February 1999, Volume 397, Issue 6720
- 586-589 Evidence for recent volcanism on Mars from crater counts
by William K. Hartmann & Michael Malin & Alfred McEwen & Michael Carr & Larry Soderblom & Peter Thomas & Ed Danielson & Phillip James & Joseph Veverka - 589-591 Groundwater formation of martian valleys
by Michael C. Malin & Michael H. Carr - 592-594 Bright dunes on Mars
by P. C. Thomas & M. C. Malin & M. H. Carr & G. E. Danielson & M. E. Davies & W. K. Hartmann & A. P. Ingersoll & P. B. James & A. S. McEwen & L. A. Soderblom & J. Veverka - 594-598 Light speed reduction to 17 metres per second in an ultracold atomic gas
by Lene Vestergaard Hau & S. E. Harris & Zachary Dutton & Cyrus H. Behroozi - 598-601 Luttinger-liquid behaviour in carbon nanotubes
by Marc Bockrath & David H. Cobden & Jia Lu & Andrew G. Rinzler & Richard E. Smalley & Leon Balents & Paul L. McEuen - 601-604 The nature of the hydrated excess proton in water
by Dominik Marx & Mark E. Tuckerman & Jürg Hutter & Michele Parrinello - 604-607 Discrete alternating hotspot islands formed by interaction of magma transport and lithospheric flexure
by Christoph F. Hieronymus & David Bercovici - 607-610 A primitive fossil fish sheds light on the origin of bony fishes
by Min Zhu & Xiaobo Yu & Philippe Janvier - 610-612 Influence of motion signals on the perceived position of spatial pattern
by Shin'ya Nishida & Alan Johnston - 613-616 The global record of memory in hippocampal neuronal activity
by Emma R. Wood & Paul A. Dudchenko & Howard Eichenbaum - 617-621 Vertebrate Hedgehog signalling modulated by induction of a Hedgehog-binding protein
by Pao-Tien Chuang & Andrew P. McMahon - 621-625 The Rab5 effector EEA1 is a core component of endosome docking
by Savvas Christoforidis & Heidi M. McBride & Robert D. Burgoyne & Marino Zerial - 625-628 Photosynthetic control of chloroplast gene expression
by Thomas Pfannschmidt & Anders Nilsson & John F. Allen
February 1999, Volume 397, Issue 6719
- 457-457 German call to invest more in technology
by Quirin Schiermeier - 457-457 Europe bids to pull US patent law into line with first-to-file system
by Ehsan Masood - 458-458 UK panel formed to rebuild trust in government science advice
by Ehsan Masood - 458-458 DoE budget scramble as closure plan axed
by Colin Macilwain - 459-459 SOIREE aims to iron out atmospheric puzzle
by Philip Newton - 459-459 Scientists fight for right to withhold data
by Colin Macilwain - 460-460 Roche and Promega back in court for Taq
by Sally Lehrman - 460-460 US sanctions hurt basic research in India
by K. S. Jayaraman - 461-461 Japanese university approves genetic tests on in vitro embryos
by Asako Saegusa - 461-461 German science fights animal rights bill
by Quirin Schiermeier - 462-462 Chandra slips, space shuttle runs a risk
by Tony Reichhardt - 462-462 Everglades plan flawed, claim ecologists
by Tony Reichhardt - 463-463 French ministry in climbdown over reform
by Declan Butler - 463-463 British universities face review to increase accountability
by Natasha Loder - 467-467 Language bias discredits the peer-review system
by Antonio J. Herrera - 467-467 Pressure to publish stifles young talent
by Michael J. Larkin - 467-468 German job security leads to stagnation ..
