December 2015, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 208-216 The Impact of Electronic Commerce on the Development of Nowadays Society: an Economic and a Managerial Perspective – A Case Study on Romania’s Experience
by Cristina Raluca Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu - 217-226 The Impact of the Electronic Payment System on the Development of Nowadays Society: an Economic and a Managerial Perspective
by Cristina Raluca Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu - 227-236 Bioeconomy analysis in Aesthetic Dentistry
by Andreea Dana Tudose - 237-250 Problem-solving and developing quality management methods and techniques on the example of automotive industry
by Jacek Łuczak & Radoslaw Wolniak - 251-259 Case study: proposal on restructuring of sport support in the city of Litoměřice in the favour of grant-oriented support
by Vladimir Hobza & Richard Pospíšil & Vladimír Hobza jr. - 260-270 Integration Of Company’s Financial Data In Credit Risk Assessment Using A Multidimensional Model
by Maria – Monica Haralambie & Bogdan Stefan Ionescu - 271-276 The Bata Management System: An Introduction
by Sorin-George Toma & Paul Marinescu - 277-281 A new corporate governance
by Ion Bucur - 282-299 The Intellectual Capital And The New Career Management In Public Institutions From Defence Field
by Daniel Gogoescu - 300-308 Entrepreneurial behavior among employees. Pilot study: Employees from Bucharest
by Ionut Constantin - 309-321 SEPA and payments industry - challenges concerning standards and operations
by Camelia Cojocaru & Silviu Cojocaru - 322-328 Formal aspects of resilience
by Diana-Maria Driga
May 2015, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 7-17 Crediting analysis in Romania after accession
by Anca Mitu & Constantin-Adrian Blanaru - 18-26 Phases and Actions of the Evolution of the Concept of Quality in Canada and Australia – A Theoretical Modelling of the Development of Knowledge in Business Performance in the XXI Century - The Approach to Excellence
by Cristina Raluca Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu - 27-33 The Assessment Methodology RADAR – A Theoretical Approach of a Methodology for Coordinating the Efforts to Improve the Organizational Processes to Achieve Excellence
by Cristina Raluca Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu - 34-43 The virtuous circle and the vicious circle in managerial training investment
by Cristina Calugaru - 44-51 Human Capital - A Quality Factor For The Competitiveness Of IT Companies
by Elisei Craciun - 52-59 Toxic economy - interferences with recent Romanian experience
by Cristian Gheorghe Iacob - 60-67 The difference between lending interest rate and funds interest rate. Link with sustainable banking. Particularities of Romanian Market
by Cristian Gheorghe Iacob - 67-77 The Dynamics of Romanian SM Es within the European Context
by Vladimir-Codrin Ionescu & Viorel Cornescu - 78-85 Innovation in Organizations
by Vladimir-Codrin Ionescu & Viorel Cornescu - 86-105 Macroprudential policies on banking system
by Ionut Mircea - 106-113 Leadership in technology. SMURD: a telemedicine case study
by Camelia Cojocaru & Ph. D. Silviu Cojocaru - 114-124 Union banking a step towards achieving fiscal Union in the European Union
by Ionut Marius Croitoru - 125-134 Analysis of the growth poles in esthetic dentistry
by Andreea Dana Tudose - 135-144 Unconventional Leadership
by Paul Marinescu & Sorin-George Toma - 145-150 Strategy and Change
by Professor Paul Marinescu & Sorin-George Toma - 150-160 An organisational approach to simultaneously prove high autonomy and high alignment
by Mihai Constandel Mircea & Zeininger Luise - 161-169 How To Build a Leader?
