September 2016, Volume 6, Issue 9
- 805-806 Reply to 'Policy institutions and forest carbon'
by Andrew Macintosh & Heather Keith & David Lindenmayer - 806-810 El Niño and a record CO2 rise
by Richard A. Betts & Chris D. Jones & Jeff R. Knight & Ralph F. Keeling & John J. Kennedy - 810-813 Earth's surface water change over the past 30 years
by Gennadii Donchyts & Fedor Baart & Hessel Winsemius & Noel Gorelick & Jaap Kwadijk & Nick van de Giesen - 813-816 The attribution question
by Friederike E. L. Otto & Geert Jan van Oldenborgh & Jonathan Eden & Peter A. Stott & David J. Karoly & Myles R. Allen - 817-820 Contested territory
by Michael Green - 821-821 Double whammy
by Alastair Brown - 821-821 Glaciers status
by Bronwyn Wake - 821-821 Heatwave mortality
by Alastair Brown - 821-821 Uncertain reporting
by Mat Hope - 823-824 Strong warming at high emissions
by Thomas L. Frölicher - 824-825 Arctic winds of change
by Dirk Notz - 827-835 Science and policy characteristics of the Paris Agreement temperature goal
by Carl-Friedrich Schleussner & Joeri Rogelj & Michiel Schaeffer & Tabea Lissner & Rachel Licker & Erich M. Fischer & Reto Knutti & Anders Levermann & Katja Frieler & William Hare - 836-843 Key ecological responses to nitrogen are altered by climate change
by T. L. Greaver & C. M. Clark & J. E. Compton & D. Vallano & A. F. Talhelm & C. P. Weaver & L. E. Band & J. S. Baron & E. A. Davidson & C. L. Tague & E. Felker-Quinn & J. A. Lynch & J. D. Herrick & L. Liu & C. L. Goodale & K. J. Novak & R. A. Haeuber - 844-846 Economic gains stimulate negative evaluations of corporate sustainability initiatives
by Tamar Makov & George E. Newman - 847-850 Mental representation changes the evaluation of green product benefits
by Kelly Goldsmith & George E. Newman & Ravi Dhar - 851-855 The climate response to five trillion tonnes of carbon
by Katarzyna B. Tokarska & Nathan P. Gillett & Andrew J. Weaver & Vivek K. Arora & Michael Eby - 856-860 Contribution of sea-ice loss to Arctic amplification is regulated by Pacific Ocean decadal variability
by James A. Screen & Jennifer A. Francis - 861-864 Detecting failure of climate predictions
by Michael C. Runge & Julienne C. Stroeve & Andrew P. Barrett & Eve McDonald-Madden - 865-868 Longer growing seasons shift grassland vegetation towards more-productive species
by Jason D. Fridley & Josh S. Lynn & J. P. Grime & A. P. Askew - 869-874 Land–atmosphere feedbacks amplify aridity increase over land under global warming
by Alexis Berg & Kirsten Findell & Benjamin Lintner & Alessandra Giannini & Sonia I. Seneviratne & Bart van den Hurk & Ruth Lorenz & Andy Pitman & Stefan Hagemann & Arndt Meier & Frédérique Cheruy & Agnès Ducharne & Sergey Malyshev & P. C. D. Milly - 879-884 Social norms and efficacy beliefs drive the Alarmed segment’s public-sphere climate actions
by Kathryn L. Doherty & Thomas N. Webler - 885-890 Climate change impact modelling needs to include cross-sectoral interactions
by Paula A. Harrison & Robert W. Dunford & Ian P. Holman & Mark D. A. Rounsevell
August 2016, Volume 6, Issue 8
- 729-730 Consistency of technology-adjusted consumption-based accounting
by Tiago Domingos & Jorge E. Zafrilla & Luis A. López - 730-730 Reply to 'Consistency of technology-adjusted consumption-based accounting'
by Astrid Kander & Magnus Jiborn & Daniel D. Moran & Thomas O. Wiedmann - 731-731 Broaden research on the human dimensions of climate change
by Noel Castree - 732-735 Implications of the Paris agreement for the ocean
by Alexandre K. Magnan & Michel Colombier & Raphaël Billé & Fortunat Joos & Ove Hoegh-Guldberg & Hans-Otto Pörtner & Henri Waisman & Thomas Spencer & Jean-Pierre Gattuso - 735-737 Realizing the impacts of a 1.5 °C warmer world
