October 2004, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 508-530 Building Social Capital in City Politics: Scope and Limitations at the Inter‐organisational Level
by Graham Smith & William Maloney & Gerry Stoker - 531-551 UK Initiatives on Forced Marriage: Regulation, Dialogue and Exit
by Anne Phillips & Moira Dustin - 552-564 Women Representatives Acting for Women: Sex and the Signing of Early Day Motions in the 1997 British Parliament
by Sarah Childs & Julie Withey - 565-584 In Pursuit of Civic Participation: The Early Experiences of the Northern Ireland Civic Forum, 2000–2002
by Vikki Bell - 585-602 The Moral Minority: Evangelical Protestants in Northern Ireland and Their Political Behaviour
by Claire Mitchell & James R. Tilley - 603-622 Michael Oakeshott on Civility, Civil Society and Civil Association
by Richard Boyd - 623-640 Research Note: The Influence of the Press in Shaping Public Opinion towards the European Union in Britain
by Sean Carey & Jonathan Burton
June 2004, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 199-215 The Bitter Product of Defeat? Reflections on Winstanley's Law of Freedom
by Darren Webb - 216-232 Fair‐Play Obligations
by Daniel McDermott - 233-250 The Scope of Public Reason
by Jonathan Quong - 251-268 Pierre‐Louis Rœderer and the Debate on Forms of Government in Revolutionary France
by Ruth Scurr - 269-288 Laclau and Mouffe's Hegemonic Project: The Story So Far
by Jules Townshend - 289-306 The Electoral Impact of Constituency Campaigning in Britain, 1992–2001
by David Denver & Gordon Hands & Iain MacAllister - 307-323 Do (Some) Canadian Voters Punish a Prime Minister for Calling a Snap Election?
by André Blais & Elisabeth Gidengil & Neil Nevitte & Richard Nadeau - 324-341 Center Parties, Party Competition, and the Implosion of Party Systems: A Study of Centripetal Tendencies in Multiparty Systems
by Christoffer Green‐Pedersen - 342-357 Making a Crisis out of a Drama: The Political Analysis of BSE Policy‐Making in the UK
by Ian Forbes - 358-375 Local Autonomy, Local Democracy and the ‘New Localism’
by Lawrence Pratchett - 376-392 The Rhetorical Strategy of George H. W. Bush during the Persian Gulf Crisis 1990–91: How to Help Lose a War You Won
by Steven Hurst
March 2004, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-18 Democracy in South Asia: Getting beyond the Structure–Agency Dichotomy
by Katharine Adeney & Andrew Wyatt - 19-42 Neo‐liberalization and Incorporation in Advanced Newly Industrialized Countries: A View from South Korea
by Tat Yan Kong - 43-62 Elites and the Diffusion of Foreign Models in Russia
by Sharon Werning Rivera - 63-81 Discourses in Norwegian Climate Policy: National Action or Thinking Globally?
by Eivind Hovden & Gard Lindseth - 82-95 The Interactive State: Democratisation from Above?
by Tjitske Akkerman & Maarten Hajer & John Grin - 96-117 Social Capital and Regional Economies in Britain
by Terrence Casey - 118-134 The Political Power of Words: The Birth of Pro‐democratic Discourse in the Nineteenth Century in the United States and France
by Francis Dupuis‐Déri - 135-143 Populism as a Spectre of Democracy: A Response to Canovan
by Benjamín Arditi - 144-161 Social Choice and the Grammar of Rights and Freedoms
by Keith Dowding - 162-178 A ‘Radical Humanist’ Approach to the Concept of Solidarity
by Lawrence Wilde - 179-186 A Comparative Study of the Politics of GM Food and Crops
by Dave Toke - 187-193 Lacroix's European Constitutional Patriotism: A Response
by Richard Bellamy & Dario Castiglione - 194-196 A Reply to Bellamy and Castiglione
by Justine Lacroix
December 2003, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 611-626 Locke, Sincerity and the Rationality of Persecution
by Paul Bou‐Habib - 627-649 When Does Deliberation Begin? Internal Reflection versus Public Discussion in Deliberative Democracy
by Robert E. Goodin & Simon J. Niemeyer - 650-668 What's the Civil in Civil Society? Robert Putnam, Italy and the Republican Tradition
by Per Mouritsen - 669-685 For the People, Of the People and By the Military: The Regime Structure of Modern Turkey
