December 1999, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 549-571 Flexibility, Harmonization and the Single Market in EU Environmental Policy: The Packaging Waste Directive
by Ian Bailey - 573-596 Towards Convergence in Europe? Institutional Adaptation to Europeanization in Germany and Spain
by Tanja A. Bürzel - 597-616 The Determinants of New FDI Capital Flows into the EC: A Statistical Comparison of the USA and Japan
by Susan Scott‐Green & Jeremy Clegg - 617-639 Political Legitimacy and the Invisibility of Politics: Exploring the European Union’s Communication Deficit
by Christoph Meyer - 641-659 The EU as an International Actor: The Protection of the Ozone Layer
by Sebastian Oberthür - 661-682 Harmful Tax Competition in the EU: Policy Narratives and Advocacy Coalitions
by Claudio M. Radaelli - 683-710 Reorienting Interregional Co‐operation in the Global Political Economy: Europe’s East Asian Policy
by Gareth A. Richards & Colin Kirkpatrick - 711-723 Explaining the Growth of Strategic R&D Allainces by European Firms
by Rajneesh Narula
September 1999, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 363-383 Transnational Interests in the European Union: Globalization and Changing Organization in Telecommunications and Electricity
by Ian Bartle - 385-405 The 1992 CAP Reform, the Uruguay Round and the Commission: Conceptualizing Linked Policy Games
by William D. Coleman & Stefan Tangermann - 407-428 Reforming the CAP: Policy Networks and Broader Institutional Structures
by Carsten Daugbjerg - 429-454 Conceptualizing the European Union as an International Actor: Narrowing the Theoretical Capability‐Expectations Gap
by Roy H. Ginsberg - 455-476 Consensus and Constraint: Ideas and Capital Mobility in European Monetary Integration
by Kathleen R. McNamara - 477-501 Who Speaks for Europe? The Delegation of Trade Authority in the EU
by Sophie Meunier & Kalypso Nicolaïdis - 503-519 The Eurosystem: Transparent andAccountable or ‘Willem in Euroland’
by Otmar Issing - 521-537 What Affects the European Parliament’s Legislative Influence? An Analysis of the Success of EP Amendments
by Amie Kreppel
June 1999, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 181-209 Alice in Euroland
by Willem H. Buiter - 211-232 The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: Governance and Boundaries
by Lykke Friis & Anna Murphy - 233-249 The Myths of Europe: Legitimacy, Community and the ‘Crisis’ of the EU
by Lene Hansen & Michael C. Williams - 251-268 Becoming a ‘Living Institution’: The Evolution of the European Court of Auditors
by Brigid Laffan - 269-294 A European Perspective on Corporate Governance
by Karel Lannoo - 295-316 The Politics of the Single Currency: Learning the Lessons of Maastricht
by Richard Youngs - 317-331 Institutionalism, Intergovernmentalism and European Integration: A Review Article
by Donald J. Puchala - 333-348 US Investment in EU Member Countries: The Internal Market and Sectoral Specialization
by Holger Görg & Frances Ruane
March 1999, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-12 Editorial: Statement
by Iain Begg & John Peterson - 13-37 European Community Water Policy Standards: Locked in or Watered Down?
by Andrew Jordan - 39-58 Is Maastricht a Good Contract?
by Bernhard Winkler - 59-85 Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influence, Institutions
by Andrew Moravcsik & Kalypso Nicolaïdis - 87-108 The Provisions on Closer Co‐operation in the Treaty of Amsterdam: The Politics of Flexibility in the European Union
by Eric Philippart & Geoffrey Edwards - 109-120 The Community‐Method after Amsterdam
by Youri Devuyst - 121-131 The Influence of UK NGOs on the Common Agricultural Policy
by Janet M. Egdell & Kenneth J. Thomson - 133-142 Differentiated Integration in Europe: The Case of EEA Country, Norway
by Morten Egeberg & Jarle Trondal - 143-152 Public Opinion in Central Europe on EU Accession: The Czech Republic and Poland
by Marek Kucia - 153-162 Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Euroland
by Martin Weale
December 1998, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 457-477 EU Cohesion Policy and Competing Models of European Capitalism
by Liesbet Hooghe - 479-504 Is the ‘Hard Bargaining’ Image of the Council Misleading? The Committee of Permanent Representatives and the Local Elections Directive
by Jeffrey Lewis - 505-528 European Collective Bargaining: A Virtual Prospect?
