August 1991, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 451-456 Explaining the Rise and Decline of the Dollar: A Reply
by Johannes Hoffmann & Stefan Homburg - 457-458 Besprechungen—Comptes rendus—Reviews
by Karl Wolfgang Menck - 458-461 Besprechungen—Comptes rendus—Reviews
by Malcolm H. Dunn - 461-462 Besprechungen—Comptes rendus—Reviews
by William Sjostrom - 462-464 Besprechungen—Comptes rendus—Reviews
by Anthony Scaperlanda - 464-466 Besprechungen—Comptes rendus—Reviews
by Paul Graeser - 466-469 FISCHER, WOLFRAM (Hrsg.): Währungsreform and Soziale Marktwirtschaft. Erfahrungen und Perspektiven nach 40 Jahren. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 1989.648 S. DM 198.—
by Werner Lachmann - 469-471 Florens, Jean‐Pierre; Ivaldi, Marc; Laffont, Jean‐JacqueS and Laisney, François (eds.): Microeconometrics—Surveys and Applications. Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1990.455 pp. $ 40.00
by Olaf Hübler - 471-473 Franke, Jan: Neue Makroökonomik und Aussenhandel. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer‐Verlag 1989.435 S. DM 85.‐
by Ernst‐August Behnke - 473-475 Gianaris, Nicholas V.: The European Community and the United States: Economic Relations. New York: Praeger Publishers 1991.256 pp. $ 45.00 (hb)
by Chronis Polychroniou/ Kelley Daye - 475-476 gilder, George: Microcosm: The Quantum Revolution in Economics and Technology. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc. 1990.426 pp
by David B. Audretsch - 476-478 Graham, Edward H. and Krugman, Paul R.: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics 1989. xiii + 161 pp. $ 11.25
by Dominick Salvatore - 478-479 Holler, Manfred und Illing, Gerhard: Einführung in die Spieltheorie. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer‐Verlag 1991. 366 S. DM 49.80
by Winand Emons - 479-481 Korn, Andreas: Weltwirtschaft und internationale Verschuldung: Eine Analyse von Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Lösungsansätzen der internationalen Schuldenkrise in den Entwicklungsländern. Stuttgart, Frankfurt am Main: Paul Haupt 1989. 424 S. DM 102.—
by Reinhold Rickes - 481-482 Krugmann, Paul R.: Exchange‐Rate Instability. Cambridge, London: The MIT Press 1989.122 pp
by Lukas Menkhoff - 482-484 Lorenz, Hans‐Walter: Nonlinear Dynamical Economics and Chaotic Motion (Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 334). Berlin: Springer 1989.248 pp. DM 53.00
by Wolfgang J. Ströbele - 484-485 Maier, Gunther und Weiss, Peter: Modelle diskreter Entscheidungen. Theorie und Anwendung in den Sozial‐ und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Wien/New York: Springer 1990. 306 S., DM 57.—
by Manfred Kraft - 486-487 Miller, Lynn H.: Global Order: Values and Power in International Politics, 2nd. ed. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press 1990.269 pp. $ 16.95 (paper)
by Chronis Polychroniou - 487-489 Mueller, Dennis (ed.): The Dynamics of Company Profits. An International Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1990.216 pp. DM 89.60
by Frank Schohl - 489-491 Paukert, Liba and Richard, Peter (eds.): Defence Expenditure, Industrial Conversion and Local Employment. Geneva: International Labour Office 1991. 228 pp
by Michael Brzoska - 491-493 Pryor, Frederick L.: The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity, and Growth: Malawi and Madagascar. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1990. xiv+470 pp. $ 39.95
by Dipendra Sinha - 493-494 Reinhardt, Jürgen und Uhlig, Christian (Hrsg.): Entwicklung und Strukturwandel. Beiträge zur Entwicklungspolitik. Festschrift für Karlemst Ringer. Frankfurtam Main, Bern, New York, Paris: Verlag Peter Lang 1990. DM 97.—
by Wolfgang Menck - 494-495 Sawyer, Malcolm Charles: The Challenge of Radical Political Economy: An Introduction to the Alternatives to Neo‐Classical Economics, New York/London/Toronto: Harvester Wheatsheaf 1989.479 pp. $ 26.95
by Walter O. ÖTsch - 496-497 Soltwedel, Rüdiger et al.: Regulierungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr 1990. 267 S
by Horst‐Manfred Schellhaass - 497-499 Struwe, Jochen: Wachstum durch Sozialpolitik. Wie Sozialpolitik Wachstum und Wohlfahrt fördert. Köln: Bund‐Verlag 1990. 314 S. DM 39.80
by Michael Hother - 499-501 Swedberg, Richard: Economics and Sociology. Redefining Their Boundaries: Conversations with Economists and Sociologists. Princeton University Press 1990. 361 pp. $ 50.00 (hb), $ 12.95 (pb)
by Michael Hutter
May 1991, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 167-179 Exports and GNP Causality in the Industrial Countries: 1950–1985
by Panos C. Afxentiou & Apostolos Serletis - 181-202 Insider Trading
by Jürgen Dennert - 203-219 Occupational Sex Segregation in the Kibbutz: Principles and Practice
by Shoshana Neuman - 221-231 Are Profit Shares and Wages Substitute or Complementary Forms of Compensation?
