March 2009, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 95-116 Selective Professionalisation of Political Campaigning: A Test of the Party‐Centred Theory of Professionalised Campaigning in the Context of the 2006 Swedish Election
by Jesper Strömbäck - 117-140 Reforming China's Stock Market: Institutional Change Chinese Style
by Stephen Bell & Hui Feng - 141-164 Failures of Political Thinking
by Michael Freeden - 165-186 Knowledge, Legitimation and the Politics of Risk: The Functions of Research in Public Debates on Migration
by Christina Boswell - 187-206 The White House as a Black Box: Oral History and the Problem of Evidence in Presidential Studies
by Russell L. Riley - 207-233 Valence Politics in Scotland: Towards an Explanation of the 2007 Election
by Robert Johns & James Mitchell & David Denver & Charles Pattie
December 2008, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 747-765 New Philanthropy, New Networks and New Governance in Education
by Stephen J. Ball - 766-788 Politics of Exception and Unease: Immigration, Asylum and Terrorism in Parliamentary Debates in the UK
by Jef Huysmans & Alessandra Buonfino - 789-806 Is Constitutional Politics like Politics ‘At Home’? The Case of the EU Constitution
by Paul Pennings & Christine Arnold - 807-829 Credible Governance? Transparency, Political Control, the Personal Vote and British Quangos
by Anthony M. Bertelli - 830-856 Labor Market Deregulation and Industrial Conflict in New Democracies: A Cross‐National Analysis
by José Alemán - 857-880 Overcoming the Conservative Disposition: Oakeshott vs. Tönnies
by Efraim Podoksik - 881-906 A Realistic Utopia? Nancy Fraser, Cosmopolitanism and the Making of a Just World Order
by George Lawson - 907-927 Race in the Ontology of International Order
by Branwen Gruffydd Jones - 928-948 State Religious Exclusivity and Human Rights
by Jonathan Fox - 949-956 May Lockean Doughnuts Have Holes? The Geometry of Territorial Jurisdiction: A Response to Nine
by Hillel Steiner - 957-963 Territory is Not Derived from Property: A Response to Steiner
by Cara Nine - 964-969 On the Young Hirst: A Rejoinder to Jason Edwards and Kelvin Knight
by Mark Wenman
October 2008, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 485-486 Preface
by Matthew Festenstein - 487-518 Global Distributive Justice and the State
by Simon Caney - 519-543 Taking Constitutionalism Beyond the State
by Neil Walker - 544-565 What's So Special about States? Liberal Legitimacy in a Globalising World
by Terry Macdonald - 566-583 Hybrid States: Globalisation and the Politics of State Capacity
by Mark Robinson - 584-603 Political Studies and the Contextual Turn: A Methodological/Normative Critique
by Stephanie Lawson - 604-628 Democracy, Solidarity and Post‐nationalism
by Jeff Spinner‐Halev - 629-652 Global–Local Linkage in the Western Balkans: The Politics of Environmental Capacity Building in Bosnia‐Herzegovina
by Adam Fagan - 653-678 Do Mayoral Elections Work? Evidence from London
by John Curtice & Ben Seyd & Katarina Thomson - 679-704 Self‐Transgressive Enjoyment as a Freedom Fetter
by Jason Glynos - 705-724 Convincing Claims? Democracy and Representation in Post‐9/11 Britain
by Giles Moss & Ben O'Loughlin - 725-736 Critical Mass Theory and Women's Political Representation
by Sarah Childs & Mona Lena Krook - 737-741 Paul Hirst's Pluralism: A Response to Mark Wenman
by Jason Edwards & Kelvin Knight
June 2008, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 261-287 Civic Orientations: Does Associational Type Matter?
