March 2019, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 93-110 Hybrid Threats and Preparedness Strategies: The Reconceptualization of Biological Threats and Boundaries in Global Health Emergencies
by Jose A Cañada - 111-125 Framing Bio-emergencies in Fiction: The Cases of ‘The Walking Dead’ and ‘Fear the Walking Dead’
by Natà lia Cantó-Milà & Isaac Gonzà lez-Batlletbò - 126-127 Book Review: Researching Values with Qualitative Methods: Empathy, Moral Boundaries and the Politics of Research
by Sinead Marian D’Silva - 127-129 Book Review: Chronic Illness, Vulnerability and Social Work: Autoimmunity and the Contemporary Disease Experience
by Fredrik Nyman - 129-131 Book Review: Bourdieu: The Next Generation: The Development of Bourdieu’s Intellectual Heritage in Contemporary UK Sociology
by Joe McMullan - 131-132 Book Review: Bourdieu: The Next Generation: The Development of Bourdieu’s Intellectual Heritage in Contemporary UK Sociology
by Catriona Hugman - 133-134 Book Review: Society of Fear
by Jonathan Parker
December 2018, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 711-727 Dirty Linen, Liminal Spaces, and Later Life: Meanings of Laundry in Care Home Design and Practice
by Christina Buse & Julia Twigg & Sarah Nettleton & Daryl Martin - 728-743 Gender, Sexuality, and Risk in the Practice of Affective Labour for Young Women in Bar Work
by Julia Coffey & David Farrugia & Lisa Adkins & Steven Threadgold - 744-762 Humour in Sports Coaching: ‘It’s a Funny Old Game’
by Christian Nicholas Edwards & Robyn L Jones - 763-779 Encountering #Feminism on Twitter: Reflections on a Research Collaboration between Social Scientists and Computer Scientists
by Steve Kirkwood & Viviene Cree & Daniel Winterstein & Alex Nuttgens & Jenni Sneddon - 780-794 Retirement Migration in Europe: A Choice for a Better Life?
by Marion Repetti & Christopher Phillipson & Toni Calasanti - 795-811 ‘There’s Nothing’: Unemployment, Attitudes to Work and Punitive Welfare Reform in Post-Crash Salford
by Bob Jeffery & Dawn Devine & Peter Thomas - 812-829 ‘You’re Just Chopped Off at the End’: Retired Servicemen’s Identity Work Struggles in the Military to Civilian Transition
by Rachel Williams & Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson & John Hockey & Adam Evans - 830-846 Managing Grandparental Involvement in Child-Rearing in the Context of Intensive Parenting
by Elizaveta Sivak - 847-848 Book Review: Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social
by Aija Lulle - 848-850 Book Review: Introducing Social Theory
by Ricardo A Ayala - 850-851 Book Review: Higher Education and Social Inequalities: University Admissions, Experiences, and Outcomes
by Julia Bennett - 851-852 Book Review: All in Your Head: Making Sense of Paediatric Pain
by Fiona J Stirling
September 2018, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 553-571 Disconnected: Non-Users of Information Communication Technologies
by Mariann Hardey & Rowland Atkinson - 572-588 International Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of British Drinking Cultures
by Thomas Thurnell-Read & Lorraine Brown & Philip Long - 589-605 Exploring Methodological Challenges of Using Participant-Produced Digital Video Diaries in Antarctica
by Meredith Nash & Robyn Moore - 606-621 Becoming a Lifelong Learner through Life Disruptions: Exploring Motivational Pathways in Second Chance Schools’ Students
by Michael Christodoulou & Pandelis Kiprianos & Elena Papachristopoulou - 622-636 Young Adults’ Understanding of Fidelity: Social Structure and Relationship-Level Barriers to Fidelity Described During In-depth Interviews in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
by Megan Klein Hattori - 637-654 Redefining Filter Bubbles as (Escapable) Socio-Technical Recursion
by Huw C Davies - 655-670 The Communicability of Non-Communicable Diseases: An Overview of Sociological Contributions to Ideas of Contagion
by Anette Lykke Hindhede - 671-686 A Possibility to Square the Circle? Youth Uncertainty and the Imagination of Late Adulthood
by Valentina Cuzzocrea - 687-704 Poetic Confluence and the Public Formulation of Others’ Private Matters
by Robin Wooffitt - 705-706 Book Review: Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family, and Gender in China
by Jingyu Mao - 706-708 Book Review: Social Mobility for the 21st Century: Everyone a Winner?