by Robert A. Hart & Olaf Hübler - 233-239 A Note on Insiders, Outsiders and the Two‐Thirds‐Society
by Kurt W. Rothschild - 241-244 The Political Economy of Protectionism
by Peter Bernholz - 245-250 Marktwirtschaft und Planwirtschaft aus sozialethischer Sicht
by Alfred Nydegger
February 1991, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 3-18 On the Origins of Portfolio Theory
by Ivo Maes - 19-34 Dupuit's Characteristics‐Based Theory of Consumer Behavior and Entrepreneurship
by Robert B. Ekelund & Robert F. Hébert - 35-55 Zur Frage internationaler Dominanzbeziehungen Eine Analyse der Machtverteilung auf Weltwirtschaftsgipfeln
by Bernhard Herz & Joachim Starbatty - 57-70 Romance, Realism, and Economic Reform
by Robert D. Tollison & Richard E. Wagner - 71-92 Quantifying the Economic Effects of Non‐tariff Barriers: The Case of UK Footwear
by L. Alan Winters & P. A. Brenton - 93-98 Militärausgaben, Ausfuhr und Wachstum: eine Anmerkung zu ROTHSCHILDs Hypothese
by Helmut Maneval & Pasi Rautsola
November 1990, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 555-577 Determinants of Voluntary and Involuntary Bank Lending to Developing Countries in the 1980s
by Peter Nunnenkamp - 579-597 An Analysis of Exports and Growth in LDCs
by Enrico Colombatto - 599-609 Détente, Market‐oriented Reform and German Unification: Potential Consequences for the World Trade System
by Peter A.G. Van Bergeijk & Harry Oldersma - 611-624 Arbtrage in a Basketball Economy
by Kevin B. Grier & Robert D. Tollison - 625-633 Voting as a Marketing Strategy
by Manfred J. Holler - 635-658 On the Efficiency of the Market for Corporate Control
by Ernst‐Ludwig Von Thadden
January 1990, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 359-383 The Market and the State under Perestroika
by Hans‐Jürgen Wagener - 385-409 Gorbachev and the Common European Home: The Convergence Debate Revived?
by Gérard Roland - 411-436 Dual Housing Markets in a Centrally Planned Economy: An Empirical Analysis
by Wojciech Charemza & Richard E. Quandt - 437-471 Die wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung der Merger‐Mania. Neue Erkenntnisse für die Wettbewerbspolitik?
