July 2009, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 107-122 Devolution, Job Enrichment and Workplace Performance in Sri Lanka's Garment Industry
by Ananda Jayawardana & Michael O'Donnell - 123-127 Skills, Training and Human Resource Development: A Response
by Irena Grugulis
November 2008, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-2 Symposium: Recent Developments in Regulation and Implications for Social Inclusion
by Hazel Bateman & Peter Kriesler - 3-23 The Contemporary Growth Regime Has Been Ensured by the Australian State's Mutations (at Least until Now)
by Lynne Chester - 25-37 Minimum Wages, Unions, the Economy and Society
by John Nevile & Peter Kriesler - 39-56 Collective Bargaining under Trade Practices Law
by Joe Isaac - 57-72 Privatisation, Myopia and the Long-Run Provision of Economic Infrastructure in Australia
by Michael Johnson - 73-91 Social Exclusion: Challenges for Research and Implications for Policy
by Peter Saunders - 93-107 ‘The Government is the Best Landlord I've Ever Had’: Older Public Housing Tenants and Social Inclusion in Inner Sydney
by Alan Morris - 109-127 Low-Skill Workers, Technology, and Education: A New Vision for Workforce Development Policy
by Mary Gatta - 129-143 Skills and Training: Reflections on a Recent British Contribution to Current Debates
by Ian Hampson
May 2008, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-6 Remaking Industrial Relations in Australia
by Joellen Riley & Peter Sheldon - 7-14 The Future of Industrial Relations in Australia
by Keith Hancock - 15-22 The NSW Green Paper Twenty Years On: A Reflection on the Future
by John Niland - 23-31 Australian Labour Law and the Rudd Vision: Some Observations
by Ron McCallum - 33-41 Beyond WorkChoices: Negotiating a Moment
by Margaret Gardner - 43-51 Labour Standards, Safety Nets and Minimum Conditions
by Jill Murray - 53-62 WorkChoices and Independent Contractors: The Revolution That Never Happened
by Andrew Stewart - 63-70 Re-imagining the Role of Trade Unions after WorkChoices
by Shae McCrystal - 71-78 A New Province for Women and Work
by Marian Baird - 79-84 Unfair Dismissal Cases
by Murray Wilcox - 85-95 Labour Market Efficiency and Fairness: Agreements and the Independent Resolution of Difference
by John Buchanan - 97-102 An Employer Perspective
by Ron Baragry - 103-111 Future Prospects for Labour Law — Lessons from the United Kingdom
by Keith D. Ewing - 113-122 Grasping the Moment: Some Cross-Tasman Thoughts on Australian Labour Law Reform
by Gordon Anderson - 123-130 Suppose Australia Copied US Employee Relations Practices
by George Strauss
November 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-1 Errata
by N/A - 1-2 Editorial
by N/A - 3-26 The Impact of Children on Australian Women's and Men's Superannuation
by Nick Parr & Shauna Ferris & Stéphane Mahuteau - 27-52 Farewell to Tax Neutrality: The Implications for an Aging Population
by Susan St. John - 53-77 Trade Union Responses to White Collar Off-Shoring
by Carolyn Penfold - 79-97 War, Racism and Industrial Relations in an Australian Mining Town, 1916–1935
by Sarah Gregson - 99-114 Australian Skill Shortages: How the Howard Government Did Not Change its Mind
by Alan Montague & Judith Bessant - 115-142 AWAs and Individual Bargaining in the Era of WorkChoices: A Critical Evaluation Using Negotiation Theory
by Peter Sheldon & Nancy Kohn - 143-153 ‘We've Got This New Legislation’: A Review Article on Australia@Work and other 2007 Reports on WorkChoices
by Diane Fieldes - 155-156 Book Review: Australian Charter of Employment Rights
by Braham Dabscheck
April 2007, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-10 Markets, Madness and a Middle Way Revisited
by G. C. Harcourt - 11-35 If Corporate Governance is the Answer, What is the Question? The Illusory Relation between Structural Solutions and Japanese Deflation
by Craig Freedman & Alex Blair - 37-68 Long Working Hours in Australia: Working-Time Regulation and Employer Pressures
by Iain Campbell - 69-75 Changes over Time in Male and Female Employment Ratios in Australia
by Robert Dixon - 77-97 Statutory Union Recognition in North America and the UK: Lessons for Australia?