by Tim Jacoby - 686-705 The French Fifth Republic as an Opportunity Structure: A Neo‐institutional and Cultural Approach to the Study of Leadership Politics
by John Gaffney - 706-721 The Agent–Structure Problem and Institutional Racism
by Colin Wight - 722-739 Hayekian Political Economy and the Limits of Deliberative Democracy
by Mark Pennington - 740-758 Habermas: Discourse and Cultural Diversity
by Andrea T. Baumeister - 759-774 Charles Taylor, Marx and Marxism
by Ian Fraser - 775-779 The Morality of Assassination: A Response to Gross
by Daniel Statman
October 2003, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 443-468 Citizenship and Civic Engagement: Attitudes and Behaviour in Britain
by Charles Pattie & Patrick Seyd & Paul Whiteley - 469-489 Regime Types and Discrimination against Ethnoreligious Minorities: A Cross‐Sectional Analysis of the Autocracy–Democracy Continuum
by Jonathan Fox & Shmuel Sandler - 490-508 Natural Allies? Mapping the Relationship between Conservatism and Environmentalism
by Bruce Pilbeam - 509-523 Human Rights and Modern Liberalism: a Critique
by Anthony J. Langlois - 524-541 Contractualism and Liberal Neutrality: A Defence
by Steven A. Lecce - 542-557 Against Restitution
by Richard Vernon - 558-572 Explaining Split‐Ticket Voting at the 1979 and 1997 General and Local Elections in England
by Colin Rallings & Michael Thrasher - 573-591 The Press and Its Influence on British Political Attitudes under New Labour
by Neil T. Gavin & David Sanders - 592-608 Governing beyond the Centre: A Critique of the Anglo‐Governance School
by Mike Marinetto
June 2003, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 217-240 Critical Elections and Political Realignments in the USA: 1860–2000
by Norman Schofield & Gary Miller & Andrew Martin - 241-261 Preference‐shaping: an Empirical Test
by Rune Stubager - 262-281 The Politics of Pension Reform: Lessons from Public Attitudes in Greece
by Owen O'Donnell & Platon Tinios - 282-299 Open Citizens’ Juries and the Politics of Sustainability
by Hugh Ward & Aletta Norval & Todd Landman & Jules Pretty - 300-314 Governing through Governance: Education Policy Control under New Labour
by Ian Bache - 315-331 In Place of Strife? The PLP in Government, 1997–2001
by Philip Cowley & Mark Stuart - 332-349 New Rights for Old? Cosmopolitan Citizenship and the Critique of State Sovereignty
by David Chandler - 350-368 Fighting by Other Means in the Mideast: a Critical Analysis of Israel's Assassination Policy
by Michael L. Gross - 369-386 The Right to Secession: an Antisecessionist Defence
by Daryl J. Glaser - 387-403 Rousseau on Fundamental Law
by Melissa Schwartzberg - 404-428 Millian Radical Democracy: Education for Freedom and Dilemmas of Liberal Equality
by Bruce Baum - 429-435 ‘An Archaeology of Ideology?’ A Reply to Howarth
by Shane P. Mulligan - 436-440 Archaeology, Genealogy and Hegemony: a Reply to Mulligan
by David Howarth
March 2003, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-19 Arend Lijphart's Dimensions of Democracy: Logical Connections and Institutional Design
by Rein Taagepera - 20-25 DEBATE: Measurement Validity and Institutional Engineering – Reflections on Rein Taagepera's Meta‐Study
by Arend Lijphart - 26-50 The Future of the ‘Radical Centre’ in Northern Ireland after the Good Friday Agreement
by Jocelyn A. J. Evans & Jonathan Tonge - 51-66 Evaluating Devolution in Wales
by Adrian Kay - 67-83 Sex Differences in Political Knowledge in Britain
by Elizabeth Frazer & Kenneth Macdonald - 84-102 Westminster Women: the Politics of Presence
by Joni Lovenduski & Pippa Norris - 103-120 Contentious Politics and Democratization: Comparing the Impact of Social Movements on the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe
by John K. Glenn - 121-143 Understanding Dual Identities in Poland
by Clare McManus‐Czubińska & William L. Miller & Radosław Markowski & Jacek Wasilewski - 144-160 European Governance and Civic Participation: Beyond Elitist Citizenship?
by Paul Magnette - 161-179 Enacting Democracy
by Michael Saward - 180-196 Legitimacy Problems in Deliberative Democracy
by John Parkinson - 197-214 Does Inclusion Require Democracy?