by Eberhard Passarge - 468-468 ... and reduces students' chances of publishing
by Andreas Herde - 468-468 Frémiet's phantasms
by Eric Buffetaut - 469-469 Physics takes the biscuit
by Len Fisher - 471-472 A transformed view of cyclosporine
by Gary J. Nabel - 472-473 The undemocratic proton
by David J. Miller - 473-475 A patchwork of cones
by Heinz Wässle - 475-476 Bacteria and silica cycling
by Victor Smetacek - 476-479 Unstable by design
by Aneta Siemiginowska & Martin Elvis - 479-480 New way to activate caspases
by Erkki Ruoslahti & John Reed - 480-481 Electronic motion in DNA
by Mark Ratner - 481-481 Cell squeezing
by David Jones - 482-482 Jean Leray (1906-98)
by Ivar Ekeland - 483-484 Making make-up in Ancient Egypt
by P. Walter & P. Martinetto & G. Tsoucaris & R. Brniaux & M. A. Lefebvre & G. Richard & J. Talabot & E. Dooryhee - 484-485 Josephson effect and a π-state in superfluid 3He
by Olivier Avenel & Yury Mukharsky & Eric Varoquaux - 485-485 Josephson effect and a π-state in superfluid 3He
by S. Backhaus & R. W. Simmonds & A. Loshak & J. C. Davis & R. E. Packard - 485-486 How and why a parasitic nematode jumps
by James F. Campbell & Harry K. Kaya - 486-486 Non-fertile sperm delay female remating
by Penny A. Cook & Nina Wedell - 487-488 The fashions and foibles of science
by Peter A. Lawrence - 488-489 Darwinizing psychology
by Andrew Whiten - 489-490 Earth's internally generated motions
by Paul G. Richards - 490-490 Science in culture
by Graham Farmelo - 491-497 Changing sources of nutrients during four million years of ecosystem development
by O. A. Chadwick & L. A. Derry & P. M. Vitousek & B. J. Huebert & L. O. Hedin - 498-500 Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market
by Thomas Lux & Michele Marchesi - 500-503 A single-photon turnstile device
by J. Kim & O. Benson & H. Kan & Y. Yamamoto - 503-506 Modulated phases and proton centring in ice observed by X-ray diffraction up to 170?GPa
by Paul Loubeyre & René LeToullec & Elodie Wolanin & Michel Hanfland & Daniel Hausermann - 506-508 Circularly polarized light generated by photoexcitation of luminophores in glassy liquid-crystal films
by S. H. Chen & D. Katsis & A. W. Schmid & J. C. Mastrangelo & T. Tsutsui & T. N. Blanton - 508-512 Accelerated dissolution of diatom silica by marine bacterial assemblages
by Kay D. Bidle & Farooq Azam - 512-514 Cool surface waters of the subtropical North Pacific Ocean during the last glacial
by Kyung E. Lee & Niall C. Slowey - 515-517 Holocene periodicity in North Atlantic climate and deep-ocean flow south of Iceland
by Giancarlo G. Bianchi & I. Nicholas McCave - 517-520 Auditory distance perception in rooms
by Adelbert W. Bronkhorst & Tammo Houtgast - 520-522 The arrangement of the three cone classes in the living human eye
by Austin Roorda & David R. Williams - 523-526 Asymmetric Notch activation specifies photoreceptors R3 and R4 and planar polarity in the Drosophila eye
by Manolis Fanto & Marek Mlodzik - 526-530 Frizzled regulation of Notch signalling polarizes cell fate in the Drosophila eye
by Michael T. D. Cooper & Sarah J. Bray - 530-534 Cyclosporine induces cancer progression by a cell-autonomous mechanism
by Minoru Hojo & Takashi Morimoto & Mary Maluccio & Tomohiko Asano & Kengo Morimoto & Milagros Lagman & Toshikazu Shimbo & Manikkam Suthanthiran - 534-539 RGD peptides induce apoptosis by direct caspase-3 activation
by Christopher D. Buckley & Darrell Pilling & Nick V. Henriquez & Greg Parsonage & Katy Threlfall & Dagmar Scheel-Toellner & David L. Simmons & Arne N. Akbar & Janet M. Lord & Mike Salmon - 543-544 Expanding Canada's knowledge base
by Potter Wickware
February 1999, Volume 397, Issue 6718
- 373-373 Curb on foreign computers puts damper on US climate modelling
by Tony Reichhardt - 373-373 Geophysicists call for action on global warming
by Tony Reichhardt - 374-374 AAAS head wants to see scientists on school boards
by Sally Lehrman - 374-374 Harvard reveals plans for research centres
by Steve Nadis - 374-374 Rubbia proposes a speedier voyage to Mars and back
by Alison Abbott - 375-375 German science council clashes with anti-nuclear government
by Quirin Schiermeier - 375-375 Treaty nations ‘are exploiting Antarctica’
by Peter Pockley - 376-376 Asian scientists call on Unesco to protect indigenous knowledge
by K S Jayaraman - 376-376 Fear of BSE risks could hit US blood banks
by Meredith Wadman - 377-377 US budget ‘freezes’ spending on research
by Colin Macilwain & Tony Reichhardt - 378-378 Leaked CNRS report raises fears and hopes on job security
by Declan Butler - 378-378 Japanese labs balk at bid to boost external evaluation
by Asako Saegusa - 379-379 Tougher EU copyright rules come under fire
by Declan Butler - 383-383 Risks inherent in fetal gene therapy
by W. French Anderson - 383-383 Risks inherent in fetal gene therapy
by David King & Tom Shakespeare & Richard Nicholson & Angus Clarke & Sheila McLean - 383-384 Visible viruses and geodesic domes
by David J. DeRosier - 384-384 Spanish researchers defeated by the system
by Francisco Rodríguez-Quioñes - 384-384 Glaciation: the snowball theory still holds water
by Paul F. Hoffman & Adam C. Maloof - 384-384 Can teaching ethics make people ethical?
