May 2018, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 163-199 European cultural statistics in a comparative perspective: index of economic and social condition of culture for the EU countries
by Andrej Srakar & Vesna Čopič & Miroslav Verbič - 201-211 The drowned and the saved: the determinants of success in the Italian temporary art and cultural exhibitions market
by A. E. Scorcu & R. Zanola - 213-241 Rain and museum attendance: Are daily data fine enough?
by Harold E. Cuffe - 243-269 Multiple creative talents and their determinants at the local level
by Silvia Cerisola - 271-286 Do the arts make you happy? A quantile regression approach
by Chris Hand - 287-307 “Let’s make lots of money”: the determinants of performance in the recorded music sector
by Juan D. Montoro-Pons & Manuel Cuadrado-García - 309-339 Fiscal and economic aspects of book consumption in the European Union
by Karol Jan Borowiecki & Trilce Navarrete - 341-352 Blockbusters and market expansion: evidence from the motion picture industry
by Jordi McKenzie & Vladimir Smirnov
February 2018, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-22 Strategic timing of entry: evidence from video games
by Benjamin Engelstätter & Michael R. Ward - 23-43 Artistic education matters: survival in the arts occupations
by Trine Bille & Søren Jensen - 45-56 On the relationship between reserve prices and low estimates in art auctions
by Massimiliano Castellani & Pierpaolo Pattitoni & Antonello Eugenio Scorcu - 57-73 Evaluating three decades of the European Capital of Culture programme: a difference-in-differences approach
by Pedro Gomes & Alejandro Librero-Cano - 75-89 To preserve or enhance precious memories: a segmented market analysis of the history museum in Singapore
by Sharon Chang & Renuka Mahadevan - 91-110 Measuring allocative efficiency in Cultural Economics: the case of “Fundación Princesa de Asturias” (The Princess of Asturias Foundation)
by Víctor Fernández-Blanco & Ana Rodríguez-Álvarez - 111-138 The role of cultural heritage in attracting skilled individuals
by Mikaela Backman & Pia Nilsson - 139-161 Effects of the “Gangnam Style Syndrome” on the South Korean stock market
by Hyun Joung Jin & Jang-Chul Kim
November 2017, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 343-378 Culturally biased voting in the Eurovision Song Contest: Do national contests differ?
by Oliver Budzinski & Julia Pannicke - 379-401 Rankings as coordination games: the Dutch Top 2000 pop song ranking
by Aloys Prinz - 403-420 Economics of music publishing: copyright and the market
by Ruth Towse - 421-439 Balancing the score: the financial impact of resource dependence on symphony orchestras
by Tara McGrath & Renaud Legoux & Sylvain Sénécal - 441-465 Signaling for access to high-demand markets: evidence from the US motion picture industry
by Amanda S. King & John T. King & Michael Reksulak - 467-487 Leisure participation: modelling the decision to engage in sports and culture
by Kirstin Hallmann & Cristina Muñiz Artime & Christoph Breuer & Sören Dallmeyer & Magnus Metz - 489-491 Sigrid Hemels and Kazuko Goto (eds.): Tax incentives for the creative industries
by Michael Rushton
August 2017, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 215-235 Donor governance and financial management in prominent US art museums
by David Yermack - 237-258 “Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow” on the implications of deaccess policies for donations to museums
by Luigi Di Gaetano & Isidoro Mazza - 259-277 Nudging museums attendance: a field experiment with high school teens
by Patrizia Lattarulo & Marco Mariani & Laura Razzolini - 279-281 Erratum to: Nudging museums attendance: a field experiment with high school teens
by Patrizia Lattarulo & Marco Mariani & Laura Razzolini - 283-307 Arts and craftiness: an economic analysis of art heists
by Frederick Chen & Rebecca Regan - 309-335 Art collections and taste in the Spanish Siglo de Oro
by Federico Etro & Elena Stepanova - 337-340 Cultural heritage in a changing world
by Enrico Bertacchini - 341-341 Erratum to: Karol Jan Borowiecki, Neil Forbes, and Antonella Fresa (Eds.): Cultural Heritage in a Changing World Springer, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-29544-2
by Enrico Bertacchini
May 2017, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 95-107 Economics of cultural tourism: issues and perspectives
by Douglas S. Noonan & Ilde Rizzo - 109-127 Travel purpose and expenditure patterns in city tourism: evidence from the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
