May 2008, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 203-218 Managing the Hazard of Marine Oil Pollution in Alaska
by George J. Busenberg - 219-232 Winnowing in Environmental Policy: Jurisdictional Challenges and Opportunities
by Glen S. Krutz & Paul D. Jorgensen - 233-252 Innovation and Implementation in the Public Sector: An Examination of Public Entrepreneurship
by W.R. Mack & Deanna Green & Arnold Vedlitz - 253-277 Urban Government Innovation: Identifying Current Innovations and Factors that Contribute to Their Adoption
by Joshua M. Franzel - 279-281 Innovation and the State: Political Choice and Strategies for Growth in Israel, Taiwan, and Ireland – By Dan Breznitz
by Gerald A. McDermott - 281-282 Against Prediction: Profiling, Policing, and Punishing in an Actuarial Age – By Bernard E. Harcourt
by John Horgan - 283-284 Greening Brazil: Environmental Activism in State and Society – By Kathryn Hochstetler and Margaret Keck
by Gary Bryner - 284-286 Public Power, Private Dams: The Hells Canyon High Dam Controversy – By Karl Brooks
by Eve Vogel
March 2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 105-128 States on Steroids: The Intergovernmental Odyssey of American Climate Policy
by Barry G. Rabe - 129-148 Which Way to U.S. Climate Cooperation? Issue Linkage versus a U.S.‐Based Agreement
by Jon Hovi & Tora Skodvin - 149-168 The Politics of “Entrepreneurial” Economic Development Policy of States in the U.S
by David M. Hart - 169-188 Developing the Digital Content Industry in Taiwan
by Hsin‐Hann Tsai & Hong‐Yuh Lee & Hsiao‐Cheng Yu - 189-191 Women, Gender, and Technology – Edited by Mary Frank Fox, Deborah Johnson, and Sue Rosser
by Kjersten Bunker Whittington - 191-193 Germans on Drugs: The Complications of Modernization in Hamburg – By Robert P. Stephens
by Sylvia Maier
January 2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction: The Silver Anniversary
by J. P. Singh - 3-19 Universities and State Policy Formation: Rationalizing a Nanotechnology Strategy in Pennsylvania
by Creso M. Sá & Roger L. Geiger & Paul M. Hallacher - 21-35 Public Participation and Environmental Policy: What Factors Shape State Agency's Public Participation Provisions?
by Dorothy M. Daley - 37-51 The Politics of Regulatory Change: National Forest Management Planning under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
by Charles Davis - 53-69 Race, Medicine, and Social Justice: Pharmacogenetics, Diversity, and the Case of BiDil
by Sara R. Jordan - 71-73 The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics – By Roger A. Pielke, Jr
by Eugene B. Skolnikoff - 73-75 Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity – By William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan, and Carl J. Schramm
by Mark Zachary Taylor
November 2007, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 541-565 Tradable Permits for Common‐Pool Resources: An Assessment
by Nives Dolšak - 567-587 Agenda Setting and the Blogosphere: An Analysis of the Relationship between Mainstream Media and Political Blogs
by Kevin Wallsten - 589-608 Law Enforcement Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina
by Jeff Rojek & Michael R. Smith - 609-626 Material Objects and Aura: Popular Culture Images against and for War
by David Toohey
September 2007, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 385-405 EU Regulation of Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals in Comparative Perspective
by Christa Altenstetter & Govin Permanand - 407-423 Risking Regulation, Regulating Risk: Lessons from the Transatlantic Biotech Dispute
by Noah Zerbe - 425-441 Discerning Immunity for Governmental Entities: Analyzing Legislative Choices
by Terence J. Centner - 443-462 Registered Traveler Program: The Financial Value of Registering the Good Guys
by Charles A. Stone & Anne Zissu
July 2007, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 291-308 Pollution, Politics, and Preferences for Environmental Spending in the States
by Adam J. Newmark & Christopher Witko - 309-330 NGOs and the “Information Society”: Grassroots Advocacy at the UN—A Cautionary Tale
by M.I. Franklin - 331-344 International Organizations ICTs Policies: E‐Democracy and E‐Government for Political Development
by Francesco Amoretti - 345-365 Toward Developing a Structured Approach to the Diagnosis and Resolution of Nonperforming Loans: The Case of China and India1
by Emilia Istrate & Debasree Das Gupta & Paul Weissburg
May 2007, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 185-207 The Development of Renewable Electricity Policy in the Province of Ontario: The Influence of Ideas and Timing
by Ian H. Rowlands - 209-229 “Getting the Word Out”: Policy Bloggers Use Their Soap Box to Make Change
by Laura McKenna - 231-257 Political Decentralization and Technological Innovation: Testing the Innovative Advantages of Decentralized States
by Mark Zachary Taylor - 259-275 The Technology Trap and the Role of Political and Cultural Variables: A Critical Analysis of the E‐Government Policies
by Silvia Bolgherini
March 2007, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 1-1 Cultural Policy and Border Crossings
by J.P. Singh - 97-117 “Editorials at a Glance”: Cultural Policy, Gender, and Modernity in the World War I Bureau of Cartoons
by Michael T. Coventry - 119-132 Defining Indecency as an Artifact of Cultural Policy
by Kathleen Wallman - 133-154 Culture without the State? Reinvigorating Ukrainian Culture with Diasporic Efforts
by Marcus Holmes - 155-173 Sex Workers and Cultural Policy: Mapping the Issues and Actors in Thailand
by J.P. Singh & Shilpa A. Hart
January 2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-27 Political Science and Prediction: What's Next for U.S. Climate Change Policy?
