November 1997, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 561-574 On George Soros and Economic Analysis
by Rod Cross & Douglas Strachan - 575-579 Exploiting the Coase Mechanism: The Extortion Problem, a Note on Ekkehart Schlicht
by Michael Bütter & Hans‐Bernd Schäfer - 581-585 The Coase Mechanism and the Iteration Argument: Reply
by Ekkehart Schlicht
August 1997, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 297-324 Tax Evasion and Moral Constraints: some Experimental Evidence
by Luigi Bosco & Luigi Mittone - 325-339 Phasing out Sector‐Specific Regulation in Competitive Telecommunications
by Günter Knieps - 341-368 Hiring and Dismissal Costs in Theory and Practice: A Comparison of Institutional Constraints and Employment Adjustment Patterns in Six OECD Countries
by Kornelius Kraft - 369-382 Efficiency Wage and the Family: An Explanation for the Impact of the Agricultural Minimum Wage in Morocco
by Jean‐Paul Azam - 383-407 Life‐Cycle Happiness in a Discounted Utility Model
by Stephen Shmanske - 409-418 Estimates of a Hedonic Ageing Equation for Partner Search
by Samuel Cameron & Alan Collins - 419-423 Amelung, Torsten (1997). Globaler Umweltschutz als Verteilungsprobtem im Nord‐Süd‐Konflikt: Thiele, Rainer (1996). Wirtschaftspolitische Optionen zum Schutz tropischer Wälder
by Jörg Hilpert - 423-424 Bailey, Elizabeth E. and Janet Rothenberg Pack (eds.) (1995). The Political Economy of Privatization and Deregulation
by Almut Oetjen - 424-425 Blejer, Mario, Zvi Eckstein, Zvi Hercowitz and Leonardo Leiderman (eds.) (1996). Financial Factors in Economic Stabilization and Growth
by Ivo Maes - 425-426 Grimwade, Nigel (1996). International Trade Policy. A Contemporary Analysis
by Almut Oetjen - 426-427 Hohmeyer, Olav, Richard L. Ottinger and Klaus Rennings (eds.) (1997). Social Costs and Sustainability
by Eric Neumayer - 428-429 Kiefer, David (1997). Macroeconomic Policy and Public Choice
by Elke J. Jahn - 429-431 Kornai, János (1996). Unterwegs. Essays zur wirtschaftlichen Umgestaltung in Ungarn
by Martin Raiser - 432-433 Mc Guire, John, Peter Reeves and Howard Brasteed (eds.) (1996). Politics of Violence. From Ayodhya to Behrampada
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 433-434 Mendelsohn, Robert and Daigee Shaw (eds.) (1996). The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 435-437 Mullineux, Andrew (ed.) (1996). Financial Innovation, Banking and Monetary Aggregates
by Debashis Acharya - 437-439 Root, Hilton L. (1996). Small Countries, Big Lessons
by Joachim Ahrens - 440-441 Rutherford, M. (1996). Institutions in Economics. The Old and the New Institutionalism
by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal - 441-442 Smithin, John (1996). Macroeconomic Policy and the Future of Capitalism. The Revenge of the Rentiers and the Threat to Prosperity
by Marc Lavoie - 443-445 Staroske, Uwe (1995). Die Drei‐Sektoren‐Hypothese. Darstellung und kritische Würdigung aus heutiger Sicht
by Joachim Güntzel - 445-446 Tullock, Gordon (1994). The New Federalist
by Christian Hilber - 447-448 Welfens, P.J.J. and G. Yarrow (eds.) (1997). Telecommunications and Energy in Systemic Transformation
by Ram Mudambi
May 1997, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 147-163 Buridan's Ass, Risk, Uncertainty, and Self‐Competition: A Theory of Entrepreneurship
by Elias L. Khalil - 165-187 Second Thoughts? Economics and Economists under Socialism
by Hans‐Jürgen Wagener - 189-206 Fiscal Churning and Political Efficiency
by Filip Palda - 207-220 Intergenerational Transfers and Private Savings: an Experimental Study
by Eline CM. van der Heijden & Jan H.M. Nelissen & Jan J.M. Potters & Harrie A.A. Verbon - 221-245 Unemployment in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Disparities in Germany, Italy and the UK
