2014, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 19-28 General Considerations Regarding The Participants To The Insolvency Proceedings of The Romanian Administrative-Territorial Units
by Melinda Cenuşe - 29-36 The Analyse of The Consolidated Budget Expenditures and Medium-Term Outlook
by Maria Felicia Chirculescu - 37-46 Management Techniques for Elementary
by Marta Mihaela Chiș & Anca Jarmila Guţă - 47-54 Accounting Policies Manual Between Compulsoriness and Necessity. Study Within Entities in Centre Region
by Alina-Teodora Ciuhureanu - 55-84 The Analysis of Social Protection Expenditure of Romania by Functions According To The European Union Methodology
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 85-92 Online Banking in The Romanian Banking System
by Imola Drigă - 93-100 Standing In - Between: Elements of Balkan Identity Underlying Romania’s Position in The EU
by Gabriela Dumbravă - 101-110 The Present Collapse of Romanian Higher Education. Causes and Effects
by Gabriela Dumbravă - 111-118 The Impact of The Community Acquis on Financial Control in Romania
by Mihaela Iuliana Dumitru - 119-126 The Role and Importance of The Business Plan in Starting and Running a Business Opportunity
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 127-132 Features Concerning The Establishment of Authorized Individual and Family Firms
by Claudia Isac - 133-140 Crowdfunding – An Alternative For Financing A Business
by Claudia Isac - 141-148 Operations Necessary For The Diagnosis Analysis of The Organization
by Caius Lăzărescu - 149-156 Considerations On Entity'S Risk Analysis
by Mirela Monea - 157-162 Conceptual Approaches and Role of Diagnostic Analysis in Entity's Valuation
by Mirela Monea & Claudia Isac - 163-170 Influences of The Development of Tourism Upon The Local Economy of The Jiu Valley
by Dorina Niță - 171-178 Stimulating Entrepreneurship in The Romanian Education System
by Dorina Niță - 179-186 The Role of Franchising In Entrepreneurial Activity
by Nițescu Alina & Claudia Isac - 187-194 Tendencies Regarding The Internal and External Governmental Public Debt In Romania
by Ana-Petrina Păun & Petre Brezeanu - 195-200 Aspects Regarding Public Debt Share In GDP at The Level of European Union Countries
by Ana-Petrina Păun & Petre Brezeanu - 201-208 Correlation Analysis Between The Public Debt and The Budget Deficit and GDP In Romania Compared To Sweden
by Ana-Petrina Păun & Petre Brezeanu - 209-216 Quality of Life from The Viewpoint of Two Basic Components: The Economic Standard and Satisfaction
by Roxana Pleşa - 217-224 Non-Performing Loans Development in Romania
by Ilie Răscolean & Sorin-Iuliu Mangu - 225-232 The Legal Status of Professionals in The Context of Changes Brought by The New Civil Code
by Oana-Carmen Răvaş - 233-244 Economic Interest Group, Modern Forms of Commercial Activity Development
by Oana-Carmen Răvaş - 245-252 The Use of Partnership in Purchasing
by Elena Sima & George Bălan - 253-260 Considerations Regarding The Calculation and Evolution of Labor Productivity in Terms of Combining Technical Factor - Capital
by Daniel Tobă & Dalia Simion - 261-270 The Legal Capacity To Trade
by Adelin Ungureanu - 271-280 The Functioning of The Boards of Normativism: Economic and Legal at Local Authority Level
by Adelin Ungureanu - 281-288 Analysis of Inflation Rate in Romania in The Period 2004-2013
by Roxana Cristina Vîlcu
2014, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-18 Could the resizing of management accounting improve the financial performance of national societies?
