October 2015, Volume 47, Issue 10
- 2021-2022 Featured graphic. Parental ‘choice’ and sociospatial segregation in a UK city: access to the best state-funded secondary schools for Black Somali pupils
by Sue Easton - 2023-2030 Carbon offsets: Accommodation or resistance?
by Esteve Corbera & Adrian Martin - 2031-2046 Financing the agrarian transition? The Clean Development Mechanism and agricultural change in Latin America
by Hannah Wittman & Lisa Jordan Powell & Esteve Corbera - 2047-2063 ‘Fixing’ the climate crisis: capital, states, and carbon offsetting in India
by Gareth Bryant & Siddhartha Dabhi & Steffen Böhm - 2064-2079 The making of a ‘charismatic’ carbon credit: clean cookstoves and ‘uncooperative’ women in western Kenya
by Yiting Wang & Catherine Corson - 2080-2096 Implications on equity in agricultural carbon market projects: a gendered analysis of access, decision making, and outcomes
by Jean Lee & Adrian Martin & Patti Kristjanson & Eva Wollenberg - 2097-2112 When Participatory Forest Management makes money: insights from Tanzania on governance, benefit sharing, and implications for REDD+
by Kaysara Khatun & Nicole Gross-Camp & Esteve Corbera & Adrian Martin & Steve Ball & Glory Massao - 2113-2133 Transecting security and space in Kurdistan, Iraq
by Till F Paasche & James D Sidaway - 2134-2152 The rhetorical devices for marketing and branding Johannesburg as a city: a critical review
by Mfaniseni Fana Sihlongonyane - 2153-2169 ‘Modes of governing’ and solid waste management in Maui, Hawaii, USA
by Jordan P Howell - 2170-2186 Technological diversification and new innovators in European regions: evidence from patent data
by Carlo Corradini & Lisa De Propris - 2187-2203 Ich will nicht nach Berlin! – Life course analysis of inter-regional migration behaviour of people from the field of design and advertising
by Christoph Alfken - 2204-2220 ‘I could not be idle any longer’: buruli ulcer treatment assemblages in rural Ghana
by Heidi Eileen Hausermann
September 2015, Volume 47, Issue 9
- 1779-1780 Local taxation and spending as a share of GDP in large Western European countries
by Laurence Ferry & Peter Eckersley & Wouter van Dooren - 1781-1786 Making Market Rule(s)
by Chris Muellerleile & Joshua Akers - 1787-1804 Measure for measure? Commensuration, commodification, and metrology in emissions markets and beyond
by Mark H Cooper - 1805-1823 Speculative boundaries: Chicago and the regulatory history of US financial derivative markets
by Chris Muellerleile - 1824-1841 Teaching the market: fostering consent to education markets in the United States
by Dan Cohen & Chris Lizotte - 1842-1858 Emerging market city
by Joshua Akers - 1859-1865 Constructing and deconstructing markets: making space for capital Introduction: Market works
by Brett Christophers - 1866-1872 Ruling markets: the marketization of social and economic policy
by Christian Berndt - 1873-1891 “The poor are us†: middle-class poverty politics in Buenos Aires and Seattle
by Victoria Lawson & Sarah Elwood & Santiago Canevaro & Nicolas Viotti - 1892-1906 Parental responsibility for paid employment and social reproduction: children's experiences in middle-class and working-class households in England
by Helena Pimlott-Wilson - 1907-1925 Assembling sustainable territories: space, subjects, objects, and expertise in seafood certification
by Peter Vandergeest & Stefano Ponte & Simon Bush - 1926-1943 A study of state–nature relations in a developmental state: the water resource policy of the Park Jung-Hee regime, 1961–79
by Jin-Tae Hwang - 1944-1962 Stakeholder perspectives on shale gas fracking: a Q-method study of environmental discourses
by Matthew Cotton - 1963-1978 How stakeholder interactions can reduce space for moral considerations in decision making: A contested CCS project in the Netherlands
by Eefje Cuppen & Suzanne Brunsting & Udo Pesch & Ynke Feenstra - 1979-1999 Floating or settling down: the effect of rural landholdings on the settlement intention of rural migrants in urban China
by Pu Hao & Shuangshuang Tang - 2000-2018 Level of religiosity in residential neighborhoods: residents' perceptions versus reality
