2017, Volume 63, Issue 12
- 569-578 An environmental and economic evaluation of carbon sequestration from pyrolysis and biochar application in China
by Xiaoyong CAO & Chih-Chun KUNG & Yuelong WANG
2017, Volume 63, Issue 11
- 485-492 Intensity of ICT use by managers of agricultural enterprises
by Luboslav SZABO & Anita ROMANOVA & Vladimir BOLEK & Michal ZELINA - 493-501 Diversification of marketing strategies among small farms: empirical evidence from family farms in Taiwan
by Pei-An LIAO & Hung-Hao CHANG & Junlin HE & Kannika SAELIW - 502-509 Competitiveness and innovation of the Polish food industry
by Krzysztof FIRLEJ & Anna KOWALSKA & Arkadiusz PIWOWAR - 510-523 Application of the DEA on the performance evaluation of the agricultural support policy in China
by Xiaolin TANG & Jieqiong WANG & Biao ZHANG & Lingxian ZHANG - 524-530 The influence of national culture on changes in R&D expenses among agrochemical firms
by Michal JIRASEK
2017, Volume 63, Issue 10
- 441-448 The Halloween effect on the agricultural commodities markets
by Peter ARENDAS - 449-460 Beyond the mean: Estimating consumer demand systems in the tails
by Marilena FURNO & Francesco CARACCIOLO - 461-470 Readiness of human resource departments of agricultural enterprises for implementation of the new roles of human resource professionals
by Nadezda JANKELOVA & Zuzana JONIAKOVA & Jana BLSTAKOVA & Ildiko NEMETHOVA - 471-488 Impact of macroeconomic policies on national food security in Pakistan: simulation analyses under a simultaneous equations framework
by Muhammad AKBAR & Abdul JABBAR
2017, Volume 63, Issue 9
- 393-399 Legal and environmental aspects of authorizing edible insects in the European Union
by Nicole GRMELOVA & Tomas SEDMIDUBSKY - 400-410 On-line Agricultural Products Navigation System on the Google Earth
by Christina Ling-Hsing CHANG & Weng-Yi-Lang HSIAO - 411-420 Heterogeneity and efficiency of food processing companies in the Czech Republic
by Tamara RUDINSKAYA - 421-429 Differential land rent and agricultural taxation
by Alexander RYMANOV - 430-439 Bioeconomy as a new S-curve for Thai economy
by Narumon SAARDCHOM
2017, Volume 63, Issue 8
- 347-355 Predicting financial distress of agriculture companies in EU
by Václav KLEPAC & David HAMPEL - 356-369 Effects of the investment support in the Czech meat processing industry
by Jindrich SPICKA & Zdenka NAGLOVA & Martin GURTLER - 370-379 Integration of the SMED for the improvement of the supply chain management of spare parts in the food sector
by Jorge LOZANO & Juan Carlos SAENZ-DIEZ & Eduardo MARTINEZ & Emilio JIMENEZ & Julio BLANCO - 380-391 What may determine off-farm income? A review
by Radosław PASTUSIAK & Magdalena JASINIAK & Michał SOLIWODA & Joanna STAWSKA
2017, Volume 63, Issue 7
- 299-307 The Sweezy model of price competition among private labels of chain stores
by Roman Svoboda & Lenka Kopecka - 308-317 The relationship between the relative GDP share of agriculture and the unemployment rate in selected Central and Eastern European countries
by Murad A. BEIN & Serhan CIFTCIOGLU - 318-330 Perspectives of the Russian agricultural exports in terms of comparative advantage
by Irena BENESOVA & Mansoor MAITAH & Lubos SMUTKA & Karel TOMSIK & Natalia ISHCHUKOVA - 331-345 The foreign trade liberalization and export of agri-food products of Serbia
by Bojan MATKOVSKI & Koviljko LOVRE & Stanislav ZEKIC
2017, Volume 63, Issue 6
- 247-258 Risk factors in the agriculture sector
by Nadezda JANKELOVA & Dusan MASAR & Stefania MORICOVA - 259-270 Statistical analysis of factors influencing the results of enterprises in dairy industry
by Zdenka NAGLOVA & Barbora BOBEROVA & Tereza HORAKOVA & Lubos SMUTKA - 271-282 What are the factors affecting the consumers' milk choices?
