March 2025, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-48 Gendered fertility intentions and child schooling: insights on the quantity–quality trade-off from Ethiopia
by Eva BOONAERT & Kaat VAN HOYWEGHEN & Ashenafi DUGUMA FEYISA & Peter GOOS & Miet MAERTENS - 49-81 Sex of first child: like migrant father, like son
by Shan LI - 82-118 Hong Kong wives say no to a big family—educational pairings and fertility in Hong Kong
by Skylar BIYANG SUN & Xiaohang ZHAO - 119-145 Conflict, rockets, and birth outcomes: evidence from Israel's Operation Protective Edge
by Shirlee LICHTMAN-SADOT & Neta BNEHSHALOM-TIROSH & Eyal SHEINER - 146-165 The impact of the relaxation of the One-Child Policy on employment
by Xiaoyu WU & Jingwen YAN - 166-190 Restrictive fertility policy and elderly suicides: evidence from China
by Manfei LI & Uwe SUNDE
December 2024, Volume 90, Issue 4
- 552-552 ESPE special issue
by Libertad GONZALEZ - 553-588 A poisoned gift? The hireability signals of an income-support program for the senior unemployed
by Axana DALLE & Philippe STERKENS & Stijn BAERT - 589-625 Flexible working and well-being: evidence from the UK
by Margherita AGNOLETTO - 626-658 Immigration restriction and the transfer of cultural norms over time and boundaries: the case of religiosity
by Fausto GALLI & Simone MANZAVINO & Giuseppe RUSSO - 659-688 Statistical gender discrimination: evidence from young workers across four decades and 56 countries
September 2024, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 350-351 Foreword/Editorial Introduction
by Hillel RAPOPORT - 352-383 Selecting only the best and brightest? An assessment of migration policy selectivity and its effectiveness
by Glen RAYP & Ilse RUYSSSEN & Samuel STANDAERT - 384-411 The within-country distribution of brain drain and brain gain effects: A case study on Senegal
by Philippe BOCQUIER & Narcisse CHA’NGOM & Frédéric DOQUIER & Joël MACHADO - 412-433 International migration, remittances, and remaining households: evidence from a trade embargo
by Afnan AL-MALK & Jean-François MAYSTADT & Maria AVARRO PANIAGUA - 434-459 International migration, transfers of norms and public goods back home
by Jan BRZOZOWSKI & Nicola Daniele CONIGLIO - 460-480 Facing displacement and a global pandemic: evidence from a fragile state
by Michele DI MAIO & Francesco FASANI & Valerio Leone SCIABOLAZZA & Vasco MOLINI - 486-520 Child growth and refugee status: evidence from Syrian migrants in Turkey
by Murat DEMIRCI & Andrew D. FOSTER & Murat G. KIRDAR - 521-551 Can refugees improve native children's health?: evidence from Turkey
by Cansu OYMAK & Jean-François MAYSTADT
June 2024, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 154-175 Relationship between asset ownership and women's empowerment? Evidence from DHS data from 18 developing countries
by Rafi AMIR-UD-DIN & Lubna NAZ & Hafeez, ALI - 176-201 Child marriage and reproductive health of Indian women
by Surya NATH MAITI & Manoj MAHARIA & Debayan PAKRASHI & Abhishek GAUTAM - 202-228 Cognitive skills and intra-household allocation of schooling: do parents reinforce or correct for cognitive differences between siblings?
by Jorge GARCÍA-HOMBRADOS - 229-255 Maternal health intervention and sex ratios: evidence from the Village Midwife Program in Indonesia
by Md NAZMUL AHSAN & Tattwachaitanya RIDDI MAHARAJ - 256-284 Changing educational homogamy: shifting preferences or evolving educational distribution?
by Anna NASZODI & Francisco Mendonca - 285-312 Fertility, electricity and television: is there a link? Evidence from Pakistan, 1990–2018
by Luca TASCIOTTI & Farooq Sulehria & Natascha Wagner - 313-348 Has the COVID-19 pandemic widened the gender gap in paid work hours in Spain?