by Daniel Mitchell & Rachel James & Piers M. Forster & Richard A. Betts & Hideo Shiogama & Myles Allen - 737-739 Criminality and climate change
by Rob White - 741-741 Loss and damage post Paris
by Anna Petherick - 742-742 Arctic migratory birds
by Alastair Brown - 742-742 Open water drivers
by Bronwyn Wake - 742-742 Feeling the heat
by Bronwyn Wake - 742-742 Long-term social impacts
by Mat Hope - 743-744 Pacific trade wind intensifier
by Mark Collier - 745-750 Role-play simulations for climate change adaptation education and engagement
by Danya Rumore & Todd Schenk & Lawrence Susskind - 751-758 Managing uncertainty in soil carbon feedbacks to climate change
by Mark A. Bradford & William R. Wieder & Gordon B. Bonan & Noah Fierer & Peter A. Raymond & Thomas W. Crowther - 759-762 Knowledge as a driver of public perceptions about climate change reassessed
by Jing Shi & Vivianne H. M. Visschers & Michael Siegrist & Joseph Arvai - 763-767 Public understanding in Great Britain of ocean acidification
by Stuart B. Capstick & Nick F. Pidgeon & Adam J. Corner & Elspeth M. Spence & Paul N. Pearson - 768-772 Pacific trade winds accelerated by aerosol forcing over the past two decades
by Chiharu Takahashi & Masahiro Watanabe - 773-776 New use of global warming potentials to compare cumulative and short-lived climate pollutants
by Myles R. Allen & Jan S. Fuglestvedt & Keith P. Shine & Andy Reisinger & Raymond T. Pierrehumbert & Piers M. Forster - 777-780 Fate of water pumped from underground and contributions to sea-level rise
by Yoshihide Wada & Min-Hui Lo & Pat J.-F. Yeh & John T. Reager & James S. Famiglietti & Ren-Jie Wu & Yu-Heng Tseng - 781-785 Demographic controls of future global fire risk
by W. Knorr & A. Arneth & L. Jiang - 786-790 Regional disparities in the beneficial effects of rising CO2 concentrations on crop water productivity
by Delphine Deryng & Joshua Elliott & Christian Folberth & Christoph Müller & Thomas A. M. Pugh & Kenneth J. Boote & Declan Conway & Alex C. Ruane & Dieter Gerten & James W. Jones & Nikolay Khabarov & Stefan Olin & Sibyll Schaphoff & Erwin Schmid & Hong Yang & Cynthia Rosenzweig - 791-795 Greening of the Earth and its drivers
by Zaichun Zhu & Shilong Piao & Ranga B. Myneni & Mengtian Huang & Zhenzhong Zeng & Josep G. Canadell & Philippe Ciais & Stephen Sitch & Pierre Friedlingstein & Almut Arneth & Chunxiang Cao & Lei Cheng & Etsushi Kato & Charles Koven & Yue Li & Xu Lian & Yongwen Liu & Ronggao Liu & Jiafu Mao & Yaozhong Pan & Shushi Peng & Josep Peñuelas & Benjamin Poulter & Thomas A. M. Pugh & Benjamin D. Stocker & Nicolas Viovy & Xuhui Wang & Yingping Wang & Zhiqiang Xiao & Hui Yang & Sönke Zaehle & Ning Zeng - 796-802 Numerous strategies but limited implementation guidance in US local adaptation plans
by Sierra C. Woodruff & Missy Stults - 802-802 Correction: Corrigendum: The role of coastal plant communities for climate change mitigation and adaptation
by Carlos M. Duarte & Iñigo J. Losada & Iris E. Hendriks & Inés Mazarrasa & Núria Marbà Mazarrasa - 802-802 Correction: Corrigendum: Emerging Vibrio risk at high latitudes in response to ocean warming
by Craig Baker-Austin & Joaquin A. Trinanes & Nick G. H. Taylor & Rachel Hartnell & Anja Siitonen & Jaime Martinez-Urtaza
July 2016, Volume 6, Issue 7
- 637-638 Making use of the IPCC's powerful communication tool
by Thomas F. Stocker & Gian-Kasper Plattner - 638-639 Technological change and climate scenarios
by Adam Dorr - 639-640 Improving estimates of Earth's energy imbalance
by Gregory C. Johnson & John M. Lyman & Norman G. Loeb - 640-643 Preventing fires and haze in Southeast Asia
by Luca Tacconi - 643-646 Soft but significant power in the Paris Agreement
