February 2000, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 152-170 Women in Low Status Part-Time Jobs: A Class and Gender Analysis
by Tracey Warren - 171-184 Changing Connectivity: A Future History of Y2.03K
by Barry Wellman - 185-198 Surviving through Substance Use: The Role of Substances in the Lives of Women who Appear before the Courts
by Emma Wincup - 199-200 Book Review: The British Immigration Courts
by Ian Law - 201-202 Book Review: Weighty Issues: Fatness and Thinness as Social Problems
by Catherine Walker - 203-205 Book Review: Scattered Belongings: Cultural Paradoxes of ‘Race’, Nation and Gender
by Maria Summerson - 206-207 Book Review: Studying the Media (2nd edition)
by Allison Cavanagh - 208-209 Book Review: Nike Culture: The Sign of the Swoosh
by Tom Fleming - 210-210 Book Review: Making Meaning of Narratives
by Amanda Coffey - 211-212 Book Review: Valuing Technology: Organisations, Culture and Change
by Mike Geppert - 213-214 Book Review: Women in Contemporary Britian
by Jenny Ryan - 215-215 Book Review: Working Hard and Making Do
by Ray Pahl - 216-217 Book Review: Introducing Social Networks
by Bonnie H. Erickson - 218-219 Book Review: Challenging Women: Gender, Culture and Organisation
by Rachel Lewis - 220-221 Book Review: Doing Conversational Analysis
by David Randall - 222-223 Book Review: Sociological Snapshots: Seeing Social Structure and Change in Everday Life
by William Housley - 224-225 Book Review: Sport, Culture and the Media
by Alan Tomlinson - 226-227 Book Review: Theorizing Classical Sociology
by Martin O'Brien - 228-235 Books Received - Volume 4, Issue 4
by N/A - 236-237 Contributors to Volume 4, Number 4
by N/A - 238-239 Book Review: The ‘New’ Family ?
by Judith Stacey - 240-241 Book Review: The Social Shaping of Technology: Second Edition
by Liz Marr - 242-242 Book Review: Responding to Poverty: The Politics of Cash and Care
by Tony Maltby
March 1999, Volume 4, Issue 71
- 71-83 ‘Winners’ and ‘Losers’ in Social Transformations
by Graham Crow & Tony Rees
September 1999, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-13 Agricultural Biotechnology: Its Recent Evolution and Implications for Agrofood Political Economy
by Fred Buttel - 14-23 Necessary Evils? Opening up Closings in Sociology and Biotechnology
by Les Gofton & Erica Haimes - 24-31 Cultivation and Comprehension: How Genetic Modification Irreversibly Alters the Human Engagement with Nature
by Mark Harvey - 32-42 ‘What are ‘they’ Doing to our Food?’: Public Concerns about Food in the UK
by Alison Shaw - 43-56 Feminist Sociology and Sociological Feminism: Recovering the Social in Feminist Thought
by Stevi Jackson - 57-62 Prediction in Sociology: Prospects for a Devalued Activity
by Alan Aldridge - 63-81 Realtime Interviewing Using the World Wide Web
by Peter Chen & S.M. Hinton - 82-95 Role as an Interactional Device and Resource in Multidisciplinary Team Meetings
by William Housley - 96-112 Fitness Gyms and the Local Organization of Experience
by Roberta Sassatelli - 113-121 Sociology, What's it for? A Critique of Gouldner
by Martyn Hammersley - 122-138 (Posts-) Modernism and Structuralism: Affinities and Theoretical Innovations
by Michael Peters - 139-153 ‘Whatever you Say Say Nothing’: An Ethnographic Encounter in Northern Ireland and its Sequel
by Andrew Finlay - 154-158 Genetics and the Future of Nature Politics
by Phil Sutton - 159-169 The Fear of Unreason: Science Wars and Sociology
by Geoff Cooper - 170-183 Heritage Work: Re-Representing the Work Ethic in the Coalfields
by Tim Strangleman & Emma Hollywood & Huw Beynon & Katy Bennett & Ray Hudson - 184-192 Reflexivity and Sociological Practice
by Tim May - 193-205 Structure, Strategy, Sustainability: What Future for New Social Movement Theory?