by Osman GULSEVEN & Michael WOHLGENANT - 283-297 Impact of food availability on child mortality: a cross country comparative analysis
by Mary Oluwatoyin AGBOOLA
2017, Volume 63, Issue 5
- 197-203 Mobile accessibility expense analysis of the agrarian WWW portal
by Pavel SIMEK & Jiri VANEK & Michal STOCES & Jan JAROLIMEK & Jan PAVLIK - 204-216 Farmers' motivation and perceived effects of participating in short food supply chains: evidence from a North Italian survey
by Eugenio DEMARTINI & Anna GAVIGLIO & Alberto PIRANI - 217-227 Employer branding in the agricultural sector: making a company attractive for the potential employees
by Hana URBANCOVA & Petr RICHTER & Lenka KUCIRKOVA & Martina JARKOVSKA - 228-233 A conjectural variation approach to vertical integration in agricultural cooperatives
by Yung-Chang WANG - 234-245 The performance measurement of listed companies of the agribusiness sector on the stock exchange of Thailand
by Rapee PONGPANICH & Ke-Chung PENG & Kamonthip MAICHUM
2017, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 149-163 The regional structure of the CAP subsidies and the factor productivity in agriculture in the EU 28
by Bazyli CZYZEWSKI & Katarzyna SMEDZIK-AMBROZY - 164-174 The current state of the issue of information needs and dispositions among small Czech farms
by Jan TYRYCHTR & Vaclav VOSTROVSKY - 175-184 The impact of human resources on the agility, flexibility and performance of wine supply chains
by Jorge L. GARCIA-ALCARAZ & Aide A. MALDONADO-MACIAS & Juan L. HERNANDEZ-ARELLANO & Julio BLANCO-FERNANDEZ & Emilio JIMENEZ-MACIAS & Juan C. SAENZ-DIEZ MURO - 185-196 A spatial equilibrium analysis for the possible regional impacts of the European Union full membership on the Turkey's dairy industry
by Mustafa TERIN & Fahri YAVUZ
2017, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 103-120 Dynamics of the small farmers' behaviour - scenario simulations
by Gabriela KOLACKOVA & Igor KREJCI & Ivana TICHA - 121-135 Activation process analysis of the Localized Agri-food System using social networks
by Jazmin ENRIQUEZ-SANCHEZ & Manrrubio MUNOZ-RODRIGUEZ & J. Reyes ALTAMIRANO-CARDENAS & Abraham VILLEGAS-DE GANTE - 136-148 An improved EEMD-based hybrid approach for the short-term forecasting of hog price in China
by Tao XIONG & Chongguang LI & Yukun BAO
2017, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 53-64 Will the amendments to the IAS 16 and IAS 41 influence the value of biological assets?
