2021, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 71-94 Dragon fruit: A review of health benefits and nutrients and its sustainable development under climate changes in Vietnam
by Thi-Thuy-Hai Luu & Truc-Linh Le & Nga Huynh & Pablo Quintela-Alonso - 95-99 Content of nitrates and nitrites in unprocessed raw beef
by Grażyna Gozdecka & Błażej Błaszak & Marek Cierach - 100-105 Mycotoxins in apples coming from organic production and integrated pest management
by Pavla Sehonová & Michaela Němečková & Lucie Plhalová & Petr Maršálek & Veronika Doubková & Petr Chloupek & Jana Čaloudová & Zdeňka Svobodová & Jana Blahová - 106-112 Effect of ultraviolet-C light and mild thermal treatment on the storage life of orange juice
by Paola Hernández-Carranza & Arely Peralta-Pérez & Raúl Avila-Sosa & Irving Israel Ruiz-López & Alfredo César Benitez-Rojas & Carlos Enrique Ochoa-Velasco - 113-121 Dissemination and characteristics of Klebsiella spp. at the processed cheese plant
by Tereza Gelbíčová & Kristýna Kořená & Lucie Pospíšilová-Hlucháňová & Nicol Straková & Renáta Karpíšková - 122-130 Simultaneous quantifications of four purine derivatives biomarkers in cow milk by SPE HPLC-DAD
by Mihaela Vlassa & Filip Miuța & Cătălin Dragomir - 131-139 Mycotoxins in oat flakes - changes during production and occurrence on the Czech market
by Tomas Dropa & Zbynek Dzuman & Petra Jonatova - 140-148 A study of combined minced meat from hydrobionts for snacks
by Dementieva Natalia Valerievna & Boitsova Tatiana Maryanovna & Bogdanov Valeryi Dmitrievich
2021, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-2 Congratulations on the life anniversary of prof. Pavel Jelen, Ph.D., P.Eng., Professor Emeritus of University of Alberta, Edmonton and University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
by Milada Plocková - 3-8 Rye - the nutritional and technological evaluation in Czech cereal technology - A review: Grain and flours
by Marcela Sluková & Lucie Jurkaninová & Ivan Švec & Pavel Skřivan - 9-16 Effects of cultivation media and NaCl concentration on the growth kinetics and biogenic amine production of Lactobacillus reuteri
by Patrik Body & Gabriel Greif & Gabriela Greifová & Margaréta Sliacká & Mária Greifová - 17-22 Combined effect of high temperature and drought on yield and malting quality of barley
by Ivan Bohačenko & Vratislav Psota & Jiří Hartmann & Markéta Musilová - 23-28 Antioxidant potential of tea assessed by optical absorption spectroscopy in DNA-encased carbon nanotubes
by Lijun Wang & Shusuke Oura & Yongbo Wu - 29-34 Production of low protein and gluten-free cookies for phenylketonuria (PKU) and/or celiac patients
by Ozen Parlak & Ayse Neslihan Dundar - 35-41 Properties of Indonesian plantain cultivars during ripening and recommendation for flour ingredients
by Rima Kumalasari & Luki Vanadiani & Riyanti Ekafitri & Ina Siti Nurminabari & Dewi Desnilasari & Nur Kartika Indah Mayasti & Diki Nanang Surahman - 42-48 Modelling the inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus at moderate heating temperatures
by Veronika Lehotová & Karla Miháliková & Alžbeta Medveďová & Ľubomír Valík - 49-57 Phloridzin as a marker for evaluation of fruit products authenticity
by Magdaléna Hrubá & Josef Baxant & Helena Čížková & Veronika Smutná & František Kovařík & Rudolf Ševčík & Kristýna Hanušová & Aleš Rajchl - 58-62 Sensory evaluation of chocolate bar production materials of dry cocoa seeds in various fermentation treatments
by Nurhayati Nurhayati & Mulono Apriyanto
2020, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 337-346 Lactoperoxidase system in the dairy industry: Challenges and opportunities
by Emmanuelle Silva & Juliana Oliveira & Yhelda Silva & Stela Urbano & Danielle Sales & Edgar Moraes & Adriano Rangel & Katya Anaya - 347-358 New food compositions to increase the content of phenolic compounds in extrudates
by Evžen Šárka & Marcela Sluková & Petra Smrčková - 359-366 Polyphenol composition of lettuce cultivars affected by mineral and bio-organic fertilisation
by Dimitar Bojilov & Soleya Dagnon & Kostadin Kostadinov & Stoyan Filipov - 367-374 The influence of lupine flour on selected parameters of novel bakery products
by Jana Štefániková & Veronika Valková & Veronika Nagyová & Matej Hynšt & Michal Miškeje & Petra Borotová & Vladimír Vietoris & Július Árvay & Tatiana Bojňanská - 375-387 Cost analysis of drying process by studying its kinetic parameters: A new study in Mexican chillies
by José Carrera-Escobedo & Oscar Cruz-Domínguez & César Guzmán-Valdivia & Victor Carrera-Escobedo & Mario García-Ruiz & Héctor Durán-Muñoz - 388-396 Computer vision techniques for modelling the roasting process of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) var. Castillo
by Eugenio Ivorra & Juan Camilo Sarria-González & Joel Girón-Hernández - 397-403 The use of irradiated potato flour as a partial replacement of wheat flour in producing biscuits
