August 2022, Volume 72, Issue 10
- 3119-3136 The impact of academicians' cultural and social capital on their individual job performance
by S. Koza Çiftçi & Engin Karadag
July 2022, Volume 72, Issue 10
- 2785-2807 Hope, goal-commitment and -stress mediating between collaborative leadership, financial resources and performance
by Choiwai Maggie Chak & Lara Carminati & Celeste P.M. Wilderom - 2808-2837 Demand management approaches in services sector and influence on company performance
by Renu L. Rajani & Githa S. Heggde & Rupesh Kumar & Deepak Bangwal - 2838-2858 Roadmap to enhance the insertion of social sustainability in logistics systems
by Vitor William Batista Martins & Rosley Anholon & Osvaldo Luiz Gonçalves Quelhas & Walter Leal Filho - 2882-2897 COVID-19 impact in supply chain performance: a study on the construction industry
by Tisha Meriam Cherian & C. Joe Arun - 2898-2918 Relationship between ecosystem innovation and performance measurement models
by Deoclécio Junior Cardoso da Silva & Luis Felipe Dias Lopes & Luciana Santos Costa Vieira da Silva & Wesley Vieira da Silva & Clarissa Stefani Teixeira & Claudimar Veiga - 2919-2948 A competitiveness measurement system of Brazilian start-ups
by Claudio Roberto Silva Júnior & Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk & Alvaro Neuenfeldt Júnior & Matheus Francescatto & Cláudiade Michelin
July 2022, Volume 72, Issue 9
- 2717-2735 Comparing online retail loyalty segments of Indian GenZbuyers
by Pavleen Soni & Jyoti Vohra - 2765-2781 Green in-store operations and sustainability performance: the moderating role of organization size
by Sharfah Ahmad Qazi & Muhammad Moazzam & Waqas Ahmed & Muhammad Mustafa Raziq
June 2022, Volume 72, Issue 9
- 2559-2583 Fuzzy AHP approach for barriers to implement LSS in the context of Industry 4.0
by Pramod Kumar & Parvinder Singh Brar & Dharmendra Singh & Jaiprakash Bhamu - 2674-2696 Organizational resilience and employee performance: the mediation of perceived organizational support in the Indian HEIs
by Priyanka Sihag & Aastha Dhoopar - 2697-2716 Impact of lean principles on operational performance in high uncertainty
by Mira Thoumy & Marie-Helene Jobin & Juliette Baroud & Claude El Nakhel Khalil - 2736-2764 Performance measurement and evaluation: applying return on investment (ROI) to human capital investments
by Deneise Dadd & Matthew Hinton
May 2022, Volume 72, Issue 9
- 2497-2517 Determinants of performance drivers in online food delivery platforms: a dynamic performance management perspective
by Enzo Bivona - 2518-2537 Identifying the key areas for benchmarking towards the improvement of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) construction firms in developing countries: the case of Ghana
by Ernest Kissi & Clinton Aigbavboa & Prosper Babon-Ayeng - 2538-2558 Does economic freedom fosters Islamic rural banks efficiency? Evidence from Indonesia
by Masrizal & Raditya Sukmana & Bayu Arie Fianto & Rifyal Zuhdi Gultom - 2584-2604 How technological innovations in performance measurement systems overcome management challenges in healthcare
by Adelaide Ippolito & Marco Sorrentino & Francesco Capalbo & Adelina Di Pietro - 2605-2628 Does transparency and disclosure (T&D) improve the performance of banks in India?
