December 2010, Volume 12, Issue 1
May 2010, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 7-13 Mentoring and coaching on an organizational level
by Paul Marinescu - 14-21 Organizational culture diagnosis - a new model
by Doru Curteanu & Ionuţ Constantin - 22-30 The challenges of the financial crisis
by Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 31-50 A hermeneutical reading of Penrose and Nelson and Winter-Tracing origins of a misunderstanding?
by Oliver Krone - 51-60 Gakumon-Ryoku and japanese style of management- does our management style matter?
by Oba Hiroyuki - 70-78 Cosiderations regarding financing sources for energy actions in Romania
by Oana Luca & Florian Gaman & M. A. Marinescu & Andrei Stanescu - 79-91 Strategies and techniques of communication and public relations applied to non-profit sector
by Ioana – Julieta Josan - 92-105 World financial industry after the crisis
by Veronica Adriana Popescu & Gheorghe Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 106-116 A drastic reorganization of industry in the world.What is the driving force
by Shinji Naruo - 117-128 Beyond Marketing:The brand Story
by Alexandra Craciun - 129-134 Diplomacy and diplomatic functions
by Oana Iucu - 135-138 Employment policies from the perspective of Europe 2020
by Ionut Constantin & Doru Curteanu - 139-152 Free trade – a priority issue of G-20 summits after the world economy went into recession
by Alina-Petronela Haller - 153-162 The dynamics in the international commercial changes in globalization terms-Comparison situation
by Ion Gr. Ionescu - 163-179 Changes in the dow effects in the romanian foreign exchange market
by Ramona Dumitriu & Razvan Stefanescu - 180-187 Food crisis and population growth in Nigeria
by Babatunde B.O. & Ajayi S.O. - 188-195 Perspective on the personal and professional needs of the project leader in construction industry in Libya :a case study
by Salahaldein Alsadey & Abdelnaser Omran & Abdul Hamid kadir Pakir - 196-206 Sustainable development and wordwide con-troversial issues regarding the auction of pollution right
by Mariana Iovitu - 207-214 The susteinable enterprise at the beginning of the 21st century
by Vladimir Codrin Ionescu & Viorel Cornescu - 215-233 Bank consolidation/capitalization in the Nigerian Commercial Bank(1986-2006):causes,consequences and implication for the future
by Ikpefan Ochei Ailemen
December 2009, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 7-14 Aeolian energy – the energy of the future?
by Cristina Gheorghe
May 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 7-16 Budget deficits and public debt
by Ionut Constantin
December 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 7-13 Management Information Systems in Info-Documentation
by Agnes Erich & Niculina Vârgolici - 14-21 Diplomacy and Diplomatic Protocol
by Oana Iucu - 22-29 The Role of E-mail in Organizational Communication
by Niculina Vârgolici - 30-39 The Role of Knowledge, Research, Innovation and Competitiviness According to the Romanian Strategy for 2007-2013
by Gheorghe Popescu & Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 40-46 Causes that Determine Wage Inequality in Contemporary Economy
by Ionut Constantin - 47-52 The State and Market Failures
by Ion Bucur - 53-58 The Determination of the Production Function?'s Stochastic Frontier at the Industry Level
by Maria Stancu - 59-65 Analysis of the Comparative Economic Advantage Case Study ?- Romanian Economy
by Marilena Stancu - 66-71 Overproduction Crisis and Environmental Issues
by Paul Marinescu - 72-76 Inflation Targeting as Monetary Policy Strategy in View of Romania'?s Adopting Euro as National Currency
by Valentin Leoveanu - 77-84 The Principle of Prudence and the Constituency of Provisions
by Saveta Tudorache & Anca Bratu & Mariana Gurau - 85-89 LMS and E-learning 2.0. A Second Life for E-learning
by Cosmin Olteanu - 90-94 Instructional Leadership for Quality Learning
by Dan Dumitrascu - 95-104 Long-life Learning and Entrepreneurship
by Ymer Havolli & Skënder Ahmeti - 105-109 Education in Support of Flexicurity
by Catalina Bonciu - 110-117 Challenges of Environmental Management Accounting ?- Current Accounting Practices
by Gheorghe Popescu & Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 118-127 Organisational Culture and Performance: Empirical Investigation of Nigerian Insurance Companies
by Olu Ojo - 128-145 Devolution of HRM Practices: Perspectives of Two Major Japanese Electrical and Electronics Companies in Malaysia
by Abang Ekhsan Abang Othman - 146-151 System of Rewards - Instrument of Fundamental Human Resource Management
by Gheorghita Caprarescu & Catalina Bonciu - 152-155 What is Six Sigma ?