by Veronica Catargiu & Bogdan Răvaş - 19-30 Identification of the labour market trends from the perspective of the competences and the skills requested as well as the recruitment sources used by the employeers from the ”Centre” Development Region
by Alina Ciuhureanu & Mircea Fuciu & Hortensia Gorski - 31-40 Increasing the efficiency of the training programs for the mine rescue teams
by Cristian Costa & Ioan Stelescu - 41-48 Blended learning using Moodle at the „1 Decembrie University” in Romania
by Ciprian Cucu - 49-58 E-banking services – features, challenges and benefits
by Imola Drigă & Claudia Isac - 59-70 Occupational health and safety integration in corporate social responsibility policies within B.R.D. - G.S.G. Romania
by Codruţa Dura - 71-90 The diagnosis of the quality of educational services within the University of Petroşani
by Codruţa Dura & Claudia Isac - 91-102 Banking ethics: main conceptions and problems
by Valentina Fetiniuc & Ivan Luchian - 103-112 The failure of the Jiu Valley, the consequence of some wrong government decisions
by Ioan Valentin Fulger & Ion Hirghiduşi - 113-120 Unfair competition law approximation - a necessity for competitive environment
by Lucia Irinescu - 121-128 E-fulfillment - a new challenge for electronic business
by Claudia Isac - 129-142 Practical aspects regarding the drawing of the procurement program within industrial companies
by Claudia Isac & Codruţa Dura - 143-150 Budget amendment – cause and effect
by Roxana Ispas - 151-160 Productivity as equity, in the market economy logic (a heterodox vision on productivity)
by Alexandru Jivan - 161-168 Economic and social effects of the dynamics of public expenditure at a state university
by Maria Măcriş & Mariana Man - 169-180 Criminal liablilty of moral persons. Comparative law and internal legislation issues
by Catalin Marinescu - 181-188 Premises for a quality tourism in Mehedinti county
by Marinescu Roxana – Cristina - 189-196 The evolution of social policy in Britain and Germany
by Gheorghe Matei & Nicolae Tudose - 197-204 The welfare state in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe – the case of Romania
by Gheorghe Matei & Nicolae Tudose - 205-212 Top-down and bottom-up cluster initiatives in Europe
by Mădălina Maticiuc - 213-222 Synergic effect of the action of operational and financial risk
by Melania Elena Miculeac & Persida Cechin-Crista & Gabriel Ionel Dobrin - 223-230 Public policy and taxation
by Iosif Moldovan - 231-242 Approaching the economic costs assessment of occupational injuries and diseases: principles, concepts and structure
by Roland Iosif Moraru & Codruţa Dura - 243-250 What means high performance work practices for human resources in an organization?
by Anca-Ioana Munteanu - 251-258 Aspects of rural development in Romania
by Alina Niţescu - 259-268 Macroeconomic variables and stock price volatility in Nigeria
by Osazee Godwin Omorokunwa & Nosakhare Ikponmwosa - 269-276 Organizational culture and corporate entrepreneurship
by Svetislav Paunovic & Ioan Constantin Dima - 277-286 Influence of client relations on the value of company intellectual capital
by Nicoleta Radneantu & Cristian Banacu - 287-290 Virtual organisations : employee competency and managerial issues
by Mirjana Radovic-Markovic - 291-296 Some aspects regarding balance sheet analysis
by Ilie Răscolean & Alin Monea - 297-304 Some aspects regarding meaning of intermediate management balances
by Ilie Răscolean & Alin Monea - 305-316 Aspects regarding the implementation of internal control in mining companies
by Bogdan Răvaş - 317-328 Country risk evaluation impact on FDI flow. Medium run evidence from Romania
by Emilia Ungureanu & Felix-Constantin Burcea & Oana Dragomir - 329-338 The determinants of profitability in companies listed on the Bucharest stock exchange
by Sorana Vătavu - 339-352 Methods and models for analysis of the organizational economics activity used for development of informatics systems
by Teodora Vătuiu & Mioara Udrică - 353-362 Problems and obstacles in credit risk management in indian public sector banks
by Renu Arora & Archana Singh
2013, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 5-12 The General Contextual Frame for Placing Superior Studies Graduates in the Work Market
by Felicia Andrioni & Lavinia Elisabeta Popp - 13-22 Vâlcan Gorge - A Bridge Between the Carpathian Provinces
by Mircea Baron & Oana Dobre-Baron - 23-30 Fiscal Discipline within the EU: Comparative Analysis
by Sorin Celea & Petre Brezeanu & Ana Petrina Păun - 31-36 Mapping Complex Debates: A Case Study on Austhink Rationale