by Shailesh Rastogi & Jagjeevan Kanoujiya - 2629-2653 Entrepreneurial orientation, sustainability practices and performance of small and medium enterprises: evidence from an emerging economy
by Samuel Yaw Akomea & Ahmed Agyapong & Godwin Ampah & Hannah Vivian Osei - 2654-2673 Board gender diversity: implications for environment, social, and governance (ESG) performance of Indian firms
by Priti Yadav & Anupama Prashar
May 2022, Volume 72, Issue 8
- 2420-2445 Supplier performance and selection from sustainable supply chain performance perspective
by Purushottam L. Meena & Rajesh Katiyar & Gopal Kumar - 2467-2495 Organizational context, use of performance management practices and their effects on organizational performance: an empirical look at these interrelationships
by Patrícia Gomes & Sílvia M. Mendes
March 2022, Volume 72, Issue 8
- 2197-2224 Business analytics: an example of integration of TD-ABC and the balanced scorecard
by Steen Nielsen - 2225-2246 Impeding factors for the generation of collaborative innovation performance in ecosystem-based manufacturing
by Aylin Ates - 2247-2269 Future research avenues at the nexus of circular economy and digitalization
by Serhat Burmaoglu & Dilek Ozdemir Gungor & Aynur Kirbac & Ozcan Saritas
April 2022, Volume 72, Issue 8
- 2270-2291 Lean six-sigma (LSS) applications in hospitals: a decade (2011–2020) bibliometric analysis
by Ankit Singh & Priya Ravi - 2292-2316 A study on how to achieve flexibility in healthcare process: a simulation-based approach
by Sasadhar Bera & Pradeep Kumar & Subhajit Bhattacharya - 2317-2334 Continuous learning during crises: achieving change-efficacy, meaningful work and adaptive performance
by Sunil Budhiraja & Neerpal Rathi - 2335-2348 Employee-oriented human resource policy as a factor shaping the influence of servant leadership on job performance
by Kamila Ludwikowska - 2349-2375 Benefits on productivity indicators after quality management implementation: evidence in the dairy industry
by Bertha Viviana Ruales Guzmán & Oscar Fernando Castellanos Domínguez - 2376-2396 A study of the impact of COVID-19 on construction workforce productivity in Malaysia
by Caryn Khye Lyn Tan & Zulkiflee Abdul-Samad - 2397-2419 Supply chain sustainability drivers for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector: an Indian perspective
by Anupama Prashar - 2446-2466 One-of-a-kind production (OKP) planning and control: a comprehensive review and future research directions
by Juliano Endrigo Sordan & Pedro Carlos Oprime & Márcio Lopes Pimenta & Paolo Chiabert & Franco Lombardi & Per Hilletofth
April 2022, Volume 72, Issue 7
- 2022-2045 An empirical investigation of performance assessment of Indian healthcare industry
by P.G. Saleeshya & Priya Harikumar
February 2022, Volume 72, Issue 7
- 1881-1902 The relationship of balanced scorecard perspectives and government organization performance measurement
by Sri Rahayu & Yudi Yudi & Rahayu Rahayu & Musthafa Luthfi - 1903-1923 A scientometric analysis and review of construction labour productivity research
by Oluseyi Julius Adebowale & Justus Ngala Agumba - 1924-1941 Increasing competitive performance through effective use of performance management systems
by Majid H. Al-Jaradi & André de Waal & Ahmed M. Al-Hadramy - 1942-1961 Pharmaceutical business ecosystem governance and new product development success
by Wisdom Wise Kwabla Pomegbe & Courage Simon Kofi Dogbe & Prasad Siba Borah
March 2022, Volume 72, Issue 7
- 1962-1986 Risks and supply chain performance: globalization and COVID-19 perspectives
by An Thi Binh Duong & Vinh Xuan Vo & Maria do Sameiro Carvalho & Paulo Sampaio & Huy Quang Truong - 1987-2021 A fuzzy decision framework of lean-agile-green (LAG) practices for sustainable vaccine supply chain
by Amit Kumar Yadav & Dinesh Kumar - 2046-2068 Assessing sustainable tourism development through service supply chain process maturity and service quality model
by Hadi Balouei Jamkhaneh & Reza Shahin & Arash Shahin - 2069-2092 Construing drivers of firm competitiveness: coalescing pursuit of excellence with entrepreneurial competencies
by Abhijeet Biswas - 2093-2118 Machiavellianism, self-concept and resilience: do they affect employee performance? A moderated-mediated analysis
by Deepanjana Varshney - 2119-2134 Employee participation in performance measurement system: focusing on job satisfaction and leadership