by Adrian Majuru & Ana Maria Grigore - 170-174 Tangible and Intangible Within The Organization’s Potential
by Catalin Gradinaru - 175-179 Cognitive Evolution and Revolution
by Catalin Gradinaru - 180-193 Leadership vs. Management From Competitive Intelligence Perspective
by Valeriu Ivan - 194-198 Leadership and New Technologies. New Security Issues for Management of Internet Connectivity and Remote Control in Automotive Industry
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu - 199-203 Mobile Connectivity and Security Issues for Cloud Informatic Systems
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu
December 2014, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 7-18 The human capital in the knowledge society. Theoretical and empirical approach
by Elena Pelinescu & Elisei Craciun - 19-31 Economic and social analyses at a regional level in the light of competitiveness
by Nicoleta Maria Gogâltan & Harda Stelica - 32-43 Issues of geothermal and biomass energy efficiency in agriculture, industry, transports and domestic consumption
by Cornelia Nistor - 44-52 Risk taking and income inequality
by Ionuţ Constantin - 53-64 Using wind and solar renewable energy by enterprises and consumers in terms of the energy management
by Cornelia Nistor - 65-71 Leadership, Culture and Organizational Change
by Vladimir-Codrin Ionescu - 72-79 The Involvement of Rural Entrepreneurship In The Regional Development
by Marin Burcea & Oana-Simona Hudea & Sorin-George Toma - 80-91 The Impact Of The Economic Crisis On Human Resource In Romania
by Simona Nicolae - 92-102 The effects of income inequality
by Ionuţ Constantin - 103-109 Of academics and professionals: The difference is in the pay
by Elena Druica & Călin Vâlsan - 110-114 Leadership Development
by Oana Simona Hudea - 115-125 Sony vs. Apple - iPod launching, a case study of leadership and innovation
by Camelia Cojocaru & Silviu Cojocaru - 126-136 IBM - a century of leadership in technology
by Camelia Cojocaru & Silviu Cojocaru
May 2014, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 7-17 Trends In Funding Higher Education In Romania And EU
by Raluca Mariana Dragoescu & Bogdan Oancea - 18-26 Japanese miracle versus thirty-six years of excellence in American searching groping
by Cristina Raluca Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu - 27-37 Leadership and Creativity
by Adela Coman & Catalina Bonciu - 38-44 The Emotional Intelligence Approach for Enhancing Skills in Leadership
by Radu Herman - 45-52 Cross-cultural Leadership
by Oana Simona Hudea - 53-62 Overview of European Union SMEs sector
by Vladimir-Codrin Ionescu - 63-71 Synergy within a Scientific Research Centre
by Paul Marinescu & Sorin George Toma & Ana – Maria Grigore - 72-78 The employees’ opinion about top management at the Berlin Ltd. distribution
by Dan Pauna & Cornelia Tureac - 79-89 New Trends in Mobile Technology Leadership
by Silviu Cojocaru & Camelia Cojocaru - 90-97 (Re)presenting the University of Bucharest in the Media. Fundamental Approach to the Process of Academic Leadership
by Viorica Aura Paus & Adriana Stefanel - 98-108 The Role Of The Budgetary System In Achieving Enterprise Performance
by Adriana Mihaela Ionescu - 109-120 The Governance System of the European Union
by Valentin M. Ionescu - 121-126 A. P. Sloan Jr. and leadership
by Paul Marinescu & Sorin George Toma & Andreea Seseanu - 127-131 The emergence of scientific management in America
by Paul Marinescu & Sorin George Toma & Ana-Maria Grigore - 132-138 The Power of Oratory in Modern Leadership
by Petru Ionescu-Caibulea - 139-143 What should we learn from great leaders
by Ionut Constantin - 144-150 Feminine leadership and organisational culture
by Paul Marinescu & Sorin George Toma & Andreea Seseanu - 151-157 New tools to monitor social networks in business sector
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu
December 2013, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 7-16 The Management of the Joint Stock Companies
by Dan Cimpoeru - 17-29 Business Storytelling and Leadership in the Insurance Companies from Romania
by Viorica Paus & Dana Dobre - 30-39 Dynamics of Qualifications in Romanian Higher Education, 1968-2010
by Bogdan Murgescu & Andrei Florin Sora - 40-46 Innovation, Vector of the Knowledge-based Society