by Frank J. Leavitt - 385-386 From Pan to pandemic
by Robin A. Weiss & Richard W. Wrangham - 386-387 Return of the itinerant electron
by David Ceperley - 387-389 A cellular poison cupboard
by William C. Earnshaw - 389-391 All change in the Arctic
by Bob Dickson - 391-393 Striving for coherence
by Wolf Singer - 393-394 Counting up to four
by Ivar Ekeland - 394-395 Fragmenting magma
by Oleg E. Melnik - 395-395 Powerful lighting
by David Jones - 396-396 Hans Oeschger (1927-98)
by Thomas Stocker - 397-398 Half-awake to the risk of predation
by Niels C. Rattenborg & Steven L. Lima & Charles J. Amlaner - 398-398 Pattern formation in semiconductors
by V. V. Bel'kov & J. Hirschinger & V. Novák & F.-J. Niedernostheide & S.D. Ganichev & W. Prettl - 398-399 UV-B damage amplified by transposons in maize
by Virginia Walbot - 400-400 Collective decisions and cognition in bees
by P. Kirk Visscher & Scott Camazine - 401-402 Japan's enthused individualists
by Rupert Goodwins - 402-403 A bestiary of chaos and biodiversity
by Paul H. Harvey - 403-404 Worth its salt
by Hervé This - 404-404 Science in culture
by Martin Kemp - 405-409 Female development in mammals is regulated by Wnt-4 signalling
by Seppo Vainio & Minna Heikkilä & Andreas Kispert & Norman Chin & Andrew P. McMahon - 410-412 Coherence and single-particle excitations in the high-temperature superconductors
by Guy Deutscher - 412-414 High-temperature weak ferromagnetism in a low-density free-electron gas
by D. P. Young & D. Hall & M. E. Torelli & Z. Fisk & J. L. Sarrao & J. D. Thompson & H.-R. Ott & S. B. Oseroff & R. G. Goodrich & R. Zysler - 414-417 Improved quantum efficiency for electroluminescence in semiconducting polymers
by Yong Cao & Ian D. Parker & Gang Yu & Chi Zhang & Alan J. Heeger - 417-420 Hybrid hydrogels assembled from synthetic polymers and coiled-coil protein domains
by Chun Wang & Russell J. Stewart & JindŘich KopeČek - 420-423 A complex clathrate hydrate structure showing bimodal guest hydration
by Konstantin A. Udachin & John A. Ripmeester - 423-425 Upward transport of oceanic nitrate by migrating diatom mats
by Tracy A. Villareal & Cynthia Pilskaln & Mark Brzezinski & Fredric Lipschultz & Mark Dennett & George B. Gardner - 425-428 Strain-induced magma fragmentation in explosive eruptions
by Paolo Papale - 428-430 A neuronal representation of the location of nearby sounds
by Michael S. A. Graziano & Lina A. J. Reiss & Charles G. Gross - 430-433 Perception's shadow: long-distance synchronization of human brain activity
by Eugenio Rodriguez & Nathalie George & Jean-Philippe Lachaux & Jacques Martinerie & Bernard Renault & Francisco J. Varela - 434-436 Coherence of gamma-band EEG activity as a basis for associative learning
by Wolfgang H. R. Miltner & Christoph Braun & Matthias Arnold & Herbert Witte & Edward Taub - 436-441 Origin of HIV-1 in the chimpanzee Pan troglodytes troglodytes
by Feng Gao & Elizabeth Bailes & David L. Robertson & Yalu Chen & Cynthia M. Rodenburg & Scott F. Michael & Larry B. Cummins & Larry O. Arthur & Martine Peeters & George M. Shaw & Paul M. Sharp & Beatrice H. Hahn - 441-446 Molecular characterization of mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor
by Santos A. Susin & Hans K. Lorenzo & Naoufal Zamzami & Isabel Marzo & Bryan E. Snow & Greg M. Brothers & Joan Mangion & Etienne Jacotot & Paola Costantini & Markus Loeffler & Nathanael Larochette & David R. Goodlett & Ruedi Aebersold & David P. Siderovski & Josef M. Penninger & Guido Kroemer - 446-450 The transcriptional cofactor complex CRSP is required for activity of the enhancer-binding protein Sp1
