December 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 155-187 The Waterfront Dispute: Of Vendetta and the Australian Way
by Braham Dabscheck - 188-221 The MUA Affair: The Role of Law vs. the Rule of Law
by H.J. Glasbeek - 222-235 The Economics of the Australian Waterfront Dispute
by Tim Harcourt - 236-245 An Economic Analysis of the 1998 Patrick Dispute
by Judith Sloan - 246-261 Workers' Compensation, Employment Security and the Return to Work Process
by Kevin Purse - 262-284 Inter-Firm Networks and Industrial Development in the Global Manufacturing System: Lessons from Taiwan
by Teresa Shuk-Ching Poon - 285-309 Flexibility and Labour Market Structures: The Role of Employers
by Terri Mylett - 310-314 Book Review: The Public Sector in Jeopardy: Australian Fiscal Federalism from Whitlam to Keating
by John Quiggin
June 1998, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-30 Labour Market Restructuring in Industrialised Societies: An Overview
by Michael Quinlan - 31-54 Casual Employment in Australia: Growth, Characteristics, a Bridge or a Trap?
by John Burgess & Iain Campbell - 55-81 Contingent Work and Gender in Australia: Evidence from the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey
by Richard Hall & Bill Harley & Gillian Whitehouse - 82-107 Factors Associated with Casual Employment: Evidence from the AWIRS
by Mark Wooden & Anne Hawke - 108-122 ‘Not Rewarding’, ‘Not Relevant’, ‘Not Interesting’: Career Choices of Female Economics Students
by Paula Haslehurst & Sandra Hopkins & Michael Thorpe - 123-148 Why Join? Why Stay? Instrumentality, Beliefs, Satisfaction and Individual Decisions on Union Membership
by David Peetz - 149-154 Book Review: Impact of Contracting Out of Female NESB Workers: Case Study of the NSW Government Cleaning Service
by George Argyrous
December 1997, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 179-191 Symposium on Employment Relations Reform in the World Automobile Industry: Introduction
by Russell D Lansbury & Harry C. Katz & Fun-Koo Park - 192-220 Industrial Relations in the U.S. Automobile Industry: An Illustration of Increased Decentralization and Diversity
by Harry C. Katz - 221-247 The German Automobile Industry in Transition
by Michael Schumann - 247-253 Book Review: Who's Utility: The Social Impact of Public Utility Privatisation and Regulation in Britain: Unlocking the Infrastructure: The Reform of Public Utilities in Australia
by Michael Johnson - 248-268 Employment Relations in the Korean Automotive Industry: Issues and Policy Implications
by Park Young-Bum & Lee Byoung-Hoon & Woo Seog-Hun - 269-272 Symposium on the Wallis Report: Introduction
by Peter Kriesler - 273-292 Financial Deregulation in Australia in the 1980s
by Ann Nevile - 293-307 Philosophical Foundations of the Wallis Report
by Jeffrey Carmichael - 308-317 The Wallis Inquiry: An Assessment
by Colm Kearney - 318-332 Financial System Reform: Regulatory Structure, Financial Safety, Systemic Stability and Competition Policy
by Warren Hogan & Ian G. Sharpe - 333-342 Book Review: Going for Growth: Business Programs for Investment, Innovation and Export
by R.M. Conlon - 343-346 Book Review: Strife: Sex and Politics in Labour Unions
by Pat Ranald
June 1997, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-6 Symposium on Asian Industrial Relations: Introduction
by Russell Lansbury - 7-21 The New Role of Trade Unionism in the 21st Century: Lessons from Singapore
by Tan Ern Ser & Irene K.H. Chew - 22-43 Approaching the 21st Century: Perspectives on Korean Industrial Relations
by Seoghun Woo - 44-56 Changing Employment Structures and Their Effects on Industrial Relations in Malaysia
by Rohanna Ariffin - 57-77 Deficiencies in the Current Tax System
by Julie Smith - 78-89 Pay Policy, Accumulation and Productivity
by G.C. Harcourt - 90-109 A Set of Generational Accounts for Australia: Base Year 1994/95
by John Ablett - 110-127 Labour Market Gross Flows and Transition Rates 1980–1992
by Gareth D. Leeves - 128-128 Editorial Note
by N/A - 129-142 ‘Stolen Entitlements’: The 1997 Living Wage Case
by Braham Dabscheck - 143-155 Implications for Wages Policy in Australia of the Living Wage Case
by Trevor Stegman - 156-167 The Living Wage Case: How Tight Were the Economic Constraints on Equity?