by Amal Hassan Alshawi - 404-409 Relationship between the fat and oil composition and their initial oxidation rate during storage
by Monika Sabolová & Václav Zeman & Gabriela Lebedová & Marek Doležal & Josef Soukup & Zuzana Réblová - 410-416 Antioxidant content and antioxidant activity in raisins from seedless hybrid vine varieties with coloured grape juice
by Venelin Roychev & Milena Tzanova & Neli Keranova & Penka Peeva - 417-421 Effect of preparation method and roasting temperature on total polyphenol content in coffee beverages
by Matúš Várady & Tatiana Hrušková & Peter Popelka
2020, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 265-272 Effect of disulphide bonds and sulphhydryl concentrations on properties of wheat flour
by Li Cuicui & Lu Qiyu - 273-279 Comparison of electronic systems with sensory analysis for the quality evaluation of parenica cheese
by Jana Štefániková & Patrícia Martišová & Július Árvay & Ervín Jankura & Miroslava Kačániová & Jana Gálová & Vladimír Vietoris - 280-286 Impact of antimicrobials, naturally produced by lactic acid bacteria, on the Listeria monocytogenes growth in minced salmon
by Joana Šalomskiené & Dovilé Jonkuviené & Irena Mačioniené & Raimundas Narkevičius & Reda Riešuté - 287-292 Total polyphenol content and radical scavenging activity of functional yogurt enriched with dates
by Leila Arfaoui - 293-300 Modified taro starch as alternative encapsulant for microencapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum SU-LS 36
by Raden Haryo Bimo Setiarto & Harsi Dewantari Kusumaningrum & Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie & Tatik Khusniati & Sulistiani Sulistiani - 301-307 The effect of the addition of chilli pepper fruits and refrigerated storage time on the quality of pasteurised canned meat
by Anna Draszanowska & Mirosława Karpińska-Tymoszczyk & Magdalena Anna Olszewska - 308-314 Prospective antimycotoxigenic action of wild Opuntia ficus-indica by-products
by Ahmed Noah Badr & Karolina Gromadzka & Mohamed Gamal Shehata & Kinga Stuper-Szablewska & Kinga Drzewiecka & Adel Gabr Abdel-Razek - 315-322 Screening of Lactobacillus plantarum with broad-spectrum antifungal activity and its application in preservation of golden-red apples
by Kangning Li & Wenyi Zhang & Lai-Yu Kwok & Bilige Menghe - 323-329 Heat-resistance of suspect persistent strains of Escherichia coli from cheesemaking plants
by Irena Němečková & Šárka Havlíková & Tereza Gelbíčová & Lucie Pospíšilová & Eliška Hromádková & Jana Lindauerová & Alžběta Baráková & Renáta Karpíšková - 330-336 Control of selected fermentation indices by statistically designed experiments in industrial scale beer fermentation
by Krzysztof Kucharczyk & Krzysztof Żyła & Tadeusz Tuszyński
2020, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 203-208 Effects of drying techniques on chemical composition and volatile constituents of bee pollen
by Merve Keskin & Asli Özkök - 209-214 Detecting soybean and milk in dairy and soy products with post-PCR high resolution melting assays
by Tereza Sovová & Barbora Křížová & Ladislav Kučera & Jaroslava Ovesná - 215-222 Volatile organic compounds throughout the manufacturing process of Mozzarella di Gioia del Colle PDO cheese
by Giuseppe Natrella & Giuseppe Gambacorta & Michele Faccia - 223-228 Effect of wine maturing on the colour and chemical properties of Chardonnay wine
by Martin Bartkovský & Boris Semjon & Slavomír Marcinčák & Peter Turek & Viera Baričičová - 229-236 Stickiness and agglomeration of blackberry and raspberry spray dried juices using agave fructans and maltodextrin as carrier agents
by Vania S. Farías-Cervantes & Yolanda Salinas-Moreno & Alejandra Chávez-Rodríguez & Guadalupe Luna-Solano & Hiram Medrano-Roldan & Isaac Andrade-González - 237-241 Reduction in sodium chloride content in saltine crackers through an edible coating
by Crislayne Teodoro Vasques & Maiara Pereira Mendes & Denise de Moraes Batista da Silva & Antonio Roberto Giriboni Monteiro - 242-247 Antioxidant ability of polyphenols from black rice, buckwheat and oats: In vitro and in vivo
by Fengying Xie & Yuchen Lei & Xue Han & Yuying Zhao & Shuang Zhang - 248-254 Influence of temperature on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines in pork steaks
by Mateja Lušnic Polak & Lea Demšar & Iva Zahija & Tomaž Polak - 255-258 Monitoring of gluten in Czech commercial beers
by Marek Pernica & Rastislav Boško & Zdeněk Svoboda & Karolína Benešová & Sylvie Běláková - 259-263 Freezing enhances the phytocompound content in cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) liqueur
by Oskar Szczepaniak & Joanna Kobus-Cisowska & Dominik Kmiecik
2020, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 137-143 Grapevine extracts and their effect on selected gut-associated microbiota: In vitro study