by Larisa Fleishman & Yury Gubman
August 2015, Volume 47, Issue 8
- 166-1679 A darker side of hypermobility
by Scott A Cohen & Stefan Gössling - 1595-1596 Mean center of population for Sweden, 1810–2010
by Ulf Ernstson & Thomas Niedomysl - 1597-1605 Guest editorial
by Manuel B Aalbers & Ewald Engelen - 1606-1623 Don't mind the ‘funding gap’: what Dutch post crisis storytelling tells us about elite politics in financialized capitalism
by Ewald Engelen - 1624-1642 The political economy of mortgage securitization and the neoliberalization of housing policy in Canada
by Alan Walks & Brian Clifford - 1643-1660 Circulating financial innovation: new knowledge and securitization in Europe
by Thomas Wainwright - 1680-1696 Inventing space in the cañada: Tracing children's agency in Los Platanitos, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
by Bjørn Sletto & Oscar Omar Diaz - 1697-1712 Experiments in co-existence: the science and practices of biocontrol in invasive species management
by Jennifer Atchison - 1713-1735 Structural decomposition analyses: the differences between applying the semi-closed and the open input–output model
by Quanrun Chen & Erik Dietzenbacher & Bart Los - 1736-1755 The determinants of the commuting burden of low-income workers: evidence from Beijing
by Pengjun Zhao - 1756-1775 Intergenerational effects of parental wealth on children's housing wealth
by Kang-Rae Ma & Eun-Taek Kang
July 2015, Volume 47, Issue 7
- 1401-1403 Featured graphic. Transport mode choice and the commute to work
by Alexander D Singleton - 1404-1421 The making of a landslide: legibility and expertise in exurban southern Appalachia
by Seth Gustafson - 1422-1439 Oil frictions and the subterranean geopolitics of energy regionalisms
by Gabriela Valdivia - 1440-1459 Grassroots austerity: municipal bankruptcy from below in Vallejo, California
by Mark Davidson & William Kutz - 1460-1479 Contextualizing state-led gentrification: goals of governing actors in generating neighbourhood upgrading
by Annalies Teernstra - 1480-1501 An anatomy of gentrification processes: variegating causes of neighbourhood change
by Cody Hochstenbach & Wouter PC van Gent - 1502-1520 Powering the world city system: energy industry networks and interurban connectivity
by Kirsten Martinus & Matthew Tonts - 1521-1539 Central places or networks? Paradigms, metaphors, and spatial configurations of innovation-related service use
by Richard Shearmur & David Doloreux - 1540-1557 Qualified, absolute, idealistic, impatient: dimensions of host community responses to wind energy projects
by Stewart Fast - 1558-1573 Reframing the foodscape: the emergent world of urban food policy
by Ana Moragues-Faus & Kevin Morgan - 1574-1591 Making a scene: exploring the dimensions of place through Dutch popular music, 1960–2010
by Amanda Brandellero & Karin Pfeffer
June 2015, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 1231-1234 The geography of Weibo
by Xingjian Liu & Jianghao Wang - 1235-1240 Visualizing urban and regional worlds: power, politics, and practices
by Jon Swords & Xingjian Liu - 1241-1253 From manufacturing belt, to rust belt, to college country: a visual narrative of US urban growth
by Daniel Arribas-Bel & Michiel Gerritse - 1254-1264 Mapping information wealth and poverty: the geography of gazetteers
by Mark Graham & Stefano De Sabbata - 1265-1282 The comparative tableau of mountains and rivers: emulation and reappraisal of a popular 19th-century visualization design
by Baptiste Hautdidier - 1283-1297 Designerly mapping practices at the crossroads of cartography and urbanism: a processual account of three re-cartographies of southwest Flanders
by Bieke Cattoor - 1298-1312 Understanding the interoperability of virtual city models in assessing the performance of city centre squares
by James Charlton & Bob Giddings & Emine Mine Thompson & Iwan Peverett - 1313-1331 Tracing postrepresentational visions of the city: representing the unrepresentable Skateworlds of Tyneside
