- 4078 Network Effects in Risk Sharing and Credit Market Access: Evidence from Istanbul
by Adaman, Fikret & Ardic, Oya Pinar & Tuzemen, Didem - 4077 Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey
by Ardic, Oya Pinar & Damar, H. Evren - 4050 The London Congestion Charge And Property Prices: An Evaluation Of The Impact On Property Prices Inside And Outside The Zone
by Zhang, Yi & Shing, Hui-Fai - 4042 A real-time recession indicator for the Euro area
by Ferrara, Laurent - 4028 How Does Income Inequality Affect Market Outcomes in Vertically Differentiated Markets?
by Yurko, Anna - 4025 Neutralidad monetaria a Largo plazo: El caso de Guatemala
[Long Run Money Neutrality in Guatemala]
by Wallace, Fred & Cabrera-Castellanos, Luis F. - 3994 Towards an integrated approach to industry dynamics and labour mobility
by Mamede, Ricardo - 3987 Child Mortality In China And Vietnam In A Comparative Perspective
by Alberto, Gabriele & Schettino, Francesco - 3983 Finite Difference Approximation for Linear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Method of Lines
by McDonald, Stuart - 3975 Formation of machine groups and part families in cellular manufacturing systems using a correlation analysis approach
by Hachicha, Wafik & Masmoudi, Faouzi & Haddar, Mohamed - 3947 ¿Cuánto es el premio al salario por pertenecer a un sindicato en el Ecuador?: Un análisis usando Propensity Score Matching
[How much it is the prize to the wage to belong to a union in Ecuador?: An analysis using Propensity Score Matching]
by Barragan, Luis - 3946 An empirical investigation around the finance-growth puzzle in China with a particular focus on causality and efficiency considerations
by Maswana, Jean-Claude - 3944 Income, gender and consumption: A study of Malawian households
by Davies, Simon - 3929 Complementarity or substitutability between private and public investment in R&D: An empirical study
by Ben Zina, Tarek & Ben Zina, Naceur - 3896 A Dynamic Analysis of Educational Attainment, Occupational Choices, and Job Search
by Sullivan, Paul - 3891 Conflictos de Interés en Servicios Financieros: Taxonomía y Mecanismos de Control Regulatorio
[Conflicts of Interest in Financial Services: Taxonomy and Mechanisms for Regulatory Control]
by Lazen, Vicente & Eguiluz, Cristian - 3853 Rural Cooperative Marketing Management Efficiency in the Era of Globalization: A Synthesis of Case Studies of F&V Marketing
by Shah, Deepak - 3841 Basel II and bank lending behavior: some likely implications for monetary policy
by Nachane, Dilip & Ghosh, Saibal & Ray, Partha - 3840 Basel II and bank lending behavior: Some likely implications for monetary policy in India
by Nachane, Dilip & Ghosh, Saibal & Ray, Partha - 3781 Einsatz mobiler Technologie zur Unterstützung von Geschäftsprozessen
[Usage of mobile technolgies to support business processes]
by Pousttchi, Key & Thurnher, Bettina - 3776 Decomposing violence: terrorist murder and attacks in New York State from 1933 to 2005
by Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo - 3765 Public sector privatization - legal framework
by Strazisar, Borut - 3764 Privatization of health sector in ex socialist states
by Strazisar, Borut - 3751 Dynamic effects of European services liberalisation: more to be gained
by Kox, Henk L.M. & Lejour, Arjan - 3734 Measuring a Society’s Knowledge Base
by Khumalo, Bhekuzulu - 3733 The Fundamental Theory of Knowledge
by Khumalo, Bhekuzulu - 3732 L'Entreprise à l'ère de l'Economie de la Connaissance
[Enterprise at the era of Knowledge Economy]
by Benchimol, Guy - 3731 L'Entreprise à l'ére de l'Economie de la Connaissance
[Enterprise at the era of the Knowledge Economy]
by Benchimol, Guy - 3717 Market Effects of Generic Entry: The Role of Physicians and of Non-Bioequivalent Competitors
by Gonzalez, Jorge & Sismeiro, Catarina & Dutta, Shantanu & Stern, Philip - 3715 Common and uncommon sources of growth in Asia Pacific
by Weber, Enzo - 3708 A dynamic model to estimate the long-run trends in potential GDP
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu - 3704 Cultures of Innovation of the African Poor: Common Roots, Shared Traits, Joint Prospects? On the Articulation of Multiple Modernities in African Societies and Black Diasporas in Latin America