by Jim Taylor & Steve Bradley - 247-249 Twentieth‐Century Currency Reforms: A Comment
by Jerry Mushin - 251-252 Trading Citizenship
by Gordon Tullock - 253-258 Social Insurance Based on Personal Savings Accounts: A Possible Reform Strategy for Overburdened Welfare States
by Stefan Fölster
February 1997, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 3-28 Increasing Environmental Awareness to Protect the Global Commons — A Curmudgeon'S View
by Alfred Endres - 29-46 An Empirical Multi‐Country Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Regulations on Foreign Trade Flows
by Cees Van Beers & Jeroen C. J. M. Van Den Bergh - 47-62 The Effect of Religion on Economic Development: A Cross National Study of 63 Former Colonies
by Robin Grier - 63-82 Evaluating the EMU Criteria: Theoretical Constructs, Member Compliance and Empirical Testing
by Julie E. McKay - 83-110 The Road to Economic and Monetary Union
by A. L. Bovenberg & A. H. M. DeJong
November 1996, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 509-540 Inefficient and Locally Stable Trade Equilibria Under Scale Economies: Comparative Advantage Revisited
by William J. Baumol & Ralph E. Gomory - 541-554 Does Social Exchange Increase Voluntary Cooperation?
by Simon Gächter & Ernst Fehr & Christiane Kment - 555-582 German Works Councils, Profits, and Innovation
by John T. Addison & Claus Schnabel & Joachim Wagner - 583-613 The Positive Economics of Unemployment and Labor Market Inflexibility
by Norbert Berthold & Rainer Fehn - 615-641 Investment, Systemic Efficiency and Distribution
by Bruno Dallago
August 1996, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 251-272 The Computable Alternative in the Formalization of Economics: A Counterfactual Essay
by Kumaraswamy Velupillai - 273-317 The Genetic‐Causal Tradition and Modern Economic Theory
by Robin Cowan & Mario J. Rizzo - 319-330 Exploiting the Coase Mechanism: The Extortion Problem
by Ekkehart Schlicht - 331-352 Terrorism and Foreign Direct Investment in Spain and Greece
by Walter Enders & Todd Sandler - 353-376 Relative Deprivation, Envy and Economic Inequality
by Nripesh Podder - 377-405 Commitment Rather than Independence: An Institutional Design for Reducing the Inflationary Bias of Monetary Policy
by Henriëtte M. Prast - 407-438 Speculation, Heterogeneity and Learning: A Simulation Model of Exchange Rates Dynamics
by Luigi Marengo & Hélène Tordjman - 439-447 Competitive Bidding for Research
by Hans W. Gottinger - 449-463 Good Economics, Bad Economics, and European Economics
by Jürgen G. Backhaus - 465-468 Comment on ‘Is there a European Economics'
by Barbara Krug
May 1996, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 105-117 Is a European Hard Core Credible? A Statistical Analysis
by Alexis Jacquemin & Andre Sapir - 119-126 Anti‐Tax Revolutions
by Holger C. Wolf - 127-153 Merger as a Form of Investment
by George Bittlingmayer - 155-170 Political Business Cycles and Fiscal Policies in Developing Countries
by Ludger Schuknecht - 171-204 'Passauer Wahlbörse': Information Processing in a Political Market Experiment
by Klaus Beckmann & Martin Werding - 205-213 Demand Bias and Structural Change
by M.G. Quibria & Frank Harrigan - 215-217 Demand Bias and Structural Change: Reply
by Erich Gundlach - 219-224 Provision of Public Goods through Privatization
by Gordon Tullock
February 1996, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 3-15 On an Art Without Copyright
by Björn Frank - 17-28 Did the Collapse of Eastern Europe Affect Economic Policies in Developing Countries?
by Johan Torstensson & Evald Nalin - 29-46 Educational Credentials and Trust in the Labor Market
by Peter van der Meer & Rudi Wielers - 47-68 Are Discriminatory Procurement Policies Motivated by Protectionism?