by William A. Maloney & Jan W. van Deth & Sigrid Roßteutscher - 288-311 The Three Exit, Three Voice and Loyalty Framework: A Test with Survey Data on Local Services
by Keith Dowding & Peter John - 312-332 Trust Your Compatriots, but Count Your Change: The Roles of Trust, Mistrust and Distrust in Democracy
by Patti Tamara Lenard - 333-354 Mobilisation or Marginalisation? Neighbourhood Effects on Muslim Electoral Registration in Britain in 2001
by Edward Fieldhouse & David Cutts - 355-373 Liberal Justifications for Local Government in Britain: The Triumph of Expediency over Ethics
by James A. Chandler - 374-398 News Media and Peace Building in Asymmetrical Conflicts: The Flow of News between Jordan and Israel
by Gadi Wolfsfeld & Eitan Y. Alimi & Wasfi Kailani - 399-413 Political Coercion and the Scope of Distributive Justice
by Ryan Pevnick - 414-434 From Evaluating Democracy Assistance to Appraising Democracy Promotion
by Peter Burnell - 435-455 Two Conceptions of Sustainability
by Steve Vanderheiden - 456-474 Knowledge and Law in Plato's Laws
by George Klosko - 475-481 The Governance of Networks: Heuristic or Formal Analysis? A Reply to Rachel Parker
by Dimitrios C. Christopoulos
March 2008, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-11 Civic Engagement and Civic Attitudes in Cross‐National Perspective: Introduction to the Symposium
by Dietlind Stolle & Marc Morjé Howard - 12-32 A Cross‐National Comparison of the Internal Effects of Participation in Voluntary Organizations
by Marc Morjé Howard & Leah Gilbert - 33-56 Immigration and the Imagined Community in Europe and the United States
by Jack Citrin & John Sides - 57-75 When Does Diversity Erode Trust? Neighborhood Diversity, Interpersonal Trust and the Mediating Effect of Social Interactions
by Dietlind Stolle & Stuart Soroka & Richard Johnston - 76-98 Citizenship Norms and the Expansion of Political Participation
by Russell J. Dalton - 99-126 Does Diversity Erode Social Cohesion? Social Capital and Race in British Neighbourhoods
by Natalia Letki - 127-147 Pre‐emptive Democracy: Oligarchic Tendencies in Deliberative Democracy
by Aviezer Tucker - 148-165 A Lockean Theory of Territory
by Cara Nine - 166-191 Jamaican Dons, Italian Godfathers and the Chances of a ‘Reversible Destiny’
by Hume N. Johnson & Joseph L. Soeters - 192-214 Does Political Information Matter? An Experimental Test Relating to Party Positions on Europe
by James Tilley & Christopher Wlezien - 215-236 Cosmopolitan Democracy and the EU: The Case of Gender
by Robert Frith - 237-256 Mary Wollstonecraft on Politics and Friendship
by Elizabeth Frazer
December 2007, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 683-708 For Queen and Company: The Role of Intelligence in the UK's Arms Trade
by Robert Dover - 709-732 Resources, Group Conflict and Symbols: Explaining Anti‐Immigration Hostility in Britain
by Lauren McLaren & Mark Johnson - 733-753 The Logic of Transnational Action: The Good Corporation and the Global Compact
by Lynn Bennie & Patrick Bernhagen & Neil J. Mitchell - 754-778 The Nature and Direction of Economic Reform in North Korea
by Sujian Guo & Gary A. Stradiotto - 779-800 The Limits of Partnership: An Exit‐Action Strategy for Local Democratic Inclusion
by Jonathan S. Davies - 801-820 English Pluralism, Functionalism and Corporatism: The Legacy of Paul Hirst
by Mark Wenman - 821-843 Habermas and Oppositional Public Spheres: A Stereoscopic Analysis of Black and White Press Practices
by Michael Huspek - 844-864 Justice in Ideal Theory: A Refutation
by Colin Farrelly - 865-879 Obligation by Association? A Reply to John Horton
by Richard Vernon - 880-884 Defending Associative Political Obligations: A Response to Richard Vernon
by John Horton - 885-892 Parties, Democracy and Grounded Utopias: A Reply to Sara Motta
by Francisco Panizza
October 2007, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 481-498 The Cartoon Controversy: Offence, Identity, Oppression?