by Adam James Tebble
December 2002, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 897-915 Is there a Demand for Descriptive Representation? Evidence from the UK's Devolution Programme
by Paul Chaney & Ralph Fevre - 916-927 Parliamentary Election Turnout in Europe since 1990
by Alan Siaroff & John W. A. Merer - 928-943 Problems in the Theorisation of Global Civil Society
by Gideon Baker - 944-958 For a European Constitutional Patriotism
by Justine Lacroix - 959-973 ‘A Land without a People’: an Evaluation of Nations’ Efficiency‐based Territorial Claims
by Tamar Meisels - 974-977 Debate Caney's ‘International Distributive Justice’: a Response
by David Miller - 978-983 Debate A Reply to Miller
by Simon Caney
September 2002, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 659-682 Environmental Transformation of the State: the USA, Norway, Germany and the UK
by John S. Dryzek & Christian Hunold & David Schlosberg & David Downes & Hans‐Kristian Hernes - 683-702 Australian Antecedents of the Third Way
by Chris Pierson & Francis G. Castles - 703-724 How can Political Liberals be Environmentalists?
by Derek Bell - 725-741 Political Skills or Lying and Manipulation? The Choreography of the Northern Ireland Peace Process
by Paul Dixon - 742-760 ‘The Possible as the Art of Politics’: Understanding Consensus Politics
by Richard Heffernan - 761-778 The Earthquake, Civil Society, and Political Change in Turkey: Assessment and Comparison with Eastern Europe
by Paul Kubicek - 779-793 Why Work Harder? Equality, Social Duty and the Market
by Saladin Meckled‐Garcia - 794-810 Liberal Feminism: Individuality and Oppositions in Wollstonecraft and Mill
by Gal Gerson - 811-828 Zionism, Translation and the Politics of Erasure
by Neve Gordon
August 2002, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 445-454 Why Is there So Little Strategic Voting in Canadian Plurality Rule Elections?
by André Blais - 455-476 Do Ministers Do What They Say? Ministerial Unreliability, Collegial and Hierarchical Governments
by Jean Blondel & Nick Manning - 477-496 The Limits of Rational Choice: New Institutionalism in the Test Bed of Central Banking Politics in Australia
by Stephen Bell - 497-513 The Search for Citizenship in Bin Ali's Tunisia: Democracy versus Unity
by Larbi Sadiki - 514-528 Advocate or Reflection? Associations and Political Culture
by Sigrid Roßteutscher - 529-544 Compassion as a Political Virtue
by Maureen Whitebrook - 545-557 Sophocles’Antigone and the History of the Concept of Natural Law
by Tony Burns - 558-572 Responsibility, Luck, and the ‘Equality of What?’ Debate
by Matt Matravers - 573-578 The Economics of Political Integrity: a Critique of Jones and Hudson
by Jonathan Hopkin - 579-583 The Economics of Political Integrity: a Reply
by Philip Jones & John Hudson
June 2002, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 209-229 Behavioural Decision Theory and the Gains Debate in International Politics
by Matthew Mulford & Jeffery Berejikian - 230-243 Why Freedoms Do Not Exist by Degrees
by Matthew H. Kramer - 244-267 ‘Dark Matter’: Institutional Constraints and the Failure of Party‐based Euroscepticism in Germany
by Charles Lees - 268-292 Non‐governmental Organizations and Governmentality: ‘Consuming’ Biodiversity and Indigenous People in the Philippines
by Raymond L. Bryant - 293-312 Preferential Policies and the Blurring of Ethnic Boundaries: the Case of Aboriginal Australians in the 1980s
by Matthew Hoddie - 313-331 The Democratic Quality of Institutional Regimes: a Conceptual Framework
by André Kaiser & Matthias Lehnert & Bernhard Miller and Ulrich Sieberer - 332-353 British Trade Unions and European Union Integration in the 1990s: Politics versus Political Economy
by Gerard Strange - 354-361 Half a Century of Cross‐pressures: a Thesis Reconsidered
by Sten Sparre Nilson
March 2002, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-22 An Empirical Comparison of the Performance of Classical Power Indices
by Dennis Leech - 23-42 Shifting the Balance? Parliament, the Executive and the British Constitution
by Matthew Flinders - 43-60 Steering through Complexity: EU Environmental Regulation in the International Context
by Aynsley Kellow & Anthony R. Zito - 61-79 Managing Chinese Bureaucrats: An Institutional Economics Perspective
by Yasheng Huang - 80-101 On the Reasonableness of Compelling Citizens to ‘Vote’: the Australian Case
by Lisa Hill - 102-116 Engineering Democracy
by Ricardo Blaug - 117-135 An Archaeology of Political Discourse? Evaluating Michel Foucault’s Explanation and Critique of Ideology
by David Howarth - 136-149 Efficiency in Politics: Competing Economic Approaches
by Pieter Vanhuysse
December 2001, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 851-876 Republicanism, Freedom from Domination, and the Cambridge Contextual Historians
by Patricia Springborg - 877-900 The Twilight of Westminster? Electoral Reform and its Consequences
by Pippa Norris - 901-922 Sowing Dragon’s Teeth: Public Support for Political Violence and Paramilitarism in Northern Ireland
by Bernadette C. Hayes & Ian McAllister - 923-940 The Politics of Transition? Explaining Political Crises in the Implementation of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement
by Joseph Ruane & Jennifer Todd - 941-956 Operation Restore Hope and the Illusion of a News Media Driven Intervention
by Piers Robinson - 957-968 The Observer: Good at Observing, Less Good at Influencing?