by Ciprian Cucu - 37-40 A Study Regarding the Use of the Functional Maintenance Model Using a Systemic Approach
by Ioan Cucu - 41-50 New Trends Regarding OFDI From Russia
by Imola Drigă & Codruța Dura - 51-60 The Amazing Universe of Russian Multinationals: New Insights
by Codruța Dura & Imola Drigă - 61-84 Providing Affordable Higher Education to Rural Girls in Indian Punjab: A Case Study of Baba Aya Singh Riarki College
by Ranjit Singh Ghuman & Indervir Singh - 85-92 Comparative Analysis of Public Management in Romania and EU Countries
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 93-98 The Models of Presentation of Ensemble Circular Flow of the National Economy from the Provisional Science
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 99-108 Cause and Effect in Promoting a Project
by Severian-Vlăduț Iacob - 109-116 Use of Mobile Technology in Banking Services
by Alin Isac - 117-124 Interdependence of Entrepreneurship – Economic Development
by Claudia Isac - 125-132 Bankruptcy – Effects on Business Environment
by Claudia Isac - 133-140 Expansion of Russian MNCs Continues: THE M&A Road
by Claudia Isac & Codruţa Dura - 141-148 Performances of the Romanian Insurance Market
by Mirela Monea - 149-156 Information System of the Financial Analysis
by Mirela Monea - 157-164 On the Calculation of the Success Rate in Mining
by Rareş Munteanu - 165-172 Assessment of Economic Increase and Social Development by Means of Social Indicators
by Roxana Pleşa - 173-180 Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Populations
by Roxana Pleşa - 181-190 Socio-Economic and Dynamic Relocations in the Workplace
by Lavinia Elisabeta Popp & Felicia Andrioni - 191-202 How Affected Was World Insurance Market by Global Crisis?
by Ana Preda & Mirela Monea - 203-212 Comparative Analysis and the Place of Romania on Insurance Global Market
by Ana Preda & Mirela Monea - 213-220 Study on Internal Control of Suppliers and Customers in a Construction Company
by Bogdan Răvaş - 221-230 Homeworking Contract and Teleworking - Importance and Role in the Economy
by Oana-Carmen Răvaş - 231-242 Analysis of the Changes to the Labour Market and Unemployment in Republic of Moldova from the Perspective of Signing the Association Agreement with the EU
by Oana-Carmen Răvaş - 243-250 The Profile of the Romanian Football Manager
by Ioan Stelescu - 251-258 The Management of the Sport Activity at the University of Petrosani
by Ioan Stelescu - 259-270 The Influence of Accounting Policies over the Entities’ Result
by Alice Emilia Ţinta - 271-280 The Accounting Treatment of Asset Depreciation and the Impact on Result
by Marilena Roxana Zuca - 281-288 The Place of Entreprise Economy within Economic Sciences
by Claudia Isac & Codruţa Dura
2013, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-14 Expenses Analysis Based on Information Provided by the Profit and Loss Account – Company Performance Diagnosis Stage
by Maria Daniela Bondoc & Marian Ţaicu - 15-34 Souvenirs - Factor Influencing the Tourism Activity. Case Study: Opinions of Young People on Souvenirs
by Andreea Botoș & Nicolae Teodorescu & Ion Pârgaru & Aurelia-Felicia Stăncioiu & Anamaria-Cătălina Radu - 35-48 Multinational’s Influence in Decision to Adopt IAS/IFRS
by Valentin Burca & Teodor-Florin Cilan - 49-54 Romanian Administrative-Territorial Units in Financial Crisis
by Melinda Cenușe - 55-60 General Considerations Concerning the Opening of Insolvency Proceedings of the Administrative-Territorial Units of Romania
by Melinda Cenușe - 61-72 Impact of Innovation Upon the Dynamics of Romanian Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
by Jeanina Ciurea & Suzana Demyen - 73-88 Competitiveness in the International Beef Market: An Analysis of the Brazilian and Australian Markets
by Daniel Arruda Coronel & Diego Pierotti Procópio & Viviani Silva Lírio - 89-98 Romanian Accounting - A Tale of Two Standards
by Marius Deac - 99-106 Keying and Role Play in Business Communication: Gender, Age and Race Cues
by Gabriela Dumbravă - 107-116 Gone Fishin’ Effects on the Bucharest Stock Exchange
by Ramona Dumitriu & Razvan Stefanescu - 117-128 Modern Features of Financial Globalization
by Fetiniuc Valentina & Luchian Ivan - 129-138 Analysis Absorption Capacity of European Funds Under the Operational Programme Human Resources Development
by Daniela Florescu & Petre Brezeanu & Lilian Onescu - 139-148 Correlation Analysis of the Audit Committee and Profitability Indicators
by Melinda Timea Fülöp - 149-156 Economic Growth at Regional Level and Innovation: Is There Any Link?