by Ruben Loon & Jan Rouwendal - 129-154 On the role of cultural participation in tourism destination performance: an assessment using robust conditional efficiency approach
by Calogero Guccio & Domenico Lisi & Marco Martorana & Anna Mignosa - 155-172 Language tourism destinations: a case study of motivations, perceived value and tourists’ expenditure
by María Redondo-Carretero & Carmen Camarero-Izquierdo & Ana Gutiérrez-Arranz & Javier Rodríguez-Pinto - 173-195 Motivation, satisfaction and loyalty in the case of a film festival: differences between local and non-local participants
by Andrea Báez-Montenegro & María Devesa-Fernández - 197-214 Ex-ante versus ex-post: comparison of the effects of the European Capital of Culture Maribor 2012 on tourism and employment
by Andrej Srakar & Marilena Vecco
February 2017, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-21 The World Heritage list: Which sites promote the brand? A big data spatial econometrics approach
by David Wuepper & Marc Patry - 23-45 Subjective well-being and engagement in arts, culture and sport
by Daniel Wheatley & Craig Bickerton - 47-69 Couples’ arts participation: assessing individual and joint time use
by Elisabetta Lazzaro & Carlofilippo Frateschi - 71-93 Participation in cultural activities: specification issues
by Cristina Muñiz & Plácido Rodríguez & María José Suárez
November 2016, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 365-373 The value-based approach to cultural economics
by Arjo Klamer - 375-392 Determinants of demand and price for best-selling novels in paperback in Japan
by Sumiko Asai - 393-412 Does the long tail really favor small publishers?
by Stéphanie Peltier & Françoise Benhamou & Mamoudou Touré - 413-451 City competition for the creative class
by Thiess Buettner & Eckhard Janeba - 453-485 Autographs and the global art market: the case of hedonic prices for French autographs (1960–2005)
by Pierre-Charles Pradier & François Gardes & Xavier Greffe & Ileana Miranda Mendoza - 487-528 Local government allocation of cultural services
by Lars Håkonsen & Knut Løyland - 529-545 Fairness constraints on profit-seeking: evidence from the German club concert industry
by Hendrik Sonnabend - 547-551 Victor A. Ginsburgh and David Throsby (eds.): Handbook of the economics of art and culture, volume 2
by Douglas J. Hodgson - 553-555 Michael Hutter: The rise of the joyful economy: artistic invention and economic growth from Brunelleschi to Murakami
by Jason Potts
February 2016, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-12 Past, present and future: music economics at the crossroads
by Samuel Cameron - 1-12 Past, present and future: music economics at the crossroads
by Samuel Cameron - 13-28 How much of the decline in sound recording sales is due to file-sharing?
by Stan Liebowitz - 29-74 Breaking up is hard to do: the resilience of the rock group as an organizational form for creating music
by Ronnie Phillips & Ian Strachan - 75-99 The impacts of fundraising periods and geographic distance on financing music production via crowdfunding in Brazil
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva & Luciano Rossoni & Bruno Conte & Cristiane Gattaz & Eduardo Francisco - 101-126 An economic perspective on rock concerts and climate change: Should carbon offsets compensating emissions be included in the ticket price?
by Marie Connolly & Jérôme Dupras & Charles Séguin - 101-126 An economic perspective on rock concerts and climate change: Should carbon offsets compensating emissions be included in the ticket price?
by Marie Connolly & Jérôme Dupras & Charles Séguin
November 2015, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 309-326 Two approaches to study the value of art and culture, and the emergence of a third
by Erwin Dekker - 327-339 Arts education and the high school dropout problem
by M. Kathleen Thomas & Priyanka Singh & Kristin Klopfenstein - 341-367 Experts’ awards and economic success: evidence from an Italian literary prize
by Michela Ponzo & Vincenzo Scoppa - 369-396 The impact of music on educational attainment
by Philip Yang - 397-400 Anna M. Dempster (ed.): Risk and uncertainty in the art world
by Kim Oosterlinck
August 2015, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 225-238 In memoriam Alan Peacock: a pioneer in cultural economics
by Ilde Rizzo & Ruth Towse - 239-258 Video games playing: A substitute for cultural consumptions?