by Albert Breton & Pierre Salmon
November 1995, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 483-512 Things Governments Do to Money: A Recent History of Currency Reform Schemes and Scams
by Ignacio Mas - 513-540 Determinants of Willingness and Opportunity to Start as an Entrepreneur
by C. Mirjam Van Praag & Hans Van Ophem - 541-554 Collective Risk Decisions in the Presence of Many Risks1
by Steven R. Elliott & Michael McKee - 555-575 The Quantity Theory of Weaponry
by Ronald Wintrobe - 577-592 The Economics of Cohabitation
by Rand W. Ressler & Melissa S. Waters - 593-598 Preferential Trade Agreements and the GATT: Can Bilateralism and Multilateralism Coexist? Comment
by Peter Moser
August 1995, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 347-368 Tax Illusion and Labour Supply of Married Women: Evidence from German Data
by Heinz König & François Laisney & Michael Lechner & Winfried Pohlmeier - 369-387 Unavailability and the Evaluation of Goods
by Theo M. M. Verhallen & Henry S. J. Robben - 389-407 Coordination, Altruism and Under‐Development
by Hillel Rapoport - 409-417 Irrelevance Propositions are Irrelevant
by Alexander Tabarrok - 419-435 A Theory of Limits on Corruption and some Applications
by M.S. Alam
May 1995, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 185-186 Is There a European Economics?
by René L. Frey & Bruno S. Frey - 187-192 What's Different about Eurpean Economics?
by William J. Baumol* - 193-200 Economic Science and Cultural Diversity
by James M. Buchanan* - 201-210 On the economics of economics
by Thráinn Eggertsson* - 211-217 European Economics: A Tiny Creature under Tutorship
by Francesco Forte - 219-229 European versus American Economics, Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Content
by H.E. Frech III - 231-240 A Rhetorical Perspective on the Differences Between European and American Economists
by Arjo Klamer - 241-249 Differences In Economics: Europe and the United States
by Thomas Mayer - 251-255 American and European Economists
by Dennis C. Mueller - 257-265 Transatlantic Perspectives
by Jürg Niehans - 267-271 Professional 'Gleichschaltung': A Historical Perspective
by Alan Peacock - 273-277 In Search of a European Identity
by Kurt W. Rothschild - 279-287 Three Conditions for Some Distinctiveness in the Contribution of Europeans to Economics
by Pierre Salmon - 289-296 Is there a European Public Choice Perspective?
by Friedrich Schneider - 297-302 The Organization of Economic Research: Why Europe is Still Behind
by Guido Tabellini - 303-311 On European Economics
by Fransvan Winden
February 1995, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-18 Economic and Noneconomic Factors in Tax Compliance
by James Alm & Isabel Sanchez & Ana DE Juan - 19-42 Do Top Managers Work Harder When They Are Monitored?
by HarryG. Barkma* - 43-64 Policy Reform and Institutional Uncertainty: The Case of Nicaragua
by Silvio Borner & Aymo Brunetti and & Beatrice Weder - 65-85 Restrictions of competition on insurance markets and the applicability of EC antitrust law
by Michael Faure and & Roger Van den Bergh - 87-103 Effective Competition and Economic Development of Imperial China
by Pak Hung Mo - 105-131 A Global Kuznets Curve?
by Walter G. Park and & David A. Brat
November 1994, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 505-518 Voluntary Provision of a Public Good: Results from a Real World Experiment
by Werner W. Pommerehne & Lars P. Feld & Albert Hart - 519-529 The Market for Institutions vs. Capitalism by Fiat: The Case of Eastern Europe
by Svetozar Pejovich - 531-550 Equity and Equality in East and West
by Peter Van Wijck - 551-571 Finite Lives and Social Institutions
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 573-596 Selling Environmental Indulgences
by Robert E. Goodin
August 1994, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 319-319 Preface
by Rene L. Frey & Bruno S. Frey - 321-339 Constitutional Economics and Its Relevance for the Evolution of Rules
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 341-354 Direct‐Democratic Rules: The Role of Discussion
by Iris Bohnet & Bruno S. Frey - 355-383 Deficits, Bailout and Free Riders: Fiscal Elements of a European Constitution
by Winfried Horstmann & Friedrich Schneider - 385-402 The Role of Voice in a Future Europe
by Karl‐Dieter Opp - 403-420 The Benefits of Federalism and the Risk of Overcentralization
by Reiner Eichenberger - 421-436 The Funding of Government Mandates
by Werner Z. Hirsch & Evan Osborne - 437-448 Bureaucracy and Intergovernmental Grants: A Comment
by Philip R. Jones & John G. Cullis - 449-451 Bureaucracy and Intergovernmental Grants: A Rejoinder
by Albert Breton & Angela Fraschini
May 1994, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 179-195 Preferential Trade Agreements and the GATT: Can Bilateralism and Multilateralism Coexist?