by Georgeta Grigore Nae & Cristiana Sima - 157-164 The Fiscal Council Analysis on the Budget Fiscal Strategy in Romania During 2013-2016
by Roxana Ispas - 165-172 Possibilities for Using the Effects Method in Mining Projects Assessment
by Sorin-Iuliu Mangu & Ilie Răscolean - 173-182 Methods Indicators Equivalence for Economic Research of the Long-Term Capital Investment Project
by Sorin-Iuliu Mangu & Ilie Răscolean - 183-190 Highlighting the Economic Information Circuit in the Tourism Entities
by Mariana Man & Bogdan Răvaş - 191-204 Insurance Market. General Considerations of Insurances in Romania
by Marinel Nedeluţ & Corina Frăsineanu - 205-210 The Retirement System. Fiscal and Methodological Aspects
by Marinel Nedeluţ & Dragoş Mihai Ungureanu - 211-220 Theoretical Aspects Regarding Public Expenditures
by Ana-Petrina Păun & Petre Brezeanu - 221-230 Public Expenditures Politics on a National Level
by Ana-Petrina Păun & Petre Brezeanu - 231-250 Identifying the Parameters of the Mathematical Expenditure System Model
by Ana-Petrina Păun & Petre Brezeanu - 251-260 The Impact of Depreciation on Costs
by Mariana Radu - 261-272 Real Convergence in Romania - A Comparative Approach to Non-erm II Countries from Central and Eastern Europe
by Adela Socol & Imola Drigă - 273-282 Controversy Regarding Items Evaluated in Financial Statements
by Marilena-Roxana Zuca
2012, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 5-16 Price on the Organic Food Market
by George Atanasoaie - 17-32 The Accuracy and Bias Evaluation of the USA Unemployment Rate Forecasts. Methods to Improve the Forecasts Accuracy
by Mihaela Bratu (Simionescu) - 33-38 Legal Issues and Aspects Related to the Human Resources Management Regarding the Selection of Civil Servants
by Melinda Cenuşe & Adrian David - 39-52 A Comparative Analysis of ASEAN Currencies Using a Copula Approach and a Dynamic Copula Approach
by Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Prasert Chaitip - 53-60 Computer-Based Reasoning Systems: An Overview
by Ciprian Cucu - 61-76 The Analysis of the Beer Sector in Romania
by Oana Dobre-Baron - 77-84 Keying and Role Play in Business Encounters. Spatial, Temporal, Behavior and Language Cues
by Gabriela Dumbravă - 85-94 Overview of the State of Corporate Social Responsibility within Multinational Companies
by Codruţa Dura & Mihaela Ghicajanu - 95-102 Characteristics of Public Sector Management
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 103-108 The Place of Facebook in International Social Network Portfolio
by Alin Cristian Isac - 109-116 Comparative Analysis of the Unemployment Between Romania and Moldova
by Claudia Isac & Mihaela Bahnaru & Ana-Petrina Stanciu - 117-128 Income Inequality in Some Major European Union Economies a Discriminant Analysis
by Jyotirmayee Kar - 129-136 The Decentralization Process in Romania Has Been Affected by the Financial Crisis or Not; Arguments in Favor or Against Decentralization in the Management of the Financial Crisis
by Olivia Manole & Consuela Necșulescu - 137-146 Imbalances in Financial Autonomy at Different Level of Local Government in Romania
by Gheorghe Matei & Olivia Manole - 147-154 Environmental Management in the Energy Sector on the Example of Power Plant in Belchatow
by Bartłomiej Okwiet - 155-168 CSR-Issues in the Value Chains of Multi National Companies (MNCS) – Challenges and Best Practise
by Bartłomiej Okwiet - 169-176 Competitiveness in Regional Development