by Karol Borowiecki & Juan Prieto-Rodriguez - 259-275 Innovation, experience and artists’ age-valuation profiles: evidence from eighteenth-century rococo and neoclassical painters
by John Galbraith & Douglas Hodgson - 277-303 Culture-based development in the USA: culture as a factor for economic welfare and social well-being at a county level
by Annie Tubadji & Brian Osoba & Peter Nijkamp - 305-308 David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan: Marketing lessons from the Grateful Dead
by Samuel Cameron
May 2015, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 123-131 Fair use and fair competition for digitized cultural goods: the case of eBooks
by Françoise Benhamou - 133-151 Willingness to believe and betrayal aversion: the special role of trust in art exchanges
by Marina Bianchi - 153-176 The success of art galleries: a dynamic model with competition and information effects
by Aloys Prinz & Jan Piening & Thomas Ehrmann - 177-203 Educational stratification in cultural participation: cognitive competence or status motivation?
by Natascha Notten & Bram Lancee & Herman Werfhorst & Harry Ganzeboom - 205-218 Time spent on new songs: word-of-mouth and price effects on teenager consumption
by Noémi Berlin & Anna Bernard & Guillaume Fürst - 219-224 Michael Rushton (ed.): Creative communities: art works in economic development
by Graeme Evans
February 2015, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-13 Economics of motion pictures: the state of the art
by Darlene Chisholm & Víctor Fernández-Blanco & S. Abraham Ravid & W. David Walls - 15-41 When does it make sense to do it again? An empirical investigation of contingency factors of movie remakes
by Björn Bohnenkamp & Ann-Kristin Knapp & Thorsten Hennig-Thurau & Ricarda Schauerte - 43-64 The impact of supplier bargaining power on the advertising costs of movie sequels
by Judy Ma & Dongling Huang & M. Kumar & Andrei Strijnev - 65-83 Theatre allocation as a distributor’s strategic variable over movie runs
by Juan Prieto-Rodriguez & Fernanda Gutierrez-Navratil & Victoria Ateca-Amestoy - 85-98 Changing patterns of foreign movie imports, tastes, and consumption in Australia
by Sora Park - 99-121 Local consumers’ reception of imported and domestic movies in the Korean movie market
by Sangkil Moon & Barry Bayus & Youjae Yi & Junhee Kim
November 2014, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 291-313 Nominees, winners, and losers
by V. Ginsburgh & Sheila Weyers - 315-330 On the complementarity between online and offline music consumption: the case of free streaming
by Godefroy Nguyen & Sylvain Dejean & François Moreau - 331-349 The effect of young children on their parents’ anime-viewing habits: evidence from Japanese microdata
by Eiji Yamamura - 351-368 The short- and long-term effectiveness of anti-piracy laws and enforcement actions
by Tylor Orme - 369-384 Prices for superstars can flatten out
by Luc Champarnaud - 385-389 External and slate financing in motion pictures: a review of “Co-Financing Hollywood Film Productions”
by Darlene Chisholm
August 2014, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 207-222 The effects of cultural and historical information and contribution threshold on public contributions: an experimental study on the conservation of heritage houses in Penang, Malaysia
by Kean Ch’ng & Suet Khoo & Phaik Chin - 223-236 Valuing historic battlefields: an application of the travel cost method to three American Civil War battlefields
by Richard Melstrom - 237-251 Specificities of the artistic cultural labor market in Brazilian metropolitan regions between 2002 and 2010
by Ana Machado & Alexandre Rabelo & Arthur Moreira - 253-285 Cultural heritage and the attractiveness of cities: evidence from recreation trips
by Ruben Loon & Tom Gosens & Jan Rouwendal - 287-290 Charting a new cultural commons research agenda
by Douglas Noonan
May 2014, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 109-130 The influence of book advertising on sales in the German fiction book market
by Edlira Shehu & Tim Prostka & Christina Schmidt-Stölting & Michel Clement & Eva Blömeke - 131-144 Copyright infringement as user innovation
by Yasuhiro Arai & Shinya Kinukawa - 145-171 Music consumption at the dawn of the music industry: the rise of a cultural fad
by Marco Guerzoni & Massimiliano Nuccio - 173-189 A two-stage proxy variable approach to estimating movie box office receipts
by Frederick Derrick & Nancy Williams & Charles Scott - 191-205 A survey of allocation rules for the museum pass problem
by Balbina Casas-Mendez & Vito Fragnelli & Ignacio Garcìa-Jurado
February 2014, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-8 Digital complements or substitutes? A quasi-field experiment from the Royal National Theatre
by Hasan Bakhshi & David Throsby - 9-42 Trust the artist versus trust the tale: performance implications of talent and self-marketing in folk music
by Brinja Meiseberg - 43-70 Evaluating the efficiency of public procurement contracts for cultural heritage conservation works in Italy
by Calogero Guccio & Giacomo Pignataro & Ilde Rizzo - 71-84 How do your rivals’ releasing dates affect your box office?