by Jon Swords & Michael Jeffries - 1332-1340 Cutting the Gordian knot of visualizing dense spatial networks: the case of the world city network, 2013
by Stefan Hennemann & Ben Derudder & Peter J Taylor - 1341-1345 Perspectives on the new cartography
by Michael F Goodchild - 1346-1350 Visualizing urban and regional worlds: power, politics, and practices
by Daniel Dorling & Benjamin D Hennig - 1351-1367 Wine-washing: colonization, normalization, and the geopolitics of terroir in the West Bank's settlements
by Ariel Handel & Galit Rand & Marco Allegra - 1368-1382 Rethinking the place brand: the interactive formation of place brands and the role of participatory place branding
by Mihalis Kavaratzis & Ares Kalandides - 1383-1397 You have to try your luck: male Ghanaian youth and the uncertainty of football migration
by James Esson
May 2015, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 1019-1022 Superlocal spatial variations in fertility
by John Östh - 1023-1028 Human control of climate: introducing cities
by Peter J Taylor & Geoff O'Brien & Phil O'Keefe - 1029-1046 For fun and profit: the limits and possibilities of Google-Maps-based geoweb applications
by Craig M Dalton - 1047-1062 Sublime technology and object of fear: offshore wind scientists assessing publics
by Sara Heidenreich - 1063-1080 Building hazard resilience through collaboration: the role of technical partnerships in areas with hazardous liquid and natural gas transmission pipelines
by Anna Christine Osland - 1081-1099 ‘Know your neighbours’: disaster resilience and the normative practices of neighbouring in an urban context
by Lynda Cheshire - 1100-1112 Waiting for the state: a politics of housing in South Africa
by Sophie Oldfield & Saskia Greyling - 1113-1131 Making space for women in urban governance? Leadership and claims-making in a Kerala slum
by Glyn Williams & J Devika & Guro Aandahl - 1132-1154 Local social engagement, satisfaction, and embeddedness in the Netherlands: which effects matter and for whom?
by Vassilis Tselios & Inge Noback & Philip McCann & Jouke van Dijk - 1155-1174 Neighbourhood selection of non-Western ethnic minorities: testing the own-group effects hypothesis using a conditional logit model
by Sanne Boschman & Maarten van Ham - 1175-1191 An alternative definition and use for the constraint function for rule-based methods of functional regionalisation
by Marián Halás & Pavel Klapka & Petr Tonev & Marek Bednář - 1192-1210 Demographic ageing and the polarization of regions—an exploratory space–time analysis
by Terry Gregory & Roberto Patuelli - 1211-1228 Estimating small-area Indigenous cultural participation from synthetic survey data
by Yogi Vidyattama & Robert Tanton & Nicholas Biddle
April 2015, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 763-765 Featured Graphic. The Evolution of a Two-Sector Housing Market
by Yi Zhu & Mi Diao - 766-782 Rightsizing as Spatial Austerity in the American Rust Belt
by Jason Hackworth - 783-800 ‘A Deeper Channel Floats all Boats’: The Port Economy as Urban Growth Engine
by David Jaffee - 801-815 Learning from Invisible Cities: The Interplay and Dialogue of Order and Disorder
by Vinit Mukhija - 816-832 Mobility and the Model: Policy Mobility and the Becoming of Israeli Homeland Security Dominance
by Rhys Machold - 833-849 The Political Ecology of a Highway through Belize's Forested Borderlands
by Joel Wainwright & Shiguo Jiang & Kristin Mercer & Desheng Liu - 850-866 Markets, Nature, Neoliberalism, and Conservation through Private Protected Areas in Southern Chile
by George Holmes - 867-883 Contradictory Connectivity: Spatial Imaginaries and Technomediated Positionalities in Kenya's Outsourcing Sector
by Mark Graham - 884-902 Islands of globalisation: Offshore Services and the Changing Spatial Divisions of Labour
by Jana Maria Kleibert - 903-921 Children Living with ‘Sustainable’ Urban Architectures
by John Horton & Sophie Hadfield-Hill & Peter Kraftl - 922-938 The Unstable Lives of Bicycles: The ‘Unbecoming’ of Design Objects
by Jonas Larsen & Mathilde Dissing Christensen - 939-956 Who Needs Good Neighbors?