by Sorin-George Toma
May 2008, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 7-12 Use of Cryptography in communication
by Ioana-Julieta Vasile - 13-18 Greeting cards - instrument in promoting company image
by Niculina Vârgolici & Oana Iucu - 13-18 Greeting cards - instrument in promoting company image
by Niculina Vârgolici & Oana Iucu - 19-26 Business strategies within the knowledge economy context
by Gheorghe Popescu & Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 27-29 Poverty – a major economical problem
by Somogyi János - 30-34 The impact of the globalization and liberalization processes on transition economies competitiveness
by Nicoleta Hornianschi - 35-38 The effects of foreign capital on the economical system
by Terhes Tiborné - 39-45 The impact of virtual world economy in real world economy
by Ionuţ Constantin - 46-58 Why rise income inequalities. An structural aproach
by Răzvan Mihail Papuc - 59-64 Activity based costing (ABC Method)
by Saveta Tudorache & Anca Bratu - 59-64 Activity based costing (ABC Method)
by Saveta Tudorache & Anca Bratu - 65-68 Globalization and suzerainty
by Ion Bucur - 69-75 Kosova budgetary sustainability and fiscal policy
by Myrvete Pantina & Faton Osmani - 76-82 Conducting an information security audit
by Gheorghe Popescu & Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 83-88 A study of owner - managerÂ’s environmental awareness and small business performance
by B. Nimalathasan - 89-100 Appraisal of the impact of environmental scanning on corporate performance in selected Nigerian banks
by Olu Ojo - 101-106 Benchmarking in Mobarakeh Steel Company
by Sasan Ghasemi & Mohammad Nazemi & Mehran Nejati - 107-109 The dynamics of organizational transformation
by Paul Marinescu - 110-113 Overview on business ethics and human resources management ethics
by Cãtãlina Bonciu - 114-117 Relationship marketing in the retail sector: an insight in the determination of customer loyalty
by Sabin Niculae - 118-121 Mintzberg on organizations
by Sorin-George Toma - 122-125 The manager of the future and the team performance
by M irela U drea
December 2007, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-11 Politeness and its role in the communication culture
by Niculina Vargolici - 12-27 The efficient presentation obstacles, strategies, success
by Daniela-Elena Radu - 28-31 The role of communication in the transformation process of public institutions in Romania
by Ioana Vasile - 32-41 Competitiveness in the New Economy. Implications for Romania given its Adhesion to the European Union
by Gheorghe Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 42-46 Economic Disequilibrium in the Opinion of the Economist Janos Kornai
by Cornelia Nistor - 47-50 Public action in the globalization process
by Ion Bucur - 51-56 The causes and the effects of the inflation
by Cristian Valentin Hapenciuc & Gabriela-Liliana Cioban - 57-65 The economic scientific research, a production neo-factor
by Elena Ciucur - 66-74 Transport sector in the administrative and socio - economic context of Romania
by Sorin George Toma - 75-80 Attitudes towards risk and insurances
by Anamaria Aldea & Dumitru Marin - 81-88 Information Systems Security Audit
by Gheorghe Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu - 89-92 The necessity, organization and administration of management accounting within the SMEs
by Anca Bratu - 93-98 The problems and directions of financing mechanisms development in Health Assistance System
by Gheorghe Costandachi - 99-105 The taxation installment in Romania . Between mass - media's impressionism and Eurostat's reality
by Razvan Mihail Papuc - 106-109 Learning Management System and Shareable Content Object Reference Model
by Cosmin Olteanu - 110-117 An Introduction to Outsourcing
by Ionut Constantin - 118-124 Innovation, entrepreneurial system and the peculiarities of the Romanian enterprises strategy
by Alina Hagiu - 125-131 Management at the 21st Century
by Amos Avny - 132-136 The costs of quality -potential growth source for the entity performance
by Saveta Tudorache & Anca Bratu - 137-141 The impact of the quality of life on the quality of the managerial act
by Catalina Bonciu - 142-150 Normative acts management
by Monica Ardeleanu - 151-165 The relation between the substantial law and procedural law in defending subjective rights and legitimate interests
by Petronela Adriana Cernat - 166-169 An Hypothesis over IF Trainings
by Paul Marinescu - 170-173 A possible chain of motivation
by Rodica Ianole
May 2007, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-13 A new content of the liberal economic profession
by Elena Ciucur & Liana Elefterie - 14-26 Economy, probability and risk
by Elena Druica & Viorel Cornescu - 27-36 Costs and benefits of the international labor migration
by Alina Hagiu - 37-44 The study of indicators of the economic growth at the level of romanian economy
by Stelian Stancu & Maria Stanciu & Marilena Stancu & Gabriela Sava - 44-50 Another globalization
by Ion Bucur - 51-56 Expense - Cost - Price Into the accounting and the policy of the company
by Anca Bratu - 57-67 Regulation on organizing and keeping accountancy records according to the european directives
by Gheorghe Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu - 68-72 Expert Systems for auditing management information
by Gheroghe Popescu & Cristina Raluca Popescu & Veronica Adriana Popescu - 73-89 The Term of Subjective Right in the Romanian Public Law Doctrine
by Adriana Cernat - 90-97 Stress Management
by Paul Marinescu - 98-102 Why the management of an academic career?
by Catalina Bonciu - 103-106 A proposal for a balanced business administration's curricula in a globalized world
by Shinji Naruo & Sorin George Toma - 107-117 What is MLM system
by Ionut Constantin - 118-121 Managing high need for achievement in youth organizations
by Mihaela Vlad