March 2024, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-30 Oil discoveries and gender inequality
by Anca M. GRECU & Edner BATAILLE - 31-54 Income and differential fertility: evidence from oil price shocks
by Abebe HAILEMARIAM - 55-87 What determines women's labor supply? The role of home productivity and social norms
by Farzana AFRIDI & Monisankar BISHNU & Kanika MAHAJAN - 88-115 Does breastfeeding support at work help mothers, children, and employers at the same time?
by Emilia DEL BONO & Chiara Daniela PRONZATO - 116-153 The role of religion in female labor supply: evidence from two Muslim denominations
by Pelin AKYOL & Çağla ÖKTEN
December 2023, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 553-568 Son preference and low birth weight for girls
by Hyunkuk CHO - 569-585 Legally ever after: How did 1986 immigration reform affect marriage?
by Aaron, M. GAMINO - 587-607 Changes in assortative matching and educational inequality: evidence from marriage and birth records in Mexico
September 2023, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 299-312 Longevity risk and capital markets: the 2021–22 update
by David BLAKE & Andrew, J. G. GAIRNS & Malene KALLESTRUP-LAMB & Jesper RANGVID - 313-327 Resilience in a time of crisis: how COVID-19 pandemic insights are supporting a vibrant longevity risk transfer market
by Amy KESSLER - 329-347 Buy-ins, buy-outs, longevity bonds, and the creation of value
by Richard McMINN & Yijia LIN & Tianxiang SHI - 349-372 A market consistent approach to the valuation of no-negative equity guarantees and equity release mortgages
by Dean BUCKNER & Kevin DOWD & Hardy HULLEY - 373-394 The effect of marital status on life expectancy: Is cohabitation as protective as marriage?
by Anne G. BALTER & Dorethe S. BJERRE & Malene KALLESTRUP-LAMB - 395-418 Counting the cost of inequality
by Les MAYHEW - 419-463 Survival analysis of longitudinal data: the case of English population aged 50 and over
by Marjan QAZVINI - 465-482 Morbidity compression and cancer insurance
by Hsin-Chung WANG & Jack C. YUE & Ting-Chung CHANG & Ting-Chen CHANG - 483-512 Accounting for COVID-19-type shocks in mortality modeling: a comparative study
by Simon SCHNÜRCH & Torsten KLEINOW & Andreas WAGNER - 513-532 Effect of the COVID-19 frailty heterogeneity on the future evolution of mortality by stratified weighting
by Maria CARANNANTE & Valeria D’AMATO & Steven HABERMAN - 533-552 The impact of long memory in mortality differentials on index-based longevity hedges
by Kenneth Q. ZHOU & Johnny SIU-HANG LI
June 2023, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 149-181 Does single pregnancy hurt birth outcomes among young mothers?
by Young-Il KIM & Jungmin LEE - 183-209 Female education, marital assortative mating, and dowry: Theory and evidence from districts of India
by Prarthna Agarwal GOEL & Rashmi BARUA - 211-252 The marriage age U-shape
by Pavel JELNOV - 253-281 Examining the consequences of poor neonatal health on the family
by Dara Lee LUCA & Purvi SEVAK - 283-298 Educational assortative mating and income inequality in Thailand
by Sasiwimon Warunsiri PAWEENAWAT & Lusi LIAO
March 2023, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-27 A new method for identifying the role of marital preferences at shaping marriage patterns
by Anna NAZSZODI & Francisco MENDONCA - 29-61 Economic returns of family planning and fertility decline in India, 1991–2061
by Srinivas GOLI & K. S. JAMES & Devender SINGH & Venkatesh SRINIVASAN & Rakesh MISHRA - 63-83 Wage and employment effects of immigration: Evidence from South Korea
by Hyejin KIM - 85-103 The effects of absent fathers on adolescent criminal activity: an economic approach
by David M. ZIMMER - 105-135 Impact of foreign domestic workers on the fertility decision of households: evidence from Hong Kong
by Nobuyuki NAKAMURA & Aya SUZUKI - 137-147 The demand for gratitude as a restraint on the use of child labor: A hypothesis
by Oded STARK & Wiktor BUDZINSKI
December 2022, Volume 88, Issue 4
- 473-501 Immigrants' demand for informal and formal education: evidence from US time use data
by Nicola Daniele CONIGLIO & Rezart HOXHAJ & Hubert JAYET - 503-533 Immigrant supply of marketable child care and native fertility in Italy
by R.D. Mariani & F. C. Rosati - 535-562 Tolerance and the labor supply of cohabiting gays and lesbians
by Mary Eschelbach HANSEN & Michael E. MARTELL & Leanne RONCOLATO - 563-587 Household consumption and home production at retirement in Thailand: evidence from a regression discontinuity approach
by Sasiwooth WONGMONTA
September 2022, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 257-282 Using intentions to predict fertility
by Johannes NORLING - 283-211 Does the expectation of having to look after parents in the future affect current fertility?