by Kohnert, Dirk - 3703 Metodologia - O Sector Informal em Moçambique: Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional (2005)
[Methodology Handbook - Informal Sector in Mozambique - First National Survey (INFOR - 2004)]
by Calzaroni, Manlio & Cappiello, Antonio & Della Rocca, Giorgio & Di Zio, Marco & Martelli, Cristina & Pieraccini, Guido & Profili, Francesco & Tembe, Cirilo - 3662 Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlerin Yaşam Değeri Yönelimlerini Oluşturan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
[A Factor Analysis to Investigate the Life Value Directions of Certified Public Accountants]
by Bayazitli, Ercan & Yayla, Hilmi Erdogan & Gurel, Eymen - 3646 Supply chain management and the Romanian transition
by Glaser-Segura, Daniel & Anghel, Laurentiu-Dan & Tucci, Jack - 3637 Income convergence: fresh evidence from the Nordic countries
by Liew, Venus Khim-Sen & Ahmad, Yusuf - 3631 Higher education, employers’ monopsony power and the labour share in OECD countries
by Daudey, Emilie & Decreuse, Bruno - 3630 Job search with ubiquity and the wage distribution
by Decreuse, Bruno & Zylberberg, André - 3624 Over-education for the rich, under-education for the poor: a search-theoretic microfoundation
by Charlot, Olivier & Decreuse, Bruno - 3608 Kategorisierung von mobilen Werbekampagnen
[Categorization of Mobile Advertising Campaigns]
by Pousttchi, Key & Wiedemann, Dietmar Georg - 3603 Mental Accounting and Remittances: A Study of Malawian Households
by Davies, Simon & Easaw, Joshy & Ghoshray, Atanu - 3598 Investment and firm dynamics
by D'Erasmo, Pablo - 3574 The Triangular Relationship between the Commission, NRAs and National Courts Revisited
by Larouche, Pierre & Larouche, Maartje - 3573 Innovation, Investment and Regulation: What are the Options for Regulation in the Near Future?
by Flacher, David & Jennequin, Hugues & Lorenzi, Jean-Hervé - 3572 Six Degrees of Separation : Operational Separation as a Remedy in European Telecommunications Regulation
by Cave, Martin - 3571 Infrastructure-Based Versus Service-Based : Competition In Telecommunications
by Lundborg, Jörg & Lundborg, Martin & Lundborg, Ernst-Olav - 3570 Markets Susceptible to ex ante Regulation : Methodology and Commission Recommendation
by STUMPF, Ulrich - 3569 The Road to More Flexibility in Spectrum Usage and Access: Are We There Yet?
by Pogorel, Gérard - 3568 e-Communications: Investment and the Regulatory Framework
by Jones, Siôn & Jones, Pau - 3567 Competition in European Telecom Markets
by Bismut, Sophie - 3563 Foreign Direct Investment And Economic Growth: Some Evidence From Across The World
by Halicioglu, Anita & Halicioglu, Ferda - 3553 Service Bundling and the Role of Access Charge in the Broadband Internet Service Market
by SHIM, Sunghee & OH, Jungsuk - 3552 Triple Play Time
by Hollander, Claude & Hollander, Abraham - 3551 Optimal Bundle of Multimedia Services in Emerging Mobile Markets
by Lee, ChanGi & Lee, SeongCheol & Lee, DeockHee & Lee, HyeongJik - 3550 Bundles and Range Strategies: The Case of Telecom Operators
by Pernet, Sophie - 3520 U.S. Core Inflation: A Wavelet Analysis
by Cotter, John & Dowd, Kevin - 3519 Three scenarios for TV in 2015
by Meyer, Laurence - 3517 Traditional paradigms for new services? : The Commission Proposal for a 'Audiovisual Media Services Directive'
by SCHEUER, Alexander - 3516 The Role of Public Service Broadcasters in the Era of Convergence A Case Study of Televisió de Catalunya
by PRADO, Emili & FERNÁNDEZ, David - 3515 DRMs, Innovation and Creation
by Geffroy, Olivier & Geffroy, Anne-Gaëlle - 3514 Spectrum Management and Broadcasting: Current Issues
by Cave, Martin - 3507 Modelling catastrophic risk in international equity markets: An extreme value approach
by Cotter, John - 3506 Implied correlation from VaR
by Cotter, John & Longin, Francois - 3505 Extreme Spectral Risk Measures: An Application to Futures Clearinghouse Margin Requirements
by Cotter, JOhn & Dowd, Kevin - 3498 Financial Risks and the Pension Protection Fund: Can it Survive Them?
