January 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 77-89 On making infrastructure visible: putting the non-humans to rights
by Trevor Pinch - 91-102 The textility of making
by Tim Ingold - 103-114 Archaeologies of technology
by Marcia-Anne Dobres - 115-123 What's special about human technology?
by Robert Aunger - 125-141 The sociomateriality of organisational life: considering technology in management research
by Wanda J. Orlikowski - 143-152 Feminist theories of technology
by Judy Wajcman - 153-171 Technology and economic theory
by J. Stan Metcalfe - 173-184 On the nature of technologies: knowledge, procedures, artifacts and production inputs
by Giovanni Dosi & Marco Grazzi - 185-202 Technological revolutions and techno-economic paradigms
by Carlota Perez - 203-212 Technological change in Capitalism: some Marxian themes
by Tony Smith - 213-222 Clarence Ayres, technology, pragmatism and progress
by Anne Mayhew - 223-223 Controls on capital inflows and the transmission of external shocks
by Antonio C. David
November 2009, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 1047-1064 Socio-economic evolution and Darwinism in Thorstein Veblen: a critical appraisal
by George Liagouras - 1065-1087 A Sraffian critique of the classical notion of centre of gravitation
by Michel-Stéphane Dupertuis & Ajit Sinha - 1089-1111 The revealed preferences of high technology acquirers: An analysis of the innovation characteristics of their targets
by Panos Desyllas & Alan Hughes - 1113-1118 Between political economy and postcolonial theory: first encounters
by Serap A. Kayatekin - 1119-1133 Post-Keynesianism without modernity
by Colin Danby - 1135-1152 Social analysis and the capabilities approach: a limit to Martha Nussbaum's universalist ethics
by S. Charusheela - 1153-1167 Economics, postcolonial theory and the problem of culture: institutional analysis and hybridity
by Eiman O. Zein-Elabdin - 1169-1186 Global order and the new economic policy in India: the (post)colonial formation of the small-scale sector
by Anjan Chakrabarti & Ajit Chaudhury & Stephen Cullenberg - 1187-1203 Ambivalence of class subjectivity: the sharecroppers of the post-bellum southern USA
by Serap A. Kayatekin - 1205-1221 The great crash of 2008 and the reform of economics
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson
September 2009, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 871-873 Introduction
by Balihar Sanghera & Wendy Olsen & Fergus Lyon - 875-902 Moral political economy and moral reasoning about rural India: four theoretical schools compared
by Wendy Olsen - 903-920 Market institutions, trust and norms: exploring moral economies in Nigerian food systems
by Fergus Lyon & Gina Porter - 921-935 Moral sentiments and economic practices in Kyrgyzstan: the internal embeddedness of a moral economy
by Balihar Sanghera & Elmira Satybaldieva - 937-948 Input price--input quantity relations and the numéraire
by Arrigo Opocher & Ian Steedman - 949-965 The labour market in a Keynesian economic regime: theoretical debate and empirical findings
by Hansjörg Herr - 967-984 Aggregate demand and the endogeneity of the natural rate of growth: evidence from Latin American economies
by Gilberto A. Libânio - 985-1000 Economics as social engineering? Questioning the performativity thesis
by Ana C. Santos & João Rodrigues - 1001-1022 Innovation, structural change and productivity growth: evidence from Italian regions, 1980--2003
by Francesco Quatraro - 1023-1046 Aggregate capital productivity in the US economy, 1964--2001
by Simon Mohun
July 2009, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 531-538 Introduction: the global financial crisis
by Stephanie Blankenburg & José Gabriel Palma - 539-562 From global imbalances to global reorganisations
by Robert Wade - 563-580 Structural causes of the global financial crisis: a critical assessment of the 'new financial architecture'
by James Crotty - 581-608 The limits of central bank policy: economic crisis and the challenge of effective solutions
by Jamie Morgan - 609-632 The fat years: the structure and profitability of the US banking sector in the pre-crisis period
by Fiona Tregenna - 633-652 The evolving international monetary system
by Jane D'Arista - 653-663 Why don't the bailouts work? Design of a new financial system versus a return to normalcy
by Jan Kregel - 665-683 The crash of the knowledge economy
by Ugo Pagano & Maria Alessandra Rossi - 685-702 A developing country view of the current global crisis: what should not be forgotten and what should be done
by Roberto Frenkel & Martin Rapetti - 703-724 Latin America and the global financial crisis
by José Antonio Ocampo - 725-739 The costs of 'coupling': the global crisis and the Indian economy
by Jayati Ghosh & C. P. Chandrasekhar - 741-757 Out of the corridor: Keynes and the crisis