by Chris Briggs - 99-106 Varieties of Workplace Learning: An Introduction
by Bob Boughton & Anne Junor & Ian Hampson - 107-128 Management Development as Public Policy: Australia's Frontline Management Initiative (FMI) 1995–2002
by Anne Rozario & Ian Hampson - 129-156 Uniting Management and Education in Pursuit of Efficiency: F.W. Taylor's Training Reform Legacy
by Lucy Taksa - 157-164 Researching Workplace Learning and Class
by Bob Boughton - 165-181 Organisational Learning: How Organising Changes Education in Trade Unions
by Tony Brown - 183-198 Workers' Education and Political Consciousness: A Case Study from South Africa
by Linda Cooper - 199-216 Understanding Diverse Outcomes for Working-Class Learning: Conceptualising Class Consciousness as Knowledge Activity
by Peter H. Sawchuk - 219-231 Why Don't Working People Want to Be Working Class Any More?: Class Identity and Education in 21st Century Australia
by Teri Merlyn
September 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-5 Introduction to the Symposium on Contemporary Social Issues
by Peter Saunders & Tony Eardley - 7-31 Can Child Poverty Be Abolished? Promises and Policies in the UK
by Holly Sutherland - 35-77 The Welfare Expenditure Debate: ‘Economic Myths of the Left and the Right’ Revisited
by Peter Whiteford - 79-105 The Impact of Breaching and Financial Penalties on Income Support Recipients
by Tony Eardley - 107-141 The Association between Health and Education in Australia: Indigenous/non-Indigenous Comparisons
by Nicholas Biddle - 143-170 Job Insecurity and Mental Health Outcomes: An Analysis Using Waves 1 and 2 of HILDA
by Marc L. Adam & Paul Flatau - 171-202 Restructuring the Australian Construction Industry and Workforce: Implications for a Sustainable Labour Supply
by Phil Toner - 203-225 Looking beyond the West? The Korea Employers' Federation and the Challenges of Membership Adhesion and Cohesion
by In Jun & Peter Sheldon - 227-247 Child Labour and Employment Relations Legislation in India
by Ashraf U. Kazi - 249-258 Review Article
by Craig Freedman - 259-260 Book Review: Beyond Our Shores: Essays on Australia and the Global Economy
by John Lodewijks
May 2006, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-2 Introduction
by N/A - 3-24 The Contract Regulation Club
by Braham Dabscheck - 25-60 Work Choices in Overview: Big Bang or Slow Burn?
by Andrew Stewart - 61-84 The Constitution and Workplace Relations Act 1996
by John M. Williams - 85-126 How Low Can You Go? Minimum Working Conditions under Australia's New Labour Laws
by Colin Fenwick - 127-146 The Australian Fair Pay Commission: Rationale, Operation, Antecedents and Implications
by Peter Waring & Alex de Ruyter & John Burgess - 147-164 Command and Control in the Workplace: Agreement-Making under Work Choices
by Sean Cooney - 165-191 Australian Workplace Agreements under Work Choices
by Kristin van Barneveld - 193-213 Shifting the Balance of Power in Collective Bargaining: Australian Law, Industrial Action and Work Choices
by Shae McCrystal - 215-236 From ‘Uncharted Seas’ to ‘Stormy Waters’: How Will Trade Unions Fare under the Work Choices Legislation?
