September 2006, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 461-481 EU Social Policy after Lisbon
by Mary Daly - 483-505 Diplomats Without a Flag: The Institutionalization of the Delegations of the Commission in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
by VÉRONIQUE DIMIER & MIKE McGEEVER - 507-532 The EU Neighbourhood Policy: Implications for Economic Growth and Stability
by Michaela Dodini & Marco Fantini - 533-562 Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik
by Andreas Follesdal & Simon Hix - 563-580 The Euro and Regional Price Differences of Individual Products in an Integrated Cross‐Border Area
by Thomas Y. Mathä - 581-605 Conditioning and Fine‐Tuning Europeanization: Negotiating Regional Policy Maps under the EU's Competition and Cohesion Policies
by Carlos Méndez & Fiona Wishlade & Douglas Yuill - 607-624 Experiments in Food Safety Policy Integration in the European Union
by Trygve Ugland & Frode Veggeland - 625-643 Intelligence‐Sharing in the European Union: Institutions Are Not Enough
by James I. Walsh
June 2006, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 231-248 The Europeanization of Higher Education: Markets, Politics or Learning?
by Ian Bache - 249-280 The Europeanization of Czech Politics: The Political Parties and the EU Referendum
by Michael Baun & Jakub Dürr & Dan Marek & Pavel Šaradín - 281-304 The Watchdogs of Subsidiarity: National Parliaments and the Logic of Arguing in the EU
by Ian Cooper - 305-324 Subregional Integration and EU Enlargement: Where Next for CEFTA?
by Martin Dangerfield - 325-348 Europeanization as an Interactive Process: German Public Banks Meet EU State Aid Policy
by Emiliano Grossman - 349-368 What Makes a Good EU Presidency? Italy and Ireland Compared
by Lucia Quaglia & Edward Moxon‐Browne - 369-390 Globalization and the Reform of European Social Models
by André Sapir - 391-417 Who Has Power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in Legislative Decision‐making
by Robert Thomson & Madeleine Hosli - 419-436 Media Effects on Public Opinion about the Enlargement of the European Union
by Claes H. De Vreese & Hajo G. Boomgaarden
March 2006, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-15 The JCMS Lecture: Managing Diversity and Change in the European Union
by Loukas Tsoukalis - 17-27 Are There Differences Across Countries Regarding the Effect of Currency Unions on Trade? Evidence from EMU
by Kyriacos Aristotelous - 29-55 New Wine in Old Wineskins: Promoting Political Reforms through the New European Neighbourhood Policy
by Judith Kelley - 57-76 The EU and Nato: Two Competing Models for a Common Defence Policy
by Hanna Ojanen - 77-112 Growth and Finance, European Integration and the Lisbon Strategy
by Pier Carlo Padoan & Fabio Mariani - 113-137 Speaking with One Voice? European Union Co‐ordination on Human Rights Issues at the United Nations
by Karen E. Smith - 139-159 Building Firewalls or Floodgates? Constitutional Design for the European Union
by Lori Thorlakson - 161-194 When and Why the EU Council of Ministers Votes Explicitly
by Fiona Hayes‐Renshaw & Wim Van Aken & Helen Wallace - 195-215 Working Environment and ‘Soft Law’ in the Post‐Communist New Member States
by Charles Woolfson
September 2005, Volume 43, Issue s1
- 1-9 Editorial: A Fusing Europe in a Confusing World?
by Lee Miles - 11-36 Keynote Article: The Constitutional Treaty – Three Readings from a Fusion Perspective
by Wolfgang Wessels - 37-54 Governance and Institutions: A New Constitution and a New Commission
by Desmond Dinan - 55-58 The Irish Presidency: A Diplomatic Triumph
by Nicholas Rees - 59-62 The Dutch Presidency: An Assessment
by Peter Van Ham - 63-84 Internal Policy Developments
by David Howarth - 85-88 The European Central Bank in 2004
by David G. Mayes - 89-107 Legal Developments
by Michael Dougan - 109-126 External Policy Developments
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 127-130 Enlarging the European Union
by Julie Smith - 131-146 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 147-162 Developments in the ‘Old’ Member States
by Michael Bruter - 163-180 Developments in the New Member States and Applicant Countries
by Karen Henderson - 181-197 Developments in the Economies of the‘Fifteen’
by Nigel Grimwade - 199-214 Developments in the Economies of the New Member States and the Candidate Countries
by Debra Johnson - 215-218 Chronology: The European Union in 2004
by Lee Miles
December 2005, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 899-919 The New Transatlantic Agenda at Ten: Reflections on an Experiment in International Governance
by Mark A. Pollack - 921-946 Asymmetries in Transatlantic Monetary Policy‐making: Does the ECB Follow the Fed?
