- WP-2009-017 Alcohol and mortality in Ukraine
by Nataliia Levchuk - WP-2009-016 Biological mechanisms of disease and death in Moscow: rationale and design of the survey on Stress Aging and Health in Russia (SAHR)
by Maria A. Shkolnikova & Svetlana A. Shalnova & Vladimir M. Shkolnikov & Victoria A. Metelskaya & Alexander D. Deev & Evgeny M. Andreev & Dmitri A. Jdanov & James W. Vaupel - WP-2009-015 Downward mobility, unemployment and mortality
by Sunnee Billingsley - WP-2009-014 Transfers, consumption and income over the lifecycle in Germany
by Fanny A. Kluge - WP-2009-013 Trends in geographical mortality differentials in India
by Nandita Saikia & Domantas Jasilionis & Faujdar Ram & Vladimir M. Shkolnikov - WP-2009-012 Is Poland really 'immune' to the spread of cohabitation?
by Anna Matysiak - WP-2009-011 Finding the "right moment" for the first baby to come: a comparison between Italy and Poland
by Anna Matysiak & Daniele Vignoli - WP-2009-010 Against all odds: fathers’ use of parental leave in Germany
by Esther Geisler & Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2009-009 Happiness and sex difference in life expectancy
by Junji Kageyama - WP-2009-008 On the intertemporal allocation of consumption, mortality and life-history strategies
by Junji Kageyama - WP-2009-007 Non-marital childbearing in Russia: second demographic transition or pattern of disadvantage?
by Brienna Perelli-Harris & Theodore P. Gerber - WP-2009-006 Fertility-relevant social networks: composition, structure, and meaning of personal relationships for fertility intentions
by Sylvia Keim & Andreas Klärner & Laura Bernardi - WP-2009-005 Do only new brooms sweep clean? A review on workforce age and innovation
by Katharina Frosch - WP-2009-004 The age separating early deaths from late deaths
by Zhen Zhang & James W. Vaupel - WP-2009-003 Marriage, childbearing, and migration in Kyrgyzstan: exploring interdependencies
by Lesia Nedoluzhko & Victor Agadjanian - WP-2009-002 The structure of recent first-union formation in Romania
by Jan M. Hoem & Dora Kostova & Aiva Jasilioniene & Cornelia Mureşan - WP-2009-001 Who is relevant? Exploring fertility relevant social networks
by Sylvia Keim & Andreas Klärner & Laura Bernardi
- WP-2008-027 The impact of a migration-caused selection effect on regional mortality differences in Italy and Germany
by Marc Luy & Graziella Caselli - WP-2008-026 Fertility of migrants: a comparative study between Italy and Russia
by Eleonora Mussino & Alyson A. van Raalte - WP-2008-025 On systems with shared resources and optimal switching strategies
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2008-024 Close kin influences on fertility behavior
by Robert G. White & Laura Bernardi - WP-2008-023 Being born under adverse economic conditions leads to a higher cardiovascular mortality rate later in life: evidence based on individuals born at different stages of the business cycle
by Gerard J. van den Berg & Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter & Kaare Christensen - WP-2008-022 A missing composite covariate in survival analysis: a case study of the Chinese Longitudinal Health and Longevity Survey
by Francesco Lagona & Zhen Zhang - WP-2008-021 High suburban fertility: evidence from four Northern European countries
by Hill Kulu & Paul J. Boyle & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2008-020 Patterns of partnership formation among lone mothers in Russia
by Cordula Zabel - WP-2008-019 Italy’s non-negligible cohabitational unions
by Giuseppe Gabrielli & Jan M. Hoem - WP-2008-018 The transition from school to work in Russia during and after socialism: change or continuity?