by Michaela Rollová & Lucia Gharwalová & Aleš Krmela & Věra Schulzová & Jana Hajšlová & Petr Jaroš & Irena Kolouchová & Olga Maťátková - 144-150 The effect of yeast generations on fermentation, maturation and volatile compounds of beer
by Krzysztof Kucharczyk & Tadeusz Tuszyński & Krzysztof Żyła & Czesław Puchalski - 151-157 Discrimination of Thymus, Origanum, Satureja and Thymbra species from the family Labiatae by untargeted metabolomic analysis
by Nurcan Aysar Guzelsoy & Filiz Çavuş & Oya Kaçar - 158-163 Characterisation of the total phenolic, vitamins C and E content and antioxidant properties of the beebread and honey from the same batch
by Tomasz Sawicki & Natalia Bączek & Małgorzata Starowicz - 164-170 Effects of monoacylglycerols and chitosan on the biogenic amine formation in the flesh of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
by Kateřina Matějková & Martin Křížek & Eva Dadáková & František Vácha & Tamara Pelikánová - 171-178 Palm date (Phoenix dactylifera) seeds: A rich source of antioxidant and antibacterial activities
by Abuelgassim Omer Abuelgassim & Mohamed Abdellatif Eltayeb & Farid Shokry Ataya - 179-184 Comparative analysis of riboflavin and thiamine in raw and commercial honey
by Slavica Sunarić & Jelena Živković & Ana Spasić & Jelena Lalić & Jelena Matejić - 185-191 Production of butyric acid at constant pH by a solventogenic strain of Clostridium beijerinckii
by Marek Drahokoupil & Petra Patáková - 192-197 Acceptance of bars with edible insects by a selected group of students from Tri-City, Poland
by Joanna Bartkowicz & Ewa Babicz-Zielińska - 198-202 Genetic features of Czech blue poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) revealed by DNA polymorphism
by Pavel Svoboda & Jakub Vašek & Pavel Vejl & Jaroslava Ovesná
2020, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 77-83 A targeted analysis of flavonoids in asparagus using the UPLC-MS technique
by Ming Zhang & Guihong Zhao & Guisheng Zhang & Xinyang Wei & Mingxia Shen & Liping Liu & Xiangying Ding & Yong Liu - 84-93 Effective discrimination of flavours and tastes of Chinese traditional fish soups made from different regions of the silver carp using an electronic nose and electronic tongue
by Zhengyi Hu & Yao Tong & Anne Manyande & Hongying Du - 94-102 Impact of different pure cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the volatile profile of Cabernet Sauvignonrosé wines
by Tereza Drtilová & Katarína Ďurčanská & Andrea Machyňáková & Ivan Špánik & Tatiana Klempová & Katarína Furdíková - 103-108 The effect of CO2 concentration on sweet cherry preservation in modified atmosphere packaging
by Shaohua Xing & Xiaoshuan Zhang & Hansheng Gong - 109-114 Fatty acids profile, conjugated linoleic acid contents and fat quality in selected dairy products available on the Polish market
by Beata Paszczyk & Joanna Łuczyńska - 115-122 Optimization of ultrasound assisted extraction method for polyphenols from Desmodium triquetrum (L.) DC. with response surface methodology (RSM) and in vitro determination of its antioxidant properties
by Geyin Zhang & Yunru Chen & Kinza Tariq & Zhaoxia An & Shuaiyang Wang & Fareed Qumar Memon & Weiyu Zhang & Hongbin Si - 123-130 Influence of high CO2 modified atmosphere packaging on some quality characteristics of fresh farmed pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus) during refrigerated storage
by Peiyun Li & Shiyuan Fang & Jingbang Wang & Jun Mei & Jing Xie - 131-136 The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds
by Jonna Szulc & Grażyna Gozdecka & Wojciech Poćwiardowski
2020, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-10 A study on wine sensory evaluation by the statistical analysis method
by Gang-Ling Hou & Bin Ge & Liang-Liang Sun & Kai-Xin Xing - 11-19 Chemical, microbial and antioxidant activity of Cola lepidota K. Schum fruits
by Solomon Oranusi & Adeola Onibokun & Oluwatoyosi Afolabi & Chineme Okpalajiaku & Anita Seweje & Bunmi Olopade & Yemisi Obafemi - 20-27 Effect of ultrasound treatment on the quality and contents of polyphenols, lycopene and rutin in tomato fruits
by Erik Gustavo Tovar-Pérez & Selene Aguilera-Aguirre & Ulises López-García & Maribel Valdez-Morales & Alma Karina Ibarra-Zurita & Rosa Isela Ortiz-Basurto & Alejandra Chacón-López - 28-35 Selected physical parameters and chemical compounds of different types of tomatoes
by Justyna Ewa Bojarska & Beata Piłat & Katarzyna Małgorzata Majewska & Daria Anna Sobiechowska & Agnieszka Narwojsz - 36-42 Monitoring of imidazole dipeptides in meat products by capillary zone electrophoresis
by Emőke Szerdahelyi & Barbara Csehi & Krisztina Takács & Eszter Korompai & András Nagy & Éva Gelencsér & László Friedrich - 43-48 Folate determination in livers of different animal species
by Marta Czarnowska-Kujawska & Elżbieta Gujska & Joanna Michalak - 49-56 Wheat dough fermentation and bread trial results under the effect of quinoa and canahua wholemeal additions