by Cotter, John & Blake, David & Dowd, Kevin - 3495 Spectral Risk Measures with an Application to Futures Clearinghouse Variation Margin Requirements
by Cotter, John & Dowd, Kevin - 3494 Real & Nominal Foreign Exchange Volatility Effects on Exports – The Importance of Timing
by Cotter, John - 3460 Can proactive fuel economy strategies help automakers mitigate fuel price risk?
by McManus, Walter - 3438 Incomplete Property Rights, Redistribution, And Welfare
by Amegashie, J. Atsu - 3430 Considerations regarding the Romanian fiscal and budgetary reform in accordance with the E.U. requirements
by Comaniciu, Carmen - 3425 Further evidence on the impact of economic news on interest rates
by Ielpo, Florian & Guégan, Dominique - 3391 Non-stabilizing Flexibility:From the Contributions By Keynes and Kalecki Towards a Post-Keynesian Approach
by Sau, Lino - 3388 Using the Beveridge & Nelson decomposition of economic time series for pointing out the occurrence of terrorist attacks
by Gómez-Sorzano, Gustavo - 3370 Does Gibrat’s law hold amongst dairy farmers in Northern Ireland?
by Kostov, Philip & Patton, Myles & Moss, Joan & McErlean, Seamus - 3363 Why Should Governments Support Broadband Adoption?
by Kolko, Jed - 3361 Japanese quantitative easing: The effects and constraints of anti-deflationary monetary expansions
by Zammit, Robert - 3356 The Empirical Saddlepoint Approximation for GMM Estimators
by Sowell, Fallaw - 3352 State export data: origin of movement vs. origin of production
by Cassey, Andrew - 3347 Long Term Risk Assessment in a Defined Contribution Pension System
by Castaneda, Pablo - 3343 Misurare l'E-Government: il caso italiano
[Measuring E-government: the Italian case]
by Picci, Lucio - 3331 Impactos regionales de las remesas en el crecimiento económico de México
[Regional impacts of remittances on the economic growth of Mexico]
by Mendoza, Jorge Eduardo & Calderon, Cuauhtemoc - 3318 A Remark on the Asymptotic Distribution of the OLS Estimator for a Purely Autoregressive Spatial Model
by Mynbaev, Kairat & Ullah, Aman - 3314 Appropriateness of Default Investment Options in Defined Contribution Plans: The Australian Evidence
by Basu, Anup & Drew, Michael - 3299 RFID chips: Future technology on everyone’s lips
by Heng, Stefan - 3280 Testing for breaks in cointegrated panels
by Di Iorio, Francesca & Fachin, Stefano - 3267 Exploring the causal relationship among social, real, monetary and infrastructure development in Pakistan
by Iqbal, Javed & Nadeem, Khurram - 3260 Enforcement of Property Rights in a Barter Economy
by Hoffmann, Magnus - 3250 Media industry facing biggest upheaval since Gutenberg. Media consumers morphing into media makers
by Heng, Stefan - 3249 UMTS broadband mobile technology is a reality – Confounding many expectations
by Heng, Stefan - 3241 Economic Liberalization and the Causal Relations among Money, Income, and Prices: The Case of Pakistan
by Husain, Fazal & Rashid, Abdul - 3223 Intentions, Insincerity, and Prosocial Behavior
by Amegashie, J. Atsu - 3206 New approach to planning in Tamil Nadu: Targeting the growth process
by K., Jothi Sivagnanam - 3202 Chapter 8: Issues in Welfare Policy