by Elena Mădălina Oprițescu - 177-184 Extended Network for Backpropagation Algorithm
by Mircea Petrini - 185-192 Improvements to the Backpropagation Algorithm
by Mircea Petrini - 193-202 Return Migration – Reasons, Consequences and Benefits
by Ramona Pîrvu & Gheorghe Axinte - 203-210 Competitiveness in Services, Driving Force of Economic Development
by Ramona Pîrvu & Maria Danatie Enescu - 211-218 Monetary Aggregates - Instrument of the Policy Promoted by the National Bank of Romania
by Coralia Emilia Popa - 219-226 Independence and Objectivity - A Sine Qua Non Principle in Auditing
by Bogdan Răvaş - 227-234 Information and Strategic Decisions in Economic Entities Management
by Lucian Ioan Sabău - 235-242 The Perception of Tourism Development in West Region of Romania
by Gabriela Corina Slusariuc & Ilie Răscolean - 243-254 The Prognosis of Total Public Expenditures and Types of Expenditures in Romania
by Ana-Petrina Stanciu & Petre Brezeanu
2012, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 5-16 Profile of Social Services from Jiu Valley in Light Professionals Perception. Qualitative Approach
by Felicia Andrioni & Cosmin Goian - 17-26 Social Economy Dimensions from Romania. Perspectives and Realities of NGO Sector
by Felicia Andrioni & Mihaela Camelia Schmidt - 27-38 Communication by Event - The Efficiency of Seminaries as a Way to Inform and to Train
by Ioana Bianca Chitu & Alina Simona Tecău - 39-48 Post-Hoc Segmentation Using Marketing Research
by Cristinel Constantin - 49-56 “The Net Monetary Statement” and “The Net Non-Monetary Statement” – Assessment Indicators for The Financial Position of The Entity
by Sorin-Constantin Deaconu - 57-66 Alternative Professional Training Using IT Solutions
by Eduard Edelhauser & Lucian Lupu Dima & Andreea Ionică & Monica Leba - 67-74 Dimensions and Characteristics of Immigration in Romania
by Alina Fleșer - 75-82 Peculiarities of Development and Implementation of Marketing Strategies in A Private Company
by Anca Jarmila Guţă - 83-96 Econometric Model Concerning The Status and Evolution of The Automotive Industry in Romania
by Alina Hagiu - 97-106 Directions of Organizational Communication at The Level of The Students’ Cultural Centre in Petrosani - A Case Study
by Lavinia Hulea - 107-114 Quality Services Evaluation Model Based on Dedicated Software Tool
by Andreea Ionică & Monica Leba & Eduard Edelhauser & Lucian Lupu Dima - 115-122 VAT Collection to Collection: Advantages and Disadvantages
by Roxana Ispas - 123-138 The Long Memory Property of Hungarian Market Pig Prices: A Comparison of Three Different Methods
by Sándor Kovács & Prasert Chaitip & Chukiat Chaiboonsri & Péter Balogh - 139-146 Public Works Concessions - Delimitation from Other Contracts
by Catalina-Georgeta Matei & Roxana-Anca Adam - 147-158 Romanian Insurance Market-Road to Recovery after Financial Crisis
by Gheorghe Matei & Ana Preda - 159-166 Romania’s Private Health Insurance Market Potential
by Gheorghe Matei & Bianca Volintiru - 167-178 Analysis of Current State and Future Trends of Auto Parts Manufacturing Sector in Romania
by Daniela Mihai - 179-186 The Influence of Increasing Reliability of Belt Conveyors Upon The Productivity of Lignite Quarries
by Florin-Mihai Nițescu - 187-196 Economic Standard – Quantitative Component of Quality of Life
by Roxana Pleşa - 197-204 Premiums Calculation for Life Insurance
by Ana Preda & Mariana Gîrbaci - 205-214 Social Organizations
by Robert Prodanciuc - 215-222 Evolution of The Romanian Capital Market in The Last Four Years