by Vladimir-Codrin Ionescu & Viorel Cornescu - 47-52 The Importance of Education in Economic Growth
by Selami Ahmet Salgür - 53-58 Education and Socioeconomic Status of Parents - Factors of Influence For Income Inequality
by Ionut Constantin - 59-74 The Evolution Of Romanian Advertising Agencies Seen By Professional
by Madalina Moraru (Buga) - 75-81 Globalization and the financialization of the economy
by Ion Bucur - 82-96 Institutional Communication and Organizational Culture In Romanian Public Administration. A Case Study
by Luminita Rosca - 97-108 A Managerial Approach To A Controversial Exhibition: The Human Body
by Viorica Aura Paus & Romina Surugiu - 109-119 The Role Of Grenelle II In Corporate Social Responsibility Integrated Reporting
by Radoslaw Wolniak - 120-129 Civil Society Organizations’ Contribution To Democratic Governance In European Union
by Dragos – Catalin Apostu - 130-139 Responsibility Towards The Customers Of Subscription-Based Software Solutions In The Context Of Using The Cloud Computing Technology
by Bogdan Stefan Ionescu & Iuliana Mariana Ionescu & Laura Elena Tudoran - 140-145 Porting Your Applications and Saving Data In Cloud As Reliable Entity
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu - 146-162 Organizational Change Effectiveness A Few Significant Indicators for Romanian Companies
by Orlando Voica
May 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 7-21 A typology of organizational cultures in terms of improvement of the quality management
by Radoslaw Wolniak - 22-38 Corporate Covernance As A Tool For Curbing Bank Distress In Nigeria Deposit Money Bank: Empirical Evidence
by Ikpefan Ochei Ailemen & Stephen Ojeka - 39-45 Human Capital and Organizational Effectiveness
by Ioana Julieta Josan - 46-54 Executing A Customer Relationship Management Programme In An Emerging Market: An Empirical Approach
by Akinyele Samuel Taiwo & Olorunleke Kola - 55-61 Leadership and Innovation – the Catalyst of IT&C Industry. A Case Study of BlackBerry Company
by Camelia Cojocaru & Silviu Cojocaru - 62-72 Analysis of Leadership at The National Bank Of Romania
by Valentin Mihai Leoveanu - 73-78 New Media and Leadership: Social Media and Open Organizational Communication
by Viorica Paus - 79-89 Evolution Trends Of The Leadership In The Romanian Academic Environment
by Paul Marinescu & Sorin-George Toma - 90-106 The Role Of Forensic Accountants In Fraud Detection And National Security In Nigeria
by Dickson Mukoro & Ogijo Yamusa & Samuel Faboyede - 107-119 Determinants Of Dividend Policy: A Study Of Selected Listed Firms In Nigeria
by Uwuigbe Olubukunola Ranti - 120-130 Conceptualizing in Special Sciences
by Bogdan Boghitoi - 131-144 Hertzian Dynamic Models In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Theory Of Logic
by Andreea Esanu - 145-161 Non-Governmental Organization Leadership And Development. A Review Of The Literature
by Dragos – Catalin Apostu - 162-167 Public And Private Leadership And Performance Management
by Christine (Mihaescu) Demeter & Ana-Claudia Tapardel - 168-174 Confronting the Consequences of a Permanent Changing Environment
by Raluca Ioana Vosloban & Monica Vrabiuta & Roxana Elena Aldea - 175-179 Competitive Strategies In The Context Of Political Marketing
by Eleonora Gabriela Baban - 180-187 The Role Of Leadership Inside Organizations In The Context Of Globalization
by Cornelia Tureac & Dan Pauna - 188-198 Operations Management And Leadership; A Case-Study Of Implementation of Centralized Back Office Activities
by Camelia Cojocaru & Silviu Cojocaru - 199-207 Lead from Within
by Ana-Maria Grigore - 208-214 Leadership between skill and competency
by Manole Diana Alina - 215-224 Outside-the-box, but Inside-the-elevator: A Case of Leadership Myopia Reaching Media
by Miriam Costea - 225-229 A SWOT Analysis for Organizing a Summer School: Case Study for Advanced Summer School in Analyzing Market Data 2013
by Radu Herman - 230-236 The Strategic Sport Marketing Planning Process
by Alexandru Lucian Mihai - 237-244 Transformational Approach To School Leadership: Contribution To Continued Improvement Of Education
by Anca Nedelcu - 276-281 Processes, Forms Of Sport Management System
by Gheorghe Jinga - 282-292 Potential Beneficiaries Of Cloud Accounting Technology: Small Or Large Companies?
