March 2002, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 245-246 Introduction to the Rapid Response on the British Royal Family and its place in the contemporary world
by Graham Crow - 247-250 Contributors to Volume 7, Number 1
by N/A - 251-251 Volume 7, Issue 1
by N/A
February 2002, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-13 Opening and Closing the Gates: Recent Developments in Male Social Mobility in Britain
by Geoff Payne & Judy Roberts - 14-27 Teaching Social Theory in Trying Times
by Joyce Canaan - 28-43 ‘Austro-Pop’ since the 1980s: Two Case Studies of Cultural Critique and Counter- hegemonic Resistance
by Christian Karner - 44-60 Confidence amid Uncertainty: Ambitions and Plans in a Sample of Young Adults
by Michael Anderson & Frank Bechhofer & Lynn Jamieson & David McCrone & Yaojun Li & Robert Stewart - 61-64 Will Sociology find some New Concepts before the US finds Osama bin Laden?
by Steve Fuller - 65-80 The Myth of Medical Pluralism: A Critical Realist Perspective
by Gil-Soo Han - 81-93 ‘Claims and Disclaimers: Knowledge, Reflexivity and Representation in Feminist Research’
by Gayle Letherby - 94-95 Book Review: Fantasy City: Pleasure and profit in the postmodern metropolis
by Joanne Massey - 96-97 Book Review: New Age Travellers: Vanloads of Uproarious Humanity
by Colin Clark - 98-98 Book Review: Bridging Divides; The Channel Tunnel and English Legal Identity in Europe
by Adam Reed - 99-100 Book Review: Food, Drink and Identity: Cooking, Eating and Drinking in Europe since the Middle Ages
by Alan Warde - 101-101 Book Review: How Claims Spread: Cross-National Diffusion of Social Problems
by Talmadge Wright - 102-103 Book Review: Citizenship in a Global Age: Society, Culture, Politics
by Neil Washbourne - 104-105 Book Review: Material Memories: Design and Evocation
by Tim Dant - 106-107 Derek Wynne as Sociologist: A Tribute for Sociological Research Online
by N/A - 108-108 Contributors to Volume 6, Number 4
by N/A - 109-112 Books received between 30/11/2001 and 28/02/2002
by N/A
November 2001, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-12 Understanding Consumption: What Interviews with Retired Households Can Reveal about Budgetary Decisions
by Edmund Chattoe & Nigel Gilbert - 13-18 Control Creep
by Martin Innes - 19-24 Looking for Sociology after 11 September
by Steve Fuller - 25-30 Moral Tensions Between Western and Islamic Cultures: The Need for Additional Sociological Studies of Dissonance in the Wake of September 11
by Benet Davetian - 31-35 Back to the Future: ‘Islamic Terrorism’ and Interpretations of past and Present
by Stephen Vertigans & Philip Sutton - 36-50 Anti-nuclear Movements: Failed Projects or Heralds of a Direct Action Milieu?
by Ian Welsh - 51-62 The Lady Vanishes? Reflections on the Experiences of Married and Divorced Non- Heterosexual Fathers
by Gillian A. Dunne - 63-71 The Neglected Art of Hitch-Hiking: Risk, Trust and Sustainability
by Graeme Chesters & David Smith - 72-82 The Whispering Shadow: Collectivism and Individualism at Ikeda-Hoover and Nissan UK
by Carol Stephenson & Paul Stewart - 83-88 From Smart Bombs to Smart Bugs: Thinking the Unthinkable in Medical Sociology and Beyond
by Simon Williams - 89-100 The Paradigm Contingent Career? Women in Regional Newspaper Journalism
by Meryl Aldridge - 101-104 Confronting ‘Uncivil Society’ and the ‘Dark Side of Globalization’: Are Sociological Concepts up to the Task?