by Ivan Švec & Rasa Kapačinskaité & Marie Hrušková - 57-62 Influence of co-encapsulation of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb12 with inulin and ascorbic acid on its viability
by Monika Kumherová & Kristina Veselá & Kateřina Jokešová & Iveta Klojdová & Šárka Horáčková - 63-71 Detection of antibacterial residues in milk by HPLC-DAD and microbial inhibitor tests
by Sofia Christoforidou & Eftychia Karageorgou & Maria Ioannidou & Evdoxios Psomas & Martha Maggira & Georgios Samouris - 72-76 Attitude of assessors in the Czech Republic to the consumption of house cricket Acheta domestica L. - A preliminary study
by Lenka Kouřimská & Veronika Kotrbová & Martin Kulma & Anna Adámková & Jiří Mlček & Monika Sabolová & Dana Homolková
2019, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 391-402 Processing technology of tea bakery foods - a Review
by Hongchun Cui & Jianyong Zhang & Jizhong Yu & Heyuan Jiang & Cun Ao & Haitao Huang - 403-408 Application of fermented soya as a bacterial starter for production of fermented milk
by Jurate Slapkauskaite & Aiste Kabasinskiene & Dalia Sekmokiene - 409-416 Distribution of extracellular DNA in Listeria monocytogenes biofilm
by Martina Šuláková & Jarmila Pazlarová & Rikke Louise Meyer & Kateřina Demnerová - 417-424 Use of allyl-isothiocyanate and carvacrol to preserve fresh chicken meat during chilling storage
by Khabat Noori Hussein & László Friedrich & Gabriella Kiskó & Emna Ayari & Csaba Németh & István Dalmadi - 425-431 Analysis of total arsenic content in purchased rice from Ecuador
by Oliva L. Atiaga-Franco & Xose L. Otero & Alejandrina Gallego-Picó & Luis A. Escobar-Castañeda & Juan C. Bravo-Yagüe & David Carrera-Villacrés - 432-438 Pulsed electric field enhanced freeze-drying of apple tissue
by Yali Wu & Dongguang Zhang - 439-445 The occurrence of the selected Fusarium mycotoxins in Czech malting barley, harvested in 2012-2017
by Zdeněk Svoboda & Renata Mikulíková & Karolína Benešová & Sylvie Běláková - 446-455 Yogurt ice cream sweetened with sucrose, stevia and honey: Some quality and thermal properties
by Ayla Arslaner & Mehmet Ali Salik & Salih Özdemir & Ahmet Akköse - 456-462 Preparation of starch phosphate carbamides and its application for improvement of noodle quality
by Yaojun Sun & Shengru Yang & Guanglei Li & Mengxing Li - 463-468 Activity of natural radionuclide 210Pb in different foodstuffs in the Czech Republic and its annual intake
by Miluše Bartusková & Irena Malátová & Věra Bečková & Jiří Hůlka
2019, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 301-311 Nutritional, rheological and sensory evaluation of Lupinus mutabilis food products - a Review
by Francisco E. Carvajal-Larenas - 312-318 Optimization of divalent metal cations for maximal concentration of Monacolin K in Monascus M1 by response surface methodology
by Lin Lin & Lei Jiang & Hongzhen Guo & Li Yang & Zizheng Liu - 319-324 Mannitol evaluated mineral absorption and bone retention in ovariectomized rats
by Jin Xiao & Ei Sakaguchi & Bin Lin Shi - 325-331 Chemical composition, safety and quality attributes of traditional cottage sausage
by Krzysztof Surówka & Ireneusz Maciejaszek & Kamila Walczak & Maria Walczycka & Barbara Surówka & Magdalena Rzepka & Joanna Banaś - 332-337 Storage stability of fermented milk with probiotic monoculture and transglutaminase
by Izabela Dmytrów & Anna Mituniewicz-Małek & Małgorzata Ziarno & Jerzy Balejko - 338-344 Fungal contamination spices from Indonesia with emphasis on Aspergillus flavus
by Kiki Nurtjahja & Cut Fatimah Zuhra & Helmina Sembiring & Aditiya Bungsu & Jesica Simanullang & Juwita Esterina Silalahi & Betriana Novi Lenta Gultom & Sartini Sartini - 345-350 The gluten content in oat products available on the Czech market
by Jana Rysová & Eva Mašková & Zuzana Šmídová - 351-358 Phytochemical and antioxidant screening of some extracts of Juniperus communis L. and Juniperus oxycedrus L
by Nebojša Živić & Slaviša Milošević & Vidoslav Dekić & Biljana Dekić & Novica Ristić & Milenko Ristić & Ljiljana Sretić - 359-365 l-Ascorbic acid content and antioxidant capacity in less-known fruit juices
by Ivo Soural & Petr Šnurkovič & Monika Bieniasz - 366-373 Effect of taxifolin on physicochemical and microbiological parameters of dry-cured pork sausage
by Anita Rokaityte & Gintare Zaborskiene & Sonata Gustiene & Raimondas Raudonis & Valdimaras Janulis & Galina Garmiene & Arturas Stimbirys - 374-382 Characterisation of flaxseed cultivars based on NIR diffusion reflectance spectra of whole seeds and derived samples
by Yana Troshchynska & Roman Bleha & Lenka Kumbarová & Marcela Sluková & Andrej Sinica & Jiří Štětina - 383-390 Influence of nitrogen sources on growth of thraustochytrids in waste water from the demineralization of cheese whey
by Tomáš Humhal & Olga Kronusová & Petr Kaštánek & Tomáš Potočár & Jana Kohoutková & Tomáš Brányik