by Alana Lentin - 206-219 ‘Gypsies to the Camps!’: Exclusion and Marginalisation of Roma in the Czech Republic
by Angus Bancroft - 220-250 Is Class Changing? A Work-Life History Perspective on the Salariat
by Brendan Halpin - 251-261 The Influence of Popular Cultural Imagery on Public Attitudes towards Cloning
by Brigitte Nerlich & David D. Clarke & Robert Dingwall - 262-274 ‘Not Science but PR’: GM Food and the Makings of a Considered Sociology
by Anne Murcott - 275-281 Food Trust, Ethics and Safety in Risk Society
by Reidar Almas - 282-283 Book Review: News Culture
by Tim Dant - 284-285 Book Review: The Social Edges of Psychoanalysis
by Pam Lowe - 286-286 Book Review: The Ethnographic Self, Fieldwork and the Representation of Identity
by David Francis - 287-287 Book Review: Postemotional Society
by Nick Stevenson - 288-289 Augmenting the Basic Online Interview Process
by N/A - 290-294 Books Received - Volume 4, Issue 3
by N/A - 295-298 Contributors to Volume 4, Number 3
by N/A - 299-300 Book Review: Notes on the Plague Years Aids in Marseilles
by Gail Hawkes - 301-301 Book Review: Social Theory: A Historical Introduction
by Kate Reed - 302-302 Online Interviewing HTML code
by N/A - 303-304 Online Interviewing Pilot Study Overview
by N/A - 305-307 Book Review: The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change
by Ralph Schroeder - 308-310 Book Review: Living in a Technological Culture: Human Tools and Human Values
by Richard Harper
July 1999, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-14 Theory-Building with Nud.Ist: Using Computer Assisted Qualitative Analysis in a Media Case Study
by Katie MacMillan & Shelley McLachlan - 15-24 Token Salaries and Social Answers in Work Relations in Africa
by Massimo Repetti - 25-32 War and the Public Intellectual: Cosmopolitanism and Anti-Cosmopolitanism in the Kosovo Debate in Germany
by Alan Scott - 33-43 The Kosovan War, 1998-99: Transformations of State, War and Genocide in the Global Revolution
by Martin Shaw - 44-49 ‘War, Violence, Terror, Genocide’ - The Pacific Experience
by Zohl de Ishtar - 50-53 Dancing to Different Tunes: A Reply to Responses to here be Dragons
by Sara Scott - 54-61 A View from Hong Kong: Chinese Representations of War, Violence and American Imperialism
by John Goodwin & Katharine Hills - 62-74 Virtual Diaspora?: Imagining Croatia On-line
by Paul Stubbs - 75-83 The Rape of the Nation: Women Narrativising Genocide
by Ronit Lentin - 84-92 Deportations and Discursive Displacements
by R. Ruth Linden - 93-101 They Made a Desert and Called it Peace
by Mike Drake - 102-112 Life Course Data Collection: Qualitative Interviewing using the Life Grid
by Odette Parry & Carolyn Thompson & Gerry Fowkes - 113-124 Revisiting Role Theory: Roles and the Problem of the Self
by Stanley Raffel - 125-132 Memory, Trauma and Genocidal Nationalism
by Larry Ray - 133-134 Book Review: Ecologism: Toward Ecological Citizenship
by Harris Ali - 135-136 Book Review: Random Violence: How we Talk about New Crimes and New Victims
by Hazel May - 137-137 Book Review: Social Experiments Evaluating Public Programs with Experimental Methods
by Rhonda Cockerill - 138-139 Book Review: Basics of Qualitative Research Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory (2nd edition)
by Dave Francis - 140-141 Book Review: Computer Modeling of Social Processes
by Edmund Chattoe - 142-143 Appeal for Funding
by Medica Kosova - 144-145 Book Review: Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
by Tracey Warren - 146-148 Books Received - Volume 4, Issue 2
by N/A - 149-150 Contributors to Volume 4, Number 2
by N/A - 151-152 Book Review: Using Foucault's Methods
by Geoff Cooper - 153-154 Kapululangu Aboriginal Women's Association
by N/A - 155-157 Book Review: Gender & Catastrophe