by Kei SAKATA & C. R. McKENZIE - 313-350 The parental home as labor market insurance for young Greeks during the Great Recession
by Rebekka CHRISTOPOULOU & Maria PANTALIDOU - 351-377 Household expenditure and child health in Vietnam: analysis of longitudinal data
by Trong-Anh TRINH & Preety SRIVASTAVA & Sarah BROWN - 379-417 Can the historical gender gap index deepen our understanding of economic development?
by Faustine PERRIN - 419-445 A recent change in the relation between women's income and childbirth: heterogeneous effects of work-family balance policy
by Min-Su CHUNG & Keunjae LEE - 447-472 More choice for men? Marriage patterns after World War II in Italy
by Erich BATTISTIN & Sascha O. BECKER & Luca Nunziata
June 2022, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 157-165 Configurational Studies on Family Exchanges
by Eric D. WIDMER - 167-194 Financial Support by Older Adults to Family Members: a Configurational Perspective
by Marie BAERISWYL & Myriam GIRARDIN & Michel ORIS - 195-216 Women's Personal Networks and Recourse to Prenatal Care in Bamako
by Siaka CISSE & Clémentine ROSSIER & Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdil - 217-236 Instrumental Support Exchanges among Kin and Non-kin in Light of Personal Configurations
by Gaëlle AEBY & Jacques-Antoine GAUTHIER - 237-255 The role of family networks and social capital on women's fertility intentions in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
by Moussa BOUGMA & Clémentine ROSSIER
March 2022, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-29 Educational Inequalities in Longevity in 18 OECD Countries
by Fabrice MURTIN & Johan P. MACKENBACH & Domantas JASILIONIS & Marco MIRA d’ERCOLE - 31-37 Urbanization, Long-run Growth, and the Demographic Transition
by Jonathan J. ADAMS - 79-120 Water, Walls, and Bicycles: Wealth Index Composition Using Census Microdata
by Rodrigo LOVATON DAVILA & Aine Seitz MCCARTHY & Dorothy GONDWE & Phatta KIRDRUAND & Uttan SHARMA - 121-156 Mortality decline, Productivity Increase, and Positive Feedback Between Schooling and Retirement Choices
by Zhipeng CAI & Sau-Him PAUL & C.Y. KELVIN YUEN
December 2021, Volume 87, Issue 4
- 511-536 Dead Men Tell no Tales: The Role of Cultural Transmission in Demographic Change
by Roman ZAKHARENKO - 537-560 Gender Norm Conflict and Marital Outcomes
by Francisca M. ANTMAN & Priti KALSI & Soohyung LEE - 561-587 Investigating the Long-Term Effects of Child Labor on Household Poverty and Food Insecurity in Ghana
by Monica Puoma LAMBON-QUAYEFIO & Nkechi S. OWOO
September 2021, Volume 87, Issue 3
- 293-344 A Meta-analysis of the Literature on Climate Change and Migration
by Michel BEINE & Lionel JEUSETTE - 345-381 The Geography of Climate Migration
by Michał Burzyński & Frédéric DOCQUIER & Hendrik SCHEEWEL - 383-436 Domestic and International Migration Intentions in Response to Environmental Stress: A Global Cross-country Analysis
by Els BEKEART & Ilse RUYSSEN & Sara SALOMONE - 437-477 Gendered migration responses to drought in Malawi
by Luis G. BECERRA - VALBUENA & Katrin MILLOCK - 479-510 The Impact of Natural Disasters on Migration: Findings from Vietnam
by Trong-Anh, TRINH & Simon FEENY & Alberto POSSO
June 2021, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 141-167 Actuarial deductions for early retirement
by Markus KNELL - 169-212 Pareto-improving transition to fully funded pensions under myopia
by Torben M. ANDERSEN & Joydeep BHATTACHARYA & Marias H. GESTSSON - 213-232 International migration and the gender wage gap
by Raymundo M. CAMPOS-VASQUEZ & Jaime LARA - 233-260 Segregation, fertility, and son preference: the case of the Roma in Serbia