by Louise Folkes
June 2018, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 289-307 Exercising ‘Bad Faith’ in the Asylum Policy Arena
by Lynne Poole & Irene Rafanell - 308-327 Contributive Injustice and Unequal Division of Labour in the Voluntary Sector
by Balihar Sanghera - 328-353 Fatherhood in a Changing Society: Shifts in Male Fertility Patterns
by Renata Kyzlinková & Anna Šťastná - 354-373 Dare to Dream: A Vignette Survey on Self-Selection in Secondary Education Track Choice
by Tamás Keller - 374-391 ‘“Asexual†Isn’t Who I Am’: The Politics of Asexuality
by Matt Dawson & Susie Scott & Liz McDonnell - 392-398 Introduction: Sociological Interrogations of the Turn to Character
by Anna Bull & Kim Allen - 399-415 The Return of Character: Parallels Between Late-Victorian and Twenty-First Century Discourses
by Nick Taylor - 416-437 (Re)sourcing the Character and Resilience Manifesto: Suppressions and Slippages of (Re)presentation and Selective Affectivities
by Erica Burman - 438-458 Following Policy: A Network Ethnography of the UK Character Education Policy Community
by Kim Allen & Anna Bull - 459-476 Tensions in Teaching Character: How the ‘Entrepreneurial Character’ is Reproduced, ‘Refused’, and Negotiated in an English Academy School
by Kirsty Morrin - 477-495 The Amazing Bounce-Backable Woman: Resilience and the Psychological Turn in Neoliberalism
by Rosalind Gill & Shani Orgad - 496-506 Introduction: Contemporary Counter-Movements in the Age of Brexit and Trump
by Silke Roth - 507-517 Differentiating Hate: Threat and Opportunity as Drivers of Organization vs Action
by David Cunningham - 518-527 Pragmatic Urban Protest: How Oppression Leads to Parochial Resistance
by Stephen Danley - 528-538 Questioning Consensuses: Right-Wing Populism, Anti-Populism, and the Threat of ‘Gender Ideology’
by Eszter Kováts - 539-546 Learning from the Tea Party: The US Indivisible Movement as Countermovement in the Era of Trump
by Benita Roth - 547-548 Book Review: Digital Sociology: The Reinvention of Social Research
by Chrysavgi Sklaveniti - 549-550 Book Review: Migration, Masculinities and Reproductive Labour: Men of the Home
by Hong Yang
March 2018, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-20 They’re Not Mean Girls If They Are Adult Women: Reality Television’s Construction of Women’s Identity and Interpersonal Aggression
by Steven Downing - 21-42 Making Global Sociology in the Context of Neoliberal Domination: Challenges, Ideology and Possible Strategies
by Pavel Sorokin - 43-66 ‘Unhappy News’: Process, Rhetoric, and Context in the Making of the Happiness Problem
by Ashley Frawley - 67-83 Migrant Family Display: A Strategy for Achieving Recognition and Validation in the Host Country
by Julie Walsh - 84-99 ‘Helping Workless Families’: Cultural Poverty and the Family in Austerity and Anti-welfare Discourse
by Aura Lehtonen - 100-113 Being One’s Own Honoured Guest: Eating Out Alone as Gendered Sociality in Public Spaces
by Jackie Goode - 114-135 The Sociological Theory of Craftsmanship: An Empirical Test in Sport and Education
by Thorolfur Thorlindsson & Vidar Halldorsson & Inga Dora Sigfusdottir - 136-152 Researching the Powerful: A Call for the Reconstruction of Research Ethics
by Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi & David Whyte - 153-159 Introduction
by Jane Ribbens McCarthy & Val Gilles & Carol-Ann Hooper - 160-176 Troubling Traditional and Conventional Families? Formalised Same-Sex Couples and ‘The Ordinary’
by Brian Heaphy - 177-196 ‘Troubling’ Chastisement: A Comparative Historical Analysis of Child Punishment in Ghana and Ireland
by Michael Rush & Suleman Ibrahim Lazarus - 197-218 Talking Back to ‘Family’, ‘Family Troubles’, and ‘the Looked-after Child’
by Vicki Welch - 219-244 Troubling Children’s Families: Who Is Troubled and Why? Approaches to Inter-Cultural Dialogue