by Gottlieb, Daniel & Nitsa, Kassir - 3195 Economic Liberalization and the Causal Relations among Money, Income, and Prices: The Case of Pakistan
by Husain, Fazal & Rashid, Abdul - 3168 Occupational Diversification, Offshoring and Labor Market Volatility
by Bardhan, Ashok & Tang, John - 3163 Regional cooperation in Central and Southeastern Europe: the Romanian experience in fighting corruption
by Botezatu, Elena - 3143 Reciprocity, inequity-aversion, and oligopolistic competition
by Santos-Pinto, Luís - 3142 Making Sense of the Experimental Evidence on Endogenous Timing in Duopoly Markets
by Santos-Pinto, Luís - 3129 Tunisia: Sources Of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations
by Sfia, Mohamed Daly - 3127 Social Policy Targeting and Binary Information Transfer between Surveys
by Gottlieb, Daniel & Kushnir, Leonid - 3110 Driven to distraction: Extraneous events and underreaction to earnings news
by Hirshleifer, David & Lim, Sonya Seongyeon & Teoh, Siew Hong - 3100 Non-linear models: applications in economics
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu - 3094 Marco Regulatorio del Mercado Eléctrico Argentino: Modificaciones y consecuencias hacia el futuro del sector
[Regulations of the Argentine Electrical Market: Modifications and consequences towards the future of the sector]
by Leandro, Cerutti - 3087 Institutions as Knowledge Capital: Ludwig M. Lachmann’s Interpretative Institutionalism
by Foss, Nicolai & Garzarelli, Giampaolo - 3080 Volatility of short term capital flows, financial anarchy and private investment in emerging markets
by Demir, Firat - 3067 A Informação em Economia - uma síntese
[The Information by Economics - a synthesis]
by Mourao, Paulo - 3064 Contributo para o estudo económico dos indicadores regionais
[About the economic study of regional indicators]
by Mourao, Paulo - 3030 National Innovation Systems in Angola and Mozambique
by Manuel, Eduardo - 2995 How Globalisation Shapes Public Policy? A Case of Azerbaijan
by Gugushvili, Alexi - 2975 Accelerating the calibration of stochastic volatility models
by Kilin, Fiodar - 2962 Testing for Granger causality between stock prices and economic growth
by Foresti, Pasquale - 2925 A Contribution to Theory Building for Mobile Marketing: Categorizing Mobile Marketing Campaigns through Case Study Research
by Pousttchi, Key & Wiedemann, Dietmar Georg - 2924 Understanding Effects and Determinants of Mobile Support Tools: A Usability-Centered Field Study on IT Service Technicians
by Pousttchi, Key & Thurnher, Bettina - 2923 Security Issues in Mobile Payment from the Customer Viewpoint
by Linck, K. & Pousttchi, Key & Wiedemann, Dietmar Georg - 2862 What policies should be there for employment in urban areas of developing countries?
by Gugushvili, Alexi - 2860 Determinantes macroeconómicos regionales de la migración mexicana
[Regional macroeconomic determinants of Mexican migration]
by Mendoza, Jorge Eduardo - 2849 Monetary policy and economic growth: combining short and long run macro analysis
by Gomes, Orlando - 2848 Can social interaction contribute to explain business cycles?
