 May 2000, Lisbon
by Emmanuel Mermet - 349-353 "Gender Mainstreaming in the European Employment Strategy" : expert seminar of the European Trade Union Institute and the Institute for Advanced Studies, Brussels, 18-19 May 2000
by Laura Merla
February 2000, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 6-7 Editorial
by Otto Jacobi & Jon Erik Dølvik - 8-9 Editorial
by Otto Jacobi & Jon Erik Dølvik - 10-11 Editorial
by Otto Jacobi & Jon Erik Dølvik - 12-28 Transnational trade union cooperation at global and European level - opportunities and obstacles
by Otto Jacobi - 29-42 Globalisation and the dilemmas of international trade unionism
by Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick - 43-57 Trade union cooperation in the NAFTA area
by Mona-Josée Gagnon - 58-77 Building regional structures: ETUC and the European Industry Federations
by Jon Erik Dølvik - 78-91 Regional co-operation within the Nordic Council of Trade Unions and across the Baltic Sea
by Ari Skulason & Markku Jääskelainen - 93-102 The European Metalworkers' Federation on the way to a europeanisation of trade unions and industrial relations
by Thorsten Schulten - 103-109 Moving closer together - trade union europeanisation in the construction sector
by Nikolaj Lubanski - 110-114 Banking and insurance sectors/ Euro-FIET
by Torben Andersen - 115-124 The transport sector as an example of sectoral social dialogue in the EU: recent developments and prospects
by Berndt Keller & Matthias Bansbach - 127-129 Delhaize Le Lion and the American trade unions: an unusual and ongoing dispute
by Albert Faust - 130-131 A global labor contract: the case of the collective agreement between the Association of Flight Attendants (AFL-CIO) and United Airlines
by Katie Quan - 132-134 The Star Solidarity Alliance
by Ingo Marowsky - 135-137 Partnership agreement between the GMB and IG BCE Experience of Anglo/German cooperation
by Reinhard Reibsch - 138-140 Statement by the 3rd conference of trade unions from the municipalities of Barcelona, Frankfurt am Main, Lyons and Milan
by N/A - 141-144 Social dialogue in the system of the European Central Banks
by Wolfgang Hermann - 145-146 Central and eastern Europe and the ÖTV
by Andreas Braun - 147-148 Sanitas and the ÖTV
by Harald Kielmann - 150-153 NETLEX - Transnational trade union cooperation on EU social legislation
by N/A - 154-156 Book review: Maria Silvia Portella de Castro and Achim Wachendorfer (eds.) Sindicalismo y globalización: la dolorosa inserción en un mundo incierto Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 1998, 360pp. ISBN 980-317-136-4
by Amparo Serrano Pascual - 156-157 Book review: Gregor Murray and Pierre Verge La représentation syndicale : visage juridique actuel et futur Les Presses de l'Université Laval, Canada, 1999, 182 pp. ISBN 2-7637-7624-8
by Emmanuel Mermet - 158-159 Book review: Carlos Prieto (ed.) La crisis del empleo en Europa
by Holm-Detlev Köhler - 160-162 The European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) action programme for the period 2000 to 2003
by Klaus Zühlke-Robinet - 162-167 The Hans Böckler Award and European discussion, 22-23 October 1999, Berlin
by Renate Hebauf - 167-169 "Forty years of sociology of labour", Sociologie du Travail Paris, 25 and 26 November 1999
by Emmanuel Mermet - 170-172 Balkans Stability Pact : Report of a Conference of the ETUC Forum held in Brussels, 3 and 4 December 1999
by N/A
November 1999, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 449-451 Editorial
by David Foden & Danièle Meulders - 452-455 Editorial
by David Foden & Danièle Meulders - 456-459 Editorial
by David Foden & Danièle Meulders - 460-480 Employability at the heart of the European employment strategy
by Florence Lefresne - 481-501 The third pillar: adaptability
by Danièle Meulders & Robert Plasman - 502-521 Equal opportunities policies for women and men : a critical analysis of the 1998-1999 Employment Action Plans
by Séverine Lemière & Rachel Silvera - 522-541 The role of the social partners in the European employment strategy
by David Foden - 542-562 Benchmarking employment performance and labour market policies: the results of the Research project
by Leonello Tronti - 566-587 Substitution of hazardous substances for health and environment: lessons and experiences from European projects
by Francesc La-Roca & Graciela Ferrer & Kees Le Blansch & Lothar Lissner & Børge Lorentzen & Eberhard Schmidt & Pieter van Broekhuizen & Mariette van Twuyver & Gabriëlla Waaijman - 589-594 Address given by Emilio Gabaglio to the IXth ETUC Congress (Helsinki) on 29 June 1999
by N/A - 595-601 OECD Employment Outlook (June 1999): TUAC evaluation
by Tuac - 602-607 Can we learn from our neighbours?