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 759-777 The current economic crisis: its nature and the course of academic economics
by Tony Lawson - 779-805 The double bubble at the turn of the century: technological roots and structural implications
by Carlota Perez - 807-828 The rise and fall of money manager capitalism: a Minskian approach
by L. Randall Wray - 829-869 The revenge of the market on the rentiers
by José Gabriel Palma
May 2009, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 357-361 Introduction
by Ajit Singh & Frank Wilkinson - 363-379 Better to be rough and relevant than to be precise and irrelevant: Reddaway's legacy to economics
by Ajit Singh - 381-404 On data: a case study of the evolution of income inequality across time and across countries
by A. B. Atkinson & A. Brandolini - 405-419 Applied economics, contrast explanation and asymmetric information
by Tony Lawson - 421-432 Growth and changes in economic structure: a straightforward statistical approach with an application to the Italian economy
by Giuliana Campanelli Andreopoulos - 433-466 Characterising deindustrialisation: An analysis of changes in manufacturing employment and output internationally
by Fiona Tregenna - 467-493 A synthetic, stock--flow consistent macroeconomic model of 'financialisation'
by Till van Treeck - 495-516 Joseph Schumpeter and the German Historical School
by Panayotis G. Michaelides & John G. Milios - 517-530 Critical realism and the Austrian paradox
by Adam Martin
March 2009, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 175-191 The economics of identity and the identity of economics?
by Ben Fine - 193-209 Plural situational logic: the rationa(lisabi)lity principle
by Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky - 211-232 Care regimes and national employment models
by Annamaria Simonazzi - 233-252 Why do women have longer durations of unemployment than men in post-restructuring urban China?
by Fenglian Du & Xiao-yuan Dong - 253-272 Human resource management and performance in European firms
by Marian Rizov & Richard Croucher - 273-293 Macroeconomics without the LM curve: an alternative view
by Mark Setterfield - 295-316 Racial discrimination in English professional football: evidence from an empirical analysis of players' career progression
by John Goddard & John O. S. Wilson - 317-333 Human capital, graduate migration and innovation in British regions
by Alessandra Faggian & Philip McCann - 335-355 At the origin of the industrial district: Alfred Marshall and the Cambridge school
by Fiorenza Belussi & Katia Caldari
January 2009, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-24 On technological objects and the adoption of technological product innovations: rules, routines and the transition from analogue photography to digital imaging
by Jochen Runde & Matthew Jones & Kamal Munir & Lynne Nikolychuk - 25-49 Lifestyle conformity and lifecycle saving: a Veblenian perspective
by Martha A. Starr - 51-77 (How) do flexible labour markets really work? The role of profitability in influencing unemployment
by Paul Lewis - 79-94 Segmentation or competition in China's urban labour market?
by John Knight & Linda Yueh - 95-112 A Phillips curve interpretation of error-correction models of the wage and price dynamics
by Søren Harck - 113-137 Rising household debt: Its causes and macroeconomic implications--a long-period analysis
by Aldo Barba & Massimo Pivetti - 139-159 Functional income distribution and aggregate demand in the Euro area
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Özlem Onaran & Stefan Ederer - 161-173 The Marxian schemes of reproduction and the theory of effective demand
by Claudio Sardoni
November 2008, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 827-862 Macroeconomic implications of financialisation
by Peter Skott & Soon Ryoo - 863-886 Financialisation and capital accumulation in the non-financial corporate sector:
by Ozgür Orhangazi - 887-906 Controls on capital inflows and the transmission of external shocks
by Antonio C. David - 907-925 Does internal finance matter for R&D? New evidence from a panel of Italian firms
by Elisa Ughetto - 927-946 Incentives and uncertainty: an empirical analysis of the impact of demand on innovation
by Roberto Fontana & Marco Guerzoni - 947-962 Power relationships along the value chain: multinational firms, global buyers and performance of local suppliers
by Carlo Pietrobelli & Federica Saliola - 963-976 Top incomes in Sweden over three-quarters of a century: a micro data approach
by Björn Gustafsson & Birgitta Jansson - 977-1001 Capital accumulation and unemployment: new insights on the Nordic experience
by Marika Karanassou & Hector Sala & Pablo F. Salvador - 1003-1003 Keynes's Z function: a reply to Hartwig and Brady
by M. G. Hayes
September 2008, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 665-681 Is the accumulation of international reserves good for development?
