2004, Volume 4
- 185-188 Some aspects of inventory held for sale using statements of federal accounting Standard no.3
by Alin Monea - 189-190 Qualifizierung und vermittlung für eine dynamische arbeitswelt
by Rareş Munteanu - 191-196 The tourism market in Romania
by Alexandru Nedelea - 197-202 The necessity of achieving the internal audit of the public bodies
by Vasile Popeangă & Teodora Vătuiu - 203-206 L’evaluation de l’excedent ou du deficite budgetaire
by Mirela Popescu - 207-222 Informatic system of financial management
by Mircea Preda - 223-230 Considerations about the strategic outlook on the quality management of the Romanian high schools
by Sorin Radu - 231-240 Considerations for the mining activity analysis through the output theory
by Sorin Radu & Gabriel Dolea - 241-244 Deontological code of the internal audit
by Ilie Răscolean - 245-252 Zur frage der möglichkeit der anwendung der produktionsfunktion von gutenberg für das studium von produktionssystemen im bergbau
by Manuel-Viorel Semen - 253-262 Suggestions regarding financial resources solutions to credit Romanian agriculture
by Traian Silvestru & Oana Dobre-Baron - 263-270 Suggestions regarding the part played by agricultural credit on mortgage in the foundation of viable agricultural exploitations in Rromania
by Traian Silvestru & Oana Dobre-Baron - 271-276 Benutzung der artifiziellen neuronalen netz (ann) im konkurs voraussehen
by Titus Slavici & Doina Bivolaru - 277-282 Anwendung der artifiziellen neuronale netz (ann) zur aktienmarkt der nikko börsesystem
by Titus Slavici & Doina Bivolaru - 283-288 Comparative analyse of the SMEs from Romania and European Union
by Gabriela Slusariuc - 289-294 New tendencies in public administration development
by Melinda Szasz - 295-296 Possibilities of improving omniasig activity efficiency
by Constantin Toma - 297-302 Overview of the administration of oracle databases with application in the budgetary section
by Teodora Vătuiu
2003, Volume 3
- 5-22 Establishment of „Mica” company and the takeover of „Ruda 12 apostoli” mine undertaking located nearby Brad
by Mircea Baron & Oana Dobre-Baron - 23-28 The major influences of the organizational buying behavior at the level of the Romanian mining companies
by Virginia Băleanu - 29-32 Objectives and values of a company
by Emil G. Biber - 33-36 Electronic commerce and electronic document’s statute
by Moise Bojincă & Moise Bojincă - 37-40 La concurrence internationale au cadre de l’intentification du proces de globalisation de l’economie
by Ioan Cosmescu & Denisa-Bianca Cosmescu - 41-46 The elaboration of a marketing plan regarding infrastructure modernisation of Parâng touristic area
by Ioan Cucu & Codruţa Dura - 47-52 Considerations regarding the development of industrial technology
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Imola Drigă - 53-56 L’occupation de la force de travail - facteur d’un developpement durable
by Alina Fleşer - 57-64 The effects of services characteristics on the marketing mix for services
by Monica Paula Flităr - 65-74 Material and financial aspects characterizing the population of Petroşani in July 2002
by Ioan Valentin Fulger - 75-78 Management control information
by Mihaela Ghicăjanu - 79-82 Le processus de conrôle managerielle
by Mihaela Ghicăjanu & Gabriel Dolea - 83-88 Economy and management in today’s electronic world
by Hortensia Gorski - 89-96 Investment project evaluation – NPV and IRR criteria
by Mihaela Iloiu & Diana Csiminga - 97-102 From quality assurance to total quality management
by Andreea Ionică - 103-110 The problems of the labour market in Romania
by Sabina Irimie & Virginia Băleanu & Petru Hodor - 111-116 The analysis of the labour market at the level of the Hunedoara county
by Sabina Irimie & Virginia Băleanu & Petru Hodor - 117-122 Informatical aspects regarding decision tree in decisions optimization
by Alin Isac & Claudia Isac - 123-126 Characteristic of Japanese decision making by consensus
by Claudia Isac - 127-130 Risk measurement systems
by Liliana Ivănuş - 131-136 The originality of Eminescu's Economic Thought
by Adriana Koronka - 137-140 The Romanian institutional and legislative environment regarding external migration
by Dorina Magda - 141-146 Considerations regarding some external influences on the Romanian accountancy reform
by Mariana Man & Emilia Mihăilă & Alin Monea - 147-152 Considerations about the fundament of prices by their comparison
by Emilia Mihăilă - 153-158 On a ruining model in a competitional market problem
by Ilie Mitran & Cătălin Mitran - 159-162 The experience of Germany regarding the economic rehabilitation of the former mining areas
by Rareş Munteanu - 163-168 General methodology of auditing
by Mirela Popescu & Alin Monea - 169-176 Route and circuit generation in a graph with „XGD&C”
by Mircea Preda - 177-180 Coal - a solution for the energy of the near future
by Monica Rădulescu & Grigore Buia - 181-184 Tendencies in the evolution of the expense and income structure regarding the local budgets
by Ilie Răscolean - 185-192 Optimale faktorenkombinationen in produktionssystemen der bergbauindustrie
by Manuel-Viorel Semen - 193-200 Particularities and suggestions concerning agricultural credit in Romania in perspective of integration in European Union
by Traian Silvestru - 201-208 Proposals regarding methods used on the interests granted for agriculture purposes
by Traian Silvestru & Oana Dobre-Baron - 209-212 Consideration about the market of the motor industry
by Gabriela Slusariuc - 213-219 The local income multiplier model Oxford Brookes University
by Ioan Nicolae Tiuzbăian
2002, Volume 2