by Liz Stanley - 158-159 Book Review: American Homo: Community and Perversity
by Martin Holt
March 1999, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-13 Qualitative Sociology and Social Class
by Max Travers - 14-16 Reading Sara Scott's ‘Here be Dragons’
by Sue Wise - 17-28 Sociology of Education and Marxism in Brazil
by Oswaldo H. Yamamoto & Antonio Cabral Neto - 29-50 Gender Differences at Work: International Variations in Occupational Segregation
by Jennifer Jarman & Robert M. Blackburn & Bradley Brooks & Esther Dermott - 51-64 The Cyber-Ethnographic (Re)Construction of Two Feminist Online Communities
by katie j. ward - 65-70 A Critical Response to Sara Scott's ‘Here be Dragons: Researching the Unbelievable, Hearing the Unthinkable. A Feminist Sociologist in Uncharted Territory’
by Annie Huntington - 84-84 Book Review: Ruling Passions: Sexual Violence, Reputation and the Law
by Betsy Elizabeth A. - 85-85 Thanks to the following non-Board members who have refereed articles during 1998
by N/A - 86-91 Books Received - Volume 4, Issue 1
by N/A - 92-92 Rapid Response/Sociology Online: The Stephen Lawrence Murder and the Macpherson Inquiry Report
by Liz Stanley - 93-95 Book Review: Silicon Second Nature: Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World
by Edmund Chattoe - 96-97 Book Review: Leisure, Lifestyle and the New Middle Class: A Case Study
by Fiona Devine - 98-99 Book Review: Queer Fictions of the Past: History, Culture and Difference
by Ken Plummer - 100-101 Book Review: Working with Men: Feminism and Social Work
by Lena Dominelli - 102-103 Contributors to Volume 4, Number 1
by N/A - 104-105 Book Review: Violence, Culture and Censure/ the Web of Violence: From Interpersonal to Global
by Tom Woodhouse - 106-106 Online Resources Relating to the Macpherson Report
by N/A - 107-114 Understanding the Police Investigation of the Murder of Stephen Lawrence: A ‘Mundane Sociological Analysis’
by Simon Holdaway - 115-123 Institutional Racism, Cultural Diversity and Citizenship: Some Reflections on Reading the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report
by Nira Yuval-Davis - 124-128 Social Research and the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry
by John Solomos - 129-136 Policing's Dark Secret: The Career Paths of Ethnic Minority Officers
by Nigel Fielding - 137-142 The Macpherson Report: A View from Greater Manchester
by Larry Ray & David Smith & Liz Wastell - 143-151 Institutional Racism, Power and Accountability
by Floya Anthias - 152-155 The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report, Racist Harassment and Racist Incidents: Changing Definitions, Clarifying Meaning?
by Kusminder Chahal - 156-166 ‘Over Policed and under Protected’: Stephen Lawrence, Institutional and Police Practices
by Louis Kushnick - 167-174 Beyond the Macpherson Report: Managing Murder Inquiries in Context
by Martin Innes - 175-183 Discretion, ‘Respectability’ and Institutional Police Racism
by P.A.J. Waddington
December 1998, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-13 Understanding the Patterns and Processes of Primary Care Use: A Combined Quantitative and Qualitative Approach
by Anne Rogers & Gerry Nicolaas - 14-25 But Women Can't Have ‘Hemophilia’!: A Look at the Lives of Women with Bleeding Disorder
by Diane Kholos Wysocki - 26-36 The Selectionist Paradigm: More Implications for Sociology
by Paul Marsden - 37-53 Naming the Other: Power, Politeness and the Inflation of Euphemisms
by James Valentine - 54-63 Embodying Black Madness, Embodying White Femininity: Populist (Re)Presentations and Public Policy - The Case of Christopher Clunis and Jayne Zito
by Sarah Neal - 64-79 The Sociology of Health and Illness at the Turn of the Century: Back to the Future?