by Christoph Bühler & Dirk Konietzka - WP-2008-017 High maternal androstenedione levels during pregnancy in a small precocial mammal with female genital masculinisation
by Cornelia Kraus & Kristina A. Pfannkuche & Fritz Trillmich & Ton G. G. Groothuis - WP-2008-016 Exogenous determinants of early-life conditions, and mortality later in life
by Gerard J. van den Berg & Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter & Kaare Christensen - WP-2008-015 Marriage formation as a process intermediary between migration and childbearing
by Jan M. Hoem & Lesia Nedoluzhko - WP-2008-014 Regularities and deviations in mortality trends of the developed world
by Elisabetta Barbi - WP-2008-013 Beyond the Kannisto-Thatcher Database on Old Age Mortality: an assessment of data quality at advanced ages
by Dmitri A. Jdanov & Domantas Jasilionis & Eugeny L. Soroko & Roland Rau & James W. Vaupel - WP-2008-012 Optimal semelparity
by James W. Vaupel & Trifon I. Missov & Jessica Metcalf - WP-2008-011 Sex-specific growth and effects of hatching condition in the reversed sexually size-dimorphic great skua
by Ellen Kalmbach & Richard Griffiths & Robert W. Furness - WP-2008-010 MAXIM: a system for simulation of demographic processes in populations of related individuals. Version 2.3. User and programmer manual
by Arseniy S. Karkach - WP-2008-009 Reconstruction of continuous series of mortality by cause of death in West Germany for the years 1968-1997
by Markéta Pechholdová - WP-2008-008 Cohort fertility patterns in the Nordic Countries
by Gunnar Andersson & Marit Rønsen & Lisbeth B. Knudsen & Trude Lappegård & Gerda R. Neyer & Kari Skrede & Kathrin Teschner & Andres Vikat - WP-2008-007 Education and permanent childlessness: Austria vs. Sweden; a research note
by Gerda R. Neyer & Jan M. Hoem - WP-2008-006 Marriage over space and time among male migrants from Cameroon to Germany
by Annett Fleischer - WP-2008-005 The costs of risky male behaviour: sex differences in seasonal survival in a small sexually monomorphic primate
by Cornelia Kraus & Manfred Eberle & Peter M. Kappeler - WP-2008-004 Economic insecurity and cohabitation strategies in Italy
by Christin Schröder - WP-2008-003 Should governments in Europe be much more aggressive in pushing for gender equality to raise fertility? YES
by Livia Sz. Oláh - WP-2008-001 Family reunification ideals and the practice of transnational reproductive life among Africans in Europe
by Caroline Bledsoe & Papa Sow
- WP-2007-038 Zum Zusammenhang von Familiensoziologie und Familiendemografie seit 1945 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Reinhard Nuthmann - WP-2007-037 The reporting of statistical significance in scientific journals
by Jan M. Hoem - WP-2007-036 Contextualising demography: the significance of local clusters of fertility in Scotland
by Paul J. Boyle & E. Graham & Z. Feng - WP-2007-035 Do women with higher autonomy seek more maternal and child health-care? Evidence from Ethiopia and Eritrea
by Gebremariam Woldemicael - WP-2007-034 High fertility in city suburbs: compositional or contextual effects?
by Hill Kulu & Paul J. Boyle - WP-2007-033 Fertility and family configurations in Sardinia
by Laura Bernardi & Anna Oppo - WP-2007-032 Aging of a giant: a stochastic population forecast for China, 2001-2050
by Qiang Li & Mieke Reuser & Cornelia Kraus & Juha Alho - WP-2007-031 An introduction to anthropological demography
by Laura Bernardi - WP-2007-030 The influence of parents on cohabitation in Italy: insights from two regional contexts
by Christin Schröder - WP-2007-029 Fertility postponement and age norms in Poland: is there a deadline for parenthood?
by Monika A. Mynarska - WP-2007-028 Educational attainment and second births in Romania
by Cornelia Mureşan - WP-2007-027 Senescence can play an essential role in modelling and estimation of vector based epidemiological indicators: demographical approach
by Vassili N. Novoseltsev & Anatoli I. Michalski & Janna A. Novoseltseva & Anatoli I. Yashin & James R. Carey & Thomas W. Scott - WP-2007-026 Traces of the Second Demographic Transition in four selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe: union formation as a demographic manifestation
by Jan M. Hoem & Aiva Jasilioniene & Dora Kostova & Cornelia Mureşan - WP-2007-025 Premarital conception and divorce risk in Russia in light of the GGS data
by Aiva Jasilioniene - WP-2007-024 How fertility and union stability interact in shaping new family patterns in Italy and Spain
by Lucia Coppola & Mariachiara Di Cesare - WP-2007-023 Women’s status and reproductive preferences in Eritrea
by Gebremariam Woldemicael - WP-2007-022 Do imputed educational histories provide satisfactory results in fertility analysis in the West German context?