by Frank H. Westhoff & Beth V. Yarbrough & Robert M. Yarbrough - 197-207 Voting as Investment vs. Voting as Consumption: New Evidence
by Joel M. Guttman & Naftali Hilger & Yochanan Shachmurove - 209-229 Fertility‐Mortality Variations Across LDCs: Women's Education, Labor Force Participation, and Contraceptive‐Use
by Ram D. Singh - 231-247 Property Rights and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study
by Johan Torstensson - 249-267 Demand Bias as an Explanation for Stuctural Change
by Erich Gundlach
February 1994, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 3-31 Shared Mental Models: Ideologies and Institutions
by Arthur T. Denzau & Douglass C. North - 33-52 Towards a Theory of Second‐hand Markets
by Tibor Scitovsky - 53-65 Eco‐Labelling: Policy Considerations
by Aaditya Mattoo & Harsha V. Singh - 67-80 Industry Externalities Revisited
by Shahrukh R. Khan & Cihan Bilginsoy - 81-93 Bargaining Structure, Wage Determination, and Wage Dispersion in 6 OECD Countries
by JOSEF ZWEIMÜLLER & Erling Barth - 95-108 Wage Gap and Technology
by Jakob B. Madsen - 109-136 Division of Household and Paid Labour between Partners: Effects of Relative Wage Rates and Social Norms
by Tanja Van Der Lippe & Jacques J. Siegers
November 1993, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 473-495 The Impact of Interstate Conflict on Revolutionary Change and Individual Freedom
by Erich Weede - 497-527 Channeling Ideological Change: The Political Economy of Dependence on Government
by Charlotte Twight - 529-544 Measuring the Speed of the Invisible Hand: The Macroeconomic Costs of Price Rigidity
by Peter A. G. Van Bergeuk & Robert C. G. Haffner & Peter M. Waasdorp - 545-568 Fundamental Standards and Time Consistency
by Kai A. Konrad & Marcel Thum - 569-587 The Problem with Dispersed Knowledge: Firms in Theory and Practice
by Alanson P. Minkler
August 1993, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 315-336 The Evolution of Financial Discipline under the Postsocialist System
by János Kornai - 337-362 Timing and Sequencing of Reforms: Competing Views and the Role of Credibility
by Norbert Funke - 363-397 Efficiency and Distribution in Greenhouse Negotiations
by Johan Eyckmans & Stef Proost & Erik Schokkaert - 399-409 Country Estimates of Social Discount Rates Based on Changes in Life Expectancies
by Robert J. Brent - 411-419 Estimating Learning Curves In Economics: Evidence From Aerial Combat Over the Third Reich
by Franklin G. Mixon
May 1993, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 163-181 The Relevance of Initial Conditions for the German Unification
by Steven Brakman & Harry Garretsen - 183-201 Political and Economic Factors in Regional Economic Integration
by Josef C. Brada & José A. Méndez - 203-223 Homogeneous Preferences and Heterogeneous Growth Performance: International Differences in Saving and Investment Behavior
by Nathaniel H. Leff & Kazuo Sato - 225-240 Demographic Diversity and the Size of the Public Sector
by Therese A. Mccarty - 241-261 Structural Adjustment and Liberalisation in Developing Countries: What Lessons Have We Learned?