by Henrik Selin & Stacy D. VanDeveer - 29-48 Explaining Japan's Tortured Course to Surveillance Satellites
by Andrew L. Oros - 49-65 State Environmental Policies: Analyzing Green Building Mandates
by Peter J. May & Chris Koski - 67-89 Mixing God's Work and the Public Business: A Framework for the Analysis of Faith‐Based Service Delivery
by Richard Hula & Cynthia Jackson‐Elmoore & Laura Reese
November 2006, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 1119-1121 Public and Private Institutions, Political Action, and the Practice of Local Government
by Charles Barrilleaux & Ron Cheung & Thomas M. Carsey - 1123-1141 New Community Associations for Established Neighborhoods
by Robert H. Nelson - 1143-1157 Private Governments and Private Services: Homeowners Associations in the City and Behind the Gate
by Barbara Coyle McCabe & Jill Tao - 1159-1180 Regional Place and City Space: How Metropolitan Configurations Influence Central City Policy Responsiveness
by Christine A. Kelleher - 1181-1198 Tiebout Sorting in Metropolitan Areas
by Kenneth Bickers & Richard N. Engstrom - 1199-1218 All Together Now? An Empirical Study of the Voting Behaviors of Homeowner Association Members in St. Louis County
by Jeremy R. Groves - 1219-1234 Does Spatial Variation in Heterogeneity Matter? Assessing the Adoption Patterns of Business Improvement Districts
by Leah Brooks - 1235-1255 Building Civic Capacity Through an Elastic Local State: The Case of St. Louis
by David Laslo & Dennis R. Judd - 1257-1268 The Street‐Level Bureaucrats of Elections: Selection Methods for Local Election Officials
by David C. Kimball & Martha Kropf
September 2006, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 963-967 Minority Student Achievement
by Gregory R. Weiher & Kent L. Tedin - 969-981 “The Information Gap?”