by Cordula Zabel - WP-2007-021 Consequences of family policies on childbearing behavior: effects or artifacts?
by Gerda R. Neyer & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2007-020 Early traces of the Second Demographic Transition in Bulgaria: a joint analysis of marital and non-marital union formation
by Jan M. Hoem & Dora Kostova - WP-2007-019 Demography, present and future
by Jan M. Hoem - WP-2007-018 Family dynamics in pre- and post-transition Romania: a life-table description
by Cornelia Mureşan - WP-2007-017 Transition of nuptiality and fertility onset in the Czech Republic since the 1990s: the role of women’s education and its expansion
by Kryštof Zeman - WP-2007-016 Childbearing dynamics of couples in a universalistic welfare state: the role of labor-market status, country of origin, and gender
by Gunnar Andersson & Kirk Scott - WP-2007-015 Differences between male and female fertility in Russia: an evaluation of basic pattern and data quality using the first wave of the Russian GGS
by David Alich - WP-2007-014 Fertility differences by housing type: an effect of housing conditions or of selective moves?
by Hill Kulu & Andres Vikat - WP-2007-013 Gibt es eine zunehmende bildungsspezifische Polarisierung der Erwerbsmuster von Frauen? Analysen auf Basis der Mikrozensen 1976-2004
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld & Dirk Konietzka & Esther Geisler & Sebastian Böhm - WP-2007-012 Towards smaller family size in Egypt, Morocco and Turkey: overall change over time or socio-economic compositional effect?
by Agata V. D´Addato & Daniele Vignoli & Sutay Yavuz - WP-2007-011 Illegalisierung, Legalisierung und Familienbildungsprozesse: am Beispiel Kameruner MigrantInnen in Deutschland
by Annett Fleischer - WP-2007-010 Transition to modern contraception in Russia: evidence from the 1996 and 1999 Women’s Reproductive Health Surveys
by Irina Troitskaia & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2007-009 Eligibility for materniy leave and first birth timing in Great Britain
by Cordula Zabel - WP-2007-008 A review of migration and fertility theory through the lens of African immigrant fertility in France
by Anne Genereux - WP-2007-007 Social construction of neglect: the case of unaccompanied minors from Morocco to Spain
by Núria Empez Vidal - WP-2007-006 Meanings and attitudes attached to cohabitation in Poland: qualitative analyses of the slow diffusion of cohabitation among the young generation
by Monika A. Mynarska & Laura Bernardi - WP-2007-005 Union formation and fertility in Bulgaria and Russia: a life table description of recent trends
by Dimiter Philipov & Aiva Jasilioniene - WP-2007-004 Pushing the limit: long-term trends in late fertility in Sweden
by Francesco C. Billari & Hans-Peter Kohler & Gunnar Andersson & Hans Lundström - WP-2007-003 Selectivity in higher-order childbearing in Sweden
by Gunnar Andersson - WP-2007-002 Verfahren zur Korrektur der Bevölkerungsbestände der amtlichen Statistik im hohen Alter
by Rembrandt D. Scholz & Dmitri A. Jdanov - WP-2007-001 First and second births in first and second unions: a decomposition of fertility decline in Bulgaria and Russia since the 1989 economic and political transition
by Martin Spielauer & Elena Koytcheva & Dora Kostova
- WP-2006-053 The demography of family reunification: from circulation to substitution in Gambian Spain
by Caroline Bledsoe - WP-2006-052 Travail des femmes, caractéristiques familiales et sociales: le cas du Maroc
by Anna Paterno & Giuseppe Gabrielli & Agata V. D´Addato - WP-2006-051 Does cohabitation prior to marriage raise the risk of marital dissolution and does this effect vary geographically?