by Moritz Cruz & Bernard Walters - 683-701 Can globalisation stop the decline in commodities' terms of trade?
by André Varella Mollick & João Ricardo Faria & Pedro H. Albuquerque & Miguel A. León-Ledesma - 703-724 Cross-racial envy and underinvestment in South African partnerships
by Daniel Haile & Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Harrie A. A. Verbon - 725-737 Minsky's 'induced investment and business cycles'
by Jan Toporowski - 739-759 Les Liaisons dangereuses: a Minskyan approach to the relation of credit and investment in Argentina during the 1990s
by Valeria Arza & Paula Español - 761-779 A critical reconsideration of the foundations of monetary policy in the new consensus macroeconomics framework
by Philip Arestis & Malcolm Sawyer - 781-795 Corporate debt, variable retention rate and the appearance of financial fragility
by Sébastien Charles - 797-810 Pragmatism and economics: William James' contribution
by Jack Barbalet - 811-814 Keynes's Z function: a reply to Hartwig and Brady
by M. G. Hayes - 815-819 Comment: Hayes on Z
by J. Hartwig & M. E. Brady - 821-826 A note of dissent on the 'index number' interpretation of Adam Smith's 'real measure'
by Terry Peach
July 2008, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 527-554 Explaining modern economics (as a microcosm of society)
by Vinca Bigo - 555-576 Newton's real influence on Adam Smith and its context
by Leonidas Montes - 577-591 The organisational morphology of rural industries and its dynamics in liberalised India: a study of West Bengal
by Dibyendu Maiti - 593-607 The great divide: 'ruralisation' of poverty in Russia
by Christopher J. Gerry & Eugene Nivorozhkin & John A. Rigg - 609-631 Mutual productivity spillovers between foreign and local firms in China
by Yingqi Wei & Xiaming Liu & Chengang Wang - 633-638 Trust, institutions and the 'generally speaking question': a reply to Uslaner
by Sjoerd Beugelsdijk - 639-663 A foxy hedgehog: Wynne Godley and macroeconomic modelling
by Lance Taylor
May 2008, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 349-366 The turn in recent economics and return of orthodoxy
by John B. Davis - 367-393 The Swedish third way: an assessment of the performance and validity of the Rehn--Meidner model
by Lennart Erixon - 395-420 Banking strategy and credit expansion: a post-Keynesian approach
by Antonio J. Alves & Gary A. Dymski & Luiz-Fernando de Paula - 421-439 Fairness and the employment contract: North American regions versus Germany
by Knut Gerlach & David Levine & Gesine Stephan & Olaf Struck - 441-459 Correcting for biases when estimating production functions: an illusion of the laws of algebra?
by Jesus Felipe & Rana Hasan & J. S. L. McCombie - 461-477 When does growth trickle down to the poor? The Indian case
by Santonu Basu & Sushanta Mallick - 479-511 Distribution and growth reconsidered: empirical results for six OECD countries
by Eckhard Hein & Lena Vogel - 513-525 Exploring Utopia (Limited) with a Companion
by John Toye
March 2008, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 163-202 Economics, realism and reality: a comparison of Mäki and Lawson
by Duncan Hodge - 203-218 On some criticisms of critical realism in economics
by Mário da Graça Moura & Nuno Martins - 219-233 Transforming economics into what? Heterodox economics and critical realism
by Mark Peacock - 235-256 An institutional and evolutionary perspective on health economics
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 257-271 The energy behind Vernon Smith's experimental economics
by Kyu Sang Lee & Philip Mirowski - 273-288 Real exchange rate levels and economic development: theoretical analysis and econometric evidence
by Paulo Gala - 289-294 The foundations of trust: macro and micro
by Eric M. Uslaner - 295-324 Monoculture versus diversity in competition economics
by Oliver Budzinski - 325-347 Evaluating innovation and labour market relationships: the case of Italy
by Luca Pieroni & Fabrizio Pompei
January 2008, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-28 Foreign direct investment and the euro: the first five years
by Christopher Taylor - 29-47 The global business revolution, the cascade effect, and the challenge for firms from developing countries
by Peter Nolan & Jin Zhang & Chunhang Liu - 49-63 How useful is the concept of the natural real rate of interest for monetary policy?