by Paul Teske & Jody Fitzpatrick & Gabriel Kaplan - 983-997 Sinking Swann: Public School Choice and the Resegregation of Charlotte's Public Schools
by R. Kenneth Godwin & Suzanne M. Leland & Andrew D. Baxter & Stephanie Southworth - 999-1033 Elementary Grade Retention in Texas and Reading Achievement Among Racial Groups: 1994–2002
by Jon Lorence & Anthony Gary Dworkin - 1035-1051 Hispanic College Attendance and the State of Texas GEAR UP Program
by Gregory R. Weiher & Christina Hughes & Noah Kaplan & Joseph Y. Howard - 1053-1076 Parent Involvement and Educational Outcomes for Latino Students
by Melissa Marschall - 1077-1093 Which Bets Paid Off? Early Findings on the Impact of Private Management and K‐8 Conversion Reforms on the Achievement of Philadelphia Students
by Martha Abele Mac Iver & Douglas J. Mac Iver - 1095-1110 The Role of Management and Representation in Improving Performance of Disadvantaged Students: An Application of Bum Phillips's “Don Shula Rule”1
by Kenneth J. Meier & Carl Doerfler & Daniel Hawes & Alisa K. Hicklin & Rene R. Rocha
July 2006, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 813-814 Guest Editors' Introduction
by Timothy Hedeen & Linda Baron - 815-826 The New Urban Governance: Processes for Engaging Citizens and Stakeholders
by Lisa Blomgren Bingham - 827-842 The Promise and Pitfalls of Consensus Decision Making in School Management
by Kristen Erbes - 843-863 Collaboration and Citizen Participation in Community Mediation Centers
by Beth Gazley & Won Kyung Chang & Lisa Blomgren Bingham - 865-885 Factors Affecting Individuals' Decisions to Use Community Mediation
by Lorig Charkoudian & Carrie Wilson - 887-902 Survival and Institutionalization of an Idea: The Rapid Rise of Intelligent Vehicle‐Highway Systems
by Eric Lindquist - 903-913 Quantum Change in the Fragmented Metropolis: Political Environment and Homeless Policy in New York City
by Thomas J. Main - 915-925 Direct Democracy Paradox: State Fiscal Policies in the United States and the Threat of Direct Initiatives
by Manabu Saeki - 927-953 A Preliminary Assessment of Water Institutions in India: An Institutional Design Perspective
by Jayanath Ananda & Lin Crase & P.G. Pagan
May 2006, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 653-655 Evaluating Welfare Reform
by Harrell R. Rodgers - 657-679 State Poverty Rates: Do the New Welfare Policies Make a Difference?
by Harrell R. Rodgers & Lee Payne & Serguei Chervachidze - 681-698 Child Care Subsidies and Employment Behavior Among Very‐Low‐Income Populations in Three States
by Carlena K. Cochi Ficano & Lisa A. Gennetian & Pamela A. Morris - 699-711 The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Single Mothers’ Work Effort
by April Crawford - 713-723 The Reversal of Favorable Child Living Arrangement Trends of the Late 1990s
by Wendell E. Primus - 725-743 “It’s Great When People Don’t Even Have Their Welfare Cases Opened”: TANF Diversion as Process and Lesson
by Frank Ridzi & Andrew S. London - 745-759 State TANF Spending: Predictors of State Tax Effort to Support Welfare Reform
by Harrell R. Rodgers & Kent L. Tedin - 761-779 Getting the Order Right: Child Support Guidelines and the Cost of Raising Children
by Jo Michelle Beld - 781-797 Reductions in Poverty Significantly Greater in the 1990s Than Official Estimates Suggest
by Wendell E. Primus - 799-806 Appendix
by Harrel R. Rodgers & Lee Payne
March 2006, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 287-294 Mexican Democracy and Its Discontents
by Francisco Flores‐Macias & Chappell Lawson - 295-310 Latin America's Fledgling, Fumbling Democracies
by William Ratliff - 311-338 Family Policy Past As Prologue: Jimmy Carter, the White House Conference on Families, and the Mobilization of the New Christian Right1
by Leo P. Ribuffo - 339-354 Community‐Based Participatory Research as a Tool for Policy Change: A Case Study of the Southern California Environmental Justice Collaborative
by Dana Petersen & Meredith Minkler & Victoria Breckwich Vásquez & Andrea Corage Baden - 355-372 Efficiency Measurement in Spanish Local Government: The Case of Municipal Water Services
by Isabel M. García‐Sánchez - 373-386 The Federal Concessioner System: Linking Policy to Opportunities for Local Service Providers
by Rick S. Kurtz - 387-412 “Freedom of Choice”: Israeli Efforts to Prevent Soviet Jewish Émigrés to Resettle in the United States
by Fred A. Lazin - 413-432 Hofferbert in Transit: A Dynamic Stages Model of the Urban Policy Process
by Robert J. Eger & Justin Marlowe - 433-452 How Big Is a Policy Network? An Assessment Utilizing Data From Canadian Royal Commissions 1970–2000
by Michael Howlett & Anthony Maragna - 453-472 The Rise and Fall of Power Line EMFs: The Anatomy of a Magnetic Controversy
by Jon Palfreman - 473-490 Judicious Incentives: International Public Policy Responses to the Globalization of Environmental Management