by Gunther Tichy - 473-484 Health and the Economy: Exogenous versus Choice Variables
by Brian L. Goff - 485-493 Welchen Unterschied macht die Systemtheorie? Ein Übersetzungsversuch von Luhmanns ≪Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft≫
by Michael Hutter
May 1990, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 191-209 The Effects of Domestic Environmental Policies on Patterns of World Trade: An Empirical Test
by James A. Tobey - 211-227 A Relative Deprivation Approach to Performance Incentives in Career Games and Other Contests
by Oded Stark - 229-247 Apartheid as Racial Socialism
by Christopher Lingle - 249-272 Statuspräferenzen: Soziobiologische Ursachen, Statuswettriisten and seine Besteuerung
by Kai A. Konrad - 273-276 Informal Finance: The Rotating Saving and Credit Association — An Interpretation
by Philippe Callier - 277-284 The Interest in Prima Facie Inefficient Institutions: Housing, Supply‐Subsidies and the Role of Nonprofit Firms
by Thomas Ehrmann & Rainer Biedermann - 285-287 Capitalism Needs Risk‐, Not Profit Sharing: A Note
by Pietra Rivoli - 289-289 Capitalism Needs Risk‐, Not Profit Sharing: A Reply
by Herbert G. Grubel
January 1990, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 3-24 Corporate Tax Harmonization and European Monetary Integration
by Peter Isard - 25-51 Policy Responses to Shifting Comparative Advantage: Designing a System of Emergency Protection
by Bernard M. Hoekmanand & Michael P. Leidy - 53-68 Explaining the Rise and Decline of the Dollar
by Johannes Hoffmann & Stefan Homburg - 69-89 Specialization, Product Differentiation and Ownership Structure in Personal Social Services: The Case of Nursery Schools
by Christoph Badelt and & Peter Weiss - 91-109 Reflections on the Regulation of Financial Intermediaries
by Renée Spierings* - 111-137 The Effects of Foreign Resource Inflows on Composition of Aggregate Expenditure in Developing Countries: A Seemingly Unrelated Model
by Saeid Mahdavi*
November 1989, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 495-513 International and Multinational Strategic Behaviour
by Alexis Jacquemin - 515-532 The Determinants of Protection in Developing Countries: An Extended Interest‐Group Approach
by Torsten Amelung - 533-555 The Pricing of LDC Debt in the Secondary Market: An Empirical Analysis
by Giancarlo Perasso - 557-578 Metropolitan Concentration in Developing Countries
by George Petrakos & Josef C. Brada - 579-598 What Can We Learn From Comparative Institutional Analysis? The Case of Telecommunications
by Charles B. Blankart & GÜnter Knieps - 599-611 Sombart's Modern Capitalism
by JÜrgen Backhaus
August 1989, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 319-345 The Evolution of Property Rights
by Barry C. Field - 347-359 Modèle et revenu éthonomiques
by Paul VAN Moeseke - 361-383 The Production of Compatibility: Technical Standards as Collective Goods
by Sanford V. Berg - 385-404 Success and Failure of Economic Sanctions
by Peter A. G. VAN Bergeijk - 405-430 Economics of Crime and the Sociology of Deviant Behaviour A Theoretical Confrontation of Basic Propositions
by Karl‐Dieter Opp - 431-434 Spiethoff, Schumpeter und 〈Das Wesen des Geldes〉
by Bernd Kulla - 435-438 Spiethoff, Schumpeter und 〈Das Wesen des Geldes〉 Comments and Additions
by Wolfgang W. Stolper
August 1989, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 151-170 Probabilistic Majority Rule
by Dennis C. Mueller - 171-180 Patents as a Measure of Innovative Activity
by Zoltan J. Acs & David B. Audretsch - 181-201 Perspektiven zur Vollendung des europäischen Binnenmarktes
by Horst Siebert - 203-217 Rates of Return on Capital: An International Comparison
by Willis Peterson - 219-229 A Note on Import Substitution versus Export Promotion as Strategies for Development
by Wolfgang Laux‐Meiselbach - 231-255 Tests for Optimizing Behavior and for Patterns of Conjectural Variations
by Klaus Conrad - 257-259 The Economist as Preacher A Note on YEW‐KWANG NG's Article on Economic Efficiency versus Egalitarian Rights
by Kurt W. Rothschild - 261-263 Economic Efficiency versus Egalitarian Rights: A Response
by Yew‐Kwang Ng
February 1989, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 3-15 The National Accounts, Household Service Consumption and its Monetization
by David L. Hammes, & Jean‐Jacques Rosa and & Herbert G. Grubel - 17-37 Expansion der Finanzmärkte: Ursachen, Konsequenzen, Perspektiven
by Erwin W. Heri - 39-59 Trial‐and‐Error Learning and Economic Models
by RobertB. Archibaldand & CatherineS. Elliott - 61-72 Voluntary Export Restraints in the Presence of Monopoly Power
by Richard Pomfret - 73-88 Level of Development and Income Inequality: An Extension of Kuznets‐Hypothesis to the World Economy
by Rati Ram - 89-102 Why the Latin American Countries Do Not Form a Debtors' Cartel
by Manfred J. Holler
November 1988, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 551-572 Employment, Labour Utilization and Procyclical Labour Productivity
by H. König & W. Pohlmeier - 573-602 Hermeneutics and Economics A Criticism of Hermeneutical Thinking in the Social Sciences
by Hans Albert - 603-624 The Mirage of Neo‐Corporatism
by Manfred E. Streit - 625-646 Why Do Large Countries Prefer Quantitative Trade Restrictions?