by Gomes, Orlando - 2847 The dynamics of television advertising with boundedly rational consumers
by Gomes, Orlando - 2846 Space, growth and technology: an integrated dynamic approach
by Gomes, Orlando - 2845 Too much of a good thing: endogenous business cycles generated by bounded technological progress
by Gomes, Orlando - 2843 Entropy in the creation of knowledge: a candidate source of endogenous business cycles
by Gomes, Orlando - 2842 Nonlinear inflation expectations and endogenous fluctuations
by Gomes, Orlando - 2841 Collective Social Dynamics and Social Norms
by Fent, Thomas - 2826 Viscosity solutions approach to economic models governed by DDEs
by Fabbri, Giorgio - 2825 On the Dynamic Programming approach to economic models governed by DDE's
by Fabbri, Giorgio & Faggian, Silvia & Gozzi, Fausto - 2807 Some Business Cycles Consequences of Signing Trade Agreements: The Case of NAFTA
by Bejan, Maria - 2793 Europe, Space of Freedom and Security. Migration and mobility: Assets and challenges for the enlargement of the European Union
by Silasi, Grigore & Simina, Ovidiu Laurian - 2784 Sustainable development from an Islamic Perspective: meaning implications and policy concerns
by Hasan, Zubair - 2781 Economic Recognition of Innovation
by Rao, Balkrishna - 2771 Liquidity preference as rational behaviour under uncertainty
by Mierzejewski, Fernando - 2759 Trade Openness and Output Volatility
by Bejan, Maria - 2743 Domestic support and tariff reductions in the presence of non-tariff barriers: A gravity model for primary and processed agricultural products
by Tamini, Lota & Ghazalian, Pascal & Gervais, Jean-Philippe & Larue, Bruno - 2738 Real GDP per capita in developed countries
by Kitov, Ivan - 2737 The Japanese economy
by Kitov, Ivan - 2735 Exact prediction of inflation in the USA
by Ivan, Kitov - 2730 Is Fairness in the Eye of the Beholder? An Impartial Spectator Analysis of Justice
by Konow, James - 2727 Mixed Feelings: Theories and Evidence of Warm Glow and Altruism
by Konow, James - 2719 The monetary transmission mechanism in Pakistan: a sectoral analysis
by Alam, Tasneem & Waheed, Muhammad - 2718 Some new test functions for global optimization and performance of repulsive particle swarm method
by Mishra, Sudhanshu - 2699 Ambiguity in Fama's market equilibrium?
by Nuttall, John - 2693 Investment timing and optimal capacity choice for small hydropower projects
by Bøckman, Thor & Fleten, Stein-Erik & Juliussen, Erik & Langhammer, Håvard & Revdal, Ingemar - 2672 El riesgo de responsabilidad del órgano de administración de las cooperativas en situaciones de insolvencia, y de pérdidas patrimoniales
[The risk of responsibility of the organ of administration of the cooperative societies in situations of insolvency, and of patrimonial losses]
by Sacristán Bergia, Fernando - 2671 La contabilidad de cooperativas en un proceso de armonización contable internacional.El caso de España
[The accounting cooperative society in a process of countable international harmonization. The case of Spain]
by Polo Garrido, Fernando - 2670 Efectos de la aplicación de la CNIIF 2 en las cooperativas.Un estudio empírico en dos cooperativas citrícolas de la Comunidad Valenciana a través del análisis económico-financiero
[Effects of the application of the CNIIF 2 in the cooperative societies. An empirical study in two cooperative societies citrícolas of the Valencian Community across the economic - financial analysis]
by Marí Vidal, Sergio - 2669 La reafirmación de las aportaciones de (propiedad de) los socios de las sociedades cooperativas. Propuesta de regulación de las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada cooperativa
[The reafirmación of the contributions of (property of) the associates of the cooperative societies. Offer of regulation of the societies of limited cooperative responsibility]
by García-Gutiérrez Fernández, Carlos - 2668 Adaptación de la Ley de Cooperativas del País Vasco a las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad(Apuntes para una nueva configuración del régimen del capital en las Sociedades Cooperativas)
[Adjustment of the Law of Cooperative societies of the Basque Country to the International Procedure of Accounting (Notes for a new configuration of the regime of the capital in the Cooperative Societies)]