by Susan Summers Raines - 491-504 Not Just Another Determinants Piece: Path Dependency and Local Tax Abatements
by Laura A. Reese - 505-530 Systemic Interventions to Promote Institutional Change in the Russian Forest Sector
by Mats‐Olov Olsson - 531-548 Social Security Privatization and Market Risk
by Christian E. Weller - 549-572 Public Policy Failure or Historical Debacle? A Study of Eritrea's Relations With Ethiopia Since 1991
by Román López Villicana & M. Venkataraman - 573-588 The End of Wilderness: Conflict and Defeat of Wilderness in the Grand Canyon
by Peter Jacques & David M. Ostergren - 589-606 The Policy of High‐Tech Industry Development: The Case of Location Assessment for Biotech Industry Parks in Taiwan
by Ren‐Shuai Chen & Joseph Z. Shyu & Gow‐Hshiung Tzeng - 607-624 Impacts of China's Rural Land Policy and Administration on Rural Economy and Grain Production
by Hongye Zhang & Xiaofeng Li & Xiaomei Shao - 625-645 The Process and Practice of Downtown Revitalization
by Dagney Faulk
January 2006, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-21 Chromium‐Based Regulations Applicable to Metal Finishing Industries in the United States: A Policy Assessment
by Anil Baral & Robert Engelken & Patrick Stewart - 23-43 A Tale of Two Fears: Exploring Media Depictions of Nuclear Power and Global Warming
by Jon Palfreman - 45-70 Amsterdam as a Global City: Restructuring, Identity Rearticulation, and Resistance in the Service Sector
by Tobias Dörfler & Marianne H. Marchand & Claus Pirschner - 71-94 The Equity Impacts of Municipal Tax Incentives: Leveling or Tilting the Playing Field?
by Laura A. Reese & Gary Sands - 95-114 The Politics of Vulnerability: Constructing Local Performance Regimes for Homeland Security
by Susan E. Clarke & Erica Chenoweth - 115-127 Western Wildfires: A Policy Change Perspective
by Charles Davis - 129-151 Assessing Instrument Mixes through Program‐ and Agency‐Level Data: Methodological Issues in Contemporary Implementation Research
by Michael Howlett & Jonathan Kim & Paul Weaver - 153-168 Managing Risk and Regulation in European Food Safety Governance
by Ladina Caduff & Thomas Bernauer - 169-181 Public Policy and Foreign Policy: Divergences, Intersections, Exchange
by Howard H. Lentner - 183-195 Value Conflict and Policy Change
by Jenny Stewart - 197-222 The Academic Discipline of Management and Homeland Security
by Ufot B. Inamete - 223-233 Area Poverty Effects on Local Health Care Costs: An Analysis of Mississippi
by Brandon Roberts - 235-248 State‐Funded College Scholarships: General Definitions and Characteristics
by Danielle Duffourc - 249-266 Is a Computer Worth a Thousand Books? Internet Access and the Changing Role of Public Libraries
by Anindya Chaudhuri and Kenneth S. Flamm - 267-279 Considering Knowledge Uptake within a Cycle of Transforming Data, Information, and Knowledge
by Sarah Michaels & Nancy P. Goucher & Dan McCarthy
November 2005, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 749-751 Letter from the Editors
by Alexander Bartik & Eric Kafka & Jesse Wolfson - 753-753 The World in 2050
by Paul Rich - 755-770 The Renter Squeeze: Minority and Low‐Income Renters Feel Pressures from Housing Boom and Weak Labor Market
by Nathaniel Loewentheil & Christian E. Weller - 771-786 Hedonic Estimation and Policy Significance of the Impact of HOPE VI on Neighborhood Property Values
by Edward Bair & John M. Fitzgerald - 787-810 Voter Disenfranchisement and Policy toward Election Reforms
by Anne Kiehl Friedman - 841-858 Gender Role Ideologies and Marriage Promotion: State Policy Choices and Suggestions for Improvement
by Deborah A. Harris & Domenico Parisi - 859-880 Once Upon a Time in Volcán, Costa Rica: Integrating Values into Watershed Management and Poverty Alleviation
by Mollie Chapman - 881-917 Orphan Living Situations in Malawi: A Comparison of Orphanages and Foster Homes
by Brigitte Zimmerman - 919-936 Effects of Exchange Rate Regime on IMF Program Participation
by Robert Trudel
September 2005, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 597-597 A New Editor and Editorial Office for the Review, Now Sponsored by the Science Section of the American Political Science Association
by Paul Rich - 599-623 United States Public Response to Terrorism: Fault Lines or Bedrock?1
by Hank C. Jenkins‐Smith & Kerry G. Herron - 625-635 Deception and Fear in Politically Oppressive Contexts: Its Trickle‐Down Effect on Families
by Carlos E. Sluzki - 637-655 How Do Career Strategies, Gender, and Work Environment Affect Faculty Productivity Levels in University‐Based Science Centers?1
by Elizabeth A. Corley - 657-666 Resistance from Within: Why Mexico's Attempt to Advance an Active Foreign Policy Failed
by David Mena Alemán - 667-685 Neuroscience and the Detection of Deception
by Mark D. Happel - 687-708 A Decision Analysis Approach to Policy Issues: The NAFTA Case
by Roberto Ley‐Borrás - 709-720 Tourism: A Facilitator of Social Awareness in an Indigenous Mexican Community?