by Hana BOHUSOVA & Patrik SVOBODA - 65-79 Financial crisis and the relative productivity dynamics of the biotechnology industry: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific countries
by Yung-Hsiang LU & Shun-Ching WANG & Chih-Hung YUAN - 80-92 Legal form of agricultural entities as a factor in ensuring the sustainability of the economic performance of agriculture
by Peter ADAMISIN & Rastislav KOTULIC & Ivana KRAVCAKOVA VOZAROVA - 93-102 Economic size of farms and adjustments of the total factor productivity to the business cycle in Polish agriculture
2017, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-12 Factors affecting farm size on the European level and the national level of the Czech Republic
by Vratislava Janovska & Petra Simova & Josef Vlasak & Petr Sklenicka - 13-23 The land use structure of agricultural holdings in the Central and East European Countries and its evolution
by Jacek STROJNY & Jakub PIECUCH - 24-33 Factors determining the financial structure of Czech and Slovak agricultural enterprises
by Lenka KALUSOVA & Peter BADURA - 34-43 Economic efficiency of suckler cow herds in the Czech Republic
by Jan SYRUCEK & Jindrich KVAPILIK & Ludek BARTON & Mojmir VACEK & Ludek STADNIK - 43-51 Innovation in the Hungarian food economy
by Jozsef TOTH & Imre FERTO
2016, Volume 62, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 62, Contents
by editors - 1-1 Authors Index, 62
by editors - 537-542 Robust parameter design for the optimisation of cutting conditions according to energy efficiency criteria
by Tomas MACAK & Jan HRON - 543-549 Consequences of maize cultivation intended for biogas production
by Zuzana LAJDOVA & Jan LAJDA & Jaroslav KAPUSTA & Peter BIELIK - 550-555 Economic efficiency of the AOQL single sampling plans for the inspection by variables
by Jindrich Klufa - 556-565 Optimal allocation of production resources under uncertainty: Application of the muliticriteria approach
by Jaka ZGAJNAR & Stane KAVCIC - 566-574 Agriculture and Environmental Kuznets Curves in the case of Turkey: evidence from the ARDL and bounds test
by Nezahat DOGAN - 575-584 Altruism, moral hazard, and sharecropping
by Jiancai PI - v:62:y:2016:i:12:id:9327-agricecon List Of Reviewers, 62
by editors
2016, Volume 62, Issue 11
- 493-506 Agrarian import ban and its impact on the Russian and European Union agrarian trade performance
by Lubos SMUTKA & Jindrich SPICKA & Natalia ISHCHUKOVA & Richard SELBY - 507-516 Agricultural competitiveness: The case of the European Union countries
by Anna NOWAK & Agnieszka KAMINSKA - 517-527 Determining the optimal selling time of cattle: A stochastic dynamic programming approach
by Susana MEJIA & Andres Ramirez HASSAN - 528-536 Historical development of land ownership in the Czech Republic since the foundation of the Czechoslovakia until present
by Ludek HOMOLAC & Karel TOMSIK
2016, Volume 62, Issue 10
- 447-458 Sustainable consumption of bakery products; a challenge for Czech consumers and producers
by Tomas RATINGER & Adam TOMKA & Iveta BOSKOVA - 459-470 Networks and export performance of agri-food firms: New evidence linking micro and macro determinants
by Raul SERRANO & Isabel ACERO & Marta FERNANDEZ-OLMOS - 471-482 Determinants of the revealed comparative advantages: The case of the European ham trade
by Aron TOROK & Attila JAMBOR - 482-492 Assessment of milk production competitiveness of the Slovak Republic within the EU-27 countries
by Dusan SIMO & Ladislav MURA & Jan BULECA
2016, Volume 62, Issue 9
- 395-406 Strategy for SMEs in the area of primary agricultural production