by Paul Marginson & Keith Sisson - 529-547 Achieving Personal Data Protection in the European Union
by Graham Pearce & Nicholas Platten - 549-562 Winners and Losers in the Council: Voting Power Consequences of EU Enlargements
by Tapio Raunio & Matti Wiberg - 563-572 The UK Presidency: An Insider’s View
by Douglas Henderson - 573-583 The 1998 UK Presidency: A View from Brussels
by Peter Ludlow - 585-597 The Making of Environmental Policy in the European Council
by Mikael Skou Andersen & Lise Nordvig Rasmussen - 610-610 Susan Strange Obituary
by Michael Smith
September 1998, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 289-317 The Working Groups of the Council of the European Union: Supranational or Intergovernmental Negotiations?
by Jan Beyers & Guido Dierickx - 319-346 Trading Places: Industrial Specialization in the European Union
by Marius Brülhart - 347-368 Britain and the Negotiation of the Maastricht Treaty: A Critique of Liberal Intergovernmentalism
by Anthony Forster - 369-389 EU Media Ownership Regulation: Conflict over the Definition of Alternatives
by Alison J. Harcourt - 391-404 Coalition‐Sensitive Voting Power in the Council of Ministers: The Case of Eastern Enlargement
by G. Michael Winkler - 405-429 Reunifying Europe in an Emerging World Economy: Economic Heterogeneity, New Industrial Options, and Political Choices
by John Zysman & Andrew Schwartz - 431-444 The European Parliament’s Emerging Powers of Appointment
by Martin Westlake
June 1998, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 147-154 Integrating Law: An Introduction
by Kenneth A. Armstrong & Jo Shaw - 155-174 Legal Integration: Theorizing the Legal Dimension of European Integration
by Kenneth A. Armstrong - 175-194 Law, Legitimacy and EC Governance: Prospects for ‘Partnership’
by Joanne Scott - 195-216 Administering Europe?
by Michelle Everson - 217-235 The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Court of Justice as an Institutional Actor
by Gráinne De Búrca - 237-254 Community Law in the National Legal Order: A Systems Analysis
by Imelda Maher - 255-272 Begging the Constitutional Question
by Pavlos Eleftheriadis
March 1998, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-32 Political Economy Considerations on the Supply of Trade Protection in Regional Integration Agreements
by Sanoussi Bilal - 33-54 National Strategies in the Integration Dilemma: An Adaptation Approach
by Nikolaj Petersen - 55-78 Autonomy by the Rules: The European Commission and the Development of State Aid Policy
by Mitchell P. Smith - 79-100 When (and How) Do the Commission’s Preferences Matter?
by Marc E. Smyrl - 101-114 Who are EU? Ambiguities in the Concept of Competitiveness
by Susan Strange - 115-130 The European Parliament’s New Committees of Inquiry: Tiger or Paper Tiger?
by Michael Shackleton
December 1997, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 497-519 The Emerging European Immigration Regime: Some Reflections on Implications for Southern Europe
by Martin Baldwin‐Edwards - 521-542 New Challenges to the Study of European Integration: Implications for Theory‐Building
by Dimitris N. Chryssochoou - 543-564 The Life and Times of the European Union’s Co‐operation Procedure
by David Earnshaw & David Judge - 565-594 Scandinavian Exceptionalism and European Union
by Peter Lawler - 595-614 Constitution‐making and Citizenship Practice – Bridging the Democracy Gap in the EU?
by Antje Wiener & Vincent Della Sala - 615-627 The EU’s Common Banana Regime: An Initial Evaluation
by Rikke Thagesen & Alan Matthews
September 1997, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 329-346 Why Has Inflation Remained So Low After the Large Exchange Rate Depreciations of 1992?
by Alessandra Amitrano & Paul De Grauwe & Giuseppe Tullio - 347-375 Dual Networks in European Regional Development Policy
by Christopher K. Ansell & Craig A. Parsons & Keith A. Darden - 377-406 Ideological and Party Constraints on Immigration Attitudes in Europe
by Gallya Lahav - 407-438 Single Cases or a Unique Pair? The Swiss and Norwegian ‘No’ to Europe
by Pascal Sciarini & Ola Listhaug - 439-464 From Hierarchy to Networks? Sub‐central Government and EU Urban Environment Policy
by Stephen Ward & Richard Williams - 465-481 The European Trade Union Confederation: Its Organization and Objectives in Transition
by Keith Abbott
June 1997, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 173-187 Reassessing Regimes: The International Regime Aspects of the European Union
by Robert E. Breckinridge - 189-223 The European Internal Market Programme and Inbound Foreign Direct Investment
by John H. Dunning - 225-242 The Co‐operation Procedure in the EU: Why was the European Parliament Influential in the Decision on Car Emission Standards?