by Bogdan Stefan Ionescu & Cristina Prichici - 293-301 The economic impact of cloud computing technology on new business and employment in Romania
by Bogdan Stefan Ionescu & Iuliana Ionescu & Laura Tudoran - 302-306 Influencing average internet consumer’s online behavior. Fact. Fiction. Right. Wrong
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu
December 2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 7-13 Managements and marketing in Korca tourist destination
by Esmeralda Shkira & Aida Gabeta - 14-23 Results based management in Albanian local governments. Case study municipality of Korca
by Eva Dhimitri & Majlinda Bello & Elda Dollija - 24-29 The synergy between mass-media and public management: a positive perspective for the Departments of Communication and Public Relations
by Prodan (Mocanu) Ana-Maria - 30-39 Forensic accounting as Panacea to the challenge of crime and violence in the Caribbean
by Faboyede Olusola Samuel & Fakile Samuel Adeniran & Ojeka Stephen - 40-54 ICT and E-governance at the Grassroots: Devising an Enabling Law
by Adebimpe Umoren & Samuel Faboyede - 55-67 Situation Analysis of Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Bangladesh: A Country Profile
by Balasundaram Nimalathasan & Abu Taher - 68-78 Real estate capitalization of Public Administration Institutions - a chance to stimulate investment and increase economic competitiveness
by Ionut Constantin - 79-89 Peculiarities of a communication strategy in the public sector
by Corina Radulescu - 90-97 New Ways of Developing Public Institutions Web Sites in Context of Using Social Plugins and Mobile Devices
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu - 98-111 The housing development process: green homes in Malaysia
by Fazdliel Aswad Ibrahim & Mohd Wira & Mohd Shafiei & Abdelnaser Omran & Ilias Said - 112-121 The marketing and economic implications of the manipulation of share prices: Nigeria stock exchange experience
by Ajayi Ezekiel Oluwole & Omolekan Olushola Joshua - 122-132 Entrepreneurship in a Finnish public institution
by Marin Burcea - 133-141 E-Mail Server and Traffic Control Management in 2012
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu
May 2012, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 7-14 Operative methods for crisis management in public organizations
by Cristina Nicoleta Mihaila - 15-19 Enron and the domino effect
by Paul Marinescu - 20-29 Information technology innovation - a genuine driver of improving customer relationship management in romanian companies
by Camelia Cojocaru - 30-37 Credit Crisis with focus on level three valuations and FAS 157: Analysis and Recommendations for Change companies
by Arber H. Hoti - 38-45 Business intelligence and decision making tools - New trends on romanian market
by Silviu Cojocaru & Camelia Cojocaru - 46-65 Effect of consumer behaviour and perception on car purchase decision: Empirical Evidence from Lagos - Nigeria
by Samuel Taiwo Akinyele & Kola Olorunleke - 66-75 Legislation And Management Fund For Mosque In Manado, Indonesia
by Deicy Natalia Karamoy & Abdelnasser Omran - 76-82 Developing the Decision Making Matrix in Solid Waste Management
by Mohammad Ali Alanbari & Abdul Sahib Albagdadi - 83-91 Financial Structure and Economic Development in Nigieria
by Olusegun Olowe - 92-103 Methodology development for implementation of quality management system within SME from the products lifecycle point of view
by George Cristian Gruia - 104-112 Human Capital Investment
by Ioana - Julieta Josan - 113-126 Impact Of Global Adoption Of Ifrs On Nigerian Stock Market Effectivenessness
by Dick Oluku Mukoro - 127-136 The Requierements of Businesses from Professional Schools in Relation to Applicative Knowledge
by Ymer Havolli - 137-152 Macroeconomic Dynamics and Financial Crisis in Nigeria
by Olusegun Olowe - 153-164 Pension system in Romania. Long term imbalances and inconsistent policies
by Razvan Papuc - 165-174 Database improvements of national student enrollment registry. Link external systems to NSER DB
by Cosmin Catalin Olteanu - 175-189 The weaknesses of China\'s contractors in overseas construction project management: 2 case studies