by Chris Rumford - 105-115 Modernization, Rationalization, and Education: Responding to the Other
by Marianna Papastephanou - 116-121 Surveillance after September 11
by David Lyon - 122-124 Book Review: Time Matters: On Theory and Method
by Edmund Chattoe - 125-125 Book Review: Review of World's Apart: Social Inequalities in a New Century
by Talmadge Wright - 126-127 Book Review: Classical Sociology
by D.W. Randall - 128-129 Book Review: Life in the Air: Surviving the New Culture of Air Travel
by Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 130-133 Books Received Between 31/08/01 and 30/11/01
by N/A - 134-134 Contributors to Volume 6, Number 3
by N/A - 135-136 Book Review: Baudrillard's Challenge: A Feminist Reading
by William Merrin - 137-138 Book Review: Beyond the Body: Death and Social Identity
by Mike Hepworth - 139-141 Introduction to the Rapid Response to September 11th
by Larry Ray - 142-143 Book Review: Faultlines of Consciousness: A View of Interactionalism in Sociology
by Martin Innes
August 2001, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-13 Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Learning from Women's Groups in Indonesia
by Marilyn Porter - 14-22 Smoke and Mirrors: Modernist Illusions in the Quantitative versus Qualitative Research Debate
by John R Schmuttermaier & David Schmitt - 23-36 Categorisation, Narrative and Devolution in Wales
by William Housley & Richard Fitzgerald - 37-53 Women's Occupations and the Social Order in Nineteenth Century Britain
by Wendy Bottero & Kenneth Prandy - 54-70 The Timing of Family Formation in Britain and Spain
by Clare Holdsworth & Jane Elliott - 71-78 The Social Worlds of Caravaning: Objects, Scripts and Practices
by Dale Southerton & Elizabeth Shove & Alan Warde & Rosemary Deem - 79-90 The Internet Matters: Exploring the Use of the Internet as a Research Tool
by Nicola Illingworth - 91-103 Field Research for Boneheads: From Naïveté to Insight on the Green Tortoise
by Timothy McGettigan - 104-105 Book Review: Contradictions of Consumption: Concepts, Practices and Politics in Consumer Society
by Terhi-Anna Wilska - 106-107 Book Review: Re-Drawing Boundaries: Work, Household, and Gender in China
by Jude Howell - 108-108 Book Review: Race, Media, and the Crisis of Civil Society: From Watts to Rodney King
by Talmadge Wright - 109-110 Book Review: Mothering the Self: Mothers, Daughters, Subjects
by Sara Mackian - 111-112 Book Review: Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: A Handbook for Researching Online
by Christine Hine - 113-114 Book Review: Structuration
by Richard Jenkins - 115-118 Books received between 31/05/01 and 31/08/01
by N/A - 119-119 Contributors to Volume 6, Number 2
by N/A - 120-124 Looking for Sociology after 11 September
by Steve Fuller
May 2001, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 ‘Superbrides’: Wedding Consumer Culture and the Construction of Bridal Identity
by Sharon Boden - 15-24 The Importance of Convention Status: A Case Study of the UK
by Alice Bloch - 25-42 The Basic Elements of a Systematic Theory of Ethnic Relations
by John Rex - 43-61 ‘I Saw You’: Searching for Lost Love via Practices of Reading, Writingand Responding
by Eric Laurier & Angus Whyte - 62-74 Physiotherapists and Evidence Based Practice: An Opportunity or Threat to the Profession?
by Rose Wiles & Sue Barnard - 75-82 Asylum, Refuge and Public Policy: Current Trends and Future Dilemmas
by Liza Schuster & John Solomos - 83-90 Homosexuality and Refugee Status in the United Kingdom
by Derek McGhee - 91-103 Taking Account of The Macro in the Micro-Politics of Family Viewing - Generational Strategies
by Carol MacKeogh - 104-105 Book Review: Divided Time: Gender, Paid Employment and Domestic Labour
by Rosemary Deem - 106-106 Book Review: Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice
by Michael Warren - 107-108 Book Review: Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader
by Ben Carrington - 109-110 Book Review: Understanding Sport: An Introduction to the Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Sport
by Anthony King - 111-111 Book Review: Identity without Selfhood: Simone de Beauvoir and Bisexuality
by Momim Rahman - 112-113 Book Review: Social Theory in a Changing World
by Austin Harrington - 114-114 Book Review: Greenspeak: A Study of Environmental Discourse
by Kate Burningham - 115-116 Book Review: Understanding Contemporary Society: Understanding the Present
by Phil Mole - 117-118 Book Review: Even in Sweden: Racisms, Racialized Spaces, and the Popular Geographical Imagination
by Panu Lehtovuori - 119-119 Book Review: Review of Mothering Inner-city Children: The Early School Years
by Val Gillies - 120-122 Books Received - Volume 6, Issue 1
by N/A - 123-124 Contributors to Volume 6, Number 1
by N/A - 125-126 Book Review: Inside the Olympic Industry: Power, Politics and Activism
by Alan Tomlinson
February 2001, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-13 Snakes & Ladders: In Defence of Studies of Youth Transition
by Robert MacDonald & Paul Mason & Tracy Shildrick & Colin Webster & Les Johnston & Louise Ridley - 14-25 Making a Difference?: Institutional Habituses and Higher Education Choice
by Diane Reay & Miriam David & Stephen Ball - 26-36 Border Crossings: Narratives of Movement, ‘Home’ and Risk
by Deborah Lupton & John Tulloch - 37-50 Dialogue, Positionality and the Legal Framing of Ethnographic Research
by John Roberts - 51-67 The Plausibility of Class Cultural Explanations: An Analysis of Social Homogeneity using Swedish Data from the Late 1990s
by Erik Bihagen - 68-84 Responding to the Racialisation of Irishness: Disavowed Multiculturalism and its Discontents
by Ronit Lentin - 85-101 Youth Citizenship and Unemployment: The Case of Passive and Active Labour Market Policies towards the Young Unemployed in Greece
by Gabriella Lazaridis & Maria Koumandraki - 102-117 Cyber-Mothers: Online Synchronous Interviewing using Conferencing Software
by Henrietta O'Connor & Clare Madge - 118-119 Book Review: Hair Matters: Beauty, Power, and Black Women's Consciouness
by Rosemary DuPlessis - 120-121 Book Review: The Turbulence of Migration
by David Timothy Duval - 122-123 Book Review: Questioning identity: Gender, Class, Nation
by Catherine Walker - 124-124 Book Review: Nowhere to Grow
by Sue Grundy - 125-126 Book Review: Social Darwinism: Linking Evolutionary Thought to Social Theory
by Edmund Chattoe - 127-128 Book Review: Researching the Visual: Images, Objects, Contexts and Interactions in Social and Cultural Inquiry
by Sarah Pink - 129-130 Book Review: Selected Works of Herbert Blumer: A Public Philosophy for Mass Society
by Martin Innes - 131-132 Book Review: Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook
by Elery Hamilton-Smith - 133-134 Book Review: Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows 95/98
by Tom Daly - 135-137 Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 4
by N/A - 138-139 Book Review: Back to Middletown: Three Generations of Sociological Reflections
by Martyn Hammersley - 140-141 Contributors to Volume 5, Number 4
by N/A - 142-143 Book Review: Sociology beyond Societies
by Andrew McKinnon - 144-145 Book Review: Governance of Science: Ideology and the Future of the Open Society
by Janet Vaux - 146-147 Book Review: Danger in the Field: Risk and Ethics in Social Research
by Ray Lee
December 2000, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-10 Shifting Classes: Interactions with Industry and Gender Shifts in the 1980s
by Jon Gubbay - 11-21 Proactive and Defensive Engagement: Social Citizenship in a Changing Public Sphere
by Nick Ellison - 22-31 Land Reform: A Foundation for Industrial Growth in Developing Countries?