2019, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 221-225 Efficacy of chemical agents and power ultrasound on biofilms formed by Asaia spp. - spoilage bacteria in beverage industries
by Iveta Šístková & Iveta Horsáková & Miroslav Čeřovský & Helena Čížková - 226-231 Effect of oil contents on gluten network during the extrusion processing
by Feng Jia & Jinshui Wang & Yu Chen & Xia Zhang & Qi Wang & Di Chen & Changfu Zhang - 232-238 The influence of geographical origin on honey composition studied by Polish and Slovak honeys
by Monika Tomczyk & Maria Tarapatskyy & Małgorzata Dżugan - 239-245 Metabolomics-based authentication of wines according to grape variety
by Leos Uttl & Kamila Hurkova & Vladimir Kocourek & Jana Pulkrabova & Monika Tomaniova & Jana Hajslova - 246-251 The effect of drying temperature on the properties of gelatin from carps (Cyprinus carpio) skin
by Joanna Tkaczewska & Maciej Wielgosz & Piotr Kulawik & Marzena Zając - 252-259 Antioxidant properties and resveratrol content of Polish Regent wines from Podkarpacie region
by Sabina Bednarska & Aneta Dabrowa & Joanna Kisala & Idalia Kasprzyk - 260-267 Estimation of the antioxidant properties of milk protein preparations hydrolyzed by Lactobacillus helveticus T80, T105 and B734
by Katarzyna Skrzypczak & Waldemar Gustaw & Anna Kononiuk & Bartosz Sołowiej & Adam Waśko - 268-275 Onion waste as a rich source of antioxidants for meat products
by Jan Bedrníček & Ivana Laknerová & Zuzana Linhartová & Jaromír Kadlec & Eva Samková & Jan Bárta & Veronika Bártová & Jan Mráz & Milan Pešek & Renata Winterová & Naděžda Vrchotová & Jan Tříska & Pavel Smetana - 276-284 Influence of milling whole wheat grains and particle size on thermo-mechanical properties of flour using Mixolab
by Joseane Bressiani & Tatiana Oro & Paola Maria Lopes Da Silva & Flávio Martins Montenegro & Telma Elita Bertolin & Luiz Carlos Gutkoski & Marcia Arocha Gularte - 285-291 Hydroxymethylfurfural content and colour parameters of cookies with defatted wheat germ
by Marijana Sakač & Pavle Jovanov & Jovana Petrović & Lato Pezo & Aleksandar Fišteš & Ivana Lončarević & Biljana Pajin - 292-300 Effect of components in homogeneous extraction suspensions of pea and sweet buckwheat on γ-aminobutyric acid synthesis
by Yulong Huang & Na Chen & Fengxia Wang & Shen Song & Jie Guo & Zhongcun Pang & Ji Zhang
2019, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 141-154 Present status on removal of raffinose family oligosaccharides - a Review
by Jian Zhang & Guangsen Song & Yunjun Mei & Rui Li & Haiyan Zhang & Ye Liu - 155-164 Antioxidant activity and identification of food proteins by digestive enzyme supplementation and fermentation with Lactobacillus kefiri
by Ufuk Gökçe Ayranci & Anil Şeker & Sevda Arisoy & Hüseyin Çimen & Özlem Üstün-Aytekin - 165-172 Effects of different pH, temperature and foils on aluminum leaching from baked fish by ICP-MS
by Elif Inan-Eroglu & Atila Gulec & Aylin Ayaz - 173-179 LC-MS/MS method for the detection of multiple classes of shellfish toxins
by Ling Jan Chiou & Tai Sheng Yeh & Jiing Chuan Chen - 180-185 Biological activity of enzymatic hydrolysates and the membrane ultrafiltration fractions from perilla seed meal protein
by Bo Yeon Park & Kyung Young Yoon - 186-191 Evaluation of the quality of chilled and frozen African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1822) fillets
by Marlena J. Baryczka & Iwona Chwastowska-Siwiecka & Jacek Kondratowicz - 192-198 Quality evaluation of emmer wheat genotypes based on rheological and Mixolab parameters
by Magdaléna Lacko-Bartošová & Petr Konvalina & Lucia Lacko-Bartošová & Zdeněk Štěrba - 199-204 Discrimination of flax cultivars based on visible diffusion reflectance spectra and colour parameters of whole seeds
by Yana Troshchynska & Roman Bleha & Lenka Kumbarová & Marcela Sluková & Andrej Sinica & Jiří Štětina - 205-211 Authentication of meat species and net muscle proteins: updating of an old concept
by Monika Jiru & Milena Stranska-Zachariasova & Vladimir Kocourek & Ales Krmela & Monika Tomaniova & Jan Rosmus & Jana Hajslova - 212-220 Influence of heat treatment on structure, interfacial rheology and emulsifying properties of peanut protein isolate
by Yazhen Zhang & Wenfei Xiong & Lingling Lei & Yaqiong Pei & Lingling He & Tingyang Ai & Yan Li & Bin Li & Yuan Jiang & Xingnian Liu & Ling Wang
2019, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 81-92 Chemical composition, antimicrobial and insecticidal activities of the tunisian Citrus aurantium essential oils
by Enis Ben Bnina & Hafedh Hajlaoui & Ikbal Chaieb & Majda Daami-Remadi & Moncef Ben Said & Hichem Ben Jannet - 93-98 Impacts of sodium chloride reduction in tomato soup system using potassium chloride and amino acids
by Banu Akgün & Seda Genc & Qiaofen Cheng & Özlem Isik - 99-105 RSM/ANN based optimized recovery of phenolics from mulberry leaves by enzyme-assisted extraction