by Axel A. Weber & Wolfgang Lemke & Andreas Worms - 65-81 A theory of trust based systems of intermediation
by Marina Della Giusta - 83-109 The fallacy of composition and contractionary devaluations: output effects of real exchange rate shocks in semi-industrialised countries
by Robert A. Blecker & Arslan Razmi - 111-124 Disorderly adjustments to the misalignments in the Korean won
by Takuji Kinkyo - 125-146 A materialist development of some recent contributions to the labour theory of value
by Andrew Brown - 147-160 On the dynamics of profit-led and wage-led growth
by Amit Bhaduri
November 2007, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 805-816 The economics of New Labour: policy and performance
by Michael Kitson & Frank Wilkinson - 817-843 Neo-liberalism and New Labour policy: economic performance, historical comparisons and future prospects
by Frank Wilkinson - 845-861 Structural change under New Labour
by Ken Coutts & Andrew Glyn & Bob Rowthorn - 863-884 Monetary policy in the UK
by Alvaro Angeriz & Philip Arestis - 885-899 Fiscal policy under New Labour
by Malcolm Sawyer - 901-925 New Labour, energy policy and 'competitive markets'
by Ian Rutledge - 927-939 New Labour at work: long-term unemployment and the geography of opportunity
by Nik Theodore - 941-971 Job quality and the economics of New Labour: a critical appraisal using subjective survey data
by Andrew Brown & Andy Charlwood & Chris Forde & David Spencer - 973-994 The Third Way and the third sector: New Labour's economic policy and the social economy
by Helen Haugh & Michael Kitson - 995-1006 Changing patterns of UK poverty, 1997--2004
by A. Angeriz & S. P. Chakravarty - 1007-1023 A million off Incapacity Benefit: how achievable is Labour's target?
by Steve Fothergill & Ian Wilson
September 2007, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 649-667 Cultural globalisation, institutional diversity and the unequal accumulation of intellectual capital
by Ugo Pagano - 669-690 Inadequacy of technology and innovation systems at the periphery
by Eduardo da Motta e Albuquerque - 691-710 Is demand-pulled innovation equally important in different groups of firms?
by Mariacristina Piva & Marco Vivarelli - 711-740 Stagnation or transformation of a dual economy through endogenous productivity growth
by Codrina Rada - 741-753 Keynes's Z function, heterogeneous output and marginal productivity
by MG Hayes - 755-774 A structural economic dynamics approach to balance-of-payments-constrained growth
by Ricardo Azevedo Araujo & Gilberto Tadeu Lima - 775-787 The impossibility of a perfectly competitive labour market
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 789-804 Institutions as knowledge capital: Ludwig M. Lachmann's interpretative institutionalism
by Nicolai J. Foss & Giampaolo Garzarelli
July 2007, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 489-505 Joan Robinson and socialist planning in the years of high theory
by Prue Kerr - 507-524 Does shareholder primacy lead to a decline in managerial accountability?
by Antoine Rebérioux - 525-538 Shifting theories: partial perspectives on the household
by Kanchana N. Ruwanpura - 539-561 The ontology of economic power in capitalism: mainstream economics and Marx
by Giulio Palermo - 563-580 Macrodynamics of debt regimes, financial instability and growth
by Gilberto Tadeu Lima & Antonio J. A. Meirelles - 581-599 The prospects for caring: economic theory and policy analysis
by Susan Himmelweit - 601-624 Is the state-led industrial restructuring effective in transition China? Evidence from the steel sector
by Pei Sun - 625-647 The disappearance of cooperatives from economics textbooks
by Panu Kalmi
May 2007, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 327-348 Even the bad times are good: a behavioural theory of transformation pressure
by Lennart Erixon - 349-362 Akerlof and Kranton on identity in economics: inverting the analysis
by John B. Davis - 363-378 Two studies of women's retirement incomes in Australia: assessing some outcomes of pluralism in economic research
by Therese Jefferson - 379-392 Homogeneity masquerading as variety: the case of horizontal innovation models
by Man-Seop Park - 393-411 Externalities from foreign direct investment in the Mexican retailing sector
by Cédric Durand - 413-422 The nature of the ADAS model based on the ISLM model
by B Bhaskara Rao - 423-443 Capital account openness and the labour share of income
by Arjun Jayadev - 445-487 Mutual funds that invest in private equity? An analysis of labour-sponsored investment funds