by Anne Margrethe Brigham - 32-45 Changing Places: Privilege and Resistance in Contemporary Ireland
by Pat O'Connor - 46-57 Making Connections: Children, Technology, and the National Grid for Learning
by Jo Moran-Ellis & Geoff Cooper - 58-70 Queer Frameworks and Queer Tendencies: Towards an Understanding of Postmodern Transformations of Sexuality
by Sasha Roseneil - 71-81 The Class Situation of Information Specialists: A Case Analysis
by Clare Lewin & Myron Orleans - 82-90 Incestuous Fields: Management Research, Emotion and Data Analysis
by Linda Perriton - 91-103 Cash for Answers: The Association between School Performance and Local Government Finance
by Jon Mulberg - 104-104 Book Review: Crossing the Border
by Breda Gray - 105-105 Book Review: Sociology and the Future of Work: Contemporary Discourses and Debates
by Gary Pollock - 106-107 Book Review: A Phenomenology of Working-Class Experience
by Mike Savage - 108-108 Book Review: Race and Politics: Asian Americans, Latinos, and Whites in a Los Angeles Suburb
by Breda Gray - 109-110 Book Review: The Lived Body: Sociological Themes, Embodied Issues
by Mark Sherry - 111-114 Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 3
by N/A - 115-115 Contributors to Volume 5, Number 3
by N/A
September 2000, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-10 Conducting Qualitative Research on Wife Abuse: Dealing with the Issue of Anxiety
by Sevaste Chatzifotiou - 11-22 Writing about Health and Sickness: An Analysis of Contemporary Autobiographical Writing from the British Mass-Observation Archive
by Helen Busby - 23-32 Zimbabwe: Why Land Reform is a Gender Issue
by Susie Jacobs - 33-44 On-Line with the Friends of Bill W: Social Support and the Net
by Nicholas Pleace & Roger Burrows & Brian Loader & Steven Muncer & Sarah Nettleton - 45-56 Drug-Taking, ‘Risk Boundaries’ and Social Identity: Bodybuilders’ Talk about Ephedrine and Nubain
by Lee Monaghan & Michael Bloor & Russell P Dobash & Rebecca E Dobash - 57-65 Financing the Market-Based Redistribution of Land to Disadvantaged Farmers and Farm Workers in South Africa: Recent Performance of the Land Reform Credit Facility
by Michael Lyne & Paul Zille & Douglas Graham - 66-79 Debatable Land: National and Local Identity in a Border Town
by Richard Kiely & David McCrone & Frank Bechhofer & Robert Stewart - 80-88 Rethinking Land Reform in South Africa: An Alternative Approach to Environmental Justice
by Charles Geisler & Essy Letsoalo - 89-94 The Effect of Community Context in The South African Land Reform Programme
by Charles Crothers - 95-103 Informal Settlement Characteristics in a Rural Land Restitution Case: Elandskloof, South Africa
by Michael Barry & David Mayson - 104-115 Can't Talk, Won't Talk?: Methodological Issues in Researching Children
by Jeni Harden & Sue Scott & Kathryn Backett-Milburn & Stevi Jackson - 116-134 Ethnicity and Academia: Closure Models, Racism Models and Market Models
by Steve Fenton & John Carter & Tariq Modood - 135-136 Book Review: Modernity and Postmodern Culture
by Justin O'Connor - 137-138 Book Review: ‘Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy’ and ‘Observations on Modernity’
by Alexander Boskovik - 139-140 Book Review: The Myth of Social Action
by Alan Warde - 141-141 Book Review: ‘Childhood’ in ‘Crisis’
by Allison James - 142-143 Book Review: Contemporary Racisms and Ethnicities
by Martina Boese - 144-145 Book Review: Reconstructing Old Age: New Agendas in Social Theory and Practice
by Kate Davidson - 146-147 Book Review: Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations since 1875
by Paul Kennedy - 148-148 Book Review: Crime in Context: A Critical Criminology of Market Societies
by Sandra Walklate - 149-151 Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 2
by N/A - 152-152 Contributors to Volume 5, Number 2
by N/A - 153-154 Book Review: Global Sport: Identities, Societies, Civilizations
by Ian McDonald
May 2000, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-4 ‘Reflexivity in Social Life and Sociological Practice: A Rejoinder to Roger Slack’
by Tim May - 5-19 ‘Social Work Research as Knowledge/Power in Practice’
by Heather D'Cruz - 20-26 ‘Sacking the New Jerusalem? - The New Right, Social Democracy and Professional Identities’
by Gerard Hanlon - 27-31 ‘Reflexivity or Sociological Practice: A Reply to May’
by Roger Slack - 32-44 ‘The Visual Availability and Local Organisation of Public Surveillance Systems: The Promotion of Social Order in Public Spaces’
by Mike Ball - 45-54 ‘Feminist Analysis of Science and the Implications for Higher Education’
by Kate Bloor - 55-60 ‘Neue Rechte: Ethnocentrism, Culture and Cultural Identity’