by Sune Lægaard - 499-521 Politics of God or Politics of Man? The Role of Religion and Deprivation in Predicting Support for Political Violence in Israel
by Eran Zaidise & Daphna Canetti‐Nisim & Ami Pedahzur - 522-545 Alone in the World: The Existential Socrates in the Apology and Crito
by Emanuele Saccarelli - 546-567 French Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy: Mechanisms of Change and Hybridisation within Models of Capitalism
by Ben Clift - 568-585 Voting over Redistribution and the Size of the Welfare State: The Role of Turnout
by Valentino Larcinese - 586-606 Turnout and Representation Bias in Post‐communist Europe
by Stephen White & Ian McAllister - 607-628 The Growing Importance of Issue Competition: The Changing Nature of Party Competition in Western Europe
by Christoffer Green‐Pedersen - 629-655 When Voters and Parties Agree: Valence Issues and Party Competition
by Jane Green - 656-679 ‘An Incalculable Effect’: Subversions of Heteronormativity
by Samuel A. Chambers
June 2007, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 271-273 Introduction
by John M. Hobson - 274-296 State Sovereignty After 9/11: Disorganised Hypocrisy
by Amitav Acharya - 297-317 Sovereignty and its Presuppositions: Before 9/11 and After
by Robert Jackson - 318-340 When US Scholars Speak of ‘Sovereignty’, What Do They Mean?
by Adriana Sinclair & Michael Byers - 341-361 Risk Sensitivity and Terrorism
by Lawrence A. Kuznar & James M. Lutz - 362-383 Turning Up the Heat: Partisanship in Deliberative Innovation
by Carolyn M. Hendriks & John S. Dryzek & Christian Hunold - 384-404 Democratic ‘Misfit’? Conceptions of Civil Society Participation in France and the European Union
by Sabine Saurugger - 405-424 Populism versus Democracy
by Koen Abts & Stefan Rummens - 425-441 Winning, Losing and Satisfaction with Democracy
by André Blais & François Gélineau - 442-458 Path Dependence in Settlement Processes: Explaining Settlement in Northern Ireland
by Joseph Ruane & Jennifer Todd - 459-476 Community as Communication: Jean‐Luc Nancy and ‘Being‐in‐Common’
by John Schwarzmantel
March 2007, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-19 In Defence of Associative Political Obligations: Part Two
by John Horton - 20-37 Rationalist and Constructivist Perspectives on Reputation
by J. C. Sharman - 38-58 Democratic Deepening in Third Wave Democracies: Experiments with Participation in Mexico City
by Imke Harbers - 59-85 Elite Social Relations and Corporate Political Donations in Britain
by Matthew Bond - 86-112 Sampling People or People in Places? The BES as an Election Study
by Ron Johnston & Richard Harris & Kelvyn Jones - 113-132 Networked Governance or Just Networks? Local Governance of the Knowledge Economy in Limerick (Ireland) and Karlskrona (Sweden)
by Rachel Parker - 133-152 Resources versus Capabilities: Social Endowments in Egalitarian Theory
by Roland Pierik & Ingrid Robeyns - 153-173 Together Forever? Explaining Exclusivity in Party–Firm Relations
by Iain McMenamin & Roger Schoenman - 174-200 Analysing Reform: The House of Commons, 2001–5
by Matthew Flinders - 201-224 Politics Rules: The False Primacy of Institutions in Developing Countries
by S. N. Sangmpam - 225-242 Fairness on the Day after Tomorrow: Justice, Reciprocity and Global Climate Change
by Edward A. Page - 243-266 Human Rights Discourse in Domestic Settings: How Does it Emerge?