by Fernanda Gutierrez-Navratil & Victor Fernandez-Blanco & Luis Orea & Juan Prieto-Rodriguez - 85-104 The auction market for artworks and their physical dimensions: Australia—1986 to 2009
by Helen Higgs & John Forster - 105-108 Françoise Benhamou: Économie du patrimoine culturel, Éditions La Découverte
by Luis Herrero-Prieto
November 2013, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 391-415 The market for paintings in the Venetian Republic from Renaissance to Rococò
by Federico Etro & Laura Pagani - 417-432 Estimating demand for opera using sales system data: the case of Finnish National Opera
by Jani-Petri Laamanen - 433-455 It’s not the economy, stupid! External effects on the supply and demand of cinema entertainment
by M. Rimscha - 457-459 Marina Van Geenhuizen and Peter Nijkamp (eds): Creative knowledge cities: myths, visions and realities
by Walter Santagata
August 2013, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 327-346 “Selling less of more?” The impact of digitization on record companies
by Marc Bourreau & Michel Gensollen & François Moreau & Patrick Waelbroeck - 347-358 Impact of war on individual life-cycle creativity: tentative evidence in relation to composers
by Karol Borowiecki & John O’Hagan - 359-386 Learning about movies: the impact of movie release types on the nationwide box office
by Xinlei Chen & Yuxin Chen & Charles Weinberg - 387-390 Jason Potts (2011): Creative industries and economic evolution
by Paul Stoneman
May 2013, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 153-173 The creative instability hypothesis
by Peter Earl & Jason Potts - 175-184 Swings and roundabouts: Swedish music copyrights 1980–2009
by Staffan Albinsson - 185-201 Peer effects on youth screen media consumption in Catalonia (Spain)
by Josep-Oriol Escardíbul & Toni Mora & Anna Villarroya - 203-223 Visual autocorrelation of prices
by Ünsal Özdilek - 225-246 The happy artist: an empirical application of the work-preference model
by Lasse Steiner & Lucian Schneider - 247-269 Australian films at the Australian box office: performance, distribution, and subsidies
by Jordi McKenzie & W. Walls - 271-307 The pricing of soft and hard information: economic lessons from screenplay sales
by William Goetzmann & S. Ravid & Ronald Sverdlove - 309-325 Performing arts attendance in Taiwan: who and how often?