by Jennifer Jacquet & Dale Jamieson - 646-649 The 'best available science' to inform 1.5 °C policy choices
by Glen P. Peters - 649-653 Why the right climate target was agreed in Paris
by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber & Stefan Rahmstorf & Ricarda Winkelmann - 655-656 Courts take on climate change
by Sonja van Renssen - 657-657 Temperature spiral goes viral
by Mat Hope - 658-658 Deep ploughing benefits
by Alastair Brown - 658-658 Women's roles
by Mat Hope - 658-658 Circulation delays warming
by Bronwyn Wake - 658-658 Resilience in diversity
by Alastair Brown - 659-660 Substantial risk for financial assets
by Sabine Fuss - 660-661 Cheap oil slows climate mitigation
by Laurent Drouet - 661-662 Human influence on sea-level rise
by Sönke Dangendorf - 663-668 Mapping the climate change challenge
by Stephane Hallegatte & Joeri Rogelj & Myles Allen & Leon Clarke & Ottmar Edenhofer & Christopher B. Field & Pierre Friedlingstein & Line van Kesteren & Reto Knutti & Katharine J. Mach & Michael Mastrandrea & Adrien Michel & Jan Minx & Michael Oppenheimer & Gian-Kasper Plattner & Keywan Riahi & Michiel Schaeffer & Thomas F. Stocker & Detlef P. van Vuuren - 669-675 Detection and attribution of human influence on regional precipitation
by Beena Balan Sarojini & Peter A. Stott & Emily Black - 676-679 ‘Climate value at risk’ of global financial assets
by Simon Dietz & Alex Bowen & Charlie Dixon & Philip Gradwell - 680-683 Simple reframing unlikely to boost public support for climate policy
by Thomas Bernauer & Liam F. McGrath - 684-686 Drivers of peak warming in a consumption-maximizing world
by Myles R. Allen - 687-690 Uncertainties around reductions in China’s coal use and CO2 emissions
by Jan Ivar Korsbakken & Glen P. Peters & Robbie M. Andrew - 691-695 Millions projected to be at risk from sea-level rise in the continental United States
by Mathew E. Hauer & Jason M. Evans & Deepak R. Mishra - 696-700 Evaluation of dynamic coastal response to sea-level rise modifies inundation likelihood
by Erika E. Lentz & E. Robert Thieler & Nathaniel G. Plant & Sawyer R. Stippa & Radley M. Horton & Dean B. Gesch - 701-705 Anthropogenic forcing dominates global mean sea-level rise since 1970
by Aimée B. A. Slangen & John A. Church & Cecile Agosta & Xavier Fettweis & Ben Marzeion & Kristin Richter - 706-709 Contribution of urbanization to warming in China
by Ying Sun & Xuebin Zhang & Guoyu Ren & Francis W. Zwiers & Ting Hu - 710-714 Productivity of North American grasslands is increased under future climate scenarios despite rising aridity
by Koen Hufkens & Trevor F. Keenan & Lawrence B. Flanagan & Russell L. Scott & Carl J. Bernacchi & Eva Joo & Nathaniel A. Brunsell & Joseph Verfaillie & Andrew D. Richardson - 715-719 Climate change decouples drought from early wine grape harvests in France
by Benjamin I. Cook & Elizabeth M. Wolkovich - 720-725 Future freshwater stress for island populations
by Kristopher B. Karnauskas & Jeffrey P. Donnelly & Kevin J. Anchukaitis
June 2016, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 540-540 David J. C. MacKay (1967–2016)
by Ken Wright - 541-541 World without deforestation
by Alastair Brown - 541-541 Influence on calcification
by Eithne Tynan - 541-541 Driving emissions reductions
by Mat Hope - 541-541 Daily ranges
by Bronwyn Wake - 543-544 Insect thermal baggage
by Caroline Williams - 544-545 Mapping future crop geographies
by William R. Travis - 547-555 Towards a science of climate and energy choices
by Paul C. Stern & Benjamin K. Sovacool & Thomas Dietz - 556-562 Agent-based modelling of consumer energy choices
by Varun Rai & Adam Douglas Henry - 563-569 A decision science approach for integrating social science in climate and energy solutions