by Suzie Jones & Tim Harcourt - 168-173 Book Review: Managing Together: Consultation and Participation in the Workplace
by Chris Nyland & Chris Nyland - 174-176 Book Review: Great Expectations: Microeconomic Reform and Australia
by Glenn Withers - 177-177 Erratum
by N/A
December 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 183-187 Symposium on Wages: Introduction
by J.W. Nevile - 188-197 The Minimum Wage Debate: Politically Correct Economics?
by Tom Valentine - 198-212 Minimum Wages, Equity and Unemployment
by J.W. Nevile - 213-223 Wage Bargaining and the Efficiency Dividend in Public Enterprises
by Colm Kearney - 224-243 The ‘Death’ of Comparative Wage Justice in Australia
by Roy Green - 254-261 Determining the Minimum Wage: A Household Expenditure Approach
by D.H. Plowman & J. Taplin & J. Henstridge - 262-284 Job Insecurity in the New Model of Public Employment
by Marc Robinson - 285-314 Participation in Labour Adjustment Assistance: The TCF Labour Adjustment Package
by Michael Webber & Sally Weller & Phillip O'Neill - 315-319 Book Review: On Strong Foundations: The BWIU and Industrial Relations in the Australian Construction Industry 1942–1992
by Glenn Mitchell & Michael Quinlan - 320-323 Book Review: The Crisis of Vision in Modern Economic Thought
by John Langmore - 324-328 Book Review: Dialogues on Australia's Future in Honour of the Late Professor Ronald Henderson
by Peter Groenewegen
June 1996, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction
by Russell D Lansbury & Muneto Ozaki - 5-28 Direct Participation in Work Organization: A Survey of Recent International Developments
by Muneto Ozaki - 29-45 Reforming the Australian Workplace through Employee Participation
by Russell D Lansbury & Edward M Davis & David Simmons - 46-66 Workers' Participation in Work Organisation: The Banking Industry in the United Kingdom
by Michael Terry & Helen Newell - 67-87 Innovation in Isolation: Labor-Management Partnerships in the United States
by Kirsten S. Wever & Rosemary Batt & Saul Rubinstein - 88-119 Retrenchment and Labour Market Flows in Australia
by Iain Campbell & Michael Webber - 120-131 Why Privatize Airports?
by Peter Kriesler - 132-164 The Limits of Enterprise Autonomy: Enterprise Bargaining in the Australian Domestic Airline Industry
by Mark Bray - 165-181 The 1995 ACTU Congress: Recruitment and Retention
by Edward M Davis
December 1995, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 159-179 The Economics of Logging High Conservation Value Native Forests
by Clive Hamilton - 180-195 Woodchipping and Conservation: A Case for Timber Workers
by Herb Thompson & Julie Tracy - 196-215 How Often Should Native Forests Be Logged? A Case Study on the Eden Management Area
by Stephen Hartley - 216-233 Aggregate Wage Indicators, Enterprise Bargaining and Recent Wage Increases
by John Burgess - 234-251 Prospects for Women under Labor and Coalition Industrial Relations Policies
by Barbara Pocock - 252-287 Protecting the Low Income Earner: Minimum Wage Determination in Australia
by David H. Plowman - 288-299 Individual Contracts What Do They Mean for Australia?
by Jonathan Hamberger - 300-311 Comprehensive and Essential Guides to the Australian Economy?
