2003, Volume 49, Issue 7
- 317-322 Care for monuments in Central Europe regarding the revitalisation of the countryside
by T. Hájek - 323-328 Changes in professions and wages in the farms
by S. Buchta - 329-333 To-and-fro migration of rural population
by L. Kříž - 334-337 EU membership - problems of communication of integration processes in the frame of European structures in agrarian sector
by M. Dvořáková - 338-340 European Society for Rural Sociology
by E. Kučerová - 341-342 Information of the Autumn School of Rural Sociology taking place
by L. Kocmánková-Menšíková & I. Herová - 343-346 Remember of Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002)
by H. Hudečková
2003, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 251-260 Influence of subsidies on the economic result of agricultural firms in production and marginal areas
by F. Střeleček & J. Lososová & P. Kollar - 261-265 The economics of the scattered green restoration in cultural landscape
by H. Součková - 266-274 Influence of policy measures on the competitiveness of the sugar industry in the Czech Republic
by M. Bavorová - 275-277 Corporate governance vs. crisis of company
by P. Moulis - 278-283 The analysis of proposals of the Common Agricultural Policy reform and its impacts for the EU
by M. Vosejpková - 284-289 The effect of feeding technologies on the economics of fattening pigs
by M. Šprysl & R. Stupka - 290-294 Comparison of valuation manners within international accounting
by M. Kočner & M. Konvalina - 295-298 Development analysis of minor and medium size banks in the first half of nineties in CR
by K. Srnec - 299-300 On the jubilee of doc. Ing. Viera Ižáková, PhD
by M. Ševčíková
2003, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 201-207 One-Stop Government in agriculture
by J. Havlíček & I. Tichá - 208-212 Conception of the model of agriculture with production and non-production function
by J. Tvrdoň - 213-216 Importance of ownership and lease of agricultural land in Slovakia in the pre-accession period
by A. Bandlerová & E. Marišová - 217-224 Micro-economic analysis of firms differentiation
by P. Bielik & Ľ. Gurčík & M. Rajčániová - 225-228 Modern approaches in strategic decision-making by the management in agriculture-oriented enterprises
by E. Svoboda - 229-232 Role of agriculture in the development of rural regions
by I. Boháčková & M. Hrabánková & L. Svatošová - 233-238 Sustainable development of landscape and village - the criterion of multi-functionality
by V. Jeníček - 239-241 Chances and factors of economical farming
by J. Homolka - 242-246 Economic efficiency of agricultural enterprises in the system of organic farming
by J. Jánský & I. Živělová & P. Novák - 247-248 Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Homolka, CSc., with udying energy
by M. Svatoš - 249-250 To the 60ieth anniversary of Prof. Ing. Jiří Tvrdoň, CSc
by M. Svatoš
2003, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 151-165 An evaluation of the types of technical development in agriculture in the years 1995-2000
by F. Střeleček & J. Lososová - 166-172 Land policy in France and its consequence for the farmers
by J.P. Boinon - 173-178 Land market in Hungary
by J. Popp & M. Stauder - 179-183 Development of structure and exploitation of agriculture land fund in Latvia
by V. Mičurová - 184-188 Land evaluation data bank of Slovakia
by K. Bradáčová & G. Grausová - 189-194 Agricultural land market in selected regions of the Slovak Republic
by Š. Buday - 194-194 Utilization of agricultural land, with regard to the accession of Slovakia to the EU
by Š. Buday - 195-200 The effect of sire-C position on the economics of pigs fattening
by R. Stupka & M. Šprysl
2003, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 101-105 Eco-social market economy as an European innovation
by J. Riegler - 106-112 Agriculture finance and credit infrastructure - conditions, policies and channels
by A. Trzeciak-Duval - 113-119 Effect of the domestic sectoral policies harmonisation in CECs with the EU Common Agricultural Policy