by Marianna BATTAGLIA & Bastien CHABÉ-FERRET & Lara LEBEDINSKI - 261-287 Gender inequality in COVID-19 times: evidence from UK prolific participants
by Sonia OREFICCE & Climent Quintana-Domeque
March 2021, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-31 Demography and provisions for retirement: the pension composition, a behavioral approach
by Bernard M. S. VAN PRAAG & J. Peter HOP - 33-65 Age culture, school-entry cutoff, and the choices of birth month and school-entry timing in South Korea
by Taehoon KIM - 67-106 Son preference and the fertility squeeze in India
by Anna-Maria AKSAN - 107-140 Those who can't sort, steal: caste, occupational mobility, and rent-seeking in rural India
by Nicholas LAWSON & Dean SPEARS
December 2020, Volume 86, Issue 4
- 435-477 Migration-induced transfers of norms: the case of female political empowerment
by Elisabetta LODIGIANI & Sara SALOMONE - 479-501 Self-employment as a stepping stone to better labor market matching: a comparison between immigrants and natives
by Magdalena ULCELUSE - 503-532 Fertility, immigration, and lifetime wages under imperfect labor substitution
by Ross GUEST & Nick PARR
September 2020, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 207-211 Introduction to the Special Issue on the Economics of Religion
by Jared RUBIN - 213-257 Sex and the mission: the Conflicting Effects of early Christian Missions on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa
by Julia CAGÉ & Valeria RUEDA - 259-290 Prussia Disaggregated: The Demography of its Universe of Localities in 1871
by Sascha O. BECKER & Francesco CINNIRELLA - 291-304 Were Jews in Interwar Poland more Educated?
by Ran ABRAMITZKY & Hanna HALABURDA - 305-328 Religion, Family Structure, and the Perpetuation of Female Genital Cutting in Egypt
by Lisa BLAYDES & Melina R. PLATAS - 329-365 Social interactions, Ethnicity, Religion, and Fertility in Kenya
by Sriya IYER & Melvyn WEEKS - 367-402 Fertility, Migration, and Altruism
by Eli BERMAN & Zaur RZAKHANOV - 403-434 Religious Prohibition and Sacrifice: Evidence from the Amish Restriction on High School Education
June 2020, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 125-155 A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Development and the Demographic Transition: Fertility Reversal under the HIV Epidemic
by Luca GORI & Enrico LUPI & Piero MANFREDI & Mauro SODINI - 157-182 Equilibrium and A-efficient Fertility with Increasing Returns to Population and Endogenous Mortality
by Robert TAMURA & David CUBERES - 183-206 The Effects of Teenage Childbearing on Education, Physical Health, and Mental Distress: Evidence from Mexico
by Pinar Mine GUNES & Magda TSANEVA
March 2020, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-45 The South’s Demographic Transtiton and International Capital Flows in a Financially Integrated World Economy
by Frédérique GANNON & Gilles LE GARREC & Vincent TOUZÉ - 47-86 Living Longer in High Longevity Risk
by Rachel WINGENBACH & Jong-Min KIM & Hojin JUNG - 87-124 Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects of Demographic Change in an Open Economy - The Case of Belgium
by Willem DEVRIENDT & Freddy HEYLEN
December 2019, Volume 85, Issue 4
- 271-303 Optimal Education Policy and Human Capital Accumulation in the Context of Brain Drain
by Slobodan DJADJIC & Frédéric DOCQUIER & Michael S. MICHAEL - 305-320 Do Demographic Changes Affect House Prices
by Kristine GEVORGYAN - 321-345 A Demographic Factor as a Determinant of Migration: What Is the Effect of Sibship Size on Migration Decision?