by Soojin Ryu & Sharleen Zhou & Andreas G. Ladurner & Robert Tjian
January 1999, Volume 397, Issue 6717
- 281-281 Sequence ‘terrorist genes’, says Venter
by Ehsan Masood - 281-282 Europe is urged to hold back on xenotransplant clinical trials
by Declan Butler - 282-282 UK women lead the way on interdisciplinary research
by Alison Mitchell - 283-283 Cancer body ‘must do more for minorities’
by Meredith Wadman - 283-283 German/Swedish venture creates plant biotechnology giant
by Quirin Schiermeier - 284-284 China clamps down on inaccurate warnings
by Asako Saegusa - 284-284 Japan to try to understand quakes, not predict them
by Asako Saegusa - 284-284 US life scientists seek 15 per cent rise to NIH research funds
by Meredith Wadman - 285-285 US unveils $366 million computing boost
by Natasha Loder - 285-285 Warning on pitfalls in measuring research
by Natasha Loder - 286-286 Hopes for reform rise as Spain replaces its hard-line minister
by Xavier Bosch - 286-286 UK gets the green light on modified crops
by Ehsan Masood - 287-287 ‘Inadequate science’ in US habitat plans
by Tony Reichhardt - 287-287 Australia battles to mine heritage site
by Peter Pockley - 290-290 Keele book sell-off squanders heritage
by David Singmaster - 290-290 Don't put research in a goal-based straitjacket
by Mike Berridge - 290-290 Green campaigners undermine the IWC
by Dan Goodman - 291-291 Who will mentor the mentors?
by Carl Djerassi - 293-294 The odds of losing at genetic roulette
by James F. Crow - 294-295 Lasing from a molecular sieve
by Stephen R. Forrest - 295-298 A new spin on handed asymmetry
by Kyle J. Vogan & Clifford J. Tabin - 298-299 Stress drives gas into a black hole
by Kartik Sheth & Peter J. Teuben - 299-301 Bromine explosion
by Paul Wennberg - 301-301 Visions of vortices
by Sarah Tomlin - 301-302 Colour renewal from space
by Raymond Sambrotto - 302-302 Ultra-light glazing
by David Jones - 303-306 Getting its from bits
by Frank Wilczek - 307-308 Genetic tracking of a protected whale
by Frank Cipriano & Stephen R. Palumbi - 308-309 Motion of vortices in superconductors
by A. Tonomura & H. Kasai & O. Kamimura & T. Matsuda & K. Harada & J. Shimoyama & K. Kishio & K. Kitazawa - 309-310 Role of the giant panda's ‘pseudo-thumb’
by Hideki Endo & Daishiro Yamagiwa & Yoshihiro Hayashi & Hiroshi Koie & Yoshiki Yamaya & Junpei Kimura - 310-310 Yeast cell-type regulation of DNA repair
by Stefan U. Åström & Sara M. Okamura & Jasper Rine - 311-312 The child of unfulfilled expectations
by Malcolm R. Dando - 312-313 Of rats and psychology students
by Adam Kuper - 313-314 From worms to prawns
by Diethard Tautz - 314-314 Remembering Big Blue and his kin
by Rupert Goodwins - 315-323 OPGL is a key regulator of osteoclastogenesis, lymphocyte development and lymph-node organogenesis
by Young-Yun Kong & Hiroki Yoshida & Ildiko Sarosi & Hong-Lin Tan & Emma Timms & Casey Capparelli & Sean Morony & Antonio J. Oliveira-dos-Santos & Gwyneth Van & Annick Itie & Wilson Khoo & Andrew Wakeham & Colin R. Dunstan & David L. Lacey & Tak W. Mak & William J. Boyle & Josef M. Penninger - 324-327 Magnetic field as a tracer of sheared gas flow in barred galaxies
by R. Beck & M. Ehle & V. Shoutenkov & A. Shukurov & D. Sokoloff - 327-329 Predicted signatures of rotating Bose–Einstein condensates
by D. A. Butts & D. S. Rokhsar - 329-332 Cluster-weighted modelling for time-series analysis
by N. Gershenfeld & B. Schoner & E. Metois - 333-335 Confirming the continuum theory of dynamic brittle fracture for fast cracks
by Eran Sharon & Jay Fineberg - 335-338 A controlled-release microchip
by John T. Santini & Michael J. Cima & Robert Langer - 338-341 Evidence for bromine monoxide in the free troposphere during the Arctic polar sunrise