by Peter Scherrer & Rolf Simons & Klaus Westermann - 609-611 Book review: Daniel Fleming, Pauli Kettunen, Henrik Søborg, Christer Thörnquist (eds.) Global Redefining of Working Life - A New Nordic Agenda for Competence and Participation?, Nord 1998:12, Copenhagen 1998. ISBN 92-893-0250-X. 364 pages
by Jens Lind - 612-614 Book review: Jens Christiansen, Pertti Koistinen, Anne Kovalainen (eds.) Working Europe. Reshaping European employment systems, Ashgate: Aldershot, Brookfield (USA), Singapore, Sydney 1999, 480 pages, ISDN 1 84014 956 6, £ 50.00
by Ute Behning - 615-617 Book review: M. Rigaux and F. Dorssemont (eds.) European Works Councils - A legal analysis of the European Works Council : towards a revision of the Directive (EC) N° 94/45? Intersentia Rechtswetenschappen Antwerpen, 1999
by Stefan Clauwaert - 618-621 Irish Congress of Trade Unions Biennial Conference, Killarney, 6-8 July 1999
by David Foden - 621-623 "The development and current situation of theoretical concepts relating to the European integration process", 23-24 September 1999, Essen (Germany)
by Ute Behning - 624-625 "The future of work - the American or the European way?" ETUI/FES joint gathering, 12 October 1999, Brussels
by Alfons Grundheber
August 1999, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 250-255 Editorial
by Jeremy Waddington - 256-277 EWC agreements under review: arrangements in companies based in four countries compared
by Paul Marginson - 278-301 Resources of the European Works Council — empirical knowledge and prospects
by Wolfgang Lecher - 302-319 Last best: experiences of Dutch European works councils
by Ulke Veersma - 320-343 Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: the implications for labour
by Tony Edwards - 344-365 Towards a ‘European’ works council
by Doug Miller - 366-383 European Works Councils as an institution of European employee information and consultation: overview of typical features of national transposition provisions, outstanding legal questions and demands for amendments to EWC Directive 94/45/EC
by Thomas Blanks - 384-392 Five years after: a look forward to the revision of the EWC Directive
by Willy Buschak - 394-399 Working for Big Brother Ford: limits to the effectiveness of the European works councils?
by Antonio MartÃn Artiles - 400-410 Building blocks for europeanising our industrial relations
by Jan Cremers - 411-414 Some comments on the Blair/Schroeder “Third Way/Neue Mitte†manifesto
by Robert Taylor - 416-422 Involvement and Participation Association (IPA); European Works Councils, Moving forward with employee consultation
by Peter Kerckhofs - 423-425 Unions in a contrary world
by Thomas Murakami - 426-427 Surveillance and privacy at work
by Stefan Clauwaert - 429-433 Informing and consulting employees in the European Community: seminar held by the Jim Conway, Friedrich Ebert and Hans Böckler Foundations, TUC, London, 11 November
by Peter O'Brien - 434-438 Seminar of the Otto Brenner Foundation (OBS) “Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Central and Eastern Europe†, Berlin, 14–17 March 1999
by Renate Langewiesche - 438-440 Co-operative shaping of change: joint gathering of the Hans Böckler Foundation, Bertelsmann Foundation and European Trade Union Institute, 28 April 1999, Brussels
by Michael Steffens - 441-444 Social Partners' Conference on European Works Councils, Brussels. 28–30 April 1999
by Peter Kerckhofs
March 1999, Volume 5, Issue 1-2
- 6-8 Editorial
by Lorenzo Bordogna & Cella Gian Primo - 9-11 Editorial
by Lorenzo Bordogna & Cella Gian Primo - 12-13 Editorial
by Lorenzo Bordogna & Gian Primo Cella - 14-33 Admission, exclusion, correction: the changing role of the state in industrial relations
by Lorenzo Bordogna & Gian Primo Cella - 34-63 The Renaissance of National Corporatism: unintended side-effect of European Economic and Monetary Union or calculated response to the absence of European Social Policy?
by Jürgen R. Grote & Philippe C. Schmitter - 64-81 The role of tripartite concertation in the reform of the welfare state
by Bernhard Ebbinghaus & Anke Hassel - 82-99 The role of the State in the management of labour market issues in Europe
by Jérôme Gautié - 100-135 The intervention of the law to regulate collective bargaining and trade union representation rights in European countries: recent trends and problems
by Bruno Veneziani - 136-155 The implementation of EU directives in national systems - lessons from the Danish case
by Herman Knudsen & Jens Lind - 156-174 Collective bargaining and state intervention in the Scandinavian countries
by Torgeir Aarvaag Stokke - 176-194 Putting EMU to work
by Ronald Janssen - 196-204 “Collective bargaining with the euro†Resolution adopted by the 3rd EMF collective bargaining conference, Frankfurt, 9/10 December 1998
by N/A - 204-211 European convention for full employment Final Declaration - 5 February 1999
by N/A - 212-214 Book Review: EU Social Policy in the 1990s. Towards a corporatist policy community
by Bernhard Kittel - 215-216 Book Review: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
by Diether Döring - 218-223 People's Europe 98 - “A Europe for everyone†, London School of Economics, 5–7 June 1998
by Hertha Schnurrer - 223-226 Eurocadres Symposium: Organisation of work: A challenge for professional and managerial staff Velm, Vienna 29–30 October 1998
by Jytte Bendixen - 226-230 44th Congress of the Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT), Lille, 7–11 December 1998
by Emmanuel Mermet - 230-232 SALTSA - Monitoring the European employment strategy, 14–15 December 1998, Brussels
by David Foden - 232-233 Temporary and agency workers - their role in Europe's workforce, London, 28–29 January 1999
by Stefan Clauwaert - 234-235 46th Congress of the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), Strasbourg, 31 January - 5 February 1999
by Jean-Louis Validire - 236-240 “Croatia and European Integration†, trade unions and political parties - European guidelines, Zagreb, 20–21 February 1999
by Renate Langewiesche
November 1998, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 593-593 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 594-595 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 596-597 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 598-620 From "collective" to "individual" reductions in working time ?