by Peter Howley & Stephen O Neill & Rowland Atkinson - 957-976 Trip Generation of Seniors and the Geography of Walking in Montreal
by Md Moniruzzaman & Antonio Páez & Darren Scott & Catherine Morency - 977-995 ‘All in it Together’? Ethnoreligious Labour-Market Penalties and the Post-2008 Recession in the UK
by Nabil Khattab & Ron Johnston & David Manley - 996-1014 Modelling Multilevel Variations in Distance Moved between Origins and Destinations in England and Wales
by Michael Thomas & John Stillwell & Myles Gould - 1015-1016 The Power of Collective Tactics: Response to Peters and Turner
by Nick Bearman & Sarah Dyer & Helen Walkington & Stephanie Wyse
March 2015, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 501-502 Featured Graphic. If Europe were a Country …
by N/A - 503-520 Waterfall City (Johannesburg): Privatized Urbanism in Extremis
by Martin J Murray - 521-536 Urban Social Movements and the Struggle for Affordable Housing in the Globalizing City of Tel Aviv-Jaffa
by Sebastian Schipper - 537-553 The Circulation of Swedish Urban Sustainability Practices: To China and Back
by Anna Hult - 554-570 Harbour Bathing and the Urban Transition of Water in Copenhagen: Junctions, Mediators, and Urban Navigations
by Jens Stissing Jensen & Erik Hagelskjær Lauridsen & Chiara Farné Fratini & Birgitte Hoffmann - 571-587 Building Collaborative Partnerships for Climate Change Action in Maputo, Mozambique
by Vanesa Castán Broto & Domingos Augusto Macucule & Emily Boyd & Jonathan Ensor & Charlotte Allen - 588-606 Urban Escalators and Interregional Elevators: The Difference that Location, Mobility, and Sectoral Specialisation Make to Occupational Progression
by Ian Gordon & Tony Champion & Mike Coombes - 607-624 Employment Insecurity and First-Time Homeownership: Evidence from Twenty-Two European Countries
by Philipp M Lersch & Caroline Dewilde - 625-642 Residential Mobility of Skilled Migrants in Nanjing, China
by Can Cui & Stan Geertman & Pieter Hooimeijer - 643-659 When Cultural Workers Become an Urban Social Movement: Political Subjectification and Alternative Cultural Production in the Macao Movement, Milan
by Chiara Valli - 660-675 Being Indigenous in a Non-Indigenous Environment: Identity Politics of the Dogai Ainu and New Indigenous Policies of Japan
by Naohiro Nakamura - 676-690 The Role of ‘Persistent Resilience’ within Everyday Life and Polity: Households Coping with Marginality within the ‘Big Society’
by Lauren Andres & John Round - 691-708 Taking the Tyke on a Bike: Mothers' and Childless Women's Space-Time Geographies in Amsterdam Compared
by Amanda Eyer & Antonio Ferreira - 709-726 Site-Specific Dance: Revealing and Contesting the Ludic Qualities, Everyday Rhythms, and Embodied Habits of Place
by Tim Edensor & Caitlan Bowdler - 727-743 In the Family Way: Bringing a Mother-Daughter (Matrilineal) Perspective to Retail Innovation and Consumer Culture
by Andrea Davies & James Fitchett - 744-761 Geography of Knowledge Sourcing, Search Breadth and Depth Patterns, and Innovative Performance: A Firm Heterogeneity Perspective
by Cassandra C Wang
February 2015, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 247-248 Featured Graphic. The Declining Impacts of Danwei on Commuting? Visualization of Journeys to Work from Danwei and Adjacent Areas in Xi'an, China
by Jiangping Zhou & Xin Tong & Xiaojian Chen - 249-266 Postcolonial Perspectives on Global Production Networks: Insights from Flower Valley in South Africa