by Douglas J. Cumming & Jeffrey G. MacIntosh
March 2007, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 171-192 Flexible recession: the temporary staffing industry and mediated work in the United States
by Jamie Peck & Nik Theodore - 193-215 Finance and politics: the wealth effects of special interest group influence during the nationalisation and privatisation of Conrail
by James Ang & Carol Boyer - 217-233 The hypostasis of money: an economic point of view
by Jean Cartelier - 235-253 On the social structure of markets
by William A. Jackson - 255-274 Communicative action and the radical constitution: the Habermasian challenge to Hayek, Mises and their descendents
by David L. Prychitko & Virgil Henry Storr - 275-289 Principles of Neo-Schumpeterian Economics
by Horst Hanusch & Andreas Pyka - 291-307 On the application of mathematics to political economy'. The Edgeworth--Walras--Bortkievicz controversy, 1889--1891
by Roberto Marchionatti - 309-325 The Research Assessment Exercise, the state and the dominance of mainstream economics in British universities
by Frederic S. Lee
January 2007, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-23 A simple model of three economies with two currencies: the eurozone and the USA
by Wynne Godley & Marc Lavoie - 25-40 Rethinking economics: the potential contribution of the classics
by José Castro Caldas & Ana Narciso Costa & Tom R. Burns - 41-54 Classical dynamics of disequilibrium
by Carlo Benetti & Christian Bidard & Edith Klimovsky - 55-76 Patents, firm size and financial constraints: an empirical analysis for a panel of Italian manufacturing firms
by Giuseppe Scellato - 77-99 Retroduction as mixed-methods triangulation in economic research: reorienting economics into social science
by Paul Downward & Andrew Mearman - 101-122 The characteristics of a monetary economy: a Keynes--Schumpeter approach
by Giancarlo Bertocco - 123-144 Pathways out of rural poverty: a case study in socio-economic mobility in the rural Philippines
by Nobuhiko Fuwa - 145-169 Does Europe need neoliberal reforms?
by M Panić
November 2006, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 819-833 Hans Singer's debts to Schumpeter and Keynes
by John Toye - 835-846 Hans Singer's model of the severity of recessions
by Robert Dixon & Muhammad Mahmood - 847-860 The nature and role of monetary policy when money is endogenous
by Philip Arestis & Malcolm Sawyer - 861-880 A critical realist interpretation of evolutionary growth theorising
by Fulvio Castellacci - 881-900 Price expectations, capital accumulation and employment: Lindahl's macroeconomics from the 1920s to the 1950s
by Mauro Boianovsky & Hans-Michael Trautwein - 901-922 Economics and underdetermination: a case study of urban land and housing economics
by Robert McMaster & Craig Watkins - 923-939 Transition economies and trust building: a network perspective on EU enlargement
by Hans van Ees & Reinhard Bachmann - 941-953 Economic convergence across German regions in light of empirical findings
by John B. Hall & Udo Ludwig - 955-979 Capital market trading volume: an overview and some preliminary conclusions
by John Grahl & Photis Lysandrou - 981-984 Comments on Cesaratto's 'Transition to fully funded pension schemes: a non-orthodox criticism'
by Thomas R. Michl - 985-987 A reply to Michl
by Sergio Cesaratto
September 2006, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 657-670 Keynes's theory of liquidity preference and his debt management and monetary policies
by Geoff Tily - 671-685 Capabilities as causal powers
by Nuno Martins - 687-700 'Let your science be human': Hume's economic methodology
by Takeshi Nakano - 701-722 Expectations, the business cycle and the Mexican peso crisis
by Moritz Cruz & Edmund Amann & Bernard Walters - 723-736 Out in the cold? Iceland's trade performance outside the European Union and European Monetary Union
by Francis Breedon & Thórarinn G. Pétursson - 737-765 An empirical investigation of paradoxes: reswitching and reverse capital deepening in capital theory
by Zonghie Han & Bertram Schefold - 767-781 The ontology of 'the economic': an Aristotelian analysis
by Ricardo F. Crespo - 783-796 Representative agent meets class structure: imperfect competition and the balanced-budget multiplier
by Leonardo Vera - 797-818 'Tying the manager's hands': constraining opportunistic managerial intervention
by Kirsten Foss & Nicolai J. Foss & Xosé H. Vázquez
July 2006, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 483-505 The nature of heterodox economics
by Tony Lawson