by Ansgar Belke & Daniel Gros - 947-968 Explaining EMU Reform
by Shawn Donnelly - 969-984 Electing the European Parliament: How Uniform are ‘Uniform’ Electoral Systems?
by David M. Farrell & Roger Scully - 985-1008 The Stability and Growth Pact ‐ Theorizing a Case in European Integration
by Martin Heipertz & Amy Verdun - 1009-1025 The Genesis of European Rights
by Willem Maas - 1027-1054 The Europeanization of Welfare ‐ The Domestic Impact of Intra‐European Social Security
by Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen - 1055-1070 Explaining the Absence of Inertia in European Union Legislative Decision‐making
by Torsten J. Selck
November 2005, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 655-671 A Research Agenda for the Study of Migrants and Minorities in Europe
by Gwendolyn Sasse & Eiko Thielemann - 673-693 Securitization or Securing Rights? Exploring the Conceptual Foundations of Policies towards Minorities and Migrants in Europe
by Gwendolyn Sasse - 695-716 Migrants as Minorities: Integration and Inclusion in the Enlarged European Union
by Ryszard Cholewinski - 717-738 Who is Managing Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in the European Condominium? The Moments of Entry, Integration and Preservation
by Gabriel N. Toggenburg - 739-762 ‘Exit’ in Deeply Divided Societies: Regimes of Discrimination in Estonia and Latvia and the Potential for Russophone Migration
by James Hughes - 763-785 Migrating Towards Minority Status: Shifting European Policy Towards Roma
by Rachel Guglielmo & Timothy William Waters - 787-806 Europe's Border Relationships and International Migration Relations
by Andrew Geddes - 807-824 Symbolic Politics or Effective Burden‐Sharing? Redistribution, Side‐payments and the European Refugee Fund
by Eiko R. Thielemann - 825-850 Public Opinion in the EU on Immigration from Outside the Community
by Alan E. Kessler & Gary P. Freeman - 851-875 The Limits of a European Immigration Policy: Elite Opinion and Agendas within the European Parliament
by Gallya Lahav & Anthony M. Messina - 877-898 Becoming European? The Transformation of the British Pro‐migrant NGO Sector in Response to Europeanization
by Emily Gray & Paul Statham
September 2005, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 433-459 Is Europe Becoming the Most Dynamic Knowledge Economy in the World?
by Daniele Archibugi & Alberto Coco - 461-484 European Integration and the Transnational Restructuring of Social Relations: The Emergence of Labour as a Regional Actor?
by Andreas Bieler - 485-505 Who Pays? Who Gains? How do Costs and Benefits Shape the Policy Influence of the European Parliament?
by Charlotte Burns - 507-537 Optimal Monetary Policy Rules for the Euro Area: An Analysis Using the Area Wide Model
by ALISTAIR DIEPPE & KEITH KÜSTER & PETER McADAM - 539-550 Should Fiscal Authorities Co‐operate in a Monetary Union with Public Deficit Targets?
by Montserrat Ferré - 551-582 Mapping EU Studies: The Evolution from Boutique to Boom Field 1960–2001
by John T.S. Keeler - 583-606 Compliance, Competition and Communication: Different Approaches of European Governance and their Impact on National Institutions
by Christoph Knill & Andrea Lenschow - 607-635 What is European Economic and Monetary Union Telling us About the Properties of Optimum Currency Areas?
by Francesco Paolo Mongelli - 637-654 Transparency and the EU Legislator: ‘Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone’
by Pierpaolo Settembri
June 2005, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 221-250 The Preferences of the Euro Area Monetary Policy‐maker
by Alvaro Aguiar & Manuel M.F. Martins - 251-271 Critical Junctures and Social Identity Theory: Explaining the Gap between Danish Mass and Elite Attitudes to Europeanization
by Trine Flockhart - 273-286 Language Disenfranchisement in the European Union
by Victor Ginsburgh & Shlomo Weber - 287-310 Converging Divergence: How Competitive Advantages Condition Institutional Change under EMU
by Andrea Herrmann - 311-325 The EU Offer of Service Trade Liberalization in the Doha Round: Evidence of a Not‐Yet‐Perfect Customs Union
by Rolf J. Langhammer - 327-348 Small States and the Creation of EMU: Belgium and the Netherlands, Pace‐setters and Gate‐keepers
by Ivo Maes & Amy Verdun - 371-391 The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy Co‐ordination in EMU: From Disciplinarian Device to Insurance Arrangement
by Waltraud Schelkle - 393-412 The Security Challenge of Small EU Member States: Interests, Identity and the Development of the EU as a Security Actor
by Anders Wivel
March 2005, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Euro and Financial Market Integration
by Hossein Askari & Joydeep Chatterjee - 13-35 Obfuscation through Integration: Legitimating ‘New’ Social Democracy in the European Union
by David J. Bailey - 37-51 The Effectiveness of Structural Policy in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis for the EU‐15 in 1995–2001
by Maaike Beugelsdijk & Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger - 53-74 How Symmetric are the Shocks and the Shock Adjustment Dynamics between the Euro Area and Central and Eastern European Countries?