by Paul J. Boyle & Hill Kulu - WP-2006-050 On the psychological determinants of fertility: a panorama of concepts and approaches, and evidence from eastern Germany
by Holger von der Lippe - WP-2006-049 Italy’s path to very low fertility: the adequacy of economic and second demographic transition theories
by David K. Kertzer & Michael White & Laura Bernardi & Giuseppe Gabrielli - WP-2006-048 Fertility and women’s employment: a meta-analysis
by Anna Matysiak & Daniele Vignoli - WP-2006-047 Family, obligations, and migration: the role of kinship in Cameroon
by Annett Fleischer - WP-2006-046 The "LifeCourse" model, a competing risk cohort microsimulation model: source code and basic concepts of the generic microsimulation programming language Modgen
by Martin Spielauer - WP-2006-045 Cohort birth order, parity progression ratio and parity distribution trends in developed countries
by Tomas Frejka & Jean-Paul Sardon - WP-2006-044 Kinderlosigkeit, Bildungsrichtung und Bildungsniveau. Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung schwedischer Frauen der Geburtenjahrgänge 1955-59
by Gerda R. Neyer & Jan M. Hoem & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2006-043 Individual fecundity dynamically predicts remaining life expectancy in medflies
by Vassili N. Novoseltsev & James R. Carey & Janna A. Novoseltseva & Anatoli I. Yashin - WP-2006-042 Modeling of immune life history and body growth: the role of antigen burden
by Sergey G. Rudnev & Alexei A. Romanyukha & Anatoli I. Yashin - WP-2006-041 Inverse problems in demography and biodemography
by Anatoli I. Michalski - WP-2006-040 Population inertia and its sensitivity to changes in vital rates or initial conditions
by David N. Koons & Randall Holmes & James B. Grand - WP-2006-039 Population constraints on pooled surveys in demographic hazard modeling
by Michael S. Rendall & Ryan Admiraal & Alessandra De Rose & Paola Di Giulio & Mark S. Handcock & Filomena Racioppi - WP-2006-038 Intergenerational family ties and the diffusion of cohabitation in Italy
by Paola Di Giulio & Alessandro Rosina - WP-2006-036 Transition to second birth - the case of Russia
by Dorothea Rieck - WP-2006-035 The impact of health behaviors and life quality on gender differences in mortality
by Marc Luy & Paola Di Giulio - WP-2006-034 First child of immigrant workers and their descendants in West Germany: interrelation of events, disruption, or adaptation?
by Nadja Milewski - WP-2006-033 10 years after Kannisto: further evidence for mortality decline at advanced ages in developed countries
by Roland Rau & Eugeny L. Soroko & Domantas Jasilionis & James W. Vaupel - WP-2006-032 Migration and union dissolution in a changing socio-economic context: the case of Russia
by Magdalena M. Muszynska & Hill Kulu - WP-2006-031 Analysemöglichkeiten des Scientific Use Files "Vollendete Versichertenleben 2004" im Bereich Fertilität und Familie
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld & Tatjana Mika - WP-2006-030 The Contextual Database of the Generations and Gender Program
by Martin Spielauer - WP-2006-029 Employment experience and first birth in Great Britain
by Cordula Zabel - WP-2006-028 Report on the external validation of the "Education and Employment Survey" on Russia
by Eugeny L. Soroko & Dirk Konietzka - WP-2006-027 Woman’s employment and union disruption in a changing socio-economic context: the case of Russia
by Magdalena M. Muszynska - WP-2006-026 Stochastic forecast of the population of Poland, 2005 – 2050
by Anna Matysiak & Beata Nowok - WP-2006-025 Der Einfluss der ‚Wende’ auf bildungsspezifische Fertilitätsunterschiede in Ostdeutschland
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2006-024 Settlement size and fertility in the Nordic countries
by Hill Kulu & Andres Vikat & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2006-023 On asymptotic failure rates in bivariate frailty competing risks models