by Sorin Claudiu Radu - 223-230 The Role of Product Audit Policy in Increasing Organizational Performance
by Violeta Rădulescu & Anca Francisca Cruceru - 231-240 Predictive Analysis Software for Modeling The Altman Z-Score Financial Distress Status of Companies
by Ilie Răscolean & Remus Dobra & Gabriela Corina Slusariuc - 241-254 Social-Economic Aspects Regarding Employment and Activity of Higher Education Graduates from The University of Petroşani and at National Level
by Ilie Răscolean & Ion Pârvulescu & Roxana Pleşa & Camelia Lăcătuşu - 255-262 The Economical Implications of The Modifying Law 31/1990 Regarding The Companies and The New Civil Code on Property Relations Between Spouses
by Oana Răvaş - 263-270 Opinions of The Inhabitants of The Jiu Valley Mining Area Regarding Family Life Quality
by Mihaela Camelia Schmidt - 271-278 The Perception of The Jiu Valley Inhabitants Regarding The Importance of Family
by Mihaela Camelia Schmidt - 279-290 Non Banking Financial Companies and India’s Rural Economy - with Reference to Sahara Group
by Sukanta Chandra Swain
2012, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 5-13 Decisional Methods Applied in Insurance Area
by Marian-Lucian Achim - 14-20 Mathematical Methods Used for Calculate Insurance Premium to The Property Insurance
by Marian-Lucian Achim - 21-28 Management Experiments According to The Institutional Prospect of The Jiu Valley Mining After 1989
by Mariana Anghel - 29-38 Main Coordinates of Accounting Profession Co-Opetitional Model
by Marioara Avram & Greti Daniela Țogoe - 39-46 A Multifactorial Statistical Model for Development Regions Hierarchy in Romania
by Tiberiu Cristian Avrămescu - 47-54 Economic Compettion Environment in The European Union
by Cristina Bâldan & Emilia Ungureanu & Felix-Constantin Burcea - 55-62 Qualitative Marketing Research Regarding The Impact of The Crisis on The Activity of The Leasing Companies
by Cristina Bălteanu & Oana Bărbulescu (Şeitan) - 63-70 The Analysis of The Braşov Consumer Behavior Regarding The Use of The Leasing Services
by Oana Bărbulescu (Şeitan) & Cristina Bălteanu - 71-76 Actuarial Techniques to Assess The Financial Performance. Insurance Applications
by Mihaela Botea & Marinel Nedeluţ & Corina Ioanăş & Mihaela Gruiescu - 77-84 Aspects of The Manager Activities Within The Future Competitive Environment
by Gheorghe Florin Buşe - 85-92 The Horizon of Prediction for Exchange Rate Eur-Leu
by Dumitru Ciobanu - 93-104 The Dualism of The Accounting Activity of The Company. Characteristics of The Managerial Accounting and Implications in The Management of The Company
by Alina-Teodora Ciuhureanu - 105-116 Involvement of Managerial Accounting in Ensuring The Comapny’s Competitiveness on The Market
by Alina-Teodora Ciuhureanu - 117-126 Analysis of Pension Reforms in EU Member States
by Elena Lucia Croitoru - 127-134 Customers Categories and Types of Banking Services
by Daniela Simona Dimitriu - 135-142 Some Consequences of The Economic Crisis in Romania
by Alina Fleșer & Radu Cătălin Criveanu - 143-150 The Quantifiable Component of Quality Management in Energetic Industry
by Claudia Isac - 151-162 The Manner Financing Influences The Performance of European Union Health Systems – A Case Study: Romania
by Mariana Man & Bogdan Răvaş - 163-170 The Cost of Population Aging on The Public Pension System in Romania
by Daniel Nicolae Militaru - 171-178 Regional Development vs. Innovation – The Main Engine of Economic Growth
by Elena Mădălina Oprițescu