by R. H. Wallace
June 1995, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-16 On the Dangers of Targeting the Budget Deficit
by J.O.N. Perkins - 17-40 The Tax Issues That Will Not Go Away
by Neil Warren - 41-51 Public and Private Spending: Some Australian Evidence
by Mehdi S. Monadjemi - 52-70 Public Capital and Private Sector Productivity: A Review of the Empirical Evidence
by Glenn Otto & Graham Voss - 71-72 Organisational Innovation and the Sociotechnical Tradition: Introduction
by John Mathews - 73-93 Sociotechnical Interventions and Teams in Australia: 1970s-1990s
by Andrew Griffiths - 94-104 The Role of Unions in Sociotechnical Systems
by Marian Baird - 105-124 Cost Benefit Analysis of Industrial Noise Regulation
by Stephen Holland & Jean Cross - 125-138 The Australian Welfare State: Neither Egalitarian Saviour Nor Economic Millstone?
by Fred Gruen - 139-148 The Welfare State and Poverty: A Reply to Fred Gruen
by Peter Saunders - 149-157 The ILO to the Rescue? A Mote on Japanese and Australian Experiences
by Michael Easson
December 1994, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-2 Obituary: Rut Hammarstrom
by Russell Lansbury & Neil Watson - 3-13 Changing Nordic Approaches to Bargaining and Participation: Some Implications for Australia
by Russell D. Lansbury - 14-27 Sweden: At the Turning Point?
by Olle Hammarstrom & Rianne Mahon - 28-46 Bargaining and Participation in Norway
by Karl Henrik Sivesind - 47-61 Direct Participation in Denmark: The Positions of the Social Partners
by Reinhard Lund - 62-83 Workplace Finland: New Forms of Bargaining and Participation
by Tuomo Alasoini & Timo Kauppinen & Pekka Ylostalo - 84-101 Centralised vs. Decentralised Wage-Setting Systems and Capital Accumulation — Evidence from OECD Countries, 1960–1990
by Anis Chowdhury - 102-120 Regulating Natural Monopoly: Are Price Caps an Alternative to Rate of Return Targets?
by Colm Kearney & Ivo Favotto - 121-141 Unions, Training, Job Dissatisfaction and Quits
by Paul Miller & Charles Mulvey - 142-148 Langmore and Quiggin on Full Employment in the Nineties
by Trevor Stegman - 149-154 An Economic Impact Assessment of ‘Safety Net’ Wage Increases
by Robert Skeffington - 155-157 Enterprise Bargaining: The Truth — A Comment
by Geoffrey Crockett & Peter Dawkins & Charles Mulvey - 158-160 Enterprise Bargaining: The Truth — A Reply
by Malcolm Rimmer & Lee Watts
June 1994, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-10 Wage Subsidies
by Paul W. Miller - 11-20 Long-Term Unemployment: The Role of Wage Adjustments
by Philip E.T. Lewis - 21-29 Wage Differentials and Youth Unemployment
by David Plowman - 30-37 Job Creation: From Public Works to a Job Compact
by Thorsten Stromback - 38-45 Unemployment and the Structure of Unemployment Benefits
by Keith Norris - 46-51 A Job Creation Tax
by Charles Mulvey - 52-61 “Restoring Full Employment†: Further Research Needs
by Peter Dawkins - 62-80 Enterprise Bargaining: The Truth Revealed at Last
by Malcolm Rimmer & Lee Watts - 81-103 The Authority of the ACTU
by Gerard Griffin - 104-116 The Workforce of the Future: Implications for Industrial Relations, Education and Training
by Russell D. Lansbury - 117-136 Good While it Lasted: The Position and Prospects of Australian Unions in 1993
by Michael Easson & Tom Forrest - 137-153 An Overview of Protection of Australian Manufacturing: Past, Present and Future
by R. M. Conlon - 154-167 Defending Economic Rationalism … and Boosting the Image of “Free Market Economists†?