by William H. Kaempfer & Stephen V. Marks & Thomas D. Willett - 647-662 Fiscal Policymaking and the Central Bank Institutional Constraint
by Richard C. K. Burdekin & Leroy O. Laney
August 1988, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 379-395 Disaster‐Prone Technologies, Environmental Risks, and Profit Maximization
by Richard W. England - 397-417 Does Economic Sclerosis Set in with Age? An Empirical Study of the Olson Hypothesis
by John Joseph Wallis & Wallace E. Oates - 419-435 Industrialisation and Macroeconomic Performance in Developing Countries under Alternative Trade Strategies
by David Greenaway & Chong Hyun Nam - 437-458 Government Size and Public Choices
by Hartmut Picht - 459-478 Currency Competition in Switzerland, 1826‐1850
by Ernst Juerg Weber - 479-506 Lohndynamik und Arbeitslosigkeit
by CARLO JAEGER und ARND WEBER - 507-511 Legislation and Political Business Cycles: Comment
by Thomas D. Willett & King Banaian
May 1988, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 171-186 The Financial Crises of the 1930s and the 1980s: Similarities and Differences
by Charles P. Kindleberger - 187-213 The Sahel Problem
by Hans‐Werner Sinn - 215-237 Economic Efficiency Versus Egalitarian Rights
by Yew‐Kwang Ng - 239-262 The Modern Corporation: Efficiency, Control, and Comparative Organization
by Felix R. Fitzroy - 263-280 Exchange Rate Risk, Exchange Rate Regime and the Volume of International Trade
by Josef C. Brada & José A. Méndez - 281-300 Quantity versus Allocation of Money: Monetary Problems of the Centrally Planned Economies Reconsidered
by Pawel H. Dembinski - 301-323 The Economics of Crime Deterrence: A Survey of Theory and Evidence
by Samuel Cameron
February 1988, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 5-34 Inflation, Monetary Regime and the Financial Asset Theory of Money
by Peter Bernholz - 35-49 Exchange Rate Flexibility and the Speed of Adjustment
by Mohsen Bahmani‐Oskooee - 51-74 U. S. Imports by Origin: A Characteristics Approach
by Ulrich Kohli & Edward R. Morey - 75-98 Human Capital in a Centrally Planned Economy: Evidence
by Paul Graeser - 99-111 The Disinterest in Efficient Subsidization
by Horst‐Manfred Schellhaass - 113-141 An Ordered Response Model for Allocation and Earnings
by Joop Hartog
November 1987, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 461-475 Freedom, Property Rights and Innovation in Socialism
by Steve Pejovich** - 476-495 Risk Allocation in Large‐Scale Resource Ventures
by Horst Siebert - 496-514 On Thoughtless Rationality (Rules‐of‐Thumb)
by Amitai Etzioni - 515-528 Cooperating Adversaries
by Oded Stark - 529-547 Voting on Social Security: The Family as Decision‐Making Unit
by Friedrich Breyer & J.‐Matthias Graf V. D. Schulenburg** - 548-567 Zur politischen Ökonomie der Protektion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
by Joachim Wagner - 568-572 Political Business Cycles in Industrialized Democratic Countries: A Comment
by Manfred J. M. Neumann & Susanne Lohmann - 573-574 The Opportunity Cost of Import Tariffs ‐ A Comment
by Gordon Tullock**
August 1987, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 315-337 An International Trade Flow Model with Substitution: An Extension of the Gravity Model