by Michael Frenkel & Christiane Nickel - 75-95 The European Union and the World Summit on Sustainable Development: Normative Power Europe in Action?
by Simon Lightfoot & Jon Burchell - 97-120 The Development of Rights‐based Social Policy in the European Union: The Example of Disability Rights
by Deborah Mabbett - 121-148 The Europeanization of Media Discourse: A Study of Quality Press Coverage of Economic Policy Co‐ordination since Amsterdam
by Christoph O. Meyer - 149-170 We, the Peoples? Constitutionalizing the European Union
by Cindy Skach - 171-192 Coherence and Conditionality in European Foreign Policy: Negotiating the EU–Mexico Global Agreement
by Marcela Szymanski & Michael E. Smith - 193-220 Claims to Legitimacy: The European Commission between Continuity and Change
by Myrto Tsakatika
September 2004, Volume 42, Issue s1
- 1-8 Editorial: The Paradox of a Popular Europe
by Lee Miles - 9-26 Keynote Article: Europe, America, Iraq: Worst Ever, Ever Worsening?
by John Peterson - 27-42 Governance and Institutions: The Convention and the Intergovernmental Conference
by Dinan Desmond - 43-46 The Greek Presidency: In the Shadow of War
by Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos & Argyris G. Passas - 47-50 The Italian Presidency
by Lucia Quaglia - 51-71 Internal Policy Developments
by David Howarth - 73-76 The European Central Bank in 2003
by David G. Mayes - 77-94 Legal Developments
by Michael Dougan - 95-112 External Policy Developments
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 113-116 Enlarging the European Union
by Julie Smith - 117-133 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 135-151 Developments in the Member States
by Michael Bruter - 153-167 Developments in the Applicant States
by Karen Henderson - 169-185 Developments in the Economies of the European Union
by Nigel Grimwade - 187-202 Developments in the Economies of the Applicant States
by Debra Johnson - 203-207 Chronology: The European Union in 2003
by Lee Miles
December 2004, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 869-896 Do EMU Members Share the Same Business Cycle?
by Carlo Altavilla - 897-917 The Great Non‐Communicator? The Mass Communication Deficit of the European Parliament and its Press Directorate
by PETER J. ANDERSON & AILEEN McLEOD - 919-955 Legitimately Diverse, yet Comparable: On Synthesizing Social Inclusion Performance in the EU
by Laurens Cherchye & Wim Moesen & Tom Van Puyenbroeck - 957-973 European Integration as Organizing: The Case of Armaments
by Ulrika Mörth & Malena Britz - 975-997 The European Union: Democratic Legitimacy in a Regional State?
by Vivien A. Schmidt - 999-1022 The Power of the Presidency: Brokerage, Efficiency and Distribution in EU Negotiations
by Jonas Tallberg - 1025-1032 Why Do Large Countries Flout the Stability Pact? And What Can Be Done About It?
by Marco Buti & Lucio R. Pench - 1033-1038 National Saving and the Stability and Growth Pact
by Martin Weale - 1039-1046 Break it, Don't Fix it!
by Henrik Enderlein - 1047-1059 Can Fiscal Policy Co‐ordination be Made to Work Effectively?