by Gabrielle Wong-Parodi & Tamar Krishnamurti & Alex Davis & Daniel Schwartz & Baruch Fischhoff - 570-575 Cooperation and discord in global climate policy
by Robert O. Keohane & David G. Victor - 576-583 Bridging analytical approaches for low-carbon transitions
by Frank W. Geels & Frans Berkhout & Detlef P. van Vuuren - 584-588 Adaptation responses to climate change differ between global megacities
by Lucien Georgeson & Mark Maslin & Martyn Poessinouw & Steve Howard - 589-594 Disruption of the European climate seasonal clock in a warming world
by Christophe Cassou & Julien Cattiaux - 595-600 Tundra soil carbon is vulnerable to rapid microbial decomposition under climate warming
by Kai Xue & Mengting M. Yuan & Zhou J. Shi & Yujia Qin & Ye Deng & Lei Cheng & Liyou Wu & Zhili He & Joy D. Van Nostrand & Rosvel Bracho & Susan Natali & Edward. A. G. Schuur & Chengwei Luo & Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis & Qiong Wang & James R. Cole & James M. Tiedje & Yiqi Luo & Jizhong Zhou - 601-604 Cropping frequency and area response to climate variability can exceed yield response
by Avery S. Cohn & Leah K. VanWey & Stephanie A. Spera & John F. Mustard - 605-609 Timescales of transformational climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan African agriculture
by Ulrike Rippke & Julian Ramirez-Villegas & Andy Jarvis & Sonja J. Vermeulen & Louis Parker & Flora Mer & Bernd Diekkrüger & Andrew J. Challinor & Mark Howden - 610-613 Changes in large-scale climate alter spatial synchrony of aphid pests
by Lawrence W. Sheppard & James R. Bell & Richard Harrington & Daniel C. Reuman - 614-617 Temporally increasing spatial synchrony of North American temperature and bird populations
by Walter D. Koenig & Andrew M. Liebhold - 618-621 Widespread range expansions shape latitudinal variation in insect thermal limits
by Lesley T. Lancaster - 622-626 Meta-analyses of the determinants and outcomes of belief in climate change
by Matthew J. Hornsey & Emily A. Harris & Paul G. Bain & Kelly S. Fielding - 627-634 Human influence on climate in the 2014 southern England winter floods and their impacts
by Nathalie Schaller & Alison L. Kay & Rob Lamb & Neil R. Massey & Geert Jan van Oldenborgh & Friederike E. L. Otto & Sarah N. Sparrow & Robert Vautard & Pascal Yiou & Ian Ashpole & Andy Bowery & Susan M. Crooks & Karsten Haustein & Chris Huntingford & William J. Ingram & Richard G. Jones & Tim Legg & Jonathan Miller & Jessica Skeggs & David Wallom & Antje Weisheimer & Simon Wilson & Peter A. Stott & Myles R. Allen - 634-634 Correction: Corrigendum: Roadmap towards justice in urban climate adaptation research
by Linda Shi & Eric Chu & Isabelle Anguelovski & Alexander Aylett & Jessica Debats & Kian Goh & Todd Schenk & Karen C. Seto & David Dodman & Debra Roberts & J. Timmons Roberts & Stacy D. VanDeveer
May 2016, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 433-435 Gaps in agricultural climate adaptation research
by Debra Davidson - 437-438 City limits
by Elisabeth Jeffries - 439-439 Snow white coral
by Bronwyn Wake - 440-440 Home base
by Mat Hope - 440-440 Weather experiences
by Bronwyn Wake - 440-440 Stream temperature velocity
by Alastair Brown - 440-440 Siberian Shelf estimates
by Eithne Tynan - 441-442 Clean grids with current technology
by Mark Z. Jacobson - 442-443 Reacting to multiple tipping points
by Frederick van der Ploeg - 443-444 Increases all round
by William Ingram - 445-451 Expert judgement and uncertainty quantification for climate change
by Michael Oppenheimer & Christopher M. Little & Roger M. Cooke - 452-461 Greenhouse gas mitigation potentials in the livestock sector