by C. T. McElroy & C. A. McLinden & J. C. McConnell - 344-347 High genomic deleterious mutation rates in hominids
by Adam Eyre-Walker & Peter D. Keightley - 347-350 Monocular deprivation induces homosynaptic long-term depression in visual cortex
by Cynthia D. Rittenhouse & Harel Z. Shouval & Michael A. Paradiso & Mark F. Bear - 350-355 In vivo regulation of axon extension and pathfinding by growth-cone calcium transients
by Timothy M. Gomez & Nicholas C. Spitzer - 355-359 Secondary V(D)J recombination in B-1 cells
by Xiao-Feng Qin & Stephan Schwers & Wong Yu & Fotini Papavasiliou & Heikyung Suh & Andre Nussenzweig & Klaus Rajewsky & Michel C. Nussenzweig - 359-363 The 5-HT3B subunit is a major determinant of serotonin-receptor function
by Paul A. Davies & Marco Pistis & Michael C. Hanna & John A. Peters & Jeremy J. Lambert & Tim G. Hales & Ewen F. Kirkness - 363-368 TPL-2 kinase regulates the proteolysis of the NF-κB-inhibitory protein NF-κB1 p105
by Mônica P. Belich & Andrés Salmerón & Leland H. Johnston & Steven C. Ley - 369-370 Getting into automatic gear
by Brendan Horton
January 1999, Volume 397, Issue 6716
- 185-185 Insider trading alert over bioscience companies
by Sally Lehrman - 185-186 Embryonic stem-cell research exempt from ban, NIH is told
by Meredith Wadman - 186-186 Space station faces research cuts to cover risk of Russian default
by Tony Reichhardt - 187-187 French scientists offered time to set up companies
by Declan Butler - 187-187 Biochemistry panel dropped from UK quality review
by Natasha Loder - 188-188 Physicist's dual role could help with Japanese merger
by Asako Saegusa - 188-188 India approves use of genetically modified crops, despite critics
by K. S. Jayaraman - 189-189 Fossil dealer charged over Russian cache
by Alison Abbott - 189-189 Greens accept reprieve for neutron source
by Quirin Schiermeier - 190-190 Quebec's tax incentives act as a magnet to research companies
by David Spurgeon - 190-191 Plan to limit Cambridge high-tech growth
by Ehsan Masood - 191-191 Tough times set to continue for US biotech start-ups
by Sally Lehrman - 197-198 The writing is on the web for science journals in print
by Declan Butler - 201-201 Luddites must not block progress in genetics
by David Wood - 201-201 Close the South-North knowledge gap
by Vanderlei Canhos & Leslie Chan & Frances Giaquinto & Barbara Kirsop & Anthony ODonnell & Judy Ugonna - 201-202 Computers and the copyright conundrum
by Dennis S. Karjala - 202-202 German university reforms misguided
by Robin Ghosh - 202-202 Guard your knowledge ... and reap the rewards
by David Grant - 202-202 Who pays what in drug development
by James Love - 203-204 Prospecting for Jurassic slabs
by Mark A. Richards - 204-205 Molecular motors join forces
by Manfred Schliwa - 205-207 Deep-sea clams feel the heat
by Cindy Lee Van Dover - 207-208 Sculpting a wavepacket
by Wolfgang P. Schleich - 209-211 Translational control perks up
by Robert H. Silverman & Bryan R. G. Williams - 211-211 Monkey business in the aquarium
by Rory Howlett - 212-213 Ferroelectric ice
by Steven T. Bramwell - 213-214 Capping off the ends
by Carolyn Price - 214-215 Hydrogenase sophistication
by Richard Cammack - 215-216 A homeostatic switch
by Richard Miles - 216-216 Cogito in vitro
by David Jones - 217-217 Density-dependent warning coloration
by Gregory A. Sword - 218-218 Fas-mediated cell death promoted by opioids
by Deling Yin & R. Allan Mufson & Ruoxiang Wang & Yufang Shi - 219-219 Does global warming make Triton blush?
by Bonnie J. Buratti & Michael D. Hicks & Ray L. Newburn, Jr