by Iain Begg & Waltraud Schelkle
November 2004, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 679-687 Editorial
by Paul De Grauwe & Georgios P. Kouretas - 689-715 Optimum Currency Areas and Key Currencies: Mundell I versus Mundell II
by Ronald I. McKinnon - 717-736 Issues in Money Demand: The Case of Europe
by Mike Artis & Andreas Beyer - 737-756 Fiscal Discretion and Elections in the Early Years of EMU
by Marco Buti & Paul Van Den Noord - 757-773 Asymmetries in Monetary Policy Transmission: Some Implications for EMU and its Enlargement
by Paul De Grauwe & Marc‐Alexandre Sénégas - 775-794 The Transparency and Credibility of the European Central Bank
by Jakob De Haan & Fabian Amtenbrink & Sandra Waller - 795-813 Profiting from the Euro? Seigniorage Gains from Euro Area Accession
by Daniel Gros - 815-840 Risk‐sharing and EMU
by Jacques Mélitz - 841-867 Forecasting with a Bayesian DSGE Model: An Application to the Euro Area
by Frank Smets & Raf Wouters
September 2004, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 453-471 Economic and Legal Issues in Reducing the Eurosystem's Excess of International Reserves
by Harald Badinger & Barbara Dutzler - 473-495 The Logic of Access to the European Parliament: Business Lobbying in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
by Pieter Bouwen - 497-521 The Nice Treaty and Voting Rules in the Council: A Reply to Moberg (2002)
by Madeleine O. Hosli & Moshé Machover - 523-551 Conditionality and Compliance in the EU's Eastward Enlargement: Regional Policy and the Reform of Sub‐national Government
by James Hughes & Gwendolyn Sasse & Claire Gordon - 553-572 Completing the Maastricht Contract: Institutional Handicraft and the Transition to European Monetary Union
by Patrick Leblond - 573-598 European Identities and the EU – The Ties that Bind the Peoples of Europe
by Franz C. Mayer & Jan Palmowski - 599-618 The Political Economy of Multi‐tiered Regulation in Europe
by Phedon Nicolaides - 619-639 Europeanization, Conditionality and Domestic Change: The Twinning Exercise and Administrative Reform in Romania
by Dimitris Papadimitriou & David Phinnemore - 641-666 A Two‐Tier or Multi‐Tier Europe? Assessing the Innovation Capacities of Central and East European Countries in the Enlarged EU
by Slavo Radosevic
June 2004, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 229-248 A Single EU Seat in the IMF?
by Lorenzo Bini Smaghi - 249-269 Negotiating Transparency: The Role of Institutions
by Bo Bjurulf & Ole Elgström - 271-288 Eastern European Attitudes to Integration with Western Europe
by Anetta Caplanova & Marta Orviska & John Hudson - 289-319 Accounting, Auditing and Corporate Governance of European Listed Countries: EU Policy Developments Before and After Enron
by Ian P. Dewing & Peter O. Russell - 321-345 Competition Policy in Central Eastern Europe in the Light of EU Accession
by Jens Hölscher & Johannes Stephan - 347-369 Europeanization of Central Government Administration in the Nordic States
by Per Lægreid & Runolfur Smari Steinthorsson & Baldur Thorhallsson - 371-392 Is the European Union in Need of a Competence Catalogue? Insights from Comparative Federalism
by Wilfried Swenden - 393-414 The Incidental Fortress: The Single European Market and World Trade
by Alasdair R. Young - 415-435 Normative Dynamics and Strategic Interests in the EU's External Identity
by Richard Youngs
February 2004, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by William Paterson & Jim Rollo - 5-21 Europe and the Future of Economic Governance
by Pascal Lamy - 23-46 The Future of Sovereignty in Multilevel Governance Europe ‐ A Constructivist Reading
by Tanja E. Aalberts - 47-75 Indicators and Targets for Social Inclusion in the European Union
by Anthony B. Atkinson & Eric Marlier & Brian Nolan - 77-98 A Bridge Too Phare? EU Pre‐Accession Aid and Capacity‐Building in the Candidate Countries
by David Bailey & Lisa De Propris - 99-119 The CAP and EU Enlargement: Prospects for an Alternative Strategy to Avoid the Lock‐in of CAP Support
by Carsten Daugbjerg & Alan Swinbank - 121-142 New Governance in the European Union: A Theoretical Perspective
by Burkard Eberlein & Dieter Kerwer - 143-163 Renationalizing or Regrouping? EU Foreign Policy Since 11 September 2001
by Christopher Hill - 165-181 EU Enlargement and Immigration
by Margit Kraus & Robert Schwager - 183-202 E Pluribus Unum? Creative Disagreement about Legitimacy in the EU
by Christopher Lord & Paul Magnette
September 2003, Volume 41, Issue S1
- 1-11 Editorial: Moving Towards a ‘Hub and Spokes Europe’?
by Lee Miles - 13-25 Keynote Article: Recent Trends in the Franco‐German Relationship
by Thomas Pedersen - 27-43 Governance and Institutions: Anticipating the Impact of Enlargement
by Desmond Dinan - 45-48 The Spanish Presidency: Catalysing a New Axis in the EU?