by V. Vojtěch - 120-127 Slovak agriculture heading for the EU membership
by G. Blaas - 128-132 Monitoring and project evaluation as a principle of following efficiency of adopted measures
by M. Hrabánková - 133-138 Problems of Polish agriculture in the process of integration with the EU
by A. Kowalski & G. Dybowski - 139-148 Solution of the developing countries food problem - issues at measures
by V. Jeníček & V. Krepl
2003, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 51-52 Preface
by J. Kraus - 53-61 Readiness of the Czech agriculture for the EU accession
by T. Doucha & P. Blížkovský - 62-66 Agriculture and agricultural policy in the European Union
by D. Ahner - 67-70 Policy analysis for globalized agriculture
by S. Offutt - 71-79 EU enlargement in agriculture and the WTO process
by S. Tangermann - 80-86 Austrian agriculture: experience with the CAP and the anticipated effects of the EU's Eastern enlargement
by M. Schneider - 87-93 The preparation of Hungarian agricultural policy for the EU accession
by J. Popp - 94-100 Analysis of international competitiveness of milk production in the framework of the IFCN
by F. Iserrmeyer & T. Hemme & J. Holzner
2003, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-7 Diversification of individual farms in Slovakia with regard to production use patterns and level of income
by G. Blaas - 8-13 The comparison of the cost-rate and profitability of the agricultural products in the SR and CR
by M. Kubanková & V. Burianová - 14-21 Quantitative evaluation of the effect of economic tools on economic policies in the food industry of the SR
by D. Matošková & V. Ižáková - 22-29 Comparison of the value added development in the agricultural and food sectors and the efficiency of its creation
by M. Ševčíková - 30-36 The development of the price parity in the foodstuffs production and consumption vertical
by M. Brodová & M. Ševčíková - 37-39 Evaluation of common projects efficiency in agriculture
by K. Šrédl - 40-50 World food problem
by V. Jeníček
2002, Volume 48, Issue 12
- 533-543 Analysis of the basic characteristics of demographic development in an urban, suburban and provincial district in the Czech
by J. Dufek & M. Ospala - 544-553 Comparison of agrarian political parties in selected Central European states after 1989
by P. Blažek & M. Kubalek - 554-558 Active social policy as a chance for endogenous rural development
by E. Kučerová - 559-562 The development potential of Czech rural areas and rural tourism
by T. Hájek - 563-567 The implementation of agreed public-beneficial jobs for the long-term unemployed in the year 2001
by S. Buchta - 568-570 Information on the program SAPARD preparation and implenemtation in Slovakia
by I. Námerová - 571-571 On the jubilee of doc. Ing. Vladimír Jeníček, DrSc
by Z. Poděbradský - 572-572 Life anniversary of prof. Ing. Zdeněk Poděbradský, CSc
by J. Hron
2002, Volume 48, Issue 11
- 481-484 Favourable and unfavourable aspects in the process of small enterprise establishment in the Czech Republic
by R. Werner & R. Zuzák - 485-489 Evaluation of the financial situation of farms
by J. Jánský - 490-494 Land relationships in Bulgaria
by P. Yovchevska - 495-501 Analysis of the relation between the price of fodder mixture ingredients and the price of chicken meat
by V. Pezlarová - 502-504 Bio-mass for energetic: Chance or regression?
by M. Neruda & M. Farský - 505-510 Intellectual capital and talents in agribusiness organisation development
by M. Horalíková & P. Berglová - 511-518 The identification and solution of problem areas of the rural municipalities development with regard to the civic and technological equipment
by M. Vosejpková - 519-530 Developmental trends of world agriculture
by V. Jeníček - 531-532 On the sixtieth birthday of doc. Ing. Gejza Blaas, CSc
by S. Buchta
2002, Volume 48, Issue 10
- 433-443 Economic results of agricultural companies in production and marginal areas in the year 2000