by Jacob A. Bikker - 338-348 On the Treatment of Income Tax Rates in Empirical Analysis of Tax Evasion
by Steven E. Crane & Farrokh Nourzad - 349-367 Tax Rate and Government Expenditure
by Paul S. A. Renaud & Frans A. A. M. Van Winden - 368-392 Falsificationism and Fallibilism as Epistemic Foundations of Economics: A Critical View
by Andrea Salanti - 393-398 Lieber begehrt und im Überfluss als überflüssig und in Not: Ein Beispiel
by Josef Falkinger - 399-413 The Pope and the Price of Meat: A Public Choice Perspective
by Richard W. Ault & Robert B. Ekelund & Robert D. Tollison
May 1987, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 163-175 Capitalism Needs Risk‐, not Profit‐Sharing
by Herbert G. Grubel - 176-197 Stagflation and Shortageflation: A Comparative Approach
by Grzegorz W. Kolodko & Walter W. Mcmahon - 198-218 Why the Latin American Countries will Never Form a Debtors' Cartel
by David E. Hojman - 219-237 Inflation in Portugal, 1953‐1980: An Econometric Analysis
by Rodney J. Morrison - 238-255 Cycles and Substitutions in Terrorist Activities: A Spectral Approach
by Eric Iksoon Im & Jon Cauley & Todd Sandler - 256-267 Übervölkerung ‐ eine Kriegsursache? Kritische Anmerkungen zu Alois Wenig
by Michael Hüther & Hans‐Georg Petersen - 268-270 Übervölkerung ‐ eine Kriegsursache? Eine Replik zur Kritik
by Alois Wenig
February 1987, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 3-20 Towards the Simple Economics of Natural Liberty: An Exploratory Analysis
by James M. Buchanan - 21-42 Granger‐Kausalität und rationale Erwartungen
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 43-72 Investment Premiums: Expensive but Hardly Effective
by Henk Folmer & Peter Nukamp - 73-87 Trade and Dynamic Efficiency
by Klaus F. Zimmermann - 88-102 The Opportunity Cost of Import Tariffs
by Donald J. Rousslang - 103-109 Bureaucracy Response to Budget Cuts: An Economic Model
by Hans De Groot & Johan Van Der Sluis
November 1986, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 507-517 A Theory of Truth in Autobiography
by James M. Buchanan & Robert D. Tollison - 518-536 Weltwirtschaftliches Wachstum durch Liberalisierung
by Herbert Giersch - 537-563 Economists Favour the Price System Who Else Does?
by Bruno S. Frey - 564-573 On Expectations Formation when Future Welfare is Contemplated
by Martin Ravallion - 574-595 Genossenschaftsgesinnung in entscheidungslogischer Perspektive
by Hermann Ribhegge - 596-602 New Evidence on Long Swings
by Pentti Pikkarainen & Matti Virén
August 1986, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 343-358 Altruism, Political Power and Public Pensions
by Harrie A. A. Verbon - 359-376 ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ in ‘Federal Europe’
by Kurt W. Rothschild - 377-396 A Model of the Political Economy of International Investment Sanctions: The Case of South Africa
by William H. Kaempfer & Anton D. Lowenberg - 397-418 Some Testable Implications of a Preference for Subjective Novelty
by Elliott Middleton - 419-442 On the Efficient Use of Mathematics in Economics: Some Theory, Facts and Results of an Opinion Survey
by Herbert G. Grubel & Lawrence A. Boland - 443-447 Exclusion Costs and the In‐Kind Transfer
by Peter Toumanoff - 448-455 Das Handbuch der Finanzwissenschaft, eine Selbstdarstellung der deutschen Finanzwissenschaft?