by Wei-Jen Wen & Tsung-Chi Cheng
February 2013, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Kathryn Graddy - 3-32 Municipal elections and cultural expenditure
by Bernardino Benito & Francisco Bastida & Cristina Vicente - 33-60 Black notes and white noise: a hedonic approach to auction prices of classical music manuscripts
by Patrick Georges & Aylin Seçkin - 61-86 Diversity in teams and the success of cultural products
by Brinja Meiseberg & Thomas Ehrmann - 87-107 Determinants of cultural and popular celebration attendance: the case study of Seville Spring Fiestas
by María Palma & Luis Palma & Luis Aguado - 109-151 Effects of culture on firm risk-taking: a cross-country and cross-industry analysis
by Roxana Mihet
November 2012, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 289-308 Tribal art market: signs and signals
by Guido Candela & Massimiliano Castellani & Pierpaolo Pattitoni - 309-326 An hedonic analysis of American collectable comic-book prices
by John Wyburn & Paul Roach - 327-352 Toward a political economy of World Heritage
by Enrico Bertacchini & Donatella Saccone - 353-356 Cindy Hing-Yuk Wong: Film festivals: culture, people, and power on the global screen
by Mar Diestro-Dópido
August 2012, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 179-206 Competition among movie theaters: an empirical investigation of the Toho–Subaru antitrust case
by Mitsuru Sunada - 207-225 Spatial competition and market share: an application to motion pictures
by Darlene Chisholm & George Norman - 227-248 The effects of having more than one good reputation on distributor investments in the film industry
by Joris Ebbers & Nachoem Wijnberg - 249-283 The relationship between reviewer judgments and motion picture success: re-analysis and extension
by Thorsten Hennig-Thurau & André Marchand & Barbara Hiller - 285-288 Brian Moeran and Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen (eds): Negotiating values in the creative industries: fairs, festivals and competitive events
by Samuel Cameron
May 2012, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 91-112 A count data travel cost model of theatre demand using aggregate theatre booking data
by K. Willis & J. Snowball & C. Wymer & José Grisolía - 113-139 A latent class model of theatre demand
by José Grisolía & Kenneth Willis - 141-166 Movie stars and box office revenues: an empirical analysis
by Randy Nelson & Robert Glotfelty - 167-170 Mark Blaug (1927–2011)
by William Baumol - 171-174 Steven J. Tepper: Not here, not now, not that! Protest over art and culture in America
by Kim Oosterlinck - 175-177 Richard T. Carson: Contingent valuation: a comprehensive bibliography and history
by Jen Snowball
February 2012, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-26 Cultural goods, cultivation of taste, satisfaction and increasing marginal utility during vacations
by Marco Alderighi & Eleonora Lorenzini - 27-48 Recognition and renown, the structure of cultural markets: evidence from French poetry
by Sébastien Dubois - 49-65 Lead–lag relationship between household cultural expenditures and business cycles
by Masaki Katsuura - 67-85 The value of a good reputation online: an application to art auctions
by José Canals-Cerdá - 87-90 Lambert Zuidervaart: Art in public: politics, economics, and a democratic culture
by Byung-Hee Soh
November 2011, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 247-266 How cultural organizations’ size and funding influence innovation and performance: the case of museums
by Carmen Camarero & Mª Garrido & Eva Vicente - 267-286 DVD sales and the R-rating puzzle
by David Lang & David Switzer & Brandon Swartz - 287-308 Age–price profiles for Canadian painters at auction
by Douglas Hodgson - 309-313 Noah Horowitz: Art of the deal: contemporary art in a global financial market
by Benjamin Mandel - 315-317 Lucien Karpik: Valuing the unique. The economics of singularities
by Michael Hutter - 319-321 Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber: How many languages do we need? The economics of linguistic diversity
by C. Hjorth-Andersen
August 2011, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 167-184 Factors that influence programming decisions of US symphony orchestras
by Jeffrey Pompe & Lawrence Tamburri & Johnathan Munn - 185-201 Baumol’s cost disease, efficiency, and productivity in the performing arts: an analysis of german public theaters
by Anne-Kathrin Last & Heike Wetzel - 203-231 The political economy of cultural spending: evidence from Italian cities
by Chiara Dalle Nogare & Matteo Galizzi - 233-236 James O. Young: Cultural appropriation and the arts
by Marianna Bicskei - 237-240 David Throsby: The economics of cultural policy
by Lyudmila Petrova - 241-245 Paul Stoneman: Soft innovation: economics, product aesthetics and creative industries
by Stuart Cunningham
May 2011, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 81-100 The impact of the Droit de Suite in the UK: an empirical analysis
by Chanont Banternghansa & Kathryn Graddy - 101-117 Demand analysis of hit music in Japan
by Sumiko Asai - 119-135 Critic power or star power? The influence of hallmarks of quality of motion pictures: an experimental approach