by Claudia Hubschmid & Peter Moser - 243-266 European Markets and the Strategic Roles of Multinational Enterprise Subsidiaries in the UK
by Robert Pearce & Marina Papanastassiou - 267-299 An Ever Closer Fusion? A Dynamic Macropolitical View on Integration Processes
by Wolfgang Wessels - 301-308 Why a ‘Community of Europeans’ Could be a Community of Exclusion: A Reply to Howe
by Theodora Kostakopoulou - 309-314 Insiders and Outsiders in a Community of Europeans: A Reply to Kostakopoulou
by Paul Howe
March 1997, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-30 The European Internal Market Programme and Inbound Foreign Direct Investment
by John H. Dunning - 31-56 Decline or Preservation of Executive Capacity? Political and Economic Integration Revisited
by Paulette Kurzer - 57-78 The Finances of the Union's Intergovernmental Pillars: Tortuous Experiments with the Community Budget
by Jörg Monar - 79-96 Law and the Other Europeans
by Ian Ward - 97-131 The Reformation of European Constitutionalism
by J.H.H. Weiler - 133-143 Exclusion
by Paul Spicker
December 1996, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 487-508 Women's Networks and the European Union: Towards an Inclusive Approach?
by Charlotte Bretherton & Liz Sperling - 509-529 Managing Value‐for‐Money Audit in the European Union: The Challenge of Diversity
by Roger Levy - 531-548 The Council Decides‘: Does the Council Decide?
by M.P.C.M. Van Schendelen - 549-570 The European Union and the Irish Peace Process
by Paul Teague - 571-583 An Empirical Analysis of Inward Foreign Direct Investment Flows in the EU with Emphasis on the Market Enlargement Hypothesis
by Kyriacos Aristotelous & Stilianos Fountas - 585-604 Causes and Effects of the European Monetary Crises of 1992–93
by David Cobham
September 1996, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 313-339 State Power and Institutional Influence in European Integration: Lessons from the Packaging Waste Directive
by Jonathan Golub - 341-378 European Integration from the 1980s: State‐Centric v. Multi‐level Governance
by Gary Marks & Liesbet Hooghe & Kermit Blank - 379-401 Between Nation‐State, Regionalism and World Society: The European Integration Process
by Richard Münch - 403-429 Membership Matters: Limits of the Functional Approach to European Institutions
by Wayne Snvdholtz - 431-448 Heading for Divergence? Regional Growth in Europe Reconsidered
by Jan Fagerberg & Bart Verspagen - 449-463 European Level Business Collective Action: The Study Agenda Ahead
by Justin Greenwood & Laura Cram - 465-475 Industrial Collaboration and the European Internal Market
by Neil M. Kay & Harvie Ramsay & Jean‐Francois Hennart
June 1996, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 149-166 The Rise and Fall of High Definition Television: The Impact of European Technology Policy
by Xiudian Dai & Alan Cawson & Peter Holmes - 167-190 The Second Death (or the Second Coming?) of the WEU
by Simon Duke - 191-221 Policy Legitimacy and the European Union
by Daniela Obradovic - 223-254 Loosening the Ties that Bind: The Impact of European Integration on French Government and its Relationship to Business
by Vivien A. Schmidt - 255-273 Coallitions and Power: Effects of Qualified Majority Voting in the Council of the European Union
by Madeleine o. Hosli - 275-281 The ‘Code of Conduct’ of the Commission towards the European Parliament
by Sir William Nicoll - 283-295 A Categorization of Differentiated Integration
by Alexander C‐G. Stubb
March 1996, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editor's Introduction
by Michael Smith - 5-28 The European Union and a Changing Europe: Establishing the Boundaries of Order
by Michael Smith - 29-52 The European Union and Forms of State: Westphalian, Regulatory or Post‐Modern?