by Soojeen Jang & Yanghon Chung & Hosung Son - 2135-2154 Synergising lean objectives through BIM to enhance productivity and performance
by Sanjay Bhattacharya & Ankur Mathur - 2155-2182 An assessment tool for stakeholder integration excellence and project delivery optimisation
by Diana Ominde & Edward G. Ochieng & Vincent O. Omwenga
February 2022, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 1740-1770 Aligning the risk hedging strategy with supplier collaboration and manufacturing competitiveness: a resource-based and contingency approach
by Benitha Mhoka Myamba & Winnie Samwel Nguni - 1771-1790 Exploring the nexus of equality and efficiency in healthcare
by Songul Cinaroglu - 1791-1818 Mental toughness for employees: towards conceptual clarity and scale development
by Namita Ruparel & Rajneesh Choubisa & Himanshu Seth & Shubha Dubey
March 2022, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 1646-1666 The impact of performance-based rewards and developmental performance appraisal on innovation: the mediating role of innovative work behaviour
by Motasem M. Thneibat & Rateb J. Sweis - 1819-1839 Performance impact of behavioural factors in alliances by SMEs: an empirical analysis
by Rohit Prabhudesai & Nitin Pangarkar & Ch V.V.S.N.V. Prasad & Abhishek Kumar Sinha
January 2022, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 1533-1559 Coordination mechanisms for digital and sustainable textile supply chain
by Patanjal Kumar & Dheeraj Sharma & Peeyush Pandey - 1584-1607 Organizational learning, resilience and psychological empowerment as antecedents of work engagement during COVID-19
by Lama Blaique & Hussein Nabil Ismail & Hazem Aldabbas - 1627-1645 A conceptual framework for operational performance measurement in wholesale organisations
by Faris Odeh Al Majali - 1667-1687 Supply chain performance measurement through collaborative effectiveness: an Asia–Pacific perspective
by Kumaraguru Mahadevan & Arun Elias & Premaratne Samaranayake - 1688-1718 Maturity model for evaluating disaster and humanitarian operations
by Híngred Ferraz Pereira Resende & Patricia Alcantara Cardoso & Tharcisio Cotta Fontainha & Adriana Leiras - 1719-1739 Lean, sustainability and the triple bottom line performance: a systems perspective-based empirical examination
by Syeda Ayesha Wadood & Muhammad Shakeel Sadiq Jajja & Kamran Ali Chatha & Sami Farooq - 1840-1878 Prioritization and ranking of lean practices: a case study
by Narpat Ram Sangwa & Kuldip Singh Sangwan
March 2022, Volume 72, Issue 5
- 1201-1220 Performance management trends–reflections on the redesigns big companies have been doing lately
by Katrine Schrøder-Hansen & Allan Hansen
March 2022, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 849-872 Performance measurement and management system 4.0: an action research study in investee NPOs by local government
by Alberto Sardi & Enrico Sorano & Guido Giovando & Vania Tradori
July 2022, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 1-23 Lean Six Sigma case studies literature overview: critical success factors and difficulties
by Matheus Francescatto & Alvaro Neuenfeldt Júnior & Flávio Issao Kubota & Gil Guimarães & Bruna de Oliveira
April 2022, Volume 71, Issue 4
- 1034-1058 The interplay between industry 4.0 maturity of manufacturing processes and performance measurement and management in SMEs
by Hafiz Muhammad Naeem & Patrizia Garengo
December 2021, Volume 72, Issue 6
- 1560-1583 Lean and agile metrics. Literature review and framework for measuring leagile supply chain
by Wojciech Domink Piotrowicz & Urszula Ryciuk & Maciej Szymczak - 1608-1626 Reflective backward analysis to assess the operational performance and eco-efficiency of two industrial districts
by Andrea Appolloni & Idiano D'Adamo & Massimo Gastaldi & Morteza Yazdani & Davide Settembre-Blundo
November 2021, Volume 72, Issue 5
- 1221-1238 Flexible working arrangement and job performance: the mediating role of supervisor support
by Chandra Sekhar & Manoj Patwardhan - 1239-1265 Designing and implementing performance measurement systems based on enterprise engineering guidelines
by Louisi Francis Moura & Edson Pinheiro de Lima & Fernando Deschamps & Dror Etzion & Sergio E. Gouvea da Costa - 1266-1285 Sustainable orientation and purchasing: what about a remanufactured component?
by Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves Tondolo & Ely Laureano Paiva & Rosana da Rosa Portella Tondolo & Juliana Bonomi Santos - 1286-1303 Would compensation be necessary? The importance of service recovery strategy in e-retail delivery problems
by Erlinda Nusron Yunus - 1304-1320 Linking supply chain professional's competencies to resilience in a turbulent world
by Muhammad Idrees Asghar & Haris Aslam & Amer Saeed - 1321-1337 Individuals' psychosocial voice barriers in lean problem-solving teams
by Mohammad Abdul Latif & Jan Vang & Rebeca Sultana - 1338-1367 Supply chain strategy in the luxury fashion industry: impacts on performance indicators
by Bianca Bindi & Romeo Bandinelli & Virginia Fani & Margherita Emma Paola Pero
December 2021, Volume 72, Issue 5
- 1368-1391 Firms' capabilities management for waste patents in a circular economy
by Luz María Marín-Vinuesa & Pilar Portillo-Tarragona & Sabina Scarpellini - 1392-1418 Corporate governance and firm value: a study on European financial institutions
by Hanen Ben Fatma & Jamel Chouaibi - 1419-1444 How does regulatory framework impact sectoral performance? A systematic literature review
by Brajesh Mishra & Avanish Kumar - 1445-1478 The impact of business intelligence on supply chain performance with emphasis on integration and agility–a mixed research approach
by Taha Jafari & Azim Zarei & Adel Azar & Alireza Moghaddam - 1479-1508 Efficiency and its determinants in the Algerian banks: network data envelopment analysis and partial least squares regression
by Adel Achi - 1509-1530 Modelling research productivity of university researchers using research incentives to crowd-in motivation
by Muthoni Masinde & Johan Coetzee
October 2021, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 895-916 Rice planting technologies and farm performance under different production systems in Ghana
by Bismark Amfo & Awal Abdul-Rahaman & Yakubu Balma Issaka - 917-942 A structural equation model for big data adoption in the healthcare supply chain
by Dindayal Agrawal & Jitender Madaan - 943-961 Does the perceived efficiency of the HR department matter in influencing satisfaction and employee performance?
by Swati Dhir & Tanusree Chakraborty - 962-985 Decision analysis of warehouse productivity performance indicators to enhance logistics operational efficiency
by Noorul Shaiful Fitri Abdul Rahman & Nur Hazwani Karim & Rudiah Md Hanafiah & Saharuddin Abdul Hamid & Ahmed Mohammed - 986-1000 What is next for sustainable competitive advantages in pandemic outbreak context?
by Bak Aun Teoh & Phern Chern Teoh & Houng Chien Tan & Amlus Ibrahim - 1001-1024 Development of a framework for safety performance measurement of belt conveyor systems
by Narendrasinh Jesangbhai Parmar & Ajith Tom James - 1025-1050 Financial determinants of value based performance of construction firms in India
by Harish Kumar Singla & Anand Prakash - 1051-1076 Diverse group effectiveness: co-occurrence of task and relationship conflict, and transformational leadership
by Mohanad Dahlan & Amer Ali Al-Atwi & Elham Alshaibani & Ali Bakir & Kevin Maher - 1077-1110 Selection methods of lean management tools: a review
by Ali Jaber Naeemah & Kuan Yew Wong - 1182-1200 Corporate characteristics, audit quality and managerial entrenchment during the COVID-19 crisis: evidence from an emerging country
by Anissa Dakhli & Abderraouf Mtiraoui
November 2021, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 1111-1153 Conception of circular economy obstacles in context of supply chain: a case of rubber industry
by Somesh Agarwal & Mohit Tyagi & R.K. Garg - 1154-1181 Moderating effects on sustainability reporting and firm performance relationships: a meta-analytical review
by Anupama Prashar
August 2021, Volume 72, Issue 4
- 873-894 The effect of presenteeism among Bangladeshi employees
by Amlan Haque
August 2021, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 710-729 Quality certification and firm performance. The mediation of human capital
by Juan Miguel Gallego & Luis H. Gutiérrez Ramírez - 730-752 What factors can explain the performance of energy companies in Portugal? Panel data evidence
by Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves & Luís Baptista & António Gomes Dias & Inês Lisboa - 753-771 Determinants of coaching success: a systematic review
by Wilmar Cidral & Carlos Henrique Berg & Maria Lúcia Paulino - 772-788 In search of supplier flexibility performance measurement
by Helena Forslund & Stig-Arne Mattsson - 789-808 Firms performance, risk taking and managerial ability
by Alex Johanes Simamora - 809-826 Do job competencies influence the satisfaction of customers? An investigation in the cooperative banking sector
by V. Shanujas & T. Radha Ramanan - 827-847 A fuzzy multi-criteria framework to identify barriers and enablers of the next-generation vaccine supply chain
by Dheeraj Chandra & B. Vipin & Dinesh Kumar
July 2021, Volume 72, Issue 3
- 577-598 The mediating effect of work engagement on the relationship between work–family conflict and turnover intention and moderated mediating role of supervisor support during global pandemic
by Ilhami Yucel & Muhammed Sabri Şirin & Murat Baş - 599-624 Identifying the effect of green human resource management practices on lean-agile (LEAGILE) and prioritizing its practices
by Somaieh Alavi & Hamid Aghakhani - 625-658 Measuring coherence of performance measurement indicators in complex and changing environments
by Sebastiano Di Luozzo & Fabrizia Del Beato & Massimiliano Maria Schiraldi - 659-678 Does business strategy and management control system fit determine performance?