by Neve Gordon & Nitza Berkovitch
December 2006, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 651-670 Coalitions of Contention: The Case of the WTO Protests in Seattle
by Margaret Levi & Gillian H. Murphy - 671-690 Prime Ministers, Presidentialism and Westminster Smokescreens
by Mark Bevir & R. A. W. Rhodes - 691-714 Critical Mass, Deliberation and the Substantive Representation of Women: Evidence from the UK's Devolution Programme
by Paul Chaney - 715-742 Alternative Ulster? Political Parties and the Non‐constitutional Policy Space in Northern Ireland
by Karin Gilland Lutz & Christopher Farrington - 743-766 How Voters Evaluate Economic Competence: A Comparison between Parties In and Out of Power
by Sarah Butt - 767-785 Assessing the Power of the Purse: An Index of Legislative Budget Institutions
by Joachim Wehner - 786-805 Pragmatists, Ideologues and the General Law of Curvilinear Disparity: The Case of the Irish Labour Party
by Fiachra Kennedy & Pat Lyons & Peter Fitzgerald - 806-826 Power, Impartiality and Timing: Three Hypotheses on Third Party Mediation in the Middle East
by Asaf Siniver - 827-845 Aristotle, Hobbes and Chimpanzees
by Christopher J. Berry - 846-864 Political Support: Social Capital, Civil Society and Political and Economic Performance
by Kenneth Newton - 865-888 Commuting and Citizen Participation in Swedish City‐Regions
by Anders Lidström - 889-897 Of Time and Causality: A Simple Test of the Requirement of Social Capital in Making Democracy Work in Italy
by Lauren M. McLaren & Vanessa A. Baird - 898-905 Utopias Re‐imagined: A Reply to Panizza
by Sara Motta
October 2006, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 427-443 In Defence of Associative Political Obligations: Part One
by John Horton - 444-464 Who Exploits Who?
by Karl Widerquist - 465-485 Testing the Decline of Parliament Thesis: Ireland, 1923–2002
by Robert Elgie & John Stapleton - 486-508 Integrated Deliberation: Reconciling Civil Society's Dual Role in Deliberative Democracy
by Carolyn M. Hendriks - 509-532 Intra‐Party Support for the Good Friday Agreement in the Ulster Unionist Party
by Eric Kaufmann & Henry Patterson - 533-558 Should the Voting Age be Lowered to Sixteen? Normative and Empirical Considerations
by Tak Wing Chan & Matthew Clayton - 559-582 Territory and Power Revisited: Theorising Territorial Politics in the United Kingdom after Devolution
by Jonathan Bradbury - 583-606 Political Studies as Narrative and Science, 1880–2000
by Mark Bevir - 607-627 Democracy in the Light of Security: British and French Political Discourses on Domestic Counter‐Terrorism Policies
by Anastassia Tsoukala - 628-647 Electoral Volatility and Party Decline in Western Democracies: 1970–1995
by Andrew J. Drummond
June 2006, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 219-244 Intra‐Executive Competition between President and Prime Minister: Patterns of Institutional Conflict and Cooperation under Semi‐Presidentialism
by Oleh Protsyk - 245-266 Externalised Justice and Democratisation: Lessons from the Pinochet Case
by Madeleine Davis - 267-288 Local Democracy and Political Leadership: Drawing a Map
by Michael Haus & David Sweeting - 289-309 Debating Opportunities, Outcomes and Democracy: Young and Phillips on Equality
by Chris Armstrong - 310-327 Democratic Legitimacy, Public Justification and Environmental Direct Action
by Mathew Humphrey - 328-348 Class, State and Democracy: Laski, Miliband and the Search for a Synthesis
by Michael Newman - 349-369 Global Justice and the Distribution of Natural Resources
by Tim Hayward - 370-398 National Representation in International Organizations: The Seat Allocation Model Implicit in the European Union Council and Parliament
by Rein Taagepera & Madeleine O. Hosli - 399-423 Modern Politics in an Age of Global Terrorism: New Challenges for Domestic Public Policy
by Dirk Haubrich
March 2006, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 3-22 Stand and Deliver: Private Property and the Politics of Global Dispossession
by Stefan Andreasson - 23-42 Social Upheaval and Transformation of Elite Structures: The Case of Finland
by Ilkka Ruostetsaari - 43-64 The Politics of Electoral Reform Abolition: The Informed Process of Israel's Return to Its Previous Electoral System
by Gideon Rahat - 65-83 The Social Policies Presidents Make: Pre‐Emptive Leadership Under Nixon and Clinton
by Daniel Béland & Alex Waddan - 84-102 Locke and the Politics and Theology of Toleration
by Timothy Stanton - 103-122 Public Preferences for Parliamentary Representation in the UK: An Overlooked Link?