by Maxim S. Finkelstein & Veronica Esaulova - WP-2006-022 Fertilität, Familiengründung und Familienerweiterung in den nordischen Ländern
by Gerda R. Neyer & Gunnar Andersson & Jan M. Hoem & Marit Rønsen & Andres Vikat - WP-2006-021 On engineering reliability concepts and biological aging
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2006-020 Migration and first-time parenthood: evidence from Kyrgyzstan
by Lesia Nedoluzhko & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2006-019 Understanding parental gender preferences in advanced societies: lessons from Sweden and Finland
by Gunnar Andersson & Karsten Hank & Andres Vikat - WP-2006-018 Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Daten der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung über das Forschungsdatenzentrum der Rentenversicherung (FDZ-RV)
by Ralf K. Himmelreicher & Hans-Martin von Gaudecker & Rembrandt D. Scholz - WP-2006-017 Perceptions of job instability and the prospects of parenthood. A comparison between Eastern and Western Germany
by Laura Bernardi & Andreas Klärner & Holger von der Lippe - WP-2006-016 Scheidung in Ost- und Westdeutschland: der Einfluss der Frauenerwerbstätigkeit auf die Ehestabilität
by Karin Böttcher - WP-2006-015 Regularities and peculiarities of birth schedules in industrialized countries: an analysis of FFS data
by René Houle & Vladimir M. Shkolnikov - WP-2006-014 First birth trends in developed countries: a cohort analysis
by Tomas Frejka & Jean-Paul Sardon - WP-2006-013 Religion, religiousness and fertility in the U.S. and in Europe
by Tomas Frejka & Charles F. Westoff - WP-2006-012 Forecasts of cohort mortality after age 50
by Kirill F. Andreev & James W. Vaupel - WP-2006-011 Fertility change in Egypt: from second to third birth
by Daniele Vignoli - WP-2006-010 Family policies and fertility in Europe: fertility policies at the intersection of gender policies, employment policies and care policies
by Gerda R. Neyer - WP-2006-009 Objective sleep duration and health in elderly Russians
by Maria A. Shkolnikova & Blake Aber & Maxine Weinstein & Luobov´ Kravtsova & Svetlana A. Shalnova & Vladimir M. Shkolnikov & James W. Vaupel - WP-2006-008 Lifetime earnings and life expectancy
by Hans-Martin von Gaudecker & Rembrandt D. Scholz - WP-2006-007 Anticipatory analysis and its alternatives in life-course research. Part 2: Marriage and first birth
by Jan M. Hoem & Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2006-006 Anticipatory analysis and its alternatives in life-course research. Part 1: Education and first childbearing
by Jan M. Hoem & Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2006-005 Fertility developments in Morocco: progression to third birth
by Agata V. D´Addato - WP-2006-004 Educational attainment and ultimate fertility among Swedish women born in 1955-59
by Jan M. Hoem & Gerda R. Neyer & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2006-003 On the structural value of children and its implication on intended fertility in Bulgaria
by Christoph Bühler - WP-2006-002 The effect of moving on union dissolution
by Paul J. Boyle & Hill Kulu & Thomas Cooke & Vernon Gayle & Clara H. Mulder - WP-2006-001 The third child: a comparison between West Germany and Norway
by David Alich
- WP-2005-035 The importance of mortality tempo-adjustment: theoretical and empirical considerations
by Marc Luy - WP-2005-034 Economic uncertainty and fertility postponement: evidence from German panel data
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2005-033 Müttererwerbstätigkeit in Ost- und Westdeutschland: eine Analyse mit den Mikrozensen 1991-2002
by Esther Geisler & Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2005-032 Hidden Markov random field and FRAME modelling for TCA-image analysis
by Katy Streso & Francesco Lagona - WP-2005-031 The emergence of cohabitation as a first union and its later stability: the case of Hungarian women
by Margarete C. Kulik - WP-2005-030 Cohabitation in Italy: do parents matter?