by Jane Ribbens McCarthy & Val Gillies - 245-261 Separated Same-Sex Parents: Troubling the Same-Sex Parented Family
by Luke Gahan - 262-281 How Transnational Mothering is Seen to be ‘Troubling’: Contesting and Reframing Mothering
by Irena Juozeliūnienė & Irma Budginaitė - 282-283 Book Review: Masculinity and Aspiration in the Era of Neoliberal Education
by Brittany Ralph - 284-284 Corrigendum
by N/A - 285-285 Editors’ Note
by N/A
December 2017, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 3-26 Comparative Process-oriented Research Using Social Media and Historical Text
by Dhiraj Murthy - 27-47 ‘Culture is a Meritocracy’: Why Creative Workers’ Attitudes may Reinforce Social Inequality
by Mark Taylor & Dave O’Brien - 48-65 ‘Your Past Makes You Who You Are’: Retrospective Parenting and Relational Resilience Among Black Caribbean British Young People
by Michela Franceschelli & Ingrid Schoon & Karen Evans - 66-86 Reflexive Dialogues: Interaction and Writing as External Components of Personal Reflexivity
by Ana Caetano - 87-104 Emotions, Everyday Life, and the Social Web: Age, Gender, and Social Web Engagement Effects on Online Emotional Expression
by Roser Beneito-Montagut - 105-131 The Order of Human Interdependencies: Simulating Elias’ One-level Multi-person Models
by Kenneth Hemmerechts & Nohemi Jocabeth Echeverria Vicente & Dimokritos Kavadias - 132-151 A Tale of Two Sociologies: Analyzing Versus Critique in UK Sociology
by Malcolm Williams & Luke Sloan & Charlotte Brookfield - 152-168 Telehealth in Community Nursing: A Negotiated Order
by Bridgette Wessels & Jo Taylor & Lizzie Coates - 169-173 Ethnography, Stakeholders, and Audiences: Toward Openness and Inclusivity
by Sarah Pink & Vaike Fors - 174-192 Digital-visual Stakeholder Ethnography
by Sarah Pink & John Postill & Kerstin Leder Mackley & Nadia Astari - 193-207 Multi-targeted ethnography and the Challenge of Engaging New Audiences and Publics
by Tom O’Dell - 208-231 Evoking Imaginaries: Art Probing, Ethnography and More-than-academic Practice
by Robert Willim - 232-252 Norm Critical Design and Ethnography: Possibilities, Objectives and Stakeholders
by Anna Isaksson & Emma Börjesson & Maja Gunn & Camilla Andersson & Karin Ehrnberger - 253-254 Book Review: 100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods
by Amy Halls - 255-255 Erratum
by N/A - 256-256 Corrigendum
by N/A
September 2017, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 3-3 Dedication – Dr Simpson
by N/A - 4-20 ‘It’s a Profession, it Isn’t a Job’: Police Officers’ Views on the Professionalisation of Policing in England
by Karen Lumsden - 21-37 The Sexual Use of a Social Networking Site: The Case of Pup Twitter
by Liam Wignall - 38-56 Using GPS Geo-tagged Social Media Data and Geodemographics to Investigate Social Differences: A Twitter Pilot Study
by Paul Chappell & Mike Tse & Minhao Zhang & Susan Moore - 57-77 Critical Reflections on the Use of Bourdieu’s Tools ‘In Concert’ to Understand the Practices of Learning in Three Musical Sites
by Garth Stahl & Pamela Burnard & Rosie Perkins - 78-94 The Experience of Zulu (Military) Time: An Examination of the Temporal Practices and Perceptions of UK Infantry
by John Hockey - 95-119 Blogging With a Mission, Blogging Within a System: Chinese Government-organized NGOs, Corporate-organized NGOs, Grassroots, and Student Organizations on Weibo
by Huiquan Zhou & Quanxiao Pan - 120-142 Institutions and Discourses on Childcare for Children Under the Age of Three in a Comparative French-Czech Perspective
by Hana Hašková & Radka Dudová - 143-164 Investigating Differences in Brexit-vote Among Local Authorities in the UK: An Ecological Study on Migration- and Economy-related Issues
by Peter Tammes - 165-185 What is Food Without Love? The Micro-politics of Food Practices Among South Asians in Britain, India, and Pakistan