by Tapio Jukka - 679-709 Analysis of multi-factors affecting the performance of Nigeria's refineries: a systems thinking approach
by Obinna Iheukwumere & David Moore & Temitope Omotayo
July 2021, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 281-305 Determinants of alliance productivity and performance: evidence from the automobile industry
by Rishabh Rajan & Sanjay Dhir & Sushil - 361-387 What should be lean buffer threshold for the forward-reserve warehouse?
by Bhavin Shah - 388-409 Working capital allocations and productivity: empirical issues and role of asset utilization
by Gaurav Singh Chauhan - 410-439 Analysis of enablers for the digitalization of supply chain using an interpretive structural modelling approach
by Prakash Agrawal & Rakesh Narain - 440-468 The transformational leadership role in achieving organizational resilience through adaptive cultures: the case of Dubai service sector
by Rana B.S. Madi Odeh & Bader Yousef Obeidat & Mais Osama Jaradat & Ra'ed Masa'deh & Muhammad Turki Alshurideh - 469-490 Augmenting bank service quality dimensions: moderation of perceived trust and perceived risk
by Abhijeet Biswas & Deepak Jaiswal & Rishi Kant - 491-515 Linking knowledge development with sustainable supply chain performance: mediating effects of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking
by Syed Awais Ahmad Tipu & Kamel Fantazy - 516-531 Linking firms' strategies with firm performance: mediating role of network value in telecom industry
by Riffat Blouch & Khuda Bakhsh & Wajid Shakeel & Muhammad Majid Khan & Aiza Yasmeen - 550-575 Data-driven performance management of business units using process mining and DEA: case study of an Iranian chain store
by Negin Maddah & Emad Roghanian
June 2021, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 306-330 Gendered brokerage and firm performance – An interlock analysis of the UK
by Yasaman Sarabi & Matthew Smith & Heather McGregor & Dimitris Christopoulos
August 2021, Volume 72, Issue 2
- 331-360 Leadership styles and organisational innovation in Vietnam: does employee creativity matter?
by Nhat Tan Nguyen & Lai Wan Hooi & Mohan V. Avvari - 532-549 Determinants of employee creative behavior in the UAE public sector
by Khawla Ali Al Hosani & Anne Rienke van Ewijk & Matloub Hussain
June 2021, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 24-46 Linking responsible leadership with financial and environmental performance: determining mediation and moderation
by Zia Ur Rehman & Imran Shafique & Kausar Fiaz Khawaja & Munazza Saeed & Masood Nawaz Kalyar - 47-65 Leadership credibility and change success: mediating role of commitment to change
by Noufou Ouedraogo & Michel Zaitouni & Mohammed Laid Ouakouak - 66-91 Performance evaluation in humanitarian operations based on the beneficiary perspective
by Brenda Cardoso & Tharcisio Fontainha & Adriana Leiras & Patricia Alcantara Cardoso - 92-108 Supply chain, geographical indicator and blockchain: provenance model for commodity
by Mohita Gangwar Sharma - 109-136 Performance assessment of the operations strategy of credit unions
by Poliana Martins & Edson Pinheiro de Lima & Sandro César Bortoluzzi & Sergio E. Gouvea da Costa - 137-155 A performance measurement system for public–private partnerships: integrating stakeholder influence and process trans-period effect
by Dan Wang & Xueqing Wang & Lu Wang & Henry J. Liu & Xiajie Jia - 156-179 Beyond monetary motivation: the moderation of Hofstede's cultural dimensions
by Stephen Tetteh & Rebecca Dei Mensah & Christian Narh Opata & Gloria Nana Yaa Asirifua Agyapong - 180-199 Analysing the effect of low carbon product design on firm performance
by Chiranjit Das - 200-225 Linkage between performance and sustainability initiatives in banking sector–An empirical examination
by Rajesh Kumar Bhaskaran & K.S. Sujit & Saksham Mongia - 226-245 Mitigating challenges of small social enterprises to improve performance
by Behnam Abedin & Heather Douglas & Jason Watson & Reihaneh Bidar
July 2021, Volume 72, Issue 1
- 246-278 Distribution planning problem of a supply chain of perishable products under disruptions and demand stochasticity
by Pravin Suryawanshi & Pankaj Dutta
June 2021, Volume 71, Issue 8
- 3655-3682 Information seeking and collaborative decision-making behaviour in consultancy project teams: a network theoretic viewpoint
by Sulafa Badi & Hanxiao Ji & Edward G. Ochieng - 3704-3723 Does meaningful work encompass support towards supervisory, worker and engagement relationship?