by Mo Xuan & Abdelnaser Omran & Abdel Hamid Kadir Pakir & Abdelwahab O.Gebril & Ahmad Zakiulfuad - 190-201 Human capital invesment and economic growth in Nigeria: The role of education and health
by Matthew A. Oluwatoyin - 202-211 Environmental accounting: A tool for promoting environmental management in the Niger Delta
by Uwuigne Uwalomwa
December 2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 7-13 The public spending crisis: a case study of Nigeria public sector
by Mukoro Dick Oluku & Omankhanlen Alex Ehimare - 14-38 Nigerian stock exchange and economic development
by Olowe,Olusegun & Matthew,Oluwatoyin & Fasina,Fagbeminiyi - 39-46 A systemic approach for managing extreme risk events-dynamic financial analysis
by Rodica Ianole & Ioana-Julieta Josan & Marian Zulean - 47-56 Role of cooperation in entrepreneurship development and employment in field of new energy
by Hossein Vaghefpoor & Kobra Zabeh - 57-75 World class manufacturing and "Six Sigma": Their application to SMEs, as well as to services
by Francesco Scalera - 76-84 Does J-style “Kaizen” management create the joy of service? -Exploring the Co-creative Human Development Model
by Oba Hiroyuki - 85-93 Evolution of participation of the adult Romanian population to professional education and training in Romania,in comparison with the European Union
by Ioan Moldovan & Maria Moldovan & Alexandra Nistor Lung - 94-108 An Exploratory Study of the Women Entrepreneurial Motivation in the South-West Nigeria
by Chinonye Okafor & Akinbode Mosunmola - 109-122 The Impact Of Liberalized Financial System On Savings, Investment And Growth In Nigeria
by MATTHEW A. Oluwatoyin & OLOWE Olusegun - 123-138 Investigating The Potentials Of Fast Track In Mitigating Project Abandonment: Case Studies
by Amir Hassin B.Baharuddin & Abdulhamid Kadir Pakir & Abdelnaser Omran & Ibrahim Ado Wudil - 139-151 Trust as a context for knowledge flows in co-opetition
by Komanda Marcin - 152-161 Lack Of Infrastructure As A Challenge To The Actualization Of Vision 2020 In Nigeria
by Olowe, Olusegun - 162-172 The impact of leadership qualities on quality management improvement
by Radoslaw Wolniak - 173-196 Diversification Of Economy And The Development Of Infrastructure: Vectors Of Development For The Rural Area And For Improving The Quality Of Life Of Rural Population
by NECULAI Cristina - 197-211 The management of evaluating the European programs and policies implemented in Romania
by Roman Mihaela - 212-226 Entrepreneurship In Times Of Economic And Financial Crises, Methods Of Adaptation And Survival
by Radu Oprea & Ancuta Daniela Sarpe & Cristi Dumitru - 227-237 Liquidity Analysis Of State Bank Of India
by Kumar Gandhi R. & Nimalathasan, B - 238-248 A New Paradigm For Indian Supermarket Retailers Based On Customer-Centric Strategic Approach
by Seema S. Shenoy & Dr.A.H.Sequeira & Dr. Devaraj K - 249-256 Management of the Extreme Events: Countering International Terrorism
by Cristian Barna & Ionut Constantin - 257-265 Mentorship-advantages and disadvantages concerning personnel training programs
by Kmen Paul Eduard - 266-277 Human Capital Investment And Economic Growth In Nigeria: The Role Of Education And Health
by Matthew, A. Oluwatoyin - 278-290 Factors Responsible For Slow Adoption Of Public Private Partnership (Ppps) In Nigeria
by Amir Hussin B. Baharuddin & Abdul Hamid Kadir Pakir & Abdelnaser Omran & Otairu Abdulganiyu - 291-304 Equal opportunities in the public and private sector
by Anca Monica Ardeleanu & Ioana Julieta Josan - 305-307 University management-improvements and dilemma in the of equal opportunities
by Iordache Platis Magdalena & Constantin Ionut
May 2011, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 7-15 Real economy versus virtual economy - New challenges for nowadays society
by Veronica Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 16-27 The management of change or the change management - Controversies for nowadays society
by Veronica Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu - 28-41 Meaning and significance of "public accountability". From economy and management to public policies
by Roman Mihaela - 42-49 Organizational change and current trends in management
by Chirimbu Sebastian & Vargolici Niculina - 50-63 Competitive marketing strategies: tools for enhancing value in the dynamic world of business