by Punita Chowbey - 186-203 Young Indonesian Musicians, Strategic Social Capital, Reflexivity, and Timing
by Oki Rahadianto Sutopo & Steven Threadgold & Pam Nilan - 204-204 Corrigendum
by N/A
May 2017, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 1-5 Introduction - Making Parents: Reproductive Technologies and Parenting Culture across Borders
by Charlotte Faircloth & Zeynep Gurtin - 6-19 ?We All Black Innit??: Analysing Relations between African and African-Caribbean Groups in Britain
by Louise Owusu-Kwarteng - 20-34 ‘I Suppose I Think to Myself, That's the Best Way to Be a Mother’: How Ideologies of Parenthood Shape Women's Use of Social Egg Freezing Technology
by Kylie Baldwin - 35-47 The Body, Technology and Translation: Mapping the Complexity of Online Embodiment
by Seweryn Rudnicki - 48-58 Making ‘Assisted World Families’? Parenting Projects and Family Practices in the Context of Globalised Gamete Donation
by Nicky Hudson - 59-78 Network Composition, Individual Social Capital and Culture: Comparing Traditional and Post-Modernized Cultures
by Julia Häuberer & Alexander Tatarko - 79-95 Parenthood and Partnerhood in the Context of Involuntary Childlessness and Assisted Reproduction in Greece
by Aglaia Chatjouli & Ivi Daskalaki & Venetia Kantsa - 96-117 Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Post-Soviet Estonia: Towards Generation Fragmentation or Integration in Estonian Society
by Ellu Saar & Siim Krusell & Jelena Helemae - 118-129 Friendship, Gender and Sexual Experience: Retrospective Narratives about the Formation of a Sexual Self during Youth
by Verónica Policarpo - 130-141 Is Information Power? Comparing Anonymous and Open Egg Donation
by Amy Speier - 142-162 The Contribution of Mothers’ Employment on Their Family's Chances of Ending Welfare Benefit Receipt in Germany. Analysis of a Two-Stage Process
by Torsten Lietzmann - 163-175 Affective De-Commodifying, Economic De-Kinning: Surrogates’ and Gay Fathers’ Narratives in U.S. Surrogacy
by Marcin Smietana - 176-186 Just One? Solo Dining, Gender and Temporal Belonging in Public Spaces
by Kinneret Lahad & Vanessa May - 187-189 Practice Makes Parents: Commentary on the Special Issue on “Making Parents: Reproductive Technologies and Parenting Culture across Bordersâ€
by Charis Thompson - 190-203 Doing Gender in a Hospital Setting: Reflections of a Male Researcher
by Gareth M. Thomas - 204-210 Significance Testing is Still Wrong, and Damages Real Lives: A Brief Reply to Spreckelsen and Van Der Horst, and Nicholson and McCusker
by Stephen Gorard - 211-214 Book Review
by Christos Orfanidis - 215-220 Book Review
by Conor Dowling
February 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-14 Why Marry? The Role of Tradition in Women's Marital Aspirations
by Julia Carter - 15-27 Researching Migration in a Superdiverse Society: Challenges, Methods, Concerns and Promises
by Lisa Goodson & Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska - 28-47 The Unknown Victims: Hegemonic Masculinity, Masculinities, and Male Sexual Victimisation
by Aliraza Javaid - 48-67 Exploring an Absent Presence: Wayfinding as an Embodied Sociocultural Experience
by Paul Symonds & David H.K. Brown & Valeria Lo Iacono - 68-80 Emotional Reflexivity and the Guiding Principle of Objectivity in an Inter-Disciplinary, Multi-Method, Longitudinal Research Project
by John Stephen Mckenzie - 81-94 Interrogating Trans and Sexual Identities through the Conceptual Lens of Translocational Positionality
by Michaela Rogers & Anya Ahmed - 95-112 Making a House in Multiple Occupation a Home: Using Visual Ethnography to Explore Issues of Identity and Well-Being in the Experience of Creating a Home Amongst HMO Tenants
by Caroline Barratt & Gill Green - 113-129 Measuring Cultural Capital: Taste and Legitimate Culture of Czech Youth
by OndÅ™ej Å paÄ ek - 130-141 On the Role of Values in Social Research: Weber Vindicated?