by Umair Ahmed & Irene Seok-Ching Yong & Munwar Hussain Pahi & Sarfraz Ahmed Dakhan - 3766-3791 Analyzing the operational barriers of government-supported healthcare supply chain
by Anuj Dixit & Srikanta Routroy & Sunil Kumar Dubey - 3809-3825 Transformational leadership and organizational performance of Omani SMEs: the role of market orientation
by Khalid Abed Dahleez & Fadi Abdelmuniem Abdelfattah - 3826-3848 A control chart pattern recognition methodology for controlling information technology-enabled service (ITeS) process customer complaints
by Boby John
May 2021, Volume 71, Issue 8
- 3138-3159 Levels and dimensions of diversity in small businesses: contributions for performance
by Carla Curado & Silvio H.T. Tai & Mírian Oliveira & Joaquim Miranda Sarmento - 3309-3330 What drives the performance of different bank-ownership types in Indonesia? The pre- and post-GFC analysis
by Apriani Dorkas Rambu Atahau & Tom Cronje - 3348-3376 An evidence-based multilevel framework of talent management: a systematic review
by Amro Aljbour & Erica French & Muhammad Ali - 3377-3394 A conceptual model of Lean culture adoption in healthcare
by Marc Dorval & Marie-Hélène Jobin - 3395-3416 Impacts of marketing decisions on delivery performance and flexibility of the operations area
by Marcos Eduardo Finger & Daniel Pacheco Lacerda & Luis Riehs Camargo & Fábio Sartori Piran & Ricardo Augusto Cassel & Maria Isabel Wolf Motta Morandi - 3466-3487 Influence of organizational life cycle on performance management design in the software industry
by Salete Verginia Fontana Baiochi & Guilherme Corredato Guerino & Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal & Renato Balancieri & Syntia Lemos Cotrim & Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Galdamez - 3488-3506 Servant leadership and employee productivity: a mediating and moderating role
by Sudarmo & Pratiwi Dwi Suhartanti & Wahyu Eko Prasetyanto - 3534-3555 Transfer mechanisms for lean implementation with OHS integration in the garment industry
by Abu Hamja & Peter Hasle & David Hansen - 3556-3580 Effects of market orientation, innovation strategies and value-based pricing on market performance
by Deonir De Toni & Ricardo Antonio Reche & Gabriel Sperandio Milan - 3581-3605 Practical implications of cost of quality: a systematic literature review
by Evangelos Psomas & Christina Dimitrantzou & Fotios Vouzas - 3606-3635 Analysis of lean implementation barriers in Indian ceramic industries: modeling through an interpretive ranking process
by Jagdish Bhadu & Dharmendra Singh & Jaiprakash Bhamu - 3636-3654 How does ownership by corporate managers affect R&D in the UK? The moderating impact of institutional investors
by Ahmed Hassanein & Mahmoud Marzouk & Mohsen Ebied A.Y. Azzam - 3683-3703 Financial efficiency of commercial banks listed in Egyptian stock exchange using data envelopment analysis
by Mahmoud Abdelrahman Kamel & Mohamed El-Sayed Mousa & Randa Mohamed Hamdy - 3724-3746 A proposed maturity model to improve warehouse performance
by Loay Salhieh & Waed Alswaer - 3747-3765 Impact of basic psychological needs on organizational justice and helping behavior: a self-determination perspective
by Shih Yung Chou & Thuy Nguyen & Charles Ramser & Tree Chang - 3792-3808 Predictive power of training design on employee performance: an empirical approach in Pakistan's health sector
by Mitho Khan Bhatti & Bahadur Ali Soomro & Naimatullah Shah
April 2021, Volume 71, Issue 8
- 3121-3137 The pricing of information asymmetry based on environmental uncertainty and accounting conservatism
by Mohsen Rashidi - 3160-3178 Determinants of the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in emerging markets
by The Nguyen Huynh - 3179-3204 Enhancing employee innovativeness and job performance through a culture of workplace innovation
by Mohsin Khan & Rampalli Prabhakara Raya & Rajeesh Viswanathan - 3205-3227 Risk disclosures and firm value: the role of governance in an emerging market