by Simon Williams & Ellen Annandale & Jonathan Tritter - 80-90 Ageing and the Limiting Conditions of the Body
by Chris Gilleard & Paul Higgs - 91-91 Book Review: Sociology (3rd edition)
by Jon Gubbay - 92-93 Book Review: Theory and Progress in Social Science
by Rob Stones - 94-94 Book Review: Sex and Medicine: Gender, Power and Authority in the Medical Profession
by Susan Halford - 95-96 Book Review: Feminism and Politics
by Vanessa Hogbin
September 1998, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-15 Hypermedia and Ethnography: Reflections on the Construction of a Research Approach
by Bella Dicks & Bruce Mason - 16-28 Choosing Qualitative Data Analysis Software: Atlas/ti and Nudist Compared
by Christine A. Barry - 29-39 How Gender and Ethnicity Intersect: The Significance of Education, Employment and Marital Status
by Kalwant Bhopal - 40-53 The Interaction of Gender, Class and Place in Women's Experience: A Discussion Based in Focus Group Research
by Gill Callaghan - 54-69 Negotiating Breast-Feeding: Pakistani Women, White Women and their Experiences in Hospital and at Home
by Alison Bowes & Teresa Meehan Domokos - 70-83 Negotiating Selves: Reflections on ‘Unstructured’ Interviewing
by Peter Collins - 84-97 Conflict and Co-Operation in the Virtual Community: eMail and the Wars of the Yugoslav Succession
by Paul Stubbs - 98-109 Here be Dragons: Researching the Unbelievable, Hearing the Unthinkable. A Feminist Sociologist in Uncharted Territory
by Sara Scott - 110-111 Book Review: Violent Criminal Acts and Actors Revisited
by Dick Hobbs - 112-113 Book Review: The Male in the Head: Young People, Heterosexuality and Power
by Angela Meah - 114-114 Book Review: Parts of an Andrology: On Representations of Men's Bodies
by Momin Rahman - 115-115 Book Review: Science
by Steve New - 116-116 Book Review: Britain in Europe: An Introduction to Sociology
by Gary Pollock
June 1998, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-11 The Revolution and the Virgin Mary: Popular Religion and Social Change in Nicaragua
by S. Linkogle - 12-20 On the Potentialities and Problems of a WWW Based Naturalistic Sociology
by R. S. Slack - 21-35 Reconstructing “Positive†Nationalism: Evidence from Norway and Sweden
by M. Hjerm - 36-36 Class in International Perspective: A Call for Papers
by Liz Stanley - 37-48 Method in a Photographic Enquiry of being Deaf
by E. Thoutenhoofd - 49-63 Coming to Terms with Contemporary Capitalism: Beyond the Idealism of Globalisation and Capitalist Ascendancy Arguments
by P. Kennedy - 64-76 Planning in Organisations: Rational Control or Contingent Activity?
by T. Dant & D. Francis - 77-78 gender Inn
by Susanne Webel - 79-82 Caricaturing and Categorising in Processes of Argument
by N. Romm - 83-86 Useful Resources on the World Wide Web for Social Scientists
by Beverley Holbrook - 87-88 The Practical Limitations of Survey Analysis: A brief response to Lynn
by C Elliott & D Ellingworth - 89-102 Power, Professionalism and Organisational Transformation
by T. May & M. Buck - 103-103 Book Review: Social Motivation: Understanding Children's School Adjustment
by Andrew Pollard - 104-104 Book Review: Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice
by Rhidian Hughes - 105-106 Book Review: Football, Nationality and the State
by Sam Pryke - 107-108 Book Review: Norbert Elias
by Pablo Jáuregui - 109-110 Book Review: Gender and Family Issues in the Workplace
by Colette Fagan - 111-112 Book Review: Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice
by Jane Sunderland - 113-114 Book Review: On beyond Living: Rhetorical Transformations of the Life Sciences
by Marc Berg - 115-116 Book Review: Equal Opportunities and Social Policy: Issues of Race, Gender and Disability
by Clare Ungerson - 117-117 Book Review: Problematics of Sociology: The Georg Simmel Lectures, 1995