by Martyn Hammersley - 142-145 Introduction: Class and Christianity
by Sarah-Jane Page & Mathew Guest & Yvette Taylor - 146-160 ‘I Want There to be no Glass Ceiling:’ Evangelicals’ Engagements with Class, Education, and Urban Childhoods
by Anna Strhan - 161-173 Religion and Social Class: Theory and Method after Bourdieu
by Andrew Mckinnon - 174-186 Mediating ‘Aspirant’ Religious-Sexual Futures: In God's Hands?
by Yvette Taylor - 187-199 Anglican Clergy Husbands Securing Middle-Class Gendered Privilege through Religion
by Sarah-Jane Page - 200-212 Students’ Constructions of a Christian Future: Faith, Class and Aspiration in University Contexts
by Mathew Guest & Kristin Aune - 213-225 ‘The Person God Made Me to Be’: Navigating Working-Class and Christian Identities in English Evangelical Christianity
by Joanne McKenzie - 226-229 Book Review: Carling-Jenkins, Rachel
by Joanne Heeney - 230-233 Book Review: Ralph, David, Gray, Jane and Geraghty, Ruth
by Amy Andrada - 234-235 Book Review: Balanced Ethics Review: A Guide for Institutional Review Board Members
by Pramod Regmi & Edwin van Teijlingen
November 2016, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 1-15 Justifications Analysis: Understanding Moral Evaluations in Public Debates
by Tuomas Ylä-Anttila & Eeva Luhtakallio - 16-29 Reframing Research Ethics: Towards a Professional Ethics for the Social Sciences
by Nathan Emmerich - 30-43 ‘I Can't Settle If It's Not Tidy; I Blame that on My Mum’: Exploring Women's Relational Household Work Narratives
by Jennifer Kettle - 44-56 New Ways of Doing the ‘Good’ and Gender Equal Family: Parents Employing Nannies and Au Pairs in Sweden
by Sara EldéN & Terese Anving - 57-69 Ethnicity and (Dis)advantage: Exchanging Cultural Capital in UK International Education and Graduate Employment
by I Lin Sin - 70-81 Negotiating Constructions of Insider and Outsider Status in Research with Veiled Muslim Women Victims of Islamophobic Hate Crime
by Irene Zempi - 82-94 Getting the Green Light: Experiences of Icelandic Mothers Struggling with Breastfeeding
by Sunna SÃmonardóttir - 95-106 Literary Ethnography of Evidence-Based Healthcare: Accessing the Emotions of Rational-Technical Discourse
by Benet Reid - 107-120 Concept-Formation, Complexity and Social Domains: Investigating Emotion(S) in a Prison Setting
by Victoria Knight & Derek Layder - 121-132 Quality of Work in Prostitution and Sex Work. Introduction to the Special Section
by Stef Adriaenssens & Giulia Garofalo Geymonat & Laura Oso - 133-146 On Our Own Terms: The Working Conditions of Internet-Based Sex Workers in the UK
by Teela Sanders & Laura Connelly & Laura Jarvis King - 147-158 Work Conditions and Job Mobility in the Australian Indoor Sex Industry
by Fairleigh Evelyn Gilmour - 159-172 ‘Too Much Suffering’: Understanding the Interplay between Migration, Bounded Exploitation and Trafficking through Nigerian Sex Workers’ Experiences
by Nicola Mai - 173-187 Precarious or Protected? Evaluating Work Quality in the Legal Sex Industry
by Alice Orchiston - 188-200 Transnational Social Mobility Strategies and Quality of Work among Latin-American Women Sex Workers in Spain
by Laura Oso - 201-214 Ambivalent Professionalisation and Autonomy in Workers’ Collective Projects: The Cases of Sex Worker Peer Educators in Germany and Sexual Assistants in Switzerland