by Helena CHLADKOVA & Sylvie FORMANKOVA - 407-420 Formation of the theoretical framework for the comparative analysis of post-socialist countries
by Eva CIHELKOVA - 421-428 The relationship between profitability and capital structure of the agricultural holdings in the Czech Republic
by Jana STEKLA & Marta GRYCOVA - 429-445 A study on research hot-spots and frontiers of agricultural science and technology innovation - visualization analysis based on the Citespace III
by Qi-Qi CHEN & Jun-Biao ZHANG & Yu HUO
2016, Volume 62, Issue 8
- 345-343 Strategic talent management in agricultural and forestry companies
by Lucie VNOUCKOVA & Hana URBANCOVA & Helena SMOLOVA - 356-362 Effectiveness of weather derivatives as a hedge against the weather risk in agriculture
by Ivana STULEC & Kristina PETLJAK & Tomislav BAKOVIC - 363-377 Tax sharing under the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base: Measurement of the profit generating factors in the agriculture sector
by Danuse NERUDOVA & Katerina KRCHNIVA - 378-384 Testing the effectiveness of the oath script in reducing the hypothetical bias in the Contingent Valuation Method
by Tiziana DE-MAGISTRIS & Faical AKAICHI & Kamel BEN YOUSSEF - 385-394 Associations of reproduction and health with the performance and profit of dairy cows
by Lenka KRPALKOVA & Victor E. CABRERA & Jindrich KVAPILIK & Jiri BURDYCH
2016, Volume 62, Issue 7
- 299-310 Export competitiveness of the European Union in fruit and vegetable products in the global markets
by Stefan BOJNEC & Imre FERTO - 311-323 Consequences of supports to the economic situation of farms with respect to their size
by Zdenka NAGLOVA & Martin GURTLER - 324-333 Asymmetric competition in food industry with product substitutability
by Yong-Cong YANG & Pu-Yan NIE - 334-344 The level and determinants of work profitability changes in the Czech and Polish agricultural sector in the years 2004-2014
by Zbigniew GOLAS
2016, Volume 62, Issue 6
- 247-259 Improving agricultural performance for the working poverty reduction in the European Union
by Emilia HERMAN - 260-268 Peripheral innovation systems in the Czech Republic at the level of the NUTS3 regions
by Vladimir ZITEK & Viktorie KLIMOVA - 269-279 Profitability development of Czech dairy farms
by Zdenka ZAKOVA KROUPOVA - 280-291 Country and industry specific determinants of intra-industry agri-food trade in the Baltic Countries
by Attila JAMBOR & Jeremias BALOGH & Peter KUCSERA - 292-297 Factors of profitability of the grapes production
2016, Volume 62, Issue 5
- 197-204 The taxation of agricultural land with the use of multi-criteria analysis
by Jan SIROKY & Jirina KRAJCOVA & Jana HAKALOVA - 205-214 Multi-criteria evaluation model to face phytosanitary emergencies: The case of citrus fruits farming in Italy
by Alessandro SCUDERI & Luisa STURIALE - 215-224 Market equilibrium of the agricultural product target price insurance and its moral hazard premium
by Liang ZHAO & Yueying MU & Bo SONG & Qiao ZHANG - 225-234 Dairy farm profit according to the herd size, milk yield, and number of cows per worker
by Lenka KRPALKOVA & Victor E. CABRERA & Jindřich KVAPILIK & Jiri BURDYCH - 235-245 Modelling consumer's behaviour of the meat consumption in Slovakia
2016, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 149-159 Tracing shift in Czech rural development paradigm (Reflections of Local Action Groups in the media)
by Katerina BOUKALOVA & Alena KOLAROVA & Michal LOSTAK - 160-166 Amendments to the IAS 41 and IAS 16 - implications for accounting of bearer plants