by Christin Schröder - WP-2005-029 Teenage childbearing and child health in Eritrea
by Gebremariam Woldemicael - WP-2005-028 Fertility transition and the progression to third birth in Turkey
by Sutay Yavuz - WP-2005-027 Social differentials in speed-premium effects in childbearing in Sweden
by Gunnar Andersson & Jan M. Hoem & Ann-Zofie Duvander - WP-2005-026 Evidence of recent fertility decline in Eritrea: an analysis of trends and determinants
by Gebremariam Woldemicael - WP-2005-025 Season of birth influences life span of Mediterranean fruit flies, rats and mice
by Anna V. Semenchenko & Gabriele Doblhammer & Vladimir N. Anisimov & James R. Carey & Anatoli I. Yashin - WP-2005-024 Shocks in homogeneous and heterogeneous populations
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2005-023 Asymptotic behavior of mixture failure rates
by Maxim S. Finkelstein & Veronica Esaulova - WP-2005-022 Economic progress as cancer risk factor. II: Why is overall cancer risk higher in more developed countries?
by Svetlana V. Ukraintseva & Anatoli I. Yashin - WP-2005-021 Economic progress as cancer risk factor. I: Puzzling facts of cancer epidemiology
by Svetlana V. Ukraintseva & Anatoli I. Yashin - WP-2005-020 Does the socioeconomic mortality gradient interact with age? Evidence from US survey data and Danish register data
by Rasmus Hoffmann - WP-2005-019 On mixture failure rate ordering
by Maxim S. Finkelstein & Veronica Esaulova - WP-2005-018 Aging: damage accumulation versus increasing mortality rate
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2005-017 Learning from others and receiving support: the impact of personal networks on fertility intentions in Poland
by Christoph Bühler & Ewa Fratczak - WP-2005-016 Social capital related to fertility: theoretical foundations and empirical evidence from Bulgaria
by Christoph Bühler & Dimiter Philipov - WP-2005-015 Mapping social influence on fertility: a mix-method approach to data collection
by Laura Bernardi & Holger von der Lippe & Sylvia Keim - WP-2005-014 Childlessness and educational attainment among Swedish women born in 1955-59
by Jan M. Hoem & Gerda R. Neyer & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2005-013 Gender Equality and Fertility in Sweden: A Study on the Impact of the Father’s Uptake of Parental Leave on Continued Childbearing
by Ann-Zofie Duvander & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2005-012 Concentration of reproduction in Austria: general trends and differentials by educational attainment and urban-rural setting
by Martin Spielauer - WP-2005-011 Subjective well-being and mortality in Chinese oldest old
by Qiang Li - WP-2005-010 Official population statistics and the Human Mortality Database estimates of populations aged 80+ in Germany and nine other European countries
by Dmitri A. Jdanov & Rembrandt D. Scholz & Vladimir M. Shkolnikov - WP-2005-009 Why does Sweden have such high fertility?
by Jan M. Hoem - WP-2005-008 Becoming a parent in East Germany during the 1990s. The impact of personal considerations on the timing of entry to parenthood
by Holger von der Lippe & Gunnar Andersson - WP-2005-007 The cost of population aging: forecasting future hospital expenses in Germany
by Hilke Brockmann & Jutta Gampe - WP-2005-006 The contextual database of the generations and gender program in Bulgaria: conceptual framework and an overview of the Bulgarian context concerning the central database topics
by Martin Spielauer & Dora Kostova & Tatyana Kotzeva & Vetka Jekova & Kremena Borissova - WP-2005-005 A study on policies and practices in selected countries that encourage childbirth: the case of Sweden
by Gunnar Andersson - WP-2005-004 Month of birth influences survival up to age 105+: first results from the age validation study of German semi-supercentenarians
by Gabriele Doblhammer & Rembrandt D. Scholz & Heiner Maier - WP-2005-002 Fertility and spatial mobility: evidence from Austria
by Hill Kulu - WP-2005-001 Nichteheliche Mutterschaft und soziale Ungleichheit: zur sozioökonomischen Differenzierung der Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland
by Dirk Konietzka & Michaela R. Kreyenfeld
- WP-2004-030 Employment after childbearing: a comparative study of Italy and Norway
by Magdalena M. Muszynska - WP-2004-029 Mortality in varying environment