by Giulia Garofalo Geymonat & P.G. Macioti - 215-216 Life Phases, Mobility and Consumption: An Ethnography of Shopping Routes
by Niklas Hansson & Jean-Sébastien Vayre & Helene Brembeck & Michèle Lalanne & Conor Dowling - 217-218 Book Review: Ethnography for the Internet
by Christine Hine & Laura Hyrjak - 219-220 Externalizing Migration Management: Europe, North America and the Spread of 'Remote Control' Practices (Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics)
by Ruben Zaiotti & Daniel Martin
August 2016, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 1-13 An Autoethnography of Fat and Weight Loss: Becoming the Bw0 with Deleuze and Guattari
by Valerie M Sheach Leith - 14-23 From Playing to Programming: The Effect of Video Game Play on Confidence with Computers and an Interest in Computer Science
by Rebecca Sevin & Whitney Decamp - 24-40 The Global Omnivore: Identifying Musical Taste Groups in Austria, England, Israel and Serbia
by Adrian Leguina & Paul Widdop & Gindo Tampubolon - 41-56 Cultural Participation, Personality and Educational Inequalities
by Till Kaiser & Christian Schneickert - 57-68 Doing Audio-Visual Montage to Explore Time and Space: The Everyday Rhythms of Billingsgate Fish Market
by Dawn Lyon - 69-82 Constructing Masculinities in the National Rugby League's Footy Show
by Ashnil Murray & Adam White & Ryan Scoats & Eric Anderson - 83-94 Post-Human Families? Dog-Human Relations in the Domestic Sphere
by Nickie Charles - 95-105 Is Banning Significance Testing the Best Way to Improve Applied Social Science Research? – Questions on Gorard (2016)
by Thees F Spreckelsen & Mariska Van Der Horst - 106-111 Hipsters on Our High Streets: Consuming the Gentrification Frontier
by Phil Hubbard - 112-120 Holiday Rentals: The New Gentrification Battlefront
by AgustÃn Cócola Gant - 121-127 Contesting and Resisting Environmental Gentrification: Responses to New Paradoxes and Challenges for Urban Environmental Justice
by Hamil Pearsall & Isabelle Anguelovski - 128-133 Sanitising the City: Exploring Hegemonic Gentrification in London's Soho
by Erin Sanders-Mcdonagh & Magali Peyrefitte & Matt Ryalls - 134-140 It's the State, Stupid: 21st Gentrification and State-Led Evictions
by Kirsteen Paton & Vickie Cooper - 141-147 Fighting gentrification in the neoliberal university: Displacing communities, researchers and the very possibility of radical critique
by Mara Ferreri & Luna Glucksberg - 148-155 Resisting ‘Austerity Gentrification’ and Displacement in Southern Europe
by Sandra Annunziata & Loretta Lees - 156-162 Let Us Devastate the Avenues Where the Wealthy Live’: Resisting Gentrification in the 21st Century City
by Eleanor Wilkinson - 163-167 Book Review: Migrant Marginality
by Linda Asquith - 168-172 Book Review: Contemporary Sociological Thinkers and Theories
by Yves Laberge - 173-176 Book Review: Digital Methods for Social Science
by Ibrahima Amadou Dia - 177-180 Book Review: Narcissism and its Discontents
by Carl Denig
May 2016, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 1-9 Transferring from Clinical Pharmacy Practice to Qualitative Research: Questioning Identity, Epistemology and Ethical Frameworks
by Adam Pattison Rathbone & Kimberly Jamie - 10-22 Demarcating Social Practices: The Case of Weight Management