by Jianmei ZHAO & Hai ZHONG
September 2019, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 181-208 The Cost of Consumption Smoothing: Less Schooling and less Nutrition
by Leandro DE MAGALHÃES & Dongya KOH & Räul SANTAEULILA-LLOPIS - 209-229 The Likelihood of Divorce and the Riskiness of Financial Decisions
by Oded STARK & Krzysztof SZCZYGIELSKI - 231-269 Forecasting Human Capital of EU Member Countries Accounting for Sociocultural Determinants
by Guillaume MAROIS & Patrick SABOURIN & Alain BÉLANGER
June 2019, Volume 85, Issue 2
- 095-121 The Living Arrangements of Elderly Widows, their Children, and their Children's Spouses
by Carlos BETHENCOURT - 123-164 Female labor force participation and fertility differentials
by Irakli JAPARIDZE - 165-179 Repercussions of Negatively Selective Migration for the Behavior of Non-Migrants when Preferences Are Social
by Oded STARK & Wiktor Budzinski
March 2019, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-19 Are We Born Aqual: A Study of Intergenerational Income Mobility in China
by Mengjie JIN & Xuemei BAI & Kevin X. LI & Wenming SHI - 21-42 The Effect of Family Size on Education: New Evidence from China's One-Child Policy
by Laura M. ARGYS & Susan L. AVERETT - 43-70 Reexamination of the Serendipity Theorem from the Stability Viewpoint
by Akira MOMOTA & Tomoya SAKAGAMI & Akihisa SHIBATA - 71-94 First Come, First Served? Birth Order Effects on Child Height in South Africa
December 2018, Volume 84, Issue 4
- 355-417 Time, Space and Skill in Designing Migration Policy
by Michal BURZYNSKI - 419-445 The Role of Fathers in the Criminal Careers of Juvenile in Italy
by Luca PIERONI & Donatella LANARI - 447-475 Net Nutrition and the Transition from 19th Century Bound to Free-Labor: Assessing Dietary Change with Differences-in-Decompositions
by Scott Alan CARSON
September 2018, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 231-256 Racial Differences in the Effect of Marriageable Males on Female Family Headship
by Terry-Ann CRAIGIE & Samuel L. MYERS, JR. & William A. DARITY, JR. - 257-307 An Analysis of Female Labor Supply, Home production, and Household Consumption Expenditures
by Kellie FORRESTER & Jennifer KLEIN - 309-354 The Impact of New Drug Launch on Life-Years Lost in 2015 from 19 Types of Cancer in 36 Countries
June 2018, Volume 84, Issue 2
- 149-187 From Empty Pews to Empty Cradles: Fertility Decline among European Catholics
by Eli BERMAN & Laurence R. IANNACCONE & Giuseppe RAGUSA - 189-207 A more Measured Approach: An Evaluation of Different Measures of Marriage Rates and Implications for the Family
by Mary Ann BRONSON & Maurizio Mazzocco - 209-229 Decomposing Gaps between Roma and Non-Roma in Romania
by Christopher RAUH
March 2018, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial Introduction
by Rohini SOMANATHAN - 3-40 The Impact of Education on Women’s Preferences for Gender Equality : Evidence from Sierra Leone
by Colin CANNONIER & Naci MOCAN - 41-77 Mother Singlehood at First Birth and Mortality Risks of First - and Later-Born Children : The Case of Senegal
by Nathalie GUILBERT & Karine MARAZYAN - 79-105 Marriage Payement and Women’s Bargaining Power in Rural Bangladesh
by Nazia MANSOOR - 107-148 Intrahousehold Distribution in Migrant-Sending Families
by Lucia MANGIAVACCHI & Federico PERALI & Luca Piccoli
December 2017, Volume 83, Issue 4
- 379-420 Marriage and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century
by Alessio MORO & Solmaz MOSLEHI & Satoshi TANAKA - 421-444 Love, Money, Location : The Interconnectedness of Marital Status, Income, and Location Choice of Immigrants to British Columbia, Canada
by Marcel VOIA & Wen CI & Michael HAAN - 445-492 Dealing with Undocumented Immigrants: The Welfare Effects of Amnesties and Deportations