by Kehinde Oladele Joseph & Ikioda Inaboya Emmanuel - 64-73 Consumer's Attitude Segmentation for Effective Market Communication: A Case Study of Soft Drinks
by Abiodun, Abolaji Joachim & Oyeniyi, Omotayo Joseph - 74-89 Efects of production relocation on human resources
by Bonciu Catalina & Sima Cristian & Fistung Daniel - 90-106 Emission tax on a monopolistic polluter with unknown costs
by Sawaki Hisashi - 107-122 Strategic Marketing of Made-in-Nigeria Goods and Consumer's Acceptance in Nigeria. An Empirical Analysis of Textile Products
by Sunday Abayomi Adebisi - 123-133 The impact of leadership qualities on quality management improvement
by Radoslaw Wolniak - 134-140 Optimizing job satisfaction through motivation in the face of Economic crisis among Nigeria's University staff
by Babatunde B.O. - 141-158 Electronic commerce, automation and online banking in Nigeria: challenges and benefits
by B. Sc., M. Sc. Stephen A. Ojeka & ACA, ACIB, FNIM. O. Ailemen Ikpefan - 156-169 Critical Success for Kelantinies Constraction Operate Outside Kelantan State in Malaysia
by Abdelnaser Omran & Abdul Hamid Kadir Pakir & Ahmed Termizi & Hazlina Abdul Hamid - 170-187 Consortialization strategy as a technique for the streamling of the relationship between education and vocation training and the labour market
by Ioan Panzaru & Romita Iucu & Felicia Sandulescu & Anca Nedelcu & Ion Ovidiu Panisoara & Stefan Stanciugelu
December 2010, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 7-12 Analysis of monetary and fiscal policy mix
by Ionut Constantin - 13-23 The amazing world of the internet-challenges of the internet age
by Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 24-30 Computer science and the recent innovations of the modern society
by Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 31-39 Debt management and economic growth in Nigeria:performance,challenges and responsibilities
by Yusuf Babatunde Raman & Idowu Khadijat Adeola & Okunnu Mustapha Abiodun & Adeyemi Oludare Tolulope - 40-53 Variations in government contract in Malaysia
by Jaspal Singh Nachatar & Abdul Aziz Hussin & Abdelnaser Omran - 54-71 Bank consolidation/capitalization in the Nigerian Commercial Bank(1986-2006):Causes,consequences and implication for the future
by Ikpefan Ochei Ailemen - 72-75 Pension funds investments in hedge funds-a necessary regulation
by Daniela Gaftoniuc - 76-82 Working capital management and its impact on profitability:A study listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka
by Balasundaram Nimalathasan - 83-97 Pension risk management in a developing economy:lessons from the nigerian capital market
by Onafalujo & Akin K. & Eke & Patrick O. - 98-108 The relevance of customer relationship management in the nigerian banking industry (A case study of intercontinental Bank Plc)
by Babatunde B. O. & Ajayi E.O. - 109-116 The role of information systems in management decision making-an theoretical approach
by Mihane Berisha-Namani - 117-129 Integrated marketing communications:pathway for enhancing client-costomer relationships
by Kehinde Oladele Joseph - 117-129 Integrated marketing communications:pathway for enhancing client-costomer relationships
by Kehinde Oladele Joseph - 130-134 Job satisfaction of academic professionals:A comparative study between the public and the private universities in Bangladesh
by Balasundaram Nimalathasan - 135-156 Bank capitalization and market share in the Nigeria deposit banks(1986-2006)
by Ikpefan Ochei Ailemen - 157-166 Impact assessment of microfinance institutions in Nigeria: gaps, inefficiencies and emerging solutions
by Okunnu,Mustapha Abiodun & Adeyemi,Oludare Tolulope & Yusuf,Babatunde Rahman & Idowu,Khadijat Adeola - 167-176 Relationship marketing and customer loyalty:a customer service approach in nigerian companies. in nigerian companies
by Udegbe,Scholastica & Idris,Adekunle.A. & Olumoko,Tajudeen .A. - 177-188 The role of public-private partnership in preventing and managing disaster
by Magdalena Platis & Ioana Josan - 189-193 Features and behavioral principles in the business context
by Magdalena Platis & Eleonora Gabriela Baban - 194-208 Transferring lean management infrastructure for increasing productivity
by Daniel Georgescu