by Saverio BOZZOLAN & Enrico LAGHI & Marco MATTEI - 167-180 The role of natural conditions in qualified agritourism - case of Poland
by Agnieszka POCZTA-WAJDA & Joanna POCZTA - 181-195 Efficiency of small scale vegetable farms: policy implications for the rural poverty reduction in Nepal
by Rudra Bahadur SHRESTHA & Wen-Chi HUANG & Shriniwas GAUTAM & Thomas Gordon JOHNSON
2016, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 101-112 Environmental and social value of agriculture innovation
by Marie KUBANKOVA & Miroslav HAJEK & Alena VOTAVOVA - 113-123 Dynamic modelling in loss frequency and severity estimated: Evidence from the agricultural rice loss due to typhoons in Taiwan
by Li-Hua Lai - 124-133 Innovative approaches to examining consumer preferences when choosing wines
by Elena HORSKA & Jakub BERCIK & Andrzej KRASNODEBSKI & Renata MATYSIK-PEJAS & Hana BAKAYOVA - 134-148 Framework for assessing the farm relative sustainability: a Lithuanian case study
2016, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 51-61 Impact of the changes in excise duties on households in the Czech Republic
by Petr JANSKÝ - 62-70 An analysis of the efficiency in a sample of small Italian farms part of the FADN dataset
by Nicola GALLUZZO - 71-77 Full operating cycle influence on the food and beverages processing firms characteristics
by Grzegorz MICHALSKI - 78-92 Maximum residue limits and agrifood exports of China: choosing the best estimation technique
by Muhammad ISHAQ & Qing PING & Zahoorul HAQ & Chongguang LI & Chen TONG - 93-98 Economic growth in the development economy
by Vladimír JENÍČEK
2016, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-8 The impact of the biogas industry on agricultural sector in Germany
by Zuzana LAJDOVA & Jan LAJDA & Peter BIELIK - 9-25 Foreign trade in agricultural products in the Czech Republic
by Luboš SMUTKA & Miroslav SVATOŠ & Karel TOMŠÍK & Olga Ivanovna SERGIENKO - 26-34 Adaptation strategies for the Greek agricultural cooperatives during the economic crisis
by Achilleas KONTOGEORGOS & Fotios CHATZITHEODORIDIS & Efstratios LOIZOU - 35-44 Green finance for sustainable green economic growth in India
by Parvadavardini SOUNDARRAJAN & Nagarajan VIVEK - 45-50 The optimal capital structure in agricultural cooperatives under the revolving fund cycles
by Yung-Chang WANG
2015, Volume 61, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 61, Contents
by editors - 1-1 Authors Index 61
by editors - 543-551 Factors determining TFP changes in Czech agriculture
by Lukas CECHURA & Zdenka KROUPOVA & Tamara RUDINSKAYA - 552-563 Multiple-regime price transmission between wheat and wheat flour prices in Korea
by Jung Hun HAN & Byeong-Il AHN - 564-576 World oil prices and agricultural commodity prices: The evidence from China
by Zhengwei MA & Rui XU & Xiucheng DONG - 577-586 The problem of complexity in economics on the example of the agricultural sector
by Aleksander GRZELAK - v:61:y:2015:i:12:id:8593-agricecon List Of Rewievers, 61
by editors
2015, Volume 61, Issue 11
- 493-501 Agriculture in the EU and position of the Slovak Republic
by Ľuboslav SZABO & Miroslav GRZNÁR - 502-510 Integrated assessment of crop productivity based on the food supply forecasting
by Waldemar BOJAR & Leszek KNOPIK & Jacek ŻARSKI & Renata KUŚMIEREK-TOMASZEWSKA - 511-521 Empirical tests of sale theories: Hungarian milk prices
by Zoltán BAKUCS & Imre FERTŐ - 522-532 Efficiency change in North-East China agricultural sector: A DEA approach
by Shiwei LIU & Pingyu ZHANG & Xiuli HE & Jing LI - 533-541 Do farmers' old age pension programs affect farm production? Empirical evidence of dairy farms in Taiwan