by Anthony Forsyth & Carolyn Sutherland - 237-264 Unfair Dismissal Law and Work Choices: From Safety Net Standard to Legal Privilege
by Anna Chapman
July 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-5 Symposium Introduction: Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Theory and Practice
by J. W. Nevile - 7-15 A Critique of the New Consensus View of Monetary Policy
by Peter Kriesler & Marc Lavoie - 17-41 The Role and Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy
by Neil Hart - 43-69 Comparing Australian Macroeconomic Management: Labor versus Coalition
by P.N. Junankar - 71-94 Indigenous Job Search Behaviour
by Matthew Gray & Boyd Hunter - 95-115 Accounting and Accountability for Australian Federal Unions
by Mark Mourell - 117-132 An Internal Labour Market Approach to Assessing the Gains from Outsourcing
by Trevor Stegman - 133-151 Growing Household Indebtedness and the Plummeting Saving Rate in Canada: An Explanatory Note
by Mario Seccareccia - 153-156 Book Review: Australian Economic Policy, Theory and History: R. C. Mills Memorial Lectures 1958–2003
by J.E. King - 157-159 Book Review: Hello Laziness (Bonjour Paresse)
by Sarah Gregson
January 2005, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 159-180 Flexitime and the Long-Hours Culture in the Public Sector: Causes and Effects
by David Peetz & Cameron Allan - 181-198 Two and Two Make Five: Industrial Relations and the Gentle Art of Doublethink
by Braham Dabscheck - 199-211 The Temporary Agency Work Sector in Australia and Ireland: Modest, Growing and Under-Recorded
by John Burgess & Julia Connell & Roy Green - 212-216 Symposium Introduction
by Hazel Bateman - 217-239 Retirement Incomes in New Zealand
by Susan St John - 240-262 Rapid Ageing and Old-Age Income Security in Korea
by Sukmyung Yun - 263-283 Social Security Pensions in Japan: A Balance Sheet Approach
by Noriyuki Takayama - 284-308 Retirement Incomes for an Ageing Australia
by Hazel Bateman - 309-319 Ken Rivett: A Review in Tribute
by John Lodewijks - 320-322 Book Review: Emotions in Finance: Distrust and Uncertainty in Global Markets
by G. C. Harcourt
June 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-25 Looking Back on Microeconomic Reform: A Sceptical Viewpoint
by John Quiggin - 26-50 Regulation, Human Capital and Increasing the Level of Transparency in Investment Recommendations
by Carol Royal - 51-73 Examining Recent Changes in Income Distribution in Australia
by Peter Saunders - 74-98 Industrial Capabilities in Victoria
by Anne Leahy & Joanne Loundes & Elizabeth Webster & Jongsay Yong - 99-127 The ICT Sector, Growth and Productivity: Ireland and Australia Compared
by Roy Green & John Burgess & Grant Turner - 128-158 Business or Association? The Strategic Responses of Employer Associations to the Decentralisation of Bargaining in Australia
by Peter Sheldon & Louise Thornthwaite
January 2004, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 153-155 Symposium on Social Inclusion: Introduction
by Peter Saunders - 156-167 Inclusion: An Introduction and Agenda for Action
by Hugh Stretton - 168-186 How Has the Notion of Social Exclusion Developed in the European Discourse?
by Jonathan Bradshaw - 187-207 Jobless Households in Australia: Incidence, Characteristics and Financial Consequences
by Rosanna Scutella & Mark Wooden - 208-234 Location and Unemployment
by Bruce Bradbury & Jenny Chalmers - 235-255 Social Capital at Work
by Wendy Stone & Matthew Gray & Jody Hughes - 256-275 Real Estate Speculation as a Source of Banking and Currency Instability: Some Different Lessons from the Asian Crisis
by Brian L. Bentick & Mervyn K. Lewis - 276-304 Casual University Work: Choice, Risk, Inequity and the Case for Regulation
by Anne Junor - 305-330 Ansett Airlines Employees: A Preliminary Survey of Post-Retrenchment Outcomes
by Sally Weller & Michael Webber - 331-333 Book Review: Work for the Dole: Obligation or Opportunity
by Gaby Ramia
June 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-7 Alternative Ways of Organising: Asian Labour's Response to the ‘New’ Globalisation: Introduction