by Louisa M. Greathouse‐Amador - 721-725 Policymaking and the Control of the Nongovernmental Sector: Porfirio Díaz and the Grand Diet
by Guillermo De Los Reyes & Paul Rich - 727-735 The Baroque, Modernity, and Postmodernity in Latin American Political Culture
by Luis Ochoa Bilbao & Paul Frankel - 737-742 John Rawls and Policy Formation
by Daniel Gutiérrez
July 2005, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 437-449 Shifting Priorities: Congressional Incentives and the Homeland Security Granting Process
by Patrick S. Roberts - 451-471 United States’ Narco‐Terrorism Policy: A Contingency Approach to the Convergence of the Wars on Drugs and Against Terrorism
by Chris J. Dolan - 473-482 Toward Democracy: A Critique of a World Bank Loan to the United Mexican States
by Jayson W. Richardson - 483-499 Leadership and Economic Theories of Nonprofit Organizations
by Joseph Wallis & Brian Dollery - 501-518 The Evolution and Devolution of Speed Limit Law and the Effect on Fatality Rates
by Robert O. Yowell - 519-539 Welfare Reform and Models of Public Policy: Why Policy Sciences Are Required
by Oren M. Levin‐Waldman - 541-553 Beyond Gratz and Grutter: Prospects for Affirmative Action in the Aftermath of the Supreme Court's Michigan Decisions
by Euel W. Elliott & Andrew I. E. Ewoh - 555-569 Science and Technology for What?
by Robert M. Krone - 571-587 Bioethical Policymaking for Advanced Medical Technologies: Institutional Characteristics and Citizen Participation in Eight OECD Countries1
by Hajime Sato & Akira Akabayashi - 589-590 Paying Proper Ransoms: A Policy Towards Hostages
by Paul Rich
May 2005, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 269-273 Introduction: Welfare Reform and American Poverty
by Harrell Rodgers - 275-299 Evaluating the Devolution Revolution1
by Harrell Rodgers - 301-324 Recent Data Trends Show Welfare Reform to Be a Mixed Success: Significant Policy Changes Should Accompany Reauthorization
by Kasia O’Neill Murray & Wendell E. Primus - 325-343 Innovation in Welfare Policy: Evaluating State Efforts to Encourage Work among Low‐Income Families1
by Gary Bryner & Ryan Martin - 345-367 Conducting Meta‐Analyses of Evaluations of Government‐Funded Training Programs
by David H. Greenberg & Philip K. Robins & Robert Walker - 369-383 Investing in Individuals for Independence
by Mark Carl Rom - 385-395 State Tax Credits and “Making Work Pay” in Post‐Welfare Reform Era
by Glenn Beamer - 397-400 State Welfare Options: Why Are Some States Tough?
by Harrell Rodgers - 401-421 Research and Welfare Reform
by Lawrence M. Mead - 423-427 Appendix: Poverty and American Children
by Harrell Rodgers - 429-430 Inmates are Occasionally Washed: Social Welfare and Bridewell
by Paul Rich
March 2005, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 115-131 Policy Networks, Elections, and State Subsidies1
by Nikolaos Zahariadis - 133-135 A Commentary for Nikolaos Zahariadis's “Policy Networks, Elections, and State Subsidies”
by Mitchell P. Smith - 137-155 Border Security Technologies: Local and Regional Implications
by Jason Ackleson - 157-169 A Prospect Theory Analysis of California's Initiatives in Implementation of its Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) Mandate1
by Sarmistha R. Majumdar - 171-186 Terminating Taiwan's Fourth Nuclear Power Plant under the Chen Shui‐bian Administration
by Shu‐Hsiang Hsu - 187-204 Taking the Keys from Grandpa
by Elaine B. Sharp & Paul E. Johnson - 205-220 Measuring the Impact of Lotteries on State per Pupil Expenditures for Education: Assessing the National Evidence
by Sangho Moon & Rodney E. Stanley & Jaeun Shin - 221-243 Utilization‐Focused Evaluation
by Jenny Briedenhann & Steve Butts - 245-256 Systematic, Political, and Socioeconomic Influences on Educational Spending in the American States1
by Manabu Saeki - 257-259 Is Bread and Butter the Sole Option for Animal Protection Policy in Mexico?