by Alex Hughes & Cheryl McEwan & David Bek - 267-283 Naturalizing Neoliberalism and the De-Mexicanization of the Tequila Industry
by Marie Sarita Gaytán & Sarah Bowen - 284-299 Re-Representing the City: Waste and Public Space in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the Late 2000s
by Kate Parizeau - 300-319 Inhabiting Infrastructure: Exploring the Interactional Spaces of Urban Cycling
by Alan Latham & Peter R H Wood - 320-337 Grassroots Innovation for Urban Sustainability: Comparing the Diffusion Pathways of Three Ecovillage Projects
by Robert H W Boyer - 338-355 Contested ‘Relational Policy Spaces’ in Two European Border Regions
by Sabine Dörry & Olivier J Walther - 356-372 Not ‘Dead Letters’, Just ‘Blind Eyes’: The Europeanisation of Drinking Water Risk Regulation in Estonia and Lithuania
by Kati Orru & Henry Rothstein - 373-391 Mobilizing Risk: Explaining Policy Transfer in Food and Occupational Safety Regulation in the UK
by David Demeritt & Henry Rothstein & Anne-Laure Beaussier & Michael Howard - 392-411 Cultural Diversity and Entrepreneurship in England and Wales
by Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose & Daniel Hardy - 412-429 The Impact of Airports on US Urban Employment Distribution
by Stephen J Appold - 430-449 Neighbourhood Change and Deprivation in the Greater Manchester City-Region
by Stephen Hincks - 450-464 Other People's Homes as Sites of Uncertainty: Ways of Knowing and Being Safe
by Sarah Pink & Jennie Morgan & Andrew Dainty - 465-484 The Geotemporal Demographics of Twitter Usage
by Paul A Longley & Muhammad Adnan & Guy Lansley - 485-500 Tenure Security as a Predictor of Housing Investment in Low-Income Settlements: Testing a Tripartite Model
by Jean-Louis van Gelder & Eva C Luciano
January 2015, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-2 Featured Graphic. Mushrooming Jiedaos, Growing Cities: An Alternative Perspective on Urbanizing China
by Kang Wu & Ying Long & Qizhi Mao & Xingjian Liu - 3-9 North American Suburbia in Flux Introduction
by Jan Nijman - 10-29 The Strange Case of the Bay Area
by Richard Walker & Alex Schafran - 30-49 Using Toronto to Explore Three Suburban Stereotypes, and Vice Versa
by Richard Harris - 50-68 Spatial Transformation of Metropolitan Cities
by Fang Wei & Paul L Knox - 69-88 Rethinking Suburbia: A Case Study of Metropolitan Miami
by Jan Nijman & Tom Clery - 89-107 Dubaization of Istanbul: Insights from the Knowledge-Based Urban Development Journey of an Emerging Local Economy
by Tan Yigitcanlar & Melih Bulu - 108-120 The Power of (Re)Attachment in Urban Strategy: Interrogating the Framing of Social Sustainability in Malmö
by Randi Gressgård - 121-137 Cycles of Investment: Bicycle Infrastructure, Gentrification, and the Restructuring of the San Francisco Bay Area
by John Stehlin - 138-155 Beyond Carbon, More Than Forest? REDD+ Governmentality in Indonesia
by Andrew McGregor & Edward Challies & Peter Howson & Rini Astuti & Rowan Dixon & Bethany Haalboom & Michael Gavin & Luca Tacconi & Suraya Afiff - 156-171 At the Mercy of the Mountain? Field Stations and the Culture of Volcanology
by Amy Donovan & Clive Oppenheimer - 172-187 No Escape? The Coordination Problem in Heritage Preservation
by Nancy Holman & Gabriel M Ahlfeldt - 188-208 The Functional and Sectoral Division of Labour between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: From Complementarities in Production to Competition in Producer Services?