September 2017, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 259-305 The EU-US Unemployment Puzzle Revisited : Insitutions, Demography, and Capital Flows
by Luca MARCHIORI & Olivier PIERRARD & Henri R. SNEESSENS - 307-327 Are we Counting all the Poor ? Accounting for the Intra-Household Allocation of Consumption in Burundi
by Marion MERCIER & Philip VERWIMP - 329-376 The Power of Big Data : Historical Time Series on German Education
by Claude DIEBOLT & Gabriele FRANZMANN & Ralph HIPPE & Jürgen SENSCH - 377-377 A culture of Kinship : Chinese Genealogies as a Source for Research in Demographic Economics - CORRIGENDUM
by Carol H. SHIUE
June 2017, Volume 83, Issue 2
- 149-175 Contraceptive Use and Time to First Birth
by Gauthier TSHISWAKA-KASHALALA & Steven F. KOCH - 177-210 Having a Second Child and Access to Childcare : Evidence from European Countries
by Hippolyte d’ALBIS & Paula E. GOBBI & Angela GREULICH - 211-244 Childhood Mortality, Childhood Morbidity, and Subsequent Fertility Decisions
by Marwân-al-Qays BOUSMAH - 245-258 The Health Hump
by Holger STRULIK
March 2017, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial Introduction
by David de la CROIX & Murat IYIGUN - 3-11 Africa’s Prospective Urban Transition
by Paul COLLIER - 13-30 Mortality, Migration, and Rural Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Urban Transition
by Sean FOX - 31-39 Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Challenge of Access to Basic Services
by William PARIENTÉ - 41-50 Transformation of African Farm Households: A Short Survey of Economic Contributions
by Catherine GUIRKINGER & Jean-Philippe PLATTEAU - 51-61 Population Growth, Employment, and Livelihoods: The Tripple Challenge
by John CLELAND - 63-76 Africa’s Prospects for Enjoying a Demographic Dividend
by David E. BLOOM & Michael KUHN & Klaus PRETTNER - 85-101 Understanding Demographic Dividends in Africa: The NTA Approach
by Latif DRAMANI & Idossou Jean-Baptiste OGA - 103-110 Gyrations in African Mortality and Their Effect on Economic Growth
by David N. Weil - 111-127 Parental Morbidity, Child Work, and Health Insurance in Rwanda
by Maame Esi WOODE & Marwân-Al-Qays BOUSMAH & Raouf BOUCEKKINE - 129-148 Long-Term Exposure to Malaria and Development: Disaggregate Evidence for Contemporaneous Africa
by Matteo CERVELLATI & Elena ESPOSITO & Uwe Sunde - v:83:y:2017:i:1:p: The Demographic Dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa: Two Issues That Need More Attention
by John F. MAY & Vincent TURBAT
December 2016, Volume 82, Issue 4
- 365-398 The Homosexual Lifestyle: Time Use in Same-sex Household
by Michael E. MARTELL & Leanne RONCOLATO - 399-421 Black-White Marital Matching: Race, Anthtopometrics and Socioeconomics
by Pierre-André CHIAPPORI & Sonia OREFFICE & Climent QUINTANA-DOMEQUE - 423-457 Push, Pull, and Population Size Effects in Structural Development: Long-run Trade-offs
by Oksana M. LEUKHINA & Stephen J. TURNOVSKY - 459-482 A Culture of Kinship: Chinese Genealogies as a Souce for Research in Demographic Economics
by Carol H. SHIUE
September 2016, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 241-279 Credible Commitments and Marriage: When the Homemaker Gets her Share at Divorce
by Ho-Po Crystal WONG - 281-314 Cultural Influences on the Fertility Behavior of First- and Second-Generation Immigrants
by Holger STICHNOTH & Mustafa YETER - 315-363 A Harmonized Dataset on Global Educational Attainment between 1970 and 2060 - An Analytical Window into Recent Trends and Future Prospects in Human Capital Development
by Anne GOUJON & Samir K. C. & Markus SPERINGER & Bilal BARAKAT & Michaela POTANCOKOVÀ
June 2016, Volume 82, Issue 2
- 139-165 Microbes and Markets: Was the Black Death an Economic Revolution?