by Peter Groenewegen
December 1993, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 167-175 Macroeconomic Policy for Australia in the 1990s
by G.C. Harcourt - 176-197 The Road Back to Full Employment
by Fred Argy - 198-217 Macroeconomic Policy for Recovery
by Ian M. McDonald - 218-240 Long Term Unemployment: The Case for Policy Reform
by Bruce Chapman - 241-256 Strong on Policy Suggestions, but Weak on Analytical Framework: A Review of the Green Paper on Restoring Full Employment
by J.W. Nevile - 257-278 Award Restructuring, Workplace Reform and the Changing Nature of Australian Industrial Relations
by R E Fells - 279-298 What Enterprise? Whose Bargain? Politicians Face Their Principals
by Glyn Davis & Margaret Gardner - 299-318 The 1993 ACTU Congress: Rewriting the Rules
by Edward M Davis - 319-327 Australia's Future in the Asian—Pacific Economy: A Japanese View
by Tatsuo Kinugasa - 328-332 A Case for Public Sector Job Creation Schemes? Not Really
by Judith Sloan & Mark Wooden - 333-337 Public Sector Job Creation Schemes: A Reply
by John Burgess
June 1993, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-26 The Coalition's Plan to Regulate Industrial Relations
by Braham Dabscheck - 27-49 The Economic Implications of Enterprise Bargaining
by Judith Sloan - 50-61 “Jobsback†and the Future of Wages Policy
by Trevor Stegman - 62-76 A Constitutional Basis for the Federal Coalition's Industrial Relations Policy — and Related Matters
by S.E.K. Hulme - 77-97 Enterprise Bargaining: An Overview
by Nicholas Blain - 98-119 Are Low Income Countries Catching up or Falling Further Behind? Evidence from Income and Demographic Indicators
by N. Kakwani & K. Subbarao - 120-139 The Determination of Interest Rates and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Deregulated Financial Markets
by Penelope N. Neal - 140-166 The Nature of Workplace Relations: A Typology of Social Relations and Analysis of Industrial Relations Systems
by David E. Morgan
December 1992, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-17 The Political Economy of Privatisation
by Bob Rowthorn & Ha-Joon Chang - 18-42 The Mixed Economy of Support for the Aged in Australia: Lessons for Privatisation
by Peter Saunders & Michael Fine - 43-71 Privatisation (Asset Sales) in New Zealand, 1987–1992
by Michael Williams - 72-97 Evaluating the Privatisation of the English and Welsh Water Industry
by Michael Johnson - 98-114 Removing Poverty Traps: Taxation and Welfare Reform in Australia
by M. Cashel & P. A. McGavin - 115-130 A Case for Public Sector Job Creation Schemes
by John Burgess - 131-147 How Pervasive is the “Going Rate†? Some Behavioural Insights into the Process of Enterprise Bargaining
by R.E. Fells & R.M. Skeffington - 148-164 The APPM Dispute: The Dinosaur and Turtles vs the ACTU
by Herb Thompson - 165-180 Young People and Trade Union Membership: An International Comparative Study
by Christina Cregan & Chris Rudd & Stewart Johnston - 181-199 Compulsory Unionism and the AWIRS: Redrawing the Map
by Mark Wooden
June 1992, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 Addendum
by N/A - 1-13 Fightback in Perspective: What Difference Would it Make?