by Mikko Jauho & Johanna Mäkelä & Mari Niva - 23-36 Putting the Squeeze on ‘Generation Rent’: Housing Benefit Claimants in the Private Rented Sector - Transitions, Marginality and Stigmatisation
by Ian Cole & Ryan Powell & Elizabeth Sanderson - 37-50 Ontological Security and Private Car Use in Sydney, Australia
by Jennifer Kent - 51-66 At the Crossroads: The Embedding Work of Market Participants in and around Markets
by Stefan Bernhard - 67-92 Adding Narratives to Numbers in a Mixed Methods Study of Successful Ageing: The 6-Day Sample of the Scottish Mental Survey 1947
by Jd Carpentieri & Jane Elliott & Caroline Brett & Ian Deary - 93-102 Socioeconomic Status Differences in Negative Emotions
by Nina Jakoby - 103-117 Skype as a Tool for Qualitative Research Interviews
by Valeria Lo Iacono & Paul Symonds & David H.K. Brown - 118-135 Shame on You: The Role of Shame, Disgust and Humiliation in Media Representations of ‘Gender-Fraud’ Cases
by Allison Moore - 136-147 Damaging the Case for Improving Social Science Methodology through Misrepresentation: Re-Asserting Confidence in Hypothesis Testing as a Valid Scientific Process
by James Nicholson & Sean Mccusker - 148-151 Visualization in Mixed-Methods Research on Social Networks
by Alessio D'angelo & Louise Ryan & Paola Tubaro - 152-164 Combining Egocentric Network Maps and Narratives: An Applied Analysis of Qualitative Network Map Interviews
by Alice Altissimo - 165-179 The Biographical Network Method
by Neil Armitage - 180-197 The Visual Sociogram in Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research
by Paola Tubaro & Louise Ryan & Alessio D'angelo - 198-216 Qualitative Methods and Visualizations in the Study of Friendship Networks
by Elisa Bellotti - 217-285 Cases, Mechanisms and the Real: The Theory and Methodology of Mixed-Method Social Network Analysis
by Nick Crossley & Gemma Edwards - 286-287 Book Review: Television and the Moral Imaginary: Society through the Small Screen
by Yves Laberge - 288-289 Book Review: Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project
by Andrew Carlin - 290-291 Book Review: The Gender of Suicide
by Jaworski Katrina & Hughes Nicole Marie - 292-293 Book Review: The Amish
by J. Sim Allan - 294-295 Book Review: Gendered Violence, Abuse and Mental Health in Everyday Lives: Beyond Trauma (Routledge Studies in the Socio)
by Nicole Moulding & Hugman Catriona - 296-297 Book Review: Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods
by Louise Folkes
February 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-16 Children's Engagements with Visual Methods through Qualitative Research in the Primary School as ‘Art that Didn't Work’
by Lexie Scherer - 17-34 The Body as an Object—a Sociocultural Perspective: The Study of Young Adults’ Narratives
by Ewa Młożniak & Katarzyna Schier - 35-40 Placing the distant other on the shelf: An analysis and comparison of (fair trade) coffee packages in relation to commodity fetishism
by Robbe Geysmans & Lesley Hustinx - 51-64 Beyond ‘Token’ Firefighters: Exploring Women's Experiences of Gender and Identity at Work
by Tamika Perrott - 65-76 ‘My mother thought upper secondary school was OK, but then my sibling said no’ - Young People's Perceptions of the Involvement of Parents and Siblings in their Future Choices
by Sanna Aaltonen - 77-89 Belonging to a Different Landscape: Repurposing Nationalist Affects
by Ben Pitcher