by Daniel Schiller & Martijn J Burger & Bas Karreman - 209-226 Negotiating Strategic Planning's Transitional Spaces: The Case of ‘Guerrilla Governance’ in Infrastructure Planning
by Crystal Legacy & Ryan van den Nouwelant - 227-242 A Unified Bootstrap Test for Local Patterns of Spatiotemporal Association
by N a Yan & Chang-Lin Mei & Ning Wang - 243-246 Letters to the Editor
by N/A
December 2014, Volume 46, Issue 12
- 2787-2794 Rethinking Real Estate Finance in the Wake of a Boom: A Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Publication of the Double Issue on Property and Finance in Environment and Planning A
by Peter Wissoker & Desiree Fields & Rachel Weber & Elvin Wyly - 2795-2797 Featured Graphic. OD Maps for Showing Changes in Irish Female Migration between 1851 and 1911
by Aidan Slingsby & Mary Kelly & Jason Dykes - 2798-2815 Neoliberalism, Big Society, and Progressive Localism
by Andrew Williams & Mark Goodwin & Paul Cloke - 2816-2833 Citizenshit: The Right to Flush and the Urban Sanitation Imaginary
by Margaret del Carmen Morales & Leila Harris & Gunilla Öberg - 2834-2847 ‘A Country on Wheels’: A Mobile Ethnography of Portuguese Lorry Drivers
by André Nóvoa - 2848-2863 Prolonging Life: Appreciations of a Secondhand ‘Capital’ Machine
by Keith Spiller - 2864-2880 Children, Urban Care, and Everyday Pavements
by Kim Kullman - 2881-2897 Badger Vaccination: Dimensions of Trust and Confidence in the Governance of Animal Disease
by Gareth Enticott & Damian Maye & Rhiannon Fisher & Brian Ilbery & James Kirwan - 2898-2914 Moving Considerations of Middle-Class Residents in Dutch Disadvantaged Neighborhoods: Exploring the Relationship between Disorder and Attachment
by Fenne M Pinkster & Matthieu Permentier & Karin Wittebrood - 2915-2931 Cross-Sectoral Influence, Planning Policy, and Industrial Property Market in a High-Density City: A Hong Kong Study 1978–2012
by Bo-Sin Tang & Winky K O Ho - 2932-2949 Forced Mobility: The Relocation of Public-Housing Residents in Atlanta
by Katherine Hankins & Mechelle Puckett & Deirdre Oakley & Erin Ruel - 2950-2971 The Geography of Chinese Science
by David Emanuel Andersson & Saileshsingh Gunessee & Christian Wichmann Matthiessen & Søren Find - 2972-2990 Understanding the Governance of Corporations: An Examination of the Factors Shaping UK Supermarket Strategies on Climate Change
by Andy Gouldson & Rory Sullivan - 2991-3009 Vehicle Miles Traveled and the Built Environment: Evidence from Vehicle Safety Inspection Data
by M i Diao & Joseph Ferreira Jr - 3010-3026 Urban Growth Boundaries and their Impact on Land Prices
by Michael Ball & Melek Cigdem & Elizabeth Taylor & Gavin Wood - 3027-3032 Referees 2014
by N/A
November 2014, Volume 46, Issue 11
- 2533-2542 Did Ebola Emerge in West Africa by a Policy-Driven Phase Change in Agroecology? Ebola's Social Context
by Robert G Wallace & Marius Gilbert & Rodrick Wallace & Claudia Pittiglio & Raffaele Mattioli & Richard Kock - 2543-2545 Featured Graphic. Visualizing Commuting in Singapore
by Clio Andris & Joseph Ferreira - 2546-2551 Baroque Geographies: Marginal Preoccupations
by Deborah Dixon - 2552-2568 The Sicilian Baroque: Reconciling Postquake Tensions
by Thomas J Puleo - 2569-2584 The Future of Ruins: The Baroque Melancholy of Hashima
by Carl Lavery & Deborah P Dixon & Lee Hassall - 2585-2603 Kapoorian Geographies of Relationality: The Baroque, Topological Twists, Phase Space in Action
by Martin Jones - 2604-2621 Searching for GloFish®: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Encounters with the Neon Baroque
by Gail Davies - 2622-2637 Transforming Macau: Planning as Institutionalized Informality and the Spatial Dynamics of Hypercompetition
by Kah-Wee Lee - 2638-2653 Competition through Interurban Policy Making: Bidding to Host Megaevents as Entrepreneurial Networking
by John Lauermann - 2654-2669 Learning through Policy Tourism: Circulating Bus Rapid Transit from South America to South Africa
by Astrid Wood - 2670-2685 In Search of Radical Democracy: The Ideological Character of Current Political Advocacies for Culture Change in Planning
by Kristina Grange - 2686-2702 When Does Unequal become Unfair? Judging Claims of Environmental Injustice
by Simin Davoudi & Elizabeth Brooks - 2703-2717 Europeanizing Territoriality—Towards Soft Spaces?