by James A Caporaso - 53-80 Exploring the Nature of the Beast: International Relations Theory and Comparative Policy Analysis Meet the European Union
by Thomas Risse‐kappen - 81-102 The Politics of Identity and Political Order in Europe
by Brigid Laffan - 103-132 European Security Identities
by Ole Wæver
December 1995, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 475-499 International Integration or Internal Politics? Anatomy of a Single Market Measure
by Mark Aspinwall - 501-526 Setting the Agenda for a New Europe: The ERT and EC 1992
by Maria Green Cowles - 527-554 Parties at the European Level and the Legitimacy of EU Socio‐Economic Policy
by Simon Hix - 555-572 Bridging the Capability‐Expectations Gap: A Case Study of the CFSP Joint Action on South Africa
by Martin Holland - 573-595 National Labour Market Institutions and the European Economic and Monetary Integration Process
by Freddy Heylen & André Van Poeck - 597-609 Institutional Interaction and European Integration: Towards an Everyday Critique of Liberal Inter governmentalism
by Daniel Wincott - 611-628 Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Integration: A Rejoinder
by Andrew Moravcsik
September 1995, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 315-330 The Public Policy Role of the European Investment Bank within the EU
by Patrick Honohan - 331-360 Telecommunications Policy in the European Union: Developing the Information Superhighway
by Peter Curwen - 361-387 The EU Referendum in Finland on 16 October 1994: A Vote for the West, not for Maastricht
by David Arter - 389-410 Norway and Europe: 1972 and Now
by Ingrid Sogner & Clive Archer - 411-425 Austria in the European Union
by Wolfram Kaiser - 427-450 Democracy and Enlarging the European Union Eastwards
by Richard Rose & Christian Haerpfer - 451-463 Obstacles to EU Enlargement: The Classical Community Method and the Prospects for a Wider Europe
by Christopher Preston
June 1995, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 175-196 Seigniorage and EMU: The Fiscal Implications of Price Stability and Financial Market Integration
by Daniel Gros & Guyvandille - 197-217 Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities and the EU's ‘Democratic Deficit’
by Andrew Geddes - 219-233 Tradable Carbon Permits in Europe: Feasibility and Comparison with Taxes
by Paul Koutstaal & Andries Nentjes - 235-257 First No, Then Yes: The Danish Referendums on the Maastricht Treaty 1992 and 1993
by Torben Worre - 259-273 Disarming the Commission: The Debate over a European Cartel Office
by STEPHEN WILKS & LEE McGOWAN - 275-291 European Collaboration in Civil Aerospace: Success or Failure?
by Stephen Martin & Keith Hartley - 293-296 Review Article: The Contingency of Integration
by Brigid Laffan
March 1995, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-25 European Business in Japan: A Policy Crossroads?
by Susan Strange - 27-46 A Community of Europeans: The Requisite Underpinnings
by Paul How - 47-65 Regional Convergence in the European Community
by Damien Neven & Claudine Gouymte - 67-89 Regulatory Competition in the Single Market
by Jeanne‐Mey Sun & Jacques Pelkmans - 91-116 National Governance and European Integration: Intergovernmental Relations in Germany
by Klaus H. Goetz - 117-141 The European Union's Enlargement Negotiations with Austria, Finland, Norway and Sweden
by Francisco Granell - 143-156 The Management of Interest Representation in the European Union
by ANDREW M. McLAUGHLIN & JUSTIN GREENWOOD - 157-162 Review Article: European Integration as a Field of Study in Denmark
by Knud Erik Jørgensen
December 1994, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 433-453 Elements of Consensus: Europe's Response to the Japanese Automotive Challenge
by Mark Mason - 455-472 Uncorking the Bottle: Popular Opposition to European Unification in the Wake of Maastricht
by MARK FRANKLIN & MICHAEL MARSH & LAUREN McLAREN - 473-498 Corporate Actor Networks in European Policy‐Making: Harmonizing Telecommunications Policy
by Volker Schneider & Godefroy Dang‐Nguyen & Raymund Wrle - 499-523 Inside The Delors Cabinet
by George Ross - 525-540 Public Attitudes to European Integration in Germany after Maastricht: Inventory and Typology
by Hans Rattinger
September 1994, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 283-318 Regional and Multilateral Liberalization of Service Markets: Complements or Substitutes?
by Bernard Hoekman & Pierre Sauvé - 319-329 The EC Budget: Ten Per Cent Fraud? A Policy Analysis Approach
by Dick Ruimschotel - 330-342 Transparency and Democratic Legitimacy
by Juliet Lodge - 343-368 Transparency and Democratic Legitimacy
by Juliet Lodge - 369-402 Intra‐EU Migration, Citizenship and Political Union
by Rey Koslowski - 403-410 The European Parliament's Post‐Maastricht Rules of Procedure
by Sir William Nicoll - 411-426 Europe and America in the Clinton Era
by John Peterson - 427-429 EC Law, by Stephen Weatherill and Paul Beaumont
by David O'Keeffe
June 1994, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 127-148 Derogation, Subsidiarity and the Single Market: The Case of Energy Exploration and Extraction under the EC Utilities Procurement Rules
by Andrew Cox - 149-170 Jean Monnet and the ‘Democratic Deficit’ in the European Union
by Kevin Featherstone - 171-190 The EU Directive on Deposit Insurance: A Critical Evaluation
by GEORGE McKENZIE & MANZOOR KHALIDI - 191-214 High‐speed Rail: Catalyst for European Integration?