by Mario Herrero & Benjamin Henderson & Petr Havlík & Philip K. Thornton & Richard T. Conant & Pete Smith & Stefan Wirsenius & Alexander N. Hristov & Pierre Gerber & Margaret Gill & Klaus Butterbach-Bahl & Hugo Valin & Tara Garnett & Elke Stehfest - 462-473 Observations of climate change among subsistence-oriented communities around the world
by V. Savo & D. Lepofsky & J. P. Benner & K. E. Kohfeld & J. Bailey & K. Lertzman - 474-478 Regional estimates of the transient climate response to cumulative CO2 emissions
by Martin Leduc & H. Damon Matthews & Ramón de Elía - 479-482 The safety band of Antarctic ice shelves
by Johannes Jakob Fürst & Gaël Durand & Fabien Gillet-Chaulet & Laure Tavard & Melanie Rankl & Matthias Braun & Olivier Gagliardini - 483-487 Response of marine bacterioplankton pH homeostasis gene expression to elevated CO2
by Carina Bunse & Daniel Lundin & Christofer M. G. Karlsson & Neelam Akram & Maria Vila-Costa & Joakim Palovaara & Lovisa Svensson & Karin Holmfeldt & José M. González & Eva Calvo & Carles Pelejero & Cèlia Marrasé & Mark Dopson & Josep M. Gasol & Jarone Pinhassi - 488-492 The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
by Anthony Lamb & Rhys Green & Ian Bateman & Mark Broadmeadow & Toby Bruce & Jennifer Burney & Pete Carey & David Chadwick & Ellie Crane & Rob Field & Keith Goulding & Howard Griffiths & Astley Hastings & Tim Kasoar & Daniel Kindred & Ben Phalan & John Pickett & Pete Smith & Eileen Wall & Erasmus K. H. J. zu Ermgassen & Andrew Balmford - 493-497 Increasing beef production could lower greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil if decoupled from deforestation
by R. de Oliveira Silva & L. G. Barioni & J. A. J. Hall & M. Folegatti Matsuura & T. Zanett Albertini & F. A. Fernandes & D. Moran - 498-502 Climate and topography explain range sizes of terrestrial vertebrates
by Yiming Li & Xianping Li & Brody Sandel & David Blank & Zetian Liu & Xuan Liu & Shaofei Yan - 503-507 Climate and health impacts of US emissions reductions consistent with 2 °C
by Drew T. Shindell & Yunha Lee & Greg Faluvegi - 508-513 More extreme precipitation in the world’s dry and wet regions
by Markus G. Donat & Andrew L. Lowry & Lisa V. Alexander & Paul A. O’Gorman & Nicola Maher - 514-519 Economics of tipping the climate dominoes
by Derek Lemoine & Christian P. Traeger - 520-525 Risk of multiple interacting tipping points should encourage rapid CO2 emission reduction
by Yongyang Cai & Timothy M. Lenton & Thomas S. Lontzek - 526-531 Future cost-competitive electricity systems and their impact on US CO2 emissions
by Alexander E. MacDonald & Christopher T. M. Clack & Anneliese Alexander & Adam Dunbar & James Wilczak & Yuanfu Xie - 532-537 Assessing the observed impact of anthropogenic climate change
by Gerrit Hansen & Dáithí Stone - 538-538 Correction: Corrigendum: Energy system transformations for limiting end-of-century warming to below 1.5 °C
by Joeri Rogelj & Gunnar Luderer & Robert C. Pietzcker & Elmar Kriegler & Michiel Schaeffer & Volker Krey & Keywan Riahi - 538-538 Correction: Corrigendum: Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world
by Paul G. Bain & Taciano L. Milfont & Yoshihisa Kashima & Michał Bilewicz & Guy Doron & Ragna B. Garðarsdóttir & Valdiney V. Gouveia & Yanjun Guan & Lars-Olof Johansson & Carlota Pasquali & Victor Corral-Verdugo & Juan Ignacio Aragones, & Akira Utsugi & Christophe Demarque & Siegmar Otto & Joonha Park & Martin Soland & Linda Steg & Roberto González & Nadezhda Lebedeva & Ole Jacob Madsen & Claire Wagner & Charity S. Akotia & Tim Kurz & José L. Saiz & P.Wesley Schultz & Gró Einarsdóttir & Nina M. Saviolidis
April 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 333-334 How insurance can support climate resilience