by Donella Caspersz & Michele Ford - 8-20 The Global Strategies and Employment Relations Practices of the Hyundai Motor Company in Korea and India
by Russell D. Lansbury & William Purcell & Chungsok Suh & Seung-Ho Kwon - 21-31 The Prospects of Employee Participation in State-Owned Enterprises: Lessons from the Case of Chunghwa Telecom Company in Taiwan
by Chen-Yen Ku - 32-48 Sisters Organising for Themselves: An Exploration of Women-Only Unions in Japan and South Korea
by Kaye Broadbent - 49-63 Asian Working Women and Agency: Their Voices
by Donella Caspersz - 64-79 Union Strategies in the Sri Lankan Tea Plantations: Rediscovering the Movement Dimension
by Janaka Biyanwila - 80-89 Innovations in Trade Union Approaches in Malaysia's Garment Industry
by Vicki Crinis - 90-103 Substitute Trade Union or Novel Form of Labour Movement Organisation? Understanding Indonesia's Labour NGOs
by Michele Ford - 104-126 Reductions in Aggregate Unemployment as ‘A Free Lunch’
by Robert Dixon - 127-142 Employment Outcomes of Work for the Dole: An Analysis of the DEWRSB Net Impact Report
by J.W. Nevile - 143-152 Health Care Spending, Family Structure and Family Health
by Garry F. Barrett & Robert Conlon
December 2002, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 175-177 Symposium on Current Research on Unemployment: Introduction
by Peter Kriesler - 179-195 Unemployment in an Age of Prosperity
by Mark Wooden - 196-206 A Decade of Australian Economic Growth: Outcomes for the Labour Market
by Trevor Stegman - 207-225 The Social Costs of Unemployment
by Alan Morris - 226-243 Integrating Environmental and Economic Data: Reporting to Create a National Accounting Framework for the Environment
by Michael Johnson - 244-269 Outsourcing and Downsizing: Processes of Workplace Change in Public Health
by Suzanne Young - 270-287 Health and Social Effects of Downsizing: A Review
by Lakshmi Bose & Philip Bohle - 288-325 The Collapse of the Riskless, Middle-Class Economy
by Craig Freedman - 326-339 The Fiscal Impact of the Privatisation of the Victorian Electricity Industry
by John Quiggin - 340-344 Book Review: Economic Reform in Japan Can the Japanese Change
by Toshihiro Kanao
June 2002, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction
by John O'Brien & Michael O'Donnell - 7-35 Labour-Management Relations and New Public Management: The American Experience
by Steven W. Hays - 36-59 The Rise and Rise of Market Relations in the British Public Sector: Implications for Industrial Relations
by Bob Carter & Steven Davies & Peter Fairbrother - 60-87 Towards a New Public Unitarism: Employment and Industrial Relations in the Australian Public Service
by John O'Brien & Michael O'Donnell - 88-104 Contracting Out: Promise and Performance
by John Quiggin - 105-126 Core Labour Standards and the WTO
by Sean Turnell - 127-148 Job Sharing in Australia: Possibilities, Problems and Strategies
by George Lafferty & Philip Bohle & Catherine Giudice - 149-174 Training Reform: Back to Square One?
by Ian Hampson
December 2001, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 171-173 Symposium on the Third Way: Introduction
by Michael Johnson - 174-192 The Third Way, Employment and the Workplace in Australia
by Peter Waring & Shane Ostenfeld & John Lewer & John Burgess - 193-207 Third Way Economic Management in New Zealand
by Paul Dalziel - 208-209 Symposium on Health Insurance: Introduction
by J.W. Nevile - 210-224 Explaining the Contraction in the Market for Private Health Insurance in Australia, 1989–1995
by Garry F. Barrett & Robert Conlon - 225-238 The Rise of Private Health Insurance in Australia: Early Effects on Insurance and Hospital Markets
by Sandra Hopkins & H.E. Frech III - 239-262 Tax Expenditures and Public Health Financing in Australia
by Julie Smith - 263-284 Labor Market Disability: Implications for the Unemployment Rate
by George Argyrous & Megan Neale - 285-302 Labour Market Flexibility and the Output-Employment Ratio in Australia
by A. Stegman & T. Stegman - 303-330 Australian Labour Force Data: How Representative is the ‘Population Represented by the Matched Sample’?