by Rahman Qadir & Farooq Anwar & Mazhar Amjad Gilani & Sadaf Zahoor & Muhammad Misbah ur Rehman & Muhammad Mustaqeem - 106-111 Effect of muscle anatomical location on fatty acid composition of beaver (Castor fiber) females
by Violeta Razmaite & Vidmantas Pileckas & Violeta Juškiene - 112-119 Rapid determination of theaflavins by HPLC with a new monolithic column
by Jianyong Zhang & Hongchun Cui & Heyuan Jiang & Lei Fang & Weiwei Wang & Wei Su & Chunhua Xiong - 120-127 Effect of flour and sugar particle size on the properties of cookie dough and cookie
by Hüseyin Boz - 128-134 Modelling and characteristics of thin layer convective air-drying of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) leaves
by Osman YağIz Turan & Fatma Ebru Firatligil - 135-140 Computer vision and artificial neural network techniques for classification of damage in potatoes during the storage process
by Krzysztof Przybył & Piotr Boniecki & Krzysztof Koszela & Łukasz Gierz & Mateusz Łukomski
2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-8 Morphology, physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of bee pollens
by Roman Bleha & Tetiana Shevtsova & Vojtěch Kružík & Ján Brindza & Andrej Sinica - 9-20 Bee breads from two regions of Eastern Ukraine: composition, physical properties and biological activities
by Roman Bleha & Tetiana Shevtsova & Vojtěch Kružik & Tereza Šorpilová & Ivan Saloň & Vladimír Erban & Ján Brindza & Valerii Brovarskyi & Andrej Sinica - 21-28 Potential of fourier transformed near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy for rapid analysis of elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) fruits
by Virág Csorba & Marietta Fodor & Szilvia Kovács & Magdolna Tóth - 29-35 In vitro cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of donkey milk on lung cancer and normal cells lines
by Cetin Akca & Ozgur Vatan & Dilek Yilmaz & Huzeyfe Huriyet & Nilüfer Cinkilic & Tolga Cavas - 36-43 In vitro evalution of antibiotic resistance of Lactobacillus bulgaricus strains isolated from traditional dairy products
by Huiling Guo & Wenyi Zhang & Lai-Yu Kwok & Bilige Menghe - 44-50 The methods analysis of hazards and product defects in food processing
by Krzysztof Przystupa - 51-56 Purification, characterization and in vitro bile salt-binding capacity of polysaccharides from Armillaria mellea mushroom
by Guoping Yu & Chonghui Yue & Xiaodan Zang & Chao Chen & Liangwei Dong & Yanqiu Liu - 57-61 Effect of high-pressure processing and natural antimicrobials on the shelf-life of cooked ham
by Markéta Adamcová & Vincent van Andel & Jan Strohalm & Milan Houška & Rudolf Ševčík - 62-68 Nutritional and technological properties of Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) cultivated in Mexican Northeast
by Laura Heredia-Rodríguez & Marcela Gaytán-Martínez & Eduardo Morales-Sánchez & Aurora de Jesús Garza-Juárez & Vania Urias-Orona & Blanca Edelia González-Martínez & Manuel López-Cabanillas Lomelí & Jesús Alberto Vázquez-Rodríguez - 69-74 Infrared drying of bee pollen: effects and impacts on food components
by Ayla Isik & Murat Ozdemir & Ibrahim Doymaz - 75-80 Comparative study of red yeast rice with high monacolin K, low citrinin concentration and pigments in white rice and brown rice
by Pramuan Saithong & Wanida Tewaruth Chitisankul & Supachai Nitipan
2018, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 427-440 Alcohol and Health: Standards of Consumption, Benefits and Harm - a Review
by Isabela Maria MONTEIRO VIEIRA & Brenda Lohanny PASSOS SANTOS & Denise SANTOS RUZENE & Tomáš BRÁNYIK & José António TEIXEIRA & João Batista E DE ALMEIDA SILVA & Daniel PEREIRA SILVA - 441-451 Relationship between tocopherols depletion and polymerised triacylglycerols formation during heating of vegetable oils
by Jakub FIŠNAR & Monika SABOLOVÁ & Zuzana RÉBLOVÁ - 452-458 Lineage and serotype identification of Listeria monocytogenes by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry
by Štěpán KOUDELKA & Tereza GELBÍČOVÁ & Markéta PROCHÁZKOVÁ & Renáta KARPÍŠKOVÁ - 459-469 Comparative study of aromatic and polyphenolic profiles of Croatian white wines produced by cold maceration
by Ana-Marija JAGATIĆ KORENIKA & Luna MASLOV & Snježana JAKOBOVIĆ & Igor PALČIĆ & Ana JEROMEL - 470-475 Development and application of novel additives in bread-making
by Mónika BARTALNÉ-BERCELI & Eszter IZSÓ & Szilveszter GERGELY & András SALGÓ - 476-479 Extraction conditions evaluation of pectin methylesterase produced by solid state culture of Aspergillus niger
by Valeria BORSZCZ & Taísa Renata PIOTROSKI BOSCATO & Karine CENCE & Jamile ZENI & Rogério Luis CANSIAN & Geciane TONIAZZO BACKES & Eunice VALDUGA - 480-486 Assessing the impact of non-thermal and thermal treatment on the shelf-life of onion juice
by Hande DEMIR & Mustafa Kemal YILDIZ & Ismail BECERIKLI & Sevcan UNLUTURK & Zehra KAYA - 487-493 The effect of freezing storage on physical and chemical properties of wild boar meat