by David Greenaway & Oliver Morrissey - 263-272 Going for the Gold: Property Rights and Athletic Effort in Transitional Economies
by William F. Shughart & Robert D. Tollison
February 1993, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 3-25 Economic Efficiency, Political Institutions and Policy Analysis
by Walter Hettich & Stanley L. Winer - 27-45 Tax Compliance with Endogenous Audit Selection Rules
by James Alm & Mark B. Cronshaw & Michael Mckee - 47-63 Working Poor Unemployment and Wage Rigidity Evidence of Economic Distress
by Mohammed Sharif - 65-85 Alternative Strategies for Real Devaluation and the Sequencing of Economic Reforms in Developing Countries
by Rainer Schweickert - 87-104 Mean Reversion in GNP and Stock Prices: An Adjustment Cost Hypothesis
by Parantap Basu - 105-119 Trade in Manufactures and the Developing Countries: the Impact of the New Protectionism
by M. J. Roarty
November 1992, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 457-467 Debt Reduction Versus ‘Appropriate’Domestic Policies
by Giancarlo Perasso - 469-482 Towards a Quality‐Centered Economic Analysis: Some Simple Diagrams
by Josef Falkinger - 483-500 Diskriminierung als Kontraktproblem Zur Mikroökonomik der Chancengleichheit auf dem Markt für Führungskräfte
by Dorothea Sturn & Richard Sturn - 501-529 Referendum, Initiative, and Veto Power: Budgetary Decision Making in Local Government
by Bernard Steunenberg - 531-554 An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Terrorism on Tourism
by Walter Enders & Todd Sandler & Gerald F. Parise - 555-559 The End of History? Afterthoughts to an Article by Rudolf Richter
by Kurt W. Rothschild
August 1992, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 327-345 Habits, Addictions, and Traditions
by Gary S. Becker - 347-361 Free‐Riding and Intergovernmental Grants
by Albert Breton & Angela Fraschini - 363-378 Investment Slowdown in Developing Countries During the 1980s: Debt Overhang or Foreign Capital Inflows?
by Andreas Savvides - 379-392 Is Banking a Natural Monopoly?
by Kevin Dowd - 393-406 An Economic Approach to Communist Regimes
by He Yong - 407-410 Historical Statistics of Exchange Rates, 1777–1914, Part I
by Peter Bernholz
May 1992, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 139-159 Trade Related Investment Measures and Development Strategy
by David Greenaway - 161-184 Tertium Datur: Pricing, Regulating and Intrinsic Motivation
by Bruno S. Frey - 185-207 A Socialist Market Economy—Can It Work?
by Rudolf Richter - 209-225 Forms of Profit Sharing and Firm Performance: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Problems
by Felix R. FitzRoy & Kornelius Kraft - 227-236 A Time‐Series Approach to Test the Productivity Bias Hypothesis in Purchasing Power Parity
by Mohsen Bahmani‐Oskooee - 237-258 International distribution of income: 1960–1987
by Ronald V.A. Sprout & James H. Weaver
February 1992, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 3-23 Paying To Be Good? U.K. Ethical Investments
by John G. Cullis & Alan Lewis & Adrian Winnett - 25-36 Hawks, Doves, and Free Riders
by Gordon Tullock - 37-49 Public Debt Controversies: An Essay in Reconciliation
by Karen I. Vaughn & Richard E. Wagner - 51-67 Staatsverschuldung und Demokratie
by Robert K. Von Weizsācker - 69-97 Towards a Threshold Theory of Minority Language Survival
by François Grin
November 1991, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 521-536 After 1992: The European Community and the Redistribution of Rents
by Williams S. Peirce - 537-559 The Nature, Significance, and Cost of Rent Seeking in Ghana
by Emmanuel Ampofo‐Tuffuor & Charles D. DeLorme & David R. Kamerschen - 561-580 Rapid Growth in NICs in Asia: Tests of New Growth Theory for Korea
by Jati K. Sengupta - 581-612 What Is the Critique of the Mathematization of Economics?