by Charles B. Blankart
May 1986, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 167-179 On the Possibility of Continuing Expansion of Finite Resources
by William J. Baumol - 180-208 Der konjunkturelle Einfluss der Geld‐ und Fiskalpolitik in der Bundesrepublik 1972‐1982
by Gerd Hansen - 209-229 Women, Men, and Society
by Jacob Moreh - 230-244 Production, Distribution, and Environmental Quality: Mr. Sraffa Reinterpreted as an Ecologist
by Richard W. England - 245-266 Evolution and Stability of Cooperation without Enforceable Contracts
by Ulrich Witt - 267-287 The Effects of European Competition Policy on Pricing and Profit Margins
by Robert M. Feinberg
February 1986, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 3-30 The Soft Budget Constraint
by János Kornai* - 31-46 Political Business Cycles in Industrialized Democratic Countries
by Byung Hee Soh - 47-65 An Economic Theory of Political Parties
by Gianluigi Galeotti & Albert Breton - 66-84 Fiscal Policy and Financial Deepening in a Monetarist Model of the Balance of Payments
by Ziba Farhadian & Robert M. Dunn - 85-108 The Changing North‐South Division of Labour Promises, Threats and EC Policy Options
by Alfred Pfaller - 109-115 Economic Methodology: Theory, Practice, and the Current State of Economics
by A. W. Coats
November 1985, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 495-516 Equity and Efficiency vs. Freedom and Fairness: An Inherent Conflict
by Yew‐Kwang Ng - 517-536 Pricetakers' Plenty: A Neglected Benefit of Capitalism
by Tibor Scitovsky - 537-554 Unionization, Wages and Efficiency
by Felix R. Fitzroy & Kornelius Kraft* - 555-577 Bank Lending to Developing Countries and Possible Solutions to International Debt Problems
by Peter Nunnenkamp* - 578-598 Does Korea Trace Japan's Footsteps? A Macroeconomic Appraisal
by Jang H.Yoo - 599-616 Interdisciplinary Research Between Economists and Physical Scientists: Retrospect and Prospect
by Malte Faber & John L.R. Proops*
August 1985, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 329-347 The Roles of Stabilization Policy and Wage Setting for Macroeconomic Stability ‐ The Experiences of Economies with Centralized Bargaining
by Lars Calmfors - 348-364 Free Trade, Hegemony, and the Theory of Agency
by Beth V. Yarbrough & Robert M. Yarbrough - 365-391 Übervölkerung – eine Kriegsursache?
by Alois Wenig - 392-411 Worker Motivation and X‐Efficiency
by T.Y. Shen - 412-434 How Far is Vienna from Chicago?
by Karl‐Heinz Paqué - 435-437 The ‘Crowding Out’ Effect of Fiscal Policy: Correction
by Richard J. Cebula
May 1985, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 171-199 Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Paradigma der Wirtschaftspolitik
by Alfred Meier & Daniel Mettler - 200-215 Optimales Wachstum bei Sättigung und Wachstumsaversion
by Josef Falkinger - 216-232 State Intervention, Foreign Economic Aid, Savings and Growth in LDCs: Some Recent Evidence
by Ram D. Singh - 233-248 Fiscal Policies and Consumer Behaviour in Western Europe
by Nicholas Sarantis - 249-267 Constrained Markets, ‘Surplus’ Commodities and International Barter
by Gary Banks - 268-273 On Monopoly Price: A Comment
by Sean Murray - 274-275 On Monopoly Price: Reply
by Geoffrey Brennan & James Buchanan & Dwight R. Lee
February 1985, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 3-19 Attribution of Causality to Economic Actions and Events
by W. Fred Van Raaij - 20-42 Wage Supplements through Collective Agreement or Statutory Requirement?
by Robert A. Hart - 43-59 Legislation and Political Business Cycles
by William F. Shughart & Robert D. Tollison - 60-76 The Use of Policy‐Science Tools in Public‐Sector Decision Making: Social Benefit‐Cost Analysis in the World Bank
by Nathaniel H. Leff - 77-103 Global Structural Change and International Competition Among Industrial Firms: The Case of Switzerland
by Silvio Borner & Barbara Stuckey & Felix Wehrle & Bernhard Burgener - 104-105 Rationale Erwartungen ‐ im Jahre 67 vor Christus
by Otmar Issing
November 1984, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 529-541 A Positive Analysis of the Theory of Market Failure
by Peter G. Toumanoff - 542-576 Die Bedeutung des Accelerated Cost Recovery System für den internationalen Kapitalverkehr
by Hans‐Werner Sinn - 577-597 Terms of Trade and Welfare: Estimates
by Ulrich Kohli - 598-608 Integrating Consumption and Investment Motives in a Neoclassical Model of Demand for Education
by David A. Kodde & Jozef M. M. Ritzen