by Christopher Jan Carman - 123-146 Escaping the TRIPs’ Trap: The Political Economy of Free and Open Source Software in Africa
by Christopher May - 147-164 Gendering the Holy Cross School Dispute: Women and Nationalism in Northern Ireland
by Fidelma Ashe - 165-184 Thick Cosmopolitanism
by Andrew Dobson - 185-215 International Organisation as Coordination in N‐Person Games
by Jan‐Erik Lane & Reinert Maeland
December 2005, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 653-675 Homogeneous Models and Heterogeneous Voters
by John Bartle - 676-693 Norms, Interests and Institutional Change
by Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos - 694-715 Interest Group Strategies: Navigating Between Privileged Access and Strategies of Pressure
by Anne Binderkrantz - 716-734 Unarmed Utopia Revisited: The Resurgence of Left‐of‐Centre Politics in Latin America
by Francisco Panizza - 735-752 Hegemony and Autonomy
by Howard H. Lentner - 753-771 Social Democrats and Neo‐Liberalism: A Case Study of the Australian Labor Party
by Ashley Lavelle - 772-792 The Reform of Public Administration in Northern Ireland: From Principles to Practice
by Paul Carmichael & Colin Knox - 793-815 Leasehold or Freehold? Leader‐Eviction Rules in the British Conservative and Labour Parties
by Thomas Quinn - 816-832 Polish Democracy in Transition?
by Bogusia Puchalska - 833-848 John Stuart Mill and Unassimilated Subjects
by Mark Tunick
October 2005, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 457-476 Duverger's Law, Penrose's Power Index and the Unity of the UK
by Iain McLean & Alistair McMillan & Dennis Leech - 477-496 The Rise of ‘New’ Policy Instruments in Comparative Perspective: Has Governance Eclipsed Government?
by Andrew Jordan & Rüdiger K. W. Wurzel & Anthony Zito - 497-515 Deliberative Democracy and the Politics of Recognition
by Cillian McBride - 516-536 Political Disagreement and Socratic Civic Competence
by Russell Bentley - 537-555 The Language of Democracy: Vernacular or Esperanto? A Comparison between the Multiculturalist and Cosmopolitan Perspectives
by Daniele Archibugi - 556-578 Uninterested Youth? Young People's Attitudes towards Party Politics in Britain
by Matt Henn & Mark Weinstein & Sarah Forrest - 579-597 Incivility: The Politics of ‘People on the Margins’ in Jamaica
by Hume N. Johnson - 598-620 A Reconceptualisation of the Antecedents of Party Activism: A Multidisciplinary Approach
by Sue Granik - 621-640 Intervention and Empire: John Stuart Mill and International Relations
by Carol A. L. Prager - 641-649 Fair‐Play Obligations: A Critical Note on Free Riding
by Stephen D. Parsons
June 2005, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 243-261 Should We Be Compelled to Have Identity Cards? Justifications for the Legal Enforcement of Obligations
by Perri 6 - 262-283 Feminisms, Islamophobia and Identities
by Haleh Afshar & Rob Aitken & Myfanwy Franks - 284-302 World Risk Society and War Against Terror
by Keith Spence - 303-319 The Impact of the Scottish Parliament in Amending Executive Legislation
by Mark Shephard & Paul Cairney - 320-342 Democratic Deficit or the Europeanisation of Secession? Explaining the Devolution Referendums in Scotland
by Paolo Dardanelli - 343-361 Brand Leaders: Clinton, Blair and the Limitations of the Permanent Campaign
by Catherine Needham - 362-378 Political Participation as an Engine of Social Solidarity: A Sceptical View
by Shlomi Segall - 379-402 Responsive Government? Public Opinion and Government Policy Preferences in Britain and Denmark
by Sara Binzer Hobolt & Robert Klemmemsen - 403-422 The Contested Council: Conflict Dimensions of an Intergovernmental EU Institution
by Christina Zimmer & Gerald Schneider & Michael Dobbins - 423-441 Balancing Procedures and Outcomes Within Democratic Theory: Core Values and Judicial Review
by Corey Brettschneider - 442-453 Research Note: Libertarian‐authoritarian Value Change in Britain, 1974–2001
by James R. Tilley
March 2005, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-21 It's Parties That Choose Electoral Systems (or, Duverger's Laws Upside Down)
by Josep M. Colomer - 22-42 Neo‐liberalism and the Decline of Democratic Governance in Australia: A Problem of Institutional Design?