by Philip Cowley - 969-973 Steger on Engels — a Brief Comment
by Paul Kellogg - 974-997 Review Article: International Distributive Justice
by Simon Caney
September 2001, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 629-647 Social Capital and Local Governance: Exploring the Institutional Design Variable
by Vivien Lowndes & David Wilson - 648-669 Ethnicity and Politics: Cohesion, Division and British Jews
by Laurence A. Kotler‐Berkowitz - 670-691 Liberal Nationalism and Cultural Rights
by Geoffrey Brahm Levey - 692-713 The Marriage of Politics and Marketing
by Jennifer Lees‐Marshment - 714-729 Voting, Rationality and Reputation
by Vittorio Bufacchi - 730-748 Inquiry as Critique: on the Legacy of Deweyan Pragmatism for Political Theory
by Matthew Festenstein - 749-766 Guilty Subjects and Political Responsibility: Arendt, Jaspers and the Resonance of the ‘German Question’ in Politics of Reconciliation
by Andrew Schaap - 767-777 Systematic Knowledge and Presidential Selection
by Nelson W. Polsby
August 2001, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 411-437 Bicameralism and Party Politics in Germany: an Empirical Social Choice Analysis
by Thomas König - 438-461 Marching at the Pace of the Slowest: a Model of International Climate‐Change Negotiations
by Hugh Ward & Frank Grundig & Ethan R. Zorick - 462-480 The Limits of External Empowerment: EMU, Technocracy and Reform of the Greek Pension System
by Kevin Featherstone & Georgios Kazamias & Dimitris Papadimitriou - 481-494 Realism and Reform in Rousseau's Constitutional Projects for Poland and Corsica
by Ethan Putterman - 495-512 Max Weber, Socialism, and the Space for Time
by Stephen D. Parsons - 513-527 Review Article: Don't Discard State Autonomy: Revisiting the East Asian Experience of Development
by Charles Polidano - 528-541 There is More than One Way to Do Political Science: on Different Ways to Study Policy Networks
by David Marsh & Martin J. Smith - 542-550 Understanding Dialectics in Policy Network Analysis
by Mark Evans - 551-556 Understanding Policy Networks: a Comment on Marsh and Smith
by Charles D. Raab
June 2001, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 203-215 Sleeping Dogs, Prowling Cats and Soaring Doves: Three Paradoxes in the Political Theory of Nationhood
by Margaret Canovan - 216-230 Freedom, Interference and Domination
by Steven Wall - 231-248 Mill, Liberty and the Facts of Life
by Shannon C. Stimson & Murray Milgate - 249-264 Ethics and Foreign Policy: the Antinomies of New Labour's ‘Third Way’ in Sub‐Saharan Africa
by Rita Abrahamsen & Paul Williams - 265-285 The National Press and Party Voting in the UK
by Kenneth Newton & Malcolm Brynin - 286-305 A Low Turnout Landslide: Abstention at the British General Election of 1997
by Charles Pattie & Ron Johnston - 306-322 The Settlement and Process of Devolution: Territorial Politics and Governance under the Welsh Assembly
by Mike Marinetto - 323-330 Research Note: Measuring the Level and Direction of Split‐ticket Voting at the 1979 and 1997 British General and Local Elections: a Survey‐based Analysis
by Colin Rallings & Michael Thrasher
March 2001, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-29 Confessions: a Model of Officials' Perspectives on Accepting Gifts from Clients in Post‐communist Europe
by William L. Miller & Åse B. Grødeland & Tatyana Y. Koshechkina - 30-50 The Evolution of the Centre‐right and the State of Scottish Conservatism
by Michael Dyer - 51-69 Friends, Strangers or Countrymen? The Ties between Citizens as Colleagues
by Iseult Honohan - 70-88 Political Parties, Political Integrity and Public Policy: a ‘Transactions Costs’ Approach
by Philip Jones & John Hudson - 89-105 There Must Be End to Confusion: Policy Networks, Intellectual Fatigue, and the Need for Political Science Methods Courses in British Universities
by Keith Dowding - 106-109 Peel, Potatoes, and Providence
by Boyd Hilton - 110-111 On Providence, Potatoes, and Peel
by Iain McLean & Camilla Bustani
December 2000, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 929-946 Aquinas's Two Doctrines of Natural Law