by Phil Allmendinger & Tobias Chilla & Franziska Sielker - 2718-2734 Constructing Peripheral Cross-Border Regions in Planning: Territory—Network Interplay in the Barents Region
by Kaj Zimmerbauer - 2735-2751 Economization and Beyond: (Re)Composing Livelihoods in Maine, USA
by Ethan Miller - 2752-2768 Evolution of Collective Action in a Ski Resort Facing Declining Domestic Demand and Inbound Opportunity: Hakuba's Dynamic Downsizing
by Jerry Patchell - 2769-2785 Evaluating the Impact of Land-Use Density and Mix on Spatiotemporal Urban Activity Patterns: An Exploratory Study Using Mobile Phone Data
by Chris Jacobs-Crisioni & Piet Rietveld & Eric Koomen & Emmanouil Tranos
October 2014, Volume 46, Issue 10
- 2263-2267 Obituary—Peter Hall 1932–2014
by Michael Batty - 2268-2272 Winners of the Ashby Prizes
by N/A - 2273-2275 Featured Graphic. A Community-Led Critique of Accessibility of Sydney's Public Transportation Network
by Laurence Troy & Kurt Iveson - 2276-2282 Making an Impact: Misreading, Misunderstanding, and Misrepresenting Research Does Nothing to Improve the Quality of Public Debate and Policy Making
by Henry Overman - 2283-2299 Here Be Startups: Exploring London's ‘Tech City’ Digital Cluster
by Max Nathan & Emma Vandore - 2300-2316 Working Culture: The Agency and Employment Experiences of Nonunionized Workers in the Surfboard Industry
by Andrew Warren - 2317-2331 Fixed-Term and Temporary: Teaching Fellows, Tactics, and the Negotiation of Contingent Labour in the UK Higher Education System
by Kimberley Peters & Jennifer Turner - 2332-2352 When Regions Collide: In What Sense a New ‘Regional Problem’?
by John Harrison & Anna Growe - 2353-2368 Everyday Expertise: Land Regularization and the Conditions for Land Grabs in Petén, Guatemala
by Kevin A Gould - 2369-2384 The Impact of Residential Location and Settlement Hierarchy on Ecological Footprint
by Age Poom & Rein Ahas & Kati Orru - 2385-2400 Power and Contingency in Planning
by Kristof Van Assche & Martijn Duineveld & Raoul Beunen - 2401-2418 Ideas, Interests, and Institutions: Explaining Dutch Transit-Oriented Development Challenges
by Dorina Pojani & Dominic Stead - 2419-2434 Amorphous Family Nexus: An Analytical Tool in Considering Community/m-MGO Haritika's Ties in Bundelkhand, Central India
by Gunjan Saxena & Avani Mohan Singh - 2435-2451 Do Palestinians Live across the Road? Address and the Micropolitics of Home in Israeli Contested Urban Spaces
by Tovi Fenster - 2452-2468 Single People's Geographies of Home: Intimacy and Friendship beyond ‘the Family’
by Eleanor Wilkinson - 2469-2488 Criminal Neighbourhoods: Does the Density of Prior Offenders in an Area Encourage others to Commit Crime?
by Mark Livingston & George Galster & Ade Kearns & Jon Bannister - 2489-2513 Income Distribution and Growth: A Global Model
by Özlem Onaran & Giorgos Galanis - 2514-2532 Decomposition of Regional Wage Differences Along the Wage Distribution in Portugal: The Importance of Covariates
by Aurora Galego & João Pereira
September 2014, Volume 46, Issue 9
- 2033-2049 Symposium: The Kilburn Manifesto: After Neoliberalism?
by N/A - 2050-2050 Announcement
by Graham Haughton & Phil Allmendinger & Stijn Oosterlynck - 2051-2054 Featured Graphic. Visualizing the Minimum Solution of the Transportation Problem of Linear Programming (TPLP) for Beijing's Bus Commuters
by Jiangping Zhou & Enda Murphy & Ying Long - 2055-2064 Performing Environmental Change: The Politics of Social Science Methods
by Kristin Asdal & Noortje Marres - 2065-2079 ‘Heating up’ or ‘Cooling Down’? Analysing and Performing Broadened Participation in Technoscientific Conflicts
by Göran Sundqvist - 2080-2094 Engaging Cooperative Research
by Steve Hinchliffe & Les Levidow & Sue Oreszczyn