by Ian Marsh - 43-64 Structural Power and Public Policy: A Signaling Model of Business Lobbying in Democratic Capitalism
by Patrick Bernhagen & Thomas Bräuninger - 65-81 Understanding Public Support for British Membership of the Single Currency
by Matthew Gabel & Simon Hix - 82-99 Monomaniacs or Schizophrenics?: Responsible Governance and the EU's Independent Agencies
by Garrath Williams - 100-123 Crooked Timber or Bent Twig? Isaiah Berlin's Nationalism
by David Miller - 124-142 Rethinking Agency: A Phenomenological Approach to Embodiment and Agentic Capacities
by Diana Coole - 143-161 Arab States and the Role of Islam in the International Criminal Court
by Steven C. Roach - 162-181 How Terrorism Upsets Liberty
by Tamar Meisels - 182-200 Non‐Voluntary Return? The Politics of Return to Afghanistan
by Brad K. Blitz & Rosemary Sales & Lisa Marzano - 201-221 Gender Ghosts in McGarry and O’Leary and Representations of the Conflict in Northern Ireland
by Marysia Zalewski - 222-239 Corruption: An Alternative Approach to Its Definition and Measurement
by Oskar Kurer
December 2004, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 643-663 Market Visions: The Interplay of Ideas and Institutions in Chinese Financial Restructuring
by Edward S. Steinfeld - 664-684 Chinese Diaspora as a Virtual Nation: Interactive Roles between Economic and Social Capital
by Gordon C. K. Cheung - 685-708 Conceptualising State Capacity: Comparing Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
by Sally N. Cummings & Ole Nørgaard - 709-727 The Ambiguities of Reconciliation and Responsibility in South Africa
by Rosemary Nagy - 728-744 Rethinking Democratic Procedures: Democracy and Deliberative Experiences in Turkey's LA21 Process
by Ülkü Doğanay - 745-766 The Universal Welfare State: Theory and the Case of Sweden
by Andreas Bergh - 767-784 Globalisation, Ecological Modernisation and New Labour
by John Barry & Matthew Paterson - 785-801 Sustainable Development as a Policy Telos: A New Approach to Political Problem‐Solving
by Yoram Levy & Marcel Wissenburg - 802-818 Political Philosophy and Empowering Citizens
by Avner De‐Shalit - 819-836 Choice, Responsibility and Equality
by Alexander Kaufman
October 2004, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 395-412 Perceptions of Israel in the Armies of Syria, Egypt and Jordan
by Hillel Frisch - 413-430 The Creeping Politicisation of the World Bank: The Case of Corruption
by Heather Marquette - 431-449 Olson Triumphant? Recruitment Strategies and the Growth of a Small Business Organisation
by Grant Jordan & Darren Halpin - 450-468 ‘All for One and One for All’: Transactions Cost and Collective Action
by Philip Jones - 469-490 The Paradox of Proportional Representation: The Effect of Party Systems and Coalitions on Individuals’ Electoral Participation
by David Brockington - 491-507 Problems of Descriptive Representation in Dutch Works Councils
by Ewald Engelen