by Surbhi Jain & Mehul Raithatha - 3228-3244 Measuring technology and performance differentials among the Norwegian dairy farms
by Habtamu Alem - 3245-3269 Kaizen transferability in non-Japanese cultures: a combined approach of total interpretive structural modeling and analytic network process
by Ammar Mohamed Aamer & Mohammed Ali Al-Awlaqi & Nabeel Mandahawi & Farid Triawan & Faisal Al-Madi - 3270-3292 Dynamic capabilities: antecedents and implications for firms' performance
by Ricardo Jorge Correia & Mário Sérgio Teixeira & José G. Dias - 3293-3308 Role of leader and followers' well-being, engagement and the moderating role of psychological capital
by Beena Prakash Nair & T. Prasad & Shreekumar K. Nair - 3331-3347 Efficacy beliefs and employee voice: the role of perceived influence and manager openness
by R. Prince & M.K. Rao - 3417-3442 The contingent nature of warehouse flexibility
by Adam Sadowski & Piotr Wojciechowski & Per Engelseth - 3443-3465 Measurement development for eco-innovation capabilities of Malaysian oil and gas firms
by Russell Tatenda Munodawafa & Satirenjit Kaur Johl - 3507-3533 Two sides, but not of the same coin: digitalization, productivity and unemployment
by Oxana Krutova & Pertti Koistinen & Tuuli Turja & Harri Melin & Tuomo Särkikoski
April 2021, Volume 71, Issue 7
- 2793-2819 Examining the link between Halal supply chain management and sustainability
by Mohd Imran Khan & Abid Haleem & Shahbaz Khan - 2820-2840 Informal learning, work engagement and their effects on work-family enrichment
by Mansi Rastogi & Osman M. Karatepe - 2865-2892 Sustainability evaluation of service supply chains: a case study of an Indian hospital
by Ramji Nagariya & Divesh Kumar & Ishwar Kumar - 2893-2912 Primary sector in Italy: profitability dynamics and relationship with the international economic crisis
by Guido Migliaccio & Pietro Pavone - 2913-2931 Psychological safety and individual performance: the mediating effect of intrapreneurial behavior
by Mahmoud Ahmad Mahmoud & Shuhymee Ahmad & Donny Abdul Latief Poespowidjojo - 2932-2950 Application of tools and techniques of quality by design in pharmaceutical process
by E.V. Gijo - 2970-2990 Measurement and determinants of total factor productivity: evidence from Indian banking industry
by Biswabhusan Bhuyan & Subhamitra Patra & Ranjan Kumar Bhuian - 2991-3008 The impact modeling of project management function behaviors on construction labor productivity
by Luong Hai Nguyen - 3009-3029 Measure what matters: descriptive and predictive metrics of HRM-pathway toward organizational performance
by Rajasshrie Pillai & Brijesh Sivathanu - 3030-3055 Productivity metrics in the context of knowledge work: literature vs practice
by Omar A. Tapasco-Alzate & Jaime Giraldo-García & Diógenes Ramírez-Ramírez - 3078-3099 The impact of counterfeit risk management on healthcare supply chain performance: an empirical analysis
by Mauro Falasca & Scott Dellana & William J. Rowe & John F. Kros - 3100-3117 Employee voice behavior: A moderated mediation analysis of high-performance work system
by Sumi Jha
June 2021, Volume 71, Issue 7
- 2841-2864 The impact of high performance work system on employee service performance: the role of organizational support and organizational identification
by Salamatu Bellah Conteh & Yijun Yuan
May 2021, Volume 71, Issue 7
- 2951-2969 Measuring supply chain performance: the triple E model
by Luiz Eduardo Simão & Karine Somensi & Ricardo Villarroel Dávalos & Carlos Manuel Taboada Rodriguez - 3056-3077 Human resource management (HRM) in the performance measurement and management (PMM) domain: a bibliometric review
by Patrizia Garengo & Alberto Sardi & Sai Sudhakar Nudurupati
March 2021, Volume 71, Issue 7
- 2605-2629 An empirical research on developing a logistics performance scale
by Artuğ Eren Coşkun & Ramazan Erturgut - 2630-2658 Evaluating the performance of primary schools in India: evidence from West Bengal
by Arnab Adhikari & Samadrita Bhattacharyya & Sumanta Basu & Rajesh Bhattacharya - 2659-2679 Theoretical model for identifying market development indicators