by Divar Garteiz-Aurrecoa, Javier & Gadea Soler, Enrique - 2667 Análisis de los factores que influyen en el proceso de creación de una cooperativa de trabajo asociado
[Analysis of the factors that influence in the process of creation of a worker cooperetive]
by Coll Serrano, Vicente & Cuñat Giménez, Rubén - 2666 Las empresas de participación ante el reto de la gestión del cambio demográfico
[The companies of participation before the challenge of the management of the demographic change]
by Martín López, Sonia - 2665 La Presión Fiscal En Las Sociedades Cooperativas Agrarias De Segundo Grado: Repercusión De La Ley 3/2002, Por La Que Se Modifica La Ley 2/1999 De Sociedades Cooperativas Andaluzas
[The fiscal pressure in the cooperative agrarian societies of the second degree: repercussion of the law 3/2002, by that the law is modified 2/1999 gives cooperative andalusian societies]
by Garrido Pulido, Tomás & Garrido Pulido, Raquel - 2664 Investigación En Materia De Organizaciones De Participación: La Contribución De La Revista De Estudios Cooperativos (Revesco)
[Investigation as for organizations of participation: the contribution of the magazine of cooperative studies (REVESCO)]
by Bel Durán, Paloma - 2655 Trade Liberalization, Financial Sector Reforms and Growth
by Khan, M. Arshad & Qayyum, Abdul - 2654 X-efficiency, scale economies, Technological Progress and Competition of Pakistani’s banks
by Qayyum, Abdul & Khan, Sajawal - 2632 Cost Benefit Analysis, Value Of A Statistical Life And Culture: Challenges For Risk Regulation
by Marquez, Pablo - 2630 International perspectives on Gender, science and Development
by Rao K, Surekha & Jaireth, Sushma & K K, Seethamma - 2622 Administración del conocimiento en instituciones de educación superior. Un análisis conceptual
[Knowledge management in higher education. A conceptual analysis]
by Ferrer, Julian & Ríos, Manriquez - 2606 Retail Payment Systems: What can we Learn from Two-Sided Markets?
by Verdier, Marianne - 2605 Mobile Call Termination: a Tale of Two-Sided Markets
by Valletti, Tommaso - 2603 Impact of Mobile Usage on the Interpersonal Relations
by Kim, AeRee & Mitomo, Hitoshi - 2602 A Strategic Guide on Two-Sided Markets Applied to the ISP Market
by Cortade, Thomas - 2577 Global Demography: Fact, Force and Future
by Bloom, David & Canning, David - 2559 Higher Education Institutions and the Accounting Education In The Second Half of XIXth Century on the Ottoman Empire
by Surmen, Yusuf & Kaya, Ugur & Yayla, Hilmi Erdogan - 2554 Diversities Between the Regulations of Turkish Accounting Standard Setters: A Brief History of Turkiye’s Twentieth Century Accounting Standardization Applications
by Yayla, Hilmi Erdogan - 2536 Application of machine learning to short-term equity return prediction
by Yan, Robert & Nuttall, John & Ling, Charles - 2535 Optimal State-Contingent Unemployment Insurance
by Sanchez, Juan M. - 2531 Unemployment Insurance in an Economy with a Hidden Labor Market
by Alvarez-Parra, Fernando A. & Sanchez, Juan M. - 2524 ¿Ges O No Ges? Esa Es La Cuestión
[Ges or not ges? That is the question]
by Fernández Montt, René - 2523 L'influence de la connaissance du genre du partenaire dans les relations de confiance et de réciprocité: une étude expérimentale
[Gender bias in trustworthiness]
by Bonein, Aurélie & Serra, Daniel - 2520 Political Decisions, Defence and Growth
by Erdogdu, Oya Safinaz - 2512 Predicting the term structure of interest rates incorporating parameter uncertainty, model uncertainty and macroeconomic information
by De Pooter, Michiel & Ravazzolo, Francesco & van Dijk, Dick - 2508 Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis
by Weill, Laurent & Godlewski, Christophe - 2504 Asset allocation approach to understanding stock market dynamics
by Nuttall, John - 2487 The Effect of Scale on Productivity of Turkish Banks in the Post-Crises Period: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
by Chambers, Nurgul & Cifter, Atilla - 2467 Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation
by Jurdziak, Leszek - 2466 Lignite price and split of profit negotiation in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant
by Jurdziak, Leszek - 2462 The problem of prevention
by Benoît, Jean-Pierre & Dubra, Juan - 2461 Merger Remedies at the European Commission: A Multinomial Logit Analysis
by Bougette, Patrice & Turolla, Stéphane - 2460 Oligopoly Model of a Debit Card Network
by Manchev, Peter - 2457 The Labour Market Implications of Large-Scale Restructuring in the Banking Sector in Turkey
by Kibritçioğlu, Aykut - 2426 Do institutions matter for FDI? A comparative analysis for the MENA countries
by Daniele, Vittorio & Marani, Ugo - 2420 Sobre el régimen económico y financiero particular de las sociedades cooperativas
[On the economic regime and financial individual of the cooperative societies]
by Gómez Aparicio, Pilar & Miranda García, Marta - 2417 La caractierización financiera y contable del capital social a la luz de los principios cooperativos
[The financial and countable characterization of the share capital in the light of the cooperative beginning (in Spanish)]
by Gómez Aparicio, Pilar & Miranda García, Marta - 2416 Diferentes consideraciones en torno al capital social de las sociedades cooperativas
[Different considerations about social capital in co-operative societies]
by Fernández Guadaño, Josefina - 2414 Economic capital allocation under liquidity constraints
by Mierzejewski, Fernando - 2412 La reforma del derecho contable y su repercusión en el régimen de los recursos propios de las sociedades cooperativas
[The reform of the accounting law and its repercussion in the regime of the own resources of the cooperative societies]
by Pastor Sempere, Mª del Carmen - 2410 El capital social cooperativo en derecho español y su armonización con las normas internacionales de contabilidad
[Co-operative share capital in the spanish law and its harmonization with the international accounitng standars]
by Paniagua Zurera, Manuel - 2397 Flexibility, but for whom? : A new approach to examining labour market flexibility across Europe using company level data
by Chung, Heejung - 2388 Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych
[Lignite price as a determinant of the split of profit in systems of mines and power plants. Part III – Calculation of prices and profits for hypothetical data]
by Jurdziak, Leszek - 2385 Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część II – Formuły cen węgla brunatnego
[Lignite price as a determinant of the split of profit in systems of mines and power plants. Part II – Lignite price formulas]
by Jurdziak, Leszek - 2384 Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część I – Propozycje podziału
[Lignite price as a determinant of the split of profit in systems of mines and power plants. Part I – Split of profit proposals]
by Jurdziak, Leszek - 2353 Good Governance, Trade and Agglomeration
by Candau, Fabien - 2341 La ayuda al desarrollo: ¿reduce la pobreza?
[Foreign Aid: reduce poverty? (in Spanish)]
by Larru, Jose Maria - 2335 The Proliferation of Fiscal Incentives and the Nicaraguan State as a Manager of Rents: A Political Economy Perspective on Nicaraguan Industrial Policy Since 1990
by Maas, Hauke - 2318 Are there gains from including monetary aggregates and stock market indices in the monetary policy reaction function? A simulation study of recent U.S. monetary policy
by Mandler, Martin - 2308 El Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario (IDA), el desarrollo productivo y el bienestar social en el medio rural de Costa Rica. análisis evaluativo sobre el cumplimiento de sus objetivos y funciones
[The Agrarian Development Institute (IDA, the Productive Development and the Social Welfare in the Rural Areas of Costa Rica: An Evaluative Analysis About its Objectives and Functions Achivement.(in Spanish)]
by Mora-Alfaro, Jorge - 2302 Organes de gouvernance et paradoxe démocratique: Le cas des conseils d’administration d’université
[Democratic paradox and governance mediums: the case of university boards]
by Biot-Paquerot, Guillaume - 2283 Poverty-reducing or Poverty-inducing? A CGE-based Analysis of Foreign Capital Inflows in Pakistan
by Siddiqui, Rizwana & Kemal, A R - 2276 Phillips Curve for Advanced Economies on Period 1996-2007 - United States and Euro Area Case
by Manuel, Eduardo