by Swenja Surminski & Laurens M. Bouwer & Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer - 335-338 Climate research is gaining ground
by Olive Heffernan - 339-339 Asian contribution
by Eithne Tynan - 339-339 Animal movement
by Alastair Brown - 339-339 Moral messages
by Mat Hope - 339-339 European storm surges
by Bronwyn Wake - 341-342 Impacts on climate change views
by Paul C. Stern - 342-343 The art of attribution
by Friederike E. L. Otto - 343-345 The socio-economics of cyclones
by Ilan Noy - 345-346 Leading the hiatus research surge
by Shang-Ping Xie - 346-348 A satellite perspective
by Douglas C. Morton - 349-353 Including indigenous knowledge and experience in IPCC assessment reports
by James D. Ford & Laura Cameron & Jennifer Rubis & Michelle Maillet & Douglas Nakashima & Ashlee Cunsolo Willox & Tristan Pearce - 354-359 Governance of social dilemmas in climate change adaptation
by Alexander Bisaro & Jochen Hinkel - 360-369 Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change
by Peter U. Clark & Jeremy D. Shakun & Shaun A. Marcott & Alan C. Mix & Michael Eby & Scott Kulp & Anders Levermann & Glenn A. Milne & Patrik L. Pfister & Benjamin D. Santer & Daniel P. Schrag & Susan Solomon & Thomas F. Stocker & Benjamin H. Strauss & Andrew J. Weaver & Ricarda Winkelmann & David Archer & Edouard Bard & Aaron Goldner & Kurt Lambeck & Raymond T. Pierrehumbert & Gian-Kasper Plattner - 370-374 Network structure and influence of the climate change counter-movement
by Justin Farrell - 375-380 Power-generation system vulnerability and adaptation to changes in climate and water resources
by Michelle T. H. van Vliet & David Wiberg & Sylvain Leduc & Keywan Riahi - 381-385 Global drivers of future river flood risk
by Hessel C. Winsemius & Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts & Ludovicus P. H. van Beek & Marc F. P. Bierkens & Arno Bouwman & Brenden Jongman & Jaap C. J. Kwadijk & Willem Ligtvoet & Paul L. Lucas & Detlef P. van Vuuren & Philip J. Ward - 386-389 Implications for climate sensitivity from the response to individual forcings
by Kate Marvel & Gavin A. Schmidt & Ron L. Miller & Larissa S. Nazarenko - 390-393 Greenland meltwater storage in firn limited by near-surface ice formation
by Horst Machguth & Mike MacFerrin & Dirk van As & Jason E. Box & Charalampos Charalampidis & William Colgan & Robert S. Fausto & Harro A. J. Meijer & Ellen Mosley-Thompson & Roderik S. W. van de Wal - 394-398 Industrial-era global ocean heat uptake doubles in recent decades
by Peter J. Gleckler & Paul J. Durack & Ronald J. Stouffer & Gregory C. Johnson & Chris E. Forest - 399-401 Scale-dependence of persistence in precipitation records
by Y. Markonis & D. Koutsoyiannis - 402-406 Enhanced weathering strategies for stabilizing climate and averting ocean acidification
by Lyla L. Taylor & Joe Quirk & Rachel M. S. Thorley & Pushker A. Kharecha & James Hansen & Andy Ridgwell & Mark R. Lomas & Steve A. Banwart & David J. Beerling - 407-411 Foliar temperature acclimation reduces simulated carbon sensitivity to climate
by Nicholas G. Smith & Sergey L. Malyshev & Elena Shevliakova & Jens Kattge & Jeffrey S. Dukes - 412-417 Costs of mitigating CO2 emissions from passenger aircraft
by Andreas W. Schäfer & Antony D. Evans & Tom G. Reynolds & Lynnette Dray - 418-425 Farm-scale distribution of deforestation and remaining forest cover in Mato Grosso
by Peter D. Richards & Leah VanWey - 426-430 Making methane visible
by Magnus Gålfalk & Göran Olofsson & Patrick Crill & David Bastviken
March 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 220-221 Greenhouse gas emissions from synthetic natural gas production
by Sheng Li & Lin Gao - 221-222 Reply to 'Greenhouse gas emissions from synthetic natural gas production'