by Hung-Hao CHANG & Jiun-Hao WANG & Ashok K. MISHRA
2015, Volume 61, Issue 10
- 441-449 On the combined estimation of technical efficiency and its application to agriculture
by Lucyna BŁAŻEJCZYK-MAJKA & Radosław KALA - 450-460 Factors that influence the competitiveness of Czech rural SMEs
by Josef ABRHÁM & Wadim STRIELKOWSKI & Milan VOŠTA & Jan ŠLAJS - 461-474 Analysis of the agriculture trade openness impact on the rural household's food consumption in China
by Difei ZHAO & Zhenyuan LIU - 475-483 A study on the relationship between international trade and food security: Evidence from less developed countries (LDCs)
by Hyunsoo KANG - 484-491 The role of participants' competitiveness in consumers' valuation for food products using experimental auctions
by Azucena GRACIA & Tiziana DE-MAGISTRIS
2015, Volume 61, Issue 9
- 393-399 Mixture design for food packaging in a modified atmosphere
by Jan HRON & Tomas MACAK - 400-409 Proposal of new outperformance certificates in agricultural market
by Monika HARČARIKOVÁ - 410-421 The interactions between agricultural commodity and oil prices: an empirical analysis
by Ayhan KAPUSUZOGLU & Merve KARACAER ULUSOY - 422-428 Impact of price realization on India's tea export: Evidence from Quantile Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model
by Debdatta PAL & Subrata Kumar MITRA - 429-440 Effect of the family life cycle on the family farm scale in Southern China
by Lin LIANG & Shanlang LIN & Zuoxiong ZHANG
2015, Volume 61, Issue 8
- 343-355 Impacts of the government-supported investments on the economic farm performance in Austria
by Stefan KIRCHWEGER & Jochen KANTELHARDT & Friedrich LEISCH - 356-366 Age of machinery and equipment in the Czech agriculture
by Igor KREJČÍ & Petr MAZOUCH & Kristýna VLTAVSKÁ & Roman KVASNIČKA - 367-376 Agricultural land market in Slovakia - economic and legal impacts of the Law No. 140/2014 Coll. on the land acquisition
by Jarmila LAZÍKOVÁ & Ivan TAKÁČ & Pavol SCHWARCZ & Anna BANDLEROVÁ - 377-392 Values and professional and ethical norms in rural tourism in Poland
by Jan SIKORA & Wlodzimierz KACZOCHA & Agnieszka WARTECKA-WAZYNSKA
2015, Volume 61, Issue 7
- 297-313 R&D Investments, technology spillovers and agricultural productivity, case of the Czech Republic
by Tomas RATINGER & Zuzana KRISTKOVA - 314-325 Do hog breeds matter? Investigating the price volatility in the Taiwan's auction market
by Heng-Hung KUO & Li-Hsing HO & Wen-Hung LIN - 326-331 Economic aspects of the LTPD single sampling inspection plans
by Jindřich KLŮFA - 332-342 Comparative analysis of the animal products consumption in developing countries: the case study of the South Asian countries
by Muhammad Rizwan YASEEN & Imran QAISER & Nabeela KOUSAR
2015, Volume 61, Issue 6
- 249-264 Recent areas of innovation activities in the Czech dairy industry
by Jindřich ŠPIČKA & Luboš SMUTKA & Richard SELBY - 265-274 Natural climatic conditions as a determinant of productivity and economic efficiency of agricultural entities
by Peter ADAMIŠIN & Rastislav KOTULIČ & Ivana KRAVČÁKOVÁ VOZÁROVÁ & Roman VAVREK - 275-283 Technical efficiency and its determinants in the European Union
by Anna NOWAK & Tomasz KIJEK & Katarzyna DOMAŃSKA - 284-295 Economic effects of the biochar application on rice supply in Taiwan
by Meng-Shiuh CHANG & Wen WANG & Chih-Chun KUNG
2015, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 197-204 Impact of the Rural Development Programme Subsidies on the farms' inefficiency and efficiency
by Marie PECHROVÁ - 205-213 Is there co-movement between the China and US agricultural futures markets?