by Alejandro Méndez López - 261-262 A Commentary on David Mena's “When Practice Oversteps the Limits of Theory: An Assessment of Fair Media Coverage for Political Parties in Great Britain and Mexico”
by Victor Reynoso
January 2005, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introducing Policy Studies and Mexico
by Paul Rich & David Merchant - 7-16 Prospects for Mexican Civil Society
by David Merchant & Paul Rich - 17-26 Mexican Intellectuals and Policy Alternation (2000–2004)
by Luis Ochoa Bilbao - 27-48 When Practice Oversteps the Limits of Theory: An Assessment of Fair Media Coverage for Political Parties in Great Britain and Mexico
by David Mena - 49-58 Tourism and Policy in Preserving Minority Languages and Culture: The Cuetzalan Experience
by Louisa M. Greathouse‐Amador - 59-76 “Like Butter Scraped over Too Much Bread”: Animal Protection Policy in Mexico1
by Emma R. Norman & Norma Contreras Hernández - 77-92 Advancing Human Rights Policy: Does Grassroots Mobilization and Community Dispute Resolution Matter? Insights from Chiapas, Mexico
by Linda Lopez - 93-102 Opus Dei and Mexico: Civil but Sinister?
by Guillermo De Los Reyes & Paul Rich - 103-104 Professor Wilson and Mexico
by Paul Rich
November 2004, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 741-741 From the Editor
by Dennis K. McBride - 743-766 Regulating Finance: Who Rules, Whose Rules?
by Stephen L. Harris - 767-782 Using Parallel Strategies to Promote Change: Forest Policymaking under George W. Bush
by Jacqueline Vaughn & Hanna Cortner - 783-797 Thinking about Affirmative Action: Arguments Supporting Preferential Policies
by Garth Massey - 799-807 A Lingering Question of Priorities: Athletic Budgets and Academic Performance Revisited1
by Kenneth J. Meier & Warren S. Eller & Miner P. Marchbanks & Scott Robinson & J. L. Polinard & Robert D. Wrinkle - 809-828 Innovating Science Policy: Restructuring S&T Policy for the Twenty‐first Century1
by James J. Richardson & Whitney B. Matson & Robert J. Peters - 829-837 A System‐of‐Systems Perspective for Public Policy Decisions
by Dan DeLaurentis & Robert K. “CAB” Callaway - 839-841 Presidential Address
by Paul J. Rich
September 2004, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 613-614 From the Editor
by Dennis K. McBride - 615-636 Efficiency Measurement in Australian Local Government: The Case of New South Wales Municipal Water Services
by Kim Woodbury & Brian Dollery - 637-662 Prices, Devices, People, or Rules: The Relative Effectiveness of Policy Instruments in Water Conservation1
by Heather E. Campbell & Ryan M. Johnson & Elizabeth Hunt Larson - 663-680 The Government Centralization‐Decentralization Debate in Metropolitan Areas
by David K. Hamilton - 681-698 Binational Vital Signs: A Quality of Life Indicator Program for the San Diego–Tijuana Metropolitan Region1
by Celeste Murphy‐Greene & John Blair - 699-713 The Impact of Low Trust on Economic Development: The Case of Latin America
by M. B. Neace - 715-728 The Policy Sciences and the Unmasking Turn of Mind1
by Philip Ryan - 729-739 Community Capacity Building: A Critical Evaluation of the Third Sector Approach
by Colin C. Williams
July 2004, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 463-463 From the Editor
by Dennis K. McBride - 465-467 New Directions in Arts and Cultural Policy: Forward by the Editors
by Elizabeth Strom & Margaret Wyszomirski - 469-484 From Public Support for the Arts to Cultural Policy
by Margaret Wyszomirski - 485-504 Searching for a National Policy on the Arts
by Donald Hugh Perone - 505-522 Old Pictures in New Frames: Issue Definition and Federal Arts Policy
by Elizabeth Strom & Angela Cook