by Ana Suárez-Vázquez - 137-161 A test of Rosen’s and Adler’s theories of superstars
by Nela Filimon & Jordi López-Sintas & Carlos Padrós-Reig - 163-166 Ruth Towse: A textbook of cultural economics
by Julia Lowell
February 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-18 Analysis of the consumption of artistic-cultural goods and services in Brazil
by Sibelle Diniz & Ana Machado - 19-48 Live and prerecorded popular music consumption
by Juan Montoro-Pons & Manuel Cuadrado-García - 49-75 Evaluating individual preferences for the British Museum
by Shabbar Jaffry & Alexandros Apostolakis - 77-80 Anthony S. Rausch: Cultural commodities in Japanese rural revitalization; Tsugaru Nuri Lacquerware and Tsugaru Shamisen
by Robert Kloosterman
November 2010, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 245-259 Why culture attracts and resists economic analysis
by Gillian Doyle - 261-279 Superstars and heavy tails in recorded entertainment: empirical analysis of the market for DVDs
by W. Walls - 281-297 Price determinants and genre effects in the Korean art market: a partial linear analysis of size effect
by Joonwoo Nahm - 299-315 Modeling the appeal of movie features to demographic segments of theatrical demand
by Ignacio Redondo & Morris Holbrook
August 2010, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 159-179 How do theatrical box office revenues affect DVD retail sales? Australian empirical evidence
by Jordi McKenzie - 181-195 Culture-sensitive tourists are more price insensitive
by Juan Nicolau - 197-218 Expert judgements and the demand for novels in Flanders
by John Ashworth & Bruno Heyndels & Kristien Werck - 219-236 Superstar effects on royalty income in a performing rights organization
by Ivan Pitt - 237-240 William A. Jackson: Economics, culture and social theory
by John Davis - 241-243 Tom O’Malley and Janet Jones (Eds): The Peacock Committee and UK broadcasting policy
by Chris Hand
May 2010, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 89-110 The efficiency of German public theaters: a stochastic frontier analysis approach
by Anne-Kathrin Last & Heike Wetzel - 111-129 Attitudes of the cultural tourist: a latent segmentation approach
by Juan Pulido-Fernández & Marcelino Sánchez-Rivero - 131-145 Product differentiation and film-programming choice: do first-run movie theatres show the same films?
by Darlene Chisholm & Margaret McMillan & George Norman - 147-150 Kong L. and O’Connor J. (Eds): Creative economies, creative cities, Asian European perspectives
by Roberta Comunian - 151-153 Marco Bevolo: The golden crossroads—multidisciplinary findings for business success from the worlds of fine arts, design and culture
by Wilfred Dolfsma - 155-158 David Galenson, Conceptual revolutions in twentieth-century art
by Michael Hutter
February 2010, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-26 Determinants of historic and cultural landmark designation: why we preserve what we preserve
by Douglas Noonan & Douglas Krupka - 27-44 Moral rights protection for the visual arts
by Melissa Boyle & Stacy Nazzaro & Debra O’Connor - 45-80 Commercial success and artistic recognition of motion picture projects
by Allègre Hadida - 81-84 Marjorie Garber, Patronizing the Arts
by Steven Tepper - 85-87 D. Paul Schafer: Revolution or Renaissance: Making the Transition from an Economic Age to a Cultural Age
by David Throsby
November 2009, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 239-263 Cultural discount of cinematic achievement: the academy awards and U.S. movies’ East Asian box office
by Francis Lee - 265-277 American Idol: should it be a singing contest or a popularity contest?
by J. Atsu Amegashie - 279-299 Revealed word-of-mouth demand and adaptive supply: survival of motion pictures at the Australian box office
by Jordi McKenzie - 301-310 Willingness to pay: how stable are the estimates?
by Andy Choi - 311-319 Stock market response to changes in movies’ opening dates
by Liran Einav & S. Ravid - 321-324 Alan Peacock and Ilde Rizzo: The heritage game
by Jen Snowball
August 2009, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 167-183 Investigating how the attributes of live theatre productions influence consumption choices using conjoint analysis: the example of the National Arts Festival, South Africa
by K. Willis & J. Snowball - 185-199 Economic valuation of a contemporary art museum: correction of hypothetical bias using a certainty question
by Ana Bedate & Luis Herrero & José Sanz - 201-232 Artistic styles: revisiting the analysis of modern artists’ careers
by Christiane Hellmanzik - 233-237 Don Thompson: The $12 Million Stuffed Shark: The Curious Economics of Contemporary Art
by Kathryn Graddy
May 2009, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 85-108 Full-income and price elasticities of demand for German public theatre
by Marta Zieba - 109-134 Intellectual property rights and U.S. information goods exports: the role of imitation threat
by Yungho Weng & Chih-Hai Yang & Yi-Ju Huang - 135-149 Perpetual options: revisiting historical returns on paintings
by Carlos Ulibarri