by Chi-Jen Yang & Robert B. Jackson - 222-224 1.5 °C and climate research after the Paris Agreement
by Mike Hulme - 224-228 Making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown
by John C. Fyfe & Gerald A. Meehl & Matthew H. England & Michael E. Mann & Benjamin D. Santer & Gregory M. Flato & Ed Hawkins & Nathan P. Gillett & Shang-Ping Xie & Yu Kosaka & Neil C. Swart - 228-231 Keeping the lights on for global ocean salinity observation
by Paul J. Durack & Tong Lee & Nadya T. Vinogradova & Detlef Stammer - 232-232 Ship wake brightening
by Eithne Tynan - 232-232 Recent US trends
by Bronwyn Wake - 232-232 Environmental impact
by Mat Hope - 232-232 Amazon flooding
by Alastair Brown - 233-234 Atlantic origin of Pacific changes
by Shayne McGregor - 234-235 Short-term solutions
by Julia Schmale - 237-244 Wealth reallocation and sustainability under climate change
by Eli P. Fenichel & Simon A. Levin & Bonnie McCay & Kevin St. Martin & Joshua K. Abbott & Malin L. Pinsky - 245-252 Differences between carbon budget estimates unravelled
by Joeri Rogelj & Michiel Schaeffer & Pierre Friedlingstein & Nathan P. Gillett & Detlef P. van Vuuren & Keywan Riahi & Myles Allen & Reto Knutti - 253-260 Overestimation of marsh vulnerability to sea level rise
by Matthew L. Kirwan & Stijn Temmerman & Emily E. Skeehan & Glenn R. Guntenspergen & Sergio Fagherazzi - 261-264 National-level progress on adaptation
by Alexandra Lesnikowski & James Ford & Robbert Biesbroek & Lea Berrang-Ford & S. Jody Heymann - 265-268 Strategic reasoning and bargaining in catastrophic climate change games
by Vilhelm Verendel & Daniel J. A. Johansson & Kristian Lindgren - 269-274 An increase in aerosol burden and radiative effects in a warmer world
by Robert J. Allen & William Landuyt & Steven T. Rumbold - 275-279 Atlantic-induced pan-tropical climate change over the past three decades
by Xichen Li & Shang-Ping Xie & Sarah T. Gille & Changhyun Yoo - 280-285 Mapping the future expansion of Arctic open water
by Katherine R. Barnhart & Christopher R. Miller & Irina Overeem & Jennifer E. Kay - 286-289 Response of Arctic temperature to changes in emissions of short-lived climate forcers
by M. Sand & T. K. Berntsen & K. von Salzen & M. G. Flanner & J. Langner & D. G. Victor - 290-294 Impact of solar panels on global climate
by Aixue Hu & Samuel Levis & Gerald A. Meehl & Weiqing Han & Warren M. Washington & Keith W. Oleson & Bas J. van Ruijven & Mingqiong He & Warren G. Strand - 295-300 Multi-scale predictions of massive conifer mortality due to chronic temperature rise
by N. G. McDowell & A. P. Williams & C. Xu & W. T. Pockman & L. T. Dickman & S. Sevanto & R. Pangle & J. Limousin & J. Plaut & D. S. Mackay & J. Ogee & J. C. Domec & C. D. Allen & R. A. Fisher & X. Jiang & J. D. Muss & D. D. Breshears & S. A. Rauscher & C. Koven - 301-305 Designer policy for carbon and biodiversity co-benefits under global change
by Brett A. Bryan & Rebecca K. Runting & Tim Capon & Michael P. Perring & Shaun C. Cunningham & Marit E. Kragt & Martin Nolan & Elizabeth A. Law & Anna R. Renwick & Sue Eber & Rochelle Christian & Kerrie A. Wilson - 306-310 Large divergence of satellite and Earth system model estimates of global terrestrial CO2 fertilization
by W. Kolby Smith & Sasha C. Reed & Cory C. Cleveland & Ashley P. Ballantyne & William R. L. Anderegg & William R. Wieder & Yi Y. Liu & Steven W. Running - 311-316 Linguistic analysis of IPCC summaries for policymakers and associated coverage
by Ralf Barkemeyer & Suraje Dessai & Beatriz Monge-Sanz & Barbara Gabriella Renzi & Giulio Napolitano - 317-322 Cooling of US Midwest summer temperature extremes from cropland intensification