by Marian GIL & Paulina DUMA-KOCAN & Renata STANISŁAWCZYK & Mariusz RUDY - 494-501 Fermentation process of mulberry juice-whey based Tibetan kefir beverage production
by Bo LI & Xin GAO & Na LI & Jun MEI
2018, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 357-364 Rapid detection of microbial contamination in UHT milk: practical application in dairy industry
by Martina KRAČMAROVÁ & Hana STIBOROVÁ & Šárka HORÁČKOVÁ & Kateřina DEMNEROVÁ - 365-371 Effect of yeast harvest moment on a brewing process in beer produced on an industrial scale
by Krzysztof KUCHARCZYK & Tadeusz TUSZYŃSKI & Krzysztof ŻYŁA - 372-377 The measurement method of meat conductivity
by Zdeněk BOHUSLÁVEK - 378-385 Quality of beef diaphragm meat in naturally occurring Sarcocystic infection in cattle
by Vytautas JANUSKEVICIUS & Grazina JANUSKEVICIENE & Gintare ZABORSKIENE - 386-391 Effects of artificial sweeteners on Lemna minor
by Klára KOBETIČOVÁ & Klára Anna MOCOVÁ & Lucie MRHÁLKOVÁ & Šárka PETROVÁ - 392-402 Tocochromanol content in commercially prepared fried foods
by Monika SABOLOVÁ & Štěpán CZORNYJ & Jakub FIŠNAR & Marek DOLEŽAL & Dominika SOSNOVÁ & Kateřina MATĚJKOVÁ & Zuzana RÉBLOVÁ - 403-409 Effect of glycerol on the physicochemical properties of cereal starch films
by Mona AGHAZADEH & Roselina KARIM & Russly ABDUL RAHMAN & Muhammad Tauseef SULTAN & Stuart Kenth JOHNSON & Maryam PAYKARY - 410-414 Performance of a freeze concentration pilot plant during the start-up phase
by Fulvia CHIAMPO - 415-419 Sensory quality of meat from crossbred boars in relation to their age and slaughter weight
by Lenka KOUŘIMSKÁ & Jaroslav ČÍTEK & Kateřina ZADINOVÁ & Monika OKROUHLÁ & Zdeňka PANOVSKÁ & Yunus KHATRI & Roman STUPKA - 420-426 Rapid evaluation of fresh chicken meat quality by electronic nose
by Edita RAUDIENÉ & Darius GAILIUS & Rimanté VINAUSKIENÉ & Viktorija EISINAITÉ & Gintautas BALČINAS & Justina DOBILIENÉ & Laura TAMKUTÉ
2018, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 277-283 Effect of increasing zearalenone levels on the coagulation properties of milk and the viability of yogurt bacteria
by Oto HANUŠ & Ludmila KŘÍŽOVÁ & Jana HAJŠLOVÁ & Jaromír LOJZA & Marcela KLIMEŠOVÁ & Libor JANŮ & Petr ROUBAL & Jaroslav KOPECKÝ & Radoslava JEDELSKÁ - 284-288 Fruit juices with probiotics - new type of functional foods
by Šárka HORÁČKOVÁ & Kristýna ROKYTOVÁ & Kristina BIALASOVÁ & Iveta KLOJDOVÁ & Marcela SLUKOVÁ - 289-295 Antioxidant activity and phenolic content of organic and conventional vine cane extracts
by Lucia GHARWALOVÁ & Daniel HUTÁR & Jan MASÁK & Irena KOLOUCHOVÁ - 296-300 Influence of calpain on lamb myofibrillar proteins degradation during in vitro culture
by Mukaddas MUHTAR & Ma Yi QIAO & Batur ABLIKIM & Arzugul ABDUWALI & Yusup SULAYMAN - 301-306 Effect of okara and vital gluten on physico-chemical properties of noodle
by Wei-Chen PAN & Yu-Ming LIU & Sy-Yu SHIAU - 307-313 Colour change and kinetics of winter jujube slices during pulsed air-jet impingement drying
by Yuxue CAO & Gao WANG & Yong HUANG & Rongguang ZHU & Qiang WANG & Shiyu WEI & Xuedong YAO - 314-320 Quality of noodles made from colour-grained wheat
by Dongyun MA & Jian ZHANG & Yaoguang LI & Chenyang WANG - 321-328 Inlet temperature affects spray drying quality of watermelon powder
by Yue SHI & Jing WANG & Yubin WANG & Huijuan ZHANG & Yue MA & Xiaoyan ZHAO & Chao ZHANG - 329-337 Pulsed air jet impingement drying characteristics of winter jujube slices
by Shi-Yu WEI & Gao WANG & Yong HUANG & Rong-Guang ZHU & Qiang WANG & Xiang-Nan ZHANG & Yu-Xue CAO & Xue-Dong YAO - 338-348 Optimization, antioxidant activity and bile salts adsorption capacity of the aqueous enzymatic extract from rice bran
by Yuxin WANG & Guoping YU & Xiaodan ZANG & Fei YE - 349-356 Effects of xanthan gum and corn flour on the quality of sponge cake using response surface methodology
by Na XIAN & Guohua HU
2018, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 195-207 Antioxidant and antihypertensive protein hydrolysates in fish products - a review
by Klaudia KORCZEK & Joanna TKACZEWSKA & Władysław MIGDAŁ - 208-214 Effect of different conditions on Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation and removal
by Pasquale Russo & Agni Hadjilouka & Luciano Beneduce & Vittorio Capozzi & Spiros Paramithiotis & Eleftherios H. Drosinos & Giuseppe Spano - 215-220 Investigation of hepatitis A and E viruses in mussels collected from the Bosphorus, in Istanbul, Turkey - short communication
by Huseyin YILMAZ & Utku CIZMECIGIL & Eda Altan TARAKCI & Ozge AYDIN & Aysun YILMAZ & Mehmet CALICIOGLU & Gurhan CIFTCIOGLU & Ali AYDIN & Kamil BOSTAN & Tansel SIRELI & Mine GUZEL & Asiye KARAKULLUKCU & Bekir KOCAZEYBEK & Wim van der POEL & Juergen RICHT & Nuri TURAN - 221-226 Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the shelf life of chilled Ccommon carp (Cyprinus carpio) steaks: chemical and sensory attributes