by Vinicius Jaques Gerhardt & Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk & Ismael Cristofer Baierle & Cláudia de Freitas Michelin - 2680-2703 Power outage and proactive service performance: the role of patient incivility and job stress
by Raheel Yasin & Ghulam Jan - 2704-2722 Job demands-resources model, transformational leadership and organizational performance: a multilevel study
by Anastasia A. Katou & Michael Koupkas & Eleni Triantafillidou - 2723-2742 Dynamic framework of performance assessment for startups
by Luiz Guilherme Rodrigues Antunes & Fernando Freire Vasconcelos & Camila Maria de Oliveira & Hamilton Luiz Corrêa - 2743-2770 Measuring the efficiency of the healthcare sector in Poland – a window-DEA evaluation
by Katarzyna Miszczynska & Piotr Marek Miszczyński - 2771-2792 Employee–organisation connectedness and ethical behaviour: the mediating role of moral courage
by Mario Fernando & Shahriar Akter & Ruwan J. Bandara
August 2021, Volume 71, Issue 6
- 2061-2086 A holistic model for measuring continuous innovation capability of manufacturing industry: a case study
by Benny Lianto & Muhammad Dachyar & Tresna Priyana Soemardi - 2087-2113 Evaluating interaction between internal hospital supply chain performance indicators: a rough-DEMATEL-based approach
by Daniel Soto Lopez & Maryam Garshasbi & Golam Kabir & A.B.M. Mainul Bari & Syed Mithun Ali - 2140-2160 Impact of sustainable supply chain management and customer relationship management on organizational performance
by Saikat Das & H.M. Kamrul Hassan - 2161-2187 Effects on corporate performance through ISS-enabled strategy-making on dynamic and improvisational capabilities
by Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni - 2188-2213 Adoption of Industry 4.0 and lean concepts in hospitals for healthcare operational performance improvement
by Tharushi Sandunika Ilangakoon & Samanthi Kumari Weerabahu & Premaratne Samaranayake & Ruwan Wickramarachchi - 2214-2234 The impact of contingency fit on organisational performance: an empirical study
by Abdallah Amhalhal & John Anchor & Nicoleta S. Tipi & Sara Elgazzar - 2235-2261 Measure human capital because people really matter: development and validation of human capital scale (HuCapS)
by Rinki Dahiya & Juhi Raghuvanshi - 2262-2279 Organizational resilience, job satisfaction and business performance
by Ilse Maria Beuren & Vanderlei dos Santos & Viviane Theiss - 2280-2295 Technological innovation management: understanding difficulties in an emerging country to enhance manufacturers performance
by Lucas M. Matos & Izabela Simon Rampasso & Osvaldo L.G. Quelhas & Walter Leal Filho & Rosley Anholon - 2316-2336 Job meaningfulness, employee engagement, supervisory support and job performance: a moderated-mediation analysis
by Abinash Panda & Subhashis Sinha & Nikunj Kumar Jain
September 2021, Volume 71, Issue 6
- 2296-2315 Assessing audit outcomes of pre-determined objectives in a public institution (South Africa)
by Stella Banyana Mosimege & Tyanai Masiya - 2337-2360 Does managerial capability always drive performance? Empirical examinations of small and medium firms (SMEs) in a developing economy
by Ahmed Agyapong & Suzzie Owiredua Aidoo & Samuel Yaw Akomea - 2361-2392 Modelling supply chain risks and their impacts on the performance of the sago starch agro-industry
by Syamsul Anwar & Taufik Djatna & Sukardi & Prayoga Suryadarma - 2393-2409 Application of value stream mapping (VSM) in low-level technology organizations: a case study
by Hiluf Reda & Akshay Dvivedi - 2410-2431 Design framework for a lean warehouse – a case study-based approach
by P. Raghuram & Mahesh Kumar Arjunan - 2459-2478 Fashion supply chain transparency: do as I say not as I do
by Adriana Pigeard Muratore & Leonardo Marques
October 2021, Volume 71, Issue 6
- 2114-2139 Exploring and measure the performance of the Indian petroleum supply chain
by Sourabh Kumar & Mukesh Kumar Barua