by Clive Beed & Owen Kane - 613-627 Restaurant Cuisine, Fast Food and Ethnic Edibles: An Empirical Note on Household Meal Production
by Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. & John Keith Watson - 629-630 Alt, James F. and Kenneth E. Shepsle (eds.): Perspectives on Positive Political Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1990
by Bruno S. Frey - 630-633 Anheier, Helmut K. and Seibel, Wolfgang (eds.): The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 1990. 413 pp. DM 148.‐
by Kurt Reding - 633-635 Beckh, Susanne: Das Instrumentarium der deutschen Bundesbank seit dem Übergang zur Geldmengensteuerung. Berlin: Dunker & Humblot 1990. 113 S., DM 54
by Werner Lachmann - 635-636 Behrmann, Jere R.: Human Resource Led Development: Review of Issues and Evidence. New Dehli: International Labour Organisation—Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion 1990, 105 pp
by Jandhyala B G Tilak - 637-638 Blaug, Mark: Economic Theories, True or False? Essays in the History and Methodology of Economics. Aldershot: Edward Elgar 1990, 250 pp. £ 38.50
by J. Hanns Pichler - 638-639 Feess‐Dörr, Eberhard: Mikroökonomie. Eine Einführung in die neoklassische und klassisch‐neoricardianische Preis‐ und Verteilungstheorie, Marburg: Metropolis 1991. 509 Seiten
by Werner Sesselmeier - 640-642 Heise, Arne: Tauschwirtschaft und Geldökonomie. Frankfurt am Main/Bern/New York: Peter Lang 1991. 348 pp
by Hansjörg Klausinger - 642-644 Krugman, Paul R.: Rethinking International Trade. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press 1990. Pp. viii + 282
by Antoinette M. James - 644-646 Lambertz, Günter: Bessere Wirtschaftspolitik durch weniger Demokratie?Ökonomische Demokratiekritik und Theorie der Autokratie. Hamburg: Steuer‐und Wirtschaftsverlag 1990, 197 Seiten
by Hannelore Weck‐Hannemann - 646-648 Malinvaud Edmond: Voies de la recherche macroéconomique. Paris: Odile Jacob 1991. 507 pp. FF 280.‐
by Georges Bernard - 648-650 Malthus Thomas R.: Principles of Political Economy. 2 vols., edited by John Pullen. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press 1990. Pp. xix + 601 and pp. 507. £ 75.00/two volume set, US $ 120.00
by James A. Gherity - 650-652 Roberts, John G.: Mitsui. Three Centuries of Japanese Business. New York/Tokyo: Weatherhill, Second revised edition 1989. 578 pp
by Albrecht Rothacher - 653-654 Petras, James and Morley, morris: US Hegemony under Siege. Class Politics and Development in Latin America. London/New York: Verso 1990. 258 pp. $ 15.95 (paper)
by Chronis Polychroniou - 654-657 Ritter, Ulrich P. (Hrsg.): Teilzeitarbeit ‐ Teilzeitstudium. Ursachen und Auswirkungen zunehmender studentischer Erwerbstätigkeit untersucht am Beispiel der Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Alsbach Leuchtturm‐Verlag 1990. 112 S. DM 24,—brosch
by Renate Schubert - 657-659 Tullock, Gordon: The Economics of Special Privilege and Rent Seeking. Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1989. 101 pp. $ 35.95
by Arye L. Hillman - 659-660 Weimann, Joachim: Umweltökonomie. Eine theorieorientierte Einführung. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer‐Verlag 1990. 243 pp
by Frank G. Müller
August 1991, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 325-345 Interindividual Differences in Opinions about Distributive Justice
by Erik Schokkaert & Bart Capeau - 347-362 Psychological Variables in Negotiation
by Gerrit Antonides - 363-382 Locational Determinants and Ranking of Host Countries: An Empirical Assessment
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 383-409 Vorschläge zum technischen Risikomanagement aus der Sicht der Ökonomik
by Georg Erdmann - 411-429 Hicks on the European Monetary System
by Harald Hagemann & Omar F. Hamouda - 431-437 What Can We Learn from Comparative Institutional Analysis? The Case of Telecommunications: A Note
by Gene Laber - 439-443 What Can We Learn from Comparative Institutional Analysis? The Case of Telecommunications: A Reply
by Charles B. Blankart & Günter Knieps - 445-450 Explaining the Rise and Decline of the Dollar: A Note
by Lukas Menkhoff