by Reinhold Gärtner - 61-73 ‘Researching a Hard-To- Access and Vulnerable Population: Some Considerations on Researching Drug and Alcohol-Using Mothers’
by Sarah Goode - 74-84 ‘Who Wants to be a Social Engineer? A commentary on David Blunkett's Speech to the ESRC’
by Peter Hodgkinson - 85-98 ‘Reproductive Regimes: Changing Relations of Inter-dependence and Fertility Change’
by Sarah Irwin - 99-106 ‘British ‘Moral Right’ Women and Feminism’
by Donna Luff - 107-115 ‘“Money for nothing†?: Understanding Giving to Beggars’
by Ian McIntosh & Angus Erskine - 116-129 ‘What Difference does it Make? Women's Pop Cultural Production and Consumption in Manchester’
by Nicola Richards & Katie Milestone - 130-138 “Homosexuality and the New Right: The Legacy of the 1980s for New Delineations of Homophobiaâ€
by Matthew Waites - 139-147 ‘Germanness in One Country: Austria, Joerg Haider and Nationalist Legacy’
by Wolfgang Weber - 148-157 ‘“New Right†or “Backlash†? Section 28, Moral Panic and “Promoting Homosexuality†’
by Sue Wise - 158-163 ‘The ‘New’ Right: Definition, Identification, Differentiation’
by Aaron Winter - 164-164 Book Review: Challenges for Work and Family in the Twenty-First Century
by Ian Procter - 165-165 Book Review: Television and its Viewers, Cultivation Theory and Research
by Dave Haans - 166-166 Book Review: Material Culture in the Social World
by Kevin Hetherington - 167-168 Book Review: Evaluation and Social Work Practice
by Dianne Phillips - 169-170 Book Review: Science and Social Science
by Dave Randall - 171-172 Book Review: Cleavage: Technology, Controversy and the Ironies of the Man-made Breast
by Kathy Davis - 173-174 Book Review: Questions of Competence: Culture, Classification and Intellectual Disability
by Mark Sherry - 175-175 Book Review: Sociological Practice: Linking Theory and Social Research
by Esther Dermott - 176-177 Book Review: Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology
by Gaby Atfield - 178-179 Book Review: Soundbite Culture: The Death of Discourse in a Wired World
by Tim Dant - 180-181 Book Review: Islam and Feminisms: An Iranian Case-Study
by Pnina Werbner - 182-186 Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 1
by N/A - 187-187 Book Review: Evaluation Research: An Introduction to Principles, Methods and Practice
by Dianne Phillips - 188-189 Contributors to Volume 5, Number 1
by N/A - 190-191 Book Review: Disability Politics and Community Care
by Bob Sapey - 192-192 Book Review: The Age of Chance: Gambling in Western Culture
by Heather Worth - 193-194 Book Review: Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought
by Daniel Teghe - 195-196 Book Review: Qualitative Evaluation
by Dianne Phillips - 197-198 Book Review: Modernities: A Geographical Interpretation
by Mark Banks
February 2000, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-4 Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear - Or the more Things Change the More they Stay the Same- Or Ruminations on Space and Time in the Next Millennium
by Marilyn Porter - 5-7 ‘Looking Backward’ and Not Looking Forward
by Martha Gimenez - 8-10 Predictions
by Howard Becker - 11-27 Plans, Evaluation, and Accountability at the Workplace
by Ilpo Koskinen - 28-42 Strategic Minorities and the Global Network of Power: Western Thrace and Northern Ireland in Comparative Perspective
by Manussos Marangudakis & William Kelly - 43-57 Theorising Empowerment Thought: Illuminating the Relationship between Ideology and Politics in the Contemporary Era
by Dod Forrest - 58-63 The Scrying Game: The Future of Humanity and the Humanity of the Future
by Alan Aldridge - 64-66 Predictions for Social Research on Line: Educational Reform
by Kenji Kosaka - 67-75 Electronic Commerce and the Sociology of Money
by Supriya Singh - 76-77 A Bit of Sorcery: Peering into the Next Century
by Irwin Deutscher - 78-97 The Health Analysis and Action Cycle an Empowering Approach to Women's Health
by Marion Gibbon - 98-101 The Future of Sociology: An African View
by Fred Hendricks - 102-113 The Usefulness of Indepth Life History Interviews for Exploring the Role of Social Structure and Human Agency in Youth Transitions
by Gill Hubbard - 114-117 Futures?
by John Jackson - 118-126 Consciousness in Transition: A Case Study of Social Identity Formation in KwaZulu-Natal Study Description and Methodology
by T Marcus & D Manicom - 127-138 Women in the British Sociological Labour Market, 1960-1995
by Jennifer Platt - 139-149 Dealing with Difference: Researching Health Beliefs and Behaviours of British Asian Mothers
by Katherine Reed - 150-151 Introduction to Predictions
by Liz Stanley