by Leonard Beeghley - 118-119 Book Review: Understanding Social Theory
by Graham Crow - 120-120 Book Review: Researching Society and Culture
by Andrew Hill - 121-146 Recording Social Life: Reflexivity and Video Methodology
by H. Lomax & N. Casey
March 1998, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-4 The Industrial Organization of Sociology
by T. Tam - 5-16 Gender Matters? Three Cohorts of Women Talking about Role Reversal
by J. Pilcher - 17-28 Reflections in an Unblinking Eye: Negotiating Identity in the Production of a Documentary
by T. McGettigan - 29-32 The Baby and the Bath Water: Hammersley, Cealey Harrison and Hood-Williams and the Emancipatory Research Debate
by B. Humphries - 33-41 More Varieties than Heinz: Social Categories and Sociality in Humphries, Hammersley and Beyond
by Harrison, W. Cealey & J. Hood-Williams - 42-54 The Use of Marriage Data to Measure the Social Order in Nineteenth-Century Britain
by K. Prandy & W. Bottero - 55-59 Sociological Practice: The Politics of Identities and Futures
by I. Deutscher - 60-75 Sustainability and Modernity in the European Union: A Frame Theory Approach to Policy-Making
by A. Triandafyllidou & A. Fotiou - 76-81 The British Crime Survey Sample: A response to Elliott and Ellingworth
by P. Lynn - 82-102 Social Structures and Chaos Theory
by R.D. Smith - 103-117 Social Theory and European Transformation: Is there a European Society?
by G. Delanty - 118-119 Book Review: Towards a New Social Order in Russia: Transforming Structures and Everyday Life
by Nick Manning - 120-120 Book Review: How We Feel: An Insight into the Emotional World of Teenagers
by Johanna Wyn - 121-122 Book Review: Media and Mental Distress
by Meryl Aldridge
December 1997, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-2 Social Transformation? Exploring Issues in Comparison, Development and Change Editorial and Call for Papers
by Liz Stanley - 3-7 Book Review: Youth Research in the 1990s: Time for (Another) Rethink
by Christine Griffin - 8-14 ‘Collegial Accountability’ and Bias: The Solution or the Problem?
by B. Temple - 15-31 The Ambiguities of Football, Politics, Culture, and Social Transformation in Latin America
by T. Bar-On - 32-36 Book Review: The Decomposition of Sociology
by Max Travers - 37-50 The Reproduction of Exclusion and Disadvantage: Symbolic Violence and Social Class Inequalities in ‘Parental Choice’ of Secondary Education
by S. Conway - 51-54 A Reply to Humphries
by M. Hammersley - 55-70 Assessing the Representativeness of the 1992 British Crime Survey: The Impact of Sampling Error and Response Biases
by C. Elliott & D. Ellingworth - 71-85 Dialectics and Modernity, Autonomy and Solidarity
by J. M. Domingues - 86-88 A Response to Romm
by M. Hammersley & R. Gomm - 89-99 Networked Worlds: Social Aspects of Multi-User Virtual Reality Technology
by R. Schroeder - 100-108 Accessing Large Corporations: Research Ethics and Gatekeeper-Relations in the Case of Researching a Japanese-Invested Factory
by T. Grønning - 109-109 Book Review: Thought Styles: Critical Essays on Good Taste
by Geoff Cooper - 110-111 Book Review: Nature, State and Economy: A Political Economy of the Environment(2nd Edition)
by John Walls - 112-113 Book Review: The Way the Modern World Works: World Hegemony to World Impasse
by David Lane - 114-115 Book Review: Saving Our Children from Poverty: What the United States can Learn from France
by Paul A. Jargowsky & John F. Kennedy - 116-116 Book Review: The Other City: People and Politics in New York and London
by Nick Buck - 117-118 Book Review: Men as Managers, Managers as Men: Critical Perspectives on Men, Maculinities and Managements
by Harriet Bradley - 119-120 Book Review: Ethnic Los Angeles
by Faye W. Arnold - 121-122 Book Review: Risk, Environment and Modernity: Towards a New Ecology
by Anna Triandafyllidou