by Nathaniel D. Mueller & Ethan E. Butler & Karen A. McKinnon & Andrew Rhines & Martin Tingley & N. Michele Holbrook & Peter Huybers - 323-330 Revaluating ocean warming impacts on global phytoplankton
by Michael J. Behrenfeld & Robert T. O’Malley & Emmanuel S. Boss & Toby K. Westberry & Jason R. Graff & Kimberly H. Halsey & Allen J. Milligan & David A. Siegel & Matthew B. Brown
February 2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 114-114 Emission effects of the Chinese–Russian gas deal
by Anton Orlov & Andre Deppermann & Taoyuan Wei & Solveig Glomsrød - 114-115 Reply to 'Emission effects of the Chinese-Russian gas deal'
by Wenjie Dong & Wenping Yuan & Shuguang Liu & John Moore & Peijun Shi & Shengbo Feng & Jieming Chou & Xuefeng Cui & Kejun Jiang - 115-116 Subnational socio-economic dataset availability
by Carlo Azzarri & Melanie Bacou & Cindy M. Cox & Zhe Guo & Jawoo Koo - 116-118 Ocean temperatures chronicle the ongoing warming of Earth
by Susan Wijffels & Dean Roemmich & Didier Monselesan & John Church & John Gilson - 118-119 Climate change stories and the Anthroposcenic
by David Matless - 120-122 Combining satellite data for better tropical forest monitoring
by Johannes Reiche & Richard Lucas & Anthea L. Mitchell & Jan Verbesselt & Dirk H. Hoekman & Jörg Haarpaintner & Josef M. Kellndorfer & Ake Rosenqvist & Eric A. Lehmann & Curtis E. Woodcock & Frank Martin Seifert & Martin Herold - 122-124 Intact ecosystems provide best defence against climate change
by Tara G. Martin & James E. M. Watson - 125-126 Freeing fossil fuels
by Elisabeth Jeffries - 127-127 Privatizing transparency
by Mat Hope - 127-127 Northwest Atlantic
by Eithne Tynan - 127-127 Agricultural management
by Alastair Brown - 127-127 Arctic precipitation
by Bronwyn Wake - 128-129 The worst heat waves to come
by Christoph Schär - 131-137 Roadmap towards justice in urban climate adaptation research
by Linda Shi & Eric Chu & Isabelle Anguelovski & Alexander Aylett & Jessica Debats & Kian Goh & Todd Schenk & Karen C. Seto & David Dodman & Debra Roberts & J. Timmons Roberts & Stacy D. VanDeveer - 138-144 An imperative to monitor Earth's energy imbalance
by K. von Schuckmann & M. D. Palmer & K. E. Trenberth & A. Cazenave & D. Chambers & N. Champollion & J. Hansen & S. A. Josey & N. Loeb & P.-P. Mathieu & B. Meyssignac & M. Wild - 145-153 Fifteen years of ocean observations with the global Argo array
by Stephen C. Riser & Howard J. Freeland & Dean Roemmich & Susan Wijffels & Ariel Troisi & Mathieu Belbéoch & Denis Gilbert & Jianping Xu & Sylvie Pouliquen & Ann Thresher & Pierre-Yves Le Traon & Guillaume Maze & Birgit Klein & M. Ravichandran & Fiona Grant & Pierre-Marie Poulain & Toshio Suga & Byunghwan Lim & Andreas Sterl & Philip Sutton & Kjell-Arne Mork & Pedro Joaquín Vélez-Belchí & Isabelle Ansorge & Brian King & Jon Turton & Molly Baringer & Steven R. Jayne - 154-157 Co-benefits of addressing climate change can motivate action around the world
by Paul G. Bain & Taciano L. Milfont & Yoshihisa Kashima & Michał Bilewicz & Guy Doron & Ragna B. Garðarsdóttir & Valdiney V. Gouveia & Yanjun Guan & Lars-Olof Johansson & Carlota Pasquali & Victor Corral-Verdugo & Juan Ignacio Aragones & Akira Utsugi & Christophe Demarque & Siegmar Otto & Joonha Park & Martin Soland & Linda Steg & Roberto González & Nadezhda Lebedeva & Ole Jacob Madsen & Claire Wagner & Charity S. Akotia & Tim Kurz & José L. Saiz & P. Wesley Schultz & Gró Einarsdóttir & Nina M. Saviolidis - 158-161 Rare disaster information can increase risk-taking
by Ben R. Newell & Tim Rakow & Eldad Yechiam & Michael Sambur - 162-165 Estimates of solid waste disposal rates and reduction targets for landfill gas emissions
by Jon T. Powell & Timothy G. Townsend & Julie B. Zimmerman