by Tony Burns - 947-969 Five Arguments for Deliberative Democracy
by Maeve Cooke - 970-988 Post‐revolutionary State Building in Ethiopia, Iran and Nicaragua: Lessons from Terror
by Rosemary H. T. O'Kane - 989-1005 Nationalism and Intellectuals in Nations without States: the Catalan Case
by Montserrat Guibernau - 1006-1025 Government, Interest Groups and Policy Change
by Jeremy Richardson - 1026-1039 Review Article: Isaiah Berlin's Contribution to Modern Political Theory
by Michael Kenny
September 2000, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 681-705 Religion and Political Action in Postcommunist Europe
by Stephen White & Bill Miller & Åse Grødeland & Sarah Oates - 706-723 Productivist Welfare Capitalism: Social Policy in East Asia
by Ian Holliday - 724-744 Bougainville and Papua New Guinea: Complexities of Secession in a Multi‐ethnic Developing State
by Anthony Matthew - 745-758 Moral Pluralism, Political Justification and Deliberative Democracy
by Ian Chowcat - 759-787 Measuring Liberal Democratic Performance: an Empirical and Conceptual Critique
by Joe Foweraker & Roman Krznaric - 788-801 The Process of Government and The Governmental Process
by Grant Jordan - 802-820 Social Capital and Urban Governance: Adding a More Contextualized ‘Top‐down’ Perspective
by William Maloney & Graham Smith & Gerry Stoker - 821-826 Research Note: Are Referendums Controlled and Pro‐hegemonic?
by Mads Qvortrup
June 2000, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 391-414 The British Election Study and Electoral Research
by Elinor Scarbrough - 415-442 Structuring Europe: Powersharing Institutions and British Preferences on European Integration
by Mark Aspinwall - 443-466 Economic Growth and Social Capital
by Paul F. Whiteley - 467-484 Political Awareness, Opinion Constraint and the Stability of Ideological Positions
by John Bartle - 485-502 Recursive Secessions in Former Yugoslavia: too Hard a Case for Theories of Secession?
by Aleksandar Pavković - 503-521 The Politics of Inclusive Agreements: towards a Critical Discourse Theory of Democracy
by Shane O'Neill - 522-539 Conflicting Equalities? Cultural Group Rights and Sex Equality
by Monique Deveaux - 540-557 The Concept of the State in British and French Political Thought
by Cécile Laborde - 558-572 Constitutional Environmental Rights: a Case for Political Analysis
by Tim Hayward
May 2000, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 221-222 Introduction
by Rodney Barker - 223-238 Hooks and Hands, Interests and Enemies: Political Thinking as Political Action
by Rodney Barker - 239-262 Feminist Ideas and Domestic Violence Policy Change
by Stefania Abrar & Joni Lovenduski & Helen Margetts - 263-282 Zealot Politics and Democracy: the Case of the New Christian Right
by Steve Bruce - 283-301 Studying Political Ideas: a Public Political Discourse Approach
by Andrew Chadwick - 302-322 Practising Ideology and Ideological Practices
by Michael Freeden - 323-333 Pluralism and Toleration in Contemporary Political Philosophy
by John Gray - 334-355 Philosophic Tramps
by W. H. Greenleaf - 356-369 Disposing of Dicey: from Legal Autonomy to Constitutional Discourse?
by Carol Harlow - 370-387 Sustainable Development: a New(ish) Idea for a New Century?
by James Meadowcroft
March 2000, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Patrick Dunleavy & Paul Kelly - 4-21 Understanding Policy Networks: towards a Dialectical Approach
by David Marsh & Martin Smith - 22-37 Keeping them Honest: Public and Elite Perceptions of Ethical Conduct among Australian Legislators
by Ian McAllister - 38-50 Putting the Economy First: or Does Postmodernization Really Matter?
by Francis G. Castles - 51-65 Citizens' Juries and Deliberative Democracy
by Graham Smith & Corinne Wales - 66-87 The Politics of Governance in Higher Education: the Case of Quality Assurance
by Brian Salter & Ted Tapper - 88-103 Citizenship Education: Anti‐political Culture and Political Education in Britain
by Elizabeth Frazer - 104-117 Membership, Fair Play, and Political Obligation
by Richard Dagger