by Gregory CLARK - 167-206 Gender Gaps in Completed Fertility
by Erica FIELD & Vera MOLITOR & Alice SCHOONBROODT & Michèle TERTILT - 207-239 Longevity Variations and the Welfare State
by Pierre PESTIEAU & Gregory PONTHIERE
March 2016, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 1-26 Migration and the Equilibrium Prevalence of Infectious Diseases
by Alice MESNARD & Paul SEABRIGHT - 27-109 Black and White Fertility, Differential Baby Booms : The Value of Equal Education Opportunity
by Robert TAMURA & Curtis SIMON & Kevin M. MURPHY - 111-138 Stochastic Dominance and Demographic Policy Evaluation: A Critique
by Juan Carlos CORDOBA & Xiying LIU
December 2015, Volume 81, Issue 4
- 331-377 Genes Legitimacy and Hypergamy : Another Look at the Economics of Marriage
by Gilles SAINT-PAUL - 379-408 Dissecting Network Externalities in International Migration
by Michel BEINE & Frédéric DOCQUIER & Caglar,OZDEN - 409-441 Generational Economics and the National Transfer Accounts
by Hippolyte d’ALBIS & Dalal MOOSA
September 2015, Volume 81, Issue 3
- 217-260 Capital Taxes, Labor Taxes and the Household
by Rigas OIKONOMOU & Christian SIEGEL - 261-299 Fertility and Social Security
by Michele BOLDRIN & Mariacristina DE NARDI & Larry E. JONES - 301-316 A Closed-form Solution for the Health Capital Model
by Holger STRULIK - 317-329 Measurment without Theory, Once again
June 2015, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 157-177 The Becker-Coase Theorem Reconsidered
by Pierre-Andre CHIAPPORI & Murat IYIGUN & Yoram WEISS - 179-201 Sons or Daughters? Sex Preferences and the Reversal of the Gender Educational Gap
by Moshe HAZAN & Hosny ZOABI - 203-216 The IPUMS Collaboration : Integratin and Disseminating the World’s Population Microdata
by Steven RUGGLES & Robert McCAA & Matthew SOBEK & Lara CLEVELAND
March 2015, Volume 81, Issue 1
- 3-6 Gary Becker and the Art of Economics
by Aloysius SIOW - 7-11 Gary Becker’sContribution to the Economics of Matching and Marriage
by Pierre-André CHIAPPORI - 13-25 Sex Ratios, Polygyny, and the Value of Women in Marriage - A Beckerian Approach
by Shoshana GROSSBARD - 27-31 Gary Becker on Human Capital
by Yoram WEISS - 33-43 Gary Becker’s Legacy on Intergenerational Mobility
by Nezih GUNER - 45-50 Gary Becker’s Contribution to the Analysis of Discrimination
by Christopher J. FLINN - 51-57 Gary Becker’s Contribution in Health Economics
by Rodrigo R. SOARES - 59-66 Gary Becker on the Quantity and Quality of Children
by Matthias DOEPKE - 67-74 Becker and the Demographic Transition
by Ronald LEE - 75-114 Why Are Married Women Working so much ?
by Larry E. JONES & Rodolfo E. MANUELLI & Ellen R. McGRATTAN - 115-155 Who Comes and Why ? Determinants of Immigrants Skill Level in the Early XXth Century US