by Jelena BABIĆ MILIJAŠEVIĆ & Milan MILIJAŠEVIĆ & Danijela VRANIĆ & Jasna ĐINOVIĆ STOJANOVIĆ & Slobodan LILIĆ & Vladimir KORIĆANAC - 227-232 Phytochemical changes in mango fruit in response to Alternaria alternata infection
by Jiao LI & Liangang MAO & Yanning ZHANG & Lan ZHANG & Hongyun JIANG - 233-238 Determination of flavonoids and total polyphenol contents in commercial apple juices
by Leposava PAVUN & Snežana USKOKOVIĆ-MARKOVIĆ & Milena JELIKIĆ-STANKOV & Daniela ĐIKANOVIĆ & Predrag ĐURĐEVIĆ - 239-245 Effects of storage and processing parameters on pasting properties of Ofada for production of boiled and mashed rice
by Oludare Olumuyiwa ADEKOYENI & Rahman AKINOSO & Adekola Felix ADEGOKE & Stephen Akintunde FAGBEMI - 246-254 Effects of the addition of gluten with different disulfide bonds and sulfhydryl concentrations on Chinese white noodle quality
by Cuicui LI & Qiyu LU & Zipeng LIU & Huili YAN - 255-260 Effect of alginate beads on olfactory sensory perception of paraffin coated cheese
by Citlalli Celeste GONZÁLEZ ARICEAGA & Muhammad Inam AFZAL & Muhammad UMER & Syed Muhammad USMAN SHAH & Haroon AHMED & Muriel JACQUOT & Catherine CAILLIEZ-GRIMAL - 261-267 Juices enriched with phenolic extracts from grapes
by Jana KULICHOVÁ & Mantana BUAONG & Josef BALÍK & Pavel HÍC & Jan TŘÍSKA - 268-275 Modelling of the sorption isotherms and determination of the isosteric heat of split pistachios, pistachio kernels and shells
2018, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 109-118 Chemical composition of propolis from the Baha region in Saudi Arabia
by Ohood Hasan ALMOHAMMADI & Abdulsallam BAKDASH & Nael Abu TAHA & Ali ABU-RUMMAN & Sachil KUMAR - 119-125 The use of UniProtKB/BIOPEP for the analysis of oat globulin physicochemical parameters and bioactivity
by Iwona SZERSZUNOWICZ & Dorota NAŁĘCZ - 126-132 Determining the optimal method for DNA isolation from fruit jams
by Tereza SOVOVÁ & Barbora KŘÍŽOVÁ & Jaroslava OVESNÁ - 133-138 Starch nanoparticles - two ways of their preparation
by David CHENA ALDAO & Evžen ŠÁRKA & Pavel ULBRICH & Eva MENŠIKOVÁ - 139-145 Reduced microbiological contamination following irrigation of germinated seed for foods
by Honorata DANILČENKO & Elvyra JARIENÉ & Dalé TELEVIČIUTÉ & Skaidré SUPRONIENÉ & Jurgita KULAITIENÉ & Živilé TARASEVIČIENÉ & Alvyra ŠLEPETIENÉ & Judita ČERNIAUSKIENÉ - 146-153 Use of wheat straw and chicken feather hydrolysates as a complete medium for lactic acid production
by Lucia GHARWALOVÁ & Leona PAULOVÁ & Petra PATÁKOVÁ & Barbora BRANSKÁ & Karel MELZOCH - 154-162 Antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) extract in beef patties
by Haluk ERGEZER & Halil Ibrahim KAYA & Ömer ŞIMŞEK - 163-168 Influence of post-harvest ripening on the levels of selected compounds in various cherry cultivars
by Jan GOLIÁŠ & Naděžda VRCHOTOVÁ & Jarmila KOŽÍŠKOVÁ & Petr KOTAS & Jan TŘÍSKA - 169-174 Effects of osmotic dehydration vacuum-microwave drying on the properties of tilapia fillets
by Bing LIU & Jun CAO & Ai-Guo FENG & Yan LIU & Qun YU & Chuan LI & Zhen-Hua DUAN - 175-180 Changes in the levels of selected organic acids and sugars in apple juice after cold storage
by Ján MEZEY & Ivana MEZEYOVÁ - 181-186 Biochemical changes of Iranian probiotic Lighvan cheese
by Alireza SHAHAB LAVASANI - 187-193 Convective and microwave drying of onion slices regarding texture attributes
by Özge SÜFER & Hande DEMIR & Seda SEZER
2018, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-7 Bioavailability of corn gluten meal hydrolysates and their effects on the immune system
by Yuan-Qing HE & Chao-Yue MA & Ye PAN & Li-Jing YIN & Jie ZHOU & Yuqing DUAN & Haihui ZHANG & Haile MA - 8-15 Fractionation, antioxidant and inhibitory activity of Thai mango seed kernel extracts
by Chaianun NAMNGAM & Supakorn BOONYUEN & Praphan PINSIRODOM - 16-21 Identification of biphenyls - contaminants responsible for off-flavour in soft drinks
by Iveta ŠÍSTKOVÁ & Vojtěch KRUŽÍK & Aleš RAJCHL & Helena ČÍŽKOVÁ - 22-27 Development of a triplex real-time PCR for simultaneous detection of allergenic ingredients in processed food
by Wenju ZHANG & Yulei ZHAO & Qingjin XU & Qin CHEN - 28-36 Influence of supercritical fluid extract of Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark on physical, bioactive and sensory properties of innovative cinnamaldehyde-enriched chocolates
by Muhammad Ahmar JAHANGIR & Aamir SHEHZAD & Masood Sadiq BUTT & Muhammad SHAHID - 37-43 Automatic correction of the adverse effects of light on fruit surfaces using the shape-from-shading method
by Shu ZHANG & Jun LU & Lijuan SHI & Xianfeng WANG & Dejia HOU - 44-50 Effect of different durations of exposure to food-grade organic lactic acid on the growth of S. aureus and E. coli in meat from Persian sheep (Afshari breed) stored at refrigeration temperature
by Mohammad Ali Mogharei & Hamed Ahari & Ali Akbar Safekordi & Shabnam Haghighat Khajavi