by F. Střeleček & P. Kollar & J. Lososová - 444-448 Impact of agricultural sector on the economic situation of NUTS III regions in the Czech Republic
by L. Lacina & B. Minařík - 449-455 The changes of the agribusiness impact on the competitive environment of agricultural enterprises
by V. Bečvářová - 456-462 Analysis of methodological approaches to evaluation of complementary and substitution relationships in consumer demand for food
by P. Syrovátka & L. Grega - 463-466 Gravity-type model of Czech agricultural export
by M. Ševela - 467-472 The significance of commodity exchanges for trade in agricultural products in the Czech Republic, and prospects of their future development
by O. Rejnuš - 473-479 Analysis of the yield milk effect on the economics of milk production
by P. Kopeček
2002, Volume 48, Issue 9
- 381-382 Introduction
by J. Novák & H. Sůvová - 383-388 External determinants of agricultural policy in the Czech Republic
by M. Svatoš - 389-394 The evaluation of economic situation and comparison of Czech and French agricultural enterprises
by F. Simon & J. Novák - 395-398 The bank approach to a credit obligor - a farm business - in the context of credit risk and capital adequacy
by H. Sůvová - 399-406 Evaluation of the effectiveness of intensification costs
by F. Střeleček & P. Kollar - 407-411 Differentiation and reasons of decline of agricultural enterprises in Slovakia
by Z. Chrastinová - 412-416 The support of farming and revenues of enterprises located in less- favoured areas in Slovakia
by Š. Buday - 417-424 The analysis of financial situation of agricultural enterprises in productive and marginal conditions with the use of non-financial indicators
by J. Jánský & P. Novák - 425-432 Brief history of the VÚZE (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics)
by J. Kraus & Z. Sokol
2002, Volume 48, Issue 8
- 333-338 The adjustment of agrarian business structure to the European agrarian structures during pre access period into the EU
by V. Gozora - 339-342 Selected problems of the Slovak foreign agri-food trade
by D. Šimo & I. Ubrežiová - 343-346 The productive and economic parameters of the Gemer region agricultural soils
by O. Hronec & J. Vilček - 347-352 Labour implementation and efficiency of the foodstuffs wholesales
by M. Vicen & I. Ubrežiová - 353-358 Assets and financial situation in the companies of agricultural primary production in Slovakia
by Ž. Hacherová & P. Szovics - 359-363 The influence of cost taxes on the development of agriculture in Slovakia
by J. Bojňanský - 364-366 Preparation of e-learning methodology in distance learning
by D. Tóthová & K. Hennyeyová - 367-372 Some factors of farm competitiveness in the SR
by M. Grznár & Ľ. Szabo - 373-378 G-index - the financial situation prognosis method of agricultural enterprises
by Ľ. Gurčík - 379-380 Prof. Tibor Palko's jubilee
by I.M. Zoborský
2002, Volume 48, Issue 7
- 281-284 Price stabilization as a factor of competitiveness of agriculture
by L. Grega - 285-292 The reasons for creation of agricultural sales organizations
by O. Tvrdoň & K. Krčová - 293-297 Commodity chain and strengthening of the agro-food sector competitiveness
by I. Blažková - 298-302 Environmental analysis in the winegrowing industry
by P. Tomšík - 303-310 Factor conditions of the viniculture and wine sector in the EU member states, in the Czech Republic and in the selected candidate countries
by A. Škorpíková - 311-314 Key driving forces in the Czech brewing industry
by P. Žufan - 315-320 Factors influencing intensity of competition in the Czech dairy industry
by R. Černíková - 321-326 Possibilities and limits for capital structure optimalising model design of Czech dairy industry
by G. Chmelíková - 327-331 Choosing the distribution channel for meat products
by M. Záboj
2002, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 233-244 Czech farmers facing agricultural policy in the period of revitalization
by H. Hudečková & M. Lošťák - 245-250 Could social capital help Czech agriculture?