by John F.L. Ross - 215-236 The Politics of Subsidiarity in the European Union
by Kees Van Kersbergen & Bertjan Verbeek - 237-248 Industrial Regions and Lobbying in the Structural Funds Reform Process
by PAUL McALEAVEY & JAMES MITCHELL - 249-256 Review Article: Transport and Spatial Development in Europe
by Roger Vickerman
March 1994, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-24 Transport Infrastructure and Region Building in the European Community
by R.W. Vickerman - 25-46 The Climate Policy of the EC: Too Hot to Handle?
by Jon Birger Skjerseth - 47-67 Subsidiarity: A ‘Europe of the Regions' v. the British Constitution?
by Andrew Scott & John Peterson & David Millar - 69-88 Europeanization of Domestic Politics and Institutions: The Case of France
by Robert Ladrech - 89-102 Unity in Diversity? The European Single Market in Broadcasting and the Audiovisual, 1982–92
by Richard Collins - 103-110 A Note on Predicting the Trade Effects of Economic Integration and Other Preferential Trade Agreements: An Assessment
by Daniella Markheim
December 1993, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 417-446 Journey to an Unknown Destination: A Retrospective and Prospective of the European Court of Justice in the Arena of Political Integration
by J.H.H. Weiler - 447-472 Towards Monetary Union in Europe —Reforms of the EMS in the Perspective of Monetary Union
by Niels Thygesen - 473-524 Preferences and Power in the European Community: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach
by Andrew Moravcsik - 525-538 Corporate Strategies and European Challenges Post‐1992
by Alexis Jacquemin & David Wright - 539-558 The European acquis and Multilateral Trade Rules: Are they Compatible?
by Stephen Woolcock - 559-566 ‘Note the Hour ‐ and File the Minute’1
by Sir William Nicoll - 567-579 The Life and Death of the Luxembourg Compromise
by Anthony L. Teasdale
September 1993, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 293-304 European Governance in lbrbulent Times
by Helen Wallace - 305-328 The Capability‐Expectations Gap, or Conceptualizing Europe's International Role
by Christopher Hill - 329-348 The New Regionalism and Developing Countries
by Peter Robson - 349-358 Trade Blocs and Multilateral Free Trade
by Deepak Lal - 359-372 CAP Reform, 1992
by Alan Swinbank - 373-390 A Comparison of Private and Subsidized R&D Partnerships in the European Information Technology Industry
by John Hagedoorn & Jos Schakenraad - 391-400 New Directions in Legal Research on the European Community
by Anne‐Marie Slaughter Burley - 401-403 Review Article: The Economics of Europe
by Paul Brenton
June 1993, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 129-152 Technology Policy in the 1990s: Old Trends and New Realities
by Margaret Sharp & Keith Pavitt - 153-170 The European Community Between Social Policy and Social Regulation
by Giandomenico Majone - 171-190 European Community Law and the Self‐Regulatory Capacity of Society
by Elies Steyger - 191-212 Corporate Lobbying in the European Community
by Andrew m. Mclaughlin & GRANT JORDAN & WILLIAM A. MALONEY - 213-244 The European Community's Response to the ‘New Eastern Europe’
by Heinz Kramer - 246-260 The UK Presidency: A View From Brussels
by Peter Ludlow - 261-268 The UK Presidency: An Inside View
by The Rt Hon. Tristan Garel‐Jones Mp - 269-282 The European Policy of Franqois Mitterrand
by Elizabeth Haywood
March 1993, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-28 European Policing after 1992
by Monica Den Boer & Neil Walker - 29-44 Fiscal Policy within Common Currency Areas
by Paul R. Masson & Mark P. Taylor - 45-70 Legislator Shirking and Voter Monitoring: Impacts of European Parliament Electoral Systems upon Legislator‐Voter Relationships
by Shaun Bowler & David M. Farrell - 71-90 The Transnational Enterprise and Regional Economic Integration
by Peter Robson & Ian Wooton - 91-102 The International Dimension of European Competition Policy
by Alexis Jacquemin - 103-116 The European Parliament and the Sweeteners Directive: From Footnote to Inter‐Institutional Conflict
by David Earnshaw & David Judge