by Steffen Lehndorff - 621-640 Working time policy in Germany: searching for new ways
by Hartmut Seifert - 641-656 France: a recurrent aim, repeated near-failures and a new law
by Jacques Freyssinet - 657-677 Working time in the UK
by Jill Rubery - 678-691 Working time reduction in the Netherlands: past developments and future prospects
by Janneke Plantenga & Robert A. J. Dur - 692-714 Working time policy and paid leave arrangements : the Danish experience in the 1990s
by Per Kongshøj Madsen - 715-728 The working hours issue in Sweden
by Christer Sanne - 729-746 Working time reduction in Finland
by Pekka Peltola - 748-752 Book review: Oskar Lafontaine and Christa Müller Keine Angst vor der Globalisierung. Wohlstand und Arbeit für alle 2nd edition, Bonn, 1998. Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachfolger GmbH, ISBN 3-8012-0265-7, 352 pages
by Martin Hutsebaut - 752-754 Book review: Hans Slomp Between Bargaining and Politics. An Introduction to European Labour Relations, Westport/Conn./London: Praeger Publishers, 165 pages, hardback: 1996, ISBN 0-275-95608-3, paperback: 1998, ISBN 0-275-96466-3
by Bernhard Kittel - 754-757 Book review: Steen Scheuer Arbejdstid og overenskomst, (Working time and collective agreement) København: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, 1997, 228 pages
by Jens Lind - 757-761 Book review: Anthony Giddens The Third Way - the renewal of social democracy, Cambridge : Polity Press, 1998, ISBN 0745622674
by Sanjiv Sachdev
August 1998, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 413-415 Editorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Danièle Meulders - 416-418 Editorial
by J-Y. Boulin & D. Meulders - 419-421 Editorial
by Danièle Meulders & Jean-Yves Boulin - 422-433 Local community services at the heart of a new type of development
by Pierre Héritier & Anne-Marie Grozelier - 434-443 Macro-economic evaluations of the potential offered by extending community services : a brief summary
by Gilbert Cette - 444-461 Are local employment initiatives able to generate quality employment? The impact on the female labour force
by Maria Jepsen & Danièle Meulders - 462-490 Neo-entrepreneurs of the social and health care sector in Finland
by Anne Kovalainen & Leila Simonen - 491-511 Balancing ideological commitment and political reality for local job creation- a Swedish dilemma
by Casten von Otter & Paula Blomqvist - 512-530 Strengths and weaknesses in the promotion of local employment initiatives: the Italian case
by Alessandro Aronica - 531-547 Market-oriented local employment initiatives in Germany
by Jürgen Schumacher & Karin Stiehr - 549-554 Full employment : the case for a new strategic outlook
by Hans-Jürgen Arlt - 554-558 The 1998 collective bargaining round in Denmark
by Kristian Nielsen & Jørgen Steen Madsen & Kåre F.V. Petersen - 560-562 Book review: Summaries of articles appearing in Les Cahiers du Mage 4/96
by N/A - 562-564 Book review: Kai Krüger, Ruth Nielsen and Niklas Bruun, European Public Contracts in a Labour Law Perspective, DJøF Publishing, Copenhagen, 1998, 301 pages
by Stefan Clauwaert - 564-568 Book review: Anthony Ferner and Richard Hyman (eds.) Changing Industrial Relations in Europe, Oxford: Blackwell, 1998, ISBN: 0-631-20551-9, 550 pages, approximately 25,- euro
by Thomas Murakami - 569-570 Book reviews: Wolfgang Lecher, Bernhard Nagel and Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (eds.), Die Konstituierung Europäischer Betriebsräte - Vom Informationsforum zum Akteur?, (The Establishment of European Works Councils - From Information Forums to Real Players?) Baden-Baden 1998
by Michael Hamalij - 572-576 The UK Government's "Fairness at Work" White Paper : the TUC position
by Peter Mitchell - 577-586 Recommendations: shaping the co-determination of the future, adopted by the German "Co-determination Commission"
by Karl-Heinz Briam
May 1998, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 189-190 Editorial
by Kevin P. O'Kelly & Reiner Hoffmann - 191-192 Éditorial
by Kevin P. O'Kelly & Reiner Hoffmann - 193-194 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann & Kevin P. O'Kelly