by J.W. Nevile - 14-35 Economic Arguments for a New Consumption Tax
by John Freebairn - 36-47 Macroeconomic Effects of a Switch to Indirect Taxes: Some Evidence from the UK and the EC
by J.O.N. Perkins - 48-79 The Liberal-National Party Fightback! Package: A Distributional Analysis
by Phil Raskall - 80-93 Industrial Relations and the Coalition's Fightback Package: An Assessment
by John Buchanan - 94-102 The Coalition and Voluntary Industrial Agreements: Some Constitutional Questions
by Greg Craven - 103-111 An Uneven Playing Field: The Contract of Employment and Labour Market Regulation
by Graham F. Smith - 112-125 The Labor Government's Industrial Relations Policy: Flexibility with Equity
by Peter Cook - 126-152 Collective Bargaining and the Labour Market Flexibility Debate in New Zealand: A Review
by Raymond Harbridge & David Rea - 153-176 The Fruits of Abdication: Australian Multi-employer Award Respondency
by David H. Plowman & Malcolm Rimmer - 177-187 The Effects of Productivity Enhancement: Some Community Views
by Lawson K. Savery & Geoffrey N. Soutar
December 1991, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-24 State of the Union: An Assessment of Union Strategies
by R. Lambert - 25-44 W(h)ither Australian Unions?
by David H. Plowman - 45-64 The Impact of Unions: On Economic Welfare: A Short Survey
by Charles Mulvey - 65-89 The Impact of the Closed Shop on the Union Movement: A Preliminary View
by Gianni Zappala' - 90-113 Solidarity in the Nineties? An Analysis of the ACTU Blueprint and the Costa/Duffy Critique
by Bradon Ellem - 114-130 Unions and Sport: Australian Professional Players' Associations
by Braham Dabscheck - 131-142 Australian Economic Growth: A Structural Perspective (A Preliminary Report)
by Joseph Halevi & Peter Kriesler - 143-171 An Ever-Rising Tide? Poverty in Australia in the Eighties
by Peter Saunders & George Matheson
June 1991, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-11 Wages Policy and the 1991 National Wage Case: An Economic Perspective
by Trevor Stegman - 12-30 The 1991 National Wage Case: An Industrial Relations Perspective
by D. H. Plowman - 31-41 ‘Throwing down the Gauntlet’: ACTU Special Unions Conference, May 1991
by Edward M Davis - 42-56 The Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey and the Prospects for Enterprise Bargaining
by Ron Callus - 57-71 Myths and Realities: A Review of the Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey
by Michael Angwin - 72-88 Change and Involvement at the Workplace: Evidence from the Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey
by Roy Green - 89-121 Natural Resource Accounting and Sustainability
by Michael Common - 122-153 The Appropriate Role of Property Rights in Environmental Protection
by John Niland - 154-171 Structural Adjustment Issues in Papua New Guinea
by John Lodewijks & Diane Enahoro & George Argyrous - 172-196 A Decade of Striking Figures
by Braham Dabscheck
December 1990, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-17 What Should We Expect of Microeconomic Reform?
by Ross Chapman - 18-33 Deregulation and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
by M. Monadjemi & C. Kearney - 34-47 The Liberal-National Parties' Industrial Relations Policy: Deregulation by Providing an Enterprise Focus
by John Howard - 48-70 Administered Flexibility: Restructuring the Metal Industry Award
by David Plowman - 71-80 The Case for Deregulation: Economic Science or Ideology?
by J.W. Nevile - 81-107 Australian Tax Reform: Which Way Ahead?
by John G. Head - 108-136 Tax Reform: Lessons from the 1980s
by Yuri Grbich - 137-157 The Dynamics and Dimensions of Industrial Relations Change: A Comparative Analysis
by John Niland & Oliver Clarke
June 1990, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-14 The Economy in the Nineties: Through the Slump to Prosperity?
by J.W. Nevile & T.R. Stegman - 15-40 Award Restructuring: Possibilities and Portents
by David H. Plowman - 41-68 Enterprise Bargaining: Making Australia Competitive
by Peter McLaughlin - 69-92 A Decade of Keating: Prospects for External Recovery?
by Shauna Phillips & Ronald Bewley & Garry White - 93-106 The Accord: An Assessment
by Leslie Fallick - 107-120 Labor Flexibility and Employment Law: The New Order
by Brian Brookes - 121-144 Industrial Relations Strategies in the Air Pilots' Dispute 1989
by Jim McDonald - 145-164 Trade Union Strategy in the 1990s
by Michael Costa & Mark Duffy