by Robert Dixon - 331-333 Book Review: Exasperating Calculators: The Rage over Economic Rationalism and the Campaign against Australian Economists
by John Lodewijks
June 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-3 Symposium on Unemployment, Job Insecurity and Health: Introduction
by Peter Kriesler - 4-17 Unemployment and Youth Suicide
by Stephen Morrell & Andrew Page & Richard Taylor - 18-31 Unemployment is a Health Hazard: The Health Costs of Unemployment
by Elizabeth Harris & Mary Morrow - 32-60 The Health and Safety Effects of Job Insecurity: An Evaluation of the Evidence
by Philip Bohle & Michael Quinlan & Claire Mayhew - 61-84 Placing Peak Union Purpose and Power: The Origins, Dominance and Decline of the Barrier Industrial Council
by Bradon Ellem & John Shields - 85-103 The New Public Management and Workplace Change
by Michael O'Donnell & Cameron Allan & David Peetz - 104-125 No Case to Answer: Productivity Performance of the Australian Construction Industry
by Phillip Toner & Roy Green & Nic Croce & Bob Mills - 126-150 Market-Oriented Reform in the Australian Electricity Industry
by John Quiggin - 151-164 Welfare Reform, Work and the Labour Market
by Peter Saunders - 165-167 Book Review: Injury and the New World of Work
by Michael Quinlan - 168-170 Book Review: Manufacturing Prosperity: Ideas for Industry, Technology and Employment
by Ian Hampson
December 2000, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 177-177 Editorial
by N/A - 178-179 Symposium on the Costs of Unemployment: Introduction
by Peter Kriesler & John Nevile - 180-197 The Costs of Unemployment in Australia
by Martin J. Watts & William F. Mitchell - 198-212 Effects of Unemployment on the Family
by Alison McClelland - 213-232 The Social Costs of Indigenous Unemployment
by B.H. Hunter - 233-245 Mature Age Unemployment: A Long-Term Cost to Society
by S. Encel - 246-269 Declining Job Quality in Australia: Another Hidden Cost of Unemployment
by John Burgess & Alex de Ruyter - 270-290 Finding a Role for Mediation in Workplace Disputes
by Ray Fells - 291-307 Changes in Industrial Structure in the Australian Construction Industry: Causes and Implications
by Phillip Toner - 308-338 Working but Poor? Low Pay and Poverty in Australia
by Tony Eardley - 339-342 Address
by N/A - 343-345 Book Review: Policies towards Full Employment
by J.W. Nevile
June 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-7 Taxation and the Labour Market
by Peter Gahan & Peter Kriesler - 8-45 Complements or Substitutes? Taxation, Social Welfare and Labour Market Regulation: An Industrial Relations Perspective on the ‘Five Economists’ Plan
by Julien Barbara & Peter Gahan - 46-75 The Growth of Contractors in the Construction Industry: Implications for Tax Revenue
by John Buchanan & Cameron Allan - 76-107 Options for Assisting Low Wage Earners
by David Ingles & Ken Oliver - 108-135 Investigating the Economic Cost of Injury in the Workplace: A Case Study Approach
by Geoffrey Kiel & H. Ted Kolsen & Carmel Smith - 136-168 When Performance Fails to Meet Expectations: Managers' Objectives for Outsourcing
by Suzanne Young & Johanna Macneil - 169-173 Book Review: Why Did Japan Stumble? Causes and Cures
by Joseph Halevi - 174-176 Book Review: The Employment Relationship in Australia, Employer Associations and Industrial Relations Change: Catalysts or Captives
by Peter Gahan
December 1999, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 165-168 Introduction
by Gillian Whitehouse - 169-187 Maternity Rights in the UK: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
by Jill Earnshaw - 187-202 New Zealand Initiatives to Pay Parents: Possibilities for the Antipodes?
by Jennifer Curtin - 203-220 The International Labour Organisation and Maternity Rights: Evaluating the Potential for Progress
by Jenny Earle - 221-239 ‘Family Friendly’ Policies: Distribution and Implementation in Australian Workplaces
by Gillian Whitehouse & Di Zetlin - 240-259 Globalisation, Neoliberalism and Inequality in Australia
by John Quiggin - 260-277 Financial Crises and Globalisation
by Stephen Grenville - 278-295 Australia's Current Account Deficit, National Savings and Industry Policy
by Neil Hart & Andrew Marks - 296-318 Australian Labour Market Institutions, ‘Deregulation’ and the Open Economy
by Peter Gahan & Tim Harcourt
June 1999, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-21 Outsourcing, Organisational Performance and Employee Commitment
by John Benson - 22-35 Outsourcing and the Use of Contractors: Evidence from the AWIRS
by Mark Wooden - 36-55 Outsourcing, Employment and Industrial Relations in the Public Sector
by John Burgess & Duncan Macdonald - 56-72 ‘Contestability’ in Competitive Tendering and Contracting: A Critique
by Kuru Pancharatnam - 73-91 The Victorian Labour Hire Maintenance Workers' Strike of 1997
by Elsa Underhill - 92-106 On the Role of Regulation in Union - Employer Bargaining
by Trevor Stegman - 107-125 Macroeconomic Evaluations of Labour Market Programs
by Elizabeth Webster - 126-148 Breakaway Unions: A Study of the Australian Entertainment Industry
by Grant Michelson - 149-157 The Public and Private Politics of Industrial Relations - ‘Are We in Or Out?’
by J.W. Shaw - 158-161 Book Review: International and Comparative Employment Relations: A Study of Industrialised Market Economies
by C. Regan - 162-163 Book Review: Japanese Economic Policy Reconsidered
by John Lodewijks