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2004-028 Childlessness and the concentration of reproduction in Austria
by Martin Spielauer - WP-2004-027 To concentration of reproduction in cohorts of US and European women
by Vladimir M. Shkolnikov & Evgeny M. Andreev & René Houle & James W. Vaupel - WP-2004-026 The Generations and Gender Contextual Database: concepts and content
by Martin Spielauer - WP-2004-025 Angleichung oder Verfestigung von Differenzen? Geburtenentwicklung und Familienformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld & Dirk Konietzka - WP-2004-024 Zur Bedeutung sozialen Kapitals für Fertilitätsentscheidungen: theoretische und empirische Darstellungen am Beispiel Bulgariens
by Christoph Bühler & Dimiter Philipov - WP-2004-023 The effects of socio-cultural and labor market conditions on marital separation during the early democratic period in Spain
by René Houle - WP-2004-022 Fertility of internal migrants: comparison between Austria and Poland
by Hill Kulu - WP-2004-020 Sample size and statistical significance of hazard regression parameters. An exploration by means of Monte Carlo simulation of four transition models based on Hungarian GGS data
by Martin Spielauer & René Houle - WP-2004-019 Gendering the family composition: sex preferences for children and childbearing behavior in the Nordic countries
by Gunnar Andersson & Karsten Hank & Marit Rønsen & Andres Vikat - WP-2004-018 The demographics of same-sex „marriages“ in Norway and Sweden
by Gunnar Andersson & Turid Noack & Ane Seierstad & Harald Weedon-Fekjær - WP-2004-016 Does the impact of socioeconomic status on mortality decrease with increasing age?
by Rasmus Hoffmann - WP-2004-015 The compatibility between work and family life – an empirical study of second birth risks in West Germany and France
by Katja Köppen - WP-2004-014 The contextual database of the Generations and Gender Program: overview, conceptual framework and the link to the Generations and Gender Survey
by Martin Spielauer - WP-2004-013 Family formation in times of social and economic change: an analysis of the 1971 East German cohort
by Johannes Huinink & Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2004-012 Social capital and fertility intentions: the case of Poland
by Christoph Bühler & Ewa Fratczak - WP-2004-011 Labour-market attachment and entry into parenthood: The experience of immigrant women in Sweden
by Gunnar Andersson & Kirk Scott - WP-2004-010 Does divorce risk depend on spouses´ relative income? A register-based study of first marriages in Sweden in 1981–1998
by Guiping Liu & Andres Vikat - WP-2004-009 Sozialstruktur und Kinderbetreuung: Eine Analyse der sozialen und ökonomischen Determinanten der Nutzung von Kindertageseinrichtungen
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2004-008 Fertility decisions in the FRG and GDR
by Michaela R. Kreyenfeld - WP-2004-007 Die Bedeutung von Herkunftsfamilie, Berufsbiografie und Partnerschaften für den Übergang zur Ehe und Vaterschaft
by Angelika Tölke - WP-2004-006 Erwerbsstatus und Familienentwicklung in Schweden aus paarbezogener Perspektive
by Gunnar Andersson & Ann-Zofie Duvander & Karsten Hank - WP-2004-005 "The husband’s mother is the devil in house" - Data on the impact of the mother-in-law on stillbirth mortality in historical Krummhörn (C18-C19 Germany) and some thoughts on the evolution of postgenerative female life
by Eckart Voland & Jan Beise - WP-2004-004 The helping and the helpful grandmother - The role of maternal and paternal grandmothers in child mortality in the 17th and 18th century population of French Settlers in Quebec, Canada
by Jan Beise - WP-2004-003 Menopause and post-generative longevity: Testing the ´stopping-early´ and ´grandmother´ hypotheses
by Sara Grainger & Jan Beise - WP-2004-001 Women’s labor force attachment and childbearing in Finland
by Andres Vikat
- WP-2003-041 Modeling failure (mortality) rate with a change point
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2003-040 Lifesaving increases life expectancy
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2003-039 Age correspondence for different mortality regimes with and without the change point
by Maxim S. Finkelstein - WP-2003-038 Italian adolescents’ first romantic relationships: an explorative study
by Marcantonio Caltabiano