by Esther Barbé - 49-51 The Danish Presidency: ‘Wonderful Copenhagen’
by Lykke Friis - 53-73 Internal Policy Developments
by Hussein Kassim - 75-78 The European Central Bank in 2002: Waiting for Recovery
by Massimo Beber - 79-95 Legal Developments
by Jo Hunt - 97-114 External Policy Developments
by David Allen & Michael Smith - 115-117 Enlarging the European Union
by Julie Smith - 119-135 Justice and Home Affairs
by Jörg Monar - 137-155 Developments in the Member States
by Michael Bruter - 157-172 Developments in the Applicant States
by Karen Henderson - 173-189 Developments in the Economies of the European Union
by Nigel Grimwade - 191-206 Developments in the Economies of the Applicant Countries
by Debra Johnson - 207-211 Chronology: The European Union in 2002
by Lee Miles
December 2003, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 781-796 EMU and Cohesion: Introduction
by Frank Barry & Iain Begg - 797-822 Exchange Rates and Cohesion: Historical Perspectives and Political‐Economy Considerations
by Barry Eichengreen & David Leblang - 823-846 Untying The Gordian Knot: The Multiple Links Between Exchange Rates and Foreign Direct Investment
by Nigel Pain & Desirée Van Welsum - 847-868 Monetary Union and the Economic Geography of Europe
by Karen‐Helene Midelfart & Henry G. Overman & Anthony J. Venables - 869-896 Social Union, Convergence and Migration
by Hans‐Werner Sinn & Wolfgang Ochel - 897-921 Economic Integration and Convergence Processes in the EU Cohesion Countries
by Frank Barry - 923-940 Greece and EMU: Between External Empowerment and Domestic Vulnerability
by Kevin Featherstone - 941-964 A Macroeconomic Analysis of EU Accession under Alternative Monetary Policies
by Michael B. Devereux
September 2003, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 575-595 Can the Euro Ever Challenge the Dollar?
by Benjamin J. Cohen - 597-620 The Impact of European Integration on Regional Power
by Angela K. Bourne - 621-644 The Impact of EU Regional Support on Growth and Convergence in the European Union
by Aadne Cappelen & Fulvio Castellacci & Jan Fagerberg & Bart Verspagen - 645-664 Voting in EMU — An Experimental Study of Institutional Innovation and the Role of Communication in the Stability and Growth Pact
by Bernd Irlenbusch & Ulrike Leopold‐Wildburger & Jörg Schütze & Matthias Sutter - 665-686 Cultural Pluralism and European Polity‐Building
by Peter A. Kraus - 687-706 Discourse and Order in the EU
by Jürgen Neyer - 707-729 Influencing EU Politics? The Case of the Austrian Parliament
by Johannes Pollak & Peter Slominski - 731-756 Constructing the CFSP: The Utility of a Cognitive Approach
by Ben Tonra - 757-770 When Trust Matters: Explaining Differences in Voter Turnout
by Michaelene Cox
June 2003, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 375-395 Legislative—Executive Relations in the EU
by Ben Crum - 397-420 Cutting the Bank Down to Size: Efficient and Legitimate Decision‐making in the European Central Bank After Enlargement
by Dorothee Heisenberg - 421-444 Deficit Targeting Strategies: Fiscal Consolidation and the Probability Distribution of Deficits under the Stability Pact
by A.J. Hughes Hallett & Peter McAdam - 445-473 The Creation, Interpretation and Contestation of Institutions — Revisiting Historical Institutionalism
by Johannes Lindner & Berthold Rittberger - 475-494 European Integration: Between Micro‐Regionalism and Globalism
by Michael Longo - 495-518 Costs, Commitment and Compliance: The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey
by Frank Schimmelfennig & Stefan Engert & Heiko Knobel - 519-539 Price Insurance Aspects of Monetary Union
by George M. Von Furstenberg - 541-566 Democratic Deficits in Comparison: Best (and Worst) Practices in European, US and Swiss Merger Regulation
by Thomas D. Zweifel
April 2003, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 191-202 Fifty Years on: Research on the European Parliament
by Simon Hix & Tapio Raunio & Roger Scully - 203-225 The Creation and Empowerment of the European Parliament
by Berthold Rittberger - 227-247 The Legislative Powers and Impact of the European Parliament
by Andreas Maurer - 249-267 The European Parliament in the Economic Governance of the European Union
by Christopher Lord - 269-288 MEPs as Representatives: Individual and Institutional Roles
by Roger Scully & David M. Farrell - 289-308 Public Support for the European Parliament
by Matthew Gabel