- 5-10 What factors are important to organisational buyers when choosing a supplier? – a major area of research in the field of industrial buying behaviour
by Virginia Băleanu - 11-14 General considerations concerning the performance contract
by Moise Bojincă & Melinda Szasz - 15-17 Competition and cooperation in the globalization process of economy
by Ioan Cosmescu & Denisa Cosmescu - 18-22 Developing organizational structures for international marketing
by Ioan Cucu - 23-33 Using expert systems in industrial production management
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Codruţa Dura - 34-38 Management decisions in an uncertain environment
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Claudia Isac - 39-41 Budgetary control in a “just in time” environment
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Liliana Ivănuţ - 42-50 Management control functions
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Mariana Man - 51-56 An interface dispatcher system for the manufacturing resource planning structure
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Stoica Napău Alina - 57-68 The economic - mathematical evaluation of the system “stoping work with complex mechanisation” in pit coal mines
by Dolea Gabriel & Ghicăjanu Mihaela & Furdui Ersilia - 69-74 The role of the National Bank of Romania in supporting the payment system and protection against the systemic risk
by Imola Driga - 75-81 Methods of evaluating performance in controlling marketing,activities
by Codruţa Dura - 82-86 The differences’ influence of currency rate of exchange on the multinational companies’ results
by Alina Fleşer - 87-91 The implications of the services characteristics on the marketing activity
by Monica Paula Flităr - 92-97 Changes in the amortization policy of Uukraine
by Olexander Gavris & Mykola Gavris - 98-101 Capital investments - the decision process
by Mirela Iloiu - 102-105 Considerations of Poka-Yoke device in total quality management
by Claudiu Isac & Alin Isac - 106-109 Handling risks – risk management process
by Liliana Ivănuş - 110-113 Globalization and the evolution of the nation-state
by Dorina Magda - 114-125 Theoretical considerations about the definition and the structure of costs
by Emilia Mihăilă - 126-136 About some models of market equilibrium
by Ilie Mitran - 137-141 Some aspects of costing methodology in concept of federal accounting standards advisory board
by Alin Monea - 142-147 Modern labor market of the CIS countries and tendencies of its development
by P.G. Pererva & G. Shwodiauer & N. Larka - 148-153 Regional development of west region
by Gabriel Popeangă & Gabriela Slusariuc - 154-157 Financing working capital
by Vasile Popengă & Mirela Popescu - 158-164 The budget of the European Union
by Vasile Popengă & Mirela Popescu - 162-167 Planning the audit with computer related controls
by Mirela Popescu & Monea Alin - 168-173 Considerations on the financial planning
by Mirela Popescu - 174-179 Reflecting the credits granted to the nonfinancial clientele in bank accounting
by Ilie Răscolean - 180-189 On the valuation of coal property
by Aurelian Simionescu & Florian Buşe & Petru Hodor & Sorin Mangu - 190-195 The effects produced by the sudth-est countries integration upon UE
by Gabriela Slusariuc
2001, Volume 1
- 5-17 Macroeconomic Concepts and Basic Identities
by Constantin Ciurlău - 18-20 The technical progress and services
by Ioan Cosmescu - 21-24 Tourism Traffic Management
by Ioan Cosmescu - 25-34 Considerations concerning cosumer behaviour theory
by Ioan Cucu & Codruta Dura - 35-37 Involving of stakeholders in elaboration of firm’s strategy
by Ioan Constantin Dima - 38-40 Some considerations regarding the compared management studies’ classification
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Claudia Isac - 41-46 Major models used in comparative management
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Codruta Dura - 47-51 Some considerations regarding the compared management studies content
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Liliana Ivanus - 52-54 The comparative culture of organization
by Ioan Constantin Dima & Mariana Man - 55-58 Guarantee types for bank credits studies content
by Oana Dobre - Baron - 59-64 Le milieu thermique-facteur de la condition du travail
by Sabina Irimie - 65-68 Considerations regarding the development of the electronic trade in romania
by Alin Isac & Claudia Isac - 69-72 Investments Risk
by Liliana Ivanus - 73-76 Types of traditional investment alternatives available to personal investors
by Imola Kovacs & Gabriela Slusariuc - 77-80 The cash-flow analysis of the firm
by Mariana Man - 81-86 The organizational factors of management and cost accounting in coal mining industry
by Mariana Man - 87-91 Unemployment – a consequence of restructuring mines in the Jiu Valley
by Dorina Magda - 92-94 Introducing financial management
by Mirela Popescu - 95-101 Consideration en ce qui concerne la relation prix moyen – prix marginal dans l’activite d’extraction de la houille
by Ilie Răscolean - 102-106 Renewable energy in UK
by Ioan Nicolae Tiuzbaian - 107-114 The role played by bank credits in the short-term mobilization and redistribution of financial resourses
by Traian Silvestru & Oana Dobre-Baron - 115-118 Services provided by financial institutions
by Gabriela Slusariuc & Imola Kovacs - 119-124 Environment protection strategy and the preparation of romania joining the European Union
by Ioan Nicolae Tiuzbaian - 125-129 The role of the stock exchange in the transition period to the market economy in Romania
by Ioan Uifălean & Alina Fleşer