by J. Chloupková & Ch. BJØRNSKOV - 251-258 The contemporary stage of the Czech countryside: European integration expectations
by V. Majerová & L. Kocmánková - 259-262 Countryside, tourism development and national heritage revitalisation
by T. Hájek - 263-268 Questions concerning the regional identity
by J. Šindlářová - 269-275 The evolution of social relations in transformed agricultural cooperative
by L. Kříž & M. Mejdrech - 276-276 Macro- and micro-world of agriculture in the nineties
by S. Hubík - 277-277 International Scientific Days 2001 - looking back to discussions in Section VI - "Sustainable Rural Development"
by L. Chmelová & P. Maříková - 278-278 Visions and Divisions - Challengs of European Sociology
by I. Herová & P. Maříková - 279-280 Agrarian Perspectives X - "Regional Rural Development" section
by L. Kocmánková
2002, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 189-196 Micro-economic analysis of farm restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe: an overview of major results
by E. Mathijs - 197-210 Important findings of the sampling survey conducted on farms in the CR under Phare ACE project
by T. Doucha & E. Divila & A. Juřica & V. Matalová - 211-214 Natural, production and economic conditions individual farms and enterprises of restructuring in the Slovak Republic
by P. Bielik & J. Pokrivčák & V. Jančíková & M. Beňo - 215-218 Agricultural credits and contracts
by J. Pokrivčák - 219-224 Analysis of selected financial and investments problems of private farms in Slovakia
by V. Jančíková & Ľ. Gurčík - 225-228 Analysis of the selected problems of agricultural business entrepreneurship in Slovakia
by P. Bielik & M. Beňo - 229-232 Factor analysis of owners equity effectiveness
by Ľ. Gurčík & V. Jančíková
2002, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 145-154 Degrees of costs effectiveness
by F. Střeleček & P. Kollar & J. Lososová & D. Kopta - 155-160 Non-standard activities on farms in the Province of Zeeland in the Netherlands: an export base approach
by W.J.M. Heijman & M.H. Hubregtse & J.A.C. Van Ophem - 161-165 Has the regulation of old debts in the successor companies proven worthwhile?
by P. Hagelschuer & A. Häger - 166-170 Agricultural co-operatives: perspectives for the 21st Century
by B. Boučková - 171-174 Approaches to the rural development problems in the European Union and in some of the Central and Eastern European countries
by M. Vosejpková - 175-182 Ethnocentrism and consumer evaluations of Czech made yoghurt
by U.R. Orth & Z. Firbasová - 183-188 Nutrition economics - important source of information
by J. Hrubý
2002, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 97-101 Economic efficiency of agricultural enterprises and its evaluation
by E. Rosochatecká - 102-105 Regional development as a presumption of general development of society
by J. Homolka - 106-116 Searching the proportional level of operating costs - specification of the minimum volume of production
by F. Střeleček & P. Kollar - 117-120 Profitability and risk ratio of financial portfolio
by I. Boháčková & L. Svatošová - 121-125 Czech consumers´ evaluation of choosen meat products
by M. Pourová & V. Stehlík - 126-129 Globalisation, human resources and the increase of their potential in relation to sustainable development in regions
by R. Krninská - 130-133 Methodological aspects of an improvement of calculation information system in agricultural companies
by J. Pataky - 134-137 The country population trend in the selected region of the Czech Republic
by M. Vosejpková - 138-138 After prof. Zdeněk Sokol
by T. Doucha - 139-144 Globalizace a ekonomický růst
by V. Jeníček
2002, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 49-54 Micro-economic analysis of households restructuring in the pre-accession period to the EU
by P. Bielik & J. Pokrivčák & V. Jančíková - 55-60 Labour productivity as a factor of sustainable economic development of the CR agriculture
by L. Bervidová - 61-64 External and internal entropy assessment on farms in relation to their competitiveness
by L. Rolínek & M. Doktorová - 65-75 Formalised risk identification and evaluation models application in the conditions of agricultural enterprises
by P. Římovská - 76-80 Globalisation and concentration in the Czech agro-food sector
by T. Doucha - 81-86 Globalisation and poverty
by Ľ. Bartová - 87-92 Globalisation and regionalisation
by V. Jeníček - 93-96 Social and cultural logic of regionalism
by S. Hubík
2002, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-8 Adoption of ICT in agricultural management in the United Kingdom: the intra-rural digital divide
by M.F. Warren - 9-12 Multivariate statistical methods as a tool of financial analysis of farm businesses
by J. Novák & H. Sůvová & J. Vondráček - 13-17 Evaluation of chosen benefits on environment and landscape coming from Czech agriculture
by V. Křůmalová - 18-21 Evaluation of agri-environmental policy delivery system on regional level - case study in Bílé Karpaty
by J. Pražan - 22-28 Consequences of applying the Conception of the Agricultural and Food Policy to the year 2005 and effects of the optimized allocation of production in the Slovak Republic
by M. Božík & I. Foltýn & I. Zedníčková - 29-35 Institutional problems of pig meat sector in the Czech Republic
by M. Pourová & M. Pour - 36-48 Segmenting the tourism market using perceptual and attitudinal mapping
by U.R. Orth & J. Turečková