by Bing Zhang - 214-221 Price volatility spillovers among agricultural commodity and crude oil markets: Evidence from the range-based estimator
by Giray GOZGOR & Cahit MEMIS - 222-233 Overcoming the legacy of the past? Analyzing the modes of governance used by the Polish agricultural producer groups
by Volker BECKMANN & Ilona M. OTTO & Rong TAN - 234-247 Least developed countries - the case of Burundi
by Vladimír JENÍČEK & Šárka GROFOVÁ
2015, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 149-157 Commodity price risk management using option strategies
by Martina RUSNÁKOVÁ - 158-165 Taxation of exports - theory and practice
by Pavel ŽAMBERSKÝ & Radek ČAJKA - 166-178 International market structure and competitiveness at the malted beer: from 2003 to 2012
by K.M. Thomé & A.B.P. Soares - 179-188 Identification of key factors for enhancing competitiveness: an exploratory study of the selected agri-biotech firms of Punjab in India
by Sandeep SINGH & Ravi KIRAN & Dinesh GOYAL - 189-195 Identifying sources of social capital among the farmers of the rural Sindh province of Pakistan
by Muhammad Javed SHEIKH & Ma'rof REDZUAN & Asnarulkhadi Abu SAMAH & Nobaya AHMAD
2015, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 105-115 The evidence of asymmetric price adjustments
by Zuzana LAJDOVÁ & Peter BIELIK - 116-134 Cross-country analysis of efficiency and productivity in the biotech industry: an application of the generalized metafrontier Malmquist productivity index
by Yung-Hsiang LU & Ku-Hsieh CHEN & Chun-Cheng WU - 135-148 The least developed countries - the case of the Congo D.R
by Vladimír JENÍČEK & Šárka GRÓFOVÁ
2015, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 51-62 Application of the DEA on the measurement of efficiency in the EU countries
by Kristína KOČIŠOVÁ - 63-71 Evaluation of the state of the Business Intelligence among small Czech farms
by Jan TYRYCHTR & Miloš ULMAN & Václav VOSTROVSKÝ - 72-82 Rural tourism development and financing in Romania: A supply-side analysis
by Daniel BADULESCU & Adriana GIURGIU & Nicolae ISTUDOR & Alina BADULESCU - 81-87 Agricultural exports and economic growth: Empirical evidence from the major rice exporting countries
by Hyunsoo KANG - 88-103 An ex-ante impact assessment of the Common Agricultural Policy reform in the North-Western Romania
by Mugurel Ionel JITEA & Diana Elena DUMITRAȘ & Vasile Alexandru SIMU
2015, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-13 Change in the production efficiency of European specialized milk farming
by Jindřich ŠPIČKA & Ondřej MACHEK - 14-22 The costs of Age Management in agricultural companies
by Hana URBANCOVÁ & Helena ČERMÁKOVÁ - 23-30 Cross border protection of the clusters' intellectual property in the agricultural sector
by Mirjana KRANJAC & Uroš SIKIMIĆ & Marija VUJAKOVIĆ & Istvan MOLNAR - 31-38 A study on the agricultural value chain financing in India
by Parvadavardini SOUNDARRAJAN & Nagarajan VIVEK - 39-49 Agricultural subsidy with capacity constraints and demand elasticity
by You-Hua CHEN & Jun-Yi WAN & Chan WANG
2014, Volume 60, Issue 12
- 1-1 Authors Index
by editors - 1-1 Volume 60, Contents
by editors - 539-545 Economic evaluation and design of control mechanisms to determine the concentration of juices
by Jan Hron & Tomas Macak - 546-552 Automatic discovery of the regression model by the means of grammatical and differential evolution
by Jiří LÝSEK & Jiří ŠŤASTNÝ - 553-569 The career paths of agricultural workers: What is the impact of temporary contracts?
by Sonia BELLIT - 570-581 Comparative analysis of the food and nutrients demand in developing countries: The case of main vegetable products in South Asian countries
by Muhammad Rizwan Yaseen & Irfan Mehmood & Qasim Ali - v:60:y:2014:i:12:id:7814-agricecon List of reviewers
by editors
2014, Volume 60, Issue 11
- 489-502 The position of agriculture in the Russian Federation - the last two decades development overview
by Miroslav SVATOŠ & Luboš SMUTKA & Natalia ISHCHUKOVA - 503-508 The clustering of agricultural products and determining important countries for these clusters by the factor analysis
by Sabri ER & Ahmet ÖZÇELIK - 509-516 Complete household demand system of vegetables in Ogun State, Nigeria
by Abiodun O. OTUNAIYA & Adebayo M. SHITTU - 517-523 Discussion with the paper 'Project costs planning in the conditions of uncertainty' by H. Štiková
by Igor KREJČÍ & Milan HOUŠKA - 524-537 Trade liberalization and state support of agriculture: effects for developing countries
by Vasily Erokhin & Anna Ivolga & Wim Heijman
2014, Volume 60, Issue 10
- 441-448 Analysis of mergers in Czech agriculture companies
by Eva HÝBLOVÁ - 449-457 The transactions on the agricultural land market in Slovakia
by Štefan BUDAY & Tatiana ČIČOVÁ - 458-468 Do formal credit constraints affect the rural household consumption in China?
by Jianmei ZHAO & Jun ZHANG & Peter J. BARRY - 469-478 Hedonic price analysis of the quality characteristics of Anatolian hard red wheat
by Suleyman KARAMAN & Feyza YAVUZ - 479-487 Proposal for the EU CAP compliant agricultural budgeting model in Montenegro
by Gordana DJUROVIC & Branko BULATOVIC
2014, Volume 60, Issue 9
- 389-405 Risk perception, attitudes towards risk and risk management: evidence and implications
by Erwin WAUTERS & Frankwin van WINSEN & Yann de MEY & Ludwig LAUWERS - 406-419 An exploratory analysis of payoffs for the lifetime mortgage of farming assets and its policy implications
by Gil H. PARK & Deokho CHO - 420-429 Environmental accounting and the FADN as a basis of model for detecting the material flow cost accounting
by Jindřiška KOUŘILOVÁ & Jaroslav SEDLÁČEK - 430-439 Factors of the attractiveness of Slovak wine market and their influence on the Czech wine export to Slovakia
by Renata KUČEROVÁ
2014, Volume 60, Issue 8
- 343-352 Measures ensuring the food quality on retail markets: experimental perspective
by Martin POLÍVKA & David MARTINČÍK - 353-363 Factors affecting consumer attitudes towards food products with sustainable attributes
by Azzurra ANNUNZIATA & Debora SCARPATO - 364-375 Local action groups and the LEADER co-financing of rural development projects in Slovenia
by Alenka VOLK & Štefan BOJNEC - 376-387 Factors influencing employment for tertiary education graduates at the selected universities
2014, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 295-300 Support of strengthening cooperation and efficiency factors accelerating innovation processes in the food industry
by Josef MEZERA & Roman NĚMEC & Jindřich ŠPIČKA - 301-308 A general equilibrium analysis of food industry considering the food quality
by Pu-Yan NIE & You-Hua CHEN - 309-313 Weather derivatives and hedging the weather risks
by Josef TAUŠER & Radek ČAJKA - 314-322 The use of controlling in agricultural enterprises and their competitiveness
by Alžbeta FOLTÍNOVÁ & Jindřich ŠPIČKA - 323-331 The developing trends of Hungarian agricultural loans in the term of 1995 and 2012
by Zsuzsanna SZÉLES & Zoltán ZÉMAN & Sándor J. ZSARNÓCZAI - 332-342 The linkage between oil and agricultural commodity prices in the light of the perceived global risk
2014, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 247-259 The perspectives for genetically modified cellulosic biofuels in the Central European conditions
by Pavla BLAHOVA & Karel JANDA & Ladislav KRISTOUFEK - 260-272 Less favoured area payments - impacts on the environment, a German perspective
by Katja RUDOW - 273-278 Farmers' willingness to switch to ecological agriculture: A non-parametric analysis
by Chang Hwan YU & Jin Chae YOO & Shun Bo YAO - 279-286 The foodstuffs market in the CR and its